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January 3, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 3, 1957 |
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]935, the proportion of family farms
to the total number has held
The growth in size and produc-
tivitv of family farms is one of the
significant factors in our nation's
rising standard of living.
Mt. Vernon, In., Hawkeye-Reeord l alone, I believe without even the I~ /|" P i Mechanicsville, and Mrs. Hazel COLLEGE BAND AND
and The Lisbon Herald R ~ t star on the house. Its utter simplie-i ~U ~||I~ rl~r||m I Hepker of Palo. CtlOIR CONCERT
- e z .... -,--' vmv,,.m
Thurs., Jan. 3, 19a7 'ag lty cam'rod the true rehglous mean-I The Robert Peets, Susan, Ellen, A Christmas concert was present-
~---~---~---~--- ing with the same great force thati ........ i and Douglas Mrs. Mae Neilson and ed Dec. 20 by the choir and con-
n , , L n .... A ] we picture in our imagination as we ! we numans are mlgmy .contrary ! Merritt Kyle spent their Chri~mas cert band of Prairie High but be-
/he MawKeye-Kecoru !read the verses of Luke telling of~, a.nimam_ we ,,~re everlasu, ngty on iday in Marion with Mrs. Waddell. cause of the fog, only about 200 at-
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye the humble abode and the glorious me nunt mr a_rem Dargain..tor ex- The Lolin Remingtons entertained tended.
,~,,I ['he Lisbon Herald I birth. Beautiful as the additional ampl.e, iora olt oI somemlng I.Oriat a family dinner Christmas with The Christmas cantata, "Sing, Oh
..,,w i . . • notnlng', however, we 1OaK wltn i . ,, .
104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, IoTa ldeeoIatIons are around thin modern]mistrust on the rare bargain when:the Iven Remlngtons 0 f W e st Ye Heavens , was given by the
Official News~PnercoNuOu~t Vernon ann i scene' personally I would wish thatI we do find it "M" but t~lat's chea" ]Branch, Dolph Van Sickles of Mt. choir under direction of Mrs. Marl-
. Y _ , I on Christmas eve each year thel .... " 77.' -9,, " ~" ~ V e r n o n, LaVerne Collins' and i lyn Barber. Solo parts were sung
.The M ountVernon.RemarKe~e !stable alone would again be lighted, I wga~s wr;nghv/zm it. is our suspi- Idaughters of Marion and Wayne !by: Marcia Mifflin, soprano: Ran
rouuaea,m l o.vJ oy ,l~znara Lo ~ i carrying to the community a n dI This ~urious'but ver- human re !Lerches of Martelle as guests. I Duffe, baritone; Dale Buresh• bari-
/he LISDOn Ilerola i travellers, already dis.,raught by ..... ~. . . :i The Glenn Richardsons and Mrs, i tone; Bill Volesky and Allan Lor-
action occuls outslcle o1: material f
Founded in 1394 by ~F F. Stahl, the extraneous details of the ChriS- ~. ~ ............ . :,Etta Mitchell were Christmas day ence, baritones; Judy Lemparek
in m ~ mings as Well--in me ilela oi puolle ~ ....
James W McCutcheon mas rush the encourag g essage ......... droner guests of the Yule Mltchells contralto; Colette Davis. soprano;
• I ' , service Ior instance ±ne electeo ~, . : • ,
Editor and Publisher , of hope and God s love. i ... ' ...... " ..... in Cedar Raplds. I Darla Chadlma, soprano; Karen Tlsl
" sbon ~ Village Olilelal wno works 1:or notn- i
Published at Mount Vernon and Li , - ~ ~ ........ Mr -rid Mrs ~lelm Burr ~-~" ,and Karen Matthews altos Pat
in Linn County Iowa every Thursday. I Was highly amused at a recent I mg is usuany consloerea oy nls !~,, ~fi ,~ _ • -~ ~- ~ , ~,,,~s~,,i Sowers sonrano
' " r a the " • 111 IVlLSS Agnes May, me r~ennetn =
Entfroe~ffia~ soe~O~oe~tSSV~railma~otera tand I ltem concerning a Grinnell mother constituents to be worth exactlY lMa- famil- of Cedar Ra*'ids andI The band played special arrange-
post , , I who a,-peared to have "hit thel that--nothing, mownere is mls more ~ J ~ w , I ~.^..,. ^. ~.i~,^.. ~,r^-~l...a Un~I^
' " __ n_,.. i ~ackrmt" According tocolumnists, obvious man in me sman rural I"~ "-"="" ~"~ "~ ~":~" ~*~ ~'~ ~ ............ ' ....
Subscri"t]on ~u,~ ,~ ~-. .... ~ ............ ~.ens • nearo me J~ens t~nrlst-
.......... ~ , -.• ] A1 Pinder's tale the lady's daughter towns. Here electea officers wno i guests ~oi t~nrmtmas umner m me t.~ ' ~. .... ~ .... ~ ^.~....-o n,~
u~t~ r~a~., in ~lnn ann aaloln- ~ ,~ ] almos~ 2 began' to choke on an[ labor for nothing under the im- Floyd May home. '~".~ ~.'Y ........ ~'~' ~ ..... ~'~°_ ~'-"
" ~ ~o ' " ' I ~lreetlon was oy doan t~araner
mg counnes ..... ~' "I--~-~,~ ~. ....... ~*.-*n-~.~ ~*~.~ nression that taxnavers will an- Mr. and Mrs. Charles May BeckyI ........... "
DMlc, v'~,z12 ,~utslde Linn and ad l appl'-- ~*c w,~ ~,~w-e;. ~,c ""uu~'~/ ~ . *" " .. = I .~ v ~.' , ,t. • ~. • , i~peelalnumoers lnCluclecl a ViOlin
v,,,. -- ..... ' ~ - I . • ~, H_ _,.~ "'--" ' "-reciate their mone--savin= enorts , anu cackle spent t.elr ~nrlstmas ' , , .
• "" " " evlthin the [ morea qUICKly graoae~a me ilttte / P • ~ • % -, ' i ............ I octet woodwind sextet flute trio
statel°~nmfl counrles, ........ vu~ $2.75 .I lady'. : ..... turned her upside dOWnk oandt [ painsinVariably reap amy Louse ior meir /~ KohlWlm nerat Fan'vmwParents lvir. ann lwrs. J~ariI~ French horn duet and i~rass octet. '
AR outside the state $3 013 i startea pounamg net one . u . i --
ONE YE , • • • , The George Hurls celebrated tbelr
popped the chunk of apple. Another The mayor of our town receives ......... .... I MESKIMENS ENTERTAIN
/ [~nmstmas nay at lvluscaune in tne
I pat to be sure it was all out---and the magnificent salary of $25.00 per ......._ Mr and Mrs C A Meskimen en-
t IYllllarcl donnson name ' : . .
I" ....~ AO/_ I..-.~e~ I~ I out rolled a penny to the floor. The I year Yet each year he spends , ' tertained at a droner and gift ex-
I[:::~lIJ~k,u ~ /~ Ul|~|~l~tlel~ llml ! ~ n ' j --
-- I astonisned mother gave still anotherl out of his own pocket many times t Harry Heiserman of Burlington a rhanr~o on Chri~tmn~ D~v Pre~ent
Farm Incol~e ~urln~ | ~] pat--this yielded a nickel. She this amount in attending to his guest in the Don Meeks home en- were• the Clarence J Meskimens
could hardly believe it--and was many duties. In our recent munici- l tertained his hosts and Howard and and Karen of Fairfax the Donald
"I look for 1957 to be the start lsure she had hi~ a "straight" on[pal reorganization (a task which ~ Barbara and the W. B. Meeks at aiD,biers and family of Cedar Ra-
of a steady though gradual im- I plums on her animated slot machine'[ took the better part of three t dinner Sunday at Dan's Supper pids" the Vincent Meskimens" the
provement in the economic status t when a final pat produced a quar-]months) the councilman most con-iClub. !Regi's Meskimens of Solon:' the
of the farmer and the industries lter! After the shock was over the]cerned estimates that, on the basis l Mrs. Beulah Larson spent Man-iMarvin Dostals" the Vernon Nell-
which stand beside him," said Irv- "jackpot" was credited with the of his $2.00 per month salary, he idLy night and New Year's day in!derhisars; the i~.dward Hartls, and
ing A. Duffy, vice president and [small change and the mother rea- I labored for about 3c per hour• And ~ Cedar Rapids with the Joe Hurts. ! Orville and Shirley.
general manager of tractorand I lized the quarter must have fallen so it goes in almost all small mu-'. The Glenn Brewers and Jack I ~--
• ' " d' • " .... ' '
implement division of the For i from her apron pocket during her niclpahtles. For 50 years or more Mike Brewers and Mary Beth Mrs. Ely Lutheran: Sunday school at
Motor Co. to the National Editorial i activity! their taxpaye{s have been hiring Wilton CaldweH Linda and Diana 9:30 a.m.; worship service at 10:30
Association meeting in Chicago re-I ..... ~ ...... !elected help at sub-basement bar-,,of Martelle and the Bud Rouse fam-'.a.m. A new class is being set up
Thin is me Kma o~ weamer ma~ am rates at at s the
cently. ., ~ . . . . ~ ._ ; g ' -- r e , by way, I ily of Cedar Rapids spent Christmas [ for the young people. Linwood
a-- ~ ........ ¢ • ,,,~ cent in I Keeps me minister guessing wnetn- I which they themselves would scorn ! with Mr and Mrs William Wiioht ] Frederickson pastor.
farm income for 1957 was ex- er the coughs he hears in. the audl-[ to accept, land daughters in Anamosa. j --
peeled by Mr Duffy This 1 ence are cams or rime signals. I It is not my purpose to ask recog- ! .... Donovan Elias returned from
• " ,z -- • • I Fort Leonard Wood in time to
would make a total of $34~,_, Kids in Cappy Gaines' neighbor :nitlon for the selfless work of small, I~|~m |~JJA- -- ,
hmi.. ~ .............. ] i town officials (that will never come i m I~W~ ! spend Christmas with his parents
......... . ,noon enaoyeo a aitue Ola-iasnloneo, • . ' [ ~ i-,~. -- -,~ ~ --, ~,-
Four per cent of $34~ bilhon Of lwinter sport Sunday when Cappyin°r it is even expected} but to F~thryn Worley [,wI.ann mrs. r. w. ~nas.
~ro~s income fi~ures out almost tol~.o+=...a ~ ~ .... ,. ~.~o ,.~..o~,~Ipoint out a far more serious evil[ t Mr. and Mrs. Louis Koss enter-
7, ~ • . o .... ~ ......... " .... 's *-~. .............. ' ...~i.~ ~ ........ n o"t of the a~'~ve• i ELY LUTHERAN CHRISTMAS { tained with a family dinner last !
me exact vame ot ~arm equlpmen~[saddle and hooked on a half d,oze~ .... ,, .,~.s~,.:, . - •. " ~'- " PROGRAM HELD SUNDAY I~, .~.~.. ~,~]~*; .... ~..~.~ ~.~o. ',
which the farmers bought in 1956.1sleds full of the small fry. This little namely, that. mis 'someming tari ............ ]~:~2s. n -~wis~=: were-" ,,e~t?~-i
The farm eauiDment industry [ n~ ~n~ ~,~ n *h .~A naming' ~usiness nas completely i lne J~ly Lumeran ~unaay ~cnooi [ -~P u~ ~ u ~ • -=- su ~. [
- - ,caravan i...~e up ...~..~ow.. ~..e ..................
looks for an improvement of 17 per .......... killed off the civic pride of which [intermediates directed by Mrs [ . I
" 1111 lne nqornlng White there was SUI- ' ' - ~ "
cent in sales for 1957 This willie; ..... + .... ~., ~h ......... ,~ i~ small towns were once so full. I Thelma Tessman, gave a pageant l I
mean total sales of -~1 350 000 000 ' ...... ' ~ ,~ Are small towners proud of their entitled "We Tell of His Love on j I .t © t~,- !l
tae aitern,oon joggeo arouna me . ~ . "" " "''" 'I
..... h-* farm e-ub, ment ] ........ fire department, Not as a rule. I Sunday evening. Charlene Mc-/I
" ~;e 7peaker quoted Wheeler Me- neighboring nelo. Why should they be? Wasn't the i Conoughay
played the part of [ ~ l ~ ~ I~ ~' =r
Millen of the Farm Journal on the ! Just remember reading some- whole organization acquired largely i Mary, Mike Albaugh of Joseph• The !l ~ I ~ ~ ~ ~ |
f, tt .... f ,,-rieulture' iwhere that mi~tlc'oe is bad for through volunteer donations and wisemen and shepherds were en-
"Let no one under-rate farm- [trees. It may be bad for trees but effort. Something for nothing, is: l acted, by Ronn}e. and ta.llly See, I I [~-h~R~_ ~lr~l~l|rl
rag" because all is not rosy inI it's- fun for twos. in me popular opinion. , worm just IHynekolmmle ann wnns. tnar~, t~ayianDar_lt .......... ""
agriculture now. Thesolidval-I ------ about that--nothmg, and Marvm Stastny. • .~ ,
ues are still in the land The ] t%AI A VI1 A ~ R"IA/ I.I I~ KI Are the taxpayers pleased with I lene See, Bethann Sehultz, Cheryl|n lawn:
demand for food will "never their new civic center. Certainly[Ellis and Sally Jo Trpkosh wereI
cease. ~very .......... ,cw u~uy urin-Ss I Ti~N ........... ~EAIt~ A~O not. After all, volunteer labor, l angels Instrumental music was I
........ o-1~ an a--etite and I ....... donated materials and services all i furnished by David Schultz, Sue- I
~n~[:*e'~7 ~and* toP'earn food -~- - 1Jee. z~, ,~u,~u .... gave the taxpayer a facility which i anne Trpkosh and Margo Sladek I
• - ~ .... t~necK ann snort cnange artists a~ . " ..... ----~"
L., ~ "-- not brin- a new I ........ cost him very little. And as every ~ and Pastor Llnwood Frederickson /_~ - ~.., _ ""
--~-r:%27hich to rai~s the food [ wm'~.m Lmris~mas rusn. ~aum~ns taxpayer in our modern material- ]pronounced the benediction [1 ~~-~
ac ' • ado western 2iuto ena lip wlun .... I
....... a~out J ........... Istlc society knows pride bestowed, ------ [[
,~very_oaoy v~out n:~h O, ear !bogus "payron checks ior ~/.~ on a cheap thing is pride wasted. ]ELY SCHOOL PROGRAM ][ .... ~ -
,t~u~ lmU-U~ ut o,u ~ I eacn bame gentleman nan VlSltt2o 0" -re sm-ll + '" + 1. -' II IF"{ ~r~-~_¢~~'- ~ i-NI
• • f near ~ " " " * '~ ,~ ~own citizens ,appy i . . .
for a hfe expectatmn o - !Iowa Fallsand Grlnnell on his, i,~ ,~; ...... n .~¢;.;.~. ~..~.;.~o [ The junior high chorus of College n[ " - -
ly 70 years• And we are add-I money-making tour. Ralph Heasty ,*,*,£'~" ~".~'o'..~'.~.'.'.~." .'~_':'~2.~.~d ~'*~[7¢~lCommunity school, the children all | ,, c--~'~ atu-ta_ %*1 , ~ 1
ing appetites at the rate of 3 outsmarts the stranger who tries reward1? °~lot'a~all?"In~act ~aav]n~-!the Ely school and the concert band I ~~-"~;~"°'- ~- ~J]
million a year" on him the old $20 bill exchange elected his~- " .... ' g presented a program with a Christ-I~ ~ ~ toutt~v ~vv~~ ( ':~
• • cuuncn me average. ~; ~ '21
eoTUtb:fc:hLlrecaidl, U~rhi:ntreWig1! [2cket with hLhb°s£oF/7{llse'S tplay. c~i~e:e ::nbo2rllyxl~agtainf°r the 1 vm::at:2;.m%2rnstW::n?::a~ bmefu°:i; "'1 ii:q*~ ~ ; ;'C
nize that they are in a c0mpetitive'M Long and F. Carbee show the A visitin ....... " .. iwas directed by Marilyn Barber l,~ .... "e,,
• " " vant ' . . . g state OiilClal recenuyl ' I "~
market, veho will take full ad -i best form for Firefhes until Long drove this hard truth h,~m~ + ..... , and the band by Joan Gardner. I, t~~1
ale of new techniques new ma-~loses his in first period and Carbee , ......... Living Christmas cards w e r e, ~ ':' +'~Q
' - I - . town council, me polntecl out thatI . i .~- h:: ~:. /
chine tools, new seeds and fertfl- loses his to Referee Kohl on charity ~,~] .... ho,~ ~,.~n ~ ............. ,~ shown by the various Ely grades k.[~~: /
izers " the speaker said• toss. The girls are swept off their .~2"_~a.":;~-.$_'""'_" ~..._.~.o_.;~ ..":,"Y~ 'under direction of Mrs. Doris Stein-" "-"
"' • ~ " I " ~ ~u p y zor u~e service~ ann iaClllUeS . .
Regarding the much discussed feet in last second of game .... the-" re"uire ~"~- +,^_ . ~,, ,~._. ]metz, assisted by Arlene Christen- _ . . _
family size farm Mr. Duffy noted: Wedding bells for Betty Wallace- fee(an;'~prideln*~h2se'serv~;;s~an~!sen, Mary Heine, Alma Buresh, E, ~uy ut In the
"While the number of farms in the Russell Mooney; June Richardson- facilities Merriman and Barbara Kemp. The Hr'A &a||~l l~|'~r'H
U,S. has dropped steadily since Howard Zirkelbach; LolL Moore- " ]background was a typical Christ- rl~k|~|lL| ~|~-P
Delbert Carmer. Where the survival, or the re-lmas card scene with a church in
activation, of civic pride is concern- !the foreground and houses in the 2 Pound Canon
ed, something for nothing begins to background. The art work was done
shape tip as a poor sort of bargain, by the first grade teacher, Mrs. From Your Grocer
doesn't it? Kemp,
Dec. 31, 1936
Coach Judd Dean's family escape
serious injury on icy road near
Sioux Falls when their car is knock-
ed off the road shoulder, down an
R. M. Radl
Martelle News
First Presbyterian: Jan. 6, 9:30
a.m. worship; 10:30 Sunday school:
or call
HELP AGRICULTURE embankment and into a high line 11:30 a.m. distribution of annual: For Home Delivery
Mrs Wflmer Larson , r s
Mr. Duffy outlined three ways in pole . . . Mercury hits 57 to wel- • " i church reports; 6 p.m. j . boy '
choir practice 7 30 p m C Y F
which the farmer needs help in his come Santa Claus . . . Clifton Car- Guests for Christmas dinner in].~ " . .. ~ ; : . ' ....
francis Ix J~arew pastor
public relations. First is reassur- anaugh, 32, of Ely meets tragic death the home of Mrs. Ethel Kuntz were ; " ' " •
ancc Farmers are this year real- by drowning while working with "h ...........
• ' . , ...... t e J~ya,~ ~eignies Ixaymona anG
izinmore income than the prevl- WPA on Pal aam project ivirs ....... ' ...... Fire extinguishers utilizing car-
g ' . . t ............ " .... "~ ratty, me ~eorge l=~eignies, Mrs. ban tetrachloride are not recom-
h firsttime since the~Enzaoem Ixoooins anc~ A J i~alra
ous year for t e I ........ '- " , Guy Martin and Bill Grimm. mended for use in the home, says :aam n~IRIE~
Kor(an wai weo IAec zz in lvlaquoKeta
-~ ". e] " " The IIomer Allans of Des Moines ...........
"We can help the farmer to b -- s~en
x'u reld ham ! sF rti several,days in the Cl,ayt~n Norval Wardle, an Iowa State Col-
lege extension safety specialist. --~
high food costs and does not have Dec. 30, 1926 [ Mr an~ ~" Will Fr~"~ • m ~,~ ~ ..... ~ -- ~ ~
the means of setting the record Mt Vernon churches umte for ......... • .........
" . _ _ ~eonq)a,ty Lnelr oaugnter lvirs, uoms
straight. Agriculture has great I week. of prayer services, basel on, Lump and her daughter to her home
positive values which must be putI gospel o1: 2t. ~uKe, to oegln r;ew in Coral Gables, Fla., this week and Service for Particular People
across to the other members of lyear . . . t~ornen cagers upset un. remain for the rest of the winter.
m A rlculture, of Minnesota 26 21
our economical tea . g' ! " - . Coe defeats
contributes immeasurably to the iUn.of Illinois . . . Nab Illinois The Leonard Gordons entertaintd
health happiness and level of liv-]driver who ploughs into Harlan
• ~ --- human bein" " said~uevy's ear near tiraver name on
ing Ol every ~,
Mr Duffv highway. Noting the speed of the
Third area in which the farmer's[car coming Levy pulls halfway off
public relations needs help is in lroaa, still is struck ann in[urea oy
the area of support. He should ex-Ibeing thrown in t o windshield.
pect to be reimbursed adequately Driver refuses assistance, but Albert
Zenishek coming by notes license
for his labor, and receive a fair
return on his capital investment."
"The farmer has every right
to expect that the ingenuity of
America will be devoted just
as much to solving the prob-
lems of marketing and distrib-
uting his product as is devoted
to any other industry. And in
marketing ~nd distribution we
have let the farmer down bad-
number and aids Levy• Driver pick-
ed up in C.R .... Frank Benesh
takes scouts on hunting party after
which Mrs. John Klimo prepares
feast for boys who have overnight
around the fireplace that night•
Jan. 9, 1912
Forty Cornellians enjoy annual
ly," said Mr. Duffy. ~reception and banquet at Hotel
"Daily I become more convinced lChelsea in New York City, D:•.
over Christmas the faiL'owing guests:
from Canada, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Gordon, Charles Gordon and Lyle
Gordon; from Cedar Rapids, the
Robert Gordons and sons and the
Rally Gordon family; from Tipton,
the Frank Gordons; from Mt. Ver-
non Mrs. lsel Gord~n and Gary;
from Anamosa Mr. and Mrs. George
Meineke, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mein- h ~ ~ lhdldllal[, ievJUxd~ivllle
eke and family and Miss Yvonne
'Wolfe, Monticello, H.F. Goixion, ~ ~ Mar. lrl~ll~ON
I Judy and Wendy Larson will at-
I tend a birthday party for Linda
!Jeanne Preston at her home at An-
i amosa Sunday afternoon. ~ N ~ ~ ~ ]N~'lpe~
The Louie Bobsts and Mrs. Stella
Cusher, Martelle, and 0ae Ivan
Bates family of Waterloo spent
that the 5 percent of overproduc-
tion that has built up our surplus
commodities could be dissolved
with dispatch if the full force of
our effort in government and pri-
vate industry were turned to mod-
ernizing the entire procedure for
marketing and distribution of the
products of the farm.
"I have high hopes that soon ag-
riculture will have its own public
relations program to keep the rec-
ord straight and sell other Amer-
icans on the importance of agri-
culture contributions to our way
of life."
Might Mention..•
Florence Hoidxhl
It has often been noted that fath-
ers interceding with Sanea Claus for
an electric train "for Junior" have
an ulterior motive. Since Christ-
mas I strongly suspect the same
holds true on ping pang tables!
It was a righ~ good thing I got my
tulip bulbs planted on Dec. 261h be-
fore the big snow!
The Little older folks of eastern
Iowa seldom mention o u t d o o r
Chrisqcmas decorations without re-
Ininiscing on the lavish display of
yesteryear on the terraced front
lawn of the I~en home in Clin~cn.
Mention of it the other day brought
out an interesting anecdote about
the son of the Iten Biscuit Co. own-
Seems the young man had invit-
ed a classmate from a private school
to go home with him on a short va-
cation. There had eviden¢ly been
little exchange on family history
and the guest was really astounded
when he dismounted from the train
to find the 1ten family limousine
and chauffeur waiting. His young
host had merely identified his fa-
ther as "a baker"!
Of all n,ativity scenes I have had
the pleasure to see I still feel the
stable with its exquisiee figures on
the Zell~r lawn north of Solon is
the most beautiful. When I first saw
it a number of years ago it stood
Edward Devine, '87, presided. Miss iChristmas with the Arlo Kirkpat-I
Martha Nauman among those prcs- ricks in the Linn Grove community.
• The Howard Schleys spent Christ-
ent . . . Aceording to the Record and
Miss Ruth Maybauer has returned mas with Mrs. S~hley's mother
from Shokopee, Minn., and "is en- family in Anamosa.
tire]y free from her rheumatic af- The Harley Davises and Bud Da-[
fection!" . . . Glenn Browning and vises and children were guests at aI
Howard Clark (both about 14) build i family gathering Christmas night in
a wireless telegraph outfit in the the Glenn Davis home near Norway. ]
Browning home and receive first Christmas day guests in the Ray-[
message . . . L. L. Leget of Holstein mond Schley home were: the Earl I
becomes foreman at Record office, McVays, Monticello; John McVayI
coming from Odebolt Chronicle. family, Cascade; Herber¢ McVay [
Wallace Pinkerton of Albia joins [ family, Walker; Walter Schley ~am- l
staff as printer. , fly, Anamosa; Elmer Wink family,
Just West of City Limits, Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Monday, Jan. 14, 1957
Cattle, Hogs, Machinery, Farm Equipment,
Hay and Grain
A Complete Bill in Next Week's Issue
Wilbur Colby, Auctioneer
at your favorite store or from
your friendly route man.
You waste power.., you waste time.., you waste money
when your tractor isn't "all there."
Keep your whole tractor on the job with our IH 5-Star
Service and you'll save field time, crops and money.
) Come in today and let us schedule your tractor for a
-complete inspection and IH Blue
Ribbon Certified Service. The skill [[ I~i}~l I * * * * * /
and knowledge of our trained serv- [ ~ ~°$T~|
icemen will give you like-new" ~'
tractor performance. L~ . ,_ ~_. • _ • ,,
Dial 3521
Mt. Vernon, Iowa
I~k~k IM%.//it.~r~ ANCILLARY ADMINISTRAT0gth , .-.
STATE PRINTING BOARD State of I .... Li2"2:::8y .... ~ Eil2Ya:
The Iowa State Printing Board will meet NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the; with h,
i! rDeeSeiM°l;'~s I[:Waca°~sJ~:ru ~Yl?°ylmgebl:t ~ndee~gn719h5~? dbue~; °P~:hl~e: ':hd~yan' an,
oeeurity Commission; paper for Motor Ve- fled as Ancillary Administrator of t~Irs Thel•~
hicle certificates• and other miscellaneous tate of Willard J Maybauer late of.- -'-1
' - . rsuay ]
items• County, Iowa, deceased All persons ~J ," .
Bids will be received until 10:00 a.m. on ed to said estate are requested to roLl, ere she in
the date named ,nnd at the hour mention- mediate payment thereof to the unde~ family
ed will be opened and read and award ~n ]"hose havi-'~" "q~ims ~'~aino~ +he -
..... le. The B .... t .......... 'the right to w'i'll file them "~ul~v~authenticated i'vemOer"
reject any or all bids. For specifications off ce of the C erk-of Linn County '- -" '-
interested parties should address Sherman District Court ' ylrs. i'4eli
W. Needham, Superintendent of Printing, ' RALPH V Hg-RMA} Janet to
i~, State House, Des Moines. Ancillary Administr~"
after sl
Dec. 27, '56; Jan. 3, 10, 1957 Donnelly. Lynch, Lynch & Dallas, At~s vacatic