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• • I
Vernon Social CAMP FIRr COM~IITTEES iKenneth
K,rkpatncks i
District VI o.f Iowana Camp Fire I Have 35th Anniversary
Jolly Workers will meet with Mrs. Girls will meet Friday, Jan. 4, with I
3e,:t Brann.aman on Thursday, Jan. Mrs. G. H. Scobey at 1:30 p.m. The Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kirkpat-i
, .0. ~ officers and committee chairmen of I rick celebrated their 35th wedding i
)ets Hill City Rebekah lodge will i the district will invite one entire]anniversary Thursday with a dinner
Mrs. Joe Mi!tner, sr., is reeeiving l The Leo Beuters and Denise Ma-, Mr. and Mrs. A,~hur Meyers and
treatment at Mercy hospital, Iowa tie, Leena Reyhons of Cedar Fails. ;ane of Davenport, were Christmas
City. the Tony Hinz family of Anamosa. g~w-:ts of Mrs. Mary Meyers.
The Carl Pagh family of Holly-and Leonard Poduska family were The Re, bert Zeman family of Ely
!wood, Calif., were Saturday supper lChristmas guests of the Louis Roy- were ~7h iMm~ evcn!ng ..'twsts of
guests of Mary and Marcellus Pet-hons" in Mt. Vernon. the Ft';*r:';c Zc~uons.
ers. On Christmas eve, Mary and The Milver Kohout family e~ter-i hlts C:eorge Turkal of Cedar Rap-
neet at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Jan. 8. i committee each month to be guests. ', at Holiday House at noon. Guests Mareellns Peters were dinner guests tained at supper Sunday for the 9th ! ids, ar, d the Henry Ham family, De-
of the Cecil Peters' in Cedar Rapids birthday of then- sen Jimmie. Gues.ts troit. Mich., were Sunday supper
nstallatio " s will e Jan The Blue Bird program eornrnittee linchtded the Kirkpat,rieks' children . ,. ~ R •
n of ofhcer b • I ......... ._ ,, ' ~ as were Lomse and Irma Peters of were the J. E. Kaspareks. Raymond i gue..?~ o, tLe James tiaras. ]: rlday
~l ',2. ]and .adult membersmp committee hi:others .ano msters~, t_n.e hermanI Chicago. i Hennesseys Mrs. Libbie Kohout and tbc Hcr,:'y and James !tams vi.~ited
w. Pre school mothers group will :~ are row:ted thin mon, th. ] K~r!¢patrlcks ann .~awaoz ~es I i Sunday dinner guests of the Louis~ Donald. : \viu: the Marvin itam fnm~i,v
" n~' Th ~ in-Jan l0 t The following Mt Vernon women! Momes me nero>err m lewes ol uy- I : ...... I -. , - .... , ...................
ant ~u ursoay even,g, . , a! . ' , • INIOUlS were gne rlov~aru r~lom IktJ[n
• . . who serve on committees also are sart the Kenn`eth Klrkpatncks of l I " " " "
=, ; pro.with M~s.RobeIt Nmder-i ......... ,2"_" ,. ............... ,! ~,,, lily Mt Vernon and the Reger
lauser urged to at~encl: lvirs. ,~ester ~uresn, the wayne w,asxa~ u~l m I ' ' " n sons' Afternoon visitors
" " " • • " irk at Ktouls a d .. : ~-,
4201 Ingle.~ido olu~ will moot with Mr~ training Mrs Rex Dean, group or- Westminster, Md. Joyee K P -I N ]~ I ....... Pi',s' **rsEmma _ . I ~
- ......................... i . . .. . , , • , ~-.~ %Yore tiledot2 ~ I t~ , XVl ~, ¢ ....+:. ,. .... l-
terber ......................... ganization Mrs E. V. R. Dvorak link,Mms Ruth Sherk of Cedar ...... ::~::~ ~ ....... 1,~,,,~ r-~,.,~l ..... ,i~1 A~na ~.~!~{~ A.~t FerrelBlatw~-| ~ ~
.............. .~,,, .... ~, ...... !public relations Mrs Dick St,oltz Fails, theRoy Stewarts,the Ray] ~ ! ...... a~e,,. .... ..... ~. ..... ~ii~!:::!:~:~):[G,..~ | ~ ~ ~ ,
~. Mrs. E. C. Prall w~ll present theI ..... - ......................... , ........... ! , Kroul ef Cedar Rapids. MIs. Kroul ~::i:i:~.. ~ ~t0~tt¢~ I ~ ' ~~'
~'%'ogram. !camping; mrs.. James iVialauey, 15~r~patrleKs Of l~i;,;t,;~l~ed,anh,~s=. ::~ continues to .improve slowly. %~~ wilhblmblJ.llll, | ~ '~"~--'~'
The . aaul.t memoers'nlp; IVlrS. ~an £)avl~s, I l%.lrKpatrlCKS OI ., :::i ~ ' A1 ...... ' "
6 30West End Clan will meet for inwards. Mrs E C Prall, community John Kirkpatrick. : ~ beT~JTnStmo:h~r~dt?nm~td~heise~ ~~ ileal, ¢l~da~t I ~ .11~
: p.m. picnic supper l~rictay ' stron • " " " ~ Y " " ........ ""
l~n a*~, ,+ ÷~.~ ~. ..... ' ..... ~' service" Mrs. Mervyn Arm g, The Kirkpatrmks were marrmd at ........ i ........ ~ 'fa ............. ~,,~ ~,,, c,h,.i~, ~~ |
~?'q T ~ "[~" 1,~ + 1, I kslue ~lru program ivir~, u. ,~. o~,- the home of tr~e OrlCl,e s parents Ivir. ..... :~::!;~. ?:~: ,~ i ,~ g • _.~
-~.~=0 x, 1 . . : : ..: .... ~ : .,c ..~___ ~: t~,
~p ........... [bey, program chm., Mrs. LloydEll-and Mrs H. B. Sherk at Spirit] ~ ~ ~ ! The ~rthur Cambridges and sons eoooeeo~ooeeeoeoeoo&eoaooooooo-oeoo$'~Ot~:$
T ~.. as~ ~nIezs e~ssn, win mee~ on l son, public rel.ati, ons cnm. i Lake at n~oon on Dee. 27, 1922 and I ~,~. , ~i~ ~ Ceda- "Ra"ids C E Cambridaes' ~ - | ~ ,-_
n any, aanLa:at l p:m. rathe Caro-I ....... ~ established their hovne on a farm ~ :~:~" N Char{es ~?om'a'ses anti Linda ancl ~ ..~,e,~ For delicate--- / ~ ~ a "~m_~
:ha room at me tloliflay tlouse ior," 1~ ~/O l¥1El~'l'll~tkxI In' Jones county owned by the late ~ :~ ~ :~: "~~ ¢ " ' enter :~i":,~::~''¥~ ~] • "It
.ae usual pet luck hmcheon [ "~:"'~" will meet in the church I-- - ~" ~- ~:2ter *he -'ur MR. AND MRS. EUGENE W. MATHERN are cutting the wed- Ted Beckers and Dennis of C. ~ J2!~] AugmU¢ ngii
• i r.,,.~, i mrs. ~n,son ~urge. '~ ~ ~ Y P - . ...... Pointwere Christmas guests us, . ' K.'~~!~' witglleatang nglrgl
, Tim. Mt.. Vernon Aesembly~ of, parlors at 2 pm. . Wednesday. , Jan. I chased, their own farm, now the d ng cake at the recept,on follow ng the r. marr age n the k nn I~z.¢,...o. ...... .... ...abe,,...... ~'~}~:,:~ -.,.1, ...,,,,-_. I~ L .... ,-,..-
rainbow will meet Saturday, Jan 9 The program, "In This New home of their son Keith. After re- Grove Presbyter an church Thursday even ng, Dec. 27 x~ ~ ~M,,h n ('hnn~lrv Brook ~~'~ tuInbJill•lI'i g
, at 2 p.m., m theMasonlc Temple, Year" will be in charge of M . !siding there until 10 years ago theyI Miss Joyce Kirkpatrick, daughter ~ t lyn N Y and William Chansky,: "~] I ~ F
~ :>r elecnon of onicersann olner Willard Paimer ~n honorary mem-[ moved to their present h~ome norm ~ ^~ +,.. w .... ÷*, w;,t,,,a~ricks be ........... : ....... ~.~.n ........ I ~-~.~,~ ,~;,,, ~ ~re xisitin~ the - ~ " "" r
usmess bersh~p pin will be presented at t e of Mt Vern~on whmh was Mr K~rk
..... ' . .. I • " " " " came the bride of Eugene W. Malh- Christmas guests of the F J. Bitt- ] R P Chanskys. Mrs. Louise Hradek ~ n _ n ,a • " ~ ~ ~
~d~d~.;e:~,uOfa?mgi'eo~i2u:ili~:n)iill meeting. ~ [patrick's "home pl'ace", el, n of Dubuque son of the Willis nersandtheMauriceBittner family of Iowa City was an additional Ufl~V t,e Amuzme !'/.',%1
:::~31~7 ......... g • , Y'I ~,-*-~ ~T~s~meet with Miss Miss Sh,erk, Mrs. Kirkpatrick's M,atherns of LaPorte City, in a were supper guests. 'holiday guest, i I
"- .~.; =,~. -~[*;, ~ speciaI program ~s plan- ~ .n, ff."~/'~'~°~'/,~'q~v .l~n 7 Mrs sister and Mrs Stewart Mr Kirk- eandleli~ht ceremony at the Linn The Rudolph Lingels and Mr and ~,undav dinner guests of the Joe - " " --" 'q'--
~e~ 2xl,~ members are urged to at A'Llt'lll(:t I~'~IE*'Y ~"ILV*~'~*'~d' ..... ~ ' ' [ "'" -- " ~ *'
encl and pay their dues - D U. Van Metre and Miss Ethel patrick's sister, were the only ones Grove Presbyterian church Thurs- Mrs. George Lortz and Gary enter- Krobs were the Bernhard Achenbaeh: RGE
Linn Ladies study club will meet Ryan will present the program. Pe~t t~¢e the dinner whohad at- day, Dec. 27 at7 p.m• tained at dinner during the Christ- family and Richard Krob of Mech-:
dth Mrs Kenneth Kirkpatrick Lydia Bible class will meet with wedding 35 years ago. Poinse4ctias and candelabra pro-mas holidays, Mrs. F e r n Reif,anicsville. Additional after n o o n
THE ~URCH vided the altar setting for the d ou- Springville, the Joe Melsas, Ely, guests were the Rudolph Lingels' I
~Uesday,.~sson willJani~e15onatthe7:30useP'm'of lardThe Jan.Mrs" 8,Bellefor aTh°mpS°npotluck dinner°n TuesdaY,at 12:30 " Hu h B Fouke Minister ble ring service read by Dr. James Mrs. Dora Prochaska and Harvey and George Bortzes and Gary. ;
" 1 cooking Note change of date•p.m. Mrs. Anna Gormly will lead ~eV.arl cog es'Minister" el- Must- "e W,. Bean of LaPoPte, City, assisted and Leonard, the John Reifs, the The Allan Serovys and sons were:
• V. E P ' oy Wayne Was~a the bride's brat,h- Eddie Dittenberners, the Joe Fialas, Christmas eve supper guests of the l
T..'I,,. UsA-
$~ READ'THE--W-'A.~T-AD$ devotions and Mrs. Dale Johnson Sunday Morning Worship 10 45 .... " "*erbert Thiele of D
will present the program. " Su er l er-m-iaw, n y-the Wilbur Lingels and Jeffrey, the Frank Serovys The latter visited! 0dy i~rl~r i~|-|~. ~v, ~ ,~m~/_~___g.,
Sacrament of the Lore s PP "!salt an`ether brother-in-law of the Rudolph Lingels and the George with the J. P. Dvorskys in Iowa City
~" ~ ~ i ~ Communion meditation b y D r.ibride ~,ang "Because" and "The Bortzes and Gary. Week end guestsFriday. Mrs. Dvorsky is recovering:
Fouke I L,ord"s ~l~rayer'' accompanied by were the Joe Chaloupkas. Sunday from surgery, i(
Church School at 9:30 a m IT. "" "; ' "' " t
|i Save__l_, -., ......Youth Fellowshi" at~ L~oris ~aroms on me organ, xvl.r, visitOrSmas day,WereMrs.theNellGe°rgeLooneyChal°upkaSenter_ Announce Engagement ii O
n~gn ~cnou~ P i Ki, rkpatrick gave his daughter in and Glenda. Mrs. Fern Reif is visit-
t 1t $ W( ~k 6p.m. - -. re ] marriage. ~ tag a few days in the Lingel and
Thursday, 4:15 Junior ChOir - v Bortz home. ,
• hel~;S~la', 74P5% Pr~:l,~eg;eeEg" re-] cT?n~illb;t-d;;e fll°°r len~thug?e: ~vat ThechristmasJOhn SeeEve familYoyster entertainedsupper, the
" '~' ' 7 " - 'satin was etyled with a fittea ooa- '~ "' "
hearsal at the chapel ~ H.M. Heabners and Mrs. Emma
with Soft Water ~ i ice buttoned down the back, long
1 Miss Betty Fouke and James W. [sleeves extending to points over ~he Heabner, Iowa City, Mrs. Frances
Pouke returned to their work and[wrists an`d a billowing skirt on- See, Ely, G. E. Looney, Davenport,
" ' • stuctv after spending the Christmas ihanced with sprays of lace. The and Mrs. Nell Looney. On Christ-
r, ea,ls let/,ce ~o,,~v~ with their parents, Dr. and I neckline featured a yoke of the net
I(~rs.-iiugh B. Fouke. ' an'd a Peter Pan c°llar" Her full tained the J°hn See family' Mrs'~ii! Ii ~ i!!ii! ili~ : iiii;:i! !1
;ervi¢ Dial 3233 Mt. Vernon .... . circular veil of imported illusion Frances See, Ely, and G. E. Looney,
Please Feed The Birds fell from a plateau of lace trimmed Davenport. The event was for the YL ~ ""
in tiny pearls. She carried a bou-birthday of Mrs. John See. The iiii!iii .... :~ :;
quet of ga, rde,ni, as surrounded bywereJ°hn SeedinnerfamilyguestsandsundayMrS. LooneYof the i!J ~ , -- You se|ect the kind of
white rosebuds and feathered car- H. M. Heabners at Iowa City. _., ~ .-. ~ drying you want, for
nations, i Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kral and ~ fabdc you want to d~
The bride's on`ly attendant was: family were Christmas dinner and ~ ~. -" " " --- from the heaviest
her sister, Mrs. Wayne Wasta of supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Westminster, Md. She wore a bal- Unick and Mrs. Mary Unick. Model AE-620D~'N of blue jecmstoth~
lerina-length gown of dark gree~ The Edward Dvorskys and Larry ~ \ \~ flimsiest of nylons.
:%iiiii!iiiiiiiiiiii!i)iiiiiiii!iii i i
taffeta styled with princess lines_ ,_ .. ......
• _ . l enLeF[alnecI at a ksrlrlstmas supper:
and topped with a velvet jacket: ac-I,~ "ohn ~ ...... PLUS ALL THESE OTHER NORGE FEATURPSl
...... me o ~,nepparos oonn re~ers'
rented with a t~eter t~an conar an,o Jim Peters' Bill Peters' Doroth ' i • Time-Line Control • Knee-Action Door Latch
-- buttons down the back. She carried ~;eters' Richard Breza and Stevi~. • Giant Lint Screen • Super-Volume Blower Fan
a nose a of white rosebuds and
g Y " ' Joan and Diane R T Sheppard, the i
feathered carnations. C.F. Shimons and Kay and Neia.
Warren Hendryx of Vinton servedThe Elmer DeVaults and the Clar- i
as best man and ushers were Hey- once Jacobs family of Iowa City, the Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shulista of Solon !
man Kirkpatrick of Des Moines, the Frank Crampbells, Donna. Vesta andI announce the engagement of their i Lisbon, Iowa
wa bride's brother, ,and David Mathern Gaylord Scalf, of Cedar Rapids and daughter Jean Anne to Arlo Whit-
of Cedar Rapids, a cousin of the the Cecil Hoffmans of Denver Colo., I man Lisbon son of Mrs. Clarence !
bridegroom, were Christmas supper guestsof Sueppel of Solon. No wedding date i ..........
The farm having been sold, we will hold a Complete Closing For her daughter's wedding Mrs. Mrs. Lillian Kent. has been set.
Kirkpatriek chose a black crepe Mr. and Mrs. W. O.Sehonauer Miss Shulista is teaching secondi
'h an Out Sale at the farm, located 41/ miles south and 1 mile west dress, a rose hat and a corsage of have gone to California to abtend grade at Cosgrove and Mr. Whitman
white rosebuds. Mrs. Ma,thern wore the Rose Bowl game and visit with is employed by Paulson Construe-I
of Mechanicsville, Iowa, and 91/2 miles northwest of Tipton or a navy blue suit accented with a the farmer's brother. The Charles tion Co. i I I ~inven~or,,
21/2 miles east and 21/2 miles north of Cedar Bluffs on good rock white hat and a white rosebud cot'- Meyers' also attended the game. The
sage. R i c h a r d Gleichmans, Winthrop, Elma Crofta of Chicago visited
Immediately following the cere- Mass., were hol.i4ay guests of the during the holidays with Mrs. Jose-
rs road, on many 100 guests were received in Charles Meyers before they left for pbine Crofta and Wesley On Christ-
the church parlors. A white three- California. mas day additional dinner guests
tiered cake surrounded with ferns Guests of the John Cileks and were the Henry Oldhams. Tip,ton;
centered ~he reception table. Mrs. Katt~ryn on Christmas eve were the C. D. Mohn and William Mohns and
John Kirkpatrick, an aunt of the Leonard Heniks and Roland of Mt. Sheri, Lisbon; Mrs. Wayne Wolf and
Commencing at 1 1:30 a.m. bride, cut the cake while Miss Ar- Vernon and also the Herman Stouts. Beverly, Cedar Rapids; 1V[rs. Mar-
dis Mathern af Newton, the bride- Mrs. Lucile Beuter and family of cella Crofta and David Beuter.
grOOm's sister, poured. Assisting Cedar Rapids were guests of the Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mattas havel Big B ai in Big
with the serving were Bertha and Charles Beuters during the holidays, reeeived an ann,ouneement of the _ar.,a ns
1 Lois Schwartz, them birth of a 7 lb. 4 oz. son. on Dec. 29
aceo,m pan,ied
i ETaane Wimmer and Marianne Ke,in~ to her home after a few days' visit, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Prybil, Chi-
40 head of Hereford steers weighing about 1,100 Ibs. Mrs. HerbertThiele, the bride's sis- The John. Reyhons' have gone to cage. The M, attas' and the Gone 6:70-15 to 8:00-15 at
ter, held the gues~ book an`d Mrs. Pueblo, Colo., to visit the Kenneth MilIslagles of Burlington, Colo., are
These cattle have had some corn ali summer on grass and have Keith Kirkpatrick and iV£rs. Dona,ld Reyhons'. the grandparents. ,
had a full feed of corn cob meal since Sept. 1 One good Hol- Boldt of LaPorte City had charge Altar and Rosary Society will The John W. Dvorskys entertain-
. of the gifts, meet Thursday afternoon, Jan. 10, in ed the Wilbur Kimes and Frank
Full, owing a 10-day wedding trip St. Mary's auditorium. There willbe Dvorskys, Iowa City, Le'onard Dvor- 25% •
s, voit" stein family milk cow, bred back Sept. 20. to the South the couple will be at installation of officers an,d card skys, Lawrence Dvorskys, Ja:ckie i
nd ad. home in Dubuque where Mr. Ma¢~h- pl,aying for the public. Lunch will and Judy, Paul Dvorskys, Ronniei
ern is youth assistant with the Ex- be served. Hostesses are Mmes. Leo and Kennie and Jake Kadera ati
Ne are tension Service in Dubuque county. Ham, Geneva Randall, Herman Christmas dinner.
Mrs. Mathern was graduated from Stahle, F r a n k Panzer, Edward Thursday afternoon guests of Mrs.
rbure. 12 gilts weighing 300 Ibs., due to start farrowing Feb. 10; Martelle high school and attended Dvorsky and Eddie Koss. Anna M. Kucera were Len,ora and
C~nal Zone Junior college before Mrs. Stanley Lons of IVIon, ona is Lumir Stepanek, Cedar Rapids.
7 tried old sows due to farrow March 15; 49 fall pigs weighing she enrolled at Iowa State Teachers' visiting the S,tanley Zeniseks. The Even, ing guests were the William
college. She has been empl,oyed by Edmond Coles of Iowa City were re- Graichens and CharIes Stocks, Am-
lENT 100 Ibs., wormed and vaccinated; 1 Duroc spring boar from the Collins Radio Co. Her husband cent visitors of the J. M. Zeniseks ann, George Riehards and daughter LAING'S STANDARD
Gerald Nevins herd. All hogs long time vaccinated, was reared at LaPo~te City and fol- who accompanied them to the Rich- and Karen Pilgrim and Roy Hensels
lowing his gradt~ation from high ard Hoke home near Mt. Vernon. and daughter of Mt. Vernon. Sunday and Restaurant
school, att!ended Iowa State college. Thursday evening t h e Clarence evening guests were Mrs. Mabel
After tree years' service in the air Hake, Richard H, oke and Raymond Schn.oebelen, Windham, Eddie Lisbon Dial 2151
force he returned to I.S.C. to ob- Zenisek families and the J. M. Zeni- Knoedel and family, Iowa City,
tain his degree, seks were supper guests of the Wm. Fred Raetzels, Amana and the i l
"M" tractor 1948 model in good shape; No. 448 4-row Me, Solon-=-- News I Secrest family near. Downey. Henry. Feddersons, Clarence..___
Deering cultivator, with selective lift; "2-M" McCormick corn Mrs. Anna. ZellerI i -
picker with M mountings; No. 250 2-row Mc-Deering cultivator; roTES FOR ANK Ii
" " ator 9 ft Mc Deerm tandem
Mc-Deering B tractor and cultiv ; - . - " g Services for Frank F. Henry, 78,/ I l
disc; 22-ft Allis-Chalmers harrow with folding draw bar; 46-ft. were conducted in Cedar Rapids at~
• 2 p.m. Friday by the Rev. Z. F.[ . "~
John Deere elevator, 2 wheel transport with truck hopper; John Pauk, with interment in the CzechI
Nati~mal cemetery. I
Deere model L tractor speader, like new. Mr. Henry who was born in/ .........
David Bradley 4-wheel spreader on rubber, good working Czechoslovakia Aug. 28, 1878, died/
at a Cedar Rapids hospital Dec. 26,/
isbon order; 4-row Avery hoe in good shape; 11-ft. Case grain drill in after a brief iilness. He resided at/
the Victoria Hotel. The Henry fam-[
, good shape; David Bradley mounted mower for Ford tractor ilYaW?re Solon residents for many~
with 6-ft. and 7-ft. cutting bars; 500-gallon water tank on Surviving are a daughter Mrs. W. -- -
wheels; 6-row Sherwin Williams weed sprayer with "M" mount- ~. (Agnes) Gilbert of Cedar Rapids
and three sons, James of California,
ings; 5-ton combination feed, bale, or chopping wagon; two Frank of Chicago and George of the
Wagons with good steel boxes on rubber; bale wagon on rubber; state of Wyoming. There are also six ~
grandsons. ' " ~.
high wheeled wagon and triple box. The Harold Jarms', Don and Betty,
the Roy Huffers, Karen and Dione,
the Bob Jacksons, Jim and Kathy
tion )US walds of Clayton were dinner guests
of Manana, and the Harold Vor-
of the Stanley Zeniseks during the
Air compressor with pressure grease gun attachments; 500- Christmas holidays. .-
The John Reyhons' and Richard, •
Gerald and Dennis, Carol Coleman, ~---
Ibs. portable weighing scales with crate; ringing crate; New Big •
Husky 35-bu. round feeder, never used; 35-bu. utility long type Olin, the Johnnie Krobs of Tipton I
were Christmas guests of the Mile!
feeder; 25-bu. Klines creep feeder; two 5-bu. round feeders; two Kreb family. Frank Krob was a ~ • •
dinner guest•
:ially i0 60-gallon hog waterers, 1 practically new; two small stock water The Joe Miltners sr. were Christ-
; critical tanks; 16-ft. hay rack on skids; four 16-ft. cattle feed bunks; four familymaS gueStSofIowa°f thecity,JOealsoMiltnerthe Wil-Jr'
and 0 cast iron sowpans; 14-ft. sheep hay rack on skids; 300-gallon linliamfamily.Vit°shes and the Francis Conko . ..... _
rake up gas barrel on stand; 7-inch 56-ft. endless belt; a full line of
The Robert Kuncl family, Iowa
City, were Christmas Eve visitors in
machinery for iron. the home of Mrs. Anna M.Kucera.
Guests entertained on Christmas
,L SOW " by the John Phillips family were
is rich i~ and Straw the Victor Krob family, Rowley, the ~~t~ ~ D~
Norbert Krob family, Walker• After-
dibiotiO About 500 bales of straw, wire tied; 500-bu. Bonham oats. noon and supper guests were the
Herman Christensens, Mrs. Mary
For their TERMS-- Cash. Lunch served on grounds. Christensen and Mrs. Katie Phillips,
I°wa City" Mrs" Philips remained I ~ "~ 7~J
Not responsible in case of accidents, for
a week's visit•
Christmas guests of the Ronald!
Kesslers were the Darrell Rebiks ell
• Minneapolis, Minn., and Mrs. Flor-I
ence Kessler. I
The James Bartlett family' the I ~~~2~ -~ ~~
Ben Beuter family and Charles I
i Bartlett were Christmas guests of!
a-en~ Moffit :the Charles Beuters. Afternoon vis-, ,
itors were Mrs. Lucile Scott and
Mrs. Wm. Scott, and family, Cedar
Inc Mrs. Wm. Scott who was visit-I
• Wilbur Colby, Auct. Mechanicsville Trust & Savings Bank, ing at the Mrs. Lucile Scott home
Phones: Off. 259; Res. 53, Mechanicsville Clerk, Mechanicsville returned to her home. I
The Vernon. Ken, ts and Debby Your John Deere Dealer
Zen.isek have gone to Eureka, Kan.,
to visFt the Robert Zenisek family. Lisbon, Iowa Phone 2461