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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 30, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 30, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Eight ~ MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, ttAI.VKEYE-RF A~RD AND THE LISBON HERALD in Ul i I nl III II in unlmu nil N inMIn Ilnn " lr'~ i Oscar Melchert, 43 of Mount Ver- Dr. Glenn Cunningham, director non pied not guilty before Judge ~*'~ l:*L~,~:: ~:--~".}~'~~/ ~"z :~ ~r of the Corncll student health set- Ring on Tuesday to charges of ~4~>I ~ ~'~:~ ~/ '~'~'~Z~~ vice h'ts several sneakin~ engage- driving while intoxicated He is ~,~ ~,' '~ ~ ments ~cheduled beginning on released on a $500 bond. ~~]~i~:~::: ~::':: Tuesday of next week. ~----~--- ~~~~~ ; ~~-? On Tuesday, Feb. 4, Dr. Cunning- "Old Man of the Mouatai. " ~~ ham will address the local high The crumbling ruins of a strong- ~~ ~}:l school assenlbly in Albla on the hold, neither Christian up, Moslem, ~~ :~ subject, "Fit to Win." On Feb. those of the "Old Man of the Moun- " ~1"~~'~'~":~ "~i 6 he will speak at a meeting of the thin ' ~tnnd ,~ .qvr fl I:[a ~nm an I hysical Educatmn q eachers and Ismalllte chieftain Coaches society in the Technical ~ The gymnasium in the new Sprlngvllle school building win be the hxgh s~ heel ~t Omaha Nebr I~ eb . ~ : . /' " 1 ~ ": Many Philippine Isles scene of the Llnn County I~)ys Basketb~tll Tournament which opens 7an nc "~VlXl speak :[)e ore a c UO ann "~ hi,h school asseml)l- at Ida Although the total area of tht on next lVednesday. Grov~. On February 18th he is Philippine islands Is o~i, abouf[~;~ tentatively scheduled to give equal to that of Arizona, It era. [IITII I IM~10.II l~ll~ ~iI ILl,-" "-" ~-g%,n+, i1 a talk on the subject "Running braces 7.0 3 isles, WNI.I. l|r' .ll I III.N Illl .vu @-- --::: ::: ::: -- :::-- c=:qP}ift~ee ~1~lrlr~Im~lT am iournamen 'lO De . I I 51 1101 AI At Springville Prlngle s Quahty Store [IItE.A MEETING ~.o annnal~ Connty Boys Basketball Tournament will be held in the Springville tIigh School PHONE 4312 MOUNT VERNON . ~1 * I gynlnasium on Fe~bruary 5, 6 7, ' AnnuaI t, arnerlnff and 8. Deliveries at ~ ann 11 a.m.; z and a p.m. "-'D--] Thirteen schools are entered. VI zwt~lllDt~r~ VV III Dq2 [ They include Springville, Mount Hold Tuesday 'Vernon, Valker, Troy Mills, Todd- i~D17 I-I ]b~DITIqP~ ANTI~ ITl~K21~.qPlI:~[l~ ~'*~ ~ ,7 ville, Central City, Alburnett, Cen- ~ ~a a a~,~a~ ~,~, --*~,~-,~.~,~ ~, -- tcr Point, Ely, IAsbon, Palo, Cog- Gral~efruit, large, 6 for 17eTomatoes, ~)lid lb 20c Bids on the construction of the gon, and Viola. Pink Gra-mfruit 6 for o~-~ i{adlsh~-s ~,m,~h ~,~ third or "C" section of the lAnn Al.burnett and Center Point opens " ' ~" * ' County R.E.A. lines will ,be open- the first round of play Wednesday, Iiqorida Juice Oran~;e~% doz 23cCucambers, each 10~ ed on Tuesday morning. Feb. 4th, February 5 at 3:15 p.m There will Calif. Navel Oranges, doz 1Pc, 25e, 49e l{~d Graims, lb 1~ Ta~erines, doz lPc Broccoli, bunch 19c Brtt,~ell Sprain,s, qt 21e Carrots, 2 bunch~ 13e Caultflower, head 1~ to 25c Celery Cabbage lOc to 15e ()~ons, bunch 8c Parsnll)s, 3 lbs 14e Rutabagas, lb 5e Putat(~% "Western grown, peck 25c Celery, Pascal, bunch I0c Lettuoe, finn, head 8e and 10c Jonathan Apples, 5 lb ~ 25e Oregon Pears, large, each 5c BIRDSEYE FROSTED FRUITS AND VEGETABLES: Hershey Bitter Sweet Choco- late, new package 13c C~tuada Dry Ginger Ale, 2 quarts 25c plus bottle chg. Pink Grapefm~it Juice, big 46 oz c~n 19c ,Veleh Grape Juloe, pts, 2 for 43e C~)vktail C~l)e Sugar, pkg 12c I~}rden's New Spread Ghec~s, Pimento or Cream ~4th Chives and Gr. Peppers, ~/~ lb. pkg lPc l,~esh lOm.sted Peanut% lb 15c Chocolate Devils Food C~)kies, lb 17e Burch Crackers, best grade, 2 lb pk~ Sl~eial 27c Paratli~ Graham, 2 lb pkg 29c Monarch Gelatin 1)e~.sert, all flavors, 4 pkgs 19c Wheat Germ, can, 20c )[onar~h Clear GelaUu, 2 pkgs 25c ICaisin Pie Cookies, lb 17e Apricots, ~s unpeeled, 2 ~ can 25c Spiced GraIms, 2~ can 25e Apple K~uee, 17 oz can 10C C~lmpbell's Pork & Beans I lb can, 3 for 23c Monarch Chili .~auee, bottle 20c Catusup, 14 oz bottle 10c Monarch Sweet Mustard Dressing, jar 10c Tomatoes, Iowa Peek, 3 cx~s 25c Re~l Beans, No. 2 (.an, 2 for 19e Y. C. Bantam Corn, 2 cans 25c G.~V.C. Sifted Peas, 2 cans 25e C~trey's ,%sit, l tube and ,~et shakers 15e Monarch Large Prunes, 2 lbs 23c Yel. C~)ru '~lcal, 5 lb bag 19c Whole Wheat ]~lour, 5 lb bag 25c Omar Fhmr, 10 lb bag 49c ~paghetti, lb pkg 10c Lima l~ms, Babies or I~I~e, 2 lbs 17c 1)ried Peaches, Panty, 2 lbs 27c Ivory ~x)ap, 2 lg a~d 2 meal. bars 29c Crystal White Toilet Soap 7 bars 26c Old lhatch Cleanser, 2 cans 15c G.V .C. Tissue, 1000 sheet, 5 rolls 25e Closing Out All Dry Goods Stock and MARKET DIAL 3121 MOUNT VERNON, IOWA COFFEE, Canary Veaherry, pound 15c NASH COFFEE A(t 2 pounds POST TOASTIES, Package 10c PEANUT BUTTER 23 2 pound jar CORN MEAL, Yellow Or White, 5 pound bag 13c SYRUP, White or 48 Dark, 1 gal. size C HONEY, Strained 2 pound jar 19c TOMATO JUICE 6C Libby's, Reg. 10c size MACARONI and 15 Spaghetti, 2 lbs C TOMATOES, Farmer's No. 2 l0c iNAVY BEANS, i]5 pounds 25c ORANGE JUICE No. 5 can LONGHORN CHEESE, lb 20c ]DILL PICKLES, F 13C JOCCIDENT $1.75 ]RICE Extra Fancy, 3 lbs 23c GEL RITE GELATINE, 4 pkgs 1 7g KRAUT, Libbys No. 2 size 10c CHOC. COOKIES 2 pounds 25c P & G SOAP 10 3 bars C SUN BRITE CLEANSER, 3 for 13c LARD, Armour's Oil Star, 4 lb pail t) /c at Marion as a part of the program of the annual meeting of the co- operative which will he held in the Marion high school auditorium at 10:30 a.Tn. This ts planned so that the mem- bers can witness the opening of bids and awarding of the contract by the board of directors for the construction of 239 miles of addi- tional R.E.A. lines. It is hop.~d that construction will start the lat- ter part of March or the first part of April. The extension from near the Harry ~Iorn farm, northwest of Mount Vernon, into Bertram town- ship and thence into Franklin is a part of this "C" section The consulting engineer, K. P. Brown of Des Moines, is expected to attend the annual 'meeting. Ap- pearing on the program will be a representative of the R.E.A. in be five games thc first round on Wednesday; four games the second round on Thursday; the semi-final on Friday night. The consolation and championship games are slat- ed for Saturday night Pre-tournament favorites are Center Point, Springville and Viola, but in past years the favorites have fallen by the way-side and a dark horse carried off championship honors. The Mount Vernon high school plays Springville on Wednesday, Febrnary 5 at 6:30 p.m. Toddviile is the defending cham- pions. John Beck of Cedar Rap- ids, and George Case of Clarence are the officials Archery Expert Speaks To Lions Club Washington, D.C. and Mr. Brown. Mr. Fred M. Enders, of Cedar t" Lunch.willbe served atnoon by l Rapids, gave a very interesting talk ne bauleS l-regressive t;XOD OI ]on archery to the local Lmns club ~arion township, and special an-Ist their regular Tuesday evening t~rtmnment will be presented our I z -, meeting. Mr. Enders was assisted ping the noon hour, according to in an actual demonstration by Rus- R. D. Palmer, superintendent. The i sell Graham, state champion arch- cooperative has bad an unusuallY[er, and Don Seegcrt, president of successful year and a good crowd the Cedar Ranids archer,* club of members is expected to heari After Mr. Enders' talk on the the annum report whicn will be of " ',history and development of arch- interest, cry, all three of them participated The request for a fourth or "D" section allotment is in Washing- iron, D.C. now for examination by !the R.E.A.'s application and loan section. The lines in this section are mostly short extensions off the l existing lines in Linn and north '~half of Johnson counties There will be 77 miles of primary line constructed to serve 173 signed ap- [ plicants in Linn and 49 miles to serve 110 applicants in Johnson county. The association now has over 465 !miles of line in operation serving '1105 members. There are still a number of potential members along these lines, ~,ho are rapidly com- ing on. The addition of the "C" and "D" sections will give the as- sociation over 830 miles of line serving 2,000 mere,bars. To handle the increasin.g load and the expected new lines, a sub- station is being built by the R.E.A. force north of Swisher w~ich will receive its power from the Iowa Electric IAght and Power company. Glenn Stoner of Mount Vernon is president of the Linn R.E.A. Cooperative Association. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Butler spent lmst Sunday in the DeI~ncy Butler home in Viola. in some target shooting. While it is difficult to do accurate shooting at close range, their shooting was remarkably accurate. They were able to ,break toy balloons with their arrows at 30 feet away. An interesting exhibit of differ- ent types of bows and arrows was shown, representing the arrows used for different purposes such as hunting and target shooting. Great emphasis is placed on match- ing the arrows, as it is essential that they be of the same weight in order that the archer may get a uniform drop on the shot. Bows also are designed to be used only by one person usually, so the pounds of pull required on the string, which is made of linen, varies with the person who is using it. The South Seas When Balboa discovered the Pa clflc ocean he called it the South sea. The name still sticks to the southern part of It, sea being made plural. Magellan called it the Pa- cific ocean, because he found it so peaceful after his ~assage through the straits which now bear his name. These straits, by the way. are 309 miles long. And Watch Your Shadow . o DREFT, Giant Size with 10c size 58c CRISC0, Vegetable Shortening, 3 pound tin 49c CRACKERS, Paradise pound 15c, 2 pound pkg 27c BUTTERMILK PANCAKE FLOUR, and Sample 31c COFFEE, Hills Bros. Correct Grind, 2 pound tin 51c GRAPE JUICE, Richelieu, Pint Bottle 17c CHOC. HOT FUDGE, Hersheys Bitter Sweet, lh tin 22c FRUIT COCKTAIL, Baby Stuart No. 2 Vz tins, 2 for 49c APRICOTS, Whole Peeled Stuart, 2 No. 2 Vz tins 45c GRAPEFRUIT Blossom Brand brok'n segm'ts 2 tns 23c SPINACH, Richelieu No. 2 tins, 2 for 31c ASPARAGUS, Baby Stuart, Cut Green, 2 tins 35c GREEN BEANS, Baby Stuart Cut, 2 tins 27c ROAST BEEF HASH, Prudence, Pound tin 25c MATCHES, Blue Star, 6 box Carton 19c SANIFLUSH, Bowl Cleaner, 2 tins 39c GRAPEFRUIT, Texas Seedless, large size, 7 for 25c FROZEN FISH, Richelieu Perch 28c, Flounder 31c FROZEN PEAS, Richelieu 21c, Frozen Brocoli 21e SMOKED SAUSAGE, Stahl's, 1 pound box 36c We have it on display now. Beautiful, Streamlined, and Powerful. Also the latest T6 Tractor Spreader, and the New NCN Pickup Hay Bailer. Something far ahead of anything you have ever seen. Also Used Tractors and Implements reasonably priced. We Deliver Mount Vernon, Iowa Dial 4012 Phone 107 Lisbon, Iowa Dr. Russell Cooper Occupations And Market Report To Conduct Series Of Marriage Among R ~ar .* .~ ~ . Hogs, Chicago top $8.40 eglonal lvleeungs Cornell Alumni Cattle, Chicago top 15.75 . Sheep, Chicago top $10.60 Dr. Russell Cooper, who has a You can't come to Cornell and Chicago Graln year's leave of absence from Cor- hope to be a bachelor! At least Corn per bu 61%c nell to conduct a survey of liberal your chances eke downward every Wheat per bu 82~c arts colleges for the North Central day, for according to a cross-sec- Oats, per ~bu 36c Association of Colleges and Second- tloned survey Cornell is, as rehred ary ~cnooIs Will attena tne nrs~ of . ' i ht * chem,strv prefacer Dr g Sunervlsors Act On a series el ten regional con[erenc- " . r es on the Preparation of High used to say, an excellent matcn Fa t r Wrifino" Un af School Teachers in Colleges of Lib- factory." %,~ ~, ,~.~ ~ 1~.-I. v~. eral Arts at Judson Court, Chicago I Last spring a small group of so- ounty t'roceeaings on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 7 and ] ciology majors and the alumni of- 8. The conferences have been rice cooperated in making a sur- The IAnn county board of super- planned by Dr. Cooper and will be vey of 650 Cornell graduates from visors took action Tuesday on a held on successive week ends at lclasses from 1905"to 1925 These 650 matter which they had been study- Springfield Me. Toledo Ohio" I - ". ing for several weeks and on which ' . ' ' ' persons cooperating in the sur- . Delaware, Ohio; Greencastle, Ind.; ~ . . they had obtained an opinion from MePherson, Kans.; Lincoln, Nebr.; vey are approxm]atcJy 15% o~ the attorney general when they vet- St. Paul, Minn.; Cedar Rapids, Cornell's living alumni, and of this ed that, beginning March 1, the Iowa' and Galesburg Ill. number 424 returns were tabulated first order of business at any regu- ' ' i On the program of the first con- I and published for the Alumni Newslar, adjourned regular, or special terence is Supt. MatthewP. Gaff- bulletin edited by Walt Gray. session will be the reading of the nev, of the New Trier Township I If it ~)e heartening news for theminutes of the previous meeting. i Hlgh School, ~Vjnnetka, ,Ill ~nd wonlcn--girls Cornell ahlmnae re- . Extra worklnthe auditors office ~l,r. "1'. l aymono iVlc~onnelx, proies- t - '. (lue to ~ne ura[t registration ano main uumalx]ed at the rate of 3 ~or of Educational Psychology and ' "" ' *i . i election has been given for the de- Associate Dean, University of ~in-in every l0 graduates----which m 30 [ lay in .bringing the Minute book up nesota. Dr. Maurice Ha,tung, of of ever 100--or 300 of every 1000 ito date. The proceedings for the the University of Chicago, will beMen, however emerge more mar-[Septem,ber 9th meeting appear in chairm~n of'the sectional discus- ried-minded, and ouly 5 out of this issue of this newspaper. sion on natural science The latter 100 alumni are unmarried Eight~ The Hawkeye-Record and Her- " I . . two are former Mount Vernon rest- out of everv ten Corncll ~raduates i ald was appointed an officml news- dents v " "l "m ~ ~ d o third ~paper at the Tuesday meeting the e en~ua[ y ar "y an ne- I . . " . ' Following thc discussion of find-~ . ' . . . i Marmn Sentinel, Central City News- or all n,arlxages reported invoxven ~ ings of a four month study ,by 30 ' " ' ~Letter and Cedar Rapids Gazette a Cornell mate. Men chose a Cor- i having previously been appointed. nell wife more often than the , women chose a Cornell husband. II of the men and women who have worked with Dr. Cooper, five points will 'be set forth in the regional conferences which, if the colleges could solve the problems in those areas, great stridc~ would be made toward fulfilling their responsibil- ity as institutions for preparing stu- dents for teaching. They are: 1. General institutional interest in high school teacher preparation 2. Character of the program in subject matter fields. 3. Character of the professional education program. 4. Contribution of extra-curri- cular activities. Articles In Rotarian Magazine Reviewed Three articles in the January Rotarian were reviewed .briefly by speakers at the Rotary club meet- ing on Tuesday evening. Bomb Co- croft traced the improvement in gasoline which may make possible airplane speeds of 600 to 700 miles an hour in reviewing "Faster Than Bullets." The catalytic polymeriza- tion process which produces high octane rating gases was briefly ex- plained. John Klimo checked ,Mount Ver- non with the ten points which make a good town, in reviewing "What Makes a Good Town?" F. G. Brooks spoke on "My 'Ten Bests' for 1940" by William Lyon Phelps, a regular Rotarian contributor who selected the ten best nov, non-fie,ion, murder thrillers, thea- tre and motion pictures of 1940. Mr. Brooks mentioned that The Rotarian receives the second high- est rate from the Readers Digest for articles taken from it for us in the Digest. Ehner Bergmann planned the program. The annual oyster dinner will be held in the Methodist church on next Tuesday evening John Klimo is chairman of the committee. The oysters have been ordered from the usual place at Chincoteague, on the east coast of ,Maryland. Turn to pag~e 7 for the Classified Ad ~ection. THE ROAD TO RESULTS It's an easy road to follow. It leads straight to the Hawk- eyc-Record office and the ~Vant-ad section. You can't miss it! Hawkeye - I~ecord CIassi- fleds will sell your livestock, your fruit, your furniture. They wtU rent your house. They will find help for you. They'll perform jl~st about any type of servi(~ for you-- if you'll let 'era. Dial 2431 Thursday, Janus Too Late To Out of 100 cases 82 of the mates[ chosen by Cornellians have had college training. And 62% of Cor- nellians marry college graduates, women chosing non-college train- ed husbands more often than the men choose non-college trained wives. Bringing the situation beneath the microscope for closer observa- tion it is found that among the 620 students attending Cornell during the 1939-40 period there have been, since June 14 marriages involving 19 students of last year. Of the 345 marriages listed in the Alumni-Sociological survey, only 9 divorces were reported. One or more children bless 82% of the marriages, with the most popular sized family composed of two chil- dren, and ~bout 34% of the familes having over 3 children. So, bachelors--beware; women-- prepare; and men--have care, for our chances of getting "snagged" are good and according to Editor Gray and his survey, your chances of happiness are better. For Friday-Saturday January 31- February1 OLIVES, M.F. large, new, quart jar 39c PEANUTS, Salted, lb 11c MUSTARD, Swankie Serve, 8.oz. jar 10c PEARL !BARLEY, J.S 1 lb pkg 10c PUMPKIN, J.S 2 No. 2 cans 19c SET Ruby Top Salt & Pepper Shakers and 3 pkgs J.S. Gelatin Dessert, all for 17c PORK & BEANS, J. S Ib can 5c TOMATO SOUP, J. S can 6c CORN, J.S. Wh. Gr. G.B. 2 cans No. 2 25c TOMATO JUICE, J. S 46-oz can 17c PEAS, Tender Sweet, 2 No. 2 cans 27c PEAS, No. 2 can 10c COFFEE, Chocolate Cream, 2 pounds 49c Good Cheer, 3 lb bag 37c COCOA, M.F. 2 lb tube 17e TOMATOES 3 No. 2 cns 25c SPINACH, No. 2 can 13c Josephine's Grocery Dial 6212 We Deliver Mount Vernon, Iowa , 4 w 4 w4 ww 4 4 @ DOWN HAS BEEN SAID that advertis- ing in*creases the price of goods. True, advertising is part of the manufacturer's and merchant's cost of doing business, all of which must be covered in the price of his goods if he is to s~ay in business. But advertising helps boost sales and production. Bigger vol- ume cuts cost per unit made and sold. To meet competition the saving is passed on to the public in the form of a lower price. Think of the prices of radios, mechanical refrigerators and heating appliances, automobiles, light bulbs and other products when first introduced and sold in small volume. Compare with their prices today, after advertising won them enormous acceptance! Successful advertising decrease the price of goods. Oourtesy Nat{on's Business **4 ********* Turn to Page 7 Classified WANTED TO trusty gentle work Stockton. Dial 2 ~ FOR SALE: One 1~ sorrel colts, coming 3 2 year old red roan ( three, one yearling rn~ 2 year old male hog. ' hiscr, Ely. HARNESS 01LED'~ :Halters Free Use tM months, if not oiled i will oil them free of our own halters, 3 ~. 3 in colt, and 3 in ~i very heavy bull siz~ full line of strap ,wor]~ used Concord harneSS, Will take in set used ,ones. 50 yeaVe business. S. 2". McLa~ mosa, Iowa. FOR SAI,E: Two ter White boar, Merle Clifton, : STF To-Night, The new creation with Goddard Second Artie Shaw The tap-hapPY musical hits! Sun. Men. Mat. The "Irene" "Tea For romance. --With Roland A big Go-Laughing music. Disney 21c Tues.- Gene StrattO ever popular die" and "YOUTH Be Two Good rln and Thief Feb. Feb. 13-14-1 west Some men are interested in styles and others in Winter savings if you'll tell us which way your are jumping, we'll show you what kind store we are by showing you just what wish to see. Spring suits, hats and topcoats on 0Pc hand. Grand Winter savings on the othe ' No matter whether you come in like Spring lamb or a Winter lion . . . ready. to When you fed well. It is misery when you don't. Have you ever dragged through a day made miserable by a Headache, Neuralgia, MuscuLar Pains or Functional nstrual Pains--a day when only your sense of duty kept you on the job? Dr. Miles Anti-Pain Pills ummlly relieve Headaches. You will find them effective also in the relief of tl~ other nagging pains mentioned ~bove. Regular Package A package of these ss T~blet~, 25 prompt acting pain re- n~ }levers may save you hours of suffering. lbad full dlreetiou In package. $5.00 Discount on Winter A Big Store In A Small Town Phone 11 Flowers wired everywhere.