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January 20, 1972 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 20, 1972 |
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Janu~ 20, 1972 Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Reeord ~ The Llslmo Herald
e ok. od M ou.t Social Calendar Roy M Honored
'o#ekah Lodge to John Rife EDITORS NOTE: Items for at Open House
social calendar must be reported Coming from Cedar Rapids,
;h SC~Mae I.ake was installed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blount not later than Monday. Marion, Springville, Central
~fereat'rand an
. a' u ~tlss Carrie ~ of Clinton announce the engage- CitY, Olin, Castalia, Martelle,
st.w-e~ice-Crand, of IIill City merit and approaching marriage MONDAY, JAN. 24
of their daughter, Thelma, to Woman's Club, 8p.m generalNewton and Ottumwa, 250 re-
~ 1Lodge on Tuesday eve- ~ Mt. Vernon, Tipton, Muscatine,
. iast week. Other offi- >.::~. :,~ John Rife, son of Mr. and Mrs. meeting in Presbyterian fellow- latives and friends honored Mr.
~ne~:~ Mrs. Sam Zimmerman, ~ ~ Wayne Rife. June 24 is the date") ship hall;programofmusic spon- and Mrs. Ray Martin Sunday in
. . 'JT; Mrs. Aaron Herman, set for the wedding. ~ sored by the music department; celebration of their 50th wedd-
.l/Z ~r; Mrs. George Coster, ~ ~'~ i~ Miss Blount is a graduate of ~ Mrs. John Lyford head of re- Ing anniversary in the Linn Grove
mamPSorter to the Noble Grand; : Mercy School of Nursing at Mar- freshment committee, and Miss
ration, D Arc'- Pl church.
. ~ nibald, chaplain; shalltown and is employed in a Martha Lahman will arrange the Presiding at the serving table
m~ed Richardson, warden; clinic at Davenport. Mr. Rife, !] ~' table, were daughters and daughters-
~n~ l~ward Dvorak, conductor; a graduate of Mt. Vernon High : ] . TUESDAY, JAN. 25 in-law of the couple, Mrs. Bern-
~ne~Ph Stoneking, musician; School and theUniversityofIowa,: ~ -~: Rebekah Lodge, 7:30 p,m in ard Switzer, Mrs. Don Koppen-
~es Petrick and Mrs. is an agent for the Equitable Life i:i~ ~i~ Odd Fellows Hall. hayer, Mrs. Wayne Martin and
; ~e SuePpel, supporters to Insurance Company of Iowa. i Camp Fire leaders and span- Mrs. Charles Martin. Mrs.
~ennv~ce-Grand; Mrs. Harry sors, 1 p.m at home of Mrs. Michael Krambeer and Miss
.]g, inside guardian; and Ch h N : ~ .~7:i#$~ Larry Zenor, 503 Second Ave. Wendy Hodgden~provided Organ!~rett Shoemaker, outside UrC ews s
~sKet~ Mr . ~ music. Mrs. lonaMilburn attend-
. ~. s. Clint Berry is WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26 ed the guest book and Mrs. Harry
Lora ~ing Noble Grand. PRESBYTERIAN Presbyterian Circles, 1:30 Hoffman had charge of the gift
u;. ~Gladys Hanna and her Raymond E. Hearn, pastor p.m,: Martha Circle at home table:
augnn-~he SPringville lodge con- Stmday: 9:30 a.m church of Mrs. Leoral Evans, programRay Martin and the former
:tt3-Z)~e installation school. 10:45 a.m worship ser- by Mrs. Ralph Irwin; Lois at Cladys Strother were married
~arK ~ " vice; sermon, "The Door to Be- home of Mrs. Emil Dolezal, pro-
-4; Jan. 18, 1922, at the home of the
lief--Doubt". 6:30p.m Youth gram by Mrs. Albert Blinks. bride. They plannedtoentertaln
(S) i~nunuunnu~lnnu-i Fellowship. 7:30 p.m explora- P.E.O 7:45 p.m at home their entire family and a few
IL VlslON WILL CELEBRATE GOLDE tory meeting for an adult study of Mrs. Rex Dean, Mrs. Richard friends at dinner on Tuesdaythis
Vittet~ group atthe manse. Rockrohr assisting; program, week in Cedar Rapids with 40
UNITED METHODIST "Be Proud of Our Heritage." on the guest list.
~;oore : " Charles Q. Wallace, minister Members and prospective
1-5; Thursday: 7 p.m eonfirma- members of Methodist Women's Mr. Vernon Local
:::~ERVIG[ tion class. 8p.m annuaicharge
conference in church parlors; Soeiety to be guests of Mrs.Wat- Mrs. All Kouti left last Wed-
son Davis at coffee, 2 to 4 p.m. nesday for her home in Teheren,
Dr. Leonard Denver presiding. THURSDAY, JAN. 27 Iran, after a visit of several
Saturday: 10:30 a.m Math- Queen Esther Circle, 7:45 weeks with her parents, Mr. and
amen E R Vl C E C A L L S olark choir rehearsal.
~a~ p.m in Methodist Church par- Mrs. Robort Plattenberger, Mar-
Jim Sunday: 8:30 and 10:45 a.m lor; Mrs. Vincent I~ylbak andtelle.
,112 HOPSERVICE worship services; Dr. and Mrs.
lecisi Mrs. Rex Dean, hostesses; pro-
~stleir~ALL BRANDS Delmar Diercks and family will
conduct theworship;sermontop- gram by Mrs. A.B. Wallace.
~Iark OR-BLACK/WHT ic, "Faith and Forgiveness in Senior Citizens, 12:30 p.m
]d Ti~i the Family." 9:30 a.m church potluck dinner in Methodist soc-
ial rooms.
Lelton, JRAOIOAMFM E school. 3 p.m senior high MR. AND MRS. CRAIG SMOCK Morning Circle of Methodist
3.rai ,-JSTEREO HI-FI be school M.Y.F. meeting with Dr.
rls, n~ carried a long-stemmed red Women's SocietY, 9:30 a.m in
~ches ~TAPE UNITS and Mrs. Diercks. 6 p.m all MIss Ely Wed to rose. church parlors.
church potluck supper in fellow-
135; an~EVERYTHING ship hall, followed by a showing - - - I Dan Smock, Mark Wagner and
fth pl
toe P~ELECTRONIC of slides of the Wallaces' trip to Waterloo man Mike Tansey, Waterloo, attend-
in thi Europe last summer; the junior ed the bridegroom. The guests NOMINATE OFFICERS
high school M.Y.F. will attend Miss Kay Ely and CraigSmock were seated by Tim and TerryMmes. Fred Lehman, Charles
ut of c~--] SM.aney and Keith Jensen were
the dinner and program instead exchanged nuptial vows in a seven Ely.
lerf~t~of TRAV[R of having the regular meeting, o'clock ceremony Saturday even- Mrs. Smock is a graduate of chosen as the nominating com-
~hi~te~ ing in Grace Episcopal Church, Mt. Vernon High School andElls- mittee at the meeting last week FARM LIABILITy
Mrs. Paul Beckhelm returned Roberts officiated. Parents of She has been employed by Younk- home of Mrs. Kenneth Whitman.
h Sunday from Hawaii where she the couple are Mr. and Mrs. ers in Cedar Rapids. Her hus- A donation of five dollars to [! HOMEOWNERS
had been for thepastthreeweeks, Duane Ely, Mt. Vernon, and Mr. band served in the armed forces Camp Good Health was made in I,CROP HAll. I
,-1-0, #~, . having spent the holidays with and Mrs. Darrell Smock, Water- for three years following hismemory of the father of Mrs.
aliT V[RNON her danghter, Mrs. Richard leo. Following the ceremony, a graduation from a Waterloo high Peter Dows. Officers for 1972-I IL Clair Richardson, Sec. I
at Moore and her family who live reception for l50guestswasgiven school. He is astudent at Ells- 73 will be elected at the Feb- I ~I~:~:~'; I
at Kallua. Major Moore is sta- in the Legion Hall in Mt. Vernon. worth Junior College. ruary meeting at the home of I Phone 895-8417 !
--6054 tioned at the Pacificheadquart- The bride's Empire gown of The newlyweds will live at Mrs. DavidPenn. ~
ers of the Air Force. Mrs. Beck- velvet and Chantilly lace wasde- 803 Main St Iowa Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of er Mt. Vernon residents. En helm's other daughter, Miss signed with a high neckline and
Goldfield, to Robert Fowler,
route, they visited Mr. and Mrs.
Gall Storck at Kansas City, Me.
New beautiful deluxe two-bedroom apts. with
! country-size kitchens. 900 sq. ft. of quiet living area.
! You can rent for less than upkeep, taxes and
I1. Iinterest on present home.
i. 2-bedroom apts. start at $140, including heat and water, living room
rapes, deluxe 30 in. range, two-dOor refrigerator, air conditioner, disposal,
nd plush shag carpeting.
Lots of storaae, laundry facilities, hard surface parking, barbecue grills.
t[)ishwashers an'cl garage optional.
110% Discount One Year in Advance
L his is acoustically engineered construction.
rent, stop at Manager's, Apartment 8.
i Rental
895-6358 or
iety 0i of today:
you o,
e offe
If anyone cares to see finished apart-
Don Caraway
Now, opaque panty
hose in a bouquet of
fresh, country colors
and in three sizes to fit
everyone l Opaque, clear-to-
the-waist with sandal
heel and reinforced where needed
for long-long wear.
Small, 5'-5'3". Medium,
Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Gretchen Beckhelm, Indianapo-
lis, accompanied her on the trip.
long sleeves. Her court-length
mantilla veil was edged with
lace. She carried a bouquet of
fuji mums and red orses.
Bridal attendants, Miss Peg
Robertson, Martelle; Mrs. David
Barnhart, Kankee, Ill.; and Tina
Ely, wore floor-length red velvet
skirts and white blouses. Each
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Millerof
rural Mt. Vernon announce the
engagement of their daughter,
Linda Louise, to Donald Draho-
zal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
G. Drahozal of Cedar Rapids.
Miss Miller is a 1969 graduate
of Mr. Vernon High School and of
Paris Academy of BeautY Cul-
ture. She lives in Cedar Rapids
where she is employed by Mabel-
ine BeautY Salon. Her fiance,
a graduate of Jefferson High
School, is an employe of Wilson-
SInclair Co.
A group of neighbors and form-
J* e*r neighbors of Mr. ~and'Mrs. ~-~
William Longerbeani honored
them at a surprise potluek and
party Sunday evening at thehome
of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heiserman
in celebration of their 50th wedd-
ing anniversarywhichwill benext
Sharing the courtesy, in addi-
. fipn to the hosts, were Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Ciha, Mr. and Mrs.
William Iterbst, Lisbon; Mr. and
Mrs. Leo Woods, Mrs. Warner
Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Kroul, John and Tom, DanWolfe,
and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jilo-
Mrs. Harry Siggins, Lisbon,
was a luncheon guest Saturday
in the home of Misses Sylvia
and Maxine Turner and Marjorie
Hecht to celebrate the birthday
of Mrs. Slggins, which was Sat-
urday, and Miss Sylvia Turner
which was Monday. The latter's
friends honored her with a card
e Clock with
top burners
Lift'N Lock top
Big 25-inch
Lift-off oven
,hting of all
with trade
ii i ii i i
Now Open
Lingerie iabrics and components
The latest in knit fabrics
Select your fabric and we do the rest.
New stock scheduled for arrival periodically.
117 First St. W.
Ph. 895-8439
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