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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 20, 1972     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 20, 1972
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I'[ge Six Mount Vernon Hawkeye Record and The Lisbon Herald Ianua~' 1972 C----'-----.*ll--kl--. - patrol leader,and den chief and lie has served as patrol leader chula. I]~--~~---- c ,li Legal Advertising JprlngVlllt~ i~l~w~ is now instructor for Pack 57. and is currently senior patrol Mr. and Mrs. Barkley neald i,Electric Arc Wi IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF lm,~ --~.l-- lq .-.~1- ~eve has attended Camp Wa- leader, lie holds the God and were notified lastTuesdaymorn- ~l J Country award, is a member of ing of the death of Howard Hadley John Whitmot rxo'le H [111K ko,da, gone on the U.S. Grant "THESTATEOFIOWA lm ~b V l It pilgrimage, and has hiked the the Order of the Arrow, and also of Seneca, N.Y. Hadley attended IN AND FOR LINN COUNTY Lisbon (;code and Old CaPitol trails, tte has 27 merit badges. He is acollege with Heald in the eastand i~,P~/-/AVE ~,E./V A IN THE MATTER OF 41'h m] '[t~t fillSe ~ has 26 merit badges, isamem-freshman at Springville Highlater the two couples visited each INLI/~AAIC~TOMAM &-~z~ ~1 THE ESTATE OF Ph. 432-6 ~U /- ,~ ,UU~ ber of Order of the Arrow and School and is a member of the other regularly. If~lNC~ EA~LV HI~TOW ~~ ! OLLIE A. JOHNSON, Deceased. M~ (ollc ~n Ozbu~ n holds, the God and Country award, stage and concert bands and chor- Sunday afternoon callers inthe II WH N~ K blOMAoHE C A6~PAN0 TO ~ ~l~"~l PROBATE NO. 37647 ~ r~c - [hs parents are Mr. and Both boys are members ofWillard Lacock home were Mr. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL, Two Spl~in~wille Boy ,scouts Walter Nelson of Springville. the United Methodist Church. and Mrs. Robert Lacock of Tip- I ~ETrL~[~ POWM IH ONe p Ag~o~,I OF APPOINTMENT OF EXECUTOR, AND NOTICE TO WOULD LIKE to re[ ~e~'e etex ,area to me Fugue rank Jeffery ~s" the son of Mr.- ~,u"a The program for the occasion: ton. Wednesday callers were Mr. in the Court of llonor at the Mrs. Francis Oleson of Spring- Opening ceremony, troop 57; in- and Mrs. Allen Lacock. I ~F'OI" TO ~kl~E HI~ FOOl~. ~'/~l[~ "~i,| CREDITORS room house in Mr. Methodist church Sunday. Re-ville He joined the troop ass vocation, the Rev. Clive G. Cook, The Prairie Valley Homemak- I ~ ~ ~[ TO ALL PERSONSINTERESTED 895-8745 after 6 p. eel:sinf ~j:~fard~l[::ne~;me Cub Scout in 1965, moving into pastor of Methodist church; in- ers Clubmet at the homeofMrs. ~ v ~- ~ d~I IN THE ESTATE OF Ollie A. t Nelso an r~'," the rank of Boy Scout in 1968. troduction by Paul Jones, super- Jim Barnes Tuesday morning of Johnson Deceased: [ , b.~:s, Ogf Tl-oop 57:. Steve !s an He earned both his second class intendent of Springville schools; last week. Mrs. Charles Randall ~"f~ ~ 7"Mt~P~7";~lk~;IVP~ I You are hereby notified that "AT LAST! I'V~ e ntn~ raner ~o.jomeametrooPand first class ranks in 1968, keynote speaker, RobertM. Elly- was aguest. Thelessonwasgiven ~. M/f on the 10th day of January, 1972, aSmae[U~B~ou~cmoutm'~'19~ ~nd star scout in 1969 and life scout son, committeechairmanoftroop by Mrs. Robert Thurston and l ~&,x~ /(~" CO~T~L-'C~-UP~ TOOL~ AI40[ the last will and testament ofI A WAY TO EARII 57; introd~uctiontoceremony, Don Mrs. Robert Harma on"Miracles |~tll~,~, ~ ~ HAN0-PUI.t.ING--A~ ~Tlkt- J Ollie A. Johnson deceased bear- IMONEY--AND C/~ "~ 1968 in 1970. Jeff has attended Camp . .~ earned secondclassrank!n Wakonda for four years and has Goodman, chalrmanfortheWap- in the Fabric World." Afollow- / ing date of the 6th day ofDecem- IMYFAMILY,wOO'~ q nrst class m t~t~t~, star. :~cout m hiked the Old CaPlto" 1 trazl andthe" siketa District; Eagle awardpre- up meeting of this'lesson will be [ ~~)M)~J~ "~H~ WOl~.LOt A~IP ARE 5Al:~t-Y / ber 1971, was admitted reprobate i sentative,I As an AVOnyouSale~ca[ * !969, and life scout .m 1970 He Lincoln trail in addition to mak- sentation, DeWayne Watkins, given at the Farm Bureau build- |~~.~//~ INEFPEeTIVE IN / in the above court andthatJames /~ ma I money for the has screen as assistant senmr ing the U S Grant pilgrimage scoutmaster; closing by troop ing in Marion on Jan. 28. ~l~/!:~l~~ F~OI"~CTI~O FOO~ ~ROP~. L Brown was appointed executor of lyour own hours ,57; benediction by the Rev. Mr. Delay in delivery of uniforms ~,~ ,~o'~:~:~'!:: :~:~i~:~: said estate. Cook. Refreshments were ser-was the chief topic at a meeting,MON5 rH~ C, NEMICAL ~ I Notice is further given thatlyant. Get the fact} ISh red by the mothers of Eagle of Band Parents Monday evening I EPCO, Vr ,oL any action to set aside said will Img: ell Servi =, scouts, of last week at the high school, l USEP IN THE 19~-" CENTUI~Y ~ ~ -'v~ I must be brought in the district --- The next meeting will be held I WAS C.OMMO~4 ~AI.T. ~ ~~A~:~J court of said county within one NEOMI JAr I Locally owned and operated for IEl" I Mrs. Emma Peer of Anamosa Feb. 14 when the spring concert /cove ~: 5ULPAT AI4P ~, ~~~ year from the date of the second ~;~ ~9~.~lmmm and Mrs.Willard Lacock attended will be discussed, with the pre- / .~ULFU~IC ACIO CAME ~ :-::'~'~l/?-~i~l publication of this notice, or I : I a oo.eo. e,omeo, ' ere ter e orover re0 2S year . uu OaTU e v, I persons indebted to said es- Vernon history publi~ Alma aotwell in Mr. Vernonlast Mrs. Elms Stewart fractured [TUi N OF THE CENTURY. Notice is further given that WANTED TO BUY [ We specmhze m furnace od - automatic [ Saturday afternoon, four fingers of her left hand in Mr. and Mrs. Russell Schmidt a fall last Wednesday morning / ~AT~ZtAt.~ g.ILL C~OF~ ~~l~ ~ Late are requested to make im- 1947. Mrs. L.E. I~ I delivery- budget payment-service. [ returned Tuesday of last week in front of her home. [A5 WELL A'~ THE WEEP~. .-~t" mediate payment to the under- 895-8764. after spending 17 days on a trip Mr. and Mrs. DelWilsoncalled /~ODF-~N 14~E~ COAff~0/ signed, and creditors having through the South. They visited on Miss Fannie Patten and Mrs. !:~I~ SC/~NT/,~/~ WITH claims against said estate shall EXPERIENCED ~. # [ Jdy Johnston Oil C I Mr. and Mrs. 'Kenneth Balley at Walter Grant at St. Luke'shospi- t~:kROOt4D7,OOOFO~MOLATION5 file them with theclerkofthepart-time farm and: Colfax, La and Mr. and Mrs. tat, Cedar Rapids, lastThursday, OF 5OME I~,O OI~GANIC above named district court, as Jordan Farms, Inc.i I Phone 895-8236 or 895-8706. I visitedTheyGlen DaviStouredMr. ofandDisneyAlexandria,Mrs.WOrldHaroldandLa, forC nfinedand the hospital in tracti0nArnie Dvorak, who is !~'~ CHgMtCAL.~I~4 THE tJ.~. INlay U~E1967. "[HE providedcated,so filedf rwithinbYall wance;laW'sixdUlYmonthsandaUthenti-unleSSfrom 6056 or 895-8924.| Eggert of Monticello at St. Pet- Beth Hanken washostesstoher / U~E OF= H~I~ICIOE~ the second publication of this ersburg, were guests of Mr. seventh grade junior high school I~/THL~ COU~IT~Y MaiZE notice (unless otherwise allowed Let Our Experts Check Your Cad Bring them to us and stop worrying. Let ou'r mechanics check your wheels for proper alignment with a John Bean Optoe- Liner and put them in proper adjustment and balance your wheels. It's safe and economical. mechanics :~e eq~@ped to do your Complete Body Work and Painting Brake and Muffler Work Front End Alignment Wheel Balancing Glass Work John Sterner, Prop. Dial 455-2111 Main Street Lisbon, Iowa 125 olce only $ Payments as low as $12.00 month II I I sharp frozen and Mrs. George Rose in Brad- enton, Fla and also visited Mr. and Mrs. Howard Briner and Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Taylor there. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Breen attended the Investors C lub meet- Ing at the Cedar Rapids Elks club last Friday evening. Bunny Breen won a third place trophy for dramatic interpreta- tion at the Midwest tournament at Newton. Bunny was also one of the students representing Regis High School Friday at Coe College speech event. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Betzer have sold their home to Mr. and Mrs. Junior Binley and will move soon to Phoenix, Ariz. The Tan-Da Camp Fire Girls held election of officers last Wednesday, with Lynette Miller being named forpresident. Other new officers are Felena Miller, vice president; Lorri Eberhard, secretary; Tanya Torgrim, re- porter; and Bect~ Burner, game leader. The girls worked on symbols signifying their Indian names, which Will be put ori the backs of their jackets. First grade Blue Birds baked cookies at their meeting last Friday at the home of Mrs. Jack Peterson. Each of the seven girls took part in the project. The I~rowtL Town ship.: Mutual Insurance ~ A~oci~ ' held its annuaI for nts and Camp Fire group on Tuesday af- ternoon of lastweek when officers were elected. They are: presi- dent, Beth Hank~n; vice presi- dent, Judy Ainesworth; secre- tary, Debbie Schlatter; scribe, Susan Cummins; treasurer, Cathy Furler. The Springville Rebekah Lodge has been Installing officers for other lodges lately. In the past two weeks they have installed at Cedar and Praha lodges in Cedar Rapids, Mr. Vernon and Troy Mills lodges. Dr. and Mrs. H.E. Hanna, Mark and Jean attended afamily dinner on Sunday in the Clair Stoneking home near Marion, celebrating the 85th birthday of Dr. Hanna's mother, Mrs. Mary Hanna, who lives at Evergreen Nursing home near Marion. Dr. Hanna's sister, Mrs. Eleanor Klein from Wash- ington, D.C was there for the occasion and has been visiting in the H.E. Hanna home. Mrs. Klein was a guest of the Hannas for dinner last Friday evening at Wendy Oaks. Bill Hanna, student at Drake University in Des Moines, spent the weekend at home. Dr. and Mrs. H.E. Hanna en- tertained their bridge club last Saturday evening. Paul McGaffic won high prize for the men and Mrs. Harold Reese for the wo- men. Mrs,~Etlg~ne BalI::visited her directors Monday evening of last sister, Mrs. Walter Grant, in week at the Legion Hall. St. Luke's hospital last Friday Mr. and Mrs. Barkley Heald spent Sunday in the Donald Heald home in Cedar Rapids. The Healds were supper guests of Miss Mary Mulherin of Mr. Ver- non at the Rainbow Inn Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Mul- herin and the Healds formerly were neighbors north of Spring- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Parks of Maquoketa were callers last Wednesday evening in the Bark- ley Heald home. Guests of Mrs. Willard Lacock last Thursday afternoon were Mrs. Clarence Tudeen, Mrs. Mile Machula and Mrs. Clement Oz- burn. The afternoon was spentin oil painting. Springville Coop elevator board elected officers last Thursday afternoon at the City Hall. President is Robert Me- Arthur, vice president, Delbert Stewart, and secretary, MiloMa- and found her condition improv- ed. Three Presbyterian Church elders were installed Sunday. They were Mrs. Clement Oz- burn, Mrs. Robert Tschantz and Kenneth McShane. Allen Fen- row and Donald Turecek were Installed as trustees. Mrs. Bill Ainesworth was accepted in membership by transfer from Rock Island, Ill. Mr. and Mrs. Del Wilson visit- ed Bradley Wilson atCedarFalls Sunday afternoon and also visited in the home of Mrs. Louise Dew there. Mr. and Mrs. John Minzen- meyer and Scott from Stone City were supper guests in the Del Wilson home last Saturday. Tanya Torgrim entertained a group of friends at a slumber party last Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. David Etringer, Barbara and Terry, Corpus I I I I of 7 Room Due to advanced aqe and llvinq in a rest home, will =el] personal property at public auction at resi- dence, 525 6th Avenue North, Mt. Vernon, Ia ou ay, Jan. 22 SALE TIME-- 1 P.IVL Partial Ll=tinq: Maqtc Chef :xaqe: kitchen table and chaln : RCA Whirlpool refrlqerator, qood cabinet: kitchen we=re: electric appliances: many dishes, 1 complete setting for 8: butter molds: col- lectors items: round table; dining set complete with round tablet many odd chair=; several rockers: plat- form rocker carnival pitcher and bowb many picture frmaes: several from F nq, land muny yem:s uqo: ll s'x9" wool rug: 8Wx12" ruv throw ru : liv- inq room set: new Ideal sewing m chtne: chin clos- et; 2 commodes; bedroom set, complete: 3 more.good hods: 3 dressers: 2 cJaesm of drawers: pillows= bed clothes and linenst RCA 21" console 'IV; oil lampt electric lamps; electric clock; sever trunk; hall h' t cutter" fiat ltmmt old churn- glmm churm earthen =rock=: fruit Ira. several 1858-dated; real qood Ma'/t wrinqer w shor: tubs on stands: step lmlder: qarden toobs: power l wn mower, m ny oth- er articles not Usted. Wilbur Colby, Auctfoneer. Mt. Vernon Bank & Truat Co Clerk IIIII II I THAN I~OU ~,L P TweE 19 9 ANO 1966. Mr. Vernon Local Richard Berthot, Niagara Falls, N.Y arrived Monday for a visit with his son, Michael Berthot, the John B. Neff family and Mrs. John G. Neff. Michael Berthot is staying in the home of his uncle, John B. Neff. MOTHER DIES Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Giannini of Warwick, R.I form- er Mr. Vernon residents, have received news of the death of Mr. Giannini's mother, Mrs. P. N. Giannini of Providence, R.I on Jan. l0 after a sudden illness. Christi, Tex visited last week in the Eugene Ball home. Mrs. Etringer is the former Sandra Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Randall, together with Mrs. Edna Randall of Marion, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Merle Little, in Clinton last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Randall and family, Cedar Rapids, were Sunday evening guests in the Ivan Randall home. Mr. and Mrs. ClarenceTudeen and Mr. and Mrs. JimWild, Ann- mesa, had dinner last Saturday evening in Cedar Rapids to cele- brate the Tudee~s' wedding anni- versary. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Eberhard and Lori attended the Golden Wedding anniversary celebration Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Hamer at Anamosa and Mr. and ~ Mrs.' Ray Martin at Linn Grove. MOUNT VERNON SCHOOL LUNCH Jan. 24-28 MONDAY: Smokies, whipped potatoes, butter, asparagus, apple salad, oatmeal cooky, pea- nut butter sandwich and milk. TUESDAY: Chicken fries on bun, catsup, tomato soup, crack- ers, peach crisp, tossed salad and milk. WEDNESDAY: Creole spag- hetti, buttered peas, sunshine salad, frosted twists (golden rolls, butter, jelly) and milk. THURSDAY: Sliced beef with barbecue sauce, bun, creamed rice, cherry cobbler, applesauce, and milk. FRIDAY: Over fried chicken, buttered corn, fruited jello, cho- colate pie with cream topping, bread and butter sandwich and milk. Legal Advertising :~:.:.~.~ -~?: :~.~,~,~2&:.~,:.~:~:~:~.>.: - :.P : :~-: O m State Bank No. 72-475 Consolidated Report of Condition of "Mount Vernon Bank and Trust~ Company" of Mount Vernon in the State of Iowa and Domestic Subsidiaries at the close of business on December 31, 1971. ASSETS Cash and due from banks. $ 605,876.57 U.S. Treasury securities 691,671.88 Obligations of other U.S. Government agencies and corporations 289,750.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions . . 748,981.40 Other loans 4,667,896.48 Bank premises, furniture and fixtures, and other assets representing bank premises 145,129.36 Other assets 254.76 TOTAL ASSETS $7,149,560.45 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations .$2,957,575.66 Time a~td savings deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2,845,651.13 Deposits of United States Government 22,438.16 Deposits of States and political subdivisions . . . 455,012.06 Certified and officers' checks, etc 27,362.82 TOTAL DEPOSITS $6,308,039.83 (a) Total demand deposits $3,269,088.70 (b) Total time and savings deposits.S3,038.951.13 Other liabilities 146,628.08 TOTAL LIABILITIES $6,454,667.91 RESERVES ON LOANS AND SECURITIES Reserve for bad debt losses on loans (set up pursuant to Internal Revenue Service rulings) $ 41,475.48 Other reserves on loans 65,000.00 TOTAL RESER VES ON LOANS AND S~CURITIES . $ 106,475.48 CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Equity c~pital, total $ 588,417.06 Common steak-total par value . 100,000.00 (No. shares authorized 1,00O) (No. shares outstanding 1,000) Surplus 200,000.00 Undivided profits 288,417.06 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $ 588,417.06 TOTAL LIABILITIES, RESERVES, AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $7,149,560.45 MEMORANDA Average of total deposits for the 15 calendar days ending with call date $6,264,799.29 Average of total loans for the 15 calendar days ending with call date 4,691,643.76 We L.C. Evans, Vice Presidnet, and E.J. Fordyce, Cashier, of the above-named bank do solemnly swear that this report of condition ff true and correct, to the best of our knowledge and belief. Correct-- Attest: J.A. FordYce J.W. McCuteheon Directors State of Iowa, County of Linn, ss: L.C. Evans Vice President E.J. Fordyce C ashier R.B. Wolfe C.M. Cochran Sworn to and subscribed before~ me this 14th day of January, 1972, and I hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank: My commission expires July 4, 1972 Beverly J. Behrens, Notary Public or paid) such claim shall there- after be forever barred. Dated this 10th day of January, 1972. James Brown Executor of said Estate Cedar Rapids, Iowa R.B. Wolfe Attorney for said Executor Mr. Vernon, Iowa Date of second publication 20th day of January, 1972. Classified IMMEDIATE Od new building, tw~ carpeted, drapes. {~ borhood. Call Scott,! 895-8540. SLEEPI[ LARGE Ph. 895-82~W Close in. SMALL of Lisbon, space. Ph. 2577. TWO-BEDROOM ! cludes large game conditioned; near sd able Feb Walter ! vertising ACREAGE WITH l! room house, Lisbon Classified advertising must be , in the Hawkeye-Record officenot ~ SA[ later than Monday, and must beOA~~ ~~ accompanied by an amount suffi- cient to cover the cost. for a VW pickup loaf Rates are asfollows, excepting Walter Gormly, Ph~ for professional and commercial notic e s: For one week: Five cents per word; minimum charge $1. For two weeks: Eight cents per word; minimum chargeS1.60. For three weeks: Ten cents per word; minimum charge $2. No refunds on cancellations. In determining costs, first and last names and a pair of initials each count as one word; a com- plete number is one word; each part of a street address is counted as a separate word. CARDS OF THANKS My family and I would like to thank everyone for theirgifts and 6ards and kindness during my stay in the hospital. Doug Pitlik We wish to extend our most sincere thanks to all the friends, neighbors and relatives who fur- nished food, flowers, contribu- tions to the ,~rine Crippled Children's IIospital and mess- ages of condolence. All were greatly appreciated. Mrs. ~anley Melsh Mr. & Mrs. R.D. WelCh& family Mrs. Joseph Valentine Mrs. Thomas Vahey SERVICES TV Service M H ELECTRONICS Lisbon, 455-2830 Antennas Installed - Repaired CLEAN RUGS like new, so easy to do with Rug-Mate. Rent electric shampooer $1. Kaliban Appliance Co. llff Electrical Contracting HEATING & AIR CONDITIONIN~ Call 362-0448 & IIS4-631S 24 Hour Service On ~11 Mekes Furnaces Superior Machine We welcome your~ Homes, Acreage~ Jim Wi 1970 DELTA 88 steering and brakes Cloning, 20,600 miler nings, Marjorie C 2320. AGRICULTURAL road rock, fill ditches, and George Gaines & 8394 or 895-84~1, O0 First.At STILL TIME tol NK seed orders. J Jordan, Ph. 895-60~ L I ACREAG! 2-bedroom ranc~ basement and dout~ on small acreag~ Vernon school 1 Many other desir. Jugs!CAI.L USB~ BUSEN REAL ESTATE 895-863'L Mr. Vernon, Company q LIST YOUR farm CUSTOM DRESSMAKING and property in the Lisl~ alterations. Ruby Besler, Ph. Bud Sizer Real F~ 895-8554. --2-9 455-2662, Lisbon. U GERT'S A gay gitl--"! 1 a whirl after clea~" " Accounting, Bookkeeping with Blue Lustre. n~ end shampooer $1. Sto, Income Tax 5erv/ce Dale 895-8709 FOR FRIENDLY, dependable service, stop at Al's "66" Ser- vice at the west end of Main Street, Mount Vernon. --31ff Snow Removal Paul Krob Ph. 455-2684