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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 16, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 16, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Janmuey 18, 1041 M MOUN~ VERNON, IOWA, HA'~VKEYE-REOORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Five NG [ " " ily I Austin, Minn. ~ enjo ed the grou will adjourn to the nome d a the t~riusners on not want Amerl U " , 1 will meet with Mrs. Lloyd Dean, -- I~lL The annual Linn Junior Farm . Y " .g " . g . . nt Dr Goeffry Wardle Stafford, a[ ]Bureau short course was held at Leo Thn-nmes home included Mr. The Umted Brethren Ladies Aid Frluay a[ternoon, a~t[lu~ry ~, -~ " ~t*~'~'~l** ~ 9 ~n ,~',-l. .lr All tht~ .thor Y)i Irepresentative of Drew Theological ~|~! ]Marion last week with 45 young and Mrs. John Mill]gin of Marion t Society served a hot lul~ch at the . . : o :: 7"'" :::-. :- --.- I Seminary in Madison N.J. spent I,||,~ I I ~ I "~o"le havin~ re-istered A ban- and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mill]gin ot I cnurcn easement ana acmes a neat ,M~kl)E AT [ Several members of Vernon visions w~t meet on w e~nes.aay aI-]Tueeda and Wednesday of this]iw~Aa '|~v~ ~*~ ~-'a--- ~pni~'~t cln.~d the ses- Cedar Rapids. ]sum to their treasury. Be'~'TING I chaptern r anO'E'S'mstallatmnPlan to ofattendo E sa ternoon,2 will meetJanuary ZZ.witn curs l~'~lvis~ n~ .rOOKs~O' I week[ yn the Cornell campus, ,I [ on: = " Mrs. Leo .~ immes and Paul spent I Mr. and Mrs. Harlan White" and ach was hostess tdin e . d " ' ' " ^ " ". " -- ',sneaKm~ m chapel ana in varmusl 1 [1[IOI!8 VVI|| ]t~e| r~'~b ~m~,~d=r R~nld~ Thursday with Mrs. Sharon Baker Harold Austin spent Friday eve- meetln~ of th. [officers in Marion this evening. Division No. a, wilt meet wit xtr.s. ] class sessions Dr Stafford came ] ~-~-- ~" ~ ~ T ~--",---^"-":~'- 7~o"~o~ ,~"~ h~" ~,~-"~i"~-~ Leo attended a sale nmg In the Frank Maley home near Thomas Meredith" LUVJSion INn. 4, w~t~ ~t~ ~-t~ ~, . ~ at her home on [Among those are: Mr. and .Mrs. : ' ~- ]to Cornell from a speaking engage-| thlrculaiefl In h i ; ; Bob and Ernest Tonne attended Martelle. ening. There were ei~h- Harry Siggins Mr. and Mrs. Dana will meet with Mrs: f~. ft. r~)su .ne [ ment at Lawrence college Al~ple- [ ~[7%'~*--='4-ffi~ ] :7~,h'~= ~,~'~,'~= "o'n"~'~'e==ir.'r~aen't a Milwaukee banquet at Monticello Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Hunter and ,ers present Pla ~.~ I Wilcox Mrs. Aley Parsons Mrs. W. at 3:30 O'CLOCK; ~)lv~s~on r~o. ~, wl.n]ton Wis and left here for a trip] 1~khll|lt~ |.~t~ :'~ ~.'~'~ ~;:, ~,"~" ^~ ~.;,~ Thursday night Muriel were Sunday dinner guests ~atriotle Party and ,ic I H Hoover, Mrs Ruby Runkle, Mrs. meet with ]Vfrs J.F. Gasto,Ire McKendree college Lebanon ~ 7"7--~. . | Mr. and Mrs Verlon Baker call- ] m the Clymer home at Olin. ~o be h ~ . ~ "- / ~U~h~ h ~i,~U Mrs M~va Huff visionNo. ~ Will meet wltn Mrs. ] ' ' [l-'etltlOnS asking ior me organl- Ima'~" . . . . ~ in fh~ T#*.ar ~alro~- hnrn~ m f~q~r | --~,u m t,'eoruary. I - ' ' I .L " " ti n district Other banquet speakers incmaeo ~-" -:" zatlon ha n man Mrs Mac Foster ,Mrs Nannie C. L. Rich; Divlmon No. 7, wi 1t * ~.~,~llahmnn hv h|rth Dr ~zatlon of soil conserva o ] Ramds Tuesday even]hi, and then] ~-r~t| "[Ji~tn s*~ ~ . s - ~'erea sev- I ' ~ "::/ ~. --*. '. ~,h x~.o .T w ~Ul. Division/ ~ t-,ill be circulated amon~ the land-~ miss t.ucme ~ove, county 11. ~. 2x "- - - "-= I xJ~at~,~ ~.~. ,o uUrlng th~ ~ rtainen ~vlrs. t)oris r'rlngle, Miss .~ ~,~ ~ S*~ff"rd --.a~ in Fn~land when the I -- ' .~ /~ ^~, ~^ t- ~ ~.~a t-~,n went to a snow. I ~-- uu~. ~-.-h habllitatP,~ " ~ ,~r '-"-]Edna Kelley Miss Mattie B Hunt No 8, will meet with Mrs. J. B. [~"~, ,"'~,~,~ ~,t ~to ,~=,o[owners of xranKnn" ~lnn, ~rown, l~u~;~ -~s~-~-~.~,~ " Mr and Mrs Otis Siver and Mr l Cases "" requests for o ~ ' r " ' Ringer" and Division No. 9 will meet v Marion, Maine and Monroe town- ty t~luo a-xgent Dill err, . ------- ,a dec and Miss Maxme Tu net. were turned into an o en discus- and Mrs. Glenn Slyer and Janet and o~-- k of cards,: ,h na Messenger I P ]shins as a result of a meeting of] Speakers for the short course w ~ ]NEEDLECRAFT TO MEET -mrtstmas i ! Mrs. Ed " slon in a "Tea Time Wran le" at "- r 1 ~y w=~ ~ =u~t~ ~v~u~ ~uuptmru g fts. Mrs. I ~eri~ Ali~a 1~ * ~, an.~ ~1[.~ Tmoli~. -- [ g,o Linn Farm Bureau Soils eom- were Harold Shold and Ha o d ; Needlecraft Club vnll meet at e l~orenabiltation chair- v "~':a':-~,~-,(':nte~tain"at~'asma~ M-ERRY I~OU 4-H CLUB NEWS tthe GrillTuesday afternoonat 4|tmh~'ttee held on Monday This is[Nilson of the Marion SCS office Saturday evemng~.~ z. [the home of Mrs. Archie Minish ~e~t unit. Mrs. Leila I ~'~ "~'",~."/.~" ~ ~ho ~t,o. ~, The Merry Lou 4-H club met [ o'clock. When asked wbout the,nlanned in order to DrOvlde an or-,who spoke on soils and conservation ~ ,~"'~.~ ~"~ ,"," ~": ~;'u ~ [ on Friday afternoon. ---, cnalrrnan ~ v~-*. British war aims Dr Stafford stat- " - e on venon ~a~er cauea a~ me ~ew nedo.-~ in charge;on Friday evening. Mrs. Frank Saturday, January 11 at the home~ . :, : [ganlzatlon for continued work in]Tuesday afternoon, W. M.V rn,p.~ hrarn~ [ -- t. ,^ ~-u, reported send- ~ a~. c.oa~. ~it~ ~t~ 0~ ~f l~r of Marilyn Coppock Eight mem-I ca: "To put tt munuy, I tnmz tne[ soil conservation and to secure|poultry husoanaman xrom Ames, on "~;.'~;1~'.~"'% t SOCIAL CIRCLE CLUB )the M.oines facthtyij B Ma~'ee will be an out of town bets and one new member, Donna] Enghs.hman is now simply fighting[ technical assistance from the Soil| poultry feeding and management ,~;ah~ ~,iCh ~r,~,~o ~,] ~r^.qo ~ELECTS OFFICERS ye~: ~"trtoutions made I ~uest ~ Yeisley, answered the roll call witht for hm own safety and freeaom Conservation Service Wednesday afternoon. Tnursoay ""~;g ":'~" ~'~-'~"~;r~'T*'~-" ~':~='--'~-~ '] Social Circle Club held its last .~y were: money fori~ " "M" New Year's resolutions forlThe ultimate goal of the Brittshers/ For the ,ast five and a half vears lafternoon R. Wilcox, Ames exten- "* " 2"'". "',~" ~':. "~L%" ~,vu/aU[meeting at the home of Mrs. Mary .00neTo $100 to Holiday! Mrs. Lewis Mitchell was hostess he~th or posture improvement." "]in war, he continued, is to preventlthe Soil ~onservation Service oftsion assistant in farm management ~:nzh~Unea.ay in me rtenry tJeoue-]Tonne" During the business meet- - me Kn hes the domination of the worldby A rl 1 r has spoke on farm accounts and Floyd m the election of officers was held }art '.~ oxvilletfor the meeting of Balliet chapter Record books and other supp" sl " ',the U S Dept. of g "cu tu e ] " ~s ~ ~^-~ ~ ~ ^~ .s^a ]" g " " , ' . - .A.R. on Wednesday evening of ,'ere handed out and the county Slawh: OCC~l~. be the fore] n el been conducting demonstration A?~ld~ davy husband~Frmdan ~:e bi~t~a;par~y mU~he'A~b~U~ohn~- resulting in the following: Mrs. P. ~H~nmd~a;h.:: ::e ~e/Da~t week. A good attendance was 4-H newspaper was read by CaroY-I ~ ~ ' g P "]work on about 100 farms in the[on ee ~ df ed ng day . : son home a, A W dov /D" Archibald, President; Mrs. Moor- ".- n ~ - -- ]me te I~ ~ O OI ) ,^ :~ Educational ~presentMrs R P Ink state his- lvn Neal,icy of America at the present t,Indian Creek watershed area north| noon. vro ssor . . uarw oo ; Vice President; Mrs. Joe has - ty fund.The 1 torian of D A R. and a member of The club leader Miss Sarah[ occupied a large bit of the discus-,of Marion. Through the CCC camp|Cue College spoke on family rela- kir,ha~ ^f ~^ ,t.~ w~k, ~,^a Konecny, Secretary and Mrs. Prin- Tout ~ tll~tct ~ ~ ~ Dt~ fvllCg hU~ll~ ~JrI~uL~ .nd ex,^^:,Y: he paid up[the local organization, was elected Kirkpatrickgave an interestingI sion. Dr: Stafford quoted Wash-Ist Marion from 1935 to 1938 the SCS[tions.hips Tuesday and Wednesday Peet and Mrs Johnson ~cis Stinger, Treasurer ~=~t to reach their r o me Fur ington s statement that No court h hed demonstrations on an evenings The next meeting will be held at 0rty hi.^ ~ lie represent the orde at the Na-talk "Introduction t He -I ' " -|estab "s " ." Mr and ~ I~- Ra,~--, * I race Y the Fcbru- tional meeting of D.A.R. to be held nishing." Some of the points sheltry can be trusted outside the [ additional 100 farms m other parts] ~ s .yie snow ana talk ongqoO snent Sunday in the ler=-k xcq~it-~the home of Mrs. A rchxbald atan ,"-eeung. They nlan I in Wa.~hin~-*nn 1~ (~ h,~,ht n,t wo,~ that in nlannin~{ bounds of its own self interest",of the county Numerous otherl grooming was given at a ~eaar ~ t.^ ~ " -'"" """,all day session on jan. z~. Tne ~UOunt Vernon C'h'am- ] -- ~ne"~-~-~'~''~-~"-~'--"~"/^~,V~"~,~,~ "" "'=" .~,%~ a ~,r ~ :~| and said that he thought that the [ f~ e~"~ rs have a~louted recommend-,Rapids department store Thursday "" J" ,~' . . . . J meeting will start promptly at erce di "-. in 2x numver zrom tins nmgnt)ornooa , nner soon Ingles]de club will enjoy a din- ~.^ ~ nola~r ~1~ her own a~'e]United ~tates should decide on this [ed soft savm~ nractmes through the|even g. I eleven oclock. Members are asked U-JE ~ ' [ner at the Baker house on next :nd~'pers~na~ity. "(6) the amount] basis what her course of action ]assistance of~S~S technicians.= The ] ~-=~ a~e~.~te ~)eakXt~onTr~omSer~e:h nae~lto note the time. The Home Proj- ~.~ HAMBERLAIN 1Monday evening. January 20, at of money she may spend' (3) the[Should be. Admitting prejudice[maintenance period of these de-]~o~a~'t~,~,~n~,t~,~u=~,~v=~[,t~ ,h,o hera ~, ~vr,~h~,;~o ~ ^~]ect follow-up meeting will be giv- . RIE~qlDENT !6:15 o'clock. HosteSSes for the ~.t h~ ~.onav'h~m'and (4) Ibecause of his connection with|monstrations has been comnleted| " ~t~'~."~ t,J' ':~" ten on 'Color and Line in Dress." neheo~ggle was hostess Idinner will be: Mrs. E. C. Prall, the location, heating, size an~llEngland as his native land, Dr. Iand further technical assistance] The annual meeting of the Indian Mr and Mrs Lew Kohl called in[Th!s is a very Interesting lesson class o'f and meeting of Mrs. Irl Tutrbs, Mrs. S. J. McLaugh- shape of the room Stafford .passed along his opinionS] from the SCS is dependent on the| Creek Soil Conservation Assn. will the George i~elton home Sunday~aria one you snouia not miss. Men,a;?e Presbyterian l~n, Mrs. E. T Gough, and Mrs. l~'. On Saturday evening, December[ relucta, nt~ly, for .what they coum[ establishment of a soil conservation[ be held at Prairie Chapel on Wed- efternoon. Callers in the Kohl{ Mr. and Mrs~ert Leigh were ntc w~- " a Very oe- ] ~- l-~rOOKS, v oi,owing tne stoner 28, 1940 the club members, their,meanln.tnat ngnt. ri.e Ula say that,diStrict nesday, Jan. 29 at 10:00 A.M H. A. home Sunday evening were Mr. and,visitors last Sunday in the home of .re elected "~ ~ ." .New . P " " . parents and friends enjoye a[ .-. " '-|STATE COORDINATOR SPEAKS |W. Koch president of the associa- Mrs Glenn Siver and daughter. ~Mrs Leighs niece~ Mrs Ed John- Cha a.a mcmde: l t ~rs. rsroogs where 'Mrs. r~emn Christmas party at thc home uriCan summers. "~ uon't want to seeI ~,~ t. ~o~,a~u ~,~,~ o finn has announced. The associa- Mrs. Frank Hartman and Leo|stun' and family who r~entlv took leo ~'-~Oerlln president Schroeder will present a review of x#. ~,~ ~rro Archte Minish After] America in " he emphasized at the/ ~ = ,~.= ova u.~t-| *.inn was organized four years a~o .~nt~nt Wridsv with Mr~ Wn~mnn'~,- .~: - -- ~ - Y0~sr~~~r~~ord] ' will[~-'] / |r [ fi "Xn~l[|m,[ ~un a~ter,t~, t*-,h~l~. [~l /[I Pt ossess o me iarm, Known to ale H-,:: Vice-president: I the book, "America South" by ]a picnic supper games were playecl] same time saying that if the United] vat,on Sexy lee ^Coordinator, co-I among the cooperators o{the Soil daughter, Mrs. Campbell of Mount[many as the Shunk ~lace Tho~ten, secretary: [Beats. and gifts were exchanged. |States aoesn't help ~reat Britain, ~t|v -~-~.~ ~,~,v~.vy2~: ~' '-Z ~.~ ~,~-|Conservation Service in the Indian Vernon. [ Tl{e Merry Lous -4-H 'girls club Rob: "s n, treasurer. [ ~ i The next regular meeting is sche-]later is going to have to defend lt-|~v~ 2~,:y~:. ~m=~2~,~'~:] Creek soil conservation area for the Week end guests in the Mr. and met with M'aril n Co ock on Sat- of the'"S n^,- Will continue I ~hloh'rne west l~3]al. t:mn~ meeung, *h~ i duled for February 8th at the home] selfj ~,~ ~ ,~ ~,oa h,~'~ h~ ~"" "~"T ~ai~*"'" purpose of promoting sell censer- Mrs. Frank Hartman home were [ urday afternoon.Y PP ~esente~'ass. :Mrs. Anna 1~'.~" '~'~2" ~-~'~--~-'-'" ~ -~-'-:~.~ l of Mary Carol Plattenberger. Re-] Juugmg trom ~etters wmen ne ts|~' -~"OOTr~-,~,~'-~,~--=~|vation" Earl Elijah of Clarence, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Crock and[ Mr:. and Mrs Milton Koch attend- Urin~ ~an interesting]~: 7:,~ ~ ~;. ~t~, ~. .n~-~-'~ ]porter Gwen Smyth receiving from friends in Englana[ ~ 2 ~/',^ - '~ '~"'~" ~'~.~^"~.^=.~| chaiman of the State Soil Conserva- Janet Kay of Cedar Rapids. Other ted funeral services held at the Ca- = ~ae aft :~mi~n on weanesoay evening was ' m in Dr u,~,t.v tu ~vy ~t~, ~.~ uv.u~ ng a~. ernoon. The l . I ~ |and fro his family London ~ u,: a~ ~ hen Committee will be the mare Sunday guests were Mr. and Mrs. tholic church in Lisbon Saturda u lunch postponeson account ot the ice,u vex willbehostess s h re b u~ ~o . u~ vuuu~ ~.-~ artlclpa Y teof'~~. con will be[ " . Mrs. R th A y sIStafford.aid thatt e seemsto e|,; ~ ; 1 a :. ~ a "Ispeaker at the annual meeting. In H. Longerbeam and daughters of,morning for Billie House He spent ~rs H ~eovere~ WalKS ana ~reets anu Wlll 7 to ta~ ~ v~ta~m~j ~aa~ ~ ~ ~,v.~ o ~ attic ~iller. lbe held next Wednesday' evening ,Frida~y~altern n',~5~an~Yan~Autx? In ~ternaJ,di,ssentol n~there~,n n~/er or operator can be required to]2dditi y t eP m, .to yTe o d Mount Vernon Imanyyears when a young boy in t~LLATIO Jan 22 at the Smith home Law-'i--~ -~-- t- partm]pate in the actlwtles or fol- . . ~ ~ ~eo. ~)rlseOu ana cnliaren the homes of Mrs. ~ocn's grins- . N t ' . - [ Iliary. The ladies will sew carpet[ benefitting from the ~resent situs- [, . ,h ,~. i or, [discussion of the estabhshment of have been ill the pest week. I Darents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk, ve installaH ]rence Hunter wm oe in cnarge or [rags to be sent to Knoxville. All[tion he said all classes are levelled |;Y.~ .~"Y .;~";:":',~': "Ithe soil conservation district is The Ray Embree family returned/; ~a .~o^ ~'er o th~ la ~ Mr ---. u, u.- ' m alStrlc~ . . ,t~ a.z,-, v~,'--,~o, non chapter r~ ~ ~ Ithe program, who have material suita:ble for car-{into equal suffering. Pollowing this ] ll~e? Dy ~e, ; thn.;~,n,~ a, [planned according to Mr: Koch. from a trip to California Sunday ]and Mrs S S Everhart He will hUrsday ev / pet rags please bring them war the speaker ,believes that Eng-|,~ r~ a,~+ ~,~,~ ~,~ { .~-~ morning. They visited their son {be remembered by many who have all. The ret: " . ] . " 7 . [ ~,land is going to turn into a social-]: ,; ^,; ~ ,- ,~^ la oo11 |White OaR Lee and other relatives while there. |moved away from this vicinity ,~ ~rlng or- i ning in tne xtetnoaist cnurcn Ior I~*--~,--, ~r un~. resident of the t ~,~v=~t;,t~.~,~ ,~,~ ,~,~ ~ --- -- t . . -. .~ ' ,ae chapterr e~r n ~*" -,s ~, ~ v 1st state ~Dy tne process ot evotu etho n for Mr ana Mrs xrancm Conner n- " . oom th ' meeting and supper Lillia W S~C'S of the 'Mount Vernonl .'. .= ~" ~ " |erosion and the m ds ceded [ Mrs. Glenn Siver -'--~------ . . ~a lovely candle Kirkpatrick was in charge of the ~r:~h~'~ ~h h "-ntertained the[~ n ra~ner t.nanDy re v. '|its control; conduct demonstration] ------- ~k~|a~Ir /called Tuesday at the hospital m he~'~ candles which [devotional hour and Esther Dvorak [==',~'~.~,~'~e=.~'e~:s'o~ the orf'anization [t;n.urcnut. ~nt not co nunue ~[projects showing erosion control[SERVICES HELI) AT ~WI[II~ . OAK ~. ~*~'J,[Ceaar lmpms tO see lVLrS. ~nmony u S v ~ "'~ " "~'~ rime minister sTEer the wary 1 ~v~a~ ~aa~ a" ~ffim~aaa n erln n ye.~ Ymboltzing the had charge of the program. Hos- .~" '~,w~t~in luncheon at her[p ~/methods; obtain erosion control|~U ~ "ruuma~ ~rwt.'u~ ~mt.'r~ . |t~onne.r, w o is recov " g xrom a t ~i, and signified a t tcsses for the supper were: ~ar- [~',7~ ~'-~ noon Foi-{ ver' ~)r. ~alloro sara, ~ttnoug~ ~|work on publicly-owned land with-|. "l~omas/~en~on :~ml.m,21, ales at LOYAL CIR~.L~ASS }operauon% "~uZabeth lz;.~u~,t Ltd in ('lot.o ~rnn~- V t* .11 . "~. liS exactiy ~ne man tor tne posluOll |in fh~ district enter into coo era-tnis nome in ~auron, ~. ~o at iu:;$u : ~.=.; / Mr ana mrs Moornouse who Y m ' ' lowing the luncheon Mrs. xou g " ' think the resent tt~ mu~lrt~,l mt=-~.unta atron now. I don t P " a reements with individual Tuesday morning, hawng been in now live on the Roy Shakespeare ~ks ' gave her Roberts Wilson, Lfllian K~rkpat-instructed the leaders on the studY] t ~tu la~rt ,v~ minutes[bYe g ] .~^ ~,t. The Loyal Circle Sunday school], ,11 z~ h, ,~.~ ~. -- me c * " ~ iarmers ior erosion control work v~u- .ca t,J. ~,a~. ~vt = =, ax~.v.~, xax w ,~v~ ~.~, . ~, ~,= Mr.~ napter in i rick and Jean Smith. The mothers tof China, which they will present I ~ h ~o over " werehis ] ] ~ ~. a t. ~ ^ ,^ t. ^, class gathered at the home of Mr.|~,dmnnd Th~mnsnn fnrm w~-" tximball and l of the girls served the supper. [~* **- ~o- meetings of the so- ] "- on melr lanai arrange to ootam|~.~y ~,~= ?~= ~ ,~ uv l~,~ ,- and Mrs L C Bixler Monday eve-/-'='; ;-J;''-~ ---"~, .11 e ea ~ ~, t, woras the ume Ior me ast Iew weeks ' - Mr ana LvIrS ~mnn ~ oner wl s ~" ch ~rcsented I -- ~ "~ equipment, machinery, seed, etc. P " rang" for" their" " monthly meeting ' Precedi~ .: Mrs John Neff was hostess to her [ciety. / In discussing the relation of re- ], . c~o,eratin~, farmers recom ] Mr Smith was born in 1869 in "tentertain the Linn township Farm te 19 -s ~ne re- -- r sent crisisDr "" ~,s,- . " zu memoers ana guests were pres- 40 off [afternoon contract club ather[ ~n~ ~t[ligion to the p e ' "~mend land-use vlans for soil con-[Sahna, Karts. At the age of five |Bureau on Wednesday. ue 1 ~ " " vmtre r~ous wer~ ~,~[t,~ c n ve eace - em ana all repor~ an evening oI a e u . 1941 home on Wednesd-a afternoon Stafford said You a ha P rvation his parents died and he went to Mr. and Mrs. Norm n T cha na K-,-1 ICards were ~laved at two tables [this moment if you gve p "I The law also roy]des that the|hve with an uncle and aunt at Lis- ^~' |and Jeanne attend d he c g Ed officers fol- Y " tne Collln house Monday eve- i u free se . fun A pot luck supper was serv- e t losin .n. Invited the In-]Refreshments were served by the ]~. ~ ~,o~ n~. -rob'ram was nre-']d m" Peace is an ideal of Christ.]dlstrmt may cooperate w~th any de-|ben, Iowa. On Dec. 24, 1895, he |out sale of Norman.s. brother, Er- ~ ~o enter Ele I hostess. [o~ ~.~ .~y.- ~ ellis~ Hill -,but who can say if freeaom ana,partment of county, state and fed-[ was umtea in marriage to Leona MRS ZADA KLINEFELTER [ vm Tecnau near T~pton. ~enas tttre a,~ sen~eu ,uy nee Pa~* a ] -- ] t justice are not equally his ideals." ] era1 ~overnment in nromotin~ eros-]Adela Kohl at White Oak. ~PP~'}INT~II ~H|III~H .~1'~.WARD]bought the locker plant at ~tan- resente~,~=" s ~ u } The Emma l~etgh Circle will I '-^'---~'wa- ~leasantly] The speaker closed with the con-| ion control and if "it is available| For a number of years he work- "-'~-,'~-.-' -~'=;=~ -7.^-,~-=.-~--~,~--=':.t,'-7=;,wood. Keith and Sandra spent the NOVak as I meet with Mrs Robert Barnes Frt- ~ " -" on her birthday Mond~ylviction that nod is vindicating him-| may use WPA. NYA, or CCC Camp] ed for the Milwaukee railroad In al board of the United Brethren|day m the home of their grandpar- N" ln~alnng ' surprmeu ,annie FI [day January 17 ] of relatives A]self in spite of appearance to the[labor in erosion control work The[Chicago and then in 1908 he moved ~h,~h Mr~ 7.~da ~rlin~lt~r w~]ents Mr. and Mrs Koch ~men as In- ' evening uy ~t ~,v~. - " ' hall.~-^ ] -- [ r was en~oy:lcontrary at the present time.|SCS will assitm technicians to[his family to a ranch near Blunt ann Jutted church .~t~wnrd tn 'Lake] Junior Koch has been out of 1 "'~ incoming M fletlClOU~ plclltu ~upp~ ~ - - . o ' ~- ,Mrs ~ ~. . [ rs. O. J. Houstman was hostess ] *~ x ,~ Gaines.[ -~-------~---- ] work with the district in carryinl| S. D. In 1920 they moved to Huron. th~ n|~Pt, nf ~tffr~ M~r~nri~ l~tlsrl~r,school for several days and George ,tw l::ew~a~s~ ~ggh:r }~?r.:henreg~loa:da~ee~n[n JgAltrMrJ: ]~r.D;nd::M~rS.:eAJi!ht ~aihnms ;rn: ]CurrentArt Exhibit ]out erosion control work. -- "]~i~: :fnpay~Te. member of the [who"had ~'~slgned. " - ]M~hah~S ]~Irhard:;hldyeisley re- Was n a nou Merle Kafer presented a vex fine famny Mrs Shows Re ro lUetlons ORGANIZATION PROCEDURE ~th . presented t~ ~^: I" " - - - - Y ] annie Gaines Mr and Mrs Franc~s I P ] I Surviving him is his wife, who is Carl Husman is very ill at Mercy] turned Sunday from their visit w" . ~ne eh~== . " ."~" / review ot Ernest r~emenway's new I ~ ' " ~ ,~ ,~^. I -------- / ne proceaure ior organlzauon oi[ ill and was unable to attend his I hospital, Anamosa, following a ms-| their daughter Eula and tamiiy at l~oll,~.~p~er, Uy ner [ book, "For W~om the Bell Tolls",~ames anu mmliy ana ou~ o.[ An art e~chibtt of unusual merit] a district as outlined by Mr. Men-| funeral; two daughters, Velma and l ior oneration Saturday / Boothwin Penni Hugh has been ~rs, ~,^,g he tnduc-,] ~-~,- o,-rent of Conners-] is now on display in the exhibition[ dell is as follows: 1. Signatures[ Edith; two sons, Harold and Low- ] Saturday evenim~ business callers] ill with the flu, contracted while y wa~'~l~ner candle- [ Mrs. John Neff entertained her[, u~r~n~was honored at an after-[ room of Armstrong hall of fine[ of at least 20 percent and prefer-] ell; and one sister, Mrs. Fred War- tat Anamo'sa were -Mr. and Mrs. D.| away. His brother, Harl, has been eers xt~' ~c.~,i w~th tbe[alternoon car~ C~UD at the t~ouuy] ~--"o---- ~ ~0 until 5"00 on [arts, and will be up through the|ably 50 percent of the land own-| den of Cedar Rapids. One child W. Gilmore, Mrs. Myrtle Bixler| assisting with the chores. ,atron"~rtny Matror |TeaRoom last Thursday afternoon,~MO::d:v~:fternoon~given by Mrs.]month of January. The exhibit in-| rs within the proposed district|died at the age of two. - [and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Bixler Mrs. Cliff Conner is numbered tall present- / Bridge was played at two t~bles. ! ~w~. ~w, * her home,eludes a group of 27 original prints| must be secured on petitions re-] Because it was his wish, funeral ] Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Klinefelter/among the sick and confined to her ear Wi~huies symbol]e/Re~resnments concluded the after-!r, |given to Cornell college in 1926 by/ questing the state soil conservation[ services and burial took place at]were at Anamosa Saturday after-| bed. Mrs. Ernest Meyers is assist- 'Pee^~- " appropriate/n n xl~ Thursday evening in the [ the Carnegie corporation and an-| committee to hold a hearing on the| White Oak Rev Baskerville of [noon,ing with the work ~nes . " " " Firs. Sa=--A gift was] . ~ church parlors the W.S.C.S. will[other group of 26 reproductions of[proposal. 2. The state committee/Martelle conducted the services. I Mr. and Mrs. Wylie Parks and| Mr and Mrs. A. T. Moore of West ver~ '-yet rrom the~ .xir. ana .~ars. Joseph Bennett en- ~,~,t~ln at a Fellowship meeting]works of living American artists.| holds a hearing and if it decides[Lynn Miller was soloist The pall-|Jan]re svent Sunday in the Bert/Branch spent Sunday afternoon in ~harl"o~C, a arming man-| texts]ned a small group of friends ~n~l~-o~vster etew for members of| This is the first time that all of| a district is justified it arranges for| bearers were: Clayton Murfleld, [Wink home near An-amosa,the home of their nephew, Irwin and-~ r~irKpatrick.|at their home on Tuesday evening, the church" Those who do not[the Carnegie prints have been on]an election. Only landowners are[ Chancy Newman, Glenn Peet, Ar-] Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wickey re-] Coppock and family ~ sorrel hour| Following a social evening refresn- care for oysters may have veget- |display at the same time. Among]eligible to vote. 3. In this election,| thur Siver, Harlan Russell and Will|turned to their home at Galva, Ill | Mr. and Mrs. Roy l~owman ana ~talled,ments were served by the hostess, a~ble soup instead. |the collection are lithographs byI a 65-percent majority of the land-[ Purge son. |after a month's visit with Mrs.| family e~oyed an over ~unaay hy Pitt::re:. H~rry| - - "-~. --------- ]Daumier and Delacroix and other]owners who vote is necessary be-] ~ ]Wickey's mother, Mrs. C. E. Mc-] visit ~om Mrs. Bowman's mother, Fo~,~,~virs. liar-| In nonor ot nis mxtn Dirt hay Chapter DT P E.O. wlll De en-]~uoh nutstnndin~ works as 'Thel fore the state committee can au-lto~ ~r .n~ I f~|~rv ~nd .~nn O.harles /Irom t~nicago wno came in ~amr- tt, n~ M.atron Mrs.|Bobby Penn son of Mr. and Mrs. tertained for the regular meeting, l.qmith,s Yard bv Whistler 'Bor-lthorize establishment of the dis-{ We wish to thank the people in| ~'~,~ ~,Iav "The Country Store"Iday night on the Streamliner. |tt, as~Cl,ate matron;| George Penn, .had as dinner gues~ Wednesday evening, January 22'ldeaux in Winter" by Lalanne, "The]trict. After the district is estab-|the Wl~jte Oak community for the ~ presented at the Olin school housel Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jacobs. from ~ilc ~uCmte patron:| Monday evening, Eloise Littell, ana at the home of Mrs. Russell Cote. Io,m~,~ .q~n,~, hv Brac~uemond Ilished three farmer supervisors are~comlordng ac~s at me time oz me|w~dnesdav ~venin~ by a ~roun of~Springville moves recenuy to the tr ~' Secretary Mrs Mary Cooper two of his playmates estone will be assisting d b th ualifled voters in burial of our husband and father Ral h Kearns farm Word from easu-- ; .] Mrs. J. B. Ey . . ag]and "The Gleaners" by Millet. '] electe y e q d . '[ Rural Youth members from this vi-] P . . Uetrea~.~r2. Mrs. Dor~s| -------- hostess The program wtll 'be pre-] The series of pictures considered]the district to direct the activities]and to esl~cmiiy express our a p-] cinity was well presented and re-|Mr, and Mrs. Kearns anq iamuy -~ ~vtrs Frances Mrs R A Nelson will be hostess d Oakland reciadon Ior cmamng the cnurcb received b Mrs Kearns sister ciat,' ",' sented by Mrs. LIoy |as "livtnz American art" com-| of the organization P "I ceived second place. Among those[ Y . ~' Dais conductress,to her afternoon br~g.e club at a -"-'7. ^olpletes the exhibition. The color in[ At the Monday meeting ~t was de-[ Mrs. Leona Smith, who attended from Morley were] Mrs George Malhe reforms.them hel ~,; L~VaK Mar-| dessert Dr]age on wrlaay alter- Sorosls wm meet at tne nom~ ~, I,~. ~ ~*~,~ ~ ~n~.~]lv[cided to circulate petitions in Maine, I mr ana mrs tlarota ~mlm,/~t, end M~ w B Guthrie Mrl that mey are now nicely locates in M~.',~'son Ads, Mrs.|noon. Cards will be played at two Mrs Bertha West. Monday eve-[--~,~,~ "~v'~.~ ~-~---~'-":--='~[Marion Monroe-Brown, Lima and] Velma, Edith, Lowell Smith,|o*'~'r~ ~Irs lVI~'E"Switzer and MisslSalem Oregon. ~' ~Uth " wet/ repruuuceu. *,cr~m ~ ? . . .~ ' ~er Mrs. Ruhy|tables. ning January 20. Mrs. Arrola Cole ] ~ht which if h ~ tlFrankhn townships to determine ifI Mrs. Fred Warden,Katie Sunday "[ One ,year ago on Jan. 12, the ,' .uui v~ ~ ouch . . . , Martl~'irs- Charlotte| ~ . ~ will be in charge of the program. I~hrouVgh the~college comes at thel there is enough interest on the partI v,~==a--~"-~=o~-t~=~ =tie| Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Dirks of For-] teleph~ne ~n the wQter s home was eeta,-'vtrs Neval vernon cnapter u r~ ~ wl|l meet ~ ~ ' t,h~ ~ r in these townshinsln'-'~" *"~"'~'ffi~ ~'~--'"~'~ """/~ xziPinitv c~ll~d nt E l~w ~1 connectea to me sial system -" ~, rs " " " ' " Mount Vernon Temple Pythian JOT price ot Sz.~, making 1L pO~ lan lo ds . " TWO FORMER RESIDENTS = l orth . - ,rd,~ Ehzabeth I Tuesday evening, January 21, 7.30 . s:n I -|*, blish a soils district If 20] }q~l|rnt~n'~ 1Vfrmd~v -| A group of neighbor men gather- esta ?e~rDsr ~V, BVlrTJne ]i:~ cfk :~: th:rprStl~egmUJamrbemrseeotf ~igte~r~inl~w:;~f!irns~egu2~!~lni:~i [~mS~d~S)iseg::Apg!Pily:~l manSad~:;ii~i [ p:rc:s~ip f :rib:el:2d gne~:nl~the I lee sTerehue o~ tt~ae~S!i~l ~ia/s W~coaW:~m~u~n~t~ Mr.Mra:gdrsMrsi~ayL mr::d I[ella:3 and] ~diat.tphiekp2?t~i:~:r~ .e Ko?~c:~Y:S ~~ zz. ~ :~ ] ~ of the lctures An sin~qe ,qc" [ lion a hearing will be held 1: which ] . p~ ~ [ Gerry, Cedar Rapids, were droner,mfectl n and has a nnger ampu" th~c]llr:J ~oeCtl~: ~stn~immeOntn win[ !!r~ may ~e bought at 7~ cents [ ~he sft:tei~i~lt?ltofteefuWr~Ued tecrcrc~im~] ~u!.~,aShs:~l.~n~em~i;m~nlg~:vl~e:] hnd ES.UPaPn~r ~vU~Sats SU~rY l~otmh:] M::e ~oanndkaySV:fbtOdao:nf0ne o Fig e Faults? teMto Ct~rri~eL~wh~:n~tyII bebh :n ] edO~fe rOefptrhoSumtioSt:r~2u:hnJlYex~lLkt I Threl ~6ehf, ~lm(t~:e, ~y~;tSSiP!~)] awnhd mearnYsJr~;nt?h~nr Wh~: p?:~ [ MrAft:rn~fy~egU?J~n=ere FM;e aani] ~i:itors jndthfeahi~meaO~ M~ny~y .on t delay anolner (lay In nay: Tuesday, January 21. There will [is "Nobody's Pet," .by Peggy Bacon,I ~ronson~,~larK tiun~tey$ y2a:2y:2 1 ing ~ma of Anamosa. and Mr. and Mrs.] in~ in th~ hoimYe of Mr and Mrs in a S encer free figure study! be a pottery demonstration by Mrs. ] one of *he greatest living caries-,~' ~'. ~,~ u.=~,- ~. ~^y ":1 Mrs Barbara Jones Gi,le diedl t~mn r'maugnaupt ana linger oI AI-[ =-X~----ojj- - :~-- - . " g P ~ " r ana mark TnornDurg, :Secretary o.)i [" . . v~ burnett milton ~ocn. "rney also cauea on A S encer lnd~vlduall~ designed Elpha Moots. turists. Peggy Bacon chose as he . . Friday. Mrs. Glpple IS the mother . ::~ .~ . ~ ~1 ral former neighbors forPou. ill smooth away every ~- Good * u~"c'-' club su,bject a defiant looking sc.raw.ny ]2r~l~em~r Mr~hMe::elmli~e:d: of Mrs. Bay Embree and lived in] M~ ,d,M~ LouLs /~.~ ~ zeretSe~Jrbert Leigh and Rob'err assist- bulg and give you gracefully m;dt~for an all day meeting next ]blaal~k c~tL ahaIfe:d UCohusede ~gndten:ttta ]Harry Linn, Asst. Sec'y. of Agricui~]thls] nelghb?lhooddw2evyaA1 yena::[ sgr::g:;ncti~un~ rgurl::t~ ?n ~l~X: ~.eLe.[ed. bY several .neighbors shredded erect posture. Thursday January 23, at the home ] naw' "l ture, is secretary of the state corn- I 7.' ':'~ - ::^--~':-';-'~C~-',~;-:.Y -~X=7" I Shankland home,ioaaer Ior ivlilton ~xocn :~.esaay. ~'/ -- ~ of Mrs George Walllck. Last l'" Other outstandintr renroductionslmittee",w~a s.^~P~r^. ~r-t.~,~*~t ~.~1 R.J. Uridel spent the week endl The roads in this vicinity m~s - o - ~,u,~ =. ,~ o. .a ,~ . . " mornin are a glare oz ice anct I~ l~qalo7.;)1 Thursday'Mrs Hazel Hoffman was]~, +h~ ~'ro - include "Lad- Jean';]Wa~E eUR ~nMMITTEE 1, t.^ ^ ~. ^, a.^ t.~;;]wlth relatives at Oxford Junction.| . g . + . ' a ~ ubr J ~. g~:~ I~III~IIXK$~=[~=I U.V ~& Wtl~ l~llt;;w e 1 dangerous to travel on. MRS ANNA MUELLER hostess for the regular meettng. I bv George Bellows "The Sentinels"[ [he. TZoo,- o, ~,~ath in ~xtend'-I Mrs. C, B. Angus spent sev ral] ~imn~n 211 5th Ave N. Mount Vernon :nh:r;u:s~r~IrtsTD t/a I~effmmb:rspra:: [ by'~l:?rn:s~o:D~c kinsoH:rl'~milRJ~: [ s ~ls seU~em~te~lttwe:s eZl:c~ed C~O I edot ub [ a Mtra." Y h and Mr:.{day? i StieW eke slthndbefrma ygnteerr I NOT,CE OF APPOINT~]NT OF Registered Spencer Corset]ere ent ' ]b- Thomas Eaklng and ' Skatin~l rect the preliminary steps towards] ~ u . !s . : . "I Mount Vernon,EXECUTOR. No. 1~941 " t " ' '~ ~ ~ '-li-hm^-" of a district Mere-I~ipple wiu ve iountt emewnerel " ~ . ~ . ~.* ~ * I p t,1-, ~,sl,wl~t~' ~ ~"~ ' t't. ,i-. / J. 1~ l~lcKerstarr, tamworm ~au-I~qta.te of Iowa, iAnn ~ounty, ss: a ----- -- in ~nlS paper Mr. and Mrs. Frank W~tson I?.~ " '~ . . " .h'lbers of this committee are: Herman[,man and R H Bickerstaff calledl NOTICF ~S HEREBY GIVEN were hosts to the Cozy Corner club 1 w~ 2er~tre 'LyClivT:~ ~*tmYeri ~n :rtte] Koch, Maine township; Clyde Scott,[ CLEAN AND ~-R'OV~ ] at ~rairieburg Sunday afternoon. ] that the'undersigncd has been on / at a picnic dinner, Thursday, Jan-| " ']Marion townshsip; L C Henderson, lttrt~r~E (tA~ '~HURCH,Grover Underwood of Lowden|this 15th day of January 1941 i ~ ---"---" -- ---- n mem ,mrs out mc works Ot muse wno t "0 n hi R P Ink Frank-{ "" -- withl : "' " ' ~ fJ'~ / lJ~ uary ~. Tnere were in[rice - | '~. a a *, ~,1 ~vlonroe ~ w s p, . ' ~ "'1 Ths~ followin~ needle met Wed-Iv]sites over the week ena nl 4vly appointed and qualifies as ~{#~t/a ~t#~" ~,~ bers and five guests present. Dur-,"~*~ ~ .~",~ '" ff'Y~ ~ . Y ~'.'. I lin township and Arnold Hoge,[ ,~lav at tht, ~rhi-te ~k church tO] Morley friends. [ Fxecutor of the estate of .Minnie h resl cnarac~er as m ~eep ~nern true~y townshi ~ " o in Ken - Jf - mg the business meeting, t e p - ] Y[ Brown p. . .] 1 v new linoleum and clean the] Mr. and Mrs. Ray M rn g, :] J Neal late of IAnn County, Iowa. ~r ~ ~} L~,| ~ ~ dent, Mrs. George Uthoff, appoint- ] s Members of the county ~.ils] ~Yurch" Mr and Mrs Perry Russell,] neth and Virginia of Newport insI ~l~ceased. All persons indebted to me's~e svs s mmmme~ ed the following committees to] ~ [commmittee attending the meetingl~r, ~,~ ~. Tohn "Siver." Mr andlW. L. Miller of Anamosa spent Sun-]~aid estate are requested to make "" " "" ~ ' " " 1 ar I ~ ~ ~ m t~ I serve for the year. Mrs. Harvey [ T ~.~1~ ]FI nr hr nk r |Monday were: Brown Twp ArnoldI ~rr. Ravmon Steam- Mrs Ira| day with Mrs. Ehzabeth McC e y| immediate payment thereof to the ~ ~- ~ ~ ~ ]~ ~ IF- Ell]son. Mrs. Glenn Ferguson and ]~"~ --~'~'" ~"~'--;'--~.~^ [ Huge and Orlin Iehl; Fairfax, Adam[ ~Iemnv, Eugene Kohi~'and Horaceland Charles undersigned. "Those baying claims ~[~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[~ ~ Mrs. G. A. Stonebraker, Menu corn- ['J['O ~Joe ere az m /A. Schulte; M arion C D. Wallace,I Brutzman Congratulations! It is| Arthur Barrett of .Cedar RapidsI ~gainst the same will file them, mittee: Mrs. Charles Wickham, ~lyae ~cott, ttussett tiugnes, ver-| ;+~ ~ ~ o ~.+ 1 visited the latter pert ot me weeK[ r~nlv nuthenticnt~d in ~ o ice 11 k l /1 11 im th. . . . Mrs. Roy ~inchip andMrs D C./ Weakening once more in the[ n c. Nelsop,C.jO.NEo~:~, /in the home Ofmht ~ s,s r, sMtr ;dW;I, c!e: ~ t h2 Ltnn county, / Davis, entertainment commtttee./ ~, m~m.nts of -Is after con-Itqumme ana ' ; . P 'g.I Mrs Harr, Dee returned Friday[l~. rye ana ~a y. ~] Iowa Disu'ict ~ourt. ~.~f'-/~M ~ The next meeting will ~be an all|'tro]]'in,~most~of the ~ame Cornel1]Gr ve' Bernard E. R ickara . anct]fr~m-"a visi~ with her son Louis[the Pyes took their guest to me~ LLOYD E. NEAL, ~m~ w w v~t,~ w-~-~ ~' ~ 1 1111am ome at Mechanics day meeting at the home of Mrs. |o,~,oa n,~ h~ 'Midw-st' ~onfer-I Clarence Evers; Bou ~er, W" ~ m~ and family in Wash]helen D C Carl Schlimmer h .-~ Executor. Nellie Plattenberger in Lisbon on[ ~o[Trefz; College, Jos A Simon, ~os.~ ,~,a ~;,o~ ,~h~d a '38 Pon-|mlle and spent part of the d y R B Wolfe Attorney ' ' ence setbaCK "ruesoay mgn~, tn~, n" ert "'~ ~" ickerstaff called February 13 The families of the| ~ . ~Vavra; Fayette L. F. Melto,B t-|~;~ ~ ~,~, ^ he week,Miss Lorraine B dI .Tan 16-23-30 - " one at tne nanas ot ~oe li ~"~ ~"~ "" urfleld at Ana-~ L/ J. J. f'3/r 7"/, M. /~ "rtm~ members are invited ] ~ i~] ram, Erwm A. Allbee; Frank Ln] ~r;.o n,- +hv .qtearns and Freddy] on Miss Margaret M - - I iil- !I --m-- . at the half, but soon lost this ad- Selbles were Sunday gu s[M~tAr II Reed and Hill City Rebeka'h lodge and R.P. Ink; Monroe, L. C. Henderson ickham Mr. and Mrs. Russe Each Year Dr. I~l]e$ Nervme M un V men I O O F led e will vantage when play began once " " ' o M of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn W /Hd