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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 31, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 31, 1957
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V{ ML Vernon, ~., H~wkeye-~eord &nd The Lisbon Herald R ,~ Thurs., Jan. 31, 1957 rage z The Hawkeye-Record The Mount Vernon Hawkeye and The Lisbon Herald /04 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, Iowa Official Newspaper Mount Vernon and Linn County The Mount Vernon Remarker Founded in 1893 by Minard Lozier The Lisbon Herald Founded in 1894 by l~. F. Stab/ James W. McCutcheon Editor and Publisher Pubiished at Mount Vernon and Lisbon, in Linn County, Iowa every Thursday. father's name. Everything went ] smoothly until Christmas and thelBrown Twp. teachers compared Christmas gifts, i Then the l'ad was called in by the teacher to whom he was known as,Assn. To Meet Don. "Shucks," he said, "I wantedI to be called by my dad's name!" ItI :ll... Billy *ing.e oot --O a k ,-,. V'''':' Mark doesn't indicate the veracity l of this tale.) SFRINGVILLE The 90th annual THIRTY YEARS AGO Sam. 27, 1927 Cornell sophomores hold class of '29 banquet in Altoona dining hall • . . Quick thinking and use of attic fire extinguisher by Mrs. R. A. Travis prevents spread of roof fire at Travis home . . . Lions, each with mate in tow, startle natives as they meeting of the Brown Township Mutual Insurance Assn. will be held in the Springville consolidated school house on Saturday, Feb. 9th, at 1:30 p.m. A dinner will be served at noon by the ladies of the Springviile Presbyterian church preceding the meeting. PoDcy- holders and wives are invited The Henry Batemans spent Sun-I Bethany Circle of the SpringvilleiCeo. W. Gaines & 8*) .... rock ~ Plan Training School day afternoon in the Roy ~Vil-iMethodist church will hold a bake[ labor .......................... 74.00 liams st. home at Winthrop. 'sale Feb. 2 at Gunnison store. Adv. IVern°n Elec Service, inst school stop sly ........ . .................... io8.o2 On Electric Wiring Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jolmston called I The Barclay Healds were Sunday I Mt. Vernon Ready Mix, cement ... 48.65 on Mrs. Leroy Laeock in St. Luke's!supper guests in the Donald Heald Michael F. Schick, labor & digging 441.00 A training school for 4-H mem- Krusc Lumber Co., supplies for I hospital Thursday afternoon, home in Cedar Rapids on the pc- manhole ....................... 5O.33 bers on understanding electric wir- casion of Mrs. Barclay Heald's birth- day. The Walter Nelsons and baby left for Vermont to visit her folks. Clell Port came home Sunday from Anamosa hospital where he was confined for some time. Callers in the Port home this week were the Morris Armstrongs, Paul Arm- strong of Marion, the Morris Mit- Traffic Violations cherts and Kae and Loren Port, Darlisand Linda, Mary Perkins and James H. S,myth, Cedar Rapids, the DoVer Ports, Bob Rose and the was fined $5 and costs at Mt. Ver- Jim Barnes', the Martin Blums and non for driving 40 m.p.m, in a 25 Freda BoRon. m.p.h, zone on Jan. 26. Officer The Clifford Sopers of Anamosa Harold Scheetz filed the charge. called Thursday in the Forrest Hart Elmer F. Haack, 30354 Rushmore home. The Harts were Sunday CiIcle. Birmingham, Mich., was Iowa Elec. Light & Power, lightling will be held at the Mt. Vernon & power ....................... 67°'67ihigh school from 9 to 12 o'clock on N.W. Bell Telephone Co., telephones 9.03 i Ai Morrissey, Ins., ins ............ 99.78Saturday, Feb. 9. DX Station, oil and gas .......... 37.11 I 4-H leaders who receive training Mt. Vernon Hawkeye, printing .... 4.24 1 Mt. Vernon Bank & Trust, int and r in electric wiring, how to wire cpns ........................... 45.00 switches, fuses, light fixtures and Mr. Vernon Bank & Trust, W.H. Tax ........................... 14t.00 outlets will teach these subjects in ORDINANCE 177 ' their own club meetings in Febru- An ordinance to regulate traffic upon ary and March. Orville Oehler and resulted as follows: Entered as second class: mail ma!ter at the appeal" on streets leading to Knox post office cf Mount Vernnn, Iowa, and Grill and the Ladies Nite costume I,isbon, Iowa. social event, Chin. Ellis, followin S,,~,~,-ri,~tion Rate the ,)lanncd program, more or less .... .. l introduces Lions Carl Becker and 0\[ ) fi IR z*t l 1 n aria as]ran • r ~' " i. . ': : - ~ .... , Joe Meade to give eloquent toasts inq ~,Ulzt, s "" " "" " "-" d "~'mJl on "At the End of the Rainbow" and 0 YE YE IR, outsl,h l tl n attd a - ~. .... .... ~ ! . -- . ~ " ¢~ .al"ine ±iernnant oi a i~oble Species)' jOllllllfl (Oll]li:c~ .... ~pj,'.t~ I FORTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Ike Administration Jan. 23, 1912 Watson Kepler buys H. S. Beyers Hasn't Held Down Budget residence ... Bill (C.C.) Nye buys interest in Perry Dally Chief and The $71.8 billion budget asked by will assume editorship in March . . . President Eisenhower is so stupend- Will Dent, is of Marion brings Sun-I ous that the public hardly realizes day school class by bobsled to Mt. 1 what that much money means. Vernon for oyster supper at Way-I The average taxpayer now spends side Inn . . . Adv. "Be sure to seeI those new Hornless Graphophones at Meyers Bros. one day out of four working to pay his taxes. The heavy taxes are de- stroying an incentive to work andi • make it increasingly difficult for &l. aa ,ll people to save and provide the cap-]mlron MorrlllS ]tal needed for the economy to re- li/.il ~ -- -- main on a healthy level. IVY||| ~O TO Formosa It is especially disappointing tel . ° . see such a budget proposed at the • , IAs M|ss|onar|es start of President Eisennower's see.-. °ndterm'-earsFour ago ~hen he took Dr. and Mrs. Miron A. Morrill, Y ' " "~ t [Winfield, Kan., have received con- office many were bopefm tm] t firmation of their appointment by the trend toward higher spena- . .............. /tne t~oai'a o* missions o,- tne lwetn- ing could be altered It was - ~is" h rch s 3 ea " " " • . ...... " / uu. t e ua. -y r term mission- stopped some But Ill.lie progre¢~ I aries for educational service in Tat- has been made toward reduc g j pei, Taiwan (Formosa), the capital it. . . ,, jof Free China. There is nothing in the PresIdem~sI Dr. Morrill will be professor of budget message to suggest that non .. - .... 71English and academic consultant in military ouraens oz me government l~e ~. ...... :..~_ .. .... _ _ .t ii ~,out:uuw univerSity OI lalpel. can be reduced Insteaa tnere isa .......... • " ..... [ Inls ln,SHtutlon nas recently been lot of talk about the new omlganons .... ...... h /reorgamzed m the Talwanese capital of the ~ovmnment to rake away t e " . t after nearly a century of service in people s money and spend it for ' Soochow and Shanghai, China. It them'sDoe this re-resent the failure of!has about 500 alumni in Taipei who P " I have taken the initiative in its re- one of the President's goals of four ,.:~,~ --, • I IJIILII ears to put the Government's fusem _. " ..... Y • - . i ~t ~orne~ renege, Dr. Morrill house in order? We hope not, oU~was publicity director and a morn- it looks like the money-wasters ana ~ , .......... • ... .. . -- I per oI tne 15ngllSll aepartmenz irom do goodars In Washington [lave ov - " • - . • - 11947 to 1951. In 1951-52 he served as er~helmed the adlmmstiatlon " I teacher of Bible and was appointed We agree with Secretary of the[o, ofe~-o.)r ee religion in I952 Treasury Humphrey that the bud- i" The MorrAls expect to leave Win- get should be reduced. It is up to field in mid-February and to take Congress to do this. i a freighter from some Pacific port -- ----------- fat the end of tl~at month. Dr. Mor- O's,L,& AA.~,~&;~ rill already has been transferred I'VII~Illl Ill1~llil~ll • • " f-ow the North Iowa conference of Florence Hoidahl the Mefllodist church to the Hong Kong- Taiwan provisional confer- This year among my Chrishnas I once, at the request of Bishop Ralph cards w~s t;ne featuring a charcoal sketch of a babe lying in a blanket1A" Ward of tIong Kong and Taipei. and bathed in heavenly light. "For God so loved the world ..." Conservatory Faculty ----- Will Attend Conventions The sketch has haunted me ever since--it has a stillne~ about it that Several of the faculty of the Cor- suggests both life and death, nell Conservatory will attend the to attend. Reservations shouldguests in the Charles Hart home in fined $20 and costs for speeding! Ye,qs: Davis, Pral], Euresh, Rhoads, Mor-] ~;an. be in the hands of Lester J. Viola. with a truck on U.S. 20 6 miles east Nays: None. Ahsent: None. ]1 Thompson, sec. by Feb. 6th. Mrs. }tarvey Baker and Mrs. S. M. of Cedar Rapids.. Patrohnan C.C. Moved by Councilman Rhoads seconded Three directors will be elected Workman attended a luncheon and Wagner filed the charge. ~,y Councilman Morgan tlmt the rule re- from the six nominees, Ivan Gill- committee meeting at District No. -- [quirin~ an Ordinance to be read on three more, Carl Lundeen, Ben Shellham- 5 Iowa Council Thursday at the ELECT OFFICERS I separate days be suspended and the Ordin- ' ante be passed to its second and third mer, Alexander Taylor, tester J. home of district chairman Mrs. L. ; The tiappy Blue Birds had a d01llreadings. The vote resulted as follows: Thompson and Delmar E. Wilson. :V. Hcskins in Marion. show and tea pm-ty at their last l Ye.',s: Davis, Prall, Buresh, Rhoads, Mor- gan. Present officers are Thos. F. Pol- Harvie Timms has the red measles, meeting. New officers are ElaineI Nays: None. Absent: None. lock, pres., A. W. McArthur, viceI Allen Scott soent the week endIT°mash, pres.; Cheryl Von Behren, The Mayor declared the motion carried. pres., and Lester J. Thompson, see.- i with his grandfather Allan M. Scott treas.; Karen Prasil, scribe. Moved by Councilman Davis, seconded by Councilman Prail that Ordinance No. 177 treas. Directors in addition to the in Cedar Rapids. VISIT SUIMUSE~ be passed on its second reading. The vote officers are: Ralph K. Stewart, ; S, unday evening the Wilmer Johns- j Mrs. Schnittjer's third grade class resulted as follows : Yeas: Davis, Prall, Buresh, Rhoads, Mor- Maurice Armstrong, R. Guy Martin, ton family were dinner guests in lwent to Iowa City by school bus gan. B. M. Shellhammer, E. R. McGrew]the Floyd Roberts home. Na~s: None. A~sent: None. and Carl Lundeen. !Thursday and visited the SUI muse- The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 177 passed on its second reading, Moved by Councilman Morgan, seconded by Councilman Rhoads that Ordinance No. Losses during the last year were l Methodist, Maurice M. Frevert, nm. The visit foIlowed a science $16,433.07. Collected from assess- Minister. S.S. 10 a.m.; Worship il. ! unit on winter habits and protection Sermon Man s Predmament and of ammals ments were $25 536.84 from interest , " ' " . ! : • ~ God's Solution " MCF 7"30 p m An i 177 l)e passed on its third and final read- on U.S. port. bonds ~888, and from . .F • • " • ' ~ '- - I -- ling. The vote resulted as follows: • , ~ i ........... ea n,~ *a invitation is extenaed to the l~ralrle , . _ 1 Yeas: Davis, Prall, Buresh, Rhoads, Mor- gan. .......................Th~ aR~aeiatian h~d nn r)~o al, ;Chapel youth for Feb 3 meeting I ~ount Vernon Nays: None. Absent: None. 1956 cash of $23,671.60 and govern-WSCS meets Feb. 6at 2 p.m. in the l ~,~.~|| ~¢~,-~,~]|~e The Mayor declared Ordinance No. 177 cnmch Chou practice Thuls 7 30 "- .v........~,.,~.~ ment bonds worth $35,000 for total " - " "., : ......... Iduly passed and adopted and ordered it assets of $55,671.60. , p.m. Youth Membership classbe-, .. .. pul)lished as required by law and spread ' • , -- ~. .. • ~aount vernon Dec 3 19561on the ~ermanent recor,l~ ......... n¢ th,~ eli,, of ~gms Saturaay FeD z at ~ a m in The Insurance in force totalled $12,-! ", .... ! Council of the City of Mount Vernon J Mount Vernon Iowa 890,235 which represents a gain of : the parsonage, met in regular session at the City Hall at " Ordinance to' take effect immediately up- I 8 P M Dee 3 19o6 wzth the following I on roe o $604.245 over the previous year. Laura McShane was a week end "~ .... . " " ' p f f Publication. " i . . members present . Cost per $1,000 for 1956 was $1.78 guest of Janice Wilson Mayor' Arthur E Kudart e'o,,--n,~Motmn by Councilman Buresh seconded • , • , ......... en l ' ' " and the average for the last five I Mrs Martha Hood wasa Sunday ', Davis, Prall, Buresh, Rhoads Morgan Ab- by Counc~ man Prall that the Council ad- " • -- --lsent none ' " I journ to meet at the call of the Mayor. years was $1.86. i dinner guest m the Floyd Roberts l The min'utes of the Nov 6 1956 regular1M°ti°n carried There were only four losses over : home. Mrs. Clarenee DeWees of ~ meeting approved as read." ' ARTHUR E. KUDART, Mayor $1,000 during 1956. They were Ralph Marion called on Mrs Hood that af I Motion by Councilman Buresh, Seconded ] H. C. DILLEY, Clerk ; ' - by Councilman Prall to sell the power ~~ ternoon - , • O. Michel, fire damage to dwelling,! I b~oom tothe Ralston Constructmn Com- $1,941.87 and household effects, i The Del Wilsons attended the fu- : pany oz ~larmn, iowa lor $300.00. Motion , I~1 $583.80; Eva B. Smith, house de- • . • 'carried. !neral services m Central City S~t-, Motion by Councilman Days seconded by 1~ J~ J ~ ~ ~ • stroyed by fire, $6,000; Sharon i urday afternoon for Mrs. John Wol- Councilman Buresh that the following bills I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Smith. household goods, seeds and mutt ]be allowed and warrants drawn for same. ~ ~~~]~ tools, $1,367; and Robert L. Mellon- " !Carried. I~ • • Jl I • Ig J gB~ T Presbyterian, Robert V. Schnuck-E. M. Gill, salary ................ $ 240.17l~ [] hauer, household effects, $1,634.26. er Pastor S.S. 9 a.m." Worship at lE. M. Gill, gas ........ 10.001~ ~ i • sms~ ~ ---- ' • ' Harold H Seheetz salary 250 17 • 10:40 Communicants class meets ~ Harold "" '-' h " ' - " ....... --'~^ I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~[-~ ~ The Gone Clatterbuek family were ' • • • n ~c eetz use oz car za uu Sunday dinner guests in the Nor- Saturday at 9:00 a.m. iDonald B[ Siggins, salary ...[[[[[ 288[821• ~I~LKI~ ~ • • • Donald B Siggins gas ..... 5 00 ] P.W.O. met Friday with Mrs. Bur- ~ ,'. , , . ..... 1~ man Offer home. ......... t~aymona lxrumm, salary ........ 269.32 I ~ Mrs. Anna McQuown and Ethellrougas reaping a aiscusslon on reeD. Eldon DeCamp, salary ........ 131.05t~ ~~,~ Card were Saturday luncheon guests roots of our Women's Society. It~John F. Woods, salary ........... 258.22 ~ ~l-~L~ ~ ~r l- • ' ~ H C Dilley salary °9,t 70 I was decided to have a paid 50c lun- : -. , . . • ............... in the Carl Burroughs home. _ ........ Pltt M ..... g, jamtor ............ 29-401B ~K~VI~K B Mrs. Glen Arnold, Mrs. Edna Ran- cneon reo. zz. r'l, ans were atso mafle Leonard Johnson labor 183 38 ~ dall and Mrs. George Goodyear for the Brown township insurance Manchester Milk'Wr Fund:'mil'k'insp 8.1:801~ ..... spent Thursday with Mrs. Lillie dinner Feb. 9 . . . Happy Hour club C & N.w. Railway, freight ...... 2.44 I~ ~ervice on all other [] • . ,11. 2~. iJa;r, 1%r¢1., stamps ......... o.uu met Saturda e~emng with 26 pres Dunn in Marion. "Y ' -,Studts Repair Shop, repot .... k.. 27.351[] m"ke-"f..... ~'=r- [] The John Smitl~ and Elgert ent, the Harold Krauses and Bud Builder's Mat Co., sewer tile ..... 19.46]~ ~ ~ v vv~.4o~,~ ~ ~',~'o ~" h~oks Westminster v. M. Jonson Co. labor manhole.• 161.501~ Wh~.te of Mechanicsville and Essie ~¢,r,v~o~ ,, , .... ,.v- vo~ V" • ~',, ItPitt Manning, clean' windows' .... 4.38 I~ --~ ~ -- reuo~smp ~unoa at • p m Sheehy called Sunday in the Charlie - " " lowa Steel & Iron, manhole cover 43.79 ~ ~ • ~ White home. Mrs. John Woodworth and Mrs. ~H ....... y B ........ he] ......... 176.001~ ~~[~ ~ . Best Oil Co fuel oil and gas 76 65 Ralph Peder on received word of ........ ~llli~lMIl~ The Alva Sbeehys and Mike spent" lowa Valvo Co, tapp si .... va'vo 1,4.92 tll J Sunday in the Jimmy Vitera home the death of their aunt, Mrs. Will Mueller Co fire hydrants & parts 215 15]1 lib at Montezuma. Norton, at Redding, Cal., Friday Bituminous'Mat Co. asphalt mix.. 36.78 I 1 The J. E. Archibalds and the Ed- m~,-nina Th~ W O N~rtc)n.~ f~rr~" Matt Parrott & Sons, receipt book 2.52I~ • .- -- ~ ,t.. • __.~kl S YnllllpS ~, gas ana oil ...... 42.6~ mend Archibalds visited with An- emy nvea on a larm near viola ana na Rhoads at a Tipton nursing home hadgone to California on a three months' visit with relatives. Read The Ads Tuesday night. I Wednesday supper guests in the Clarence Boomhower home were Pare Lemon and Louise Craver. They were celebrating the 7lh birth- day of Alice Boomhower. The Bob Rose family were Sun- day dinner guests in the Vance Peters home at Delmar. The George Kirkpatricks of Mar- TV Service for Particular People T KE ONE . convention of the Music Teachers telle and the Mike Codys of Mt. Not till some weeks after I receiv- National Assn• in Chicago, Feb. 10- Vernon were Tuesday supper guests ed it did I happen to notice on the 13. The MTNA, now in its 81st year, in the George Graham home. The back: ". • • by Grace Layton. Left has a membership of nearly 10,000. ~ccasion was Susan Graham's birth- without the use of her arms and Dr Paul B~ckhelm will preside at ay. " h learned to " . ~ • • Carl Calvert returned home from hands by poho, s e the sessmn of the American Music .............. ~t I~UKe S hospital ±uesaay IOIIOW sketch with her mouth." Section of which he is chairman.. • . " - ~. ; r, ........ m~,,,r ,~f ,he lng ma~or surgery ..... ~acnei ~lrc~e sponsorea a Daoy This week I read a letter written church musicians committee, will , _ _ • ................. nis• snower Ior Hev and Mrs Fevert by a polio patient in New ~OrK. speak on rne ~ole oi me mi ter :':: • • " • .... weonesoay evening in the home of ':;-~ ~,~ember 1955 she has been of Music IU the Program of Chris- , .... ~,,,~ ~,~w " " "11 r i i e mrs ,,manor ~toss. under care in a polio hospital, ttan Education , and.w~ part~c patThe Jim Barnes family spent Sun- in a panel on "umlying worsmp ......... '\ .. "There are 11 of us in our ward--Through Music". sayl u~me w.r: ~arnes. an~.~ me und a K ~awrenc nomes in cnraw nten. women and children--be I Also attending wili be Mrs. Char-[' ~ ...." mon bond of ~ ~ ltv l~o~n~ together by the eom lotto Axt, Julian Bern MLs Ann i : • • polio in all stages of slow recovery. ]Kish, and Isaac Reid. [i Here you would see iron lungs, -----~ I chest respirator~ rocking,v~ ,,,~.bedS'aal~ltCONSERVATORY NOTES j mechanism to k_ep us a1' , Miss Ann Kish cf the conscrva-! comfortable, tory faculty will present a violini Those we f~eall the well recital at the University of Chicago l " Y , . ton Sunday, Feb. 10, at8:15 p.m. Shel ones' will be sitting in wheel cnalrs, I will be accom'~anied b-' Leland C I " i 1~ J " yp" g, " , " , Smith of the University of Chicago[ t in reading painting chatt ng • Every day physical therapists t faculty work with the patients. Paralyzed l ~¢Iiss'Ruth Pinkerton left Thurs-] limbs must be kept limber and " ' ._ i day Jan 24 to attend the national those with a little motion must ~e]convention of the National Assn. ofi encouraged. Teachers of Singing in Buffalo, N.Y. ] ,.~ . ""7"~ ,__ _~, _~ ÷. ~s She is looking forward to attending 'rne mma must ue ca~ul~u ~,, o j÷,,,~ o'~ssions on "Areas of Possible l well as the body. One of our great- ]~oo;eration Between Music Edu es~ o s is being able to read Even, , "1 Y " •-. I caters and the Voice Teacher" This those of us who can move homing " I ............. ~session will be led by Robert A. but a neaa or a linger can trlgger a .... • " • k And wnoate, t)ean of the School of Fine switch on a roller type rac . --~ ^---it^~ Arts Bosto- "-"" ^-': I ....... " "~"d ' ann ~pp ~u n wniveva*- ] 1 television "~. ltn plilOW ,uu [.. .' there's ' , - "o tywno is a graauate of Cornell I speakers carrying the souna t "~'- ....... - .......... each bed. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION ' OF Thera are many hazards for theI . .KRUS,E LUMBER COMPANY -" ~ ""• ~ ..... nd chest j l~otl('e hereby is given that a corporation patients, r,~lcmey s~()tie~ a . ms been formed under Chapter ,i91 of the' colds are the two tronbles we have icode of Iowa of 1954, the name of which' to contend with most Here again orpo ~tlon is KRUSE LUMBER COM- " " " *O ! PANY, and wimse principal place of buM- '~ v,:e have the latest equipment l. ~ness is in Mount Vernon, Linn County, [ hell) us, Coughing machines, posi- lowa. [ tire pre~-sure domeshelp us during The general nature of the business to be] • ~ e ha';d times transacted by said corporation is that of u,es " " • a veneral lumber, timber, milling, con- struction materials, and merchandise buM- "These are the material things of ness; the construction, operation, license, life contributed by the March of Dimes, but greater by far is the ex- pert medical care, and the peace of mind this brings to our family and loved ones. "No one, not even the wealthiest of us, could carry the financial bur- den with(rot the aid of the March of Dimes. Our gratitude is boundless. The Salk vaccine can lick polio for our children, but for many years to come there will still be millions who need help." The writer ~ letter will be able soon to return to her home, to her husband and two sons, aged 7 and 5. To date her care has cost close to $17,000. This is one case only where the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis has given back life and hope. With our dimes we become a part of this Founds- tion. The privilege of giving is our divine heritage. "For God so loved the wo~ld . • • " 'WAY BACK WHEN TEN YEARS AGO Jan. 23, 194"/ Band Parents organized at MVHS • . . Walter Jack gets writir~g assign- ments for Country Gentleman mag- azine following publication of his book "The Furrow and Us," a re- port of a dirt farmer, a thesis on s0il and plant behavior. TWENTY YEAR~ AGO Ja~. 28, 193~ Empty auto transport bumped by coal truck shears off stepson Andy Bobst tenant house . . ~- Chalk mark tells tale of the little boy who enter- ed Ward school and was required .t~ enroll with each teacher. He want- ed to be a big boy so although he registered as Billy all times but one, this once he signed up by his lease and sale of all kinds of structures, machinery and equipment; the buying, sell- ing, exchanging, leasing and operating of both real and personal property of every nature and description and to engage in any other business not prohibited by law, whether within or without the State of Iowa. The amonnt of capltal stock authorized is $100,~00. divided into 1,000 shares of the par value of $100 each, which shall be is- sued at such times and in such amounts and on such terms and to such persons as may be determined ~y resolution or reso- lutions of the Board of Directors, provided that all shares when issued shall be non- !assessable and shall he fully paid for in money at not less than the par value there- of or exchanged for property in compliance with the laws of the State of Iowa then in force. The corporation commenced on Decem- ber 26, 1956, the date the Secretary of State issued a Certificate of Incorporation and it shall continue to exist for a period of twenty years thereafter unless the cor- poration be sooner dissolved or it be renew- ed or its corporate period be e~nded or shortened. The affairs of the corporation are to be managed by a Board of not less than two nor more than seven directors, the num- ber of which shall be determined by the By.Laws or hy a special resolution of the stockholders, and by its officers who are to be a president, a vice-president, a sec- retary, a treasurer and such other officers as may be ~rovided for by the By-Laws. The directors are to be elected by the stock- holders at their annual meeting to be held on the third Wednesday in October begin- nlng in the year 1957, and the officers are to be elected by the directors at a meeting following the annual meeting of the stock- holders. Officers and directors may be elected at a special meeting of the stock- holders or of the directors as provided in said Articles of Incorporation. Until the next annual meeting of the stockholders and their successors are elect- ed, the following persons are the officers and directors of said conporation : Harold W. Kruse, President, Treasurer and Director Orpha L. Kruse, Vice-President, Secre- tary and Director both of whom reside in Mount Velmou, Iowa. The stockholders, directors, officers and their private property shall not be liable [n any manner for corporate debts, obli- gations, undertakings or liabilities of the corporation. KRUSE LUMBER COMPANY By: Harold W. Kruse, President Jan. 10. 17, 24. 81. 1957 Please Feed The Birds ga T~ ~ M~ Weeh~nieevfllo LL Remember, during bad weather everything slows all the way from the refinery to your farm. Your tanktruck man can't give you fast service when roads are blocked and all transportation may be tied up at times. Be prepared! Keep your tanks full and help us both. Fuel Oil and Propane are Clean Burning 14 Delivery Trucks with Service to Your Door For the best in petroleum products and services call... e Marion, [owa LEO JACKSON, Morley -- LEO KOSS, Ely HAROLr) LONGERBEAM, Dial 5241, Mt. Vernon WE PAY BOTH TAXES AND DIVIDENDS Phone 60 Feel a~ peppy as a ¢ircu~ clown . , . Sanitary offer's you complete line of the finest Grade A D~iry product~ for your very good • health• Always eh~a~e Sanitary . . . it's I~b~,ratory con- trolled for your pro. teetioa. FNRm ORIRIES ... You'll "Your Hot Water's Wait- ing, Sir!" with a Depend- able Oas Water Heater Dad appreciates the quick hot- water service that's so dependable when wanted for shaving. There's always comfort and convenience with a fast, dependable, quick- recovery gas water heater. And it's so economical, too! Soil Bank Si n ! Starts Next Si~ The 1957 Soil bankins' spring wheat acreage ~t S gram will be opened in~ next week according t0~ chell county ASC ch~ m Cedar Rapids office wll~i~e~ ed to give detailed inI~ requirements and to fill ments and contracts f0renn ing to sign. ar will have th~.ter"~ Farmers 8 to sign. ConservatiO~r tracts for 3, 5 and 10 F beginning 1957 will t~ through March 15. VITAMINS Unicaps, 100s, Vitamins ......................... i~Q Unicaps, 250s, Vitamins ....................... jp Aytinal Multiple Vitamins, 100s ........... . lt Aytinal Multiple Vitamins, 200s ............ Myadec High Potency, 100s ......... Abdol with Minerals, 100s Becotin with Vitamin C, 100s ............ Becotin B Complex, 100s ................... Heptuna Hematinic, lOOs ................... Vitamin A 25,000 unit, 100s ............... Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 250 mgm, 1( Super D Perles (Vit. A and D), l OOs Zymacaps Multi Vitamins, 100s ....... Bexel B Complex Caps, 100s ................... Ola-Beron, 12 Vitamins and Liver, Zymadrops, for children, 30cc ............... Multicebrin, Multiple, 100s ...................... Homocebrin, Vitamin Syrup, 16 oz ........ ViDaylin, Vitamin Syrup, 16 oz ............. COMPARE QUALITY -- COMPARE RE' • " b't Use Only Vaam,ns Manufactured ' ti Reputable Manufacturer e See your doctor if in doubt about Y Vitamin needs. EREDITH DRU Your Prescription Drug Store MT. VERNON, IOWA Funeral Homes . . . dmbulance 8ervice Mt. Vernon, Phone 5012 Lisbon, t | O O