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January 26, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 26, 1939 |
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................ , ............................... E ...... ! . I - -- .... -=
,:`*l.*I~.*,*:--l**.o ..'or......roe,._...._ ~. ~.~,...w... :........o,. r.-.o', ,- o o ,_*,..r.’.... ~..*, Mr. ........... a:m lv~. D.~' ~.^ o,.,.~c'~:+k ~.--....~= ] ,~.'" ,'*, .,...* ..... Y['t~.e "(',,S' ent the weei,- I.m IL l~lfll | i.i L|I~II/O Mr. and Mrs. Onias Hurt of Ana-] daughters Phylhs and Charlene. He is hoping it will hatch Into" a
I III~I~iT/~I,I ~, - .............. as a -uest this week Mrs Smith's end in ('hicago Ill t [VIIIK/ .LLr. I~,~!~ i mosa called at the Tom Hurt home Dinner guests at the home of beautiful Cecropia or silkworm
~ll41giMIIlllI III'AI AKIII IJL'U~:IIIIIil " "'l W W M-ers of Ho- I ............ I Fmday morning Mr ana ~rs Jon sser ~un- moth hke the one Miss Russell
VI'j sister, IVl S. . . Y P- .Mrs. C. A. rlaaK ot ,vLarlon wa~ " , ' "
, |~L[~|~ I'~J/tl~ /~|~l~ I'~il~Jl~Jl~ ...... n t ......... rnon on Mon Mrs. John Wain I Mr and Mrs. Harvey Barber and] day were Mr. and Mrs. George brought to school at the first of
,*-,.~ . . . , . r.,,a~u . a \is Io ' in .viount ~ e - __ r evenin dinner Worrel and famil . Mr. and Mrs the ear
~:,.:,.:~..:o:.:`*:.:,.:,....:.:,.:o:.:,.:.:00-, ,’.o:,.:.,°.~.V, oOoe.-..*.-oo:,.-,.~.*, ’_,o~°,*.*, , . son were Saturday g Y .. Y
................ ~* ..... Mrs. BertScottof Cedar Rapids da.~. METHODIST CHURCH NOTES [ .......... How-rdI ......... P and famil'" were -~ I Dea "i ~ " ". ....
" " estlastSaturda in theI " ", f Usa e is at i guests or Mr. and ~vlr~. a / rre’l worre i y at-i n ,x rKpatrlcK has oeen wasn
~tout of Evanston, Ill., ! Prof and h,:rs. R. A. Nelson and: was a gu . Y .-. ~. I Mrs. {lair l)emge o " g '..' I Sunday school at 10 a.m. i Dragoo | ternoon visitors I stand monitor this week
.y for a few days visit:family were visitors Sunday with| h°me of her mother, lvlrs. ~. JJ. visitor in the ho,~to;eOf her mother, I Worship service at 11 a.m.. Mrs. Evelyn Brown and Mrs./ Mrs Ernest Zenisek from near i Coasting down hill has taken up
vernon, relatives in Muscatine. lxlelneem ]Mrs. Amy tJoo(1 . I Rev. Baskerville will speak on~ Jennie MeConaughy were dinner| Fairfax is assisting for several'our time at noons this week. We
e Paul spent Friday and Miss Marjorie Boges returned to Donald Stoneking of Cedar.Rap- t Mr. and Mrs. ArthurIAndsey had I the "Leakage of Power." ,, i guests in the Gerald Armstrongi days at the home of her father have five sleds, so have enjoyed
in Marion assistin i om i North-LibP~tv ids spent the week end in the nome as dinner guests on ~unaav .vir. The E worth League will meet F Dvo v coastin
g n the her h e n ....... "_~ Sun-~ . i , * ~ . -, [ P , ] home Sunday. I M. . rsk. g very much.
Ir. Paul's father, Marshall day after a visit in the home of] of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L aud Mrs. Harvey l,Ahson, t at the parsonage and Deae T~!des-! Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth May and[ Mrs. Anna Kreischer, Mrs. Amelia The new editor for our school
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Klinefelter Stoneking. Miss 1.aurene Uthoff of Norway ley from Corn_eu COllege wnl ~e David Lee of Ely spent Sunday| Meyers and Mrs. H. F. Meyers and newspaper is Leo Frederick; Dean
1 Mrs Merle Kenler and Mr, .Tm~-., ~-- ...l. ...... ~_ i Mrs Roy Johnson of Cedar Rap- I is spending this week in the Mr. with us again.' ..... ] in the Will May home | son Vernon were recent visitors Kirkpatrick is reporter.
Lisbon were calfers Sun-week~'to'a*ssi~st~fo'r a's~ort~tlme~i~n ids was a visitor on Tuesday in the and Mrs. Harry Jordan home. Seventeen young people at~enoea Mrs. Earl Peet and Gall called[ at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. ! ......
noon in the home of Mrs the Co-nell librar- r~turn~ +,- ),~, { home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kleineek was a supper the youth conference at t~eaar trap-I at the Lowell Kohl home Sunday.[ Holubar. [~nn t'~).~v,~
~leineck. ' ' home in" Cedar Ranids~. on ;aturda~,~''~ " !i C. W. Neff. ' ] guest Monday evening in the home I ids last Sunday. ,] Mrs. Mina Mitchell and Mrs.[ ------ , ~urs."-~**~awm'~''~-"
~rn*h,, ~..- ~,~.' ................... ~'i ~ ...... r~. ^~ .....~..,. ~,.~+ ~,,,._ I of his aunt, Mrs. Amy Goodlove. ] ............. ~-- ~ Floyd Thomas called at the Albert[ MT. VEHNON CHURCH NOTES uarrls
. ----.,# .*,~x* x-a~zz~ lel~ last Ivlrs. o. w. ~loom spent lvtonclay mats o~aL.[ ~x~.~,***uc* .~x~ o~*L ] , . .... I;~a'lll ~'~vxl~.~ ] q~h.~n*~ horn~ 'PhHr~d~v nflornaan| -- ....
~or t~lsmarck, S. D. where' in Cedar Rapids visitin~ in the day mormng for New xork City] 3I,'. and Mrs. Conraa .vlonn or ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED --'~"~""~" 7"_7"~,~ --"S-:,-_,::'~- ~5 "-'S._~-'_':/ METHODIST CHURCH Mrs, Merle Goudy entertained
.......... n I lwl- an(:l J.vlrs L.Lliioru ~ ayney
De a guest for two we h o followm a wmt in the home of her 1 ]sbon we "e guests last ~eek e d " w r ' " ' ustafson " "ste .... " "
eks om of her son-in-law and daugh- g I " ~. [ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Declous e e ~ .... , ’...a ....... ,....+ ,~ ~._^~| Lloyd A. G , Mmu r last Wednesday at a quilting.
ome of Mrs. Irene Frankster !VIr and h~trs William Knous' mother, Mrs. Lloyd McCutcheon. l inRutheerthmne of Mr. and Mrs. lxay[ surprised last Sunday when a group i. O~;rf°Uhome ........ s ............ ? / Church school 9:45. Among those present were Mrs.
Mrs Annul Gormlv and Mrs A Mr. and Mrs. Bert Meeks of Mar- I P " ] of relatives and friends came to ,~u~, o,,~+ ",, ~+ .... ~, 1, ,~.χ ~../ Morning Worship 10:45. George Uthoff, Mrs. Robert Leigh.
lrnthia Belknap and dau~h- R Minish returned Friday from "Des telle were callers Sunday in the] Mr. and Mrs. A..l. Bobst were help them celebrate their 25th wed- ,).~"~r.~'~'~'~.'=.2"~r^.~2='~:'_'[ Intermediate League 5:00. Mrs. Otto Fischer. Mrs. Muse Box-
Thressa Belknap returnedMoines where they snen~ ....... 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. Emerson ] Suuday evening guests in the Mr. I ding anniversary. Those presentI :',~'~ ~'~,,';~#,~/.~:,,*~'"'~ o,~u,t#| High School League 6:15. well and Mrs. Ray Martin.
iday from a several weeks days attending the~ meeting-of'-t'ffe Shotwell and in the C. W. Wurz-I~nd Mrs. Frank Miller home ]n ]were: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Decious I "'I:~arrel'l"Emerson'i27mD];ved" ,),| College League 6:30. Mr: and Mrs. Merrill Garrett on-
the home of Dr ann *--- Iow- e,~._ ~ .......... bacher home. I Mechaniesville. land John, Mr. and Mrs. ForestI ......... ~" " .... / This week has been exam week:tertamea on Monday evening Mr.
Ichentke Chica~o I'll" ...... .y o~.7.=o.,L .......................... I M,s Charles Fish of Evansville, I Decious and Robert Mr. and Mrs. ', me2ep°t a~ AtKms.. . -.1 on the eamnus St Peter faced an and Mrs. Merle Murfield, Mr and
,. ' o ..... ivir. anti tvtrs, tlarolct (surFeltt, Mr. oa,t ,-.a,.~,,~ ,,a~ oct,, ~=.u,.s I .: ' ' . ' '. ..... .. I .~ . ~. . " ,_.,~ .._ ~ xne t.;nrlstlan cnurcn rooi caugnt/ .. "- " --." ., - . ~ aa,-~ a.~., ~.~..,~,~ ~n. ~.~ aa..o
~mk of Chicago Ill "oined and Mrs Carl Travi- "n Mr nnd the last two weeks in the home of \\.is.. has ,een a wmtor m t~e ,.,,r. ~:rnest iJeclous and cmmren, ~wr:i fire from a snark Sunday morning[ exammauon in mls week s cnurcn ~'- ........ ~ ............................
1’ at the home of ~-:-~-: - : ~, ..... . .... s. a d ...... 'Yhi~ dau',hter Mrs Dorothy Bolton I ~]nd Mrs. A1 Morrisey home Ior tne I and Mrs. Amos Decious, lwr. anti and th"~ fir- A.....,.~_.., L. .... n_.~[ school lesson. Shall we share this rmrry Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
,,el 51ster ~,.b trlnooomaKer were guests o = - - - , . . i = = u=pa.~.,=.~ w,~ ~n*leu " : Barner and Crei hton Mr an
axles Kleineet~ -- ~,,.~... ~,.,~ - ...... it Tinton buildin- some cunboards ] last two ~eeks. ] Mrs. Rodney Remington, Mr. and I ~,~n ...... χi,~,~,,o~,~.~ χ,..~ ,.~..^ |on Sunday morning under the g . . d
-- ~- ,~-,,uaj ~,,uay evening at a orloge part in, " ,- , o ~ ,..,. o,,,,.. ~--~*,-s,-*o,,~,* ,*,= ,,d,c. . . .
Y a Bohler Mr and Mrs] Mrs Marvin Johnston and Betty
v days visit. Mrs. Dick ex. the home of Mr and Mrs C M i in herkitchen, t Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jordan of Ce- Mrs. R y . -- . " ..... "1 Mr and Mrs Lester Miller and/theme, "A Golden Text". Profes- .2 ~.'.'.~ ......... "
to aecomnan- *~- ~,:-,- i ,,,.,,- .~ _ ' ~. ._ ' ; ............. I dar Rapids were dinner guests Sun- I David Myers and t'acsy, lvxrs. ~.yala I "h- g--- "~--" :' "" .. / sor Oakland will have charge of mrs. wn] t~larK returned on 'L'ues-
a ..... ~lc~i wI~ey in t~enar ttaplos, lv±r. anct mrs. Jerry waiters, ,vzr. l_ . ........... *, Jordan's lDecious Mrs Anna Richard Eldonl~ e ~ay. r~t xamlly were mnner/ *h ..... io ~day after a week end visit at the
join her hus ' " y y 'edfrom; " : k for a " '"- [ vin Lacock in honor of Miss Paul-. . ar rin in " ffer" " i bohm Howard Ciha 'and Charles
band toreside. Mutant xr ......... , Hartsdale, N. Y., this wee [ *~-- :" ~ ..... Mr and Mrs Fred Mi- . ........ i last week m the Arthur Siver[ e b g g a silver o lng gift ~. , . "
iehola~ ~r.....,, . .:2-2-~:" .ver..U~L *ney are enjoy- i visit in their home. ] ~'-'"- ............ I ine r~yle, WhO is to oe married home | Tuesday, February 7th, The third ~rannaman.
.... ~ ~.~,,l~u~, wno has I mg melr residence there ........ I zaur. I Feb 2 at her home to Robert Peet,, ,,-" ....... / int~rn,+i.~..~ ,~H,..,o~.i,, χ~. ,..~n ~.. During art periods we have been
ulnea to his ho,~- --- / Mrs lxoy xoung returnednome ~, , , ,a... ,~ ..... Kirk"atrick I " .' .. - .. ,~, .... r,__, i lvlr. and lvlrs ivan ttemlngton/ ,. ,,~ v.,,. ,=. ,~,o,, t, ~a ,~,,, ~,= .... , ~ ,
,,c tot sev- ' Mis " _v, ahu ....'S. ~,,-o,g, " ' son oI Mr anu Mrs ~larence reeu " observed b the women of the making winter scenic posters and
.'~ is " - - s Maybelle Coleman a mere-, rnin from St Paul " " . . ' t and daughters s ent Sunda in the Y ....
~. shghtly Improved this! ber ................ - . . Saturday mo , g ~. " -'1l.eo, true and Ard,s were d,nner[ The thirty guests present spent, .......... P ~ . y .._ / ........................ ]posters illustrating Thrift Week
Uonald Kni-~-* ---, t ,, me u~venpor~ nigh SChOOl Minn wnere sne spent two weeks I . . o ,.~ *.,.. ~,~ +h, h,na,~ of Mr [ .... ,, - -- i ~uuert ~xenneay nome in t~eaar/~---~**. ,~ ~v***~,=~= ~,*~s*am ap-~ ........ ;
fl in Des MoinS:'~~ who was i faculty came last Friday evening visiting in the home of Mr Young's I g~.~es~,?.:.'"(r:;:,,'"t~i;kgai~-'iek- and [ the evening seam? a~ small m.o.iesi Rapids. [ pears elsewhere in this paper ~ne .~ourm grade, re.aumg elass
---.. uas return- i and ~ n ' " a,u .*H'~.,~,*~ "~" playing cninese checKers, writing . . . ,u is reafllng several stories of tne
.' to help with th,, ..... , ~ ~pe t the week end in the l parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Young. fa.nilv +~.,.~. .... + .... i)~’ ~ m~ioMl Gerald Darsee has been sink with| Friday, February 24th, A World ~ ! ~x,~hi~), r,r~,~),χ .... 10’ "vh ...... ,a
ter Dr ~ .... :7 .... "" i nome of her mother Mrs. Coleman i Mr and Mrs J B Ringer had " ~" , .... I .... ;~ ~ ......... ~"~Y~' - '" ....... i the flu several days | Day of Prayer to be held in the d "**~ ..... ,,..p-~ o~ ..... ~._~ ~ .....
:.. r.augnts many Her o;o,o. ~.0 c~ ', - : " ",~ " ": - .~ I I{ooertRow~ey, wno is enro ea contest game ano ny making a, .. * )1 ~χ - .. /~x.~*~,,~.~;~’ ohnroh l ano sevenm graae reaalng classes
Willhope for " ~ o.o~. ,vx,~. ~ralapp leturneo., as guests over ~aturoay and ~un- , " ' " t ' . ~ lvxrs. ~h.lan o~ewart was a (:llnner ,, ........... . . .
hissteady : to ra_., ............. ~. .... / in Northwestern I mw~rmty a t scrap book for the bride of her past, ~ ............ [ *, have been enjoying true heroic
ment -, ~Xenlourtwirener~unoay Ior: day Mrs xdnger's parents Mr ano[ ..... ~ . ~,(k (nd xis [ . ~ ,,_. ....... :.,_ _.... ..... guest ~unaay in tne Mrs. L:allle/ -- ! +
-" a visit ' .. " .~ . 7' ..... | r]wtnston, ~LL., was a ' ~ ~ ~ ' , - present, ana ~u~ure wmt p~cture~ I ~r - [ PRESBYTERIAM ~HII~’~IRI s~orles,
........ Mrs b P tlummer an(] her orom- . "n the hun p of his ftth(1 I)r " ~ a-azines ,,ewman nome. , ......... ~ ....
_ .". . . . ' .. _ .. to.] .... ~ . cut trom m g . , .............. ~ Jose"h W Gra-" Jr Pastor Tne general lessons class have
-- [ er-ln-law and sister lwr. and lvlrs I .., t, I'o~lev .... ~ -' licious refresh mrs ~tella rJlurect and ~alen ant2/ p Y, , .....
'~ ' . w.t~. ~ " ~t a late nour ue " / oeen SlUrrying aoout Ioods needed
Assor ent"" ofl '. "' '" Ware ]|" ' I~: ! " " " "" "rc 1 "vRandallt d h nJ.a e Cla k |" DODGE- PLYMOUTH SALES AN E RVI E "|SUNDAY ! " "' -'!'ii ~ " ~I [7"
, ' Don W. Whltmer and twin daugh- _ . .," .......... I ........... r,,~,~ the color[ Mrs Juha Branchflower 'hepped in| .........
rl,qe ('..---J o, . l:~v~rSneBseverly and Shirley of DeS[M~?;~o~:/.i:h;~,('isil/nt, ffreri~n~withl2;h;me~e~ng white and green. ICeMdar R(~P~iSsM~rnd~y2:~erna°°n'd/ ~;3:05S~2dZoSChw°°~ship Sermon i;~irp;i22a2uttypi~tu~yes /nn;ye;reat°°~
][,t ~,IkJCl[.[.{:~[l Ik ~il~ll'~llrlff I [ a v(rv had cohl He w'ts threaten- [ After Miss Kyle opened the many i __ .'. ." ' " . " ._ [ .^ ~ .............. " ' for a health booklet
"~" "~'~'~&&~ |' -- I - " ' . .1 .......... I Mur]el were (llnner guests in tne/ .-x ~x~ax ~uH~t:~e~tce. I ,~ . . "
!' ~. ,), _ ~=~ Mrs Daniel Travis returnect home I od with pneumonia trot yesteroay [ beautlIul and useiul giltS sne ex- ~ + ~ ~- ~ ,, ~| 6'30 ~,',,i,,~ c~h,i~+;~, ~,,,~,~ .... ! ±no [urnace pipes were recently
. ; ~,er~ ~rannaman ,ome near oUtlll£ ....... ~*~ ............. ~uvvx .
WKI~I'~, ~-- -- ] ] Tuesday forenoon from a few days [his condit,on ,,'as improved. ]pressed her thanks to all. All de- ,,o, ~,,,~n~,, |Society meetina cleaned out by the directors.
aa,’ r.Ilam@n I visit in the home of her son, Willardl Mr and Mrs [ ynn Goodlove ] parted wishing her the best of luck ~,~ ~"'"~'~#~ ................... |TUESDAY "' [ Water proctors this week are
-''~"" . - -- ' " " " ' " ' ' " " - w home ' lvlr. ~ilU l₯1Ib. ₯₯cllt~[ &~l~gll~l~ ~LllU/ I Howar ..........
o_. _ - | Travls and family inCe(lar l~ap-[ Mrs Amy Goodlove and l,'red Me- and happiness in her ne " Mrs Anna Richard and Eldon called[ 6'30 Picnic Sunner and nroaram a ~:na ana ~Javla ~hima;
10'l~h I~dl.~ .--_]_ ~ I ~ | ids She was a visitor last week I i auohlin were entertained at a [ ..... ~ ....... .'.^ ~/f...................... |for" the whole church s,~onsore~t b., [ washing proctor is Esther Phelps.
--~,aa I₯1CL . ' " " . ~vtr and lvtrs l~elanu /Vllller were, a~ u,e ~...~. ,,.~ ~=c~c ,,..,= .a~. ~- j]
nuarln Kea lrnll--- I in the home of her son-m-law andI rabbit supper Sunday m the Mr. n n;_.~: ..... ~’ in the Tom Hurti Monday. ithe Guild which has invited Dr.[ ~ __
daughter Mr and Mrs Robert La- 'tnd Mrs Dean Smith home ........ s ..... : ..... .
.amhne T~- t~..... i ' " " " [ ....... , home Wednesday i Mrs. Add R,cb called at the Low- |Gilbert Voorhms, field representa- !t |
Ot' ~a i~ettles, Covered Cooking Kettles, | cock in Tipton. [ Mr. and Mrs. E. R. l.ahman andI Mr and Mrs. "Cecil Bennett of i ell Kohl home Friday afternoon. [tive of the Board of Iowa National i| I~ i , ~ |
olonff Dish Pans and n,-in ~,,~, ~),,~o | ~r and Mrs Lester Caraway and [ their daughter .Miss Martha Lah- t Paralta snent Wednesday in the i Mrs. Elsie Remington spent Sat- [Missions, to be present and tell how I I l,{P~l.. ~4 I==~1,~=, I
~'"~" .......... ~ r~'n' ~Mr and Mrs Merrill Burgelman of Olin were dinner guests on Philin Bobst home i urday night in the Lolen Remington |our Church's $100 is spent for mis-![ ~=~=~ Q|iq~l Dl$1UlIJIg;i |
It~g'~ | ~'" ~""--'-'-- ~uests' Sunda., in the|Saturday in the home of Mr, and]--'~rs Maxine M'cConaugh., andi home. |sion work in our home state. All l| I
~l~i[~ ~ tl~l.~ | were u~ ~.n Mrs J E Solma [Mrs. Arthur l.ahman and family in ] r~V~s Ferne Javne called in JMount[ Mrs Arthur Moenck and daugh-[our people are urged to come. l| ~V~ i I
~. ~=* ~=~ll~k~w~l | i~n~Cedar"Rapl'ds. Barbara Solma ICedar Rapids. t V"'ernon and M;arion Saturday. ] ter called at the Lowell Kohl/THURSD~Y I WorR I
vames up to $2.00 I returned home with them after a] Mr. and Mrs. A. J. l)esmond and I Allan Thompson of Mount Ver-[home Monday. | 4:00 Junior ChristianEndeavor!I |
] will* in tho home of her grandpar- t (laughter Sandr'~ of Woodstock, Ill,, I non was a business ealler in town| ...... [meeting. i [ |
Also | ent'£ "l~'Ic"and Mrs Caraway. |were guests over the week end in Friday l C~d .it..- / 7:00 Choir rehearsal. I at I
!-. ] : " " ' . . ~. _ I the Mr. and Mrs. A1 Morrisey home. I Mrs " Ruth Gordon Mrs. Gaff[ k.~OIOll | 8.00 Union Young Peoples group ;[ [
a Kettles at 89c Each " " - . osage who '.' *'.' " g " = . Bobst Y. i - " i
Pur ~ho ~s a salesman for the M~sha
pose Cookers 8 ........ 1: . ...... -sl)ent Monday in the home of Mr. Mrs. A. L. Hoffman, Mrs. J. G.! From injuries sustained when a]into affiliated membership with thell .. I
D: .... ~--" t~ommnets ~t)c | waka Rubber anct woolen ~.ooasI and Mrs. Barney Peddycoart, north[Thede and Mrs. C. L. Murfield] caterpillar tractor overturned at|church. | i~ . . |
,ppers ano Sauce Pans 19c Each I Co. will travel a Colorado territory| of Mount Vernon [ shopped in Cedar Rapids Wednes-] Lake McBride Virgil Flynn a me- | !' ~ [ ~J~|~ti~ [
for the firm )
]~ -- ~= -o -- I " Miss Bernice] rttt, teacher in day afternoon, l ehanie in the C. C. C. camp here]" . | ~ |
r xtra :ht)ec, ! Tk;o lll....i. |i Members of chapter DT P.E.O. t ttic schools of Cedar Rapids, wa~ a I Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen of Ana-r died instantly, according to county] "Love" will be the subject nf ,!i |
J Darsee llahan who the Lesson Sezmon in all Churches
t a"--'~'o~,t ~aaa~ ₯₯ l:;t~lSk--- |! who attended the Founders Day I caller Sunday afternoon in the imosa called at the C. . ]coroner Dr, George Ca , " ..... " ' . .. . . ' | ...... /
" luncheon at the Montrose hotel, in home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. C'olton. home Saturday morning. ! investigated the accident The vic- :tr (:nrist, ~eientist, on ~un~ay, Janu- i
~..._tm _ Brllhant {[ ~,~n~, ~,~i~ 1act Saturdav were" Miss Pratt is a consin of Ahlen Mr. and Mrs W D. Scarbroughi tim was 26 years of age and had y 29,1939. _ ..... / ,,ram , A |
a~:gunar /~)c val "-~ .... ~" .... "" "" ' i i rs x'.c ~omen Tex[ lS |rum t'salms'
ues at 39c I Mrs Robert Bauman Mrs E C Howe son-m-l'~w of Mr. and Mrs. j and daughters were recent v s to : been employed in the camp the past ] ............ | ~]~l~)~t~ li~A=~,,.m~ |
" --- I Prail Mrs C C Tui'l Mrs Dana Coltm'~ ' l in the A L Hoffman home. three years He came here from ~n('n''H°w exceLlent is tny lov!n.g / TT |~,~.,l%lg,1 *,,P~IVIf~ |
..... ! ' " ' ' " ' ~ " - -atten of S-rin~ville " . _ . I (l ess, t) t~o~. tnere[ore me cnu. / /
! Wilcox and Mrs. S. G. Fouse and trey. and Mrs. Joseph Gray. Jr., ] Mrs. E. L. ~' .....P g . Toledo, where his parents an~ a ms- l dren of men nut their trust under i |
F. JOHNSf)N H~,,tw~,~ I[Mrs. E.M. Franks of Lisbon, who p. ~vV. Peterson, Roy Young werelSpen.t~aturaaywltnnerslsterlvnss ter reside. Also surviving are: a| the shadow o~thy wings.,, | ....... /
--=,-v~ ~tag~a w ~ta~ , n rnon inner and the annual Jessie 15oxwell brothei here in the camp and his
robing an -- - 9 | [ are members of the Mou t Ve I guests at a d' . ] ..... ; ..... i ", ' ; ' I The Lesson-Sermon comprises quo-| /
i1 11 )ldS area JJale ~hrancntlower o| ~euar ~ap
eating ~.... 4 "~7" ..... l~....n~ organization. ] meeting of the Cedar Ral " , ~ } ...... - wife, Maxine. The couple weret tations from the Bible and from the / .. |
_ ~uvunt v~uu[,, xowa I I council of Boy Scouts at the Mort- i lds spent ~aturoay anct ~unaay in married last May and resided in I Christian Sctence textbook "Science :| ~,& ..... |
an moved the
- ,4 . Mrs. F. A. Baum ~, I trose'hotel i]~ Ced'lr Rapids, Fri- t the Mrs. Julia Branchflower home. Solon. I and Health with Key to t'he Scrip- / I L jIICI /
..... first of the week to a recently re Mr and Mrs WIll Allen o~ ~na n
-- "~ i ........ Bauman [ day evening. 1 " "" st in "" " Mr. Flynn was a mechanic a d| tures" by Mary Baker Eddy. [ |
moaelect apartment m me mosa were omner due s me n o
i .... , ...... ~ ’~- ..... ~ .... ~,~ sisterl an exnert at handling caterpillar[ 0 e f the Bible citations reads' i/ ~4 ./ ~vs i |
. -- __ [building on the corner of First| Mi'~'ns'~c:~'eS~o~n~erv~iic ~"*c'all-|Ira Maiden home Saturday. called tractors His death came while] "Though I speak with the tongues i| [VIOfl[:~OF W(~ek |
~ L _ I ]~ l~ o~l ~ |I street and Second Avenue. Mr. ] - "? .* -~ " ..... ],~ )',~:fl Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Da see " .... ~-in~ with a ~rouD of C C C I of men and of angels and have not i| |
lll n lll |; and Mrs. Robert Bauman and fam- e!~ to ~.uny,erJanUser~;u,s~,i~nes£-of in Anamosa Saturday afternoon, me::~ai~the nortl~" portion of L'ake[ charity, I am become as sounding ] [
aIlllHllll UI il lily will occupy the Bauman home Iq'nursua~,*.r/y t_~.e ? - ~ ~ '*'11 I Mrs Dick James spen~ Friday ~"~'~'ri-' In the attem"t to slide[ brass or a tinkling cymbal. And il ....... /
v ~ ~'~l;' I their orotner w. A. ~. ~omn erv] e. . . ~vxc~ oe ~ 'h I h v h i ]
~ |: Fred Young moved to the J N. I = . ~ -' ....... h^s-ital suf i with her parents m Marmn. ~ ....... steen hill the tractor thoug a e t e g ft of prophecy, | |
i l~le IS conIl[letl LU tJ,~" U. V ' - " " "" "'~° ~'~ " ~" ' n understand 1 "
_ _ | Kyle apartments from the Bauman ’ .....~ ........ i. I Mr and Mrs. Phlhp ~xuhn of .... , ..... d orushin~ his skull I a d a 1 mysteries, and/ A f. - . f /
F~ it'--.-_ ’'~ 1 ~i ........... "i.~ w. ............... , .... - .... n* ~unda'" in th Albert ............ % . . '1 all knowledge" snd though I have ~|/'% rnn’ nssortment or /
"~'~,.ao ** qk.,IJi~lll , ,'~l~lmfll~ 1~ reslctence mls weeK. I ..... I ~vxarlon ~pe ~ o y e fr~otnvlna tho collar none and nis l ' " n /
.... ~='~'~*-" |[ I The Misses Janet uooajoun anu~.r.o+ home .......... ° "2--. ...... : all faith so that I could remove I I
, M s Ray Jordan and daughter Yar ~n tea(he~s in the r ght arm Th ~ nag oeen me I st 1
~. I[ + "*- ' " ]Marie " Y~ , " "." [ n .... u ~merson sr~nt SunSav .... , . , mountains, and have not charity I ~[ I I~l-h ~' A I'~ t'~
[~--- ° ,1 ~=~ |] Pauhne. Mrs. John Zllmer ofIw~,-d s::hool were fll last week. I~’ ....... ~,, ~o,~r ~anids day f~, F1)nn at ~,OrK at th~ lake:| am nothing' (I Cur. 13:1, 2). | U*,,~i'Lfl ~=~K9 I
pen]n t me um ]]North English and Miss Arlene Mrs Ralph Carl substituted as ~"~unc~n~"o~ "lVIoriev was a~as previously he had repairect Among the selections from the i/ [
]1~_ | / w~ o ,~ |1 Patterson of Wellman were week to'ichor for Miss Ya "yan Thursday ;.~"". .... ~ trucks at the camp. Before the] Christiance Science textbook is the t! ~,~ , , ~ I
l~aln~ K..|.----,L._*___|_ aA'|| I[end guests in the home of Mr. and l ~nd l,:riday and Miss Mary Keple'r [ ca-n-e,r in t2wnM:atufa~Y~iar Ra'-ids accident he had drawn a number of] following: [| Vr,ced nght. Lome I
1~ a~.llt i~ d.trl I I Miss Ag y
CK IYllll Mrs Harry Jordan On Saturday -~,,b~tituted' for Miss Good]ohn on ............. i logs up ihe hill with success how- [ "With one F~ther even God, the / i
.... " ~ ....... spent ~aturaay nlgn~ anu ~un~ay " . ' '
[[evening Mrs. Jordan, Mrs. William I Thursday ] ..................... ever the hill had become lncreas-[ whole family of man would be i| / ./ I
~6 with ner parents lvu- anu ~vl~ vvm
~d.._ [k-- lJl i1 ........ ~iGilchrist and Miss Laurene l:t-I ~,~ ,.~ x,~..,. A J Bobst have]-- ' ' " iing~y slippery and apparently the[ brethren; and with one Mind and i Ifl ano s’’ mere I
-" - tUl IlUl)l}ard ,~inn~h~na W~vn and the Jordan's guests, l,.'"'.; '~'~.L "\'.'.~o~ which Will be!~way' - ..... tractor slipped rolling over into thel that God, or good, the brotherhood | I
----m -.-.~uuuau~, ~ uw m~ ...... in Ceda~''~'aseu ~"" ........ i lv~r ana Mrs. Dewey Lynn an(a:. __ _ '. ..... I of man would consist of Love and !/ ......... I
% of the Turkeys on the North Ame;i [ * t oa,,e party 2;a2 n' sGpwetdS°uly aLee t afe c~d21rd Rap;d~i ~a}iPu:r~d l:°e~'YtWt~e~'e~" t~3rt°sn~ Tr~thsptar~duha;e::r]tYv~[cPricnCntsPtl~- li I
[! CI FI " .... a. _ , _ " More encouraging word was re-/ Miller of Cedar ttapids, who will|home, mo y. I tute dlvine Science" (n 469) [/D It I | ]
.:~-,~,.,e.t are ransed ..a eaa +ha !] eei,,.ed \Vednesday by Mr. and Mrs, imove to Mount Vernon. Mr. Miller l John Tallman of Morley called at -- ! ......... %_ ' I/ i'Mir 'nrl l ! I
l~[:l]l*~PI ~.... ]_* _~,~,u x~u ~t~ I 1 1'('olton from their daughter :is a salesman for a grocery firm *~... r ~ n~,~o~ hum, Friday ~ Mr and Mrs. Wm. Smyth enter-I ~ll rlrst .~venue ~orm. / ~~m i~D~D~ I
lllSllllle wa . S ~e of San Die o The ha~( two boys four and taxi tamed at droner Sunday for Mr |
I1.L-_ Y o ]f Hubbard I.,rs ~ldon ~o ,. .g ~y -; .', c , Mr and Mrs. Dewey Peterson . . "] GLENWOOD SCHOOL NEWS ~/ ., ~ ,
llfle ~...L'_L ~ ~ |i CalifMrs Howe has been ill foryea's of -tge. ] calle(i in Anamosa Saturday and Mrs Dale Halteaa and daughter] Lucille Russell T,~aeh~r | ~IA~[.Ap |A [
wmcn contains all 1 n hs suffer]n frorn sto cMem and ] Doris Jean and son Gary of Coggon
Vlta~- .... -i - I]~ mo t . . g .' r - Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Ma i Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Dars~e spent ...... 1 ------- | i ~' |~m ~m [
aulll~ .q n In in ( Klein and Mr anti Mrs lv~ervln l.)unsnee
anu mlneral h,. t ’.,,. +h., [ ach ulcers. , he was co f' ed ' family who live in the C.Y. -' - I Sunday and Monday with relatives I The Glenwood Nature Club met i| I
[* "- "~z **-" *-.-~.v ~t*~ ~a~ , . ~ nu~ - of Iowa Cit "
~ev r~:ll~’,,,,~ ,,..._! ~, , . . _ |~ t hospital for about one month b ~t eck tenant house on A Ave ~ . in Toledo Y. I Friday afternoon Reports on hunt- i| V('MIR [:l~'~Qr~ [~I:A/[:D I
, ,~:_ anu [eeaers, It lS also best i] h~s retnvned to he," home. Her South,~ expect to move about the I Willard" Miller of Paralta was a Miss Gertrude Ferguson of Kan-t ing, fishing and trapping were giv- [[ ......... ~=u ,=-,-u, I
t tile Lillek ~a,.~l.._ TT_ ~ ~ i-, ~ ~ ] mother-in-law, Mrs. Blanche Howe first of February to the %~. G. ] Caller in town Monday sas City, Mo., is here for severalI en. The next meeting will be Feb. l/ Phone a I
, ’,,,,a.... -- Ieeaer-- at- i i is with the Howes She is ai le Bartlett tenant house on Sixth i Mrs Mar- Baskervilie amqved oni days' visit at the home of Mr and l 3 i/ "" " I
er and Dalrv) ), I i to walk about the house now w thavenue North. M and Mrs. Sunda~, to s,~nd a few weeks with Mrs. Richard Adams Miss Fer- I Leo Frederick is planning to | ......... |
jau’ L I h irI a e~ luount vernon and ms, on
.-- i { some assistance whichis encour- Kleine("k expect to retire from t e' her son Rev Baskerville guson is a cousin of Mr. Adams. f bring a cocoon to school It is one | I
U ree we l, _ .,, . ] ]aging. farm south of town an(] occupy ! Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas spent; A group of neighbors were guestsI of a collection of four he has found. [I ===~~]
~,~ T ~"~ ~llilll Wlll eonvlnee yon. their own house. I Saturda- evening, in the Ton] Hurt at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don] .--=-----=---=-------~
~’~K JO’" I~,l ......... *7 "~ ]~ ....... - " ....... Mar'"/- ~ ~ Lenz recentl" in honor of the lat-] ? *'~"~'~~~
~" "1-]O1~1~ I v~.roru was reeeiveu oy ~vH,~ z Y nome. ~ I
_ over WMT, at 1240,|i | I N U R A N C E | Parsons uos ay concerning the Mr and Mrs Alva Barber and! ter's birthday anniversary. They l l I
""~ mrough Frldav. I k I ~ t death of Mrs. V. M. Law, sister of / Harold of Anamosa were dinner, were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Steinbrick, [ i
- - I I ! Fire and Windstorm ] the late Mrs. Alice l{igby, who ! guests Sunday in the Mrs. Martha Mr. and Mrs. J. J, Dvorsky, Mr. and I
I~tOl~ {~]PIl~s4~)~ t~..,.i-_1 ~sr ........ | [ | ..... | passed away January 6, at the I Barber home. In the afternoon they i Mrs. Joseph Zerbe and Mr. and Mrs. [ | [1 ~ !' |
--~-'"~,~ ttnIU l₯11xln - 0[ all Hub- ]/| Automomle I ~ home of her daughter, Mrs. Ray [ called at the Harvey Barber home. ! George Worrell. | n.e, ,~.m ,~’ ~.o’
Li * "" " " n Francisco Calif " " ' s n ~ ~ ~vv~. =--,~o~ iogi~.,o
llSlllne Conc nt)- ,, ..... |[ | Health and Accident | Crawford m Sa ' 2 [ Mrs. Lester Miller of Ogden, Iowai Vlsltor~ Sunday afternoo at the [ |
..... -,~,~ x. ~ntu~a~, 1 / ! I Bt rial was in San Francisco, ainu- I spent last week with her parents, home of Mrs. Mae Kent were Mr. [ |
i |/~ 1~. ~ | ary 9. Mrs. Law was a former Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Peet. and Mrs. Charles Connelly and [ !!~ I ~a~ ~ ="
~t) resident in M°unt Vern°n many t " es W k
.i } ] s. N. MERRITT I years ago and wilL be remembered [ r t i L $ or . .. More Value...
I[! Office in Bauman Bldg. | here. I | ......... [ | |
74 | IPhones: Ore. Res. 16 J| t[ Fmday and aturday : peclal |I I
Mount Vernon III Mount Vernon, Iowa| Miss l arjorie Duhme ! ! I , I
| I I I | -- ..... | I That s the happy result of burning good |
. -- .*1 ~~* r: ..... Klaner-i-s visiting Herman] | ~ | ~ I | | | i
ii iii ii i Klaner 'in-Wakefield, Nebr. I| ]P [TI I'ld[' r | | HiLo coal. Less soot and ashes means |
-- Sunday night John Cole and | ILJI, V 1BJ, J. l~'~ ~,'~,~~ ! I . . . !
' u er - " a cleaner nome ano a cleaner town--a
L ~ .1 II~ I I I ~kq u ' Wayne Anderson were s pp | .. -- I nd |
uests in the Frank Ciha home. I
g Cwe= rieater II
1 -l -- Mr and Mrs Warren Brannaman I II | | less work for 3ou. HiLo coal burns up
ror the Ulack i nte : lalt dd£ WinthsPa completely giving steady heat all. the
,~ R~ta v s |
::::: end'in the Fred B~ranek home at Model F I I time---thrifty to use because a little
: Solon. .. | ....... | | goes a long way--0rder a load now |
~~ )*;; Misses Eva and Mariorie ~ran- I I~A,~..I.~. r,~-~,~,~ qll "J tl~ i " !
;3"~~ ~ naman attenaea me u y - -- - -
,~ ketball game at Iowa City Satur- | | | !
| il . I
" i 0
" , Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Beese spent i Friday and Saturday pr ce $8 0
:,. ~" "~" ~ ~ ~ Saturday evening in the Claude t -- i I " ~ !
. ii I Crozier home northeast o~ mount " =
[ I Vernon. | Drive the remainder of the winter in comfort | | |
i | I Mrs. Fred Shima was a Sunday I s . -
1 1 afternoon visitor of Mrs. William | lr~ 1 i / H----J _--- I 1 ~| /
ni Beese. I oarganns in usea cars I | I s'P, /
§ I Howard Ciha spent Thursday I I | ],l~V~a’ ~l---al~i~l,l,l~ ~, L q I~ ~) ]
! I | night at the Fred Shima home. | | | "" |
i Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Kessler ,son | ~ . tl ~ | I /g ~ ~ /
mltn's arage khoal ICe -"
Dick of Solon, called on L. I. Ran- I Ik J~. ~ -~ ~1- I1~ --- ~ ' -- -- " I ........ q
I da ':s F d:YenafBter nn ° an daugh-I , 1 ), I),
tersVelmaandMarjorie, Mrs. Bert] " Ii /
B A SMITH, Proprietor ,,
Brarmaman and daughter Eva ,son " PI40 N E
family Sunday a t i II II~, Mount Vernon ',P', /
Mr. and Mrs. Heston Phelps and | Phone 23 Mount Vernon * "
family spent riday evening with | I ! " |
Mr. and Mrs. George Light. ~--'-" -- ..... --- "-- ---~--- - -:- - ---- -----~-- ~--------------=~----- - "------ .......... "" =' -I