National Sponsors
January 24, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 24, 1957 |
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J. J. Zenisek family and
[rob were Sunday dinner
the Vernon Kents. Mr. and
moll Bittner and family
ertained Sunday evening in
i home•
yDqT R
Mr. and Mrsl Don Scheetz, Ox-
ford, and the John Cileks were Sun-
day afternoon guests of the John
Conners. Friday Mrs. John Cilek
and Kathryn visited with Rudolph
Chabal in Iowa City.
Us About Your Roof
New Roofs or Repairing
Your Building Headquarters
2821 Mt. Vernon, Iowa
Us For Tires... We'll Make You
:Most I DEAL
ey sell
n'.lps "66' and Lee tires. Come in and
ds bar- ~L,ll. i
with us for either regular or mud and
v treads. Use your credit card if you like.
We give S & H Green Stamps
co I's ((gh'- ;ServiceA
>s. spar \~.'~ v _~/
, $4.95,
ld fully AI"
ghams, Pert Hamilton, Prop.
nedium, end of Main Street Mount Vernon
le dress
nd grab ~
:g rented the farm, I will sell personal
__ eTY at Public Auction 1V2 miles north of
mm ,, non on Springville road on
that are
Commencing at 12 noon
will Lunch wag g
,n~to fit on on rounds
Jrchas::~ H
instanc Ogs and Cattle
Hampshire feeding hogs, 80 Ibs each;
c>oo ereford steer
lach and heifer calves, wt. 400
achinery and Equipment
slacks i, _ eere G tractor, all reconditioned this fall
'to- ,.new; New Kewanee all steel 3B-ft.
• , like new; drive over hoist and s ted
David Br P
L, . adley 15 ft. disc., like new, with
u'acles; 7 ft. tandem disc; 22 ft. John
narrow with folding drawbar, like new:
: ;t'rled wagons with wide boxes; lime
9on"v.nn Deere endgate seeder; John
----/, 2TM Planter with fertilizer attachment.
i tSradley 7 ft. power mower, 2 years old
Work. benches; hog
ent stylesi Ughs, waterers; hog feeders;
outs . aneous tools and other articles found at
hams a Ih-
~e quality "~-aut Sale.
$1.50, Terms: Cash
._E. H( )LS, ::)wn
Colby, Mt.
neer Vernon Bank & Trust
Co., Clerk
• eeHeWrS !!iTii!~~!~fctn~tmg~e~!i. ~::~:i:{~;ns°n li~ii~iiilSd~fed~i!, ~x~e~oe~siigiIAS MOTHER been getting al°ng ~It' vern°n' .a''IIawke~e'Rec°rd- " . "" "i ~ . ! • '
M Y F i ~ ft. for years without adequate cup- and The Lisbon Herahl ~ .,
board space or a sink? Give her a Thurs., Jan. 24, 1957 rage /
break and ask ~s how little a lot
At the MY F m~¢~-= ~,-a.,- " ' ". '-.. P ., • g " t e ladies who of conveniences can cost• Call 3541 ~~
.... :~.,~ ~, ,d~'~;- .... "~:":'s~':_~,i Pupils' work on Safety will be dis- [ MECHANICSVILLE -- p a t m o s prepared the dinner at the time of
w'c/~e";r;sen~tv z~;Upr;gq~a~CSbas/played. Musical selections will be lodge A.F.&A.M. held installation ore- recent bereavement. :Lisbon for a quick estimate or con-! T H R I F T EXCHANGE: Resale
tract price. Wayne E. Schoff Build° I clothing. Mrs. Marvin Harman, 616
....... ' ...... ~presented by the music dept Host- of officms F~ida~ evening at the l The family of William Shmt ing Contractor, Lisbon. 13ATFI6th Ave. N., phone 3951 Mt. Ver-
"what Ixellglon ivleans tO Me" on ~ ,-~ " " ~ ..... " " Y"
me .......... committee ........ were ,:clam ano "~us- I Mmcsl esses areRaymond~VU-S. ~eorgeGreazeiMiller,v~rgd :chr' ." i ±vmsOmCstalli, ng mastei•nan" W.HarryE. ShropeDavidsonWaS m-in- CARD O~ TH~r~r¢~Miller -F()R-YOUR-VALENTINE-L~t me I non"" 5 tfc
an vo~rouoeK doanne ana Jua ~ ' " ' i - ' " " -- ....... tint your photo in lovely color. Sure [ -NE~,V-A}~tD--USEDA[i(i;n~[ie- and
..... ' ..... Y ! Barta Russell Krall Paul S+ahle . stalling marshal Lester Nicoll in- We wish to ~.t-,~ ,~,~ ......
~)ezv~ar anu o~mmle ~anamt t~amesl~., ' ..... '_ ~ ~ , ', .... , . . ' ............. ., ,,, to please. Special introductory offer. I Conventional Washers. BEST OIL
. MIKe A. r~essler donn -~,tinocner s~anlng enaplaln . . .
, were played and a sleigh rode was!,~ _ .~ ' ........ 'I ~,~. . , ,; _ .~ thanking evmyone who remember- Mrs. Dan Davies. Dial 4542 Nit. Ver-/CO. Lisbon. 36tfc
planneo ...... ior tne nex[ ~now.~ [ ~ernai•a t~asey ana Max lVl,ltner. . I D ~Jttlcersz. ,.,lns'alleU,..... were', uorman,~ed us with cards, letto,~ ......... n,~ ~,*-~a~e*~ non. 15-16c I ..... ;~ .......... ----=---~-=----
, __ ~I . -- . . ~momson,. worsnlptul lvtaster-, uene while. . we were in the ..... hncnif~l~.~,. ""'*""'~ ........................................ t FOR SALE: House m Lisbon,
ENJOY CALIFORNIA TRIP [ The Joe Clhlas and Mrs. Wflham ! Hcneks, S.W., Dean Trump. J.W.; since returning home. Your ihought- FOR SALE [ new furnace. Jack Sheets, phone
The F. L. Beraneks and the Her- i Murphy of Cedar Rapids were : ~'orrest Jo!~.nson, see.; Walter Kiehl, fulness was greatly appreciated ......... ~ i 2851, Lisbon. 81f
man Stahles returned from a three I Thursday dinner guests of the A1-[treas.; wzlJzam Hass, jr., S.D.; Wil- Mrs. Eugene Straueh FOR SALE.'---Hampsi~ire'~]~ts"tol ~FOR-SJ~-I~E--Scr~-~-p -pi-~7~,~t:pl~-
, ~iam Boots, J.D.' Paul Thimmes,
and I and Robert farrow in April. Delbert Stewart,/wood. All sizes, sha0es and forms.
one-half week trip to Califor- bert Hrubys.
nia. They visited at San Diego and The John Kesslers visited with !S.S.; Pro-1 Pearson, tiler. C-ARD--0-F-'IrHANKS mile north. 2~/5 mi. west of Martelle. Reasonable Randolph Studio.
Los Angeles seeing many relatives,the John Worrells at Mt. Vernon l Preceding the meeting wives of We wish to express to our 15, 16p 15, 16, 17e
.Sunday Other visitors were thethe new officers served a 6:30
enj°yedIHenry Kesslers of Iowa City• Mr. i o'clock dinner. There were guest
with the Dr. Robert WaterhouseS,[worrel1 continues to improve from lmcmbers from S,tanwood and Mar-
the Leo Ulcheg, George Heaiys,
Verne Ocheltrees, Lawrence Kess- recent tractor injuries The Irwin i ion.
lers and others. They attended the Hubers and Marvin Stahles were~
Rose Bowl game. En route home- entertained Thursday evening at the { GARDEN CLUB GIVES
ward they visited LaB Vegas, Grand[J°hn Kessler home. , $100 TO PARK
Canyon and Boulder Dam. Sunday l Mrs. Rollie Kessler was a Thurs-I Offmers of the Meehaniesville
Garden club were installed Jan. 10
thoughtful friends and relatives our
heartfelt thanks for the many ex-
pressions of sympathy during the
loss of our loved one. The flowers,
cards and letters were deeply ap-
Rev. and Mrs. C. F. Hartzell
Mrs. Irvin Laeock
HALLMARK VALENTINES Now FOR SALE: Very nice three room
on display, Blooms Book Store. and bath home m Lisbon. G,)od
14-16csouth side hmation ou paved street.
-FEED-THE BIRDS_We-ha{,e mix- la "Re lot. Can be ].)urcJlased lln con-
ed cracked grains on hand. Bach- tract ur good discount for cash. Tru-
man Feed Service. 14-15e' mediate posse.,~sion. P R I N G L E
Valentine Special. regular or REALTY. 6891. ML Vernon. 1he
evening guests of the Herman Stah-i
les were the James Panzers and the l
George Krobs. The Herman Slah-
les visited the Paul Stahle family[
day guest of Mrs. Edna Jayne at Ce- Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Iversen draped portraits, 8 by 10 inch black
dar Rapids• Saturday dinner guests i following a potluck at the home of ........................................ and white including six proofs,
:Mrs. Walter Sebesta. Mmes. Rine-
:hart, Hudachek and Ahrens pro-
of Mrs. Marcella Crofta were the
George Umbdenstoeks and Dennis
NOTICES $4.50• Give a portrait for a valen-
tine. Roberts Studio, call 6412, Mr.
Sunday. i and David, Toddville, and Mrs. :vided the program of colored slides. " ............ ""7_'.'_''""_" .............. j Vernon. 14-17c
i Milo Umbdenstock, Pale. Addition-I The club voted to give $100 to the When MorN2TIFCuEneral "~ .-- i --FT:)-R--SALE. See us before buying
BOYS' FORRESTERS ELECT i al guests were the Leo Beuters and lpark fund for the purpose of buy- g ~ervlce a me '
• ca ra or projector and save.
Mike Eekrich was chosen chief!Denise. :ing playground equipment. ~t?n~etd2:: not answer dml 3327~1 Roberts Studio, dial 6412 Mount
ranger, Mauriee Miller, vice chief Sunday guests of Mrs. Lillian ---
ranger, Joe Montgomery, rec. see., Kent were the Elmer DeVaults, I Women's club members entertain """ ......... - ..................... 7 r Vernon. 14-17c
' " FOR RENT ..... --FOR--SALE: Hi-- Fi-am~flifiers,
Raymond Miller, treas., Jack Dvor- Iowa City. led their husbands. Jannarv 14 at
sky reporter at the meetin of the Mrs Anna Ulch entertained 'at the home of Mrs Cecil Sma ........ speakers tuners, speaker enclosures
, g • ~ .... y Mrs ................................ t " '
boys' Forresters Jan 12 with 18 dinner Friday for Bertha Theurauf. i Martha Stookev assisting, as hoste s" - (hR---I~E- ......... urntables, etc. Bill Randolph Stu-
present. More members are urged On We dnesda • dinner guests were Mr and Mrs Homer Burgess So} F NT: Tape recorder, sound die, Mt. Vernon. 19tf
' " " - systems microph o n e s s eakers -
to attend. James Bartlett is lhe new Malind~ Har pat, Emma Shima, Cl~renee showed colored slides and . . ' ..... , P , AMERICAN-Stan-darcl pl{~-mbing
[ ampnners ~Ul ~andolph Studio
leader Emma Pauba and Grace Kessler. talked of their trip to Hawaii. Mt Vern " " fixtures, boilers and furnaces, Len-
Mrs U ch was celebrating her birth- -- - ....... on. 19tf nox furnaces" Younustown kitchen
LEGION MEETING day. (~,ther g~ ests were the George, PWO CIRCLES MEET ROOMS FOR RENT by day or units, dishwashers and food waste
Fourteen attended a short meet- Ulch f~mily , f Cedar Rapids and j P.W.O. Circles met Friday after- week• Mrs. Mac Blatz, Lisbon No disposers• FRINK PLUMBING &:
• • ". p one calls
ing of the Stinocher Legion post 460 the Ehaer Uh hes, Swisher• l noon. Esther Circle met with Mrs. pln . 15, 16p HEATING, dial 3771, Lisbon• 32tf
Monday evening. The Johnson coun- Sunday visi ars of the J. F. Cer-iOtho Curtis. Mrs. Don Robinson as- FOR~l~ErNT~3-77ooom--un~furnisl~ed ~-~-T ,,~ ..
ty Legion meeting will. be held at nvs were the William Leonard fam- sistinu a~d in charge of .the lesson, front apartment Keedick store bldg ] u~ ~t~: vacuum cieaners.:
..... '. ", used u ri ht tank t e han vn
Swisher Thursday evening, Jan. 24. flv and the Forrest Fishers, Iowa lThe worshm nermd was m charge!Wrtte Mr. Keedtek or phone 5111 I .... '~. ~ g '. yp , d , es
Legion members hospitalized are Citv. I of Mrs. Paul Thomas !Mt. Vernon 3 tf~:l~uuI~ uenera:or Shop, phone 3931
..... ......... ~ ' Lisbon
John Slach m Veterans hospital, Web Svatos ~s hospitalized at an J Deborah Circle met w~th Mrs. ! FOR RENT• Wnll-~,4,~-go ' 43If
Ray Umbdenstoek, Mercy hospital, Iowa City hospital following a Bud-iForr~st Shrove, Mrs. Don Over- 'sanders, edgers,buffer's*'and'wa'xers'] U---S]~D--i~E1R-CH/~NDISE:--F~ i
~W2o2e~y, ana ~ranms r~ennessey hen illness; ...... [bau~n co-~ostess.. L~e~ou.ons were Kaliban Appliance. Mr. Vernon• 18tf!refrigcraters, ranges, television sets, I
• *xev. t~an ~'. wmms oapfized Rot)- conaucten oy LUCite ~oavtason and ~~~ I Spin-dry washers automatio w~h I
William Connell and Frank Cilek eft Martin Miltner son of Mr and the lesson was presented by Mrs. :,eu~ ,xm,xx: ~ru~enes._wnen anal ers water hento~ .... t,~ =~t,~,~'l
. • . ~ ~ you neea mem ME I , .................... o.
are on the iefreshment committee Mrs. Bernard Milliner Sunday at St. I GcarE° Gallaher. r~o4r,~ ' REDITH}Priced in ~pll T4"AI TI=~AXr ~.'O'OT T I
for February. The award of the Mary's church. Sponsors were the l Martha Circle met with Mrs. -----" tfelANCE CO o,,~^ ',
evening was unclaimed due to the Leo R. Miltners. I Clarence Klin~ for a 1:30 o'clock .............................. ~ .... ""i ..... ~" ........ °*u~i
absence of Art Meyers who was The Robert Randall family have dessert Mrs Kenneth Montz assist- WANTED FIREWOOD: Cut to order $I0 per
called, moved into their newly remodelled ing Mrs. Kline also was in charge ........................................ !ton. Albert Alisup, Lsbon, phone,,
---- I home the former Evan Payn prop- ! of devotions and the lesson was giv- --CTr~'~c'~r r~,-~T~.,~C ,, -- ..-- t 3302• 13-16p '
MRS , , uo~,v~ ~.~ szlelllng With ............. : .......... i
• HAROLD KRAL ~ ertv. 1 en by Mrs. Kenneth Deahl. I ,Yohn~1oo~ ~h~lla~. ~T,~ ~,,*, +.... ~.:-- i NEED a good chain saw $24 to I
IS TEACHERS' AIDE I The .T.P. Dvorskys of Iowa City ...... ~,~ . ior't'oo~sma~llO"~*l"enn'~=~,~,%u ~2~ $50 cash discount on Homelitel
Mrs Harold Kral has been added were Thursda v~ ~ i ' ~3e~*a l)e~: clue mer J:nursaav eve -* --- s= chain ~qw
• i y "s'to's of the Frank I " ~ =- - ] dial 2751 Lisbon .........4o~,;I ' " s, s dt ring January ART'S !
to the teachers' aide at the Solon Serovys nine With Marjorie t~risman Prizes ....... ~ o~. IVANHCE GARAGE dial'~'~m M~ !
school. This service is on an eight The Vernon Kents entertained at!were awm-ded to Mrs. Alvm Dawd-~ WANTED: Trash hauhng. Call Vern~.n ,13-1&~!
week try-out basis. Her duties are i supper Monctav the F. L. Beraneks is°n ~nd Mrs. Phillip Ward. Mrs. El- ! 8262, Donald I. Krumm, Mt. Vernon ....... , ....... " .... ' * J
restricted to study hall typing and the Herman Stahles Mrs Genev~aioise Ma~tinez was a guest. 23tfe ~... 7-~.~t~- i
similar tasks In the study hall she I Randall and Mrs Dorothv Unmever ' Mrs. Dick Podhasky of Cedar -W/kNTED.~-Cash~~--c-I~ t~etrlget'a~ea Ior yonr protection, i
" t " work. The teachers' aide land Denise Marie and Dudley Smith, " I .... 10If ROBERTS Studio's Bah-} i
• Verla Clifton who has a po~ition' - ................ Club $4•50 for 6 pictures one each
works on a half schedule with the land Leona Revbons were Sundav l " • .' • . ' I WANTED" To rent 2 o-3 • •~ ' . ' •
exception of the aide at large in dinner guests of the Lou~s Reyhons' !at the Mumelpal an'port in Cedar ~_.._ c,_,"., ...... ~,-bedz~,om year. Stop at studio for details. 13tf
anC2d;dant~e ~tghintnh:g 2~r~2ee~hheontl Le~t:a ~s? week end visitor h•om R i~odn~it~:~r a0ai°t~:e tda'sM~a~t ii°~y~:8~'m2~nld:~heP•trr~o~(.~'M.~D@i; L,N~iELn~CsTeRr:::eCO.
year. '1 Mrs. E. R. Brumwell and the Mar-!.~. . . ! t returned from i~ i~'ht ......... ~" " e '! Mount Vernon - 2400 Lisbon - O~lg l
-- i vin Adair family visited with Mrs. } v.nlcago wnere sne spent 10 days at I ~'~ i-~w~' wu. .... ]a tieI ~e ~-7777-~. ..... -'~"-J - ~'- [
CARD OF THANKS Norman Brumwell and Scuttle Allan i a training school, having been sent, ~ ANTED TO RENT 2 or 3 bed- FOR ~,ALE: Appks of fip, est qaal i
I wish to express by gratitude for at Mere- hos*qtal Iowa Cit,, Sun I there by United Air Lines Patty room home or apartment. Ross De-i ty at Penn's Orc}~ard. 219 10th Ave i
the lovely gifts greeting cards and da,, evenin" v , , ,, -JClifton soent the week end in Ce- Pue, call Hawkeve office 7431 Mt S 50 tf~:
messages in celebration of m birth- I " ~" ldar Ranids with her sister Verla Vernon. " '13tfe ......... "-- -
dav All were greatly apptYeciatedJnoMr~iFn Jr Bittnerand Mrs. Vet- The John Nies left Friday on a -WANTED-T0 BOY: F-ainil.v-{v--Dei SEE OUR. USED and rebuilt
' . ~ e a~enoect ~ne weoalng~ s .... YP wasnlng maenlnes A large variety
and wH1 be well remembered, of month ~ trap to Cahfornta. Ihome completely modern Write' ~ " " {
Judy Chadima and Richard J Leo Yo n . ' - - ~ at all times. BERANEK'S dim 4821
Mrs. Anna M. Kucera . . " t u g of Oakland, Cahf., was r Box F Hawke e offi I '
Buman .at the S,t. Patmck's church ~a Fridav o ...... i-~-+ .... " ~* *'-- ' y ee, Mt. Vernon. Mt. Vernon 22tf
Cedar Rapids, Saturday morning,Philli,~ Sorensens I ........... - *- ' '
.... I WILL DO HO - ----
- -- • ._ and the teceptton which followed at] Mrs Lee Ta,qor aecom~,ani~ +~-^ USE,WORK, also
Just Arr,ved! hFeu;:?d2::'::kS hhi]ileturned TAr;hie T°~stei!$faCedar:~ai~ds::ii ~t!:djC~;s b~m:'e°,ULi:~onW~eak114.Cliil
o e f'om Mercy sp't Iowa leo Mrs. Anna Rhoads in a nursing ------_ ~-~o
City and is improving, home. clWANTED:canto House work general
Th;iNOg~~ [ONNT~~ ~i~TiT;w~:lddv;sah~l!ilpEelki~ii,l.e~i, t~%e~ii:o~r~rgiKei~dFi@Sida~!ni rMoa!Ye D.~i~b~Li~e2oul Ahce Blmlng
• . , " . . y " " ' s " ga a d I --~E-~-----." S-I-(JK-N-E~
Shold and Karen ioined them for Alabama. l makes available Rawleigh business
the week end to help Mr. Pertlicekl Mrs. Marie Butler and Harold in S,. Jones and E. C. Linn Coun-
celebrate his birthday, i spent Sunday in Iowa City with the ities. Good opportunity to continue
Supper guests of the C. F. Shi- Pat McCarneys. established service. Expenses paid
mons and daughters Sunday were R.[ Mary Alice LittlE, student at SUI, !to Freeport for interview. Write
FOR SALE: TWO whecl trailer, 4
')y 8 box, grain tighL good tires and
~ail light. S,et good 600 x 16 chains.
gloyd Carpenter, dial 3795, Lisbon.
worn once, also yellow formal like
=,ew, size 10 to 12, reasonable. Mrs,
'Jeryl Wellborn, dial 2631, Mt. Vet-
non. 14-15c
How s it working.
Many of our customers have found
that they can bring back "'like new"
performance to their radio and tele-
vision sets for the small eo~t of &n
.~ustment or repair job. Often
jii~t a n~ :¢ t'~be P~e~ the tr;~k. Try
car prvmpL i~w-