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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 23, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 23, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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January 23, 1941 THE MOUNT VERNON, IO'WA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON H~RALD Page Thrt~ r Mrs. Edna Messenger and Miss lr~]r~g~t~flLil Ji T !]ruth Messenger were dinner guests YE OH LOCAL AND .K' Na, o,++ 'n t,o omo o, &JLAa TAIA a J Mrs. V. J. Flint and Miss Dorothy ,~. R. Ristine Was confined Several days this week West has been to her home this week cold. Mrs. A. J. Baird called in the Mrs. home in Martelle. Mrs. Howard Boxwell BOXWell's mother, Mrs. at the University m Iowa City last ~mdt~. )erts is suffering wit raphs or Indoor ApPlications Home Portraits Pictures A Specialty i192 after 6 o'clock apPointment / F/int. l) M "s I.ewis Mitchell returned from on~/l(l l)Ot aInp ~Orl OT . " + . . . . ~ .~ ' t A/at,on where sap na(l spenL ~en +1 'S. l']l(,O,l l)CkNa,np ,S confined at "~r * t I ' II (,aVSv ,[n neF SIster, .~L"S. ~. ,J. lethe v,',Tn a f)~l(l case el I;OnSlI1TIN. ~ " . . . }lxeyes who was ill. Her eond,tton Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peet of Mar-J is improved. t,;l?Lc:,2 722 2n 7 :;' Mr and M,s Roy +ohnson and Baird. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Babcock spent Sunday visiting Mrs. Bab- cock's sister, Mrs. Bessie Faust in ,~pringville. Charles Emerson of l)avenport was a visitor Sunday afternoon in the home of his father, L. B. . Fmerson. Mr. and NTrs. R. M. McGranahan of Nowhall were guests Saturday afternoon in the Mr. and Mrs. Ward Horton home. Mr. and Mrs. H V. llarkor will son Billy of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday afternoon in the home of Mrs. Johnson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Neff. Vie Blaine left Tuesday for Bal- timore, Maryland, where he has accepted a position with the Mar- tin Aircraft company, the largest l of its kind in the United States. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Hepkcr and daughter LaVonne and Donal(r of Marion were guests on Sun- day in the home of Mrs, Hepker's ,~Fan(lpartqlts, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hank+ be dinner guests this cvening in the . home of Mr. and Mrs. ~rillis Lamb in Cedar llapids. J. l{. l,]yre rcturm,d Tuesday (we- ning from Des Moines where he attended a utilities convention the Iirst of the week. i Born to Nit'. and Mrs. Melvin Skalskv. rt seven and one-half Pound " daughter, in tile Anamosa hospital, Sunday, January 19. card to Box 493 ! Several former neivhl,ors we "e idinner guests "l'll~sday in the home R b I I f Mrs" Bessie ('r n" in Cedar P~aP- I ids. Inchlded were: M~. A+ J. I o erts,w. ,+w + Re+ lllnt II Hiekman, Mrs. Watson Kepler, It -ernon, Iowa,[Mrs. Bessie Vallis, Miss Mary I' Kepler, and Miss Anna Mary Con- rad. i Charles Grief, manager of tbe Mount Vernon and IAsbon offices of the Iowa Electric TAght and Power company, spent the first of the week in Des Moines attending a Utiliti,-s convention. Mr. VERNON CHURCH NOTES PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Joseph W. Gray, Jr Pastor Friday-- 8:00 The M. P. Y. Club is for all older young people of the commun- I:ity and they are invited to its meet- imgs of fun friendship and dlscus- i sion. Meet this week at the home i of Rev. W. G. Rowley. i Sunday-- 9:45 Church School 10:45 Celebration of the Sacra- . ment of the Lord s Supper Medi- tation, "United With Him." 7:00 Evening service at the Manse. The talk will be given by Mrs. Hugh Robinson. Wednesday-- 2:30 Meeting of the Industrial So- eilety. METHODIST CHURCI! Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Pastor There is a definite increase in~ both interest and attendanec at the Sunday school. The newly organ- ized Wesley Class for adults has met with a fine response. The pas- tor is the teacher of this class. oi New Home Mr. and F. Johnson is Modern and Unique TO Present Parts Of New Novel By Engle On Cornell Radio Show A dramatic presentation of some of the early chapters of Paul En- gle's new novel, "Always the Land," will be the feature of the weekly Cornell radio show, broad- east over station WSUI next Tues- day between 5:15 and 5:45 p.m. The cast will be chosen from among the students in the depart- ment of speech and dramatic art. ';['he book, to be published Jan. uary 31, is based on the view of the present day farmer as it con- flicts with that of the farmer of yesterday Not only the land, but also horses play a large part in the development of the theme of the novel. Postpone Lecture On Cornell Schedule 165 pounds--Joy (C) defeated ithe Purple trailed at the half, 20 to Kluckhohn (D), 5 to 1. 15, and rallied in the second period 175 pounds--Lyman (C) defeated! only to fall short. Wright of Carle- Ryan (D) 6 to 1. Iron led the scoring with 13 points, Heavyweight--Hoare (C) threw i followed by Ratter with 12. Sains- Koetler (D), in 3:59. !bury and Dague were high men/or Coe Fresh Whip Cornell Cornell freshman basketball team was soundly whipped by the Coe fresh last Friday afternoon, the score being 39 to 24. Jumping off to "~ big lead, the Kohawks led 16 to 2 early in the game. The half- time score was 26 to 9. The Pur- ple played more smoothly in the second half than in the first, but could do little better than hold their own. Stettner of Coo was the game's high scorer with 8 points. Welgos led for Cornell with 5. Drop Another Heart-Breaker I Cornell slipped closer to the Mid- west conference basketball cellar i Saturday night as it lost a close contest to Carleton at Northfield, !Minn 37 to 35. : Reversing their usual procedure, Cornell with 8 points apiece. I Broken glasses k e p t veteran guard Jim Bailey out of a large part of the game. Both teams show- ed remarkable accuracy from the ;free throw line, scoring 13 points ~apiece on charity tosses. INSURANCE Fire and Windstorm Automobile Health and Accident Life S. N. MERRITT Office in Bauman Bldg. i Ofc. Dial 3412, Res. 4262 Mount Vernon, owa 4=---" ~ -- :~- : -- -- ~ :~ The appearance of Morris Fish- bein on the Cornell concert-lecture series, scheduled for February 5, has t)een postponed until Monday, March 3. Mr. Fishbein is eminent in the field of medicine, and is now head of the American Medical as- sociation. TO MAM A .o.e.e $roeY $eoer No Little Theatre Matinee Saturday There will ~be no studio matinee presented in the Cornell lAttle Little Theatre on this or the tel- lowing" Saturday afternoons, due t~ the semester examinations which start this Friday. The regular sche- dule of plays will 'be resumed on Saturday, Feb. 15. LOW FgEL BINS CALL FOR THRIFTY, REFINED- Coal value plenty of it - deep mined, high grade coal with all the modern features! Ash reduced and heat value boosted by 7-step S-P Win Meet But Lose Star Wrestler ! A broken bone in his leg, sus- zefining- dedusted- dustproofed--sized f or your plant. tained as Cornell defeated Dubuque You'll like its economy tool university 17 to 11 in wrestling on Friday night, has ended the college athletic career of Gene Tornquist, mat and gridiron star for the Pur- Bring the family to Sunday school pie since he entered the school as at 9 45. a freshman four years ago. The morning worship service at ~1| [ Despite his injury: Tornquist fin2 10'45. The congregations are be- [ 1[~ [: ished the match ana won easily, lu IP E N D A B L E tiful and inspiring music given by l IH/11 . - C O A L S i ing richly blessed through the beau- ~Va~ I I~] ~,~i to 3. . . , The Cornell wctory was m ~ne . - .'~' I nature of revenge zor me 14 to l~ INDl---aNADelivered Prices: the college young people in the +~!~ I }choir under the leadership of Prof. i :~j~ I [| ~ tie that Dubuque held the Purple SPECIAL i Oakland. The theme of the sermon i ~ I II i to in December. $7.75 by the pastor will be "The Soul's ~ !1| The summar y.S: BLACK ROSE -- $8.75 mam,mi 121 pounos--~anavas (D) ae~eat- t namoers el imagery. pectaz{ LOTHAIR $10.50 [invitation to attend this service goes ed Hosford (C~ 12 to 3~ to .~tranvers or visitors in the eom- In the top |)lcture is sno~vn a portion el tile Ilorary Otl tile street 128 pounfls--uasteel t~J) aeteatea BRUNHILD -- $10.75 i munity l entrano floor of tile John. m home. The vain ,oti g and flrelllacc Reideler (C), 6 to 0. + 135 hoUnds--Bishop (C) defeated RANGE -- $8.50 The High School Epworth League are of California redw(xx1. Bevel+~ (~)pl~er ou[,lnes tile op(~n Imr~ o[ '~ ~g ex un I t~onzet~ t~), la ~o a. meets m the Magee home n t S xi tu) h i STOKER -- $7.75 - the fireplace. The cornier xvludow de,e~ Is It~ed tlt I~g ot t tile home, 145 hounds Tornquist (C) de i oay evening at 0:~a. ~oug rmoei- ~" -- " son is the leader g-ivl~g greater wall space and tile n|axhl~um of light, teated Wrapp (D), 10 to 3. IL LILAN Mount Vernon, Iowa D OA L The College Epworth League The center picture shows the front door and a corner of tile library. 155 pounds--Jerivitz (D) threw m e church at 6 30 These n ~ n( ( s to a )~d( m Baker (C) in 9 52 meets ' th : The (hx)r to the left of the e t 'a ~e 1 "ad. ~ " ~r ~oo,cqull)p(~l ~ .-- u:az. COUPON t I See Our New Display of CLOTH J oLur~bla ~,40~," susmsss W %/5 aarn ;led Ware I -, meetings for youth and hy youth t,e sprain over two floors one "are ver hel ful to oun eo le with lights which snap on cud off automatically as the door Is olmned I ~l / Y P Y gP P [ The M P Y Club meets next andehxsed" The txmkcase (,overs the entire north wall of the roonl, gill I Friday evening in the Presbyterian The hottom picture shows a view of the recreation "llvitvg" fountI ~ ~ i church. This is an organization :[or on the lower fltu)r. F]uoresceut Ilght.~ softly glow behind tile extended m ~ -- l~:[ll[~ older youth of the community who n,a,d s room and bath BRING YOUR TLH sffo i i fireph~ce. This room is large and (~omfortable, with the plallo lending ;i are no~ in college. , ,t to tile "genial artist' atnmsl)here. m i C ST,AN SCmNCE c.oRc. I I! It" A I ( ~llii~ I, . . - / A little over a year ago, bir. an(l ,room, with its eorntortame ~an, I pip U ,Truth will De the subject ot tne IMrs. Albert Franklin Johnson, Ibrown and rust colored rugs from ~[1 L r~q ,Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of i dire('tors of the Cornell TAttle South India, a fireplace and piano. I'' ,Christ, Sclenti~t, on Sunday, Janu- I Th(a~t e bout-hi some land at The walls here are in redwood and (,arYh2e6(]olden Text Is trom Psalm. ITcnth and +,nit streets, just waylite blocks. The fireplace is - i ,--. +south of the Mr. and Mrs. Chas. unusual in that it has no mantle, [ i [] ,llg:lbl, lbZ. ThOU art near, U,Kcyes residence---today a lovelylbut runs in vertical lines, with a [ Lord, and all thycommanamentsI e c m( r modern new borne stan Is t h re as hanging b lak ~sh screen eve the i 1 1 i ~t~ /~LI~~ on Steel---Clean and Durable--- [ are truth Concerningthy test,- t roof of the creatwe ability of Its,open" ' part. A piece of bevelled,~ --, ~-- White With Red Trim I monies, I have k,o.wn of old that ['owners The+ J0h'nsons Studied their ]copper makes the hearth Fluor- u = toot, RRUS, ,thou. ha~ foundedthem Ior'i esid(,nt social and professional}escent lights shinc from behind I ~ ' I .~ ~ff~k AntlS gY*yStr nl[er Thon Natural .t'no ~esson-~ermon comprmes, . e { -no**ttons from *he Bible and trom'n eds and alw'tys remembering to {the rode walls of the fir place, s ~i [ ~ ~,;~ "~ '+ ~ e ine view 1 FOR ~C es 75c, 65e and 50c the Christian Science textbook, ijl tke ,adx '~.~mtag~;c of.ionth themselvesIf An alcove off of the recreation ~ IV~ 11 Tea 29c, 25c and 19c t :'Science and Health with Key to ,'ore that ~( at / room forms a dining space. Fea- ~,|,! , -'~tleS 69C ( the Scrlntures" bv Mary i~akerlev lved their "dream home" as it I tured here is the long table, made -Jd II| D ' | Wash Dishes ! Eddy " - ~ l stands now. lot solid redwood three inches thick. ~ m. Wate- n - 30c and 25c I One of the Bible citations reads: ] The house is built on the side of A matching bench is drawn up to --- If ,~ UARANTEED ~.~ i . a hill so thtt the hvmg quartersI ( he ble leavm he ~). raus go ere many signs and wonders +''+" -' " + "" Ihu~e floor length western window t ~ d I +per+ " LLL : : ) *"+ +' +e bao+. of th+ apostles',". + ' +one s,d, oft +, . ' g t . [],-. Percolators nnters the home on the top floor m A door t wrought among the people; Inso-, ' . .' I,mo.bstructed for vie '. i H I mtER-,-fi[E ~ i colnpose(1 of the llDlalY three ,)ca ] o COmbiners 69c,i much that they brought forth the -, ", ~{v, m '1 w- I leads from the (lining alcove 'nt i,li i, 3 p R!CE ,~- | ,sick Into the streets, and laid them !roomS,orfloolanahousesa natnrooa recreation" ~lneroomlO-1a small but compact kitchen. Whatnhe [] ~i L~ / ] M ld~lin nTeee" ~ I t~Uble ~ ; 65c I i on beds and couches, that at least: " "' " " . will later be a maid's room o t : i I~ i. L tans 60c, 45e and 39c I th shad of P ter ssln b ~+th a rhnm~ alcove ak,tchen h is n w [] ~ ])'rh h ,uers 65c I e ow e pa g Y'I "" " " " " ' " '' [other stde of the kit(: en o - I might overshadow some of them ," ', being utilized ,as a work shop by I (Acts 6:12. 15), STI[IEAM'[JNED I Mr. Johnson as he builds h,s own OUR STORe TO BE I ENT d FJh 1[. Among the sel+cttons from the, Everything ahout this new home ] desk for his bedroom. CO.POUN0r0 rXAC' T'TH ,~'~c I i Christian Science textbook Is theis 's'treanflined," the latest in rood-I~,~.T I~" LYAS~YOU~Ro~D(~CTOR OR LUX SOAP PASTE ,e o n sort '+'o''o++ 'ern ideas and cquipTnent, yet it re-+/!|i+~ l, - I~-~ I[ "The cross ts the central emblem(tains the comfort and "lived in" Typical of the mood and con- ' thr e ~"~ |iofhtstory. It i~th+ lodestar In the f(:el of an ohler home. Destgned venience of the house is the " e- ~ AS 'i I Hardware demon,tratlon of +hrlstlan healing.', re, the, highest, po,*, +++c, + '* + ~++-- |+] I --the demonstration by which shl there is not an inch of wasted of the bookshelves in the library ~ S-GRAIN TABLETS Bottle IOO |! and slckness aro destroyed" (pp. 'space The bedrooms wcre made where it appears to be a separate and Heating Mount Vernon, Iowa I I 238, 239). s,mfli' in or~ler to leave more room ,nit. There are, however, two lit- ~'~, ' ~ " " --- For Che*t Cold*! + 311 First Avenue North for "living" space. I lenteous cedar- tle doors whwh open to it, so that tOYS lined closets are complete with it may be pulled through and used COD LiV~.R LOFOTEB COD 2S~TOOTH A YOUNG, Many of the nations of the Old World had ceased to grow in material wealth even before the war began its destruc- tion; the density of population in many of these lands offered little hope for individual development. America is more fortunate. Despite the tremendous progress made in the past half century, we still have the power of young manhood, the wealth of un- tapped resources to carry us to still greater heights. America will go forward, surviving all obstacles. The American spirit and the American way of life will not falter nor fail. FIDiSAL DIPO$1T INSURAN ! lllMIlltl OF THI lights which automatically snap on when the door is opened, and off when the door is closed. An outstanding feature of the house is the corner window device. Windows on adjoining walls are scooted to the corner, so that two windows meet, thus leaving much usable wall space while at the same time providing a maximum of light. All windows are covered with Venetian blinds. REDXVOOD ~VAINSC()TING A wainscoting of California red- wood cover.~ the lower part of the walls which are finished off with c~lotex "planking," a tan product which is in itself decorative. The center of attraction in the library is the beautiful fireplace, where the redwood and the copper blend into an attractive front. Four sun- burst grails are used as decorations. A larg~ mirror, the width of the fireplace, is sunk into the wall between the non-projecting mantle and the ceiling. Soft lights shine up through the mantle to illumin- ate the mirror. The entire north wall of the library is covered with bookshelves which are lighted from Hnder the top. A door load.~ to a s,m deck on the southwest of the house. The stairway leading to the lower floor is in redwood. "tVAYIJTE BI~OCK~ USEI) Focal point of this part of the house is the recreation "living" from the hall or from Mr. John- son's bedroom desk. There is an especially long cord on it, mak- ing- it possible even for the phone to be taken to the sun deck for use there. LOCAI~ WORKMEN The home is heated with an oil burntng furnace with a forced air unit. Lawrence Hunter was the contractor. Masonry work was done by Ed Pesek of Spring.tile. George Hunter of Tows City drew the blue prints, while Bud Kolek of Mount Vernon did the decorat- ing. The heating', plumbing and wiring was done ~by the R. I Frlnk +company of Lisbon. The designing was the work of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson. The Hedges I,umber Company furnished the ~building" material. The outside of the house is made of waylite blocks, which are of high insulating value as well as at- tractive finish. The walk leading to the home is of limestone slag. A h,:ge two-ton rock from Stone City was hauled to tbe John ~on place to :~erve as the main part of a back yard terrace. The old rock suppos,dly came from the historic ,qtonc City opera house where many famous artists appeared in the days past. The oht reek came from the scone of its former glory to add jnst the right touch to the mod- ernistic new hon/e of the Johnson.~. O S P O RAT I O Mrs. Itarold Still, who has spent the past week in Nashua called by the illness of her ,other, is ex- pected home today or tomorrow. Miss Marian Fisher and brother Albert Fisher attended the funer'tl of Mrs. T,ou Fhofferd in Oskaloosa ]last Sunday. Mrs. Shcfferd was an ~launt of Rev. William Tcnnant. l brother-in-btw of Marion and A1- ! bert. Mount Vernon friends will be interested to learn of the birth of a daughter Janice Mac to Mr. and Mrs. 1,'rancis Meade at St. Francis hospital in Waterloo, on January 11. Mrs. Meade has .been in a I precarious condition since and has Ibeen given four blood transfusions. Mr. and .Mrs. I'). Vorman and family of Olin were dinner guests in the Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Goodlow~ god Mr:~. Amy Goodlove home on Sunday. The handsome t roDhy which Rqymond Mallie will receive fro" winning first in the ],inn county DeKalb yield contest, has been on display at the Mount Vernon Bank and Trust company. The yield which is engraved on the trophy was ]14.03 bushels average on a five "tere tract Save a life. Keep well over on your side of the road when you drive. "I{oad hogs" are among the worst causes of fatal accidents. OiL TABLETS OINTMENT LIVER 01L ,AN 24c PuLL 89c ,SO SHAVING CREAM . 50c MILK MAGNESIA KELLER OUNCe Jar Fo, r.t+,t! ANALGESIC P~RF[CrlON } ALKADENE LIGHT, WHITE, FULL PINT BALM HAND CREAMI TABLETs tuBes 2,o, 57c,~+c ~ILK OF 21 ORLIS RRAND ALMOND LOTION 4 Cream of, 6-ounce 14 INCN UYlL~ ZlPP BAG Wax paper Box 80 PAPER NAPKIN FRUIT D FOR