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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
January 31, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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January 31, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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H [ children surprised her by coming era at card playing• Donald Shi- [ The Dell Powers' were Sunday Mr. Vernon, Is., Itawkeye-Reeord [ ........................................ [ FOR YOUR VALENTINE Let m~ FOR .~ALE' l:~,r,~h~,~,~ ~ .... h;~o I with well filled baskets for dinner J men and Robert Severs were Satur- [evenmg guests of the John Dohrers and The Lisbon Herald ,.L ... 1 NOTICES I tintyour ..nhoto in lovely, co'lor. S..r~,, :' boar 2 ~r, ear ,~1~ -:I"e~'I~Y ~.'~.:"~ir'~'i~ . i and supper. Mrs. Lyle Beranek J day visitors and a Sunday guest was] near Morse• J Thurs., Jan. 31, 1957 age ] ! ........................................ I Lo please• Special mtroductorv offpr Bart~ ~,qan ~ ~. l~r~'~ ,.;J.~ [persented her with a lovely~ decor-JMary Ann Severs... . ~. , I The Vernon Brickner family of lj~ ~ I NOTICE . [ Mrs. Dan Da" vies. Dial 4542 M-~t. Ver'-" "'JOIN"~R~;t~E,T~.. ~, ~,~u~..v~'"'~'^'-o ~au,'£~"~" ~w~l-~uss"'-~--.----.~,,v ated birthday cake ana sue. received ] Mrs. Meiwn ~usner . aria ~atsy , ~.j~., .............. th,~ .Tnm~ P~--Ika famil-, of i . . When Morgan tuneral Serwce non 15-16c il 1 ..... I many cards from relatives and I Sh,rley Lenz of Iowa City and Deb- ~n, ,h, D~=,~ Keith family I The Godfrey Ralms were Friday '~phone does not answer dial 3271 / -YT~--~-~,~V~~ C ub. $4.50 for 6 .pmtures, one each ~--Mr and Mr ' friends. Guests were the Lyle Ber- I by and Zings Lenz were Sunday I ~rs~'~enr~'~O, Rour-ke Mrs IAbbi"e ! evening guests of the F. J. Bittners. Mr. Vernon. 37tl [ r-~'~-:*~-'~-~-'~"~:~%'~~ L:arpet ] year. btop a~ stumo xor ae~ms, l~r~ rill celebrat~ th,~ ~÷~. ~.~ aneks Robert and Glen of Fmrfax Jguests o rs J W C~eh~l.~rop Mr~ Emma Shims and 1 he Maunce B~ttner fa fly re ] NOTf/~E. ,r~. a. ~,, ~ .... ~ ]...; ................. .... , GE Resale ) • s, C B Cam- " f M A alsh .... T ' ' m' we ................... rig. zmone ~z. l~amp ~ur-I T--~-F-T---E.XC~I~.N~ • - ...... ~.~.....u- ' , ' . , ..... .... , .......... ..~ . .,.= .~--..~. ~.=o~ ~.-vv ..~ul¢ ncp~ar lvlt. vernon la 1~-1~2 10 h" ~ ' ~zversarv S,..~ ...... [ the James K. Wllsons Mark and[ The Bernard Achenbach family of Mr~ .Inhn Rovhons were recer~t via [ Sunday waiters at the F. J. B~ttner will 1~ closed *he w~,~k of w,h t~¢h [ ' , • c t m~. Mrs. Marvin Harman 616 - ~,,,,~s, xeu. o, oy . : . . , • i .............. - . - .............. " ......................................... a " ~ ge of Cedar Rapids ~ " ' " ' " , day supper guests of the W J 2~eni- Th ..... = .......... :":'": ....... -"': ..... nei hborhood Can " --FOR -SALEi sm:ap~--p~ces-o~-ply= .Bu. ± ~ "i other guests Thursday evening atThe Howard Krouls and daugh-! :. .. " • e Frank Serovys were Wednes- ,-~,D ne,.,~" 1 • g • be purchased on tweed All sizes sha,~es and f orm~ R,, [OVYS IIONORED the Methodist church Miss Vir- ters were Sunday dinner guests of iseK ~amny. day dinner guests of the Frank r~,~ ,~,x. |contract Ideal for working couple I~- " -- ::: '- • .~ ".~ - ~" I 1 left for Pueblo Cole I• ~ , / . " t~easonaole. ±~anaoipn ~tuaio. ....~D ANNIVERSARv , ainia Petty of the hospital school] the Louis Krouls The Rollie Kess- ] Arlo Stah e , ., Mallles at Mu~catine. Friday the ........................................ or rehred people• ImmedJate pea- ] - . .Bu,~hn Novys were honored I for handicapped children in Iowa I lets were afternoon guests. Mrs. ( after a two-day vm~t w~th his par- IAllan Serovys and sons were dinner I. FOR RENT: Five room apartment | ~essmn. PRINGLE REALTY ~ER-I --~=z=--=4-. ~ ---=:-.--: ..... z---;:-16:-!-7C BU. ~evening by their children City showed colored slides and gave I Kroul continues to recover slowly [cuts, the Ray Stahles, , He was en !guests of the Frank Serovys. The!I°r adults: Heat. and water furnish- [VICE, 6891, Mt. Vernon. 16c I ~oti ~ALE: l)~ssmn 2-n~an cnam (. ~X~dchildren on .their 53rd a short talk. Refreshrnents werelfrom injury to her leg when she'route from Chmago wner.e ne at-,IFrank Serovys visited Sunday after-!~'c.'- ~:atmm?~ ppv,~eges. Busenbark,] -FO!q~XLE.-Several tons of%;xt-21sa-~;" m~o~ ewesneep, tmone 2019 au. ~anniversary A sunner wn~ served I slioped on ice some weeks ago tended a buyers' convennon. I noon with the Leonard Kleinecks of a~al 0v~L lwt. vernon. 16tfe| er coal" lad,,'s desk ~,,~ u~-~- o,~. ,.!soon r.. ~. r.0ous~a ltsc .Bu. ~Y those present; the Mile ~ I Mrs A. J. Lahr of Washington The Lows Beraneks entertamed Mr. Vernon. ! t, LR RENT: 4-room partly mod-/~as range. Dr. Swim dial 2271 Mt [ . f OR SA~E. Yearhng hens. Call . p t-eaar Rapids the Cyril W.e.O.F. MEETS t left for her home after a several:for the fourth birthday of their sonI Guests Sunday afternoon of the ert~ house in Lisbon. Partl%- furnish-~ Vernon ' 16 1~oI:~very ~teele, 5512. Mr. Vcrn.n. 16c aU ' " " ..... " " "~ ................... . • ~nd Tommy Albert Dvor- TheW.C.O.F. met January 21 w~th days' stay with Richard Lahrs and Tony at supper Sunday. GuestsiArn°ldRandallfam"lyweretheLec~cd'Cai13121L'sb°n'HarlcyR°bert-/ " FORS~.LE:--~4.~,~.,';~,;]-;---~¢-~,,I FOR SALE: 8 year old house, 5 .Bu. ~dFS:°ekis and Dawd .u'. of 33 p~esent, hene Rice ~ece~v_ed_the!famfly' Mrs. Gertrude Eagle of were the. Hany Fl~kinger~ Cafo}iK~p,a~and Do~:~a.~ .............. i.)m. ...................... 16plfarrow in April. Delbe,'t Stewart ,~o,m~., a!~d ba,.h, fuI1 b.~-cn~,( nk n~w BU y~r...:2,.t ~nimons and Sally, awara at me evem~.g.. ~os~esses t Wishington is staying several days i aria .,viarjor, e e~ t~'a,r~;,,,,.~- ..... ~. i ,~ ~,s ~-?,,,~,,,~,:~- ~ o~t,a!-~ x,~teu i FOR RENT: 2-room furnished[ mile norlh 2',:, mi west of Martelle'~ screenea-m preen. ~::~ no'U, b~"~;:~ h,t " " l'~vys and Lynn Alfred were Lillian t~arta, ~nzaoem ~-mar- ~ m the Labr home Mrs Lahr and Butteris' and Charles o~ ~lsoon aria ~unflay m me homes ot 1no t~am- ! apart nent Phone 6361 Mt Vernon / ...... ; .... - ] ;m paved street. I1obert It~::sen, dial BU } k,inda and Rickeg and +h~ ek Eileen Steinbrech Helen Vislis- I son Richard Frai~eis returned +o the Louis Beraneks Tony and Ed- bridges a ~d M~'s Clara Michel l?~I - C E" on " ~.:.t _ ___ • .... P! 34°1 Li,~bon 16tf " " v ¢ ° ~ ' , . ~ ..... =s. ~. Ralst . ~e ........... -- ................ BU ys. Charles Peshek was el, DarleneVislisel and Dorothy their home fl'om Mercy hospital lward. [ Mrs. Edward Brickner was a Sun- -FOR-RENT; Ta-e--re(or ~-s-~ H.~LI_,MARK VALENTINES Now ~FOR sALE--Apart~nent si~-~,i~n2 - " ~onalguest Reinhart .............................. ~'i ............... n~M~r,,Loulday gt,e~t of the James Pavelkal , . p c de,s undlon dlsplay, Blooms Book Store" I ..... ~, ~; ............ ~, .aU. ~I) ON---'~-~ -- • ~ -~ - ~ I Sunday visitor• !of Cedar Rapids and Mrs. Antoniet-]fam!ly ~ Ma~:telJe. S.he aceompani-tampl~f~ers--?[l~-l~an~oi,,i~'~S~ud'i~,| ...................... _l~_'_l.~cl Mrs. Charles Smith, 8761 Mt Ver- meil IMRTtIDAY The Charms ~ovotnys ~ranK /.e- ~ h ~ eu lne .uean r-_eitns I ' - . t- ..... • ....... ---- ........... , • Bu. ~'~na B ................ ' , ~, l The George Moels of Cedar Rao- ; ta Severs were Sunday guests of t e i ~; ...... " ...... ~ Mt Vornan ~me[ Valentme Speeml, regular or 1 non. ~wenme:~ only. 16, 17c " ~.~ ~. --~-ea was nonorea roans aonn ~. DvorsKys aria Mrs. I - • e ~ ~ ~ • , .~.o 5 i CharlesNovotnvs TheRaymond xne o. ±vl. z, eP.ISeKS V1Sl~eci ~unaay ..... kz::'v--: ..... d "need nortraits ~ hv la {nob hlnolr ---£:)'i't;-~ a/--:': -; X=;{ .-I',-.......... l ;- ~, .... "~r ~,m olrthda S ' . . • • lOS were ~_,unuay ~ueSvS O± ~,e L,h-I " ' - i " 1 n " • ' Re ............... ~ .... ' .... ~ ............... 1 r ~r~ ,~.,:,r~: lu.~u t.nevrotet 2-soar - • ~u:,~ Y unday when Emma Sh~ma weie entertamed Fri-],. _~ ~,r .... ,. N .... ~-,, famqv of Ely were Satur-~a~ter~°° w~th the Raymond Zenl-I OMS FOR RENT, b.~ day orland white h, oh,m .... ~ ..... *~ ~ .............. " , uuuuren and r " o ' ta ov ,e,~ ,,u~:e,~. " ..... " " ~ - " s f il a n , " " ~,vo(k Ir . .... *~-*u~*,*lN o~A pluuxa, doe l-'llllK IVI1; vernon, lt~I) ~,# ~en ; g eat grand- day evenmg by Mrs Ant met S -I .... ,~ ....... • ' " ' it rs i~ek am y nd Su daye~enmgwlth, . 1~ s. Mac Blatz L~bon No]¢45 ~. , ...... ,,., + ¢ ..... ~,. . ..... - ~ ~ ; = • ~~ -= I .ThelloyHoluDars were bunday ! ................. ,.~ the Richard Hake fan]fly near Mt. I phone ealls. 15 16p] fine Roberl~ ¢~"~:^ ~^~" °~'9 ,,, ) FOR SALE: 2,000 bushels of Ne- =-v ...... Ill °fn abH°°Iubil;e The-l ii ei dd~pqr?i~Lt'~e~M~r~U[a!lV~°nDonald Oeheltree family of fr°;~(~RREtNmTen3 Ke:er~ictUn[u;2tl~h~diV--e;'-;R~-:gAI2E-/~be]]°--;;b~ 15la~}n~ill°a~e21 O%l R~'d~le~lil)l:6:}¢i "- ~1 e • { , n e hotel in Ce ~Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests of Write Mr. Kee~iick or phone 511)' - " ~: Y "g 30. 16p ..LD. __ II The E. T. Wears' were SundayiAssn. at the Roos velt --..-Mr Libbie Ocheltr e n ~ ,a ............ ,{a camels or projector and save. ~ .......... ,I, ,~[I ~l~q I ildinner guests of the Clifford Wears~dar Rapids Jan. 22 and 2a. lneYlAn~aR Pauba Otherereeand-u~]:si~?L" v~(rn°' - ............. ~_~C[Roberts Studio, dial 6412, Mountl '""" ~ , f I IIl ~ I llI~ ~I~ I I family at ~n.aoado The Dal~ Wonr~' ! were guests of Mrs• Elma Pratt. The I -." .... ' .... ;,~ I FOR RENT: Wall paper steamers t Vernon. 14-17c ] - -, ................ ,werefrank x~rooana lvlrs, velnon ' ............ I ~:,, ,J•l _Rill ] | ~1~_1~_1~ It ..................... Frank Zemans were Sunday eve- .. . sanders edgers buffers and waxers FO~ ~a~,~ t~iH~(- ~2,,~,~,X;-;-~ ~ I I ' ,,, 'ph, r~,~,,~,~ 7 ..............nlng guests of the Kaspareks I Kahban Apphance. Mt. Vernon. 18tf ~neakor~ t ................. i...... I ~ '~ ...~ i with nft Water I IFarnsworths of Iowa City were re-i The Albert Hrubys were ;~:nurs- iPI LI i FOR RENT: Crutches, when and lturntables, etc. Bill Randolph Stu-~ " ~ft~_~ ~t~\~.~ ,..w....... •i cent visitors of the Frank Zemans day dinner guests of the Wimam F l"l ~lewsI if you need them• MEREDITH die, Mt. Vernon. 19tf ~\ t'~'~¢~ , ....+, . II The LeF oy Scanlans and Danny :Mu.rphys .!n Cedar Rap~dl~la2d alsoI K,th n Wo,,ey ........................ I \ U ~11_ ~ f. 1 I • . ~, • I[ were Wednesday dinner guests of vtsitecl wire the aonn ~ a . ! ........ ~ ..... fixtures boilers and furnnces Len ~1~12,~ ~I~" 11'1r ! 3# _tVIt# _ the John Mozeys m Cedar Rapids Mrs. Ruth Hemsms m a patmnt at WILL RECEIVE DEGREE t W~l~i/t:U t nox furnaces" Youn~stow- t-~+.~..... ,-~"o I ----- "~ ............... Sunday. The Scanlans and Danny i Mercy hospital in Iowa City. t Lloyd M. Duffe of Ely will be [ ........................................ lunits, dishwashers and fo'ocl~'~v~a's~'; ~/~~ I~ ~33 ............ I~¢t V~rn~n were among the. 16 guests, of Mrs. The~ Joe Pavels.visited. with the C ]graduated from the University of WANTED:, 3-4 size roll. -away .... bed d~sDosers FRINK PLUMBING" & " . ..,,,/L Dan Scanlan m Cedar Rapids on her i R. ~,tephens family in Cedar Rap- Iowa with a B.S. degree m Cam- Day s Coffee Shop, Dml 6561 Mt. HEATING, dial 3771, Lisbon• 32tf I i I i / ~ I 75th birthday, ida Wednesday. merce at the midcommeneement]Vernon. 16-17p ~ ......... . _ 1-1b, FOR SAI • ' " ~1~ ~ ~ • • • ~ ~ 1 exercises held on Saturday, Feb. 2. WANTED" Caroenter work done • ~E. Vacuum cleaners. I~1~ • It~ IMl~r~ill#l'~ I Lloyd was" g~aduated- from Mt. Ver-]reasonably.. Contact Earl Edwards, I~utnH:, '-- ~kienera.or g ,~.a k.type,~no hand vaes ,.v i !non Htgh before entermg S.U.I. I Ivanhoe S,tore, Mt. Vernon. 16c I ~i ~ p, phone 39M l~anr of our customers have ;,r, md .'_. ~.. ... /ii .i i ~ Pres J W Maucker of ISTC --'~VANTED-~-Torent--a-~ ..... _ ~soon. 43tf that they ean bring back "like new'° ,~ I • • , I : ~ a garage, oaeK--~l~ ............................... performaneetotheirrad|oandtele* ror IIres . . . we II MaKe lou will give the address on What IS Tnno~ Phnno ~021 ED MERCHANDISE: Freezers• vi-ion set:~ f;r the small east of an r • ,, .................... / • • . s • ~Requlred of Us? ! ................... refrlgeraters, ranges, television sets. adjustment or repair ~ob. Often South End Ivanhoe Bridge ~ CUSTOM CORN shelling with Spin-dry washers, automatic wash- ~ust a new tube does the trick. Try .lohn Deere sheller• No lob too big era, water heaters, water softeners our prompt low-c~t service. Mt. Vernon, Iowa i Abbey Creek or too small• Glenn Plattenberger. Prieed to sell. KALIBAN APPLI- ! Mrs. V. B, Boyle dial 2751. Lisbon 48tf ANCE CO. 31tfc Specials Thursday, Friday• Saturday & Sunday .... or Pe'riekhom I--WANTED" Trash hauling CMI ~ .......... J Picture Tubes I t~uests m me e ge ~ e ...... "; ...... ='2 " IREWOOD: Cut to order, $10 per ! Sunday afternoon were Mrs. Ru- i o~oz, l)onam L r~rumm, ~vit. vernon, ton. Albert Allsup, Lisbon, phone[ Rejuvenated All Meat WIENERS, Ib................................. 39c ',tram.d°lph Lnenicka and Albert of Ber- ] -WANTED: Cash paid for elean23tfe 3302.NEED_a__g(~od-chain sav,;~-$24-to13-16p New Antenna lars Dul.,hlips "66" and Lee tires. Come in and Morrell MINCED HM¢I, Ib ............................. 29c Mrs. Harold Moore and herdaugh-lused ears. Gilmore Motor Sales. $50 cash discount on Homelite ter Mrs. Don Billings visited Don j4ia13091. Lisbon• 39tf chain saws during January. ART'S Installed Morrell PORK SAUSAGE, links, Ib .............39c at St. Luke's hospital Sunday where [ -WANTED--Ni~ht \~;?itress__A~i} IVANHOE GARAGE, dial 8801, Mt. irek with us for either regular or mud and GROUND BEEF, Fresh 3 Ibs he is recovering from surgery per-Beacon Care, phone 2391 Lisbon. iVernon. 13-16,~ ownSW treads. Use your credit card if you like. LUNCHEON MEAT, "Snack", 1 2 oz........... 98C32c formed~.e,,~.. "~,,arut° ~his r,.u,.~,sons.knee last ~rom'Thursday'~,e~l" ~ II - ,,r^-,~-~-:,,,~ ~r,,,..'~ ? .... rcm-" .~ or ~-oearoom " "--' 10ft ,I ............... Reh ~gerated" --INSULINfor your-- ....... rotechon" ~" ,,v.,.~.v,l~¢t'~"r "~1~''~D~'~'~;~M ~,^~ Molnes were droner guests Thurs- ho--o C ................ " P • Incfrdl,~A ~ ,, H~. ~aii '-t~ .wit. v~'rn011, oe-lWHY TAKE UNPROTE .............. day event ~- in the W B Boyle , " ~ ;', ,~ ,~ ,-, ur ~: 19 . BUTTER, Lisbon ............................................ 64c . ~ .... iween ~ a.m. ano o p.m. ~. iv,. ~mn-, MEDI ....... , We give S & H Green Stamps BEER, 6 Pak ............................................... :._77¢ no e. l'ao. office manager Iowa Eleet,ue' "'~,I~;~, ........ r,~., ..... -- T i~., ~,. o ...... o2 ,,, ,,,. ,,~.,.~,,L.... "r,.UU r'nllCO L~ I:: i¢ c A m le CIGARETTES, Carton ................................ $2.12 VIvlan Joslln Wins t --WX~ITED--T0-RENT)-2--b-~3 bed- ----~IN~-E[E-Cilr[~-C0- 42tf___c Fa t r .... 1 S 1 ~ I ] home or apartment. Ross 1De- Wir}'n;" Servi;e " c o y Authorized FAp m, CHILI RED BEANS, 15½ oz. can ................10c r, ornemaKer wara (ue. call Hawkeye office, 7431, Mt.[M[ount Vernon-~400 I,ishon- 2718 Service It 7ernon. 13tfc ---- ......................... ,eat Y( I \]1 • - MORLEY -- The Betty Crocker ] -WANTED-TO BUY'-Famfly t~:0et FOR SALE: Apples of finest qual- . * • (ty at Penn s Orchard 219 10th Axe Ill ~ I]I.IIA.MA,M'-~J( r....... RITZ NAPKINS• 80 count .................... 2 for 25c Homemaker of Tomorrow in Morley i home. comnletely modern" Write ~" ' , '" KALIBAN MI {[ \ Jervl¢l; LARD, ~b ..................................................... 19C is Vivian Joslin, daughter of Mr. Box F Hawkeye •office, Mt. Vernon• ~' 50 tfe I and Mrs~ Fred Joslin.. .... I 14-16pt --S-EE---C)=LJR--USED---and--reb-uilt I APPLIANCE CO. ~SSO ~- ~ ~ J/ -- Miss oos,in received me nignesr ....................... I washin " BACON, Lean, sliced or chunk, Ib ............. 42c .. . I HELP WANTED" SICKNESS~ g machmes. A large variety I .... seore m_a wrkten lexamina~!on on ]makes available Rawleigh business[ at all times. BERANEK'S, dial 48~ I Mt. Vernon, Iowa nomemaKm.g .~nowm~ge an~ a}u-/~n S,. Jones and E.C. Linn Coun-IMr. Vernon. 22tf ! ~uaes aamlnls~erea Dec. ~ to me ties Good o'--ortunit to e ntinuo --- .......... ~ ...... ef- Albert Ham,lton, Prop _ Monday • . . l ~. . pp . y 0 --"1 1 ....... girls in the graduatmg class IIer I e.d " Hours thru Saturday 8 to 8 ....... . , lestablished serwce. Expenses DaidlI examinauon paper Will oe emerea Ill : = : :::=:=:= ::=:===:=l N o w n H a n Main Street Mount Vernon m eompehtmn to name this state s, ei,-~ +~ ~,,,~;*,h'~ r~+ TA~, ~9~ I1 candidate for the title of all-AmeIu- 203 Freeport, Ill. 15-20p can Homemaker of Tomorrow and ......... • • MAKE $75 UP WEEKLY spare .... will also be considered for the ..... ' rnnnor l~n nwnrcl in the stnto Sh~ I time. Sell hquld ferhhzer to farm- II 1, 1 I I I I • • ~ II ,~ -'%'; ...... ~. .......... ;- -: ...... i era Exclusive franchise available ~l WIIL receive an awara pin. ~ .~" .......... ' I I