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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
February 2, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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February 2, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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2, 1539 LOCAL AND PERSONAL THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HER&LD Prof. Francis German was a week end visit()r in Chicago, I11. Mrs. ",V. 1). Scarbrough is confined to her home this week with a very ~.vvere cold. C. %V. VCest of El-, NIr~. I,ily Stcwart of Martelle was Joe l.evv of Mechanicsville was a end visitors in the a visitor in-law and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Jones in Cedar Rapids. Mrs. T. 1. Mitchell was a dinner Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Crumbaugh. Mr. and Mrs. llarold Ehle and tamily, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pitlik and family and Marvin Turner were Sun- day supper guests in the home of Mr. anil Mrs. J. (77. Milholin and family. B.rn Frida3 to Mr. and Mrs. Gor- d(m Bridges of Lishon an 8a& pound daughter, Barbara F.Ilen, at the Mrs. I)ewitt Kohl home. Mrs. Bridges will be kilox',n better as Miss Florence (;age. |OlVEIIItlC| She's in Good Hands COURTEsy ""..----- CLOVER FARM FLOUR AND ALL ,,f illness, submitted to a minor opera- tioll and was confined in the hospital CLOVER FARM FOODS f,,r a short time. She expects to he able to return to her work soon, ac- SOLD AT INDIVIDUALLY OWNED cording to word received by her CLOVER FARM STORES! fr e,,ds. Miss Lucille West, daughter of Mr. )UTATION ' +"'++ +°+'+ empl,lved iu cafeteria work in Mil- waukee, Wis., for several `"ears has accepted a similar position `'vith the Northwestern Mntual Insnrance corn- FARM FOODS ENJOY A VERY paov in the same city at a substantial LE REPUTATION...BECAUSE OF THE advauce i,, salary. She was to begin QUALITY AT EVERYDAY her new position on February 1. LOWEST PRICES! Mrs• Charles Hartung who has spent several weeks in the home of her son, l)r. Maurlce Hartung in ("vans,on, II1., and at the Mr. attd Mrs. Francis llartung home in Madison, Wis., was expected to arrive in Mar- ion on rl'uesday for a visit in the home of her son-hi-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kellams and family, before returning to her home il) Mount Vernon, FARM STORES SELL ONLY QUALITY LE MERCHANDISE AT POPULAR ,DES--. D FARM GROCERS INSURANCE Page qlllrcc speut several days over the week enil in Mount Vernon, Mrs. Rose l)vorak v~'as a visitor Monday evening in the Joe Neuzil home in Iowa (?it)'. Mrs. R. il. Male',' entertained a small group of friend's at a dinner at her home on Sunday evening. Mrs. Anne Garrett, mother nf Mrs. \V. il. Crew, was a visitor with rela- tives in Cedar Rapids over the week end. Miss Lucia FoMvce of Ames was a visitor Satltrdav and Simda'." in tile home of her mother Mrs. J. "C. For- dvce. into second place with three wins The Misses Sne Gordon and KatlekVednesday. and one defeat while Knox tool.: the [ Sunday, Mrs. Louis Dingman and Mr. and Mrs. Clair ('arnahao hay,. I loadwith four v,'ins against one lliarold Austln were Anamosa shoppers named their b'lby Nancy I.ou. Saturdav eveniug. The`', also called i llelen Murray spent t"rida) ~xith on Mrs~ Chas. Seeger at Merey hos- her folks, Mr. Brown's, near Anamosa. pital. .at g,),)d many ,)f the f;Irnlers around defeat. It is noteworthy that Cot'- nell has adlninistered the only de- 'feat to both of the leaders. Saint Anlbrose college, the Iowa ('onference leaders, invades Mount Vernon this Sattn'd'xy night to en- gage (,ornell ina non-eonfcrencc game scheduled to st'~rt at 7:a0. I'nd(,feated this year the 1)aven- port te'tm will be no let down from tile stiff opposition that the, t'tzrple have beeIl lnoving in lately. The H('es (lownc(l ('el'nell ill a pro- (*llrJslmas ganle in Davettport, Morley Mrs• Ella Austin Mrs. ('vrus I,amh was honored `'vith a card shower Monday in honor of her 861h birthday. We wish Mrs. I.amb many happy returns of her natal (lay. The "Major Bowes program" and oyster sttpper at the school house Fri- day night ',';as enjoyed by a large crowd• Leland and Leonard Airs,in, reading, and tap dancing. The Ia)yat Circle ('lass of the United Brethren chnrch sch(iol are planning ,)n giving the play, "llohgoblln llouse" io the near future. Watch for fur- thcr a nnouncelnent. • Mr. and Mrs. Charles lloppe are announcing the marriage of their ~)n Albert it) Miss Vivlan Bruce of Cedar Rapids, on January 161 at the home of the bride's parents. Paraha attended ltarl (;ibson's sah. Friday. Jesse and Mae ('arnahan have cath, d several times at St. l.ukes Imspit:ll t,, 'see their new grand,laughter, Nani,v Lou, and Mrs. Fare (~arnalla)l• Mr. and Mrs. \Vm. llatuer :lnd children spent Saturday with Mari,,n I louse. aged 5 )'ears, tvvin sons of Mr. and 11. Me,calf of Anamosa x~:ts a Mrs. Fred Austin, carried off the prize. Tliursdav caller :it J. \Vaddell's. Their Irish jig received the most ap- plause from the ;|udleoce. The mira.. Mr. and Mrs. ('c(.i/ Patten ,,f near I)ers were varied and consisted of 11-('ent.ral ('it`" :1re m,,ving t,) the Kirk- , , ) i)•ltr)ck farm or ",~hich is better kn()~;n strtllnental solos and trios, vocal so)os, ' :is the Isaac Kyle farnl, /~hieh lht.~, Paralta Mrs. Ray Bolton Mrs. :Amelia l,arsen and Ivan :lnd Mrs. Margaret Thomas helped Jensl Jt'psen's \vith their bntchering last PHONE 212 Mount Vernon }1 :l `"e reuted. Parnell i;'el'g:ls+)i) will s()()lt n)ovc t,) tile Johnston tavm ".)uth of'the I'arah:) church which hc has rentell. I~l:llion ih)use received ',~,,rtl her )tel)hew Clifford l"reeman (inde)'t.%eflt an +)peration for appendi('his "S:)tm'- day nl,)rning. Mr. and Mrs. lens Jepsen called :n the \Valter I,arscn home Sl'lnda)* :liter- n,)on. Mrs. l,arsen, `'vh~)Ira's becu it}," is about the sanal~." Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bohon spent Frida~ at Frank \Vel)ber's.' Mr,. ~'ebb~er remains :tb()ut the s:nni'. Ray a(tended Ilarl (;ibsun's sale ht the ' :lfternoon. Begins Friday, Feb. Ends Friday, Feb..10 THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO One Pair Super Duty 8-oz Overalls 159c Limit One Pair to Customer THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO One President Guaranteed Work Shirt Roomy armholes, large sleeves, best materials, full cut, tailored collar and cuffs, triples,itched, wash O proof buttons. 43c Limit One to Cust mer THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO Blue Chambray Work Shirt Limit One to Customer THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO Men's 5c White Handkerchiefs With purchase of one for 5c, second one free Limit 4 to Customer THIS COUPON ENTITLES YOU TO Ladies Rayon Pajamas 2-Piece. Fancy colors and styles I:N'I'ERTA1NS BRIDGE CLUB i Mrs. Mildred Burger entertained l tier bridge club Thnrsdav afternoon. !Eight ladies, Mrs. Theola'Kline, Mrs. ilazet Fiher, Mrs. I)ora Shankland Mrs. \V. i}. Guthrie, Mrs. ilelen Reed, i Mrs. Verna ilefflefinger, Mrs. Almeda Ja('ks,,n, attd tlw hostess were present. IVerua llefflefinger won high scnre, iMrs. Dora Shankland, low score and also the traveling prize. DeHclous re- ! freshments `'`"ere served by the hostess Laurence West was an ,)vernighti Kingdom" and Eldon Johnson, "A and it was agreed to hohl the next business visitor in Des Molnes on Kingdom .1 Deeds, Not Dreams." A Imeetlng at the home of Mrs. Theola Monday night, group .f ('ornellians will he received!Kline on February 9. Miss Loraine Frick of Iowa City into affiliated membership.! ] Mr. anll Mrs. ~r. B. Pve and J. E. \VI'H)NESI)AY at Pve visited in the ArthurBarrett 2:30 Missionary Society meeting i ll0me in Cedar Rapids Tnesday. the home of Mrs. R. A. Scroggie. Sunday dinner guests in the T. A. TIlI'RSI)AY Peters home `",'ere Mrs. Mar`" Fair- 4:00 Jtu~i,)r Christian Endeavor at]hanks' (;ladvce and Clifford (;f Ana- the Manse. 7:00 Choir rehearsal at the Manse. Im°sa; Mr. and Mrs. (}lenn Siver and 8:00 [;nion Young Peoples group, i.]anet of White Oak and Mr. and ( iMrs R I1 Bickerstaff and Iorraine ('OMIN(;: Fehruar\" 19. [ : '/:,, ~ ..... ", . . . O[ Ivlorlev. Meu's l)av and V~ashlngton's Btrth-] N'r "" ......... • • " i I. anu Mrs. l(IOOS annoaughter ,lay Servtce. Jacqueline of Cedar Rapids were Sun-: CHRISTIAN-S~ENCE NOTES day guests at the II. P. Smith home. / Mrs. Chas. Seeger, who submitted "SI)irit" will be the subject of the • • [ o~,-,n (~c~r))~¢-,)~ |n ~11 f~t)tt'),~l~c~o ~¢ / to a major +)peratlon at Mercy hos- Christ, ............................... Scientist, on Sunday, Febru-/~.pital, lag•. Tue~l]a`',," '.' is: rapidh.' recover- ary 5, 1939. tang. 1 Mr and Mrs Amos Kohl and The Golden Text Is from II Cor. ~ • ".. .' /':\line, t/arriett and Dale Fil/oon of Mari(m and Miss Sue Gordon were Simday dinner gnests of Mrs. Ella Mr. :l,d Mrs. Brnce Mullen andMr. and Mrs. Jerry Brecha of Ce- 3:17, "Where the Spirit of the Lord ,'hihlren \Vard and Kay of 17niverslty dar Rapids v, ere guests on Sunday in is, tllere is liberty." Park arrived ~rednesday to spend sev- the Mr. and Mrs. l)awson Schltmmer The Lesson-Sermon comprises quo- eral ,lays in the home of Mrs. Mitl- home. rations from the Bible and from the Austin and Ilarold. len's parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. I. Mr and Mrs C I) l{urtls of MarChristian Sclenc~ textbook, "Science Mr. and Mrs. Roy Price of Boone Mitche • " ,t;,,,,~: ,,,',,,.,~ I.~, q,,,,,l~,, ;el and Health with Key to the Scrip- )ave wel vsiting'relatives in this loll were ......... g ...... s.,s ......... ,.: ...t , ' " Mr. aM Mrs. C. (7'.. Klelneck expect the Mr attd Mr~ W l) SC'l'~', gh .ures by ~ary Baker Eddy. . vtcnnty. Thursday evening they and ..... ,, - -, " ...... one of tne ~iote citations reaas Mr a ~(I Mrs I (; Austin of o- • t,) mr)re to their home Ill lVlOUnr ) er- home x ...... - ...... • --". ....... oprnlg- • "wllltner snail I gO teem tny spirit- • • • , --" "'--'~ *~" s `'~eek from their • vtlle `'`'ere dinner g tests In the M E IIO11 .Oll|V.tlllt .... ~ .* , Mr and Mrs. Robert Barnes were or whither shall I flee from thy S`'~itzer hem- (),,'l~'r:A~ th " " ( Itl ....... I - -]-,- .,,e~¢ were tar ~ont|l east oI t w I. Mr a ~, t ,' ' - ~ ; " ' " ~ ~" ' m . , " ,.,. .,, mUl(lav ou/nerguests m thehome presence?If I ascendup into , ...... • ..., . .,._ ,~ _., ~" .. - ,_ " " " " ",`'1 o-erate - . .... (: I,t~ltillllt~{I In (IIU rreu 2\us,in uome :virs.t.eonar(1 r~lenlecK • p +) f /Vlr. and Mrs.MelvinStocker in' heaven, thou art tuere: 11; 1 make.u.d Saturday evenill Mr and Mrs' the farm. Mechaniowille ny bed in hell~eholdthou art", '. ,, - , ,. g , ',, .~ ~" • " ' " - """t - ' "h in O° *-hejOsle rlora an,1 ivlr ana Mrs J' L Mt~s Mlrtha Lahman,who is a 1, ~', v...rt, (f C..dar Ra"ilts snent tnerettL aget e W gs t t ...... " _ ",' " " , . . :,. -. r. ~, K -~ . ,-, .v " C e'l i the tter--ost ~na/Klan(l nonore(I the l'rlce s at a )oelnber Ot the schoot laculty in Ulln, t n ~.h I .... * g I .* nlornlng, ann iw , n . u ,~ . sexera[oa~s e JaLterpair ¢ t as, ,~ • , v ,. . " arts of the sea Eventhere shall~x o'clock dinner at the Shankland , tent the week end in the R+ bert Tracy ,. -.~ ~...m.~ ~ ~';s sister Mrs P ' ~ ; wee,, 1 I the m,,.~ O. ,, .' . .' home at Tipton, instead of at the home ,. ..... ' thy hand lead me,, and thy rlghtnome. . ...... tl staNllOnOt[ NI 1 Mrs : " ' "~ "" a ' Mrs E R " " • land shall hold me' (Psalms 139• , r. an(. :.w. ~. rye were ()! Iler pare 11.) Wlr. nll '. L " , , , • , Mr. aud Mrs. tlarrv Peet of Mar-7-10). guests at a gathering 111esda~ even- 1 allman I r + e r (elk 1 , "'o ~. " ........... ~teile were guests in the home )f Mrs. Anmng the selections from th ling atthe\~. M. ? "" h me at 1 rol"1 I()`'(1 UaKI lua ~Aas Ca)leO to • - .' , " ~ ' : I Peet's hrother A J Ba rd and Mrs Christian Science textbook is the , Olin. Bl'tlrsh/rg ast week by the critica ' ; followin " ~ " .... - IBa r~ on Molday. g. 1. V~. and L. E. lhnlter and their illness of his mother, Mrs. %V. T. Oak- "*r l(I Mr~ Kel/eth Gordon of; "The belief that Spirit is finite Isister' Mrs. llallie Shttmaker visited land. lie returned home Monday ].~v~ . at "' , ...... i aswellas infinite has darkened [~, M,,,,,,t V-,',mn Friday evening, with • r • wlarte e ,.',,ere Callers o1111ua`' atter- i . . • " ............ - ~, m ht and ex ect toreturn to Blatrs allhlstor In Chr|stian Sc ence g , p s "-[ ...... at1' Mr I Y....... l+ther brother, F. A llunter, who r noon in the nome o! lvlr (I s, t tmrgthis week end. , ...... ' ' ' Spirit, as a proper noun, is the ihad been ill Mrs.F II Minger of Waverly["+mers°n ~n°r`'eu'. ....... inaNe of ttle Sl|preme_uemgi It Ch'de Lindlev of Martelle was a , xx, ...... t .... -o'- " ;'~w davs v;sitI Mrs John Mitchell Mr. annNlrs. i means quantity • 110 ttnallty, an I ap- ,. , ,, .,. , Je/t x,'< tu tes~t~tp ~att~ ¢t ~,~ . • t. , .' " • . [ ~ ~ ) LvIOrlevCaller 1 nes(lav. • ) r son in la`'`'nndl Edwm Mttche `"*'ere(inner guests plies exehv, ve}v to God (p, 93). .." .... ; ...... in the home , f he , - ", "•,, , " : ,. ... • i " wlr. anu Mrs• joe llora ana DOODle $1111da`' 111 the home or lvtrs :viii e~ 311 Fws Avenue North dang~ter Prof. and Mrs. Llnyd Oak-I- .'. , -, .'. t ' . spent Sunday afternoon in the Louie r as lrn Selmam (edar Raplo', laml. Mr.'. Mtmge w.."ten ing/" " ' :" i .............. llora home near Olin. trom a visit in the south. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rupert attd Betty i = : : * = = = = : : = = = = = = = = :" = = : = - Mrs. J. R. Bickerstaff and Mrs. .................. moved the mmdle of ,his week to the ~nr,~.'l- N,~ws Amanda Smith were callers in the H. ,vlemDers nr II111 LItV KeDeKan looge ~ . t. . t . L %.~lPlllt~v k~]~l~¢llL' ~ • • . r. , e + nouse purcnasea DVmem ~ast `'~eeK, I"11| t, Slnlth home ;~llllnav alternoon. 1 and the Past Noble Grand association seventh avenue, north. ------- .... : : = = := ..... -- = = = : = - Mr. and Mrs. Louis Burger and \,ill sponsor a mid-winter fair to be y~' 111711T~'" S -sI)iii hdd i,t the I. O. O. F. hal.) in the A1 Morrissey retnrned homefrom St. stler daughter Kaywent to Winterset Sat- afteruoon and evening of Fehruary 23. Lukes hospital last week endfollowing urdav to attend funeral services on Watch for further details later in the an operation, lie `','as able to be up In Pair of Meets Sn,l& of Mr. Burger's grandmother. ftawkeve-Record, town nn Monday afternoon, i Till, ('o,.n(ql wv(,s(h,)-s split oven Mrs~ llaro]d Knight and Mrs, Evah " Mrs. ~/. S. Penn of tlartv¢ick spent in nt(,+,ts (,ng'ag'ed in during the last Bennett and Joyce were business call- Mr. an,I Mrs. 1). Q. \Villiams of Saturday attd Snnday in the home of ~xeel.:. d(.f,'.alin.R' N(,t)l'asl.:.a ill Monnt ers at Anamosa Monday afternoon. Des M,)ines `'`"ere visitors Sunday in iler son and danghter-in-lav¢ Mr. and Vernon 1:'~,!, to I()V_, and I,)sin~ to Mrs. hla Miller of Martelle, was a the home of Mrs. ~,rilliam's mother, Mrs. George Penn and family, lowu Toae)l,,vs "21 to 13 at Ced'lv httsiness caller in Morley Friday and Nhs. Sarah Tallman. They `'`"ere ac- Jaalls. IHI] I.ylm)n nnd Hob Mu,'- Tuesday. companied by Earl Rod(he who fin- Warner Peterson attd Fred Mc- ishe,l high school in Des Moines last Lat, ghlin attended a vaccination school ray w(q'e th(, on y wresth,rs to )'e- Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Miller and cord falls in the I.S.'I'.(L m(mt wbil,, F~dith spent Friday at Cedar Rapids• v:eek and enetred (?ornell ,'in Monday. in Marion on Saturday. There were:.lim Tayh)r d(,,isioned his oppon-{ lit" is staying at the C. ~V• Neff home., about 175 attended the school.(,nt. Miss Lucy Winter, of the Cornell Mrs. Emma Fell of Tipton was aIn a h,nse fin:,h, l'hnt decided tihrarv staff, who went to her home gnest on Sunday in the home of Mr. the I,'rid:~y night w)'(,stling (,:):H,(~sl in Carroll a few v