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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 20, 1972     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 20, 1972
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I VERNON HAWKEYE VOLUME 104 NUMBER 3 Votes ~irst regular meeting of term Tuesday night of the city council re- mayor' s aPpointments, ! salary increases to all iloyes as well as Blue lue Shield insurance ,increased cemetery lot Ld placed some parking ns near the college ttee aPPointments for were announced by May- as follows (chairman's irst): The city of Mt. Vernon has leased a 14-acre tract in the southeast part of town, including the quarry lake, from Julian Verba and Miss Eloise Verba, which will be developed into a nature park. The tract was leased for a period of five years at a rental of $400 a year. It will be the city's largest park. 1 government and debt Watson Davis and Rich- 's. ~and road use. James ~. Prall and Frank Ben- I The lease was signed this week, safety and municipal according to Mayor Nicholas O. ie, Mayor Berry and Berry, at the conclusion of pri- vate negotiations. Mayor Berry ~on, recreation, sewage said the city will also ask the and Pollution: Prall, commission for the state highway Benesh. nearby property along highway 30 p: and Davis. and the bowling alley road. Bonesh puncil accepted MayorThe mayor said the tract will ~O. Berry's proPosed be developed into a unique park, W scale with little oh- providing a natural setting for i It was estimated thea quiet walk. Cars will be ban- d be $2,700 ayear for ned. employes and $350 for The 5 1/2-acre lake, site of a employes working on former quarry, will undergo a basis. Mayor Berry fish kill to destroy rough fish, ~increases were withinand be restockedbythe statecon- age freeze guidelines servation commission, according for the part-time po- to plans revealed by Mayor he Said he was sure Berry. It may also be available -time employes were for skating in winter and can- oeing in summer. A special committee will sup- ervise the lease, andMayor Ber- ry said he has asked Dale Lar- son, Arthur Kudart and Robert Gaines to serve on the commit- tee. Larson and Kudart are former mayors. The city park commissioners will develop plans for the park in cooperation with the eityplan- ning and zoningcommission, with the council giving final aPproval of planned expenditures. Mayor Berry said it is hoped to establish a community day when volunteer labor can clear the tract, removing dead trees and building nature paths. "I'm really pleased that the Verbas have done this," said the mayor. "I feel it is a real com- mittment by the family." "It is a lovely spot, and we can make it lovelier," he con- tinued. The park will serve a need for such a facility in the south- eastern quadrant of the city, as pointed out by engineers for the city planning and zoning com- mission. The mayor hopes that work on improving it will start by early spring. Apartments Oo to Joseph Svecs ram the freeze. Blue- le Cross insurancewill city $1,497, and em- so wOuld contribute to scale of remuneration is as follows being the hourly wage fig- clerk, $825 Wolvers, police Tony Shada, ; Ray Han- le Patrolman, $3 part-time ($2.25); Ray SUperintendent, Henik, street ;600 ($570); Frank $6oo Siggin s, water ; Mrs. secretary, $2.25 dump sharedwith Hubble, super- who has not deter- of his extended was rePorted returned to ~vork. Prall said the consider future Pollution control and and that road usetax profits already are for other purposes. countered by Pointing on Page three) Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Svec, parents of Prof. Joseph G. Svec, Buy Former have bought the Larson Apart- Swanoy Home ments at 421 Fourth Ave. S according to a report confirmed this week. Mr. and Mrs. Svec, who live in the partment building, moved here last Oct. 15 from Wisconsin RaPids, Wis. The two- story aPartment building has eight units and was built about 1965. Making Changes at Super Valu Store Approximately 25 representa- tives of food brokers werework- Richard Cottrill residence at 202 ram Mr. and Mrs. who recently moved to the former ---- o name on College expects to to their new are now living in at 410 Fourth Mount Vernon, Iowa, Thursday, January. o,1972 FUTURE CITY PARK: Pictures above were taken this week at the Verba quarry tract, which has been leased by the city for a public nature park. Upper photo is taken from bank of the lake, while middle photo shows some of the winter- i as hiring of the Porters, pur- Hillcrest Defic t chase of a pool table and ping / time wild beauty of the tract. The city has taken a five-year lease and proposes to develop the park for unique recrea- tional purPoses. (Hawkeye-Record Photos) LISBON SCHOOL C ALENDAR JANUARY 19, Wednesday,wrestling, West Branch at Lisbon, 6:30p.m. Jun- ior high school basketball at Low- den. 21, Friday, basketball at Clar- ence. 22, Saturday, wrestlingtourna- ment at Midland. 24, Monday, junior varsity bas- ketball, Oxford Junction at Lis- ben, 7 p.m. Junior high wrest- ling, Lincoln at Lisbon, 3 p.m. 26, Wednesday, wrestling, Central City at Lisbon, 6:30p.m. Junior high basketball at Olin, 3 p.m. 28, Friday, basketball, Wheat- land at Lisbon, 7 p.m. 29, Saturday, wrestling tou rna- ment at Hudson. 31, Monday, juniorvarsity bas- ketball, Clarence at Lisbon, 3 p.m. Wrestling at Midland, 6:30 p.m. Jan. I0: This second session of the 64th Assembly openedwith a number of windy speeches about what a short session this will be. If this kind of Pointless speech- making continues, we'll be here for a long time. A week ago the flu hit me and I hesitated about showing up here today. I needn't have worried - fully halfthemenhere are snivel- ling and honking with the same affliction. Even Governor Ray is suffering. In his State of the State message this afternoon he obviously had some difficulty in speaking. We have a brand new crew of eager yotm& pages. One of these is Gayle Tinius of Charles City, whose aunt is Mrs. Martin Budack of Lisbon. This evening the REC' s of Iowa gave us a fine meal at the Hotel Savery. Jack Hicks, the manager of the Linn County REC, along with directors Ray Zenicek of Solon, Joe Marak of Swisher, Jim Jordan of Alburnett and Ver- non Rammelsberg of Palo were our hosts. After the meal Dale Thomas and his musical combo from Cedar RaPids provided some lively music. Jan. ll: A short debate this morning on HF69, a bill which allows counties to partlcipatein a sinking fund (self insurance) to compensate them for losses in- curred by their employees (er- rors, omissions, embezzle- ments, etc.). At present, count- ies purchase commdrcial insur- ance to guard against such loss- es. Self insurance, rather than bonds purchased fromprivate in- surance companies, would cost much less. The insurance men in this Assembly naturally oppose this idea and succeeded in post- poning final action on }tF69. Here is one of the serious and growing problems in our society. Any cost-saving measure pro- posed by a governmental agency is bound to reduce the income of some groupthat sells its services and/or goods to that agency; and if this group makes enough noise in protest, the cost-saving mea- sure is simply not implemented, and tax dollars continue to be wasted. Jan. 12: Every day something announce- ing the first of this week atDave Rotary Movie of Council May Hold haPpens here to deflate any fat- week's Hawkeye in- & Gary's Super Valu Store, re- headed politician who may come "Bulldozer arranging merchandise on shel- pang tables, new sprayer forProject HOPE Special Meeting to believe that he is something The wording yes, removing discontinued lines from Tax the course, some new chairs, Mayor Nicholas O. Berry an-more than mortal. Today, after i :e~ en "Custom Bull- and making room for new lines Hillcrest Country Club had acoffee maker, cash register, A sound movie "Doctor, Tea- nounced tentative plans thisweek two hours of sometimes ponder- that will be added, according to deficit of $1,730.74 last year, trees and a water heater, cher, friend" which depicts the for a special city council meet- ous debate on HF1001 ( a bill to Lastfall 9,000 pine treeswere work of thefloatingmedicalcent- ing to be held at 7:30 p.m insure the safety of amusement Dave Rank, one of the owners, which is $117 less than the 110 set out on the course in apro- er HOPE, was shown to the next tuesday rides used by fairs, carnivals, the Sick The store will have a grand per cent increase in the Linn Rotary club lastWednesday. Paul next Tuesday. Some of the items ~tc.) there entered our chamber opening in the future, he said. county property tax bill. The gram to have it designated as a ~ill Simonds has been Simpson planned the program,on the early agenda for the reg- a sturdy purposeful man. There )me of her daughter,In the Service increase was caused by what forestry reserve under agovern- ment program. However, when The physicians, dentists, nur- ular February meeting, posted was trouble in the back rooms officers considered an unrea- ses andtechnologistsoftheltOPE at the City tlall, may be taken and he had been called to fix it. ~ McElwaln, Cedar Ra- i the Past two weeks Dennis Stewart spenttheweek-sonably high valuation of theclub officers of the club presentedthe aPplication to Forrest Holveck, were shown at work in countries up, as well as a discussion of He marched through the length ~n taken there for care end in the home of his parents, grounds. The greens are eachcounty assessof, on Jan. 10, he where the ship docks. In addi- the nature park to be established of our chamber carrying, in full .~lng ill. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Stewart. He valued at $2,380. Property tax- declined to accept it. tion to providing much badlythis year at the site of the for- view, a long handled toilet stool ~ekin~ was admitted is attending engineman school, es of the club were $3,503.70, an needed medical service, the staff mer quarry. * plunger. ~ spltai, CedarRapids, His new address is FAHS Dennis increase of $1,847.46 over the Darrell Morningstar reported ~or observation ana Stewart, B678869, E. N. "A" $1,656.24 of the previous year. for the greens committee, trains local counterparts to per- Matters listed on the agendaJan. 13: Today we debated and School, Naval Training Center, The Linn county board of re-Greens were in good condition form a much more effective med- include tree planting, renewal of passed HF1011, which gives full except for damage to number ical service after the HOPE has the garbage disposal contract, adult status tol8-year-olds. How ~arles Q. Wallace und- Great Lakes, Ill. 60088. view lowered the valuation dur- two in the spring by a car and of left. renewal of Alfred Johnson's re- beautiful! 18-year-olds lack most ~gery on his handMon- Sp. 5 Joseph M. Svoboda, ing its meetings in May so that The HOPE staff also providesquest for closure of an alley of the characteristic assets of Springville, has been assigned to the taxes will be an estimated number seven last fall. The ex- i!~-uke's Hospital duty with the 57th Artillery near $500 to $600 less for 1971 tent of the damage to the latter the same type of medical set- adjacent to his property, approv- adults (experience, comprehen- which vice and training of local people al of city treasurer's annualsion, compassion, patience); they W Ansbach, Germany. He is a are payable in 1972. will not be known until recovery for the Navajo indians in Ari- report, and a request from Mrs. have little or no economic, in- odd Other than the blow from the can be observed in the spring. computer repairman. Fertilizer from the Mt. Vernon zona and Mexicans at Laredo,Ronald Frantz of the pre-school tellectual or politic al power, also ~d Mrs. Adrian Ring- Captain Robert F. Beckman a r- tax increase, the club operated ~,~; David Matthew, 8 Tex as is done when the HOPE to change no parking signs on characteristics which strongly rived home unexpectedlyoverthe in the black and paid off $2,400 disposal plant has been used on the fairways which it is expected docks in foreign countries. Dr. Third Avenue South Between identify mature adults; but in i~ 0an. 14 in Mercy Has.s weekend, having served as theof the mortgage which is now Kermit W. Myers, Cornell Coil- First and Second Streets fromspite of these distressing lacks, ~]a City. Grandparent. medical escort for aseriouslyill down to $5,200. Net worth of will fill out bare spots on some HFI011 says that they are never- bd Mrs. Adrian Ringold patient from Clark Air Forcethe club Dec. 31, was $63,383.99. of the hills, ege campus physician, has ser- the east side to the west side theless adults. It is interesting ~harles Grippen, all of Base in the Philippines to Chel- A financial statement waspro-John Wolfe, speaking for theved on the staff of HOPE. of the street. golf committee, told of its acti- that the whole push topassHFl011 ~Y. Mrs. Ringold is in sea Naval Hospital, Boston. En vided each member at the an- vities andsaidthattrophieswould Barb's Fashions Flus MUSTANGS LQSE 83-75 came from adults, not from 18- home helping fn the route from there, Capt. Beckman nual meeting of stockholders last be presented individually when to Downtown Locahon Mt. Vernon lost a basketball(continued on page three) ~e Ringolds, other ~rm stopped in Iowa but left Sunday Thursday at the clubhouse. It ~m~ Mrs. Edward Tar--'-" noon to return to the Philippines was preceeded by a dinner forthey arrive. Mrs. Wolfe gave ]m~.Over Park, HI avia Scott A.F.B 'IU and Travis members and wives served by lessons to a number ofyounggolf Barb's Fashions Plus is a game fo Linn-Mar 83-75 Tues- ]~:a Marie, 6 lbs. 3 A.F.B Calif. He is chief of Harlan Porter who operates the players, new addition to the downtown day night on the Linn-Mar court. Lisbon Hello World tl~lm~. 17. Mr. and anesthesiology at the U.S.A.F. clubhouse and pro shop. business scene. Mrs. Charles The Mustangs had 25 turnovers, ~un Bldermen are the Hospital, Clark A.F.B. Hls wffe Presiding was David Fergu- Mt. Vernon Locals Akers, who opened the fabric and hit 45 per cent from theTo Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scheer and dress shop in her home field against 52 per cent for of Hardy, Ark a daughter, Re- :~rmldparents and Mrs. remains with the Beckmans inson, vice president, who tookMr. and Mrs. George Winters,several weeks ago, has moved Linn-Mar. Phil Rilett led Mt. becca Ann, 7 lbs. 2 oz born Jan. ~rman is the great- Mt. Vernon until she receives over the presidential dutieswhen Rock Island, and Mr. and Mrs. the business to 117 First St. W. Vernon scoring with 25. Pau~16. Grandparents are Mr. and Paternal grand- instructions to follow him which Gene Brquillette moved to Call- William Winters, Milan, Ill The building has been extensive- Brown, Doug Thumm and Mike Mrs. Ed Scheer, Lisbon. Mrs. fornia. 'in the president's re- spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ly remodeled and the floor has Studt were out of the lineupRuby Lewis, Marion, isthegreat- andpMrs. Edwin might be during the month ofport he listed accomplishments because of illness, grandmother. March. George Brown. been carpeted. III I I I 15c PER SINGLE COPY I I III IIIII III Lis Officers of the Lisbon Bmlk and Trust Co. were re-elected by the directors following the annual meeting of stockholders held Tuesday of last week. The5' are H.A. Rieger, chairman of the board; Harry W. Sizer, Sr president; Leon Morningstar, vice-president; Harry W. Sizer, Jr cashier; and Miss Alberta Reid, assistant cashier. Directors re-elected at the stockholders' meeting held at the bank are: H.W. Sizer, Sr H.W. Sizer, Jr H.A. Reiger, Leon Morningstar, Everett Fer- guson, Lester Meyer and James McCutcheon. Deposits of the bank are $2,800,00 with total footings.of $3,150,000, an all-time high, ac- cording to the financial state- ment which is printed in the banks advertisement on page four. Council Lisbon council, at a special meeting Jan. 10, adopted salaries for the current year. Clerk Howard Mason, Water and Sewer Superintendent Francis Drum- barger and Street Commissioner Frank Zach each received a$25- a-month increase in salary. Ex- tra police will be paid $2.25 a hour, cemetery workers $2 and extra help $1.60 an hour. Mrs. Nick Williams will be paid $782.50 a year as radio operator. Deputy Assessors at Lisbon Next Week Deputy county assessors will be at the Lisbon town hall next week to allow eligible taxpayers to file for homestead, personal property and veterans exemp- tions. The work will be handled bY Mrs. Don Prtngle and Bob Hop- per. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m excepting Saturd~, when the closing hour will be noon. Simpsons Take Over Downtown Cafe Mr. and Mrs. Rex Simpson, who recently returned to Lisbon to live, have acquired the down- town restaurant which will be operated as Joan's Cafe. Mr. Simpson is a truck driver for Standard Forwarding of Ma- line, Ill and the Simpsons lived there for a time, moving back to Lisbon three months ago. Mr. Simpson is former manager of the Shell service station on high- way 30. YOUTtt GROUPS MEE~ITM The Lisbon Methodist Youth Fellowship met at the home of Diane Schenk Sunday evening. Guests attending from the Mr. Vernon youth grouP were Jean Lehman, Joel Wallace, Anne Shutt, Matt Silliman, and Char- lene ttinchliffe who shared their experiences attending lay miss- ions. Following the open dis- cussion refreshments were ser- ved to the group by Mrs. I~addy Schenk. The next meeting will be held at the home of Bobble Alger. HEAR STtYDFAIT COUNSELOR Lisbon Optimist club last Sat- urday morning heard a talk by the guidance counselor at the West Branch school, who pre- sented the program on "Prob- lems of Young People Today." TRANSFERS TO U. OF I. Alan Clark, who was a sopho- more at Drake University, Des Moines, has transferred to the University of Iowa at Iowa City for the second semester. He plans to live with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Clark, and commute to Iowa City. INSTALL COPIER Lisbon Bank and Trust Co. has installed a 3M automatic copier which when set will make up to 25 copies automatically. With Lisbon Sick Karin Zahorick is recovering nicely following surgery Monday of last week at St. Luke's hos- pitai, Cedar RaPids, for a neck injury received in a trampoline accident at the Lisbon school on Jan. 6. She will be in tracUou for three weeks and will wear a collar for several weeks that. Karin is in room 416 at the hospital. Mrs. Mary Kotlinek expects to return home Friday from Mer- cy Hospital, Cedar Repids, where she has been for the past two and a half weeks followir~ sQrger$. Matthew, 18-month-old ~Km of Mr. and Mrs. John Whitmore, was admitted to University Hospital last Thursday for observMion.