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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 23, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 23, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six I ~1 nil NEWS Mrs. John Wain METHODIST NOTES Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning worship 11 a.m. There will be a short talk to the children preceding the sermon. The children are especially invited to attend the church services. Epworth League, 7 o'clock at the church. Clair Robertson will have I At Last A Flavorful Vitamin-Blended Contains Healthful Vitamin BI rink a toast to ,'B-I", .L~the new Vitamin rein- forced mlxer beverage with a champagne sparkle. Contains healthful, ener- gy-giving Vitamin BI. A lt~olLt for everyone. Only 5o per 7 oz. bottle. Order a esee from your local de~ler today ! Exclt~ive license has been lffa~ted to The Wm. Tebel Bottling Company /or the bottling and distribution of "'B-l'" throughout a sub- stantial portion o/ East:rn Io'~a. ~ottled and Distributed By Wm. TEHEL DOTTLING CO. CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Free Prompt Removal of all DEAD STOCK Call Our Nearest Phone Collect Cedar Rapids 4612 Anamosa 542 Stanwood 800 Mt. Vernon 11000 SANITARY RENDERING CO. Cedar Rapids, Iowa Iowa Dept. of Agriculture IAeense No. 1 charge of the lesson and Mary Jane Gordon the devotions. The League I plans to have a sliding party Wed- nesday evening. The W. S. C. C. will meet on Thursday afternoon at the church. and Florence Reed will be hostesses. CHRISTIAN AID SOCIETY IS ENTERTAINED The Christian Aid Society was entertained last Thursday by Mrs. Elizabeth Remington and Mrs. Wil- ma Remington. GUY MARTIN IS RE-ELECTED CASHIER OF THE BANK Guy C. Martin was re-elected cashier of the bank at a meeting held last Monday. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Port ~on Sunday, Jan. 20, a son, Paul Rol- and, at Mercy hospital in Anamosa. Bruce Frantz submitted to an ap- ipendectomy on Sunday afternoon l at Mercy hospital in Anamosa. ,C. L. Murfield and Mrs. Millie I Hurt and Stella Eldred have been: sick with the flu for several days. Mrs. Tom Stahl spent Friday af- ternoon with Mrs. Nathan Port. Mr. and Mrs. Art Moenck of Riv- l erside were callers in town Sun- I day morning. Mr. and Mrs. John Hentz and children and Mrs. Mandy Blayney, all of Anamosa were visitors in the Clifford Blayney home Sun- day evening. D. E. Curttright of Olin was a dinner guest in the Gerald Darsee home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Port went to Charles City on Sunday to spend several days. Mrs. Ocy Calvert and Mrs. Flossie Allen called in the Ivan Reed home Tuesday evening. The Virgil Miller family of Olin called on Mrs. Ida Miller Satur- day afternoon. Mrs. Bruce Frantz is staying in the Nell Gossett home in Anamosa while Bruce is in the hospital. Rogert Frantz is staying in the Mrs. Lillian Stewart home and Bar- bara and Beverly Frantz are visit- ing in the Will Frantz home. Rev. and Mrs. Trevor Baskerville and son Allyn were dinner guests of Mrs. Chloe Newman on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dragoo spent Thursday evening in the Glenn Stabenow home. Miss Evelyn Dragoo has been sick with the flu several days this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peet and Mrs. Evelyn Brown and Jennie McConaughy called on Mrs. Katherine Peet on Sunday afternoon, i Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schoon of near! Center Junction spent Sunday in the Mrs. Esther Kohl home. Ivan Reed family spent Saturday in the Clifford Larson home. Mr. and Mrs. Cuyler Reed and Merrier Kyle attended the funeral services of Mrs. Rebecca Stewart THE MOUN~ VERNON, IOWA, HA~VKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON ~LD T Anamosa called at the Lowell Kohl home Sunday afternoon. Ralph Porter and Jean Dearborn called at the L. R. Bobst home on Sunday. Nancy Sue else is sick with scarlet fever. Miss Thelma Rich and Frederick Dickman of Lost Nation were mar- ried at the home of the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ad Rich, last Friday evening. They will live at Lost Nation. Paralta Mrs. Ray Bolton Mr. and Mrs." Edward Murray and Mr. and Mrs. nolle Patten spent Monday in Cedar Rapids. : Mr. Hankins of Marion was a call- er at Emil Zach's Monday. CORRECTION The Women's follow-up meeting of the Farm Bureau will meet with Mrs. Nell Patten on Jan. 30 instead of Jan. 31, which was incorrectly given last week. i n [] [] [] Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolton spent Saturday with Mrs. C. E. Clark in Marion. Mrs. Mabel Bennett and Eula spent Saturday in Marion and Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis were Anamosa callers Friday. Edward Murray helped nolle Pat- ten butcher Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolton, Mrs. Mary Perkins attended Mrs. James Stewart's funeral at Linn Grove Sunday. Mrs. Jim Carnahan and Clyde Bennett spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Ben- nett at Paralta. Delbert Campbell, who has been real poorly for some time is feeling some better. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bennett and Carolee Van Fossen attended the wedding of Catherine Van Fossen |r~ and Joe Jordan at Greene's Grove church, north of Toddville Sunday fF~.l afternoon. Catherine is a daughter l~:~ of Mrs. Bennett and a sister of Car- I -~= olee. She has made her home with ll Mrs. Anna Ranch for several years. [] Mr. Jordan lives near Greene's I [] Grove and is a son of Lynn Jor-lI dan. They are both graduates of 1~--, Toddville High School. They will I~ make their home with Mrs. Ranch I on the farm. [] Central Linn 'i Mrs. Milton Koch MT. ZION CLUB, J,~N 31 Mt. Zion Community Club will have its next meeting on Friday, January 31. MRS. ROY BOWMAN HEADS NEEDLECRAFT CLUB Needlecraft club met at the home of Mrs. Archie Minish on Friday afternoon. There was a good at- tendance. The new officers elected for 1941 are Pres Mrs. Roy Bowman; Vice- Pres Mrs. Naomi Hammond; Secre- tary, Mrs. Irwin Coppock; and Treasurer, Mrs. Lloyd Neal. The next meeting will be in two weeks in the home of Mrs. Kenneth Yeis- ley. l f ,at the Linn Grove church Sunday, Mr and Mrs Herbert Leigh were ) 1 r afternoon ' " l lem c o I ",[Sunday afternoon callers in the m i Laverta Siver spen several dayS lhome of Miss Elda Leigh, in Mt. UOIO Dymptoms in the Mrs. Evelyn Brown and Jen- Vernon. ----------- (nle McConaughy home. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Wickham, 666 Liquid or 666 T~blets with 666 Mr. and Mrs. Don Brokaw were Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Coppock and Salve or 666 Nose Drops generally ] dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. How- Mr. and Mrs. Barney Peddycoart relieves cold symptoms the first ard Dragoo Monday evening, have wedding anniversaries the day.--Adv. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnston of same day, Jan. 20, and they spent - Monday evening together at the - ' Wickham home. Here's some news many people have been waiting for--We take pleasure in announcing the introduction of a new line of McCormick-Deering Tractor Manure Spreaders. In keeping with the policy of the International Har- vester Co this machine was not put on the market until it had been carefully developed, and thoroughly tested. The new spreader IS new--from the ground up, not a made-over horse drawn spreader. We have three sizes available in the new line, the smallest size selling for far less than any other tractor spreader has up to this time. Here are a few of the features of this wonderful new line: 1. Perfeet balance--easy to hitch. 2. Rigid Box Construction. 3. Beater shafts mounted in roller bearings. 4. Main drive chain is a roller chain. We will have them on the floor soon. In Mount Vernon ,8inve 1914 Attractive gate signs were hand- ed out to Linn township Farm Bur- eau members at their last meeting. Palisades [] [] Hardware -- Implements -- Appliances Dial 4821 Baby Chick Fire Insurance 95% Livability Guarantee Here is a little friendly advice. If you want to be sure of getting your chicks when you want them, get your order in early. Take advantage of our special 10% early order discount on all orders placed and paid for by February 15th. Don't delay when you can save money by buying now! The Gordon Hatchery MARION, IOWA ~rhursday, g t We don't have to make any explanations a b o u t o u r "White 1,:lephant Sales," they're just an Institution in this Iot'ality. Everyone kno~'s the v~llnes that are g'iveu . . . lhel'O's no in ercllan(lise hoaght esl~,eially for this Sale . . . just our good ~und Morohamlise fPolu ~|akers of :~,io:ml reputation. 31a~mfaetures tell us NOT to s:cll any 3[erehandise at re- d.eo(l l)ri('es because of ad- ~.a~t'ed lu'le~q and shortage of I~aw Materials, hut Janu- ary 31 st closcs our Flseal Year so we're "Cleaning ihmsc" as usmd of all Odd Nll~lbcyrs that are listed be- Ioxv. No garmeut of any kind ,n~t~s in this store over a }-ear re~ar{llesg of costs. ~,~- - - ~ - - -@ 3 Days Friday, Jan. Saturday, Jan. [] i Only the Items Listed Below are on "White Elephant Sale" While They Last This group of Suits and Coats are made by Stewart McCray, J. Schoeneman, Inc and Hart Schaffner & Marx and sold for $24.75, $29.50 and $34.50 this group consists of single and double breasted models and a good assortment of colors and you'll notice a good scale of sizes, however there will be no two alike. SUIT SIZES: 3-35, 12-36, 10-37, 25-38, 6-39, 19-40, 12-42, 4-44. O'COAT AND TOP COAT SIZES: 1-34; 5-35, 10-36, 5-37, 12-38, 2-39, 9-40, 7-42, 1-44. WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE Notice: WHILE THEY LAST If you want a suit and Coat they will be sold in Units of 2 for $37.00 NOTICE : All "White Elephant Sale" merchandise will be on separate racks and counters. on yourself if you wish . . . Pay The Cashier EVERYTHING CASH. Wait [] [] Mrs. Charles Ford Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jordan call- ed Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Petrick. Mrs. Warner Peterson helped Mrs. Louis Reyhons tie a comfort Thurs- day afternoon. The Peterson fam- ily were dinner guests at the Rey- hens home Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Gee. Zinkula and family spent Sunday evening at the [] home of Mrs. Zinkula's mother, Mrs. Josephine Vislisel near Solon. Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Biderman are expecting their son Ben home from Ames for the week end. [] Mr. and Mrs. Warner Peterson and family called Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Petrick. [] Mr. and Mrs. Ben Neal motored m to, Des Moines on Wednesday to at- i tend the Master Farmers' banquet at Ft. Des Moines Wednesday noon. Leo Petrick and Billy Milholin went skating at a park in Cedar Rapids Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Peterson were dinner guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warner Peterson. Mrs. Mildred Biderman will be hostess to Friendship club at a one o'clock luncheon on Wednesday. [] This is a program meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Boggs en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Bider- man, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Walters at dinner Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Biderman mI entertained Mr. and Mrs. Charles II Kosek from Cedar Rapids and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Witousek and daughter Inez from Solon, at din- ner on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jay Milholin spent [] Tuesday at Shellsburg. They also visited Mrs. Milholin's mother, Mrs. W. W. McClintock, who is the hos- ABOUT 4 DOZEN MEN'S MUFFLERS pital at Vinton. Adolf Bider an is building quite an addition on to the Johnson im- [] plement company in Mount Ver- non. A GROUP OF MEN'S MACKINAWS & FINGER-TIP COATS ABOUT 16 DOZEN $1 NECKTIES ABOUT 5 DOZEN MEN'S SWEATERS and JACKETS ABOUT 18 DOZEN MEN'S 50c SOCKS ABOUT 19 DOZ. Men's Collar Attached DRESS SHIRTS These Mufflers are either All Wool or Silk a~td Rayon . . . they sold for $1.45 and 98(' a real buy . . . These Coats are made by the "Albert ltlehards Co." and sell from $5.50 to $12.50 . . . most all si~es and colors for Men and Big Boys . . . These Ties are all made by Cheney Bros Snl)erba . . . Botony . . . Blae Ridge . . . V(ilson Bros Arrow . . .They are either all silk or all wool . . . WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE While They Last WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE While They Last I WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE i 3 for $1.98, while they last This gr ul* consists f Slip- ver " " " l utton and Zipl'er Sweaters 1 WHITE ELEPHANT $2 . . . also a gronp of Bush Coats anti I ~tfer Coats that sell regu- PRICE larly at $4.95, $3.95 and $2.95 2 for $4.50 while they last / This is another item you know all about . . . Int~I~voven and [ WHITE ELEPHANT ~Vil~)n Bros. Buffer heel al|d 'roe . . . these are reg~Har lengths i PRICE . . . short lengths . . . in silks, Lisles . . . wools and Heavy Lislcs sizes to 6 prs. for $1.95 while they last ~Ve don't lmve to teU you abont this value . . . you know . . . Arrows . . . Van Husen . . . Wilson Bros . . . sell every day of the year at $2 and $1.95 1IHIT~ ~''~PHA~ $1 PRICE 4 for $5, While They Last A GROUP OF MEN'S These shirts arc made by Arrow and XVilson Bros. and sold for [ WHITE ELEPHANT $2 . . .$2.50 and $2.95 . . . not all sizes . . . but it your size is 'iPRICE Detachable Collar SHIRTS here. they're a walk-out While They Last A GROUP OF ABOUT 19 BOYS' ZIPPER JACKETS ABOUT 5 DOZEN BOYS' Plain and Knit SHIRTS 34 PAIRS OF CROSBY SQUARE RUBBER SOLE SHOES The Palisades telephone line men met at the home of Ben Neal Men- [] day evening. The following officers [] were re-elected: Ben Neal, Presi- II dent; Leo Hen k, Vice-President; ABOUT 55 pAIRS OF Oliver Dill is the new Se:retary, taking the place of Charles Evitts. The old directors were re-elected: Warner Peterson, Re Slyer, and Frank Dvorak. On the Biderman Palisades line the officers are Presi- SEPARATE TROUSERS dent, Anton Biderman; Secretary, Frank Biderman; Treasurer, Joe Michalek. THREE (3) CORDUROY SHEEPLINED COATS [] [] [] About 7 Dozen Men's DRESS HATS Linn Junior Bureau Nominates Candidate President Virgil Minor presided at the meeting of the Linn Junior Farm Bureau which was held in Marion on Wednesday evening. Thirty-two members and guests I [] were present. Emil Novak wasI nominated as the candidate from ]lll the group for state office, electi n]mII for which will be held at the Rur~l Ill Young People's Assembly tn Ames [] on February 14 and 15. A courtesy and etiquette quiz was held with club agent Bill Herr ,1 the quizzer and Luctlle Gore act- ing as judge Here's a real "Door-Buster" . . . These hats consist of $5 Stetsons . . . $3.50 Siegs and $2.95 Alexanders . . . sizes 6 to 7 most all colors. WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE 2 for $3.75 WHILE THEY LAST Th~se Melton j~v'kets are plaid and plalu colors ' strictly all wool . . . sells regularly at $3.29 and $2.95 . . . sizes 8 years to 18 years . . . WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE While They Last | These Shirts are made by K. & E It,~'ine and Big Yank . . . they'~,e ideal for School wear, sell regmlarly at 98c . . . most all siz~ frown 8 to 14~ . . . I WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE i 2 for $1.35, While They Last These are our regnlar $5.50 Crosby Square Shoes . . . made ~aith heavy Rajah rubber soles . . . Moccasin and Wing-Tip Styles . . . Ideal for Basin,s and ~hool wear . . . Sizes 7 to 12 . . . widths A to D . . . Tin~se trou~'rs are flue worsteds and tweeds . . . plain au~d pleat- ed models . . . many of them front suits . . . most of them are from 28 to 38 waist . . .~)me few in larger sizes . . . sold for $6.75, $5.75 and $4.95 . . . No alterations made I WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE While They Last WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE 3 pr. for $10, While They Last / We have three of these Corduroy Sheep Lined Coats that sold ~ WHITE ELEPHANT for $8.50 . . . made by the Cownle Co sizes 48-50-52 . . " "i PRICE While They Last On any Overcoat or Topcoat not listed in the White Elephant Sale D A Group Of 32 TOP COATS 9 OVERCOATS Here's a "Door-Buster" . . . this consists of Coats that sold for to $24.75 . . . most all sizes to cluding size 40 WHITE ELEPHANT PRICE NOTICE--"Savings Club Credits" cannot be used in this "White Elephant Sale." WHILE THEY LAST