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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 24, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 24, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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I Ve and on era m VERNON HAWKEYE, VOLUME 87, NUMBER 15 MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 24, 1957 MOUNT VERNON RECORD, VOLUME 63, NUMBER 24 .2 for! @ @ I L. Auxiliary Will Canvass For Polio Nothing New To Report On Route Chanc ............ ~e Milo Sedlacek former r , . Four Linn county boys' teams Cedar I Mayor Aithuz Kudart has pro Nothing definite has been iearneo, will fi~ t it ,, ' "-h n o'~, . Ranids roro~ " " , - , ~,h o~t m the Lls_o.. ~m ......... t city should ha'v£~"~-:~'~ i ,- A ., claimed Thursday, Jan. 31st, as the ! about the peoposed conselidatlon of ! &AL %/ ..... D.,:--I, .... Friday night for the honor of being tcv"~o,r-,-~ ~ -~ -~'-"'-':" ["¢~.~. OIJ$ /4.UTher official day for the Mt Vernon! the two Lisbon rural routes IVth el=High ~la,l~e¢ paired for the county chamoion- • P .... I.i^,^I,.,.., ~1,.4 March of Dimes poho campaign. : [ Congressman Henry O. Tulle b.asI lrlsitllltltlo4rl ~undav sh~p tilt to be played Saturday at ~,,._ ...... w~,vlll~ m i~l~,al.imh ~mom Your support is urged so that this' ]acknowledged receipt of the petition ................. ~ 8:15. ........... -.-~*~ll oily ¢laas nln " not . " -- • • i . - • ,~-ve_~r ,~,---:Y. . ! - _.i drive can go over the topm thin imgned by 224 patrons of the LusbonI ! The first game of the semis ~:-- :,,_a as SUCh ou~ I ~llll -ommunit,, I rural routes asking that they not be i .... : ..................... ~: .............. ~ill it either Lisbon or Central .......... @ a'~'" • J ,,.. ~. : ...... ::::::::::::::::::::::: : ......... "~::. ::~ ::~ i:. :.i " P ~.__;-__,,ays looking ahead i~ll ..... :-~,.~.:..~...m~+~,.,,.e~ i i consolidated. I :i :::~; :: i~i~:.~ City against either Viola or ~.llllg Ior tl~e llle UI'J[I~I UJ. IYWJ VVlAI ~t~t ~a$, } .... I ): ::::: ::: ~.~i~!~!i!~: .. future. ~IF~-~~[il "- - enin at seven o'clock i H~s letter to B D Sllhman, Lmn, :; :: .alli~i/I l~ Palo, the l~iring to be deter- ......... ~~dacnftthb~ ~b~etter sh°wnl l~~711E twn~t~ et~c bgowlng of the fire i icounty Republican chairman said: i : :~ l~ ] mined Wednesday night, the ............ a e city Water $~ siren. Everyone is asked to , . i "Today's mail brought me your let-i ::: ~..~ ~ winners facing each other Fri- ~ c c u m u 1 a t e d around l~~~l~ | ~ + .... hi~ -or~hli,,ht so the i ter dated Jan. 15 and containing I ii~ day at 7. Lisbon and Viol& ance the drdhng of a ~ ~ " s re • [ numerous enclosures pertaining to ................. ..... ~ drew byes the first round .......... 1 I ll~~~~.;.~- ladies collecting will be U ....... ?i:*:=:!~~ i!~ , . • P. ** /~/i/i~ ~ +~ ~+o" ¢"- "our contribution " ] the proposed consolidation of the ::ili~ ~ .... .~ Center Point will face Coggon in esday evening the court-' 1 :~~i~ ......... ~ t two rural routes at Lisbon Accord-~ the second hit of the semi final .......... mayor listene " i~ ~::i~ii Tne puolic is asKea to give ireely i ) . . . " : : t . . L . d to LouLs l~-~: ~llil~.~ ........... ' ~ l III ~ mgly I ~mmediately sent a tele-~:.::l[~I ~:.~~ round by virtue of their victories a water u ' ~ ::~;~: mis year rememoermg ma~ me .......... .......................................... ~::~: ........... .. p mp expert from' 1 .::.~ all~ ~:i~ ~ ..... ' ......... I gram and a letter to the office at St. I ii~iii:::~: i~ :l~ ~.Tuesday. ~ms, .discuss the problem j 1 .~lll~ ~uno.wu~ oenex~.~ no~ only aau[~s ....... .... .... I Louis asking that my letter of Jan. :~: -~:. [ ~ .:~ i TOURNEY RESULT~ ........... I c~2Omer well here. ~! ~l~Sau~enadyY;n:h~l~lS;:2%°~: areu v~'c~_', PREPARING THE VENISON dinner at Hillcrest Country Glub 14 be disregarded ilii:i V/i:~ j Monday i p ° vvetlas,t summer l tims The Polio Foundation is of Saturday afternoon were: eft to r gh,, back row, Uoyd Peterson, I "I.reanze ,that chan es i-. ai! !ii:jiii ! Coggon -- Troy Mills 37 ........... ..w m me lower wen~ ...... • ill ' . .... '--,,, • ,. L----J . .....J .--L-- ,'--[..-- :r #t,~nt row Mrs ~serwce are tenaer ma~ers to {*eat r::~:~,~u~:; ~ Central City 42 Mt Vernon 38 | the one u--,...... n _,^~.~ I : ll course now aiming a~ prevention. ~lmovrlssey, alCnara av~ ~anu Jun. ~u u,,, I ; ..... , " I ---:*~- --a • ~.~ .~.. ., ~-. . ~i!~;~i~~ : :~~ ~ o -- • vv~ w~.. a.u,,~ i . . w,m ~.u x hope ma~ me .uepar~- ~:::~::~:~:::~:? .... ':::* :: Palo 65 Walker 44 2 for! take care of th,~ ~,,t,~ ~ A part of the 1957 funds will be G.R. Andre Mrs. Harold Kruse and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson. ~-n' - "' a ........ , ....... ::ii:ii:~: ~ ~ ! -- ~t. Vernon Thu~ .~i..o' lr used to further vaccination am g . I~~ service which *he ............. ~i~/~ / l~ t Tuesday ............ J the council-has beenI l l those who have not yet beenpro-[ The ham, venison and turkey ain- J customed to ~tin~''~ ........... ~~ ~ml ~ 'Center Point 51 -- Springville 50 "hat sh o . ~ ~ l tected."Let's Finish the Job.' ner was served to over 400 on Sat- ar¢lal-- " K~v~ l ~n~. I~ • g g. :di~K~k~2.:_: ::~ ~:~ ,~! ,~,,ssv-° ..... o~ ............ -- hi*" ""~++ ~ ould b= du,~e to ..... t tin before 5 30 ' The dLstrlct manager of the Postal ............ ~si . ; The local Legion Auxlhary will urday evening s ar g : . tuatmn. / I1 ............ i i-ntil nearl- i _,n_.._, t Service visRed Lisb°n on Mondaylk~: '~ 1 Games Wedntn~l&y ptney who ro~;..d +h. I i' I1 sponsor me anve nero again• All p.m•.ana cont nu ngu Y i|~_.~ IL#'--.I .... ILl#-'... [inve~ti~atin~ the, nronn~od ohanao ~: ~ I Central City vs Lisbon 7 p.m• ' -'~" ......... • ' lOCK - .............. ':: I . . I su members are to meet at the Legion v o c , t rl~lll I~l[;lli~U~ V¥ II1 ........... ............ . tamer was asked to[ . . . , ~ ~ ~ Palo vs Viola 8.15 ,war ..... : ...... ,ll ll Hall at 0:45 to be assigned the~rl The venison served was furnish-, ..... !A , ~,~l --, m , ll~ ~ , .... .~ao. I ~- ~*~uauon nere ana i l. Ul .... .,• .,,.~.~ ,,,m a.i,,,~'ed hv Lloyd Peterson who shot a I lr~,l~,~l~, ~m,m,,m,~ t l[---'~,~FtFq |I~AA~ • ImmP~ i~ ~ i ~a-.~. ~,-*,.~ ............ In detail to the council I ~ll ~errlmry. ~eslo,; .......... :" "~.'". ~'" %, ............ . l~l~llllll~l~ll |IIL~O l VVV~I ~mm,~m ~m~m~ : .............. I Winners of Wednesday's games /Well could h.~ n..;~,,,~ ,~: . i ~ll ears to speea up me canvassing. The aeer near ~.a~per, ~yu., u~, ~ nu,,~- I ] .--m .... I ~x t~.~t~ 1 . .. ~. ............ ~e city parl~ao • ...... I Auxiliary ladies would appreciate it ing trip last Sep b . Marcia Reyhons and Patsy Kalous,Plans 5/Pro-ram Mt. Vernon Rainbow Assembly _ ~" • • ,re ...... ° .....77; P=~ ¢-ndh,,r,~ will make his very much if all would have their l The tables were beautifully dec-! ...... ,~ *hom~h,~ *h,~ n,,t~nndinai ~ ]will hold public installation on bun-i I.~ames ~&~uraiy hey did not te~ieP~v:S~%l:t ]twentieth appearance at Cornell money ready as they have "wllhng orated for the occasion. Serving was :salesmen in the recent Music Par-I The Good Cheer club met for a !day, Jan. 27, at. 2:30 p.m. m the .i~It. ! Con sotat*oo*.~ 2.45 I~ il.w°uld greatly affect the Thursday, January 31, 8:15 p.m. at hearts ou~ cam toes. .. i.wel! organ!zed with A1 Morr.~sseYients.sponsored birthday calendarlpotluck supper with the Homerl~iern~qnar~VlaS~2Ck~LPs~Ln%ta:2~s'* ...... ~ ........ . ~ . i l~ L ne present well b,,* he l the Little Theatre. A few days after If anyone is missed during me in cnarge oI me alnlng room. walt- ! campaign. Prizes for their achieve- I Lights and Richard on Jan. 5 with'. . _. : . .. .-. ' ... s~'" i The uisoon gym was in astate oz I~ Ir ! say definitelythat it]the celebration of his 79th birthday porchlight drive, please send your !resses were Rita Mulherin and i ments were presented Friday after-120 members and one guest, present, iter, o~ lvlf., a:~ff~ ~rs..~ean ~tarK, [uproar the entire eveningl'uesaay m ~ ~ ~. - anniversary he telephoned Professor contribution to Mrs. Charles Klein, 'Mmes. Joe ~aiaar, harry JacKson, [noon during the junior high assem- '~ Each family contributed a number lW~.~" Y~..~. ..... ,,~ ~ ,~.~,~ ,*-*,?,)-• ins t=en~er t-aim squeaKea pas~ possible si*~ = .... ~.- ~:,.. I Tull from Flat Rock North Caro- 608-5th Ave N Dick Ross Jack Murphy A1 Mar- lv by Mrs E R Hoidahl president to the nro,*ram The followin,, of- i restarting onlcers wu~De ~arlJyn i Springville 51-50 and Coggon play- ~ I~ dL bile ~51t,.y ' ' [ , [ d J - - • ~ 1-~ /~ • ~ • • " l • r s L Evans Harold Hanle ~Dean wormy aavlsor L~all xe~sley M#. V ere the Diagonal join~ i lina, that he would be coming ___ 1 is ey, . C. , Y' i of Music Parents. Marcia was! ricers were elected: Floyd Decious, ? .... ~' .... ' i lng its second mght in a row, was • ~t. If a well were drilled Mount Vernon way and could be ~ ., I ,~ s I / i Walter Kohl, Roy. Pla~enberger, F. iawarded $10 in cash and Patsy re-Ipres." Mrs Albert Blinks, v.p.; Mrs.~ marsna';.,°u_aY_~.usen~arK2enap~)n: iable to evade a seoond half rally _.jOuld cost from $7 000 to '~here on the day above-mentioned• tes,val no in¢luae ',t., Carnanan, o onn ~omn, u. ~"tceived a cash prize of $5. Both girls, I Albert Gray, see., and Albert Gray, ~*l[~[a_.~.ff~['_ ,~u32~aj~, a~m ..... Y by a. ~etermin.ea Amurne~t ou~n~ mor - the HUSK ~ l-~aun Wnllam LlttS l~oya l-lorzon nl t rned in na~enue*Ne~ rv~u~ue~ x~no rest me Dan game only .~ 67 e to la~,~ a-., '8-inchlHe is .being sponsored by __ ,, . , __ ,i , , I e~ghth" graders, not o y u " [ treas, i ' " ' . ..... 7 " a th 1 oken fay ~and Stuart Franks h Tbe first tilt was a mgnt aown , at site to the stand-iof which he has always sp" [~eI[o Jolo ~:antata~ ~ • I fine records of birthday name so "c-t The executive committee met at' *" ~ ........ "" vHle al" in h , on rib a eterla, ~ to the wire analr bprlng . P •cations would arise orably and to which he has c t " -. _ - I The food was served c f " . itations and calendar sales before the Decious home on Jan. 15 and~'~nl~'~, Dl, l,-,lrt~ I~n i%t - " " • ' " _ _ tact that the main miaht!uted. ~.i'l"t't'll'll't ~ml~l, lg~niJIstyle by Joe Paidar Milo Kaliban, i the holidays but continued their named the following committees i~'l**v" **'~*l~ ~,~v~ ways a. fighting tourney team even ~llli tterseet a number ,~f ~'~ [ e.' ........ ~.. +,.~ T: .... m,^~,~ ~''''*'*"~:$v "l'"r ..... /:Dick Ross and Lloyd Peterson. i drive to sell considerably more cal- Flowers Mmes S P Vandeber~ I'----A.- I~l--,&A. r, .... in a sum year, tranea oy a points I~llll Other possible sites for is limited it is suggested that Mr The contract has been si~ned to' Harry Jackson was m charge of the l endars after they were published. !and Willard Light; Membership, ,l~[[ll~[ #ll, ili~[ 1-W,,illlII , after the f.lrstperlod, p uton a sure; !re Under consideration• I Tull be called for reservations, i bring the Chicago Symphony Or-dish washing °crew, Mrs. Adolph [ The birthday calendar has again i Mmes. Roy Dickey and Theodore [ ~. ~,~.~ ~,¢ S~ilor Phel,~s have i t°..-~..e..~2T%°n/yo(.C~L~LPa',~ I=lPIrl~aC3~t Z~ ~r2ew~we]r~lan2} ~ ~Ichestra to the 59th. annual Cornell Amhren:ssis?ede~i~eedo~riss~jYi~e[proved pop u_lay_and profitab!e^5or!~gh:2 ~i~Fa~df~r fitrSteSitXnn~n~hS, lpu;:ct~ased "[he Emer Slat~ farm !o~f"~l~e~h~rd an~l'~came so close'to m~,, ....... e*~,~u ~Ul~ ....;,.Ae, U,,~l~,i I/",.~,, lvtay ~wusic lresfivai wmcn wm oe m,,i ....m 1Vir Dahl kent theime MUSIC r-arenL~, l'yitllLLll~12'~ulll.~l~c~ ~" , ........ _~ '^ ..... o~,.~.2'!south of Lisbon and will take pos-ltaking away the game that you • , ~l~|Vlt~:~O gl~l~,ll l~&$1 held May 2 3 and 4. This will be,-,,,,,.s :y~,, • -' -- ~" *,, 1 or around $5oo A~ me January 1 ~. r. vanueu~rg, ~'~uex~ x,*****~; , o~o;~,, ~,~.h ~ Tho Pholn~' .~on i oa,,]rt harrllv honr +h .... h{e+la hl.... .. |Itne • • ~ ' ' , . wa~er pl~cners ana coIIee urns illl- [ - ! Menu for last six months Mmes 1 ~oo .......... ~ ......... ,-- - ........... ~ ..... -,~ ,-,,.o~-~ ~,.,,-- • ~._ Y Is now preparmg ~ &&., I1~ .... I_ &A__&L~., ;the 54th consecutive year that this ~d ! meeting of the groupLallowanee.of I ................ ~ ....... ' Harry will operate the farm which ! at the end. In the last half second, • II ~ i~'~meations for the weZl!/V|l l I y 11 I~ /vl~ln~ i orchestra bas participated in this i~ There were a ~ood many attend- ~$4 eacn was maae to e gnt sin- ] oroer: ,v rg , t.o e, ~o~ ,-,ec~uu~,:eomprises 120 acres. ',the Orioles behind by just 1, a • . oe considered b the -- ' rent Eastern Iowa musical traui- ° - hems WhO representoa lXat. vernon x¢oy um~ey. ~ in D " " " a e li ~ ,h.... Y ] '*g ed from Iowa CiW Anamosa Mon- I ............. ] ................... ,.._ ,~.. i Mr. and Mrs. Slater moved e- ]Sprmgvllle field goal try was m d dl~ I ~ ..... ne has completed Miss Ethel Ryan was called to El- tion. !,~.u~ ~. ~,~m,~'~' ,n ,hn~' crom m tne an-sta~e cnorus at ues ±womes ] m c~).~e o~ p~t,s~a,,,~ • ...... cember to their new home which !and just slid off the rim as the buz- dora earl Frida morning by the ' i rs of '~ .......................... at Thanksgiving time to help them, year win oe me tonowmg: january, I • . • i I ~ ~ ..... Y " Y The many friends and adm re Lisbon Mechanicsvillea n dMt .... ' .. I:: .... . ....... ,~ ...... ~ had been built in L~sbon. ~ zer sounded• - ~ ~,,~e .o~ water consumed i critical illness of her mother, Mrs. 'George Sehick who directed the or-i~rernon "! de~ray expenses wnue mere: . . l.a**; ~u., =a~;u~,y~ ~.,~,.,., .¢,~,~_~_,, j ------ i Centet- Point SDrlnlrville • aon has been increasing, ~Charles O itvan 87 who succumb-~-~.~-.-^ ~, *h'-- l?o~iv~l in rooont t-- " i The organization also votea toi ~v~rs. ~neoaore ~lgn~; .%prn, ~v,r~. :~_, _ ,-__-I_ m~l..L ~ -- " :h Year "~ .. - ~" ! - -~ :- " ' : .........cue~a a~ ~"~ . ...... -? ?" --';7-7 ~. _'------Z------Z---~ i f,...~;o~ +r-n .... 4~+ion for the con ; Willard Light• May Mrs Border" ; @prln9 %.,r~K ~IU~ ! fg ft p fg ft p • • ~ae counclt nasjea on ~rmay evening, lvlr~, xtya~ ears will be leased to near mat • ~,*,,,~- ~ ,* ow,,,~,*~ - ' ' " . . 'i -- ~ng this trend knowinglhad been in poor health since a ~e has agreed tp return this year to, Sh,p Wolrab Boar cert band tour.the first of y h:l n =S.P:oV ndeb:r ; Elects 1957 Officers IM:Ne. ~ ~ ~ ........ ~ ,3 another well would be '.~ stl oke.aver a year ago. I~ direct' the ~.~atu rday evenln. ' g con- ~ -- , [, ~neear tWOwas yearfor thePianlaraSeappr°Veavocal groupslaSt, £11~'~'~'°~" Cole;~*~'"~Oct.,'~'"~;Roy ~'"'Dickey; Nov.,:" [ . • '~ ............................... Haars ....... 3 5 3 Clark ...... 2 3 0 "-~o ..... ] Services were held on Sunday, cert as well as the oratorlo perform- I To Araentma ,, .... g _ .,, ....... ;~,+. n~. ~ x,~h,i Spring Creek club met F~,day,.~ .... ~++. ~ , ~ ~ ..... i. ~ a , ~-. l;~be~ae M:.t. Verno.n court-]Jan. 20 at 2:30. p.m. at the Andrle- ance. Last spring Mr. Schick re-I ~;~ ]to go on ~our tna~ year an~ no tlnoj~r ~,s ..................... i Jan. 18 for an early supper at the i~r~" ....... ~ 0 ~ ~le'ald ......... 3 0 .q ~'~A[~eo,~npnmented m hay- I Creps Funeral Home in Eldora. 'signed his Chicago position to take '~ The Berkshire boar sold to Manet- ~ compete l.n me sta.~e co~,es~, anct ~of ! ""'2== ....................... ~ i home of Mr. and Mrs. ~Jarren !SarohettI,a ~ 1 Thnmn '~ a _~ ~'[' a°'S"t to plan ahead for [ ~r~ ........ ~ ........ ,.o ~orn~, Oce Jones, ~,~.,,- ......... hl .......... rk with the NBC O~-~ ~ ~+i ......... R~,~ho~¢ in" Argentina, for ~$500 1 the oana to make me tour mis I ~ne 11t~2£~ lll~'e~,~,,S ~**, u~ ~u ~,*~ t Morningstar. Election of officers .I wilna:' ' " 2. ?. : .~ ~7":'n ......... :, "2 ": a new W.ell when it was ~au~l~ier'of Car~t Paul and Eliza- era Comnanv in New York l last October bv ~V~ilo. Wolrab was spring and not compete, as a unit.i John .Light home on ~,a~uroay, l~eo. lwas held: pres. Mrs. Lyle Orr; vice : ms .... u u ~ ~o~e,~ur . X 6a .... f[" f~ue has been saved ] ~,o+~,~" C'l*rlv .Tane~' May 26 1869 in m, ~" - "" ~ : .... ! flnMlv ~h~nned ~bv air express from Clarence Gardner ana ,~ennetn I z,. beginning .wwlm a po~.mcK supper pres. Mrs. Paul Shaffer" sec.-treas., ~ ~,~'o~ .... ~ u # i # I1~ ~-~ invest~.~ ~ ........ i ............... ' ~.~ , . ,. . ~ lne oratorio chorus wlu s~ar~ i ....... ., ~ .*-*- . - -~ =. ~~" ~ ~m"kil were named to make the ~ at o'3o p.m. ±he executive comml~- ~ ~,_ ' ~,.^ ~^r, ..... "^'~,^~ M,'~ i ~ ~ ~ "~'"'°~" -'" " I~JV'lsSOthat,~';m.~uve~":[Adams County, Ohio• ~ne attenuea'work on the "Song of Affirmation"iMiami, Floriaa on rrmay. ~ne!~' ~ +.+; ............. +~ ~,~,~itee "wql have the nro~ram ]~. ~w~ ~,~,~,*~,; ~=s,- ..... -;=--.~ ~le ---~ -- --e xunas woma [Oh% University and was married h,* ~ ..... nou^ T~ ~+ +~ o+~+ ,~ ! boar left Cedar Rapids Sunday ', ~-~,,~-~%' .... .~ .... ?'~"'~7:° _"2"'* i ......... - "~- - " t~rnest ~leper. ~eoruary meeung } ~a ~n ,0. :2,_ ~a.en needed without i., ~; .... ~ ~,,.i,,,,~ f3hia in ~R00 ~ X~ ........ "; ...... / .... &;,? ..... ."~ ..;.~.+ T~,, ~q ~- ..... i~r~ad exnress' Hampton ouses nave oeen mrea for ! ...... m . ! will be with the Ernest Piepers be- t ...... ~. ,us an~ paying a good deal~ ~, ...... ~*~- ~, ...... _-'---=--Z'i~l~tora me secona semester. ~,ms worK: ",~,~. "~'. ............. !the two-day trip at a cost of $171. i Mrs Prin_qle lo ~,,ompleTe i ginning with an early supper I Coggon had a tough time staying ..... ,~ me cost of a new wen .~ne ana ~wr. ~yan came ~ of the which was commissionea oy ~ornen mr .... m~. n" of red ta-e was l Music Parents also voted to han-i -- " • -- ...... -- l __ " in the tournament as Alburnett ~IK L)Uton borrowea ........ +;~ i in 1898. She was a memDe .~, . for its Festival during its c~:ntennial ; ,~ vast amou ~.. _ P, ................... ,AssessIn In Mr, vernon , _. • staged a second half comeback in ,d bacl~ ........ : ...... Methodist church ann at t~napter ,,ear in 1953 wql be reheated this necessary oetore the ooar coma De ,,die me canLee ...... v~u~ u~,-s, the g Burdette Conkhn Buys i,h. m .... ,,,.o ~.,, AIR IN "" .iFA, PE.O.. for 40 years• .'eary by popula/demand*. The can- shipped. Papers for permission .... to. small groupcontest to.oe nela nereeeK Saturday, Jan. 26, will be the last &~l__ I~_.. I~1___:__ I:_'_-- i S';:w~to'-'aet".t~r~t=~'~'tJh= ...................... *A"*]h':,~-=:~*t Dry..- et •. ,, I eurvivin~ besides Miss Ryan are tata is a thrilling and moving com- sh_p the boar had to be cbtamed Fmday ana ~atu[roay, }ne nrst.w - day that Mrs Don Pringle will be i myrrh, ~uy ~m~mm]~ rucm ! bo,,s caught fire after trailin~ 17 22 onop I'lolcls!a Attorney Elvin J. Ryan of position, which was an instamane- fl'om the Argentine consul.ate in_lend }n_Ap~. ,u~omm~eeSnWU;o::[at the City Hall in Mt. yernon to ] Burdette Conklin in December :at~halftime, and made the~game tsnlca 0 add le area in ~rlpl ca~e,a OIIIAeU Uy ~ll'c ~%.o*u~ u I J~ r nd two randchfldren and otis success u on its first rfon ~ g P P PP make ersonal prope r~y assess nuarv ~nlia I Eldo a a g " p ' pe " - "! ~. " - ," ~ .. ~ ~- ............ m ~. .... ticinatin;; 1 p ...... - i bought the Mrs Ray Blessin~ farm i a nip and tuck battle to the end. A . " .... [two great granddaughters• ance, and this second hearing is an- ana me consular flees pa~o. znen lwen~y ~cnuu,~ .w*~* ~= ~,,:.^..~ ""i~: ments, help taxpayers nn ou~ nome: i of 130 acres sotlth o~f Lisbon~. Ten' field goal in the last two seconds ,!~'~ ;LeSSyS',h~PwoW~ll hold their! ~ i hC~Pe~t:dbYoa~l tyeeFe:t~?lpat;onts° [h;Ptt.:r;hase~:~.~? obtain a crea ! lsnrvtn:e ~ll~a'r?u~n~ean~i:~oseSt_ ] st~d:gdisold~rs exempuon ann!acres of the farm is alo~_gg the river. !gaveCoggon the v,ctory. )2 'lu mr the Price, ~ tendm the contests with candy I 111[ , t3oggon Alburnett s a Dollar ............ Dr. Cole Returns From :bring two outstanding artis,s to the By the time credit arrangements l .g ......... '~ i During the next week she w' . ,, . ,, m, ~., m~ I . .,. / • en ute~ ~'~ I , ice cxeam sanuwlcne~ ua*~u ~ fg ft p f ft .j~...,_~. d. The even+ ...m ~,_~+ ,.,- tam__l__~ ¢'---~----- T.:,. ' Festival for the two recital perform- ~had been made, the permission had pop, .~ '" ' ' I call on those who are incapacitatea i I.ISDOn rlellO ~orla i ......... "._ _~ (.x~ [ "~an. 25 and~ ~+~I/WO 1fire,KS CI;i~ll~[n m~ml.m j ances on May 2 and 3. i expired as well as a veterinary cer-~ and conee. ] and cannot come to the City Hall A daugh:er 7 lbs. 12 oz., born to [ .eenton ..... ~ u ~ ~{~.~nn .... 1 u 1 ' ........ ~"-' , • • ! .... ' • [ lkno~ ~ U Z WilSOn 0 Z { II /~turday acco~m,~, +.. +~;. i ........... ' ] tificate from Des Momes. Thus lt i This will be an every mem- t to complete their assessment, i Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hines of Stan- ~ ...... " ...... _ .... - ^ ,.,IJ 3. - .... s ........ .. ~Jr. rmssen u. uoie remrne.u ** ~------~ m I was necessary to obtain new per-[ ber job for the Music P&rents, / Starting on Monday Feb. 4 she/wood at St Luke's hospi.tal Jan. 20. i wr)gnt ........ z ~ 1 Andrews . ~ o ~~11~ ,~unaa Eomnear~y~wo weeks m ~'~aJsDowman rleaas .... ', n. ' ' " ' ' ' ~!! ~ P~e~°iiisC:: !ii ephant Tee VS. Poho Drive i/ii~ei~2~!~ii e°sc~o~il~T/~ i~!~i~w~eb~i:~t~Si~bd:?~Lt~k~ ~!'~2ws~i~sdnfxav~i?~Mn~ B?°~re%n r phla and Cornell alumni mee g ' ' ' o le Berry 0 0 1 /-I ~[I ek End • • tin s: Mary Bowman who represented Y " "g " - i ' • [ ............ l~, 1-1 W~hino" Mt Vernon at Girls' State last sum- was necessary for Dr. Robt. Voetberg m~lc programs. These pe p ~ i ~ ! ......... c¢ t:o ' • at l-'nllaoelpnla on ~,,, .... , ........ o ..... . " • " ' r s • " ' • " ~ -- /,/~ ~he,a.s White Elephant]ton DC on the 15th New York mer, is heading the local "Teensitomakeaspe~laltr!ptoI~sM°mes~ are .memhe ]Sailor Phe[l~s |s Assessing Lisbon Music Parents Li 16 3 11 /, II I.- ,u ~riaay and Satur I_..' " Y, ....... ~ ;~'^_, .... ,u~ a,~inst Polio" drive This nroiect, on ~aturaay to o~tain me neeaea withou~ membership anve or _ . *. _ i _ 1 // IIIS Week ..... "{Glly on me lore anu DU~U. u,, u,= -'~ ' " " ~ ' "" tO IA" "" -- " " I--" -- " ..... // U I ~- . ..~ormng to their, ..... was originated last year by Jean papers as there was not time to mau dues. The orga~aiz~iion alms ~,~r LISDOn tire Station : Plan arnlval eeb. 23 i Ragged ball and two close games o The sale w ~o~. I them to Des Momes and receive ' romo~e the music groups with 1 a maraca opening play Monday night /// I~I[ ~..'~ . hich in-{ " ~_--~---- i Seberg of Marshalltown when she " ' i P { . . I Lisbon Music Parents he d i .~ ' " • I I I I- ~,,u topcoats nd ~th~r ] - , ....... ,;-,,+ .... + .......... ,~ ' s them back under the present mail ~ heln. financial and otherwise. { Sailor Phelps has been working at I ~.,~i~ ~,~mh.. ~,~n ~v n 14 in i uoggon in the opener advanced to [~:'° *~ eagerl a ara/ro er 1 service lolsts and the Lisbon fire station making per I m w,th 36 res me secona rouna by de~eatmg "lTOy ~/~[b'- Y nticipatedll~ean hOW y State and is being carried out • • . t Local students, both so" . .... :,the new music raG , ' P -'t ............ LL~ o, People in this trade %M'II A,,.;,,~. ~A,~,~ ! through teenagers who had been at It was .necessary the Dour .leave i members of ensembles, have re- I aorta} property a~e:s..sments ~or rural ent. It was decided to proceed with ]~.n~s e~-~t In a game.which was ~""--~J'- L_ .v,Ii ~..~..,--~ ,-,v,,-,~-I :~irl~' State Jean is the ~irl who~ here Sun(aay oecause space naa Deeno,.{,,~d their contest music and are!resiaen,:~ o~ rran~nn townsmp, l nlans for a carnival to be held in]uea up nve umes at • m, t~, zv .L[ i~ I • *- ..... ¢ ...... ~o~+ f~ll when she reserved on a plane leaving Miami 1 ..... ,. ~ ;+ ....... nder direction ] He expects to be at the same ! +ha ~oh~,,,~ ,,,m, ,~, Feb 23 Mrs , nd 37. W,th the score at 37 all and HQrt.,,ll Io I Dr. Howard Troyer will come ~.=~'*'~=~'~^-'~'~'*+~" .."~.,'~+h° -art of on Friday Once previously space !a~ w u~_~. ~.,, ,~..:... ~lVlr Sm-kil }place this week and next before i~r"h~.,~,'~'~'~'~'(~"~,~='~h~ ~o'mmittee inla minute to go Knott, Bailey and --'"~'| |a Monday from Lawrence COllege ,~.p- wa~ ~l~.~u ~./ lO~aj ~ ,-~ ~, . • !oi lvlY~, l~lit~llUl~ az,u . d • " " m a x i v.~.x L.,,.~o,. a,,.*a,~o u. ,~ { WrI" ' ' ~]~ in kl--~, - ! ...... ' ~i-+ Ton" in the Shaw -lay to be which had been reserved had to be ~ [completing his work• Ho este d e - charge nf arrangements ght pumped in buckets for the • "" ,'~Ull i leton wis to assume outiesas ~= -~ ~ - ~ ~ , ......... o .... -~ • . • I Cem, t,,,v P , ", ._ --^.= ..... .~ ... n...~,~ ...... cancelledbecause the necessary .. ~/ emphon and soldiers' exemption ~ ~ Iwln. f ! t dean of Cornell college Mrs Troyer . . ' • - Or Donald ...... ~ • " - -" ---~P BOTTLE DRIVE JAN 26 : papers had not been completed. , mrs. ©nresrnan forms, wh,ch he has, must be filled j The Lisbon Legion Auxiliary will t Wright with 13 and Knott with 10 - ~ nar~zen will accom an him ann stay w,m ----" • • I ' • .. _._.~,~on Tues,~:" - ' - ! P Y . . . m ........ ~,~ va+ Vernon are nlan- The Pan American Airways want-, _., ... | / ! out each year• lhold a special meeting at 7 30 p.m paced the winners but George of f the 7,~'uan- 1~, in i him a few days at Brac~et~. house..~.~,~"=~:i~'~"~¢"~n'~v raisin- ~roi-'ed to know the exact weight of the i I~li~S weanesaay { -~ !Thursday Jan 24. Change of meet- i Troy took scoring honors with 24. ~ietery at'-'u~2Xn ~ate ..Na- ]She. will the_n,r_e.turn,.t~_ffppleton+t^o ect'~. ~beginn°ing "wl't~l~'a pop bottle boar and crate and the exact size i .... . .._ = ..... !Sutliff Man Iniured ling date will be discussed, i Coggon Troy M{lls ~ent w e ;~..~_ [.a.c~cu i malntaln the home u*e[~ tu*~** a*j~ ~.:[;^ ~, ~,o+,,..~., .In 2 when ' of the crate so as to plan the neces- ~ Mrs. Charles .~nresman, ~, alea, . • . ! __-- . .. - . .. li~liear b~r~ ~e beautiful !the Troyer twin sons are gradua~ea ~*=..,~¢~ ~'~+'*~,~ ~ties6'House_ sary space in the plane, i Wednesday morning following a When Car Hits Bridqe : m * 1 e, / ; ........ ....... "~'." ~. "' "~. nartzen was " in June A suke ~,,~ ...- ........ ~-~- ..... ~ . . -- t refer ......... ~ x ~nuer~Jn ..~ * r from h~gh school After the boar armves xn Arden lon~ illness She was cared for at r C" ~lL_° of the Veterans ^fl ...... Dean Tro"erholders are asked to set their pop .......... - ~, " " ...... w [ Alfred Befell, 33, who lives r a: L,! , oon oeecn Knott 5 0 4 Cameron 2 0 0 lili~lllars in ~-- ~ u i Wlll oe preparen ior Y ~...++,~o ...+ ,,, +h~i, nnroho~ to be fine several nays Will oe neeaea to her home in L, lSOOn until a Ie l Sutliff is in Mercy hosnitn; :' C"- m I.._:..~.* ..... ~ , ~ r, ..... " ",~ ~ ,, Bthi~gg~t::WhseH.ii~ &~ in arlan [ii,kpti~kta!far a la tW~oSm~kwe~letr° I , .cludes ~!~ !!! ...... zealr .. ! nyf ~-:~ngsc~no:hetc~unt : J3, R1~oaaSreltoi,! d .. l l i, ';ell wn- . vice. W,II ^ -^;^^;;~" was taken at the ]~" The boar is a full"brother to the In addition to her husband she is dar Ra-ids Saturda-" morning X" I1~ I I ___ -- " ....... ~ ~ . " ....... Bs ~ remain in the II ii~n m m~m • w w iai , ~ cu,~u.,~,, . . i . { w z " . " i ]~ry ............ z z i --------- e at Los An ._:1 - ame Friday evening and $14.75 was grand champion winner, at the survived by two daughters, Mrs. !rays were taken Monday morning urama/rlumor , ______ 14 91 deles u,hl g ~ 1 K , 3 ne Will return +~ ~,~ i l~l• ..~L~,, AII received. A specml assembly is Springfield, Ill. 1955 futurity. ;Lillian Bittle .ox Mao.lsonvule, Y" !to ascertain the extent of his in-I - i 18 7 12 ~meir form .... ""-~-*'"[I~IIUIlIUI~! /P'~II ~, .... a a,,rin~, the drive and a col- -----~-~---- and Mrs r~arl ttunKle Ot ~cnenec-ljtwies Mr Bedell was en route] At a program of humorous and l ........ ~ uome Mrs .......... ~ ......... i " * ; Alvin Ehres ." ' • , • , . . ~ Free throw~ beat Mt. Vernon In ~,_ her married dau~h+o~'i lection will be taken. Ehzabeth Reeder Denms tady, N.Y.; and anon, . .. _.']to his work at Joe and Cliff sin ~dramatic readings at Lisbon High the second *'ame of the ni-ht ~'~r ~Ome Which ov~,__~_~,uu~s ~'~''me ~. I~ ~._..--_ U .... A hi,~h,, school square dance is : -. , . . II~ • / m* ,, I~ man, of Fresno,. . uanL twrs. ttunKle I, Cedar Rapids. when his car hit. a Wednesday. evening. ! Jan. 30, at 7 30 lng ..... irom tile -~ nero ..... was even*" ~or'" '~'":"~otn i~ll~etery• i rarm pl, anned for Wednesday, Jan. 30, at:l~leS ~lr rrlenasnlp rlavenlhas been In L~sbon for the past 101rough spot In a rock road, causing]six contestants will be chosen to {teams 13 each although tho+ ..... l-,aeock who ~* ~----i the school auditorium as another l ..... i days with her parents.. . }him to lose control and hit a bridge. !represent the school in the state!,,,], "1.,,,,+ ~ ~n_~ ~.~o..~.~o I~li~l~e(1 by the ,~ ...... ! Mt Vernon firemen are workingmane,, raisin~ nroiect All money ' Mrs. Will Dennis, wloow o~ a o - I Funeral arrangements are pe ° ! The Bedells and their daughter ! speech series of contests. Twelve ] ~,h,~",~,~,¢~, ~,~7,~ ~'~'~ +,. .... n ..~u, oz ner i • " J" ~":"~ ' ~ ' i t or , • " Home, ........................ - -- ~-~ ~,,-,~o s to mer prominent Cedar Rap (is a t in with the Morgan Funeral 1 to their cabin on the 1 he ro ~il~l~,n ~ . leave Los Angeles ! on a plan to number each farm res- realized from the "Teens Against .~. toGA ....... ~;.....~.,.~ ~ • g ~ _ moved last fa 1 . ... !students will participate n t P - attempted Mt. Vernon collected on ~. return to Mt. Vernon. i idence in Franklin township for Polio" project will go into the den- ~=~, ]'~ ~.~'r~*2~_e~ fo~l~ow'i'n~'"a im charge. ~-- {~eeseproperty)ust n0~h of_S_ut}ff_f. !gra~ ...... only 12 and the potential, consider- | ,|_ , .~~------~ [identification in case of fire eral March ofDimes fund n**v~u m r~. ~uus s --'--~--~" . tiom lvlr. ann lv, rs x~eueu are era- 'The program snoula prove anlin*' th~ "one and nno' r~i~m+~.~ IOrld } .~t,~l nlates with numbers will be ~ !brief illness. Graveslde services I nrlrl I~,d ]played at Joe and Cliffs and their!entertaining evening," states Mrs., ....... aa C~.*~l P ....... " "~'~" ~" ~ll Ii • I ww • •~,,~.~ ILy nit for g_ ...... ~erWas _ ._ I available to all farm homes for $1 03 ornell Wrestler , were held Jan 16 at Oak Hill ceme- [ • r" -- [ daughter goes to the George Bed- I Harlan Brides speech director Hi- i la"-,~f'~ :-'-;~- .... =--=-'~'~ po~ennal= " also" or- BALL-IIAH¢ Park?am to Mr. and each. Firemen expect .to call at each Former C i tery ueaar lxapius. I .... nashek home after school while her i~ra]ou accounLs if ns(~2ty~h "oPbePirneg; °v~er40~ilt~net ~day, Jan°f17?le~e::nd, t home this week to make arrang~ Dies In Alaskan Air Crash inMl~Is~ D%n~nSjas kno:n b~iza~ t Meeting Jan. 2 6 the parents are away. [~ated'rs~b:~. Gar7° Norlfn was far from the first -" the x~n, "~. " "iments and to place the plate ne i_ . • .... • ........ I The annual road meeting of I ~ Y Y g i class ball handlin~ which th~ f~ ~ ,,t rares of In en me I tleeaer In t~pton in l~ta sne attena , * ' Elva Rhoads and Darwin ~ -'" , and t'l~he Glenn Stoners'. the driveway Navigator o f t h e four g" ca" ~=orneu ....... ann was graaua~ea' in" Linn Township trustees win be held~,. Bowers Family. Sun rrr- { Smith s In farml' " hfe" ro" , and undoubtedl--x ~the .... cuaene- s,'-'-ex- • ~ " nshi has been divided weather reconnaisance plane which . ..... on Saturday Jan 26 at the Melvin,R~ . .. ~ . ~ I Kohl. Mix-up ' Y . ~.P : [peered from the Allac eonf~r~o cMarie was k^.-- ,.. ,o i,??e,t:Wlr~ P"+~" ~11 -'laces in the crashed Jan. 17 near Fairbank, the class of 1902. On ts, ~mJ~,. Haeseler residence at 2 p m. Any rmnnea for ~aruraay vide humorous stories which Lravia,leader and from Mt V,*rnon---'v'~= Mrs j v f all 12 she was married to wunam uen has Andre Jeanette Long, and Peter / T~, ' ohn Raftis of 1"2361 northwest quarter numbered start- Alaska, taking the li es ~ _. i..~o o .... n ,tin ,r~,, r~,,,~,~ H~,~,~ Linn township resident who _ I A family supper will be held at!.. _. , ................. I smaller gym length no doubt chang- 1 '--rand,. Ill.. Mr~ ........ ~°~-~ ,~'- : .... ~'~ ,,,'~hl... 101. Places in the north- aboard, was f o r m e r ~.orneman. *, "'°,. "~"'"~ ........ t'Y .......... o suggestions ..... for roan work m me ~the Don Bowers home Saturday eve- ] l%aoJ. Wl/~l. aramauze . ,.,uuue ,.,a,,. , I ed their style but neither team / e. r V]v~an Ye~v ~,h.. i east auarter will start with 201 the Ralph Sampson, 51, of Des Molnes. I ~n tLVerno2 atone m%andal township is invited to attend this, nine Jan 26 the occasion being the Imeyer will take a trip up Allen s.could have been up to full stren I '~on SChool for~severa][south~west quarter 301 and the The plane crashed and b urs~ _mt Oires~enc"e',Ja~m'~'e(~ar~i~s:"" "meeting. Trustees..are attelvl.nilast gathering in the Bowers home{Alley'.. ............. r in +*'e dra ! First quarter play seemed to ~ha I ~zeParents are Mr ~,~,~ [ sotttheast _auarter 401. flames two mmu~es a[~er It too~ ozzj ra~,^"^- ,,~,'~"" ~=--,r'^"";~' ,~,~th*'~- "1919 Haeseler, t:. m. wlcKnam arian lsUatethe place" Those attending will be Mr. [mat,c- a' *Ceaction'X"°--:' wlllrelate ..... the true-life' "' contest of which team could shoot I ,[~_,ggY of Solon and A s'miIar ,qan has been inaugu- at Eilson air base.. __ - - *.;~ wi,~ow followect~ a~te'~achi;~ car . Stoneking. J: -ZVl. Jonnsm... land Mrs. Robert Bowers and Joan~ ........ ', ......... , ..... ~i bv ]the least and ended 7-10 with Cen- I : ,.,~xus of ConG...-- .- I . _ " .. ~ ...... ,_.._ Sampson, WhO nan oeen a state ,,,~ "- . " . " new clerk ann L, oraon ~eal me re- ~ ,,¢ ~o,,=,~,oh Ill the Lee Broc~s { ~WL'~ U* ~ ,~u~,~,,,,, ,,~.,~,,~_ __ ~ ~ral t:itv l,~m-,, ~, ,h,, ~,.,,,,a 1 ~ ~.,~a~ x~aplos, raven recently m lv~ar, on mwnsn,p. ~h~,,,,~,,, ,,,-~or at ~ast D~-~ eer and was at different times prm- +~,i,,, ~],~ "~ _~'".'~ .... 2' .': ..... ,---:-- ', the Nazis Dramatic incidents from ' ___.._~ ,..-%.:...6 .... :. .... ,, ine i ~-,-=,,*~,-,, .................. • ........ b ....... , an(:t JOILrl L;arvllles oi IV/~III~ILtK:~" , • . ,, . permu ,~at. vernon maae 1 free 1 , weight 7 lh ,,,~ , Firemen request tha.t the metal ~,.in~ and wrestled heavvweight ' cipal at Madison and Lincoln : ~ I ........... ~,,~ n,~,~r~ t~e I such great stories as Miracle of the +~..^... ,:_ ,, .......... 0 ~'. ~' m oz. ,,.v =o ~ ! " i h • . vnLe t~r. ann Iv*x~. --~.~ ....... , ~- I ,, ,, • ,, 1 ~,.uw m ~ ~r*es ann got :) DUCKets 1 ~ o Mr. and Mrs Dale plates not be damaged after theywhUe at Cornell, was survived by lSChools•.She was` very active n the l=~,m~.~|,. Tr,,-tees WI[[ Kenneth Caves and Mrs Fred:Belie, Man wlthout a Country, one awarded ~-e ............... ,ot L , " - - St Paul's church aurm her ~ ..~....~.... --.--. • ,, ,, • ~...o.~= a,, uw~.~-=~*~ i .• uke s hos,-~+~, ~-lure put up hi~ mother hls wlfe and hlsnine • g - I ...... .~.~ r~^.. m ..... rs family, and Angel Unaware wlll be pre-i~.~_,.~., ........ ,uan l~ fire His fatherre years In the cry Feb. 4 sented by Nancy Kay Zearm~, Mar i l~ .. |" Gi Grandparents t There will be a map at the " month old daughter. • P "i A son George'of Bothell Wash Meet On Monday, i win soon" be moving into their new i tha Greiner and Putt- Co~e " i was 17-23, Mt. Vernon trailing. i ~,~ ,. enn Strother of ~sta'tion containing the numbers ofdeceased him in December of 1956. { ..... ..' ' -I- "' t ....... , ..... "n- --f +he Frank {home in Lisbon located next to the ~ ..... Y . • . } Central City went intn a third ~vtr ana a aau nter ~van e~ine tlvlrs *he ze~u*~ *,~, ~ v . -, ....... and Mr l eac a n ma wRh numbers { g g { The speech acuvl~les nave Oeen 1 do-" s. Homer h f rm a d a p ' ~ ...................... ; lin Township trustees will be held Federated church. , ......... *.^ *.,..~ o.~...., ........ ;quarter slump to total only 7-and {wA1 be carrmd on each fire truck, t Wml ' ' • n n Cit Hall on: ~ ' l the Mustan s were h" I ~ ~ , ................... Mustang Wres iers [ {Hin~ham Mass survive Another at the Mt. Ver o Y .... I] .... h,~ ..... ,h,~v ~r,~ ,,m,~,.~n,, ~,o , _ g be md only 20- 1 Ceffrey wa ....... it~ zs t~neve, a ,ma~. mxs p,an .wu~ ....... ~ .... { .... ~hter'Mar"a'ret(Mrs Herman ~ Monday evening Feb. 4, at 7:30.1n The Service [:.-- =~7"L~ -'-_!_s .~_"~_ff'7"- =":i30 at the end of that period. Then o uurn to [4 tel mm z 1Dlllt O[ IvIn me e erve~ uau$ s neveu to oe among me mos~ useIul / ~an Lust~ ..... ; . i " ~e poss" ''y g' " g I~ee~ IOWa .lry ~ s .~_,.,,o .... ,, '~ ni.a "Anril 9 nm The trustees will act on rou-{ ................ I ........... [Central picked up 12 in the last ~dav ..~" ~t. wauxegan, [ driver of a fire truck wrong direc- Mt ~'crnon hi~,h wrestlers will _'-tv_t~''' ...... ~" ~"' "~ ~"~" ' ,':'_"-" ~..._:..~. _-.~ .,m ~o~r an-" re- ~.~u ,m~ .v ~_,~mut~x ~ ar~s xor peop, e WhO wotua oe ,eaa-, neriod the whi],, -~,**~-~, -- o ¢.,n [Ev~.,~,, ~, • Grandpar-,tlons as has sometm~es occurred--~^, o~+.. u~.,~. .... reds of Iowa! " , ................ + ...~.~.,,~ Fort Ord, Calif. (AHTNC)--Two ers of their commumties• Lisbon! ..... + .... +~.., ~.~,.= .., ~, ..... ~,.--~-~t1" *"'-=~ ~'*~Y **~*' "~°" " ' ~ ' uests I0r roau llllp[UVelll~-&l~ W*z~,*,a*, . . " • I ' I~UU~ J~,g~*.~ t.l~L II~'l~0L $*¥J-b. Vel'llU][~ V th~ ~, ratts of Cedar The --erson re--orti"- a fire has in ......................~'e q ............ Lisbon, soldiers, Pets. Wllham L. alumm such as Sheldon Rahn, Beb] to o ,r~,~ ~** 4.~. ,.~.,,,,,~o +1... **.... r ~ *xevand ~m-^ ,~ ,~ I ~" ~' "'6 ..... Ul[y nex~ weones~ay ev~lul.~g at uA f .... & '~--..--.I%.:.,.-- : are marie. Anyone Wl~n OUSIne~,~ ~u ,, , ~ ,-~ ~.~ T~ .__ ..=- ~ ,, ..L . ~m-m-*-- ~ I ............ =/= **.**,u~.a ~a,~ Auu~- baby i__ ,,**~. ~,. u. I some cases been so exc,tea that Ithigh school gym there The meet ~J~l rui,~l ~Hv~ come before the trustees is invited mos~ an~^ uewey u. Durrow~, ale i:%anDan, **ames ~v*~*~ner, ann many 1 tangs scored nary a noint w~ 2,*~ a Dro.ther was difficult to find out how to . n ......... h,,,,, ~ n~ ~-.~ n m i ..... .... I among ZlUU replacements enroute to I others have touna ~neir nigh school .... %. ." {a'"'~, rather is serviAg reach the fire 7-212~?T'72";,,T"(2:, ~wor~'receiv[' Mt. Vernon Scouts will. help toat~en(1. -- .......... ' Germany to join the 10th Infantry' speech training useful to them in ; Mi. vernon cen,ra.! City Ins ~, ,~ utenant in the ~ ~ _~ ~ ^~ ¢ .... ~.~ ~ Mmo~ housewives th~s week ~yc , g. ~. _ ................ DIws,on Itheir chosen professmns i fg i~ p fg #% p ~er"~ ~reat Lakes naval:CHAMBER BOARD MEETS .... ~" .... * ....................... :paper and .magazines al~er SChOOl ~erman ana .~,.~uk~.. =~ ...... i Trained with the 5th Division at' Speech was begun as an activity iKruse .......... 3 5 3 Hatch .......... 0 9. 3 Frlday Thls wouia De a gooa ume ~r, artes ram m ~uwu~.p ~, th ~Mullen 3 5 5 i Plans were made for the annualWILL REMODEL BARN. I to clean" " out ....... waste paper mat zs hi-, ' "-----~--~-~'-" " i Fort Ord., Calif., they will make e again last year With but one Bowman: .... 0 0 1 BolWaters ........ 0 2 2 ~11 ~ ~ l~I~ iChamber of Commerce dinner at Art Yeisley is putting up two ........... John Youn~ arrived home Sunday 9000-mile voyage to Bremerhaven month's training Nancy Kay Zear- .... ton ........ 1 3 4 ........ ways a po~enual nre nazara in me ..... I Gordon 1 0 1Pfl | II .~Y of hi~,~oy of th"i the meeting of the board of that steel oat bins and a steel corn crib .... ~-~m Fort Polk La where he re- ~ m 18 days mg Lorraine Mornmgstar, Kaylene ...... ughaupt 3 2 2 1S We - " ~.v , ., . , l/ V II~;d tot58-'~',~,~kth.emer-'organization on Monday evening, at his farm north of Mt. Verncn. wln,er. ~eeaaonpagea. o,qved his senaration from the', Nost, sonof Mr. andMrs Francis Capper and Sarah Franks won rat.~Clements _.115 Butters ...... 165 .~ i, Deared ~" ,mua Ioot of ~The dinner was planned for Febru- He plans later to remodel the east _ , ~ ~ ~ Friday i W Boat Route 2 is a 1951 graduate ings in the Iowa Speech Atsn The Knutsen 3 1 3 Sweet ..... 1 0 1 in a ~hort tme{ • . Army ~n _. , • . ' • ' . . ~'' i • ..._ [day. A ....... " ary with the exact date to be an- barn rather than to rebuild the wcst Comlnfl Sale Dates : ~ i of Lisbon high school. Burrows, increased interest of the local stu-, Martin ........ 2 0 3 Vanourney 7 1 5, ~Wll I1. 14 tho w~eK ago on nounced later Dues for members barn which was struck by lightning Thurs ~'an 31 livestock machin- ' LISBON ECHOOL EVENTS son of the Ralph Burrows' attend- dents is attested by the fact that [ -- --'---- -- ,,,m,,,,l~low her~"ercury arop- were discussed and President R. B. and destroyed by fire on Cct. 13, cry sale" at 12 noon Ad P 7 W.E. Jan. 29 Tues., N[artelle there ed Lisbon high school They en- the number participating has almost' 13 12 21 13 16 2~ .... ' " ' ' " n • Tuberty appointed committees. 1956 Nichols ~ Feb 1, Fri., Stanwood here tcred the Army in Ju e 1956. doubled. (Continued on lisl Bide.) l "