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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 20, 1972     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 20, 1972
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Janu~ 20, 1972 Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Reeord ~ The Llslmo Herald Page Five e ok. od M ou.t Social Calendar Roy M Honored 'o#ekah Lodge to John Rife EDITORS NOTE: Items for at Open House social calendar must be reported Coming from Cedar Rapids, ;h SC~Mae I.ake was installed Mr. and Mrs. Charles Blount not later than Monday. Marion, Springville, Central ~fereat'rand an . a' u ~tlss Carrie ~ of Clinton announce the engage- CitY, Olin, Castalia, Martelle, st.w-e~ice-Crand, of IIill City merit and approaching marriage MONDAY, JAN. 24 of their daughter, Thelma, to Woman's Club, 8p.m generalNewton and Ottumwa, 250 re- ~ 1Lodge on Tuesday eve- ~ Mt. Vernon, Tipton, Muscatine, . iast week. Other offi- >.::~. :,~ John Rife, son of Mr. and Mrs. meeting in Presbyterian fellow- latives and friends honored Mr. ~ne~:~ Mrs. Sam Zimmerman, ~ ~ Wayne Rife. June 24 is the date") ship hall;programofmusic spon- and Mrs. Ray Martin Sunday in . . 'JT; Mrs. Aaron Herman, set for the wedding. ~ sored by the music department; celebration of their 50th wedd- .l/Z ~r; Mrs. George Coster, ~ ~'~ i~ Miss Blount is a graduate of ~ Mrs. John Lyford head of re- Ing anniversary in the Linn Grove mamPSorter to the Noble Grand; : Mercy School of Nursing at Mar- freshment committee, and Miss ration, D Arc'- Pl church. . ~ nibald, chaplain; shalltown and is employed in a Martha Lahman will arrange the Presiding at the serving table m~ed Richardson, warden; clinic at Davenport. Mr. Rife, !] ~' table, were daughters and daughters- ~n~ l~ward Dvorak, conductor; a graduate of Mt. Vernon High : ] . TUESDAY, JAN. 25 in-law of the couple, Mrs. Bern- ~ne~Ph Stoneking, musician; School and theUniversityofIowa,: ~ -~: Rebekah Lodge, 7:30 p,m in ard Switzer, Mrs. Don Koppen- ~es Petrick and Mrs. is an agent for the Equitable Life i:i~ ~i~ Odd Fellows Hall. hayer, Mrs. Wayne Martin and ; ~e SuePpel, supporters to Insurance Company of Iowa. i Camp Fire leaders and span- Mrs. Charles Martin. Mrs. ~ennv~ce-Grand; Mrs. Harry sors, 1 p.m at home of Mrs. Michael Krambeer and Miss .]g, inside guardian; and Ch h N : ~ .~7:i#$~ Larry Zenor, 503 Second Ave. Wendy Hodgden~provided Organ!~rett Shoemaker, outside UrC ews s ~sKet~ Mr . ~ music. Mrs. lonaMilburn attend- . ~. s. Clint Berry is WEDNESDAY, JAN. 26 ed the guest book and Mrs. Harry Lora ~ing Noble Grand. PRESBYTERIAN Presbyterian Circles, 1:30 Hoffman had charge of the gift u;. ~Gladys Hanna and her Raymond E. Hearn, pastor p.m,: Martha Circle at home table: augnn-~he SPringville lodge con- Stmday: 9:30 a.m church of Mrs. Leoral Evans, programRay Martin and the former :tt3-Z)~e installation school. 10:45 a.m worship ser- by Mrs. Ralph Irwin; Lois at Cladys Strother were married ~arK ~ " vice; sermon, "The Door to Be- home of Mrs. Emil Dolezal, pro- -4; Jan. 18, 1922, at the home of the lief--Doubt". 6:30p.m Youth gram by Mrs. Albert Blinks. bride. They plannedtoentertaln (S) i~nunuunnu~lnnu-i Fellowship. 7:30 p.m explora- P.E.O 7:45 p.m at home their entire family and a few IL VlslON WILL CELEBRATE GOLDE tory meeting for an adult study of Mrs. Rex Dean, Mrs. Richard friends at dinner on Tuesdaythis Vittet~ group atthe manse. Rockrohr assisting; program, week in Cedar Rapids with 40 UNITED METHODIST "Be Proud of Our Heritage." on the guest list. ~;oore : " Charles Q. Wallace, minister Members and prospective 1-5; Thursday: 7 p.m eonfirma- members of Methodist Women's Mr. Vernon Local :::~ERVIG[ tion class. 8p.m annuaicharge conference in church parlors; Soeiety to be guests of Mrs.Wat- Mrs. All Kouti left last Wed- son Davis at coffee, 2 to 4 p.m. nesday for her home in Teheren, Dr. Leonard Denver presiding. THURSDAY, JAN. 27 Iran, after a visit of several Saturday: 10:30 a.m Math- Queen Esther Circle, 7:45 weeks with her parents, Mr. and amen E R Vl C E C A L L S olark choir rehearsal. ~a~ p.m in Methodist Church par- Mrs. Robort Plattenberger, Mar- Jim Sunday: 8:30 and 10:45 a.m lor; Mrs. Vincent I~ylbak andtelle. ,112 HOPSERVICE worship services; Dr. and Mrs. lecisi Mrs. Rex Dean, hostesses; pro- ~stleir~ALL BRANDS Delmar Diercks and family will conduct theworship;sermontop- gram by Mrs. A.B. Wallace. ~Iark OR-BLACK/WHT ic, "Faith and Forgiveness in Senior Citizens, 12:30 p.m ]d Ti~i the Family." 9:30 a.m church potluck dinner in Methodist soc- ial rooms. Lelton, JRAOIOAMFM E school. 3 p.m senior high MR. AND MRS. CRAIG SMOCK Morning Circle of Methodist 3.rai ,-JSTEREO HI-FI be school M.Y.F. meeting with Dr. rls, n~ carried a long-stemmed red Women's SocietY, 9:30 a.m in ~ches ~TAPE UNITS and Mrs. Diercks. 6 p.m all MIss Ely Wed to rose. church parlors. church potluck supper in fellow- 135; an~EVERYTHING ship hall, followed by a showing - - - I Dan Smock, Mark Wagner and fth pl toe P~ELECTRONIC of slides of the Wallaces' trip to Waterloo man Mike Tansey, Waterloo, attend- in thi Europe last summer; the junior ed the bridegroom. The guests NOMINATE OFFICERS high school M.Y.F. will attend Miss Kay Ely and CraigSmock were seated by Tim and TerryMmes. Fred Lehman, Charles ut of c~--] SM.aney and Keith Jensen were the dinner and program instead exchanged nuptial vows in a seven Ely. lerf~t~of TRAV[R of having the regular meeting, o'clock ceremony Saturday even- Mrs. Smock is a graduate of chosen as the nominating com- II I ~hi~te~ ing in Grace Episcopal Church, Mt. Vernon High School andElls- mittee at the meeting last week FARM LIABILITy Mrs. Paul Beckhelm returned Roberts officiated. Parents of She has been employed by Younk- home of Mrs. Kenneth Whitman. h Sunday from Hawaii where she the couple are Mr. and Mrs. ers in Cedar Rapids. Her hus- A donation of five dollars to [! HOMEOWNERS [ had been for thepastthreeweeks, Duane Ely, Mt. Vernon, and Mr. band served in the armed forces Camp Good Health was made in I,CROP HAll. I ,-1-0, #~, . having spent the holidays with and Mrs. Darrell Smock, Water- for three years following hismemory of the father of Mrs. aliT V[RNON her danghter, Mrs. Richard leo. Following the ceremony, a graduation from a Waterloo high Peter Dows. Officers for 1972-I IL Clair Richardson, Sec. I at Moore and her family who live reception for l50guestswasgiven school. He is astudent at Ells- 73 will be elected at the Feb- I ~I~:~:~'; I at Kallua. Major Moore is sta- in the Legion Hall in Mt. Vernon. worth Junior College. ruary meeting at the home of I Phone 895-8417 ! --6054 tioned at the Pacificheadquart- The bride's Empire gown of The newlyweds will live at Mrs. DavidPenn. ~ ers of the Air Force. Mrs. Beck- velvet and Chantilly lace wasde- 803 Main St Iowa Falls. Mr. and Mrs. John Hansen of er Mt. Vernon residents. En helm's other daughter, Miss signed with a high neckline and t) Goldfield, to Robert Fowler, Springville. route, they visited Mr. and Mrs. Gall Storck at Kansas City, Me. New beautiful deluxe two-bedroom apts. with ! country-size kitchens. 900 sq. ft. of quiet living area. ! You can rent for less than upkeep, taxes and I1. Iinterest on present home. i. 2-bedroom apts. start at $140, including heat and water, living room rapes, deluxe 30 in. range, two-dOor refrigerator, air conditioner, disposal, nd plush shag carpeting. Lots of storaae, laundry facilities, hard surface parking, barbecue grills. t[)ishwashers an'cl garage optional. 110% Discount One Year in Advance ~T L his is acoustically engineered construction. rent, stop at Manager's, Apartment 8. i Rental 895-6358 or iety 0i of today: rvice ling siva ,sible stcd you o, date e offe If anyone cares to see finished apart- Don Caraway 365-7187 Now, opaque panty hose in a bouquet of fresh, country colors and in three sizes to fit everyone l Opaque, clear-to- the-waist with sandal heel and reinforced where needed for long-long wear. Small, 5'-5'3". Medium, Mt. Vernon, Iowa Gretchen Beckhelm, Indianapo- lis, accompanied her on the trip. long sleeves. Her court-length mantilla veil was edged with lace. She carried a bouquet of fuji mums and red orses. Bridal attendants, Miss Peg Robertson, Martelle; Mrs. David Barnhart, Kankee, Ill.; and Tina Ely, wore floor-length red velvet skirts and white blouses. Each LINDA MILLER ENGAGED: Mr. and Mrs. James H. Millerof rural Mt. Vernon announce the engagement of their daughter, Linda Louise, to Donald Draho- zal, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank G. Drahozal of Cedar Rapids. Miss Miller is a 1969 graduate of Mr. Vernon High School and of Paris Academy of BeautY Cul- ture. She lives in Cedar Rapids where she is employed by Mabel- ine BeautY Salon. Her fiance, a graduate of Jefferson High School, is an employe of Wilson- SInclair Co. Social HONOR LONGERBEAMS A group of neighbors and form- J* e*r neighbors of Mr. ~and'Mrs. ~-~ William Longerbeani honored them at a surprise potluek and party Sunday evening at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Heiserman in celebration of their 50th wedd- ing anniversarywhichwill benext Sunday. Sharing the courtesy, in addi- . fipn to the hosts, were Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Ciha, Mr. and Mrs. William Iterbst, Lisbon; Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woods, Mrs. Warner Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Kroul, John and Tom, DanWolfe, and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Jilo- vec. NOTE BIRTttDAYS Mrs. Harry Siggins, Lisbon, was a luncheon guest Saturday in the home of Misses Sylvia and Maxine Turner and Marjorie Hecht to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Slggins, which was Sat- urday, and Miss Sylvia Turner which was Monday. The latter's friends honored her with a card shower. WilI I lrA IPIPAI I LOOK AT ALL THE NEW COOK.EASY CLEAN.EASY FEATURES! e Clock with timer Vitamin-saver top burners Lift'N Lock top Big 25-inch banCuet-size oven Lift-off oven door Char-Krome broiler Matchless ,hting of all SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICE BEST VALUES EVER ON DELUXE ~p. TAPPAN RANGES, AND A COMPLETE ~)' NEW LINE TO CHOOSE FROM NOW! LET US SHOW YOU HOW YOU CAN "TAKE IT EASY WITH TAPPAN" with trade ii i ii i i % Now Open I Lingerie iabrics and components The latest in knit fabrics ress'ma atterns s Select your fabric and we do the rest. New stock scheduled for arrival periodically. WATCH FOR FORMAL OPENING 117 First St. W. Ph. 895-8439 If the first 3 minutes of a long distance call cost 65 how much is an additional 3 minutes? a.) Never more than 81 b.) Never more than 67 c.) Never more than 63C The best answer is C. On any long distance call, 3 additional minutes never cost more than the first 3 minutes, and usually cost less. So don't be worried if your long distance call runs over 3 minutes. It doesn't cost much to keep on talking. A little money still goes a long way on the telephone. Northwestern Bell