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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 19, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 19, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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7¸ Page Light | |Hm umm I ,, H Ohit,m.rv ~ As a young man he aceompanied ..... "J i lTnited .States surveyors, carrying ---- the chain, for running the meridian CHITIN LEIB line through western states, es- b'uneral services for Chris l,eib i pecially Colorado. Older residents hehl Sunday at the Johnston fun-! recall him telling how he went to ~ral home in Mount Vernon, were l)avcnport to enhst for service in in ch'trge of leer M L Hill with the Civil War but due to his shm't further services by the Oddfellows stature was not accepted. He farm- at the. grave in the IAsbon ceme- ed in the Coon (7reek vicinity and for a short time in Harrison coun- tory. ' . " Mr. I,eib, past 90, died early Fri- ty. He was the llrst mghtwatch day morning" ,'it Independence, in the: Stuekslager-Auracher, . bank where he had been for five years, :a duty he kept for a number of taken their from the Oddfellows Years. tte was a member of the home in Mason City. He was a i original Oddfellows Lodge No. 162 native of IAsbon, and when young i and when reo.-ganized to Dodge was left with his mother familiarly N "0 ..... o ~ . remalneo a member, laal;- known as Dutch Mary and a broth- i " er Cbarles who was never heard er the order federated with Mount from after he went to the Civil iVernon and he retained his mere- War. In youth he was confirmed bership. in the Lutheran church and eher- ....... Mr Leib had no survivors his lsneu rot years a set ot eli tlerman ! " St,hies that are now in the IAsbon J wife who was Miss Jane Spadt pre- ( bauk. ceedcd him in death in 1 ,I02. FRIDAY and SATURDAY, JANUARY 20 and 21 BEAUTIFUL MEXICAN RED MIXING BOWL FREE With each 49 lb. sack Jack Sprat Flour for only $1.49 SPECIAL COUPON OFFER 2 pound package of Fancy California Thompson SEEDLESS RAISINS FOR 11c With This Coupon 0nly. Limit, 2 pkgs. to customer CALUMET BAKING POWDER, 1 pound can ........ 19c CANDY WHIPPED CREAMS .................................... 19e SARDINES, Fancy Calif., 1 can ................................. 11c 0val Sardines packed in Tomato or Mustard Sauce THE I IOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA VKEYE-I1ECOB1) AND THE LISBON HERALD ThursdaY, SALMON, Mayflower Fancy Pink, 2 1-1b cans ........ 25c which is here reprinted: On Board SS Princess Norah, l)ecember 30, 1938. My Dear Mary: Maurice and I seem to have the obscrw~tion roonl to ourselves. Some of our twenty-seven passeng- ers disembarked at Wrangel and the rest are lured away by the piano and sociability of the lower lounge. It seems strange to have such a ship for so few. i But the wu'ied weather we have !had come to meet us could in it- self explain why winter travel is light. Fog, wind with rough seas, blinding snow storms and rain. We tied up most of one night at Prince Rupert, aftcr facing a snow storm some hours. The next day we tied up for hours at the dock of a tiny fishing village. Today, after we passed Wrangel we heard by wireless that another storm was ].aging in The Narrows so here we ride at anchor for fur- ther word. Our Capt. Pahner is tile same cautious man who piloted Linn Corn Loans Lester Runkle And Family Total $203,420.86 Move To Minneapolis. R. 1,. Runklc of Anamosa, son of Four hundred federal corn loans! :rank P, unkle of Mount Vernon. had been completed at the close of' business last Friday night reports B. B. Booth county corn loan sup- ervisor. The four hundred loans , covered 340 191 bushels of corn amounting to $203,420.86 according to Mr. Booth who estimates that well over half a million bushels of corn will be sealed in iAnn county under the l .q39 corn loan pro- graln. Local Committees Are Named For Birthday Ball The President's annual birthday ball will be heht in the Roosevelt hotel, Cedar Rapids, January 30, at 8:00 p.m. Dancing will be en- joyed from .9o'clock to 12 o'clock, and tables for cards will be arrang- ed on the mezzanine floor. The has accepted a position in the Min- neapolis offices of the Equitable Life Insurance company of Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Runkle and family expected to leave Anamosa Sunday for Minneapolis. He will do state survey work for the company in that city and in St. Paul. Mr. l~unkle is a former resident of Lisbon and was graduated from Cornell college in 1925. ,He was principal of the Anamosa schools : for six years, resigning in June l 9:{7, to go into insurance work. His record has heen so splendid and his natural talents are such that the l~'esent advancement was a foregone conclusion, says the Ana- ' mesa Eureka, and his many friends here are rejoicing in his well de- I served reward. Both Mr. and Mrs. Runkle have Mr. Sturges belongs to the pio- neer family of that name, resident of Mechanicsvillc, wh~q'e he spent {his boyl]ood, and is a brother of { the late. Mrs. Charles N. \Varren. ........ Benefit Movie Was Shown Here On Monday Evening (~olgotlm. lh,' talking nmvie of the life :rod eru(.ifixim~ of ('hris't, Sl)OllSOred by the .lllnior t?llI]lllt)el" of (~olunler(.e ou Mollday evening ill the high school auditoriunL was at- tended by approximately 3oo peo- ple. V~ll'iOI1S (,()Innl(?nts on the pic- ture wore heard, l)oth favorable an(1 SOUle un favorable. People's ('onccptions of t]lc lifc and cruci- lixion of Christ are so very differ- ent it would be inlDossible to meet with the approval of an /tudience of such a varied group. A modest sum was netted to the sponsors. Announce Pairings In Linn County Tournament Tbe pairings for the Linn Coun- ty t~oys Basketball tournament to be tlehl at the Coe College gymnas- iUUl on I*aei)l.uary N, 5k. |it, | 1 arc conlplete. The first round will t>e played on Thursday afternoon and evening as follows: Troy Mills vs Mt. Vernon, 2:30 p.m, Idly vs Walker. 3:45 p.m. 1Asbon vs Bye. Spriugville vs. Bye. Alburnett vs Bye. Coggon vs. Viola 6:30 p.m. 1'ale vs. ('enter l'oint, 7:45 p.m. (~entral ('iiy vs Toddville, 9, .Members of the Momlt Vernon I:irc conlpany wile sponsored a ('ard pttrty htst Thursday evening in the l.egion hull \vvre greatly dis- appointe;i %VlleU only a few resi- 5tents ofthe town, who nlust de- pend on their services in Cthse of fire, didnot show their appreeia- tiou and alfendcd. Th,,re were oDly six hll)les of cards. Mary ,] (,/In Alexallder who planned to leave ibis lnOPlling for New York ('ity, has ch'tnged her lllans 1)t!causc of u bad cohl, and is staying louger. [ B. A. Smith and Howard Smith Special bargat~i nltcndcd the Modern ~Voodman Saturday only, closing out sale held in Mercer i('o. county, north of New Boston, I11., -- .~7,ali~ on Monday und Howard purchased ~ Vor Sale:~e n ",v:~gon which will bc used on the brood sows. DU~ llaym(]nd Mallie farm of 480 acres:Of Mureh. Wll in thai vicinity which Nit-Smith i lAsbon 851i'11. wiil fal'm this year. i~ l~uv, Sell or ~i(q's ~ud Adding • .~ IO ][~ ~]k ]D~ l{e:-ish,vs, Desk& :lice equipment, ~1 \\ ante(~: Sinall safe.Mel Car- } D/atkins Pullma~ bee, IAsbon. 12p ! ltapids. ' ~£~,i Xla~{;s-~iiu:ii ove~:coiK at j , . , \¥a te : N~ u "~ , ~ • s dance Holder please~ finishin'-- g, uphO|, retrain.Also have two pair htdies e ~' gloves.()wncrs call. Harley Rob- iTh°mas' Phone~, (.rtson, IAsbon 1° [ Dead Animals l,'ur Sale: 7 e]lolce l)uroc Gilts, Call nearest phOI tires, 6.00x I 6, $q6 and your old tires. See Smith Gar'~ge adv on For Sale:., 1)a~e three. 12-c $7.25 up. DeUV, liland Coal we., IJor Sale: 4 good second hand tt,cs and tubes, 5.25xl7. iAndsey's l'll]ns -- Standard Station. 12-c printed 25c Ineutr free. Nor f(ent : Modern six room hous,,, hardwood floors throughout. A. 3. Bobsl, Phone 168-W. 12-c l.ost : White and tan female hm]nd, name on collar, finder no- lify ('arl Schatzel, Central City. p Furnace l:aet.--Green Colonial gvatc hal'S wort,: separately. Clean fire where needed. Save fuet. Dale I,'. Johnson. 12 Furnace Customers! Through Green-('olonial, easy monthly pay- lilcuts cfli] be url'anged on any in- stallation. 5c~, 1 to 3 years. Dale l,'. Johnson. 12 7-1)rawer l)esk, l:ree; Handsome desk for home or office. Solid willow, i]and rut)bed. Vqlue $1(.).50. Save I 95 Surgent l:eedcoupons. Cot information at 1,'. J. Peterson, Inc. 12 Bi;4" c0mfoi:i (~hair,-l:ree. Up- holstered, with ottoman. /lust, g4recn el' wine color. Purchase with { 270 Sargeut Feed coupons. Ask a, bout the 1)lan. h'. J. Peterson, Inc. en, Untvex 20 Ity work -- onS States Photo fnwa Bicycles, oalloon type. Roller SkateS. cyclist. 510 Thir Ave, ids. W'anted : and waste ing. Highest Burgess & sonS, Vernon, 1st Piano tuning, cane seating R. 1"*. i North, Phone I l.ieensc: free trailer favn',er's wag°n" dollar. No pe~ January. Nov age or junket Floyd, J. P., VANISH---See it work, hear it work and notice the the Princess Charlotte when sister proceeds of the ball will be used been at'tire in eivie affairs in Ana- Maye \Vheat and I made our trip to aid the fight against infantile mesa. Mr. Runkle is Jones county I H pleasant odor, 1 can ............................................ 25c to Alaska a year and a half ago. We paralysis. I cbairn]an of Red (~ro~, a mem.ber CRISCO, 1 pound can .................................................. 21c are also fortunatc in having our Mrs. Anna Lamey of ('edar Rap- j of the I)oard of the Methodist ½ lb. Cake Jack Sprat BAKING CHOCOLATE FREE eha,'um g helpful stewardess, Mrs. ils, is general chairman, and has ichurch, and of the. library hoard l.igg'ett who was with us that for- appointed the following sub-chair- I and home and highway safety with 2¾ lb pkg of Jack Sprat Cake Flour, all for .... 25c n]er trip. Mrs. 1Aggett lost her men from this vicinity, who will ichairman of the Safety council. COFFEE~ CHOCOLATE CREAM, 1-pound jar ...... 29c husband on the ill-fated Sophia, be in charge of the ticket sale" [Mrs. t~unkle is president of the i so strangely lost with all her three Marley 1). Clark Mrs. Mary Mu[- Fortnightly club, and was one of ~ COFFEE, GOOD CHEER, pound ............................ 16c hundred and forty nine (I think herin, I)awson Schlemnler, Mount the organizers of the Cornellian ] P & G SOAP, 4 bars .................................................... 15c this is correct) passengers on Van- r rl el •~ ~nt ori o Mol-I,~,hclub "tnd sponsor of the Athenian 1 derbilt reef betwec,a Juneau and i~i~.s;n:~l.', .-~':~"an(d-'hejsn'Glen--~o~;J.'" " . ,. .. {}clUbwork and was a(,tivc in church MODERNISTIC FRUIT BOWL and an 8 ounce bottle Skagway in 1(,)18. dish, Henry Hood of Springville. } - of Mayflower VANILLA EXTRACT ................ 29c The Supt. of White Pass & Sub-chairmen in some towns are l ---- [ MILK, Jack Sprat, Tall can ......................... 6Vzc Yukon B.B. and wife, Mr. and Mrs. arranging smaller parties, but an IUncle of Mrs Fred Travis { .............Hahn are ahoard. They are charm- IAnn ('ounty folks are invited to ,, M i" "arv'n's15--rocery .re, Skagway. theCedar Rapids bail. ]Appeared on We thePeople This has made the trip very pleas- _ ~___ i W.H. Sturges of Winncr, S. Dak., ant for us. VVe will never fro-get our delight- Methodist Youth Will Hear I appeared on the "We, the People" ful visit in your home or the meet- Bishop 0xnam At C R. (rudio program originating in New " York City on Tuesday evening. Mr. Jack Sprat Food Store ins of old friends and seeing the A mceting of the Youth's confer-!Sturges received recognition of old hmnc town. We hope to spend enee of the Methodist church will many fine activities in his corn- Phone 38 Mount Vernon, Iowa a few months there ,before many be held Sunday, January 22, in St. imunitv in an article, "Scattergood ;years. Paul's Methodist church in Cedar i in Seal IAfe," t)y his nephew, Paul ............. Our whole trip and the weather Rapids. The session opens at 3:00 IT. Sturgcs, published in the De- was i)crfcct and everyone so kind. p.m. Bishop Bromley Oxnam will cember issue of the American ma- ~re found Abbie Sargent :Shaw be the speaker in the evening and gazine. and her husband, Major John A. the Mount Vernon Methodist i This story told particularly of his ~&IWDA~I)~//~ Shaw living in a beautiful home in church choir, under the direction :part in taking the section of South lAncoln. The Major has charge of of IAoyd Oakland, will take part in l)akota in which he lived, off of the the Military training in Nebraska the service. 'Mcm'bers of the choir, m relief rolls by huying from the University. They still greatly love the college and high school league people within a radius of several GROCERY and MARKET .awaii where they served two de- and others fl'om Mount Vernon ihundred miles, things for which tails and where their only son and plan to attend. 'they had no need. PHONE 29 . MOUNT VERNON, IOWA family reside. They sent their ~~ 1 warmest regards to 'Mount Vernon .~. friends. Specials For Friday And Saturday We spent Christmas with Eleanor • ! and her husband, Dr. Stan Todd FOLGER'S AND NASH COFFEE, pound ................ 29c and baby Nancy in Cashmere, A ash. Cashmere is at any time Men's Ball-Band light weight - STREAMLINER COFFEE, pound .......................... 15c PORK & BEANS, lb cans, 5 for .................................. 25e SUGAR, 10 lbs (with order) .................................... 49c HOIMNY, No. size, 2 for .................................... 19c STALEYS SYRUP, ½ gal. dark or light ................ 29c GEL RITE GELATINE, 4 for .................................... 17c TOMATOES, No. 2 cans, 4 for .................................. 29c TOMATO JUICE, Del Monte, 4 for .......................... 29c CORN, Standard, No 2 cans, 4 for .............................. 29c PUMPKIN, Standard, No. 2 cans, 4 for .................... 29c DRIED PEACHES, Extra fancy, 2 ibs .................... 29c DRIED PRUNES, Large, 3 pounds ............................ 25c RAISINS, Seedless, 2 pounds .................................... 18c NAVY BEANS, 5 pounds .......................................... 19c LIMA BEANS,3 pounds ............................................ 21c KRAUT, BBBB, No. 2½ size .................................... 10e MORTON'S SMOKE SALT, large size .................... 79c MORTON'S TENDER QUICK, medium size ............ 49c BLACK PEPPER, ½ pound, bulk .............................. 10c RICE Fancy Head, 3 pounds ........................................ 25c ROLLED OATS, 5 pound bag .................................. 23c GINGER SNAPS, 2 pounds .......................................... 19c BUTTER, pound .......................................................... 29c RATHS PURE LARD, pound ..................... : ................ 10c BACON, First Grade, Slab or Sliced, pound ............ 25c OCEAN CAT FISH, pound ........................................ 10e PALMER MATCHES, 6 boxes .................................. 19c SUNBRITE CLEANSER, 6 cans .............................. 25c IVORY SOAP, Giant Bars, 2 for .............................. 15e OMAR FLOUR, 5 pound Bag Free with 49 lb bag $1.59 100 Haliver Oil Capsules, Jensen's ............................ 89c 35c Vick's Vapo Rub .................................................. 27c 60c Sal Hepatica .......................................................... 49c 200 Sheets Kleenex ...................................................... 13c 500 Sheets Kleenex ........................................................ 28c $1.49 Electrex Room Heater ........................................ 99c 25c Ex Lax .................................................................... 21c 1 lb. Meades Pablum .................................................... 43e 60c Alka Seltzer .......................................................... 49e 100 Bayer Aspirin ........................................................ 59c 8 oz. $1.25 Quarts $3.29 ½ Gal. $5.25 one of the most beautiful small towns I have ever seen. At Christ- mas time residents and the light company unite in an effort to make it a perfect Christmas fairyland. VVe left them all well and happy and sailed from Seattle, December 27th on the Princess Kathleen for Vancouver, I-~.C. YOU know there is a law that no American citizen can embark from an American port for an American port on a Canad- ian vessel. One receives a long ticket that includes meals, berth and trip to Vancouver where one changes to another vessel and uses another ticket to an Alaskan port. YVe had to ship what household goods we sent on an American S.S. line. All this is a protection to our own ),Ierchant Marine of course and vice versa. I was disappointed in a small shopping tour I had planned to make in the delightful old world city of Victoria B.C. situated on Vancouver Island or in Vancouver, B.C. later in the day. Wished to send some little linen pieces as tokens of appreciation to several hostesses. But you probably know the Eng- lishman and how impossible it is for him to give up a holiday. Peo- ple from the States learn to avoid these many holidays if possible when visiting Canada. I figured that Monday would be a Christmas holiday but surely, for once, we could bc sure of no holiday this fog lowing Tuesday. So we hurried up Government street past the lovely vine covered Fmpress hotel to a linen shop only I to find it closed. "It must be Tiffin time" we said. It was about I p.m. So on we sped to find just the sort of things we sought most enticingly displayed in the windows of the next linen shop. Another locked door! Then we tried the door of a China shop. No luck! With enthusiasm dampened and a vague feeling that something must be wrong with good old U.S. coin, we started shipward. Just then I spied a clerk in a drug store and opened the door a crack to inquire, "Might it be a holiday? .... Oh yes". I wish I might express the English ('ontenlpt of American ignorance. So ventured again more humbly, "And What holidav ,night today be ? .... Oh--Boxing Day" and noth- ' ins more. This time I borrow some of his own supercious air and ask- ed, "And what in Boxing Day?" 'Quite overcome with my lack of human intelligence he now quite patiently and courteously replied, "Well, you know Sunday was Christmas. That made Monday a holiday and pushed off Boxing Day, which always follows Christmas." , So over that very enlightening ex- planation of Boxing Day I am still puzzling my poor ,brain. I At any rate I hope you under- stand why you are receiving no little box of English linen. With much love, repeated thanks and our wishes for a good New Year fro- all of you. Bessie Goding. Mrs. Ruth Bailey is assisting with thc house work at the T. R. Cham- bers home. Mrs. Chambers is ill. LI OSTY'S Rexall Drug Store Mount Vernon, Iowa Phone 50 Mount Vernon Week-End Specials BOY'S KNIT JERSEY SUITS, agnes 3 to 8, Navy and Brown, two piece, each ........................................................................ 98c CHILDREN'S SLEEPER,%--One piece knits with feet, sizes 3 to 6, slightly soiled .................................................... 59c INFANTS GIFTS, Bootees, Silk ,Jackets, Sweaters and Sweater t~ets, Dresses, Go~ans, Shirts, Hose, Bathrobes, Novelties, Blankets, priced from ............................................ 25e to $1.00 BRIDAL SHelVER GIF~rs, Beautiful ]~nbroidered Pillow SI/ps, Sheet and Pillow Ca.~e Sets, Cannon Tovqe~, Linen Lunch Sets, Tablc Cloths, Idnen Guest Towels, priced fron~ ........................................................................ 49c to $1.95 NEW PRINTS, lovely new SprLng designs in stripes as well as Floral Imtterns, aU 80 square colorfast percales, at one price, per yat~l .......................................................................... 20e UNBLEACHED SHEE~TING, St-in. width, tape ed~, yard .... 29e FRESH IaRUITS AND VEGETABLES AII fresh fruits and vegetables are in their prime at this time due to the unusually fine growing season in southern clhnates this year. G~t your Vitan~in A in gTeen leafy vegetables. ENDIVE, large heads .................................................................... 10c BROCCOLI, hig bunch .................................................................... 19c CAULIFLOWER, large well bleached heads ............................ 19e TURNIPS AND BEETS, green tops, 2 bunches ........................ ISc LETTUCE, Crisp and fre.~h, 2 heads .......................................... 15c CARROTS, Green Tops, 2 bunches ................................................ 15c COBI~LER I~OTATO]ES, very ni(~, peck ...................................... 29c GRAPEFRUIT, medium size, 10 for .......................................... 25c ORANGES, Navels, smaU size, 2 dozen ........................................ 29c JUICE ORANGES, large size, dozen ............................ 21c and 29e BANANAS, firm ripe fruit, 4 pounds .......................................... 25e RADISHES, Tomatoes, Cucumbers, Green Peppers, MUSlLroOmS, Bnlssei Sprouts, Acae~ulos, Idaho Baking Potatoes. HONOR BRAND FROZEN }~RUITS, FISH & VEGE'TABLES CHOCOLATE COVERED COOKIES, 1x)und ............................ 19c GINGER SNAPS, 2 pount~ ............................................................ 23c MAXVCELL ROUSE COFFEE, Drip or Reg'ular, 1)ound ............ 28c JELL-O, all flavors, Imekage ............................................................ 5c FRUIT COCKTAIL, taU can ........................................................ 15c GRAPEFRUIT, No. 2 can, 2 for ................................................ 25c RED CHERRIES, Pltt(~l, No. 10 (,an ............................................ 59c F~RENCH DRESSING, Monarch, 8-oz. bottle ............................ 15c GOLD MEDAL FIDUR, 49-pound bag with free Cast Iron Skillet .................................................................................... $1.89 SUGAR, 10 pound bag, I limit ~'ith order ................................ 49c GOLI)EN BANTAM CORN, %Vhole Kernel, No. 2 can, 2 for 25(! PORK & BEANS, Big No 2~/~ can ............................................ 10c CARNATION MILK, tall cal~% 3 for ............................................ 23c MACKFRAL, Van Camp's taU can, 2 for .................................... 23c TALL CORN COFFEE, Freshly ground, pound ........................ 17c CAKE FIA)UR, 44-oz package ...................................................... 23c PANCAKE FLOUR, 3~ pound bag ............................................ 13c OATMEAL, 5 pound bag, Quick or Regular ................................ 23 YELIA)W CORNMEAL, Marion, 3~ pound bag ........................ 13c PRUNES, Medinm size, 2 Ixmnd package ................................ 19e GERBER'S SPRAINED BABY FOODS, 3 for .......................... 25c CLAPP'S CHOPPEi) BABY FOODS, 2 for ................................ 25c WAX PAPER, big 125 foot x~oll .................................................... 19c B]bACK PEPPER, 4-oz can ............................................................ 9c AR~f & HA.%~IER BAKING OR SAL SODA, :~ pkgs .............. ~.23c KIRK'S HARdDWATER CASTILE SOAP, 6 bars .................... 25c OXYI)OIa, Giant Size, pkg ............................................................ 57c CLOROX, Bleach, quart bottle .................................................... 22c LEV~Is ]bYE, 3 cans ...................................................................... 25c SANI FLUSH, large size, 2 cans .................................................. ~9c BROOMS, Special, not cheap brooms, live sewed ........ 39c and 49c work Overshoes-- 4 Buckle $2.95 5 Buckle $3.45 6 Buckle $3.95 Men's Ball-Band-Vac light weight Work Overshoes--- 4 Buckle $3.39 5 Buckle $3.89 Men's .Ball-Band "Hickory" light weight Work or Dress Overshoes-- 4 Buckle $2.49 5 Buckle $2.95 Boy's Ball-Band light weight Work or Dress Overshoes-- 4 Buckle $1.95 - $2.19 BALL-BA ND Men's finest Grade Ball-Band light weight Zipper Overshoes for Dress . . . $3.45 ~d.L-~ANr Men's Ball-Band Dress Rub- bers in three styles. Light Weight Toe-Rubber Medium Weight Bal-Rubber with stiff back Light Weight "Shoe-Type" rubber with imitation lacing, oxford height Overshoes for Ladies... Overshoes for Girls . . • Overshoes for Children . . . Mount Vernon, Iowa I Achnission 15c---One Feature----No "SHARP SHOOTERS" The Newsreel Friday - Saturday Two Pictures--Bill Boyd in The Western, "BAR 20 JUSTICE" and Swarthout, John Boles, John in t Sunday, Monday--Matinee Sunday evening shows at 6:15 The All-American laugh riot, Adolphe 0akie, Jack Haley, Arleen Whelan, In every way the year's most novel MARCH OF TIME and Other Tuesday - Wednesday---One of last tures, "IT'S LOVE I'M AFTER" with Leslie Howard. No. 2, the racing story Coming--"Kentucky" and ,'Jessie STAHL'S Flowers wired everywhere. Phone II Men are sure taking a ing $5 the past week... We still have a nice yourself to any $24.75, $29.50, $34.50 Overcoat in the House off $5 and it's yours. A Big Store in a Small ToW