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January 26, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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January 26, 1939 |
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26, 1939
|*age Five
INTERNATIONAL , Balliet chapter, D. A. R. will
TEA FEB. 7 meet Thursday, February 2, for
International fellowship their monthly meeting at the home
observed in the Metho- of Miss Anna Jordan. A picnic
by the women of the luncheon will be enjoyed at one
Tuesday afternoon, Feb. o'clock followed by the usual bust-
o'clock. Dr. W. Glenn hess meeting. Mrs. R. P. Ink will
lead the devotions and be the assisting hostess.
Eyestone will be the
Miss Gladys Zabilka The l'asi Noble Grands will meet
Richard Baker's articles at the homo of Mrs. Edith Nny(ler
Miss Kathleen Current on Thursday, I"('l~ruary 9. Meln-
Smith will be soloistsbets ph,aso noti,.'~, C!lallNt, of date.
This day will be The I~ & N lh,:.rree Staff t'irele
over the world with:will mvet ],'riday evening, January
A brief meet- "7, in the l.t).O.l,', hall• Hostesses
:Ladies Aidsociety will will be ¢)ra Knapp, Margaret
2:30 o'clock. !Knapp. and t'Hizabeth Kiml)all.
WILL A dinner meeting was enjoyed
FRIDAY by th(. In~quhcl's of Ingl(~si(te club
West will entertain theat the home of Mrs. b'rank ('ole on
the Franklin township Monday evening Hostesses he-
on Friday at an all sides Mrs. Cole, were Mrs. Agnes
Miss Lucille Cove, t~actholomew, Mrs. Helen S('hroed-
agent in Linnl er. Mrs. S. 3. *l/'l.auK]din, and .Mrs.
present the lesson on, l'rhonms Nicholson. The program
of cheese", to the was presented bv~ .\lrs. ~'harles
in the township ](eyes, who reviewedthe book, "lie
presentthe lesson toBussy. Man and Artist," by Os(.ar
A picnic dinnerThompson.
at noon.
i The Jolly \Vorkers nlct for a
club will be enter-picas'in( meeting at Ill(, Arthur
the home of Mrs. Mary Seholt home last Thursday after a
evening, January 30, fine dinner a business meeting was
hour. held followed by a social hour and
work on a new comforter. The
Caraway will be host- next meeting will be for all day at
day meeting of the tile home of Mrs. Joc Pospisil, Fell.
club at her home next 2. Every lady bring tint-trait yard
2. bright print.
Kepler and Miss[ Sorosis will meet at the honle of
were hostesses for the] Mrs. j. l~. Ringer on Monday eve-
Division No. 8 of the lning, January 30. The program
society of the Metho-! will I)e presented by Mrs. J. IL
on Wednesday after-~ l,ain~..
--~ l Mrs. l':ldon ])eCault) was hostess
Tuesday ufternoou to her after-
Huebsch and Miss lnoon bridg(. ('Ill}) ('ards wore 1)lay-
have issued invita- i ed at three tallies. High score was
afternoon tea Satur- awarded to -Mrs. Hal'lan I.evy Mrs.
Hall, between the iaerry Walters received second high
and 5:00 o'clock.
[and Mrs. l{udolf Vodicka received
I)ivision No. 8, of the Ladies Aid
Society of the Methodisl church
was entertained at the honle of
Mrs. M. S. liughes on \V,,(lnosday
:1 f| ('l'Doon.
M]'. and Mrs. ('lyde l,iudslcy and
Mr. and Mrs. llalt)h ('arl were co-
hosts at a bridge dinner .Men(lay
L'\ ¢'11iI1~4 at Ill(' ] {al,:el' lie/IS(!.
I;u('sts ',,ere: I)r. and Mrs. 1,. E. If there is any 11olitieal hitterness