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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 23, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 23, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page IPwo qFHI~, MOUN~ VERNON, IOWA, HAIWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD ~hursday, : I I I II I I II I III I f [I [I I I I I THE HAWKEYE-RECORD ] V tire hoppers, one in the senate and Jim: Close that window! [do it if they try" (so he says) t The condition of Perry Knapp, ]~1[o~4-~ /'~,~|,- !agninst thc same and T[IE LISBON HERALD tla LilVllllLl ~ll I~,one in the house and known re- Lillian: Turn on the lights ]But all kidding aside, school's not F who is ill at St. Luke's hospital in! 1~lbltllti~ ~.~I~l~ dt'ly autheniicatcd in 104 2nd Ave,North Mount Vernon, Iowa I spectively as the Leo bill and theLiz What type is it? ~half as bad as I think it is, and if!Cedar Rapids, remains serious. I Mrs. George Marak of the Clerk of the IA Oflcial Newsp~cr ~un~t Vernon .nd t~WM*Tfl ~ |flag I Hoegh bill Rep. W. R. Fimmen ! Lad: We didn't know you had I I don't go I'd miss all the fun that Norton Faith Berry, small daugh-] !Iowa District Court. "~ IJqkl 11 11 ~J,~JW ~ IL of Davis county is co-author with a cold ]comes with it. I ter of Mr. and Mrs. ~mos ~erry, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Castek and Mrs. I ] I OYD E Lloyd McCuteheon Estate, Proprietor ] ~ ~ ~. I Rep. Leo A. Hoegh of Lucca court-I Bernice: (sigh) I'm getting dis-}I~ATIN i spent a part of last week at St. i Frances Castek of Swisher were l .J w.: McC h u, II/L'I/V :MJIi 1" "rll I ty in the last mentioned measure, t couraged |Miss Hughes is my teacher i Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids, Monday guests of Mrs Agnes Marak raoHsnea a~ mount vernon ann /~leDoil /i- n= .~=== == = ' ' d ' ' where she was taken o e ne a ' i in Linn Count" Iowa ever" Thursday' L|m~lK~ ~K&~A k. i1! I while the first is the considere I Wally: Hey. Leave that win- ] I shall not pass" i,n W d sd. y and family Mrs Frances Castek. R B. "Wolfe Attorney. "--" "--" I ---- I effort of Senator Richard V. Leo I dew open! / She maketh me to translate hard !for observation and treatment, remained for a longer visit I ' J :g~n~O~:"~:~OO; :'~?~'~: ! Is Feeling This May ~/i2e TnaaddBtintn ,nrtenltti~inals dat~ IwlMdowt~aikeyou (dToa,PtPi~eg ;u~e;Y~ lAnd SenpeosneCt~ my ignorance before nMo~YwG~i!odM~I~ne:rBlUa!!eNfsC~oM~a~er~ noLneSctaeFleSCstattuT2:y,a Mount Ver on file in .both legislative branches won't let you type in there for the,the whole class. [ g Y : T Woodward called on Lester! " ----~ ,n hy Turn Into A War I / the home oe Mr and Mrs Gerald ~ L . t "~'*-~'~*.'****r**.":~:~'-'*:*~**:**:*~ ----~-ti-~-'~-~-- ] T J I Calling Tot appointment ot com- I rest or the weeK. / ~ne glvexn me low graces aug n~t. ~ ~co~ lvlonoav I * -Wa dehveredthe need hmf r, messagefUrtheratstatei nOmeeneraleCon/] I/i,ter of Mr and Mrs Ha 'try Hum II Joe Scott spent Saturday after hegasla ure mlttees to discuss and draft a sena- And so we type, type, type,/ me conjugate Sutterfield. I Mr. and Mrs. Noel Jam|son andi ~f i~]]k]~ fi ~-:-="~~-- ] add~tionatnUn~npu n ~t* eco~--nom~es are] t rial redistricting measure, Oner I t-y-p'e' t ty p e, t y p e /Hard verbs for her sake. I ~unaayMr' andwereMrS.gues~sJim.m~em meStmknome n'BennYo~ were Sunday guests of Mr. ~i" D k/Ollll dlO. D .---0 "n l.inn and adi,inin~o - ] The forty-ninth Iowa General As- ] which may if it eventually eme g- I ~.~.~t-A~ ~wn~,~,~"~-~'~ ~r~ ~tr~ / Yea, though I study until midnight, ] ] ,i and Mrs. Harrison Oxley. '1 ~.;~,~.~ ~,~. @~b~.**@ ' * -----~*.~.*~1~ OC~:y:ti~'obt~rt~wLi~:an~hld~o~$1'b0 s~TbliYs' th Wm~t lCa(; :nld rPoTubst ;~obethefC l?C;lnSUsh~ndtth:r:lmd ] unTthe:i:detgart~2:eeSta;t~InglU:a~on~Ln :Le?~ e surely trouble ~Mn!et ~!ck:!i:~lS~u~stt.~; ~r~ leMm:e~ Iv~::;;Jlret:nLBeethtYr Oxf F. : EB;;~OIAI -or -ca: 'gl 751infant ever starting a legislative,later to be offered by indic|dun . ] * J e. I -~Marion were Sunday guests of Mr. I Dl~l .~111]1 On~ y~r'out~i' i$'tl~e's~ ::::::::~2:00 career in many years. Space does not permit the listing J streets with blocks and are using| She pointeth out errors before n~ng wslte~ her Drot.ner ~'e.rry land Mrs. Harrison Oxley. IF. . . -~--: :.~, Member, Iowa Press Association, Natiouall Unlike other legislatures, this|of these various apportionment ] toy ears to help them in their study me. Ir~napp a~ a~eaarttap]as nospital:l Mrs. Leo Aler of Central City nat aoor east oi t vx~** Edxtorxal A~oeiatlon Formgn Advertl~ o to work at an tl ~uffice to sa that Their safety slogan is Watch For In Mr an~ ~vlrs yre~ ~tewar~ oI moun~ vernon " r~ . '. " " [one decided to g bills in deta Y ] . ~ " . / the presence of my classmates, I " i spent the week end with her moth- i * lug l epr~n~tlve, lgwa ~ewsgal~rs, l,o,l, o~, ,d ,]m,~t fr~rn ha It~ +~ ~ ~ car ,~f~,~,~ m~ ~ |Wurnln wars" The rules they! ot ~, ~ i~n It=eaar lxaplos were ~unctay niter- .~, Mr A~n~ M,r~lr I ]time it was clothed with authority ]changes in the present lineupof/have made for safety are as fol-{Mybratn refuses to work, and sure-tnOOn callers re.the home of Mr. and[ Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jamlson! ~. G. KRUCKEN~ r nterea ae ~ona cxa~ marl ma~r~r ac he lows- l l lVlrS. ~eorge rxmg Physician and the nest office of Mount Vernon, Iowa and ]to seek Its job it found work at I one-county districts except in t [,y ,were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. . .~ IAsl~n Iowa. ' hand and started in to do it in a Senator Leo's plan Webster and / ]. stop at curb :before crossing Zeros and failure will never leave ! .tv~ss veima ~noerson, a smoen~. [ and Mrs. Charles Lehr. I Offme Gearhart x~ I I ach / 2 Look both ways for cars / me ~ a~ ~oe t~onege spen~ me week end i,Mount Vernom Notices for entert&Inmen~ or other KathDUSIn~SS like ~nanner l~laeK l-J[aWK COUIILIt~D i:tl-t2 t~ I " * i I -- ' ---- " " " rid" 3 Cross when it is safe i And I shall s" "n ] at the home of her parents Mr and I ~ Office Phone 3021 erings to which a elmrge i~ made, 1~I There was no ostentation Or|made districts by themselves a,/ my I ~ne t~aun class ' i I~rn~-~naa ~ . eent~ per line minimum charge 2~ cent~. ~lamour about the be~'innin~" of the '~'~- ton and Mahaska counties/ 4 Walk across ~briskly / forever~ ! zvtrs. ~ranK ~naerson, sr. I l ~[IblltllUl~;; I Calls Answerea x c~# ~f th~k~,~ndm~ne~u~nJzf r~.~t i%rty nlnth general assembly. For I ~Tch are one icounty districts now t The third grade have completed [ ~ raTh~oBOa~dp ~felTrf~t~eSnOfs mBeer~- I Mrs. Edwin Beclcka I Day or Ni$ Display advertising rates furnished on uP-|the most part, the member/~hip oflwould be joined with Allamakee|a umt on riOT ~n~ormat]on womes|- ~ ==.=:::=::==:=::==::== i -] -- ! phcation to responstbl~ aaverttsers r~ m od ark To Us They gave a radio re ram ~ lug m me community nail on Ivlon I "' ' " the legislature was in se .ous o land Keokuk respectively and J -[ . " P g,WAY BACK WHEN i do. -P-rn~^ - SEVERAL ~UFFER INJURIES E.C. PRALL, I determined to perform extraordin-lson county now a one county dis-/o:~ Fri:lay, at which several guests/ I ~Y "~ ~= uu I Several mishaps happened in thei ~ cry service to the state tn these ltrlct would ~oe joined with Jones|r,m'c present. /~ems or.mter?~n moun~ vernon -- I community last week: Darrell Kell-I t-nones ~- I critical times. I county. Des .Metrics county now a| For English the fourth grade/ ,~oon ,~, ~, .ea= ^go i Scotts Mill !er had the misfortune of breakingI Office -- 5712 ] ~W~ ~rl~)~,~ ] Overshadowing the legislature laid|strict by itself would be joined|made some good book riddles and|:::: -::===:=:=::=:- :=:: -I ~r~ ~e-al-~ ~o" this hand near his wrist one day of] ~,~,~2 ]the ominous feeling that even be-lwith Henry county under the Leo|'~oPe to orgamze a book club this/ nm~r ~a~a a,~t, 1 u o~,llast week. Bob Neal broke al Mount Vernoll, I IAJlW] I fore the session has run its normal [ plan. In addition, there is wide I" eek. / a~ ^,-~ff .~^,a~ I ~ ~-- ! knuckle in his hand and Ed Broulik i {o,~,~, *~- ~- a'on +o4---~ '-- ^* *i^" in two andI Miss Brown is teaching the I January zg l l~;$1 la L~V{~ r~OL~ ~O~ ~'~re ~i +~ in his ri-ht'~ convert into a war legislature asIthree county districts in the sena- fourth grade arithmetic class and[ A.A. Bauman suffered a stroke COURSE BY COUNTY NURSE i arm ! JOIIN B. BB] lin 1917. Legislative leaders 'and,tor's plan. " ] Miss Crisman the sixth grade arith-| affecting his entire right side, Sun- I A group of about fifteen ladies i Mr. and Mrs. Bohumil Mallie and I VeterinarlJ tactic day noon at his home in Mount r n 11 I the heads of state government have [ In the House measure the lines I " " |," a e e re ed "n a course of training i Frank of Martelle were Sunday eve- --- p epa ed,ed g ~: ' ~ ' " Y l " oil, B I[~ ~~ ~IECONOM-Y T~q[E SPUR ]districts. The changes in group-tI'aing are ut f school because of/ f surveyin.g the b undar!es f th.e l[ afternoon in the home of Mrs. Gracelcallerslast Mondayof Mr. andMrs. Mount Vernon, ~" I xxr~ ,~,~ ,~+~^,~ ~o~ ltngs are as follows |illness l~.ower ransaues state parK, on thin J Bachman. Everyone is invited to i Bob Neal. ~. M ~L$ gram and the foreign situation]New district: CountteS]scBObb~ 3auman returned tO| lc~e~f [he vei~i cWoomhenintc~S C~rnk [attend these meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Noska and faro-t Attorney-At-] I t- . ~ oo +~ ~+ ~/12 Poweshiek and Jasper ] ~ co o oay ar~er Demg ou~ al p . y - . .~ ~ . iny were ~aturaay Shoppers in t~e-~ ~ ~+~ o~ 1 ~'*Y" ~" ~ week because of illness on a topographical map of the [ Mrs. uieorge uiames, mrs. ~rgene ~-*-~ ~-- ," ~,~,~ w, [d "a s later the chief executive su 14 Mahaska and Keokuk " .xw~rrz.x'x~:A~ AtiO ~vir ana ~wrs nmry Decmus were dar Rapxds. COUGH DROPNI " d tehm Local Government,with serious implicationsthe t~ounselor at Law an g ' - :Y r' m 123 Jackson and Delaware I Dorothy .Gaines Deloris Diehl l park Allbee and Mrs. Floyd Decious at- Stella Klouda visited Monday at ~, So~berea triougnt or legislate S see S . ' - ~ Processes Is Interesting,z : ]28 Marshall and Grundy]]~am na Jorgenson, Frances Hood-| Dr T. L. Wolfe attended the in- tended County Chorus practme in!Ed Broulik's and went to Cedaruc" urnce over e~l~l~ fl~r'the;m/:ducge ~t~e~tnoftoptl 33 Buchanan and Fayette ]maker, and Donald Campbell have/ auguration of Dan W. Turner as Cedar Rapids on Tuesday after-1 Rapids with them. Sh Pey~jut~tc V~rl~ n' ------- ] . -1 ~ ' o,~ ~ ~na Allam~kee Ibeen missing some school because| governor of Iowa, in Des Moincs noon. i " eraung and maintaining state gov- ~ ~ ' Mr and Mrs Fie De io ~ -- ~" It certainly is an interesting ex- ] / o.a lot colds. / last Thursday. I . yd c us spent l ~ . vD~-~[~-~ no ~, I ernmen~ More ana mgner ieaeral ~ - ~ v,!t perience to attend local meetings ~. ~ ; t ,^. [ 38 Black'~I*a*wk ] Reporters: Ann Young and Io-| Bids for the surfacing of the i Friday evening in the Ralph Streets" ! ~'~ E JOHNSTON " . I ~ ,~-s~ ~u.- / .0 " ~-'~::"~'~:.~~. ~ ~r-nc~.k llene Gaines,Bertram road from the Palisades ; home in Springy|lie. ! I~:XECUT()R. No. la941 I Funeral Di~ where one can watch the wneem o] l iate future nave ~urther spurred/~ wv ~ ,~ uv ~.u ~ ~,~ I " ! ~^~ .~ ~ . '~ = I ~r~ and M~s j~h. gna~.~ have! r~ ~ ~ h.~ ~.~ " ro~UtODt21"Lr~LIII Will oe ~e~ on ~ State of Iowa 1 inn Count as" "-. ~'. ~-"~-~-, ~ 43 Hamilton and Hardin Y local democratic government turn. ]the legislature to a. realization that J45 Kossuth " Emmet and Pale Alto ]SPORTS t February 5. ' I been making daily trips to St.! /H. R. Johnston Lice]~$ E Lukes hos ~tal to see Mr Kna s NOqI( I IS HI REBY GIVEN Lad Asmstant W.~ The meeting of township trustees I / 47 "Cla= ~)ickinson and O'Brien I The line-up for the junior high| ~ight miles of telephone line be- ' P" PP' ! " ? ~ '~ ~] ' I Y " ' .+ ~,~ ~ +~, ~ ,~ro I necessary-]~ ~ne peopxe are ~o make| A0 ~'~ ~ ~ n ~ {game was. Don Luettjohann cen-| longing to the Mount Vernon-]3er- ibrother, Perry Knapp, who was: that the undersigned has been on I Mount Vernon ~ : ," -ienas mee~. : |50 ~'Buena~is~a~o'cah'ont~and ]ter; John "Tonne forward: '5ohn]tram rural line has been purchased I seriously ill of pneumonia and corn- this ]5th .day of January:. 1941, [~; gram ~s preparea m one SUCh mee~- I TWO ~a~s ~erore m s maugura:| Humboldt ' |Wolfe, forward; Jim Laing, guard:/'bY the Northwe~ern Bell Tele- ~pncatmns. u.e ~s recovering from dmy appom~en an~ quanne.a as !~i ing. Farmers with petitions pre- non, .t~overnor wnson m a mennm~| I H Herrinr- ,~uard /phone and will be comnletelv re-ithe pneumonm and seems to be on Executor of the estate of Mmme | I message to the legislature stressed/~.~~.~ ~1 ".~ - 7' ~ " |,builtwPh ~'( -~--'- i the road to recovery. He is the J, Neal late of ]Ann County, Iowa, ! I ~en: :nemo :o:ne boar: an eacnI . -[ I pla~ynefoSn~ t~mea~taofe~vIoW~t goT/ment qmP" ]Bertram township assessor, doceased. All persons indebted to i *** "" u ! j omies. He pointed out the gains| CttALIk IY][/Ikl~l~ Inch The attacVl was led by Don/ Robert Slyer sr has purchased i Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Scott called said e:~late arc requested to make !~l road Should receive consideration ~of the past two years in reducing! ]'~. an~" r~eram "'r~ tnrougnou~-F ~neIthe Fred Tracts 80'acre f-rm'~,W~:'*C.~L ' on their niece, Miss Jane Scott, at imm(.di'~te, payment, thereof to the ~I: ~'V[ mbers of the board state the governmental costs and suggested~ I : ']of Mount Vernon Tom Armstron- St Luke's hospital on Saturday,undersigned Those having claims ~q ~ t ! game wl~n all ~ne otner TellOWS[ ~ ' ~ i ~ ~: ~ -- " " " i ~ gl I Ig ! I I v, ays and means of consoll(latlng r wall continue t hv ,J.VI1SS cott unuerwent an ope~atlon things they must keep in mind re- t~em b- -quoin= the" state in a/Edit r Martha Jane Roge s I playing excellent ball. It was easy| " ' o " e on the place " : i A||ff/L,~t I ~ P .~. . / Assistant Editor Don ,Minnick lto see the game was ours after the/ Mrs. H. C. Lane and son Givonni i on last weonesoay, i !o reticvc ~ I I I [ !,E garmng ~ne mgat proceaure an(/ tne stronger nnancmi position uy es-,B,~in~s~ .Mana~,er ~ first half w~h ~+ ~r ~^-~ ~-| have returned from Bonn Ger [ Mrs. Dillon Streets, teacher of Misery of ~ ~-~ ~ ~ ~,~ ][ .~"~t | road law. Each person with any- ]tablishment of up-to-date l~ook- ~+~'""~'~'~":~2~'~'~o } oa +^ ~ ~'" ~- .--~, *-~ y~.-,s| man-, and are a* th " -- I Emmons School and a recent bride i LI~UID I ~ ~, .~ I ~ . thing to sayis heard. ]keeping and accounting methods.] Reporters: Don Horton, Cynt aia]were ohn Tonne'a' d r e yt r nS.|Lane's parents, Mr. I, was h n ed at a shower ,n the ~ ~ ~ TAiTI~ETS I~" ] home oz her parents near won SALVE ~ t (~,~ ~ ~ ~ ~.]STATIEWIDE COOPERATION /Wlnsor Henry Carleten EstherJton |'n Dallas Texas - ~ ~ ~ " " !~ ~ hem~ +h^ r ~ [ In his inaugural message two|Dvorak, Leora Foster, Joan Prin-I High point man for Mount Ver-| -- ---=~7--. [mouth on Saturday afternoon. ~ ~ ~ NOSE DROPS !~| ' Y,g- gle, Marianne Vodicka, Naomi non was Don L.: high point man ~ I " "", ,' ~ ' ~' usually have more pehtions than ested no s ecif]e administration January 19 19 1 Monday evening callers m the Ger Ir Rub M ham a IVondcrful the~y can~ recommend, study them ~a~ms for the. next two years, but Koza, Bette Cole, Audrey Nelson, The hue" -up for the senior high ~a]ss ~ve~yn~ t~umpnrey, aaugh- am ~co~ home. i Liniment ] ~l~l~I II with an idea of selecting the roads ' Douglas Hudelson, Billie Litts, and |game was: Mark H forward: Don] = "-- ~' -/ ; r, ~ ,+ ~.~ ~ ~!~~ I terms calllng upon cne Jeglslature [Taun Um--h I c forw-r~ ~t~, u ~ ~, ~ /pnrey o[ TLpton ana rtaroJa Min- ~''~'" "~'"" ~'~''=~" ,: -'- ~'~'~=--i . " ; I~Z''Jj~ ~LI*, guard,; ~ ~ . ' ' k which would serve the most peo rock son of Mr and Mrs Edward Mee s , ~ " - the state government and the peo-| ~-- lcenter" Earl E ~uard,' " ",| ~ ple and divide the improvements]pie to cooperate In a united pro-[EDITORIA~ [ In ihe onenin~ minu*-s ~e ,h,/Minnick, were married on Friday ! Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dec,ous spent] [ ~-],~' , equitably over the township gram of public service essential in [ Half of our school year has [game each team =fled u~six~oin*tsI January 14, at the Methodist par- ! Sunday evening at GeraId Scott's. [ v~ ~[~1~17~ "vVhen one watches the careful times hke these. [P::; EV::eYtmhJna~2ottP~ed~ land at the end clothe quarterVMar-/'~ ~g: ~nClHt nrington and Oren i Save a lite. When roads are [ ~lrl ~~ : consideration and ~ud~ment ~x~ IIN AC'~ION /. ": " Itelle led 10 to 6. It looked like this]q,:,~ I slippery drive as you wouhl walk--]l ~ ~tc~ ~~"~ ~ ~ '~'- terauy that we ~orgo~ ~ne summer ~ were unl~ea m marriage in I ~' ~ I LIKI A I Even before the governor and ] Iwas going to be a close game. At] I with cal]tioll l~c able to stop when i,~ I.Ilti A ~ ~,~. risen Dy lOCal trustees ne can .nara- !, k " v - -" - "n !ann star,ca DarK ~O SChOOl. ~]rst ~the half however the score bein-/~" t'atrleK s parsonage in ~:eaar ] - ~ " I I ~~"~.~'~l ueutenant go eruor were sworll i,~ YOU I2ave IO. I ly help but have confidence in the I to office for second terms the leg|s-|semester e ams are a thing of the J Martel,e 2O, Mt. Vernon 13, we saw/~r'e~3' 7 nTn dL% nuary 12. ] !l ~ ~~ past and once again we swing back thatwe were bern g t fo tv acres American way You mizht not Ilature had swung into action. The," ' . . ' . / " g outplayed : I I i -- " "" "~ ~ ~ ~ o ~ h. Iinto the SChOOl curmculum. IMartelle worked smoothbr to~e+h~-| r lana [rom Tom NleL~ugnlirl this ~- M,~-" . t re wi " ,ouse o. repr.~e.~ ~.ves, ~ ~r.~ z ~, , ,g ~e. th.their judgment on ]as the second day of the session, [ Many of us seniors hate to see [and piled up point after point. Mt./week. The land adjoins that which [ ~ I ~| EXCLUSIVE DRY CLEANE everything ~out by and large it I h~,a n o~v .'~a'rL, o,n ~o,~ ,~h /rime go Dy SO rasL white proDabty /Vernon was still fi~'htin~ h-n~ [ ts now ownea Dy Mr. ~aiawin. I IF'~I Our I I I is honest and sound le'r;o~t;c~end;;'5,Ej~ct~o ca*J1 ]the seventh and eighth grade Pu-]fully at the end but there was s~Hl |~ D. B. Weltyand Sons finished the ] !' ~I1~1 I i| 209 3rd Ave. SW Dial 2-8131 IAt the end of the .first week, the |P~isevhaVe:em~egh:f r~iue: ~;ehe end|quite a gap in t,he score, 47 to 31. |~rr~U~to~n~ ~:st'~e:kft. t~ae~t::i~[ ~'"~ I [) Cedar ltapiels, Iowa Ihouse had nine bills on calendar| . . y . . e~ Martelle's high point man was/frm . . . . " I I Serve.~ !@~ r, ~ tge~s to oe a iumor or senior ne re- ~^*,^~*o~, 1, ~, ~ .i o ~en ~o ~weJve incnes thick ~ I ~I~F~ ~ i -~ '~---~- ~'. IThe senate at the end of the week, . /eye for the basket with 19 pointS./riv --' ~ - ' ." '." ' J ~ I~k~ !l For Elective Offices lhmaa~:/111?::p;blaisC h:narienrgnAn ~t~ :;:l:a;~ ; 2:ca l!tJ~a: i['dY/['aar:/wM::ntonVe~,n /ra:nth~hhPll2ntpo~n~n/Thersd~ysan~drthenh~ =~ns?J;p:gr:e ~ i] COMPLETE OPTICAL SER I::~uth:the~set~t:r/~/:t:heot~rdtrg~nd!~e:!lt~rluH~!:!~lr~'!iS~net flin~di~msd:i~' :t Wubrel h'~u'nS~ed~tr /~'ti~n~D!ct'ake~ix~pr~teffs hs~r~!hi!e~Tsubeiiiis C CHAMBRERSIi~N:KyEPE'?PT'CAL eleActibieIl fi:e::~ a:e ti:tT:du::; ~ ~ 2tonPabtarl:kke42all team m the Iowa legislature during the e ave any coming lost a game to Saint Patmck f g Y 22 r t E edar Ra! ' acting business it is quite appar-,' / " o |wh "- . ". - [ ~ ~vJ.q nudntl)i~e~n~n I i| 1 3 d S . S C CUsrecht :e='::iure ha ,ben lentsth~tttlnha:n conn ,th egk JXv; it s h eVtelme u .tatF p [2 : ] Oo eC to olr?St Fr,day night on our]theent::; :ma~:nnktm :nKt tn'frn:et of ] ~ [~~ ~.~ S. e. menT I transacting actual legislative bust-}and Operetta! 'March, music con~| Saint Patrick took the lead im-/the Mr~~" Myra Mannm.g home. He ------ Llone 1 al; rrequen~ intervals J.l. I ites~s;ann aImosl;weekly unl;ll tmediately and at the half the-- w~r^'~u~rcreu a ueep cu~ in his rote- i |hess in aaaluon re organizing It- ~ ~ y c ~ ~he ~ ' would be nice from the standpoint I self for the session and conducttn-IApril, basketball games. The jun- /ahead 18-7 I au. I " ~ |or-senior picnic and prom are very In the second half St Pa ' Rev. Otis Moore and a quartet of of the candidates who have an elec-Ithe inaugural ceremonies. ] / . t s had I ~ s.~.'*.'.~!~-~:.~:~:::::~.:~- ~.~.~,;~ .~,~~ tion to contend with each two I Seven bills were enacted in the ]lmpor~an~ antes ~or upper crass- |it pretty much their way the final I~u'ndte imBe:Pe.~)r ~a~urday ann I ~;~i~i~i~}i~:::~::::!::i!i:~ii::i~ii::~::ii~i~i~i::~1::~ii~i::.t ~~ ii!::~~ men Ana t'all)ayis something seer 9 y et~. They gatnerea .;~!~'::!~!;~;!~!:.~;~:;:~:~: `.~.:~i!:~;:;:~:*::::!:::~:~:::~::::::~;:~!:~:;:~:~:!~i:;:;:;:~'.:~;s~:~:;:~::.::~:!:~::::::::*:::!:::::a:~~~:!:!*. house last week.All were of minor " e 4,-17 in their favor. High :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: a.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::*::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~. years. Anyone can appreciate their every student looks forward to 1 ~, lup a bunch of boys over 12 year.~ [ [~ii:::::~ ~ i:i:i:~:;:~:~:~:~:~:!:~:;:i:i:i:i:::i:::::::~ ~:~::~::::::.z.::~:~:~:~a.~2!~:~ia.~:~:~:~: attitude on such a bill, I the motor carrier act-and in the]with delight. /Current with 8points, i o~ age, ann tOOK .a h~ke, built a] ~::~y:~::~:~/:~::~:~::~:~::~:~:~:~:~:~:.~::~.~::~:~::~:~::~:~:~::~;~U~:~::~::~:?J~:~[::~::~::~::~::~::;~[]~::~::~:::?::~~::~)f:~ I~ This new er i- un-b'^ * |*'rocedures t^ '~- *-" ' I But when these coming events ! camp nre ann COoKed their dinner. ~i~!~::~:i~::~i::~i~!~:~i~ii~iii~:i::ii!ii~i:~iii!i!i:~i~.; (:!i!;~iiii~::i~:~?::i::ii!i!::i::::~)!~i~i::i::~i!i!i!~ !~i~!~!~:~!~:!:' ~!~i ~ll[r.l ~ how it would be in the best inter- ]state aepartmen~ o~ agmculture. I 'ca bu(' memories ~e ~i~l / Mount Vernon's .~Maroon~ finolly J THIRTY YEARS AGO ~iii::i::i::;~!i~:i:.::i::i::~i~.~?:!::~:!~:~:ii~~!.~.:~i.i.i.(~;.!~:.:.::.~.:7~.i.~:::::?i?i.~:?::.::.::i?~i~i~iii~~i~.::~~~ ests of the ,people to increase the [TAX* E O])S ARGUED ]long cherish as some of our dear- |put an end to their losing streak] - ~.January 24, 1911 i [~ii~iiiii::~i::i~ii~iii~:iii~~)~iii~iiii~iiiiiiii~:~i~::!::~iiii::::~~~ l~'Irst measures of m r i 'lneI~ly west ,barn cam n ============================ .~.:i:~:i~::i::::::::::::~:b~ ::::::::::::::::::::: ~.~::,!:::~::::'.'~:~:~. :: " ~.~h ~e *h~ ~ w~ ~* I a~o im-lest ~ossesslono /as they beat McVille 28 to 23 last l e ear [~iii ~~~,~ ,: ~i!:::::::~ :~:::i~J~~I ~ |portance to come before the leg|s-~ ~" ~" --Don Minni-k |Tuesday night The game was burning down last week. The fire i [~i~i:::i~:::~!~i~::::~:~!~i:~::~:~i:~~!i~i~!:i~ii~!.~.!~:~i~~~ r m ~ I -:~a:~:~:~:;:~:~:~:~:i:~:~:~:;:i:~:i:!:!:i:i:i:i ".~:i:!:~:~:i:!:~i:i:~:~:;~:~i~i~;-~:~:~:~:~::: :::!:ia~,~:.:~.'" .', be a ve y s all saving Dut it would ]lature through public hearing and |HAVE YOU NOTICED? ]played at Mechaniesville. Is.tarted from spontaneous eombus-,~~~ be very little as elections would ,be |actual consideration are the con- ~ 1 Dour, sln~in~" I dream of,The game started slowly as ]non In a big pile of corn fodder. I ~~ held each two years anyway the troVersial 60 per cent assessment I Jennie (Smithi~. ~'" |Mount Vernon led 5-3 at the end[ Senator Willard C. Stuckslager z, More frequent responsibility on . " ",I 4. Everybody writing 50 ques-/', I :~ ": II 'II/I IIIIIUIIII Then too the voters need fre recentl the Iowa su r m report.~ the following Mrs Sher [ " [ . Y p e e court[ Margaret is still blushing over |tenand eight points respectively. I -~ : ' -I " quent responsibility in paying?~altUenl~[!i~s~bUl~ii~rt~ts a ure~ii:!ci! ]~tbt~s/ij:~!iat" ruled the 100 per cent of value havin her fortune told We der ].~ut~c~:i~F~i~tln Pruoss was high for McVille with wooa,Rumbl ' ~i~iii~ttitib; Mrs. Artman, 53" Mr tl eoj'cte ::::::::: 1 I ,I I" I .3 We are unable to see The e a I ga zng the 60 per~ Lizzie! Where did you get the|Burnett C :[ 4 0 0| . " "p tel InvITrlTlilll 1"1"1 I / * . III Palestine llI iIIliI#II~ I I I~ cent method The companion men, Current G 0 extension' of the terms of elective[ sure rovided that [nickname 'Billte /| 5. ^ 3J~ ! MIss Mary'" 19oxsee~ and Cha ] / ! [Ygl. HI county and state offieers to four * P " in the event[ WhyisBillie.Littslookingspecu-[HerringL u ~! rles . I/I/li,I;L/O v ill Ithat the 60 per cent assessment]l~Ov~l ~ +~, ~-^~ ~- IEdwards F 0 0 1 /~oxsee were eanea to ~Vtonticellol I ~ ~ 0 Kin ~" /.Jf/I~ ~ I1| years would be to the benefit of thelbasis for taxation ts used the debtlch s |Barrett c 0 0 01last week by the death of their! ~'~ Y ~'~ /T V tV" " !11 grandmother F people and we are opposed to the limits of municipalities cannot ex- I ~]~ere did Betty Herring. ~'et that -- -- -~ I f ~/J I I I~']& Ii f an'~ ~u~h |',ill reed 5 per cent of the 60 per cent I ,^,~ ~.~,~" ~ ~ v / Mr. and Mrs Earnie Stahl who I Y .b~" II ' ' l FG FT P ave been living on the farm soon ~'~ VaDurinnSthe ublic hearth to be occupied by Mr and Mrs *' [ g P gin the[ Why is Don Horton looking at]RyanF 2 1 4JG r . J I n ll eo ge uaraway nave moved Centralization Of Power |senate this strange anak>gy devel- ]the Junior class? ]Baker F 1 0 4 ]. ,-, ' to the ] mm d -- u m m m " o ed that on the side f r x a ~ wrote mrm near Bertram I I p : o the ta [FALLS [Conner c 0 0 0 1 I II ----'---- I measures were aligned the state,Did you ever see anyone fall JDavidson G 0 0 1] ~ I ~ J2 J~ There seems to be a tendencY]taxpayers groups represented bY]down and -,ou could hardl kee,~ [Pruess G 7 2 0~ t~eruram among the law-makers of the land ~ - ~" . to centralize ~ower and auth rit'~ /the. Iowa. Taxpayers Assoctation,/from laughing." of co rse It s not ]"Cook 0 0 1 ~ Mrs. Frank I~tner ~ L- e--~'. '.~" -" wnue against the bills were state Hod es 0 *.~&4[ ~" * a * n in the. larger anI more thicklY]labor groups and some official/th;= d U~ot~ tfhuemyp(:b&b:Yotbcutl~ieveg;s ====[=[=[[[[[=[[===[==[[[== ~ l~lt][LL PRESENT PROG~ 1 ~ ~ ~ ~ . ll poputatea crees rms ~enaency aces F municipalities The correctness of Sauers O PLAYS AND MUSIC only one th~ing and that is itmakes]-, "" " . ]person. 'Some people just collapse~ 0 0 01 ) ~g ~CO~O~tC~l ~[ ,!the new proposea procedures de-/all of a sudden like one of those,-- -- ---/ JA1VlSXOn No. 3 under the leader-] lt~'~ the large cities larger and small ended it would ' ' shi " " ]p . seem from the dis- |folding ehairs Then there's the,10 3 9,p of Mrs. R. J. Harrison will pre- [ t,~-- AII the many benefits of modem home ~/g~t/ng are m,;ns s:auer, m ]cussions, on the point of view held |person who falls out of a second,The Mount Vernon Seconds beat |sent a program of short plays and l A'3k yours to enjoy a new lo~r e~tt with beautlfully.- . " he p ople of the s aller centers tby those affected .by the bills. ]story window and kicks out a win- |Mechanicsville 23 to 19 in the pre- |music on next Friday evening in I e'" ~" Bla ~,te ~,~1~ nave a right to aemana consiaera- ] Since the bills have developed |dew nan~ on +h~ xvnv dnwn--nnd |liminary game Lain~ led Mt Ver- |me Methodist church. All are Tel- ) aesxgnea ~.~r~ ~ ~. ~. . ml~. xn y sprcaa an avuxa~anc~ oxsox~:, grote- at|on along this line. There is no /eontroversity at the s~art, it up- |doesnTt-get~scratched." So.~l'e pe'o: |hen's scoring with ~even pointsl ]come. Due to stormy weather no } less light :for your adcled sight protection. reason to believe that everything pears likely that the legislature 1 ~ program was gzven on last Frlda 1 sh ul-" '- n [ . ]p e are like that--they ju,':t .;)ounce [THINGS I THINK O~" [ . " Y. Dull shadows and sharp h~gh]ights cause needless and harmful ey - o u ue se ~ to ~ne s~a~e capxtoi |win aevote nine ~o their consiaer- /right up a~ain (like their checks~,Tvnin.~ ~.aa +. ~, aa ~. /evening I o . . . . ~ where it is necessary to have a I~+~,~n h~e~ ~ o ,~,~ ~o +~ ~-~, / ~- . . ~ ~ ~ ,:,~ a.m. 1)o,~ [ srraxn. ~uc ~ney a18al~p~alt" like l~glc wllen yOU llll:~ On l~nB 8wlr.~l~t ol:a - - |~'T en. ~]~rU'-- /But the funniest fall was the time lI have my ,budget finished? Are |METHODIST NOTE.~ ) dependable I. ]~. S. ~p. ~d~a/? :e.~erdss a~hae::1~t rs !tthrmltat dumr~nt ~e n;:s~Pf:e~ay:/ai/~Uneg :nl~dea~Sl~ kmgnatpaen I;tes hntV~nogn~: th~ra:im:stett!sr~:ll ]chSjr~ic? ~unUJual rot;he Methodist] Designed for the utmost in llght/ng effaeiency, and available in many IOL d al or ~ne s~ate .ortice I is. cautioning against haste in|sewer! |finger no capital key ----Some |School at 10 - ~ny, ~ me t;:'nurcn ] stunning styles and finishes, these beautiful I. E. S. laml~ a~ure ][~tt~r :DUllOIngs ~nere where space IS ex- aaopting ~ne measures !,~LA~ ~,o I, ." ". '--: - - " -/ cLxu. anu me worsnlpi . ~ ~ ~ t |,~ o~ ,~-.w~ IDoay 3us~ tnrea~eneato throw a/Service at 11 o'clock Bo+h h I Light tot laetter Dight! ~acn romp must mee the nI~y- our e~a~; sl:~-~/-~-" I -- penmve ann where riving conal~ons - - z-, ,~ ' REDISTRI(YrlNG I The high school operetta is well ]typewriter out the window ]tor ~--- " " ~ " . -t I rJ m~ are expensive Ever-" ~t~-r m |u - I . ~ . .~ . /,x~v. ~. ,~ r~yes~one and the l ca~ons o~ rne ~lJummatmg ~,ngmeers ~oc~ery~ I " y o ,e e,ver o~ theteg- ~ truer way. ~v[ost o~ ~ne songs nave t",vlacmnes ~ulet " sounas Iike tSu--~rintenden- ~,^ ~ ,~ r ~-~Do Why couldn't much of this work islature h b ~'~ ~,r~uyu ~rcnen, cor- be done at the county seats at as a pet scheme eitherin,een learned The operetta will be Ja cannon booming from a mile dially invite all to share in the serv- ] |his head or in his pocket forre-[on February 28, The seventh and laway. Thats enough for me I'm/ices of the church. a headquarters office In the dis ei h ra ~ Redd K.l att~ ~ B '. ." -]districting the state senate or In] g thg desare just beglnntngto]now out already after all you/,y 'ow "ay-: yoneormore~wI.E.S, lamps~ow ~ tracts from whmh ~t crag|hates? n r learn their son " [ redistrict| g the cong essional,gs as the books have ]can't expect all people to stand |HOMEMAKERS STUDY and ta~e advantage of today s low price~. ~i~nt terms ar~ ~ 'zne writer Deneves ~na~ IE COUla ust arrzved . . ]areas to meet conditions brought[J ' [such shocks. /GI~UP HAS COLOR LESSON I also available to help you make purchase out of inaom~l'" --~ ue aerie much more cheaply ~nere "Ih sch 1 n Ion by the last federal census. Here,' e oo ba d has been doing,English . . . another six questions |, Members of the Homemakers } agair~ is found unusual procedure/ g J t the basketball ]and I'll have fifty. Speed 'em up ]Study group met Friday a~t an all[,and It is time that the people who |in that some Iowa state representa- |games. They have new for, muttons ]"girlie"--you've got about two sec- [day meeting in the home*of Mrs;] elect ]he law-makers and the off|c- It|yes are anxious to. show the sen- ]each time which are very intricate lends before she gets around the |Harold Porter. Color in Dress I a lute how to reapportion their dis-| P " Y P Y. Icorner . . . Oh. Oh. Samebody |was the subject of the lesson pre-I S y aDout where the cruces are TYPING REM . [triets. From more than thirty years,ARKS [just had a zero added to their col-/sented by Mrs. C. C. Berry and maln~alnea ana WhO WORKS in them Heard in the t i , j of experience in attempted redts-| y.p ng room the[lection . . . gum. Sort of a bad|Mrs- Herman Nebiker. Classes of, I UA rm rpTnlp Ilplff fun nn rn Pnu "1"his 1s not a crlnclsm oI 1:ne WOrK first cried tn the af ~ sta~e " omcmm~ are acing The ~un ltricting, the senate is aware that,DouP Darn t i ternoon:,Ihabit anyway. Zap. Zap. Zap . . . |Color, Qualities of Color, and Color i |||~l~ ~'|i'|I|HI|I ||~,~|| [d||~l" ~ ~U~] . |It is a next-to-Impossible task of I g: h s typewriter. [that's the familiar quiet signal. /Harmony were studied. Members l congratulates them on their, fine I btaining agreement among sen-,Joan: Are you sure it's the type-,Algebra my knees shake more |in attendance were: Mesdames I - IOWA /CNgNg,0 ~ccon~;:ntr~:nt~o.O::n~?an~i~zaa~[~n w~ Inters as to how the districts shall |writer? levery ttme I look at an "x" . . . ]William Schnell, Frank Laurance, . ]~be equitably reapportioned, with-| Gloria: How many perfects have ]gee, he thinks I m dumb . . . .but, |C. C. Berry, Joe Mikulecky, EdJ ~. POlYmer m the ~arger cities .and we ~out calling in the house opinion on |you? Ioh what's the useI am |Marx, Frank Letner, Herman Nebi- 1 Dlount Yernon ulnce vial ~lz LISDOn ~lIlce l'l~one 20~ aect~:eg~ttml~us~V;: ttht~r~edS totb: [the subject. } Vernon: Censored. I;here isn't any use of explaining it, |ker and the hostess. ] Y I Thqre are two measures on re-| Betty June: Have you got your|not everybody's a genius . . . "It ] Mrs. Schnell conducted a music] peopm ~nemseives.--~ac ~un. [districting already In the leglsla- budget finished? ~really isn't that hard anybody can/period in the late afternoon.