National Sponsors
January 24, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 24, 1957 |
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..msaz , The Leonard Pikes. Irene andl Harry Drach returned Sundayl1 / ALL____J /-'-L---- TLisbon Lines Now Carr,, ]Mt. Vernon, Ia.,Hawkeye-Record [ gk,
Floh'd of S.pringville called Sunday evening from a visit with hiSDrachs[broth- I ltJ / IIt llKi LI UUI1 _ • , and The Lisbon Herald 4
r and sister in law the Paul • , . ,,., 17 00 Volts I:lectridtv : Th,rs San. 24, 1957 rage mE
afternoon m the M. E. Pike home• e - - I , ........ -N, ................... / I "
~.oum ...... u, raver, i n'at lne ...... n" Bob of Me iat Paris Ark I~q~lillidlUW IIl~lq~llll~ll ili . . . , ~--------~---'t
wno is a pat e ~ ~ t~len ~erns a ca - • ~ , ~ :.
Mercy hospital hopesto return i cbanicsville were Friday supper] Lisbon Story Hour from 1:30 to i ............. t. The primary elech~c an:cuLts mi /-'~ ~.~.~,,~ !
u.~.~.~ ~.,,n,-1.~.- m,,~¢*¢ in thr. 14"m~.rd Mn~nn home : 2'15 will be held in the Lisbon li- lne installation oI Lela carroll LISBOn now carry ]zoo volts since I ....... v.~.~ t
............ J" ~ .............................. _ i r~: .... ~.,,,,.~,, _r.~n ~a Mrs Wil- ' Griffiths as Worthy Advisor of L,.s- ] the rebuilding of the Lisbon lines [1 Mr~l Edwin Harris ]
The Buddy Schenk fam!ly spent : Jeanne Burlingame and Don.Has~- il:ar~JRi~ger'w]l~l' be~i'n Jaai.g"e~' " I bon Rainbow was attended by 150iwas completed by the Iowa Electric '1 The Charles Martin family were I
the week elm in me tract ~cnenK ings spent the week end in umton, " " .... " "" "" I ...... r ~ "" ~ " '
.... i . . . .... ,. _ .........I guests ~unaay a~ternoon in tne ivla-~J~lgnr & ~o~er v;o. line crew near ~Thursdav evening visitors at Don*
nome at Walker. I visiting uI the Wallace BurlingameI The onver ~urLm~ame~. werelsonic hall The hall was decorated I the end of the ~ear [~r ...... ~,,~,.,~ ~ ]
• " home ~hosts Friday evening at a mrmaay . " . • - " . t''~'v ..........
Mrs. Pauhne Maiden spent the • ! "" - i "heir dau-hter Jo I m the chosen colors of the incoming t Some poles used by the old lines ~ The C 1 a i r Riehardsons called [
week end m the Delmm, • MmdenMr. and Mrs .... J C Caraway and party no nor ng t " " g " s " ] worthy advisor. A large pink heart have not yet been removed but will [ ,v .... a ..... ~ ~ ~h,~ v,,1,~ .................... ~i~,,~,~u ~,~,~,~ I
l anne ~l~teen shared the courte, y. ..... --,,~,~a ........
home at Anamosa• . Glen Caraway of .M°nm°uth were ~ • . outhned m white was displayed on be taken out soon. Lisbon IS now I Mrs. Iven Reed called on her !
• Plattenber ers and ~rls i Wednesday guests m the Herb Wal- . Mr. and. Mrs. ,D}ek . Lynch and the wall in the eenter of the west Iserved from the new sub-station ............................
Theent SundaR°) in Galesburgg Illg at mer home Mrs lrredua ~ieoels o~ lviarmn and dais The name "Lela" was spelled located on a corner of the Fred I davn'ume~evenin~,*vt~' bourne J_,ar~on ~amr-I
aP . Y , ", " . . I r~am I " ' . • , . ! - "" I
the Morms Ketzle home. ~ Grover Mtehe will attend a meet- Mrs. Dale_ Wagaman and . .J i out m the center of the healt and tBaldwm farm on ne~ U.S. hOop Mrs. Gladys Barner was a guesti
t dell'm of VOAG instructors at TiptonIwere -luesaay supper guests at me the words, "Heart of Friendship,"lposlte the Hfllcrest country wtuo. of Mrs Harry Newman Saturdav t
The Howard Masons and Ma" g • ~ ome . , " " " ~ ....
were Sunday supper guests at the !on Thursday evening to make plans !Fred Smb~s h - .... weze placed, across the top:.. The i The wires carrying the service tel afternoon" !
Leonard Koppenhaver home near ~i for the sub district contest which Harlan .... Jones or t4sDon nas re- East was sonmy, aecorazea, wire me i' LIsnon. are on poles amng me new Mrs. Ray, Kirknatriek~. was a din- t,
Anamosa. The oceasmn.: . " honored Mr. wall be held at West Branch on cently joined the research and de- I Rainbow colols with the word, I highway. ..... ~,~,. ~,m"='~t ................................ ~t ,~, ~m,b, ~,.,.i~ ~,~,~,=, ;
Koppenhaver on his birthday .... Feb 24 velopment.~ ...... department of Collins "Friendship," spelled in silver. A ~ The.old .line' ....... which was carried ~ ........ ~h,rrlnv -nann ....................... Tn th~ ~f*~rnonn ]
',, Radio t~o. tie was previously em-Ilarge basket of mixed flowers, a [ on ......... poles along me om interurban M,.~ R:irknatriek aeeomn~niod Mrg
ployed at Quaker Oats.
Mrs. Jones [ gift from" Miss Griffiths' grand-'right of way, will. be. maintained ,~ . t Edw'm Hart'is and Mrs. Gary Potter'l
is the former Lenore Emerson. mother, Mrs. M. g. DeNise, was to Mrs. Glaays ~epter's zarm to to Iowa City to visit Ray Kirkoat-
l / ILl ~1 _ IW_ _____ The John Waltons and girls of Mr. i placed on the East dais• i serve th.e residences on" old 30 be- i rick. Mr. K{rkpatrick expects to be i
~tween hlSbOn and ±wt vernon , k
Lee ana ~ax ~|over rarm Vernon, the John Stearns' and the I Patsy Albright, retiring worthyl • - t dlscharged the middle of the wee i
- ~ ,. , ,. . Raymon Stearns' were ~unctay sup- t advisor and her officers nlannedl ~ l~rom me university nospItal, wnere
I hone 2961 upen ~unaay ~ornlng$ pet- guests at the Fred Siebels home• the wel'l or-anized installation Miss [ ATTEND COLLEGE PREVIEW [ he has been the past several weeks - ~.- ~ t~ ".lub
Deliveries Twice Dai[y Orders in by 10:~0 ~ p.m. The oceasmn honored Raymon[Albright welcomed and introducedt On Tuesday afternoon, Jan. 15,,for observation. ! .~" ~'':/~ WowWa
Stearns and Jerry Siebels on their[Mary Bowman Grand Drill Leader"the Lisbon FFA and the Lisbon[ Mrs. Ray Kirkpatrick was a sup-[ .~.n~ .~~ ~'~uhs~i~O
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials birthdays. Nancy Clark, worthy advisor elect;] Lassies' went by chartered bus to [ per.guest onSaturday at the Arlo I
-- ,, Mrs Richard Nelson and Danny Mrs. Roy Bowman and Mrs. Dean ~awKeye.~owns to view me mwa ]~lrKpatrlcK. home.. _. [
" of Opheim Ill., are spending the Clark, Mother Advisors, all of Mt ~ate ~onege ~'revIews zor..1957, [ The ~ow~n rtarrlses w ere_~nner
• ,,-,.~ ,Tr-**~ ~, ,=,~*~, h~, ,~=~ont~ 'the Preston V~rnan Aqg~rnhlv I "l~ew lcleas Ior Lana and ~lvlng." guests on ,vlonaay a~ o. ~. ~.aruee a. t
--/~I-A. IIE/~--, W>'~,,W"~'~',h'~l=~dr~"~":':n is in--:'- .... .. ....... = .... ,Mrs. VoungandlVh" Miehechaper-t Mr. andMrs. AdRtch caUedon, BEACON SHELL
:'~'~'~":° --';;;~ :':"-- -~" ='-'" - ~ho~l lvirs, ylenn ~qattenoerger was I oned the group The show was en- I Mrs Minnie Lacock Saturday. Late i r I
~ r~.anKaKee, In., a.ttenumg~ a~ u presented Tim a surprise ceremony • " • , " . . •
,,e .... ..,o .^la out so soon lest week .......... the Ford Tractor .......... t joyed by all attending, i report is that Mrs. Laeock is }m-t
~t~|l~ VV ~ ~v ~ ap~n~u*v~tu~, Dy ~ne glrls ~ne received a red ,,~-- ft-m recent eur~erv
• I ~ ] pI'o-.-~, ".. . o ~.
I[~l[mlm ' '''lPl~l ,L ',~m Co. rose from each of the seven colorlchaMp FIRE NEWS i We are glad to report Mrs Mar-I ~..~#gral
. IL]I. ,~-~lllk~ The Thomas Medics and Kathy stations while being escorted to me ELECT OFFICERS I .... In at' ":a " ' U•S. Highway 30
Dc:cr I.IVl::l~ • • " . ........ . _. , ,vin aonnston maK' g s lsI ctorYl
were dinner guests of the t~omer ~:ast oy ner nusoana, r*er eaugnzer • . •
......... I The Can te wa ste Camphre girls, recovery from her recent illness. ,
Stonekings Sunday In the afternoon Kay presented ner wire a WlomerI " • ; - • L,sbon, Iowa Dial 3461 24 Hour,, Ii
cv~: ~11~ tot,~,~÷,, Ih . . • ................. met Jan. 21 w~th then" leader Mrs., On Monday the new ofhcers of • d -- ' iiall
...........~, , ,, ,' ~,~ a~,~,l ,. .............................. ~- .J __ x IL ~'~le'~_ thedrovegrOUPto TamaanU ~OUfor aAnnvisit~ars~ensenin the hl semblyACtvm°r Sa .Ge°~'tn'. . aLewisgttt~ tromAlbrightme, I officers! Don. Minert~er~ ate eleLiSb°ncted: .... ThOJudyfOllBeesein-o~iKirkpatriek!'~ ............... r~m~, ~idhome,~e~to atmakethe outGe°r"ethel Free Pick Up an Delivery Z~ith
I~IaCK rlawK D/~,Vl~l un rrlaay p.m.) .... io. ~)~lgC French home tiring ttalnoow Dad was presentect! nr s J an r n n v v [
• . ._.. ' ....... '~ e., e LaG a de, v.~.; Nanc. :.ears calendar, t
I a MIS and x-atsy gave a splencuu manK
~P~mname~ ol~mz~ ,~ it_. O1~11_ Sunday guests of M'. nd ". "o vei thi don for h r Knapp, treas,; Morean Plattenberg-:: ~ [ act"
~k~K~/Ol~ll./ Drcr ................................ ~ '~• O~71~ Frank Kolek were the Donald Ko- you .~ r e "y ng e • e er, see.; and Diane Shaffer, scribe. '~ Scott's Mill
leks and the Burton Koleks, Dennis and me assemoiy. We are planning a party for our i Mrs Gerald Scott Service For All Makes of of t
Old South
Snow Crop PEAS ................................ each 19c
Snow Crop ASPARAGUS, Cut ........... each 39c
Florida Seedless
• 10 for
. cans
C.F. PEANUT BUTTER ................ Ig. jar. 59c
Del Monte Sliced PEARS .............. 3 cans $1.00
C.F. FLOUR .................................... 10 los. 83c
Sunshine Krispy CRACKERS ................ lb. 23c
Lisbon Sweet Cream
• • • • •
Phone 3661
and Yvette of Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Mr. Albright presented, on behalf mothers. Scribe Diane Shaffer.
Emil Reyhons of Mr. Vernon called of the Albright family, a large
Monday. Rainbow-Board, for displaying the PIONEER POLLIES
i Past Worthy Advisors' pictures• On SPONSORED DANCE
the large board was painted the n
Cedar County Ext. News i_ _ ...... . Pioneer Pollies sponsored a da ce
,tamoow s gnet in true colors
I . • in the Mechaniesville gym Jan. 12.
1 ht Dale Johnston and
Willard L'g , J The installation was opened with Records furnished dance music from
iFnlO:d Dee;m:?e ~:ghLtliSngbOnntoOke?tr~ ~so.lO1~a~lle~siThig2Ot~se~tal~Ung :fy i ~;30.t~elxlt andeetrnefr?hlme::SjaTMe~"" ,, ' ', ' "
emonstratlon held at the l
motors d " ricer Pats~ Albright and installing l with Pat and Donna Dorcas• Jean-
speeml activity meeting of the Ce ~ " I
.... " ~ marshal Janice Morningstar both~ nie Bieber, reporter•
dar county extension service for the ! ~i~ ....... " - ~ -- is'in " - -
,~ ~ , u u uutsl, a[iLllng worK. 2~SS t g In I ,r~.,i,.~,,~ ,~-~-~ .....
north half of the county on ~atur-lthe installation were Mrs. Darrell lD~''*%u a~f .~ I1 " "
day. Norval Wardle, ,.S.C. safetY]Morningstar courtesy marshal' Mrs. 1 .. ~A~n~.~W~a~ ~rn~°s egZa2°f2ster
specialist, gave an interesting tam I Stuart Franks courtesy organist" I ~u~c~ v s
• tricit . ' . ' i windbreak buy their trees from a
on safety with elec y. I Mrs Harry S~zer courtesy chaplain' . ....
• ' ~ ', nursery close to home. ants way
NEW 4-H CLUB i and Mrs. E. H. Zimmer, courtesy
A new 4-H club is being organ-Irecorder.
ized in Cass Twp.If you live in [ "The Lord's Prayer" was sung by
Mrs. Seitsinger to Lela, following
a llIer vows at the altar. She was es-
member, contact t h e extension
office or Mrs. Ralph Gaul ~ corted to the East by her father
I through an aisle formed by the
:JUDGING WORKOUT girls, as Jeanette Long sang "Give
There will be a judging workout •
on Saturlay, Jan. 26, at 9 a.m. at
the Hugo Hein farm, 2 miles east
and a,i mile south of Mechanicsville.
Wiltard Light, asst. leader of the
Coon Creek Crickets for 8 years,
will accompany Russ Thompson,
CEYA, and several others to Ames
on Monday, Jan. 28, to attend the
7th annual 4-H leaders' recognition
day at Iowa State college• Others
in the party will be Mrs. Ed David-
son, Stanwood; Mrs. Ardell Chris-
tinasen, West Branch, and Art Dom-
er, Stanwood.
Lisbon, Iowa
All Day Sunday from a.m. to p.m.
ect from Minnesota
Come early as we will have only one truck load.
Limited Amount--- Long As They Last
• • •
• • •
Drip or Regular
• • •
Oscar Mayer
Us This Day•" Miss Jackie Wilson
presented her with a corsage, a gift
to Lela from Fern Kohl. Don Grif-
fiths presented his sister with a gift,
from the family.
Mrs. Morningstar installed her !
daughter into the station of Faith
and other officers were installed in!
regular form.
Patsy Albright was presented and
Jeanette Long. Mardell Mason, Car-
ol Streets and Mary Jo Hatch sang,
"May The Good Lord Bless and l
Keep You." She was escorted to the
East through an aisle formed by
eight girls and presented her Past
LISBON DEUVERIES -- Please phone orders for Saturday delivery on Friday
afternoon or by 9 a.m. Saturday. Lisbon phone 3661.
STORE HOURS -- Week days 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Worthy Advisor jewel• Patsy pre-
sented a gavel to the assembly.
Miss Griffiths introduced h e r
family and relatives present, and
thanked all for the wonderful in-
!stallation. Lyle Griffiths, new Rain-
bow Dad, was presemed and words
greetings were given to him by
The Lisbon Rainbow girls were
newly organized one year ago. The
assembly has had a wonderful year
under the leadership of Past Worthy
Advisors Kaylene Capper, Pat Kam-
erling, and Patsy Albright. The
Rainbow girls and advisory board
wish to express their thanks to the
Eastern Star, Benj. Franklin lodge
and parents of the girls for the
splendid support given to the As-
sembly the past year.
Rites Held Tuesday For
The official board of the Bertram
church met Monday evening in the
Lowell Swanson home. The WSCS
will meet with Mrs. Swanson Wed-
nesday afternoon, Jan. 30. Anyone
interested is invited.
The Harry Stonekings, Gerald
Scotts and Floyd Decious' of Lis-
bon attended memorial serviees at
Murdock's Chapel in Marion for
Mrs. Alice Goldsberry on Thursday
forenoon. Mrs. Goldsborry was the
mother of Mrs. Harlie Ives ~ s,
Holly Brisbin has been unable to
attend school due to illness•
Win. Bys and Thiara attended a
meeting at the
you can see what you're getting 4-H Leadership
and your trees won't spend a long Marion Rural Independent school
time in shipment• Monday evening•
Model W-4
Automatically condlt~ons
rinse water to give it
greater rinsing power than
soft water, rain water, or
even distilled water[ Just
pre-load with water con-
ditioner when you load
Mrs. Gordie Grisham ..... : washer. Restores bright-
**.....'**" • ness to clothes, fabrics re-
BERTRAM -- Memoria~ services ......* .... -- ._i| "gain "newness" and fluffi-
for Mrs. Gordie Grisham were held ,. ... .@_~' ~fl~ , , ness, stay clean longer, last
Tuesday afternoon in the Beatty- • I~I; ~t/~||b~"~r - longer. ~lus five separate
Beurle chapel conducted by the ~ ~ - -est ~purifying actions of Super-
Rev. Frank Ward of Cedar Rapids ~ ~ .... o see ~he low. • Rinse; flexible, easy to use
with burial in the Shiloh cemetery. *_ ~ ~.~a washer ye~ ~. Time-Line control; both
The Grisham family formerly liv- , ~.~'~ ~ ?'.~. makers . , , hot-warm wash and warm-
ed in Bertram and also on the ~ ~.?:~ ~ °Y~e~r rated 1~o~" ~ cold rinse selection. New
• ~av,-~ 0 todOY' •
present Clarence Smith farm near : ~ / ,n ,mer'¢ . 5 year warranty on trans-
, Lisbon. • ~-~ I ~ mission components.
j Jessie Mae Grisham, 66, of route i ~ ~ ~ LOW DOWNPAYMENT
i one, Marion, died in a Cedar Rap-
!ids hospital Friday after a short ill-I • ~"~ _ • .... ~ • LOW MONTHLY TERMS
ness. She was born in Gresham.[ . ~o..t.~ ............ • GIANT TRADE-INS
Neb., March 23. 1890, and had lived[ • .-''"
in this vicinity more than 30 years.' *''*"
Surviving in addition to her hus- InsTamng u,spenser
band are six children, Acie and Lu-
cille, at home; Roland, of Cedar In Your Present Norge Washer
Rapids; Mrs• Metha Harford and
Mrs. Dorothy Rundall, both of
Marion, and Mrs. Gerald Thompson
of Springville; 12 grandchildren,
and two great grandchildren•
Lisbon, Iowa
Eastern Iowa Livestock Commission Inc.
U. S. Highway No. 30
Telephone 278
Mechanicsville, Iowa
Ronald Richardson of Toddville,
now with the U.S. Navy at Great
Lakes Naval station where he had
been taking special training visited
Sunday with his grandparents the
Fred Richardsons. The James Rich-
ardsons of Toddville were also
Mrs. Herman Nebiker sr., return-
ed Friday from Maquoketa where
she had visited a week in the home
of her daughter, Mrs. Dale Gosch.
The C. C. Berrys and Ronald were
S~turday evening visitors in the
Clair Stoneking home near Mr.
Mrs. Amos Berry spent last week
with her parents the G. R. Jorgen-
sons in Mt. Vernon.
Mrs. Don Dolezal
Johnny Gunn was an overnight
guest of Loren Conley Saturday.
The Melvin Conleys and Loren
and Art Busch of Cedar Rapids
were dinner guests in the parental
Charles Busch home near Lisbon
The Adolph Kaderas from Oxford
called on the Anion Bidermans
Sunday afternoon• Sunday evening
the Bidermans were guests of the
Mild Naxeras in Cedar Rapids.
Dennis James Taylor, son of the
Del Taylors of Cedar Rapids, spent
last week visiting his grandparents,
the Ben Neals.
The Don Dolezals enjoyed bowl-
ing and supper with the Ray Dar-
lings of Cedar Rapids Sunday eve-
The Howard Neals attended a
card party at the James Gunn home
Friday evening.
Mrs. Howard Neal went to DeWitt
by bus Sunday to attend the instal-
lation of her niece, Donna Neal, as
Worthy Advisor of Rainbow. How-
ard Neal joined her for supper at
the home of Mrs. Celia Neal.
Daily hog market at Sale Barn, Mechanicsville
and Chicago & North Western Yards, Tipton, la.
38 ft. Trailers and 16 ft. Straight Trucks
for moving stock to interior plants or
Chicago market•
We truck to Eastern Iowa Livestock Comm. Sale
Every Wednesday at Mechanicsville
2,5 Years Experience buying stocker and feeder cattle.
Business Phones--259 Mechanicsville, 63 Tipton
Residence Phone--53 Mechanicsville
otoro a and
Sales and SerV~ lo
Store 2841 Rlinst~
Lisbon, Iowa~Ts.~
Get Up to 50% More Starting Power wi!?
-- a !zal
Ultra Start Battery
Guaranteed FOUR YEARS in Trucks kin
Guaranteed FOUR YEARS in Tractors , ,
Guaranteed FOUR YEARS in Passenger C~;_,M.
On Highway 30, Lisbon
I • ~Gra
Electrical- Plumbing - Nea,
Has been added to our line of
• nts{
Give us a ring for your repatr ies
We're going to try and give you service v
necessarily selling you new equipn 5'
day :
Lisbon, Iowa tday
Dial 3821
L. (
Call ariste
Servic °
We give S. & H. Green Trading Staml~be:b
in 1
:1 a
Have your carburetor, points, plu °
age regulator and generator checked
justed here for trouble-free motoring
especially equipped to service Carter aurd,
.~r, I~
tors. as
Is Your Car A
!1S II
• |ast
Does it shiver and shake and sometimes stand #,..-
and never utter a peep? Jus bec use your ,
and cant' take it, is no reatson ;:r yOU toCarsuff~he,'
convenience of cold walks up town the rest of tl l
Your Car for Winter Driving
Drive in with confidence for finer, faster
make of car . . . our trained mechanics have a d
means the finest possible service on your car.
it will be treated right.
DIAL 3501