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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 30, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 30, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six ~ MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA~,VKEYE-RFA:K)RD AND THE LISBON HERALD ~hursday, J I~ttHgtljt~js|~|~~Ijtt|~t|~|u|~~"I|am;u|~||I~t|tt~t;~u||~tEm|||~|I*tI~I~t||tIo|~t1|t~tIl~i|~I~t~1|tI|li||H~j|*t|n~t||II|~|t||~|~*. NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS Morley i ing nicely from her recent appen- I dectomy at Mercy hospital, Ann- Mrs. Ella F. Austin mosa. Others who are or have been "---- l ill from colds and influenza are SIVER-HEFFLEFINGER i Fred Austin, Mrs Louis Burger Miss .Velma Slyer daughter of iMiss Lorraine Bickerstaff and Mrs Mr. and Mrs. John Slyer of White C. L. Windsor, Dorothy and Margie Oak, and Donald Heffleflnger, SOnr~.l Luella. Main of Slide' Rock vicin- of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Hefflefinge l lty is spending several days wtih of Forest vicinity, were married on i her aunt, Mrs. C. B. Angus. Sunday afternoon at 2:30 by Rev. I Mrs. Fred Austin, Florence, Le- Carl Windsor, at the home of the i land and Leonard and J. O. Aus- bride's parents. Attendants in-~tin were guests Sunday at a tur- cluded Miss Janet Slyer, as maid of I key dinner in the H. E. Stoner home honor, and Mary E. Hefflefinger Incur Anamosa. The dinner hon- as bridesmaid. John Hanna was!ored the birthday of H E. Stoner. best man Mr. and Mrs. Hefflefinger Ronald Smith, who is attending are both graduates of Morley High!school at Hillsboro, spent the week School, and the bride was graduated I end with his mother, Mrs. Ruth from a Cedar Rapids business col- Smith, sister Arlene, and brothers lege last year, and has since been ': r'rancis and Gene. employed as bookkeeper in the i Mr. and Mrs C. B. Angus were R. E. A. office at Anamosa. Mr. i overnight guests Saturday with Mx. Hefflefinger recently was graduated and IVJxs. Earl Domer, near Tip- from a welding school at Marion. I ton. The couple are receiving the con-I R.J. Uridel and J. R. B/'ckerstaff gratulations of their many friends. I were Monday afternoon business . callers at hnamosa. T ~ ~.~DIES AID MEETS I Mr and Mrs. R T. Reed and "~' ' " " t i Aid l Meredith Ann spent Saturday nigh ~ne um~ea l~remren J. ~aa es i~, *h~ ~rental Richard Reed home Society met at the church Wednes-~ ""*. . s ' near Sprmgvllle, returning home any a~ternoon z~ z~er me VUSln~ I~,~ ,~,~ ~, r s i ~ nday rnm~, meeting and a short prod am Mr .' ~,~,~ ~ " ,~.~,o,~ ~, . . '. Mr J B ~,- Doris barrow was given a pink ann ' "~'- e ling northwest of town are the par- blue snower. The glz~ were pr - i ndlents of a daughter born at Mercy sentea Dy Mrs L.;ora ~ ver,a - ' " " 1 i hospztal, Anamosa, Fmday. This ts provennice in quanuty ann qua - ~ the seventh child in the family. son at the piano; O ntomime The American gioo Auxiliary. Ruth Harrison, Carol Nebiker and[ I TDD]b~]I~ GRADE, BERTRAM SCHOOL announce a card party to be held Velma Anderson. / ~.~L ~L 3~,~ at the auxiliary hall Sunday eve- : Rev. Eyestone gave the announce- t ~'~'~-'-"-~= : e - = = : : : : : : : - ning, Feb. 2nd. Pinochle, Bridge, ments and dismissal. Mrs. R. J,t and Euchre will be played. Host- Harrison of division No. 3 read the l esses for the affair will be Mrs. O. !program. E. Markitan, Mrs. Joe Panel andI Mrs. Frank Panzer. Mrs. Mervin Zeller, Mr. and Ms r i M. and Mrs. Leo Zemshek re-i C. C. Berry and Argene Allbee on l ceived a letter Saturday from their Thursday drove to Des Moines to son, Lawrence, who is with the[ attend the State Farm Bureau con- army on a sea voyage from San vention. Mrs. Allbee, a delegate Francisco to New York, and fromI during the meeting, returned home there will be taken to training camp [ with the group, in Virginia. The letter was mailed Mrs. Ben Black on Sunday visit- at the Panama station, Jan. 22nd. i ed her brother, Perry Knapp, a The regular health meeting was l patient in St. Luke's hospital in Ce- held at the home of Mrs. RonaldI dar Rapids. Mr. Knapp shows some Kessler and Dr. P. V. Moore of[ .~=~ ~ :,~ ~ ~'~ improvement, but his condition is Iowa City was the speaker There' : ~ ::~, still serious, were 25 ladies present. The nextI ~ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Denton of Cedar Rapids were Sunday visitors Hawkeye-Record Photo meeting will be held at the home* of Mrs. E. H. Beretta on Wednesday, II in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Feb. 12th. ] i ED: T t L[: Kitchen There ur(~ nine pul,iJs enroUcd in the upper ~oom o~ me ~er[rmn Mrs. Anna Snyder of Cedar Rap- sch(~;l sho~vn in the I>i(:tu~. One pupil was absent when the picture ids i.s a guest in the home of her was taken. Reading from left to right are: Miss Zelda efllntore, teach- Linn Grove son-ln-laWzv~rs, t~narmsand~acnman.daughter' Mr. and er:. ,o0o,0 ,--o, "" my one-- i:n,' The townshsip school board met vln Klouda, Alice l)r~d~x% Helen Lnenleka, Angeline Lnenieka. TheThe Ladies Aid Society will meet Tuesday in the community hall. .~'holars are enrolled in the Junior Red Cross. Several of them areWednesday for a day meeting with Mr. and Mrs. Argene Allbee and trying to win a spellh~g pin this year. Mrs. Roy Lacock, Mrs. Byrdena . Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Berry enter- Nosley and Mrs. Merle McCon- And Enjoy The Luxury Of Fresh tained the Farm Bureau at the hall ~ ~--'-------------- aughy assisting. Foods By Renting A Frown Food on Tue Y ee ic MECHANICSVILLE So lon Isabell Minor is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Larson en- ,Mrs. eller tertained at dinner Friday night ks and Mrs. Marvin Johnston and I " ALBERT JOHN~ SUFFERS PEETS HATCH----~RY Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston, Mr. Pisa~i ited Leonard BROKEN LEG ON ICE SPONSORS PARTY Betty I Rental charge for a locker is only the Raphael v s h olon Broulik at the Emma Mallie home Albert Johnson had the misfor- Peets' Hatchery of bot S and Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark, Ber- ~ postage stamp per day. There are actual Thursday evening, tune to fall at his home on the icy Ely sponsored a party for the pub- nice, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Garrett, Alvin Klouda was a week end sidewalk leading to his barn, and lic at the C. S. P. S. Hall Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Harris and ings in buying foods in wholesale { uan visitor at the Emil Broulik home. break his leg, just below the hip. day afternoon with a fair attend- Ann surprised Mr. and Mrs. George prices are lowest and preserve them for ity. . es~ Harold Austin was host to the Mary Sheber five year old daugh- Dr. York of Lisbon was called and ance present. The party was in the Uthoff on Friday evening, helping Eating out-of-season fresh foods is a grand! uoraLUncn~xverWaSanaServeam~a nYAusun~aesuam, to" 35iB.r ana~ ~-. c,uo ~a~urday evening.' ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sheber of he was taken to St. Luke's hospital form of an entertainment with See's them celebrate their wedding anni- .' . Owing to the inclement weather lLisbon, is staying at the John Bar- in Cedar Rapids Thursday night. Orchestra rendering many appreci- versary, and you can save money while you eat memvers ann guests. ~uests m- ~-~ "~-- ~^ Civer L"-ertaiand illness, only five of the eight tosh home. Mr. and Mrs. Sheber Mr. Johnson is 80 years of age and ated selections; impersonations by Delbert Richardson spent a few cmu~u ,~ ~'~,Lr ~Gwelda'~Siver [members were present, are the parents of a baby boy born lives alone, since the death of his Katherine Worley of Ely; tap dan- days home during the mid-year va- WE HAVE A FEW LOCKERS ann.ann ,~nn~ane~; r~a~Mrs. ~a's"ice. Horn and Mr. and Mrs. Henry. Tjaden of at University hospital, Iowa City, wife. cing by Miss Rose Marie Jon and cation at Cornell. GET YOURS NOW. i Langworthy were Friday afternoon last Monday. -- Miss Maxine Wenke of Cedar Rap- A wedding of local interest is that Lmrren; ~vxrs. t-~tauys ~urgenson anu I o~u,~ in Morley and at the M L I Mr. and Mrs. Emil Broulik and SUNDAY WAS QUIET DAY ids. Joe Doakes of Waterloo was of Maynard Strother and Miss Max- Kennetht Guthrm,' and Patty Free. Jurgenson home. Richard visited Thursday evening Our town could well have been the chief performer. At the close ine Morrow of Eldon. The mar- --~--. ~ . i Joe Horn and M E Switzer took [in the John Bartosh home. called the deserted village Sunday. of the afternoon, pancakes and col- riage took place at the Little Brown Mr and Mrs. 1". 2x. reters were1 ' ' " ~k week end guests in the R. H. Bick-!~iotrUdCaky l:adnj fgh g~t: HChricag u:~ A few found their way to Sunday fee were served. Several prizes' Church. They were accompanied School and Church, but the coun- [were given. [by Miss Morrow's mother. Mr. and erstaff home Mr Peters is music] ' -- !Mrs. Maynard Strother visited at '" " " o I Mrs. Wflda Swztzer called on her Mrs. Glenn Siver try roads were drifted in and no[ supervisor inthe. Hfllsboro. scho 1 1 ,~ h e, ~ ,s.~,n~ ~,a ~-~ ~oth ~arry'~ in" pedestrians or cars ventured out. I MR. AND MRS. 3. W. ZENISEK the John Strother home a few days and Mrs. Peters is Pubhc Health th R [ TO HAVE 5OTH ANNIVERSARY [recently. - :- ~' n*- ~ e oy t*UCK home a~ ~namosa VELMA SIVER IS WED TO Don't forget to have some ,Bacon or nurse ~x oa,~ ,~v~, .~. ~ On Thursday evening the older[ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Zenisek[ --~--~ Miss Frances Ellenberger spent i M~v~ds?y Ra:~rn~ n~h and children'DONALD HEFFLEFINGER young people of the Presbyterian i will observe their fiftieth wedding i SUTLIFF SCHOOL NEWS that hog you are planning to butcher. the week-end at her home near l " . Velma Slyer, daughter of Mr. and were at Anamosa Saturday evening. Mrs. John Slyer, became the bride church, a new organization, met', anniversary on Sunday, Feb. 2nd. t Mrs Whitti- ton Teacher- it's delicious, cured just right and that it has wn]tuer anu also V1SlTe(l her ia~n- T-T~,~,q Win,~n. ~, York Nebr " JOlln ~roD, ~:d]tor er, ChuB. Ellenberger, who is a ~ ' ', of Donald Hefflefinger, son of Mr. with Mr. and Mrs. James Cook. The Mr and Mrs Zenisek were united [ :. " ' flavor of real hickory smoke. -~':^--* ~* ~s ~-'--'-ital An-moon spent the week end wzth the home and Mrs. Clyde Hefflefinger, on evening passed quickly with vari- in marriage at St. Mary's cnurcn, ~ t~ folks. The cost is only 3c per pound. ous discussions, games and refresh* Solon, February 2, 1891. The cere- Sunday afternoon in the home of ments. There were 10 or 18 pres- mony was performed by the Rev. Ruth and Delores Mallie were Don Southard and Miss Lois were Mrs. M. E. Switzer and Mrs. F. L. her parents. week end guests with relatives at Shankland and Judith were Ann- Jeanette Siver, sister of the bride, ent. M. Pekar. The attendants were Sunday dinner guests at the Clar- Clinton. Mrs. C. O, Hay visited with herim sa callers Monday afternoon,acted as maid of honor and John The Thursday evening "Couple Mr. Zenisek's sister, Mrs. Anna ence Sueppel home. After dinner daughter, Mrs. Leo Hay and family H.H. Shumaker is busy as assess- Hanna was best man. Mary Evelyn Club" met with Mr. and Mrs. Will-Dvorsky of Morse, and Frank they enjoyed coasting. Dick Murphy was a guest at the or in Rome township. Mrs. Ruth Hefflefinger, sister of the groom, ard Schorr. Bridge was played and Suchomel, who resides in Cedar Milo Krob home over the week near Forest Chapel, the occasion Smith is assessor for the city of served as bridesmaid. Mrs. Delbert refreshments served. Mr. and Mrs. Rapids. being Mrs. Hay's birthday. Morley. Smith played the wedding march, Ed Hikle received high score. Mrs. Zenisek, prior to her mar- end. Locker rent is due Feb. 6th. We will The Gracia Guild of the Presby-]riage, was Miss Mary Kuncl, born Mr. George Stochl visited at the it very much if you will make arrang Among those from this vicinity Mrs. Myrtle Bixler and Leland and Rev. Windsor performed the terian church entertainedtheirI March 12, 1869 and Mr. Zenisek George Hallie home Sunday. ! or before this date. attending the Golden Gloves at Austin have been victims of the wedding ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Krob were! andAnam SaMrs. MondaYclarencenightKline,WereR. Mr.H. flu. The bride wore a street length husbands and children at a pot luck . was born September 28, 1866. Both Saturday morning guests at the'~ dress of Soldiers' Blue crepe and supper Friday night in the home of I have lived in this vicinity all their Milo Krob home. i AustinBickerstaff'and LaurenceL' E. Hunter,Duncan.H.W. Bertram carried an arm bouquet of yellow Dr.Thomasand gaveMrS' theLittig'devotionsMrS' PaUl[andt liveS.Following their marriage the Mr. and Mrs. Levi PenningrothI Miss Dorothy Jackson is recover- Mrs. Frank Letner daffodils and red carnations. The maid of honor wore a grey crepe Mrs. Minnie Wright the book re-Icouple settled on a farm six miles and family went to Iowa City on', CUT AND SAW WOOD suit and the bridesmaid wore a view. About 35 were present, east of Solon, now occupied by Mr. Saturday evening. Mrs. Everett Ferguson entertained and Mrs. William Steinbrich. In Lewis Gamble called at the Clar- ! FOR LOCAL CHURCH brown and tan crepe dress.Both her Sunday School class of the 1930 they moved on the William ence Sueppel home Friday evening. ! Twenty-one men of the commun- girls wore corsages. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Vislisel attend-! ity met Thursday to cut and saw Only members of immediate faro- Presbyterian church at her home Lovetinsky farm near North Lib- southwest from town on Friday erty when they retired from farm- ed the poultry meeting in Solon l wood in the Killian timber for the flies attended. Yellow and white evening. A happy time is reported, ing and moved on a location about Thursday. Phone 3912 local church. Floyd Kitchen fur- were the decorations. A lunch was The Sutliff school enjoyed a birth- nished the wood saw, Gerald served. The wedding cake was Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Kellogg and three miles east of Solon where daughters Beverly and Barbara of they resided for about two years day party given by Mrs. Carl Lowe Thompson and Floyd Decious, the baked by the bride's grandmother, Marion were week end guests in until they moved to Solon where in honor of her daughter, Shirley's Mount Vernon, Iowa Mrs. Allen Slyer. sixth birthday. i'~[&"L [ |aS" . . "bee" were: Rev. J. B. Eyestone, Since graduating from business the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman they now reside. r- trucks. Others taking part in the Joseph Mikulecky, F. G. Anderson, college in Cedar Rapids, the bride Bock. Mrs. Kellogg remained for To this union were born eight George King, Emmett Albaugh, has been employed as secretary in a longer visit, children, two of whom have passed A Flavorful Gerald Scott, Ray Hartung, Gilbert the R. E. A. office at Anamosa. At the services Sunday morning away. The children are three sons Caldwell, Billy Mikulecky, George The groom was recently grad- in the Presbyterian church the Jun- and three daughters: Ernest, Fair- Vitamin-Blended Berry, Frank Drahos, George Rom- uated from the school of electric for Choir sang a very lovely an- fax; Anthony L Waterloo; John pot, Lester Mikulecky, Leonzo BeT- welding at Marion. them, "His Wonderful Ways," and:R, Cedar Rapids; Mrs. J. J. Dvor- much credit is due both to the i sky and Mrs. Joe Zerbe of Solon; ry, Paul Anderson, Darrell Kitchen OTIS SIVER ATTENDS young people and their coach. I and Mrs. Paul Chadek of Iowa City. and Arthur Patchin. STATE BUREAU CONVENTION The M. B. Bridge club met with ~. There are nineteen grandchildren. Other contributors were Sherwin Otis Slyer returned Friday from Mrs. F M. Wilson at her home on The children and their 1 Caldwell, Osmond Berry and Frank the State Farm Bureau convention West Main street Thursday after- are: Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Zenisek Letner. at Des Moines where he represent- noon. Mrs. John Nye won high Inez, Harold and Marjory of Fair. ed Greenfield township as their score and Mrs. Krause, guest prize, fax; Mr. and Mrs. Anthony L. Contains Healthful :w. S. C. S. MEETS delegate, in place of ~the Farm Guests were Mesdames C. G. Stook- ~ Zenisek, Mary, Richard and Evelyn ViLamin B! Members of the Woman's Society T~rink ~ tosst to ,'~-~", of Christian Service under the di- Bureau president, Mr. Frantz, who ey, Earl Hoover, Allen Jackson, and l of Waterloo; Mr. and Mrs. J. J. was unable to attend. Mrs. Don-Mattie Kahler, and Mrs. Krause, Dvorsky and daughters Marcella .L~the aew Vit,~mln rein- rection of Mrs. Harry Decious, met ald Meeks of Martelle, represented who is visiting her sister, Mrs. M. Eileen, Betty and Delores of here forced mixer beverage with Mrs. Gerald Scott and Mrs. ~lth ~ ehi~mpmgue sp$~rkle. Floyd Decious as hostesses. Others the G. I. C. at the convention.Moore Mr. and Mrs. John R. Zenisek an O~mtldn| healthful, elaer- Mrs. George Connor went to LiB- Karen of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and ~e~lvim$ Vitamin BL A present were Mesdames J. B. Eye- Bob Tonne has been ill with the bon Friday to visit in the home of Mrs. Joe Zerbe and children Mary for overyone. Ouly stone, George King, Arthur Patchin, flu, but much improved at this Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lackman. and Joseph of here; Mr. and Mrs. ~r 7 os. bottle. Order esum from your local Herman Nebiker, Sherwin Cald- writing. By request, key. Charles Tyrrell Paul Chadek, John, Judith and de~ler todsy ! well, Osmond Berry, R. J. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonne at- of the Presbyterian church will Kenneth of Iowa City; Robert Zeni- I~clmlv li~ns~ bus b~ Floyd Kitchen, Joseph Mikulecky,tended a sale near Center Junction preach next Sunday morning, Feb. sek of Los Angeles, Calif.; Bill and Ignted to The Win. Tebtl Frank Letner, Ruth Harrison and on Thursday. 2nd at 11 a.m from the following Dorothy Zenisek of here. Bottling Compa#y for tbe Caroline Berry. bottling and dis~rib~tio~ o! Mr. and Mrs. Verlon Baker spent text: "The Kingdom of God and "B-r" tbrtmgbmtt a sub- Mrs. J. B. Eyestone led the de- Monday evening in the Lew Baker Its Coming." Plan to be there.SUFFERS INJURIES IN s~tld portion o] Easte~ notions and gave a most interest- home in Cedar Rapids, and with Clair Woods, who came from FALL ON ICE Fluid Drive Dodge and Brand New loma. ing missionary talk during the Mrs. Baker's daughters and their Amarillo, Texas, last week to at- James W. Cerny is a victim of in- PDy ght BotUed and Distributed By meeting held in the afternoon, families, also of Cedar Rapids. tend his father's funeral, left for juries received when he slipped mouth Have Brou Us "Cream" Wm TEHEL BOTTLING CO Mrs. Frank Hartman spent Fri- Detroit, Mich on Thursday morn- and fell on the ice. He was taken of the Used Car Crop In Trade! BROTHERHOOD TO day with her sister-in-law, Mrs. ind. for X-ray at Iowa City, from where Cr, Dld~ RAPID~, IOWA SHOW MOVIES FRIDAY Frank Siver of Lisbon. The ladies Mr. and Mrs. Harry Connor and'he has returned to his home with T. TERE are the "finest of the fine." And every I II I Members of the Brotherhood will attended the John Deere show in Chauncy went to Lisbon Friday to two broken ribs, a badly bruised present three movie reels during the afternoon, attend the John Deere day which shoulder, and other injuries. He JL JL one of them tagged irresistibly low. Our used car stocks are heav this mon and ~-- ~ -----:-~-- ------~-:the program on Friday evening in Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Slyer and was being sponsored by John Mil- is getting along as well as can be y " t~ Free Prompt Removal the church. The public is invited. Janet Kay were supper guests of ler, implement dealer, expected, we're seizing the opportunity to make many of all George Kramer and Leonzo Berry Mr. and Mrs. Don Ruhl Thursday Pierre Ferguson, Bill Burke and --- new friends through these great money-say- comprise the program committee, evening, a young man from Lisbon left on TO INSTALL LOCKER SYSTEM ing O~m~rtunities. I DEAD STOCK NOTES-- ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonne were Saturday night for Rolla, Mo Mr. Earl Stahle has purchased the ~)ev~and for the new ~'rluia J~rlve " ,METHODIST Sunday evening dinner guetss of where they expect to work on a building wherein the Solon Econ- J./O(l~e Services in the Methodist church Mr. and Mrs. Elde Freese of Clar- government project. Three others omist has been located, from Mrs and the 1941 Plymouth has loaded us with 1~ ,Call Our CollectNearest Phone a.m.ship n neXtatwithllSUndaYthea.m.ChUrchAllWillareSChool.Openwelcome.atwor.10enl~Ie~dau "iatarnds eMn~SsunGlean~n Siver and ::~ ha~h~e~rrer :=Rse Johert McK]bben ~t :t~lr: Ba~rt:ft oCedn~aRapld~ockM:r" ~ee: ~'mm~a~: Evbee~fiT:h afs ~enP~rP~n~- g P y" the Elmer g n Su "van, lsystem about March 1st. At this ditioned an~ ~ ~ "' " Cedar Rapids 4612 ! Aldrm en ur o,~x guaranceea gooa lot many mou PRESENT ONE-~ PLAY " h home at Dubuque. sp t Sat day aftern on in the~ time he is securing subscribers for " ~II'IllS O! mHe~, ] Anamosa 542 AT FRIDAY PROGRAM Among those from this neigh- Harry Trump and Nancy Scott]the lockers, and if he succeeds in borhood spending Friday at Lisbon, homes on East Main street, this plans, the locker will be in- YOU may never see such a bargain feast A one-act play, "Opening the Let- where the John Deere dealer, John Betty Thomas, a student in Coe ] stalled, again in yearsl With the possibility that na- Stanwood 800 ter," was given by Ruth Harrison Miller, entertained with pictures College, spent the week end withI ----- tional defenso plans may curtail production of and Herman Nebiker, jr during an and lunch were: Ralph and James her parents, east from town. ]REBEKAHS INSTALL new automobiles a shorta"e of fzood use"~ Mr. Vernon 11000 interesting program presented in Wethington, Mrs. Frank Hartman, Mrs. Byrd Nosley, of north Officers in the Sunflower Re-,~ ~ the Methodist church on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Stearns, Lisbon, has been visiting in the lbekah fl lodge have been installed as cars may develop before many months. Our evening. ,SANITARY Congregational singing with or- Henry Schnoor, Mr. and Mrs. Al home of her brother, Lewis Con-[follows: Marie Stahle, N. G.; Mar- advice is to buy now at these Clearance Siver, Miss Myrtle Manly, Mrs. Otis nor, west from town, the past two i jorie Peet, V. G.; Orpha Zajicek, mark-downs. Drop around today ,RENDERING CO. chestral accompaniment opened the Siver and Floyd and Mr. and weeks, t Sec.; Lucile Adams, Treas.; Arlene " : . . Cedar Rapids, Iowa program; prayer by Rev. J. B. Eye- stone; guitar music by Delores Glenn Slyer and Janet Kay. Mrs. Lew Leisinger suffered a fall[ Jedlicka, Warden; Edith Brown ]U ~!~ii~iiii~!i~iiii::~iii~iiiiiiiiii~iiiii::iiiiiiiii~ii!~iiii~ii~]i~i:~i~ii~iiii!i!ii~ii::~iiiiii~i~iiiii!i~i~iiiiiii ::~!~iiii~iiiiiii]i]i~i~;iiiii::!iiii~~i~ii~i~iii~i~i~ ' ~iI Iowa Dept. of Agriculture Lnenicka and Carol Nebiker; read-] Mr. and Mrs. Leo Driscoll and on the ice near her home and is[Conductor Linna Gleason, Chap-[l~iiiiiiii~iiiii~ii!~ ~~~""~~i~ License No. ! ings were given by Caroline Berry children were dinner guests of Mr confined to her room with a sprain- lain" Amanda Jedlicka Musician; ]]~!i~!@!~!]~iJii~!~!i~iii~!~t d Mrs. George Fmher on Thurs- ed ankle. [Velma Beck R. S. N. G.; Annice ]~;~::;::;i~!~i!]ii~::~i.:::~::~i~i~]i~i;~i;ii~ii;ii~~.~i~~;;!~i~::~;i~.~i~!!~ and key. Eyestone; violin solo by day. Friday evening the Driscolls George Drahos of Cedar Rapids Heinsius, L S N G; Lillian Kent ]]][~i~::~J.-:iii~ili~!ii~i~~ : - - Ruth Harrison with Velma Ander- were among those that surprised was transacting business inthis iR. S. V. G.; Anna Mekota, L. S. V:I]] i Mr. and Mrs. Fisher on their wed-place the last of the week.G.; Emma Barta, Inside Guardian; ]~ ding anniversary. Rush Clippenger, who met with Frances Jensen, Outside Guardian; 1938 DODGE Four Door Sedan. Deluxe model. MASTER PADLOCKS---are the nation's No. 1 padlock a serious fall on the ice two weeks Annice Heinsius appointed by An- in sales---the reason is simple--they give the most GRAVER DISTRICT NEWS ago, has recovered sufficiently to na Wiese was the acting district car is in very fine condition. Was driven carefully Marjorie Duhme go out on his mail route this week. deputy president and Velma Beck padlock for the money. We carry the full line. Mrs. Wm. Reimer and daughter His brother, Ernest, accompanies was acting deputy marshal, who in- did not have winter driving. Will make someone a A 25c padlock may save you many times that Maxine spent Tuesday in Cedar him. stalled the officers in their respec- figure. Rapids. The colored gentlemen, globe live offices, satisfactory automobile. See this car, drive it and Several from this vicinity attend- trotters basketball team played the A delicious luncheon was served our price. NEW OVER-UNDER GUN--Have you seen the new ed the John Deere show at Lisbon Maroons here in the local gym on by a committee appointed, who .410-.22 Stevens gun? We think its going to be on Friday. Saturday night. The score stood were: Amanda Jedlicka, Frances quite popular---two guns in one, yet it costs but Miss Nelavene Reimer visited 75 to 73 in favor of the globe trot- Jensen, Anna Ulch and Mary Pal- 1939 DODGE Two door special. Excellent little more than a single barrel gun $14.95, with her parents Sunday evening, ters. It was a "play game" and meT. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lineback offered much pleasure for those tation. Has radio, heater, and defroster. Motor has and daughter Velma were callers who attended. ~, T.P. Moore, who has been operat- completely overhauled Looks like a new car. See THAT COW--will make you more money if you put in Cedar Rapids on Monday. Postmaster Frank Ferguson is ing the oil business for the Illinois her milk through a new McCormick-beefing Sepa- Mr. and Mrs. Win. Reimer attend- again at his duties in the Post Office Oil Co has severed his connection bargain rator. Multiply the savings per cow by the num- ed the Farm Bureau supper held at after his automobile accident of two and Donald Ruppert, who has been ber in your herd and you've got a good start to- the John Miller home in Lisbon on weeks ago. located in Illinois, will take his wards a new separator. Easy to clean, open spouts, Wednesday evening. Mrs. Leonard Fisher vacated the place. Mr. Moore has been operat- 1936 PLYMOUTH Coupe. Will make someone Miss Marjorie Duhmc attended George Studer house on North ing the business for several years good car. Has new tires. street the last of fhe week and is and has not made a definite an- two, instead of one cream screw for more accur, a teachers' meeting in Cedar Rap- visiting for a short time with her nouncement regarding his future ate skimming, heavier spindle--these are some ids Saturday. of the things that make the McCormick-Deering Mrs. Reimer was present at the before leaving for Rolla, plans with the exception that he1935 CHEVROLET standard two door sedan. Mo where she will join her hus- will continue as instructor in the a top-notch separator, follow-UPEmerson home.meeting held in the Rook band and make their home, while local CCC camp. this car if you want a real bargain in a used car. SEED---It's about time to start thinking about seed. he is working at his government Ralph Hess has left for Mont- job, where he is a foreman Leon- gomery, Iowa where he will take up Other Low Priced Cars from $25 to $150 ard enjoys his work and is glad to duties as operator on the railroad We are taking orders for spring delivery. A 20% Prompt be there. I lines at that point. He has been deposit holds your order, protects you against Removal Mrs. Marie Butler received a note t operator at the local Roe k Island Come,in and Talk With Us About Used Cars price advance. Experience proves you never go Of Dead Stock Monday from Iowa City stating that lstation here for many years. wrong ordering seed early. Idabo grown Medium her daughter, Mary June, who has l Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stahle have Red Clover is now $9.50. CALL COLLECT been seriously ill in the University tpurchased the care from Mr. and Mechanicsville hospital is slightly improved but/Mrs. Earl Stahle and will move the ~-09 still in the Isolation Ward. 'Her [business into the C. S, P. S. hall, lipton West Branch friends here are indeed sorry for [wh'ch they have purchased during this serious condition and hope to the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Stahle DODGE AND PLYMOUTH SALES AND SERVICE 41 hear more favorable news before[will also move their residence In Mount Vernon ,Sin~e 1914 V Ot Farmers many days. quarters into a portion of the hall Hardware --- Implements --- Appliances J~/~l~JIJIRendering Works ----~---------- I down stairs. They expect to re- Mount Vernon, Iowa Save a life. Keep well over o~ [build and make many improve- Dial 4821 state IAcense No. 7 your side of the road when you merits in the hall in the near future Clean -- Fast -- Service drive. "Road hogs" are among the and the extent of their business will worst causes of fatal accidents, be announced later.