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January 10, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 10, 1957 |
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Mrs. MilD Kaliban was hostess toI Bud Sizer returned to Parsons A/2C James Moore, son of the i/|e~etn le~retlc ]Mt. Vernon, Ia., Hawkeye-Reeord KLIN q
the Four Square bridge club on I college at Fairfield on Monday ]Thomas Moores, is now stationed inl ............. '~ and The Lisbon Herald R ~ Weds In New York ,kLin C
Wednesday. ] after spending the holidays in the IK°rea. He does administrative work Correction: Jo Kettering's address: Thurs., Jan. 10, 1957 rage 4 Co. Jar
Mr. and Mrs. MilD. Kaliban had as ~ parental Harry Sizer home. [ in Wing headquarters. ] It should read. 1920 1st Ave. N.E.. L -- ,-----..n itltt;1
New Year's day dinner guests Don- I Mr and Mrs Dick Coulbourn an-[ The Rev John B Stenz professor iCedar Rapids. ~.~, ,+ ~ ........... ~ h,. ,~ wl, n~mm
ald Kaliban and M i s s M ar y ]tertained Monday evening at a of foreign'languages at St. Greg- Mrs. Paulil~e Maiden was a we(!k i X'n~er[c'ad~Legi"0nau"x~l"iar~;' 1VI'ond~y
Schminke of Cedar Rapids and the birthday party honoring Mrs Coul- ] ory's Seminary in Cincinnati, Ohio, ena gues~ .oI me ~ari vanns in i niuht The Leuion will serve a a~lltl
bourn and Dick Hudson of Mech- ~ was a guest of Mrs. John McHugh ~e°al ~ap °s" chili sunner soon Mrs Helen Wal- ~
John Kalibans of Mt. Vernon. Eu-I " " 1 '~' " ~ ' "
gene Reyhons of Iowa City was an lanicsville. Other guests were Mr. I last week. Father S, tenz is a rela-i Coon Creek Crickets 4-H club met siairo ~vas appointed " temporary :: :
afternoon visitor, land Mrs Gerald Nest |tive of Mrs McHugh , Wednesday evening with Gary and " ~ ~ .
...... . tr..~surer during the absence of Mrs. :
Wayne Demons. Art Davison. i
The Dean Kirkpatricks and Gwen~ The Art Davisons left Thursday Ve
mszted Sunday with the Homer;for a three months' trip to Atlanta,i ~ :::!!~i~
1 1 ~ ~ l, In Stocktons of Davenport. , Ga. ] ~!
• 1 ~ ~ ll Mr and M,'s Carl Ehreqnan of' RICHARD BOOTH AWARDED I
• / , II Tipton were dirner guests Sunday HOLSTEIN TROPHY
• / ~ l l~ l ~ in the C C Kerslake home Richard Booth was awarded a tro-
M~ a d M s ~ lo .1~ ........~ pAy by the Jones-Linn Holstein
• L /I n K ........... ......
n y droner guests m the Don . " " . . '
~ S-ai~ht home at Cedar Ra-'ds mg the outstanding Lmn county boy
P~ ~ P" " I producing Holsteins.
Dinner guests in the Floyd Deci-._TT.,NA r,, ....... n Ro,~ Bv..LOW GAM_
~l • m , ous .home Sunday were the Harry ~ The Robert Krobs, Mary Jean and
• A llm ll ~ I I~lAmP' AI1 II Decmus and the John Decmus anc~ Judy left Dec. 27 for California to
IPl~ ~ ~i U I [ R ~l / Joan. !attend the Rose Bow1 game and
~-,w~ --= ~ ~'~ Miss Gale Hansen of St. Luke's parade and to visit in the home of
,. , , hospital in Cedar R~pids spent four Mrs. Krob's brother, Jerry Chalup- ....
Phone 3661 LlSOOn, Iowa days in the parental Carl Hansennik, in Long Beach. En route they
home. stopped overnight with Mr. Krob;s ~~ ~[~~E"~~ l
Open All Day Sundav from 8 a.m. to 8 n.m. The Sam Zimmermans returned parents, the Frank Krobs, in Phoe- i
/ Iv Monday from a week's visit with ~nix, Ariz., and planned to spend
their son John and hisfamilyat at least a week with them on the
Dallas Texas return trip. From Phoenix they
of' Cedar' ~apias Thurs- ' " 'i, BEACON SHELL II
iU d eel .... in the parental Carl Hansen home.,~. ~/' ~~, .... .... ",'. ..... .,"~ ~'~: ~ ....
Cudahv , .,~ A/lc Dennis llansen spent l0 days [w~ll g° t°yenver:Sn°l°:~ for a v~t
---- ---- . He retm'ned to Lincoln Airforce ',~'i~s" o?r~eD~a?~tanerc~s±V'rSco~$aXa°n~ePd
l-l[: []11[: I base on Sunday. i~em P ' P ,
/i= . . . . I SlateMrs" Nora Cave and Mrs. T. R.' The Bill Dolezals, Colleen Dole-I U.S. Highway 30 '
were !zal Euniee Elias, the Nevin Duffes,
#b,w ~ day callers on Mrs. Ida Heller and Ronald and Lloyd Duffe and Rich-I
We will cut up your order for :H.UU Miss Lulu Heller. lard N-tolicky "also attended the' Lisbon, Iowa Dial 3461 24 Hour Se
The Harry Stewarts had as dinner I game and the Tournament of Roses Free Pick Up and Delivery
"= ~ " guests on ~ Sunday. Mrs. Lenore i parade. ,
Hoffman of Davenport and the J. M. PUTNAM PRIDES 4-H MEET [
Johnstons of Mt. Vernon. Putnam's Prides met with PattyI °and(
• • • Mrs. Charles Beaver returned Andrie Jan. 2, with 17 present for Service For All Makes of am.
home Sunday from City
Iowa the .all-day meeting. The girls work- class of 1955 Airman Blaine attend-
t ~ed the Lisbon high school and since
where she had visited her son, El- ed on portfolios. At the next race -i. 1955, has been serving in the ~-[
bert Beaver, and his family, ing at Jean Smith's ou Feb. 2 the]April'
• Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McCullottgh, group will finish their portfolios air force.
and make dust mitts and dresser The couple arrived in Lisbon on -spa,
Swift's or
• • • • • •
• •
• • •
USBON DELIVERIES -- Please phone orders for Saturday delivery on Friday
afternoon or by 9 a.m. Saturday. Lisbon phone 3661.
STORE HOURS -- Week days 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
at your servi
the new
The past year was a busy one
for this bank, in which we put
forth every effort to fulfill our
obligations to our customers.
We made many new friends
and gained strength through
service. We feel well prepared
to give you the cooperation
you will need in the New Year.
At Close of Business Decenlber 31, 1956
U. S. (;ove,nment
Bonds .......... $ 664,136.13
~ hinicipal an,I
Other Bonds .... 189,795.36
CASH and Due
fronl Banks ...... 299,695.41
Overdrafts ..................................
Banking House ..........................
Total ...................................... $ 1,818,780.43
I Capital Stock .............................. $ 50,000.00
Surplus ........................................ 50,000.00
Undivided Profits and Reserves 86,329.50
Unearned Discount .................... 1,197.86
DEPOSITS .............................. 1,615,596.88
U.S. Government Deposits ........ 15,656.19
Total ...................................... $ 1,818,780.43
J. R. Gardner, President
H. A. Rieger, Chairman of the Board
H. W. Sizer, Vice President and Cashier
Lelia J. Bittle, Assistant Cashier
Rodney Morris, Assistant Cashier
Mike and Marty of Cedar Rapids
were guests of the Gerald Nests for
New Year's dinner.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decious and
Mr. and Mrs. John Deciotts and
Joan were Sunday dinner guests in
the Floyd Decious home.
The Seth Ruhls of Anamosa were
Sunday dinner guests in the Ernest
Hotz home. The afternoon was spent
visiting the Robert Tomashes in Ce-
dar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Burlingame
sr., of Clinton visited from Friday
until Sunday with their son Oliver
Burlingame and family. The Harold
Wilsons of Davenport were Stmday
supper guests.
Lucky Thirteen will meet with
Mrs. John Light Friday afternoon,
Jan. 11. Co-hostesses will be Mrs.
Albert Blinks and Mrs. Charles
Blinks. The lesson on use of lard
in cooking will be presented by
Mrs. Willard Light and Mrs. John
Mr. and Mrs. Don King of Rob-
binsdale, Minn., were guests from
Monday evening until Friday in the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seitsinger and
Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Frink homes in
Lisbon. Don was coach at Lisbon
high for several years until re-
signing to go to Robbinsdale last
Mrs. Thomas Mo o r e returned
home Friday after spending a week
in Bloomin, gton, Ill., with her broth-
er, who recently underwent a major
Mrs. Glenn Plattenberger honored
her daughter Kay on her 3rd birth-
day last Thursday at a party from
2 to 4. Guests were Mrs. Paul Sei,t-
singer and Tracy, Mr~ Joe Bova and
Vieky, Mrs. Lee MeHenry, Terry
and Barry, Mrs. Richard Bohr and
Dabble, Mrs. Richard Shulista and
Brian, Mrs. Tom Rouse and Kathy,
!Mrs. Martin Burgess and Jody, Deb-
i bie Schenk, Leslie Zearir~g, Mrs. Bill
Zearing, sr. and Jeanette, and Mrs.
Nellie Plattenberger.
Ely News
Kathryn Worley
About 1000 people irtspected the
classroom areas and the shop and
scarves. A $5 contribution was
made to the fund ~or Linn County
Retarded Children. Reporter, Patty
Fairfax Jolly Juniors held a card
party Sunday evening.
First Presbyterian, Jan. 13, 9:30 a.
m., worship; 10:30 a.m.. annual
church meeting; 12 no~n, potluck
dinner; 1:1.5 p.m., business meeting
reconvenes; 6 p.m., Junior boys'
choir practice. Young adult meeting]
in the evening. I
Jan. 16, 7:30 p.m., Yunior high andI
senior choirs practice. ]
Jan. 17, 1:30 p.m., Johanna Society. i
Francis R. Larew, pastor. I
Ely Lutheran, Pastor Linwood I
Frederickson. Worship at I0:30 a.1
m.; Sunday school ~t 9:30 a.m, Inter- I
mediate choir pract!ce at 2 p.m.
Saturday. Annual congregational
meeting Jam 20 following the wor-
I ship hour.
is more than the required 60 per
Happy Homemakers club of Put-
nam twp. will meet Friday after-
no,~n, Jan. 11, with Mrs. Lumir
Truhlar for the lesson on Baking
with Lard.
Coon Creek
Mrs. Dale Johnston
The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per will be observed at the Coon
Creek church Jan. 13th. Allen
Wirtz, student pastor, will exchange
pulpits with the Rev. Gallaher of
the Presbyterian church of Mech-
anicsville for this occasion. Worship
service is at 10 a.m. with Sunday
school following.
On Jan. 20 a congregational meet-
ing will be held immediately pre-
ceding church services to decide
where to send the special pre-
Christmas mission offering. A 1 1
members and friends of the church
are invited to attend these special
services and to visit the basement
to see the work being done there by
the men of the church and earn-
took part in a student conducted lmunity.
tour of the buildings during the aft- The M. A. Johnston family of
Jan. 2 and are visiting the bride-
groom's mother and grandparents,
the Tom Stonekings, in Lisbon. Af-
ter Jan. 15 they will be at home at
Lannis Ave., R.D. 4, New Windsor,
Newburgh, N.Y., e/o George Shook.
The bridegroom will report for duty
on Jan. 18.
You May Know
Lisbon Consolidated School District. Frank-
lin Township, Linn County
I do hereby certify that this report is a
true and correct statement of the proceed-
ings pertaining to tbe financial matters of
the board of said district for the quarter
ending December 31, 1956.
Schoolhouse Fund
Balance from previous
quarter ............ $41594.83
Total Receipts for
quarter ............ 505.36
Total to Account for ............ $42100.19
Total Warrants Drawn
during quarter ................ 24444.24
Balance at end of quarter ....... $17655.95
General Fund
Balance from previous
quarter ............. $ 7533.14
Total Receipts for
quarter ............ 380¢)5.14
Total to Account for ............ $45538.28
Regular Salaries Paid
for quarter ......... $16533.66
Other Warrants Issued--
amount ............ 23553.11
Total Expenditures .............. $40086.77
Balance at end of quarter ....... 54'51.51
Special Courses Fund
Balance from previous quarter ..... 7.72
Total Receipts for quarter ........... none
Total to Account for .............. 7.72
Total of Warrants Drawn during
quarter ........................... none
Balance at end of quarter .......... 7.72
LIST OF WARRANTS (except salaries)
Schoolhouse Fund
Pau]son Constr., building ........ $21708.49
Alien & Appleby, building ....... 454.50
J. B. Dill, int ................... 137.50
Merchants Natl Bank, int ....... 62.50
IAsbon Bank, int ................ 2081.25
Total ........................... $24444.24
General Fund
Ia. Elec. Lt. Co., elec ............ $ 749.07
Glenn Plattenberger, trans ....... 4716.89
Soc. Sec. Comm., Sac. Sec ....... 550.82
Lisbon Activ. Fund, reimburse .. 2223.90
Is. Pub. Employees
Retirement Sys., Rat. tax ...... 855.66
C. B. Zalesky, services .......... 332.44
Franks & Sons, mat ............. 35.79
Grover Miehe, mileage .......... 89.80
Morgans Furniture, equip ........ 893.25
American Playground Device
ernoon open house at Prairie High i Tipton were Sunday dinner guests Co., equip..................... 83.63
Sunday. Jr. and Sr. high school!of the Dale Johnstons i DeNoyer-Geppert Co., equip..... 40.95
' Pratt Film Service, equip ........ 151.63
students have been attending school The Roland Kerslake family were I
there since last Wednesday. dinner guests Sunday of the John jstandard Duplicating Machines, i
equip ......................... 237.50 '
LEGION-AUXILIARY Kohls. I Delbert Carmer, labor ........... 27.00 :,
PLAN KICK-OFF DINNER Marvin Andre entered St. Luke's Kaliban Appliance, equip........ 7.45
Final plans for the Linn County hospital in Cedar Rapids SaturdayInternationalR' M. Horford,Bus.mainMachines............. Corp., 3"501
Farm Bureau kick-off dinner Tues- for observation and treatment, main.......................... 32.02i
Lee and
Phone 2961 Open Sunday Mornings
Deliveries Twice Daily Orders in by 10:30 a.m.; 3 p.m.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials
Cudahy's MINCED HAM .................... lb. 39c
Black Hawk V2 Skinned, Ready-to-eat
PICNICS ................................................ lb. 39c
Black Hawk BACON .......................... lb. 59C
All Black Hawk Items on Sale Friday
Snow Crop BRUSSELS SPROUTS ......pkg. 30C
Extra Fancy Central American
BAI4ANAS . . 2 Ib
Extra Fancy Canadian Red
DELICIOUS APPLES ........................ 3 Ibs. 59C
Clover Farm Cream Style or Whole Kernel
. . . . cans
Wave Crest SALMON ........................ can 49c
Del Monte
PEACHES, Sliced or Halves ........ 2 cans 69c
C.F. Melting Sweet PEAS ................ 2 cans 37c
Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS ................ lb. 23c
Lisbon Sweet Cream BUTTER ............ lb. 62c
Red Dot
Illl Ill
Cherry-Burrell, rep .............. 10.70
Globe Machinery, rep ............ 23.96
J.&L. Hardware, rep ............ 13.66
Town of Lisbon, water .......... 37.28
Norman Hayner Co., sup ......... 48.50
Acme Chemical Co., sup .......... 94.38
First page Rotal ................ $11259.7S
L. A. Davis, sup ................. 10.80
B. O. Blood, labor ............... 160.00
Linn Board of Education, books .. 51.46
Houghton-Mifflin Co., books ..... 13.46
Southwest Publishing Co., books . 25.61
Lyons & Carnahan, books ....... 25.47
Ben Sanborn Co., books .......... 25.09.
L. W. Singer Co., books ......... 21.53
J. C. Winston Co., books ........ 18.S0
E. M. Hale Co., books ........... 10.80
I. S. E. A. Library Ser., books .. 260.27 ;
Pacific Press, books ............ 8.46l
J. B. Lippincot Co., hooks ...... 5.66[
Field Gnterprises lnc., books .... 107.32[
Mochnick Typewriter Co., mat... 21.501
Geo. Westcott Co., mat .......... 48.57
Morris-San ford, sup ............. 7.05
Univ. of Iowa, mat .............. 97.94
Hammond & S,tephens, sup ....... 42.91
M. C. Melcher. printing ......... 22.08
Mrs. Watson Davis, sub. teaching 43.00
School Service Co., mat .......... 7.60
Lisl,on Bank, ins.-W.H. Tax ..... 2908.81
United Telephone, ser ........... 70.20
Mt. Vernon Hawkeye, printing .. 30.05
Peat, Marwick & Mitchell, audit 329.80
Mrs. Chas. Campbell, sub. teaching 17.50
Singer Sewing Mach.0 sup ....... 2.40
Eble Music Co., sup ............. 59.90
State of Iowa, surplus .......... 3,56
J. S. Latta Co., sup., mat ........ 1151.95
Metropolitan Supply, sup.° mat... 1121.64
Prentice-Hall, sup ............... 4.72
Scott Foresman Co., books ...... 646.61
American Educ. Publications. books 89.50
Ginn & Co., books .............. 188.79
Nu-Ball Manu., sup ............. 401.57
Shelton Roofing, rep ............. 190.00
Earl Yocum, rep ................ 27.46
Hach Bros., sup ................. 19.60
W. L. Kynett, painting .......... 542.50
McCalls Plumbing, rep .......... 355.53
West Music Co., equip ........... 47.97
S~nith-Corona, equip ............. 190.00
Rand-McNally, maps ............ 71.55
W. M. Welch Co., equip .......... 298.26
School Assembly Ser., speaker ... 35.00
Iowa State College, mat ......... 1.40
Globe Book Co., books ........... 23.60
American Book Co., books ....... 250.88
Henry Holt Co., hooks ........... 150.36
Ronnie Skow, labor .............. 10.05
Peter H. Radl, labor ............ 13.69
Steve McQuown, labor ........... 3.88
IAsbon Elevator, sup ............ 6.60
2nd page Total .................. $10303.71
Crawford Electric, rap., sup ..... 109.79
G. L. Albright, rap .............. 246.65
Lisbon Glass Co., rap ............ 4.25
Van Meter Co., sup ............. 1O0.00
Ebys Sporting Goods, equip ...... 469.03
John Wilson Sports, equip ....... 21.95
Sunbeam Corp., equip ........... 8.53
Hiltbrunners, equip .............. 190.~0
G. W. Gaines & Son, labor ...... 154.25
DX-S~unray Co., fuel ............ 685.17
Page 3 Total .................... $ 1989.62
Page 2 Total .................... 10303.71
Page 1 Total .................... 11259.78
Pages 1, 2, 3 Total .............. $23553.11
I, Frank D. Carbee, Secretary of the
above named School District, do hereby
certify that this report, oages 1, 2, 3 is
a true and correct statement of the pro-
eeedings pertaining to financial matters of
the Board of said District for the quarter
ending December 31, 1956.
Motorola and DuMonPnit'
Sales and Service :bar-
Store 2841 Res.--~'~"e~';t
Lisbon, Iowa
Get Up to 50% More Starting Power with c p
Ultra Start Battery men
Guaranteed FOUR YEARS in Trucks O
Guaranteed FOUR YEARS in Tractors qoy
Guaranteed FOUR YEARS in Passenger Cars
On Highway 30, Lisbon
-Plum "
Has been added to our line of business
Give us a ring for your repair
We're going to try and give you service with
necessarily selling you new equipment.Dial
Lisbon, Iowa
24-h0ur Wrecker Service
Dial 3821
We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
Have your carburetor, points, plugs,
age regulator and generator checked and
justed here for trouble-free motoring. We