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February 6, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 6, 1941 |
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February 6, 1941
~ ] Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Baird called Robert Bryant spent last week-
~ ~'r ~,11rllr~ilr~tlv w AF,--. --i.=~ ~ ~v.~ !Sunday "fftcrnoon in the home of end with Ben Biderman at Iowa
nn Co. 11 I(NIIN IIR'AI ANll PI;R IINA/IM ss Agne, l a rd i. isbon State college in mes
{ER~.I~ "-'"=~lv&l llaIVV 1LllJ ,tllLltilJ gU|lkkSVll,r'llUI l)r. l)avid 1)elo, of Knox eollege. Miss I,ucia Fordyee of Ames
gned - - - ) (;ale,~bm'g. Ill spent htst Friday
f Jh~ i in the Prof. and Mrs. N. A. Miner spent the week end in the home of
]her mother, Mrs. Ida Fordyee.
ad q~~ ill last i home
aUves in ' ~"
e esta~l ~~t was ahle I I~wrence MeKay of Des Moines
Liila~P~AIle'an'~^ ,~ ,~. v * :~. on e~UestlP%v.~ er~ 1 ] .~ltSS AlarEl,~l l~Ltllnan el )iln iwas an overnight visitor Saturday
~''-- "~f"" . ~spen~ tne week one tn lne nome/in the home of his mother, Mrs. B.
erS ~%s !in!} l of her parents, M,'. and Mrs.E. I{. IA. MeKay.
~n:t~ t~e~71~i!. ~f her sister, Miss :l?!~h~sr}n]fi~'~r!!n~IFl~,~,~i(s(~t~':Q;~;(t" I,a~,l; a2,~d Mrs" l,ukes I{obinson of'theMiSs Gwynethschoot facultyY Ung'in Marionmember Ofspent
w~enharkOf ~,Valker were Sunday dinner guests tilt, week end with he," mother,
~A t~t rs last I in the home of Mr 'md Mrs Merle Mrs. Roy Young.
~" "~s. J. ~ Buser ('umberl'~na"
Eln~ ~ Nit-. and Mrs. Everett Jordan
~u vt. Dodge. nonae. IIMrs. Rose ttickman was a guest were dinner guests Sunday in the
nd Mr and Mrs I ester" Caraway -tnd i . . .
B. I~~raway and at a ,bu'thday part} m honor of home of Nit'. Jordan's parents, Mr.
~n the he:he 'Bert l':runlons in Marion la,t Thurs- and Mrs. H'u'ry Jordan.
Ltor~, Mrs. :Mac (lay evening.
~,~ n * ,~, "1" i Mr. anti Mrs. H.obert Beiher of Mr. and Mrs. Glenn StinKer of
Vest Branch were callers last
-----~rd~~qnt of Turns t{einheek were Sunday evening Sunday afternoon in tile home of
s,pper guests in the Mr a.d Mrs r and I.loyd ,urge
were gu(~sts last w(,ek on l in the{l lovd I .e(~r'md heine
4b home of Miss Bryant's parents, Dr ~} "ln(t M "s ~"~r]'t nHe ker Miss Rosalie Mulherin and Arn-
and Mrs J B Bryant !in'; f'm~il ~ ~" ," '~ ,~ !) Iold l,'ladoos of Chicago, Ill spent
" i~. u : y or .m "ran "ere v~mtors the week end with Miss Mulherin's
one Portraits
en,s Pictures
A SPecialty
after 6 o'clock
a card to Box 493
Vernon, Iowa
Mrs. lmella V. Ninde, who has a i Monday evening in the Mr. and
leave of absence front her duIics i . h's. C. A. ttaak home.
as head of the home economict~ do- i Miss l)orolhy ('ahterwood and
pertinent in Cornel1, left on Slln(i:/y I
afternoon for hat" home in l+'ort i l)ee IAtthrop of Mariou spent ,qun-
day with the lattel-'S parents, Mr.
"Wayne, Incl. and Mrs. Boyd l,athrop.
Miss Waunetta Nipple, nurse in ] Merle (?umherland went to l)cs
St. Mary's hospital in tlochester, Moines on Monday where he has
Minn spent the week end in the jaccepted a position as block man
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. for the Altis-Chahners company.
L. E. Sipple. She was accompanied i H.ev. and Mrs. V. J. Wright of
by Miss Marian Van li'osb~on and Ft. Vtayne, Ind are spending a
Miss Etta Rasmussen of Marion few days in the borne of their
who are also nurses, i cousins Mr. and Mrs. B(/yd I,athrop.
Miss Bertha Bahlwin and brolher [ Nit'. and Mrs. Lauren l~urie and
l{oss Bald (:in were guests Tuesd ~ylMr. and Mrs. l,'lzo Soden of Url)ana
parents, M.r. and Mrs. J. Mulherin.
Mr. and Ml~. S. A. "Westeott of
Cedar ILapids and Mrs. Joe Sed-
[acek ,jr of Ottumwa were visitors
in Mount Vernon Sunday after-
bh . and Mrs. l,'orre~t Sigglns and
family and Mrs. Guy Siggins spent
Sunday visiting in the Mr. and
Mrs. Wesley Seward home in Wat-
Mrs. ~Nahlo l,efobure and chil-
dren, Eugene and Carolyn are ill
with tile flu this week. Miss Mary
Adelaide Mulherin is assisting in
their care.
evening at a picnic supper in the~were guests Monday in the home l Mr. and Mrs. l,ester l)acken and
Fred l~al(lwin home. Th(. o('(':tsit/n '(if Mr. and Mrs. Merle Cumberland. !family tnoved last week end from
honored the ninth birthday of .I,an Miss Arlene 1An(lsey, student in J the Joe Novak property to the
II:lldwin. Mr. and Mrs. 1,'rank Iowa State Tea','hers college in Co- [lower al)artment in the Mrs. J. F.
Baldwin and sew,ral other friendsdar Falls spent the week end in lMidkiff home.
from ('cdar t{apids were included !he home of her parents, Mr. and l,'red Travis, jr student at the
guests, iMrs. Arthur lAndsey. State University of Iowa at Iowa
I) Mr. :md Mrs. I{ussell V inegarden City, spept Saturday and Sunday
and Mr. and Mrs. (?. l)urian of in the home of his parents, M]'. and
~V('lhnan were calhq's Sunday in Mrs. i"red Tra~is.
the holn(, of Mrs. Vinegarden's Mrs. Daisy Butler returned to
mother. Mrs. ltattie Miller. her home in Meehanlcsville on
]~ll'S. Guy l']l:tl ('s of l"t. l)odge Sunday following a visit of a week
joined her tmsl):(nd Mr. I'hares on in the home of her brother and sls-
I'u('sdav to reside in the Mr. and ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Mrs. ilarry .Jordan borne. Mr. tllootn.
i l'harcs s t i nist with the .leeI bit'. and Mrs. R. C. Anderson and
}~ (illeSb:g tol' Slllld:tV nit4llt SUl)D( r day afternoon in Cedar Rapids. On
I h, stra Mrs I,e.e ",'hompso. s.ont Satur
ill till' Mr. :tll(t .~ll'N. l l': Nipple I~llnd:lv ),It. and Mrs. Anderson
ltolllo WPI'I', l)esid,'s tiloir fanlily: spent the (lay at their heine in
Mrs. Vau~hn house mother in lh,' l~(,rtram.
nurses hon~e at St. ,rakes hospital. I Mrs J B l,aing, teacher in the
and Miss Peters, ins/ru(.ior in St.kindergarten in the Ward school,
lad<,:; hosl)ital, Cedar IG'lpi(ts. has been unable to meet her elass-
MI'. alld 5'Its. V illialn f'rathcr es this week because of illness.
NDABLE COALS and nine-monthsold son, Bruce, [ Miss Mary Alice Crew is supplying
i moved last Friday from l)e~Vitt [ for her.
-- Delivered Prices. land are located in an apartment in I Mrs D. E. Hedges, who has suf-
INI)IANA SPECIAL $7.75 the Ha,'ry Jordan house. Mr. lfet ed with arthritis for mwet-al
l'rather is the proprietor of thenionths does not improve. She is
BLACK ROSE--$8.75 new bowling alley it, Mount Ver-Ivery uncomfortable thin week of
non. [ which her many friends will he sor-
I, OTHAIR $10.50
i Mr. and Mrs. Willard Sipple of lry to hear. :
VVilliamslmrg came Saturday eve- [ Mrs. Hattie Miller returned home
RANGE---$8.50 ning "n~d spent over Sunder'in the [last Thursday from least Chicago,
STOKER -- $7.75 : home of Mr. Sipple's parents, Mr. ,Ind where she was a visitor for
~nd Mrs. I E. Sipple. Other Sat-Js(veral weeks in lhe home of her
~~-~.L LLILAND COAL CO, urday evening supper guests in the [son and daughter-in-law Mr. and:
Sipple home were Mi'. and Mrs. [Mrs. Cephas Miller. i
~~ ~ Bo~,d Hmton
-" " " ] Miss .lane Washburn of Cedar'
i Miss Florence Valker of Clinton I Rapids, daughter of (}sear Wash-
] was a week end guest of Miss Helen I burn, enrolled in Cornell on Men-
a I Valker in the Mrs. Grac~ Risser [day. Miss Washburn was graduat-;
"The House of Quality ~ Valkerentertainedatdinne,'atthe[dar Rapids at the mid-year exer-i
i home. On Saturday evening Miss led from VVilson high school in Co-i
! }.art'n-Senour Paln i Y~isser home in honor of her guest.' cises. She is staying in the home
Other guests included: Miss Marie [of her grandmother. Mns. Sly West.
Yaryan, NIaxine Davis, Maude Sing- ] The many friends of Mr and
/~4~ ~ er ~Mys. Fraueis Meade will be glad
I Mrs. Robert Bauman and Mrs. ~to know lhat Mrs. Meade's eondi-
V . G. ICruekenberg left last Friday [ ,ion is slowly improving and the
~muse a,nu; ~o,~,o weeks sit. They ex-|b~by daughter, Judith Ann, who
Kruckenberg's sister, Mrs. Fr'mk ] fine. Mrs. Meade expected to leave
rotect Your Buildings With This Paint Nelson, in Chicago with her moth-/the hospital in Vtaterloo last week.
Jer Mrs ('athorine (?linch in El-/ ~ " Benesh re (ive(1
I " ' " " x ' - '. . / Mrs. a~argaret ,' ~
~ ur hlterlor gm, I1 and,qth otner frmnas m /
('hicagoIll,word last week of the ueatn el
' ' ",Carl Brown. 37, former resident of
NEU-TONE- FIat Wall Oil Paint Dr. and Mrs. Robert Lott ortMonnt Vernon. which occurred in
I. . --All Purpose Enamel Quick Drying Carrollwere visitors last week end|( lcnwood School, Glenwood, re-
' ~'|'O --- lit, the home of the former's mother| contly. Burial w'~s in Glenwood. He
NE--Medium Gloss Finish for all interior Mrs. Cath(wine IA)tt. On Sunday] was a brother of Harlan Brown
IMrs. Lot, who has i)een eonfincd,who formerly lived in Mount Ver-
! decoration Io her home for several months re-, non.
,l'l~(}~l~ ~,*~. -- cove'ing fron in~ "ies received in/ v"
PORCH ENAMEL---A Heavy duty fall, aeconlpani(!d her son to Car- ! .vlrs. Jon.n Auraener is oDser lng
[toll here she h s 'her ~Sth b~rthday today. A dinner
W . ,'13 en~ere(1 Idleno~s-i -- d
t it 1 ~ h "' i /at tne nome ot ner son-in-LaW an
p a Ior o scrvatlO 1. [ dau~-hter. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
WAGON AND TRACTOR~ PAINTS J.H. Johnson of Cedar tLapids,|Wttes in Cedar P, api(ls, honored
VARNISHES AND OILS fo,'mer resident of Meehanlcsville,[ the occasion at noon today. Mr.
retu,-ned recently from a trip to,and Mrs. J. ]3. Bowers and daugh-
Call rds,~v~v~ ,o,~ IRio Grand('. Texas. While there he|ter M~ss Maryjane were guests at
Our Spring Line is now complete. Is,tended a three day celebration at/the dinne-
I Mi~ion Texas. V~hile at the cole-| ~ ~
;PALE F JOHNSON ~[ }',a'" n' n h fir" d - -' ,r ana ~mrs r'a "ara wooos
D', E10 O. t e st ay ne Dr! . "'" -ne-~t "" tn o f l
a m t " M "urk """ r" " / 1-1t wee .sa, y atte o I1 O
cn. nee e t ,~ tSno ty) / " ~-
'~Vastlington 1~ ? wnere ali'S }VOOUS
;and had a fine vtmt with hnn. Mr.| " " ~ . .; .
~ na Johnson sMd he kn.w hi, "~t once[has been accepted for a ctvn se,'v,ce
" -': - . ] :. . ~posil on in the Veterans Adminis-
j aLEnougnnena(1notseen. nlrn[OF /'
BING AND HEATING . : . .t ,".ion h,mding Mrs Woods took
a 38 years They hat~ ,linevisit anal
'Mr~ Johnson was a dronergueston|,he civil s(]'vioe examinations in
Mount Vernon "-e" f tit f,rn nc r Mi,~i nIthe spring ot 1 )38 and received her
,n lr " : & . ,"0 ] ~ .
} ippomtment just last, I' tlday"
$ I thc following Sunday. / '
IMrs. l~oscoe Blinks "lnd son Ed-
,vie. und Mrs. I~links mother, Mrs.
Marshall Oxlcy sr of Marion visit-
ed in the home of Miss Alice (~hall,-
berlin on Sunday afternoon, Mrs.
lllinks and son have moved from
their farm to the home of Mrs. Ox-
Icy where they will r~side until next
~pring when Mrs. Blinks plans to
hlli]d a honle, in Marion.
Mrs. Joseph Gray, 'Mrs. F. M.
McGaw and Mrs. II.oy Young at-
tendcd ,~ city 'wide missionary
,netting hehl in St. Paul's Method-
is, vhureh, in (~edar I{api(ls, last
MR. I COLN" ~ ,~,o,oo. ,~ ~,~
A~uirre, of Sanliag'o, Chile. who
was a wcck end guest at Pfeiffer
hall on the Cornell campus, wan
the afternoon spe~tker at the nleet-
Mr. and Mrs. lion Ink of Peoria
Ill were guests the first of the
veek in the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Ink and Clayton Ink, Don
is transferring from the Caterpil-
lar Traetor Co. at Peoria, where
he has heen tn the engineering de-
partment for live years, to the B]aw
Knox (7ompany in Pittsburgh, Pa
where he will be in the designing
division of the engineering depart-
One Enlargement
FREE with
Each Roll
Between the GuK and the
Great Lakes stands one nation
instead of two---thanks to
Abraham Lincoln. Let us keep
the house undivided.
We have the richest resources of any
nation--and the strongest banking sys-
tem. In the great process of turning
qold into the steel of national security,
banks will play an important part.
Speaking for ourselves, we shall work
in every possible way in the months
ahead to help you and your friends and
this community to go forward.
Fire and Windstorm
Health and Accident
Office in Bauman Bldg.
0ft. Dial 3412, Res. 4262
Mount Vernon, Iowa
~ev. JOSeph ~. Gray, Jr l'm~or
P Club at the Meth-
odist Church. o
9:45 Church School.
10:45 Common worship. Sermon,
"Love Is Very Patient."
7:00 Evening service at the Manse.
Talk by Miss Hazel Midkiff.
2:30 Missionary society meeting
I at the home of Mrs. Irl Hoodmaker.
Thursd&y--- i
Guild supper and meeting at the~
'Manse led by Richard Fuller, who:
will speak about music and have!
I recordings to play.
6:00 Choir supper served hy the
Industrial Society.
7:00 Choir rehearsal.
"Spirit" will be the subject of the
Lesson-Sermon In all Churches of
Christ, Scientist, on Sunday, Feb-
ruary 9.
The Golden Text Is from Oala-
tians 5:25, "If we live in the Spirit,
let us also walk in the Spirit."
The Lesson-Sermon comprises
quotations from the Bible and from
the Christian Science textbook,
"Science and Health with Key to
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker
One of the Bible cltatlons reads:
"God is a Spirit: and they that wor.
shlp hlm must worship hlm in spirit
and in truth" (John 4:24).
Among the selections from the
Christian Science textbook is the
"The belief that Spirit ts finite
as well as infinite has darkened all
history. In Christian Science, Sptrlt,
as a proper noun, is the name of
the Supreme Being. It means quan.
tlty and quality, and applies excl~
sively to God" (p. 93).
311 First Avenue North
i~s Luke's hospital in Cedar Rap-
~Irs. Floyd Kitchen spent the dayI
Monday with her mother, Mrs. J. E. !
Kinrade, and sister Lucille, in Mt.
Frank Anderson, sr received in-
juries to his back when he fell from
a load of baled hay on Saturday.
Mrs. Henry Roselle is ill at her
home near Lincoln Heights.
Mrs. Emmett Albaugh s p e n t
Thursday afternoon with Miss Tillie
Kramer and Mrs. Frank Letner.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Stick and
daughter have moved to Alburnett.
Mr. and Mrs. George King on
Saturday afternoon visited in the
homes of Byron Wetzel at Spring-
ville, the Nathan and Roland Port
homes at Martelle.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kramer of
Marion were Saturday callers in the
home of their cousins, Miss Tlllie,
George and Robert Kramer.
Robert Kramer visited his uncle, i
Z. T. Kramer in Marion on Tues-
Augus~ Pospisil has been chosen
to fill out the term of school di-]
rector made vacant by the removal!
of Mrs. G. R. Jorgenson to Mount
Perry Knapp, a pneumonia pati-
ent at St. Luke's hospital shows
improvement and he now is able to
sit up a part of the time.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Freeman and
Mrs. Emma Donnell, all of Morn-
ing Sun called Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Nebiker.
Miss Irene McGowan spent Fri-
day afternoon with her sister, Mrs.
Osmond Berry.
Mrs. John Wain
The Christian Ladies Aid Society
was entertained Thursday afternoon
by Mrs. Blanche Holcomb and Mrs.
Mrs. Evelyn Brown, Mrs. Jennie lwere recent callers at the Walter
McConaughy, Mr. and Mrs. ArgusI Decious home.
McConaughy and Bobby helped Mr. I Mrs. Jennie McConaughy speht
and Mrs. Arthur Siver celebrate I last Wednesday in the Eugene Arm-
their 10th wedding anniversary.I strong home.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Decious and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Thomas of
Melvin snent last Sunday in thelames were recent visitors in the
Ernest Decious home at l~arion 'Allen Mitchell home and on Sun-
Mrs. Blanche Holcomb spent Sun- d~e~he~haollaSpe~tothee deaaYr'nAtn~he
day with her mother, Mrs. Callie mesa
N~man ~-- Mrs. Gerald Darsee and Mrs. A1-
iv*r ana lvlrs. Jonn l~amD el ~tocK " 1
F "l ma Curttnght called m the Ear
al,1LI spem me week enu m J
the Lowell ~ro~-I h"~'e Farley home at Lisbon Monday
afternoon to see Carl, who is very
Mrs. Anna Richard and Eldon sick with pneumonia.
We build them in our shop and
deliver them to you ready to use.
Many sizes, styles and prices to
fit your needs.
Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Pa~tor
The Sunday school meets at 9:45 Sunday school class No. 7 of the
every Sunday morning. W. B. Gray Methodist church had a party at
is the superintendent. !the .church. Wednesday evening.
The morning worship service is Mms Gaff Poet called at the Low-
at 10:45. ':Abraham Lincoln, God's ell Kohl home Sunday.
Aristocrat,' is the subject of the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Peet, Mrs.
sermon by the pastor It is well Evelyn Brown called in Anamosa
that we take time to appreciate, Tuesday.
as a nation, a man who dared to Mrs. Raymon Stearns was a
think God's thoughts after Him. Thursday guest of Mrs. Allen Mount Vernon,
The High School Epworth League Mitchell
meets this coming Sunday evening Iven Reed family spent Sunday ~ I 1 I
at the Mark Hutchinson home. in the Cuyler Reed home. I 1
Shirley Minnick is the devotional Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bobst were I Ill I'l II Ill
leader and Peggy Magee will bring dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Louie~I
the lesson. BObst on Sunday ; ~ ~ ~I ~ k I
uo aura r owaaeu o ~r ,el ~~! ~I
Elzoe Plummet home Monday : ~ ~ i" ~ f :
should be a large attendance after l ternoon, t
the new semester has commenced Willis Brown of Springville was
The M. P. Y. club meets in the[a caller in town on Saturday ! l
ar te ee rr i i !~i i~!i
v m Youn eo le be I vlmtmg her sister Mrs Ferne
Friday e en" g. g P P "l ' " I
rend high school ages and not in Jayne. I
the college groups of the commun- Mrs. Evelyn Myers and PatsyI
it are invited to this fellowship spent Saturday night and Sunday in
g~roup every Friday evening. Cedar Rapids. Sharon Kay Myers i
The Midweek Praise Service in lspent the week end in the F S I
the church next Wednesday eve- Myers home. i
ning at 7:30 o'clock. Dr. E. T. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Felshalb of
Gough, once pastor of this church near Anamosa were callers in town i
and now District Superintendent, Monday.
will bring the message. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Poet spent ~]~ i ~ i i
------ Monday in the A. J. Baird home in
Bertram Mount Vernon. /
1 Mrs. Arnold Corn and Mrs. Har-,
old Corn caIled at the Virgil Miller {
~t~o~ ~-'-~LD t'~R theme in Olin Monday morning. ,
~.Y '~,;;~,u '~,*'~.r.~ .~ ,~'."~.~, / Mr and Mrs. Glenn Crew and[
Mre Ann~ T-lnl~inaer .~nvdm- RRIdane~ VlSl~eG rem~ives a~ l~ell
~mme ~unaay
mother of Mrs. Charles G. Bach-I ' ~ She U r 1 1
m~n dio~ at a Cedar Ranids hos Connie and Vivian Bobst and ~~] "~-~ [I q
""7":' -~"? "~'uneral Evelyn Von Sprecken are ill with] Over 9edgers and stuff ;~'I~
pital a~ a:zu a.m. ~unuay. x I All tinseled and lacy
1 eri~carle~ fever
servmes were he d Tuesday aft - " I With Valentine,{luff I- lJ I ,
noon at the Dunkard Church, north .~ vlr. and Mrs. J. C. Blayney spentI !
~un(lay In /~lamosa
of Cedar Rapids with burial in the . t
t~ry elor~ by. Mrs. Snyder Mrs. ~rgus ~v~c~onaugny and fMrS'er i For every 9id knows ~1~ i I
was well known in this community Ferne. Jayne spent .Thursday a t - f The 9iff with a fhrill I i
ime noon m
as she had spent half of her t t IS ~ bOX 0{ sheer hose. i
during the last seven years in her
daughter's home. She is survived o.un~.u v~ a
by another daughter, Mrs. Charles m~ i~n'aln~ ~I*r2 ~ ~u Bassett Mr d ?n C OUroverflowingdiSplay with f Vale.tines is
I Bleedner in Cedar Rapids, one . ". " ' "
- n Ral-h Bachman and one ana Mrs. l~Ollin 1.mrsee and Mrs. I "~
granaso,p ,
[great grandson, David Bachman. Alm~eCat~tt~gah:e:Ple2teSunday In ~ selettions for your friends. Ifhe
i ------- e loves a joke send an arresting
MOVIES ARE SHOWN AT Mrs. Harvey Barber was honored ~/~7"~ to novelty card. If she's sentimen-
FRIDAY EVE PROGRAM at a birthday dinner on Sunday.
Moving pictures furnished enter-Those helping her celebrate were .~'?[|T[O~ tal.ndadelicatecardwitha
tainment during the program given,Mrs. Martha Barber, Mr. and Mrs.~'~~~~/- Z %0"ii I'l.~F~
Friday evening in the Methodist :Howard Dragoo, Mr. and Mrs.
church by members of the Broth- Glenn Stabenow. ~ -- larly proud of our exhibit of na-
erhood. The opening number, co~- Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Larson and
gregational singing with orchestral Betty and Joyce ~oraon ana Mr. ,tonally advertised Golden Bell
accompaniment was followed with and Mrs. Joe Hurt and Barbara
the invocation by Rev. J. B. Eye- were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Valentines.
stone. A group of selections was! Ernie Stahl on ~unaay.
played by the orchestra. Announce-Mrs. George Newman spent Tues- It V
meats and dismissal were by the day with Mrs. Esther Kohl.
pastor of the church, Rev. J. B. Howard Reiger of Lisbon was a eF lOI
Eyestone. caller in town Tuesday. a
Frank Gordon of Mount Vernon ty ~t
METHODIST NOTES spent several days in the Leonard
Services in the Methodist church Gordon home arl(; a~l~u~|
on Sunday begin with the church Mrs. Iven Reed called in the
school at 10 a.m and the worship Clifford Larson home Monday. Mrs.
period at 11 a.m with sermon by Larson is sick with flu. Mount Vernon, Iowa
the pastor, Rev. J. B. Eyestone. All Maxine and Doris Larson called
are most cordially welcome.
Gerald Scott was host to the
Men's Brotherhood at his home on
Tuesday evening. A business meet-
ing was held, in charge of the new-
ly elected president, Floyd Kitchen.
at the W. C. Larson home Sunday
Mrs. Marvin Johnston called at
the Allen Mitchell home Wednes-
A Hobby Exhibition will be a
feature of the program to be pre-
sented on next Friday evening in
the Methodist church by Division
No. 4. Mrs. C. C. Berry, chairman,
requests that each member come
prepared to speak on the hobby ex-
hibited. All are welcome to this
interesting program
Pupils of the Forest Lane school
'on Tuesday honored their teacher
Miss Ruth Mikulecky and a fel-
'low student, Delores Lnenicka, on
i their birthday anniversary with a
dinner at the noon hour. Mrs. John
Lnenicka presented the guests with
a large birthday cake.
Mrs. William Mikulecky enter-
tained at a family dinner Tuesday
evening in honor of the birth an-
niversaries of her husband and his
twin sister Ruth Mikulecky and
Mrs. Mikulecky's sister, Delores
Members of the Zenith Club en-
tertained their families at a party
Wednesday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Argene Allbee hon-
oring the birthdays of Mrs. Mervin
Zeller and Mrs. Clair Stoneking,
and also the wedding anniversary
of Mr. and Mrs. Allbee.
A group of friends of Mr. and
Mrs. William Mikulecky pleasantly
I surprised them on Saturday eve-
ning with a party. Present were
i Mr. and Mrs. Vade Beville of Ce-
:dar Rapids, Lewis Cerveny of Fair-
fax, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Butter-
field and Miss Ruth Mikulecky.
Mr. and Mrs. George King on
Saturday visited Mrs. John Cabalka
and Perry Knapp, both patients at
ri.te of Denmark
ig![:t Ililliam Iblla ear e
Little Theatre, Cornell College
8:15 p.m.
Admission 50 cents, Students and Children 25 cents.
Reservations Telephone 5662 or 3132
The play is the thing--make your reservations early