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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
February 7, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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February 7, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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err Moo Mt. Vernon, In., Hawkeye-Reeord , fume for the nostrils with strong The Chamber letter also said that SLOW MAIL SERVICE facility. As previously explained, aFire Chief Do. ~ner and The Lisbon Herald :vinegar, or seed of rue, or of feath- "The Saturday afternoon closing is STILL UNDER STUDY reply from the Regional Transpor- Thurs., Feb. 7, 1957 Page 2 ers of a partridge, or of old shoo " tTho~ 'soles; or to apply upon the browesi ; very inconvenient to three classes The complaint that it frequently tation Manager will be fm'nished Fractures Bone of patrons, Many farmers come to "takes from 1 to 3 days for mail to you covering those features. Sin- l a cataplasme of mithridate, and up-i be delivered from nearby cities of cerely yours, George J. Gross, as- from 8 to 15 miles distance," is still sistant to the regional director." joining counties .... $3.50 meant to be at the point of death. Thyme was considered a symbol New York Mayor Acts of activity and those flowing color- Like Reckless Politician i ful scarves we recall as being worn ~by the knights in their combats 'were embroidered by their lady The attitude of Mayor Robert loves with figures of bees hovering Wagner of New York City toward the arrival of King Saud of E'audil°ver sprays of ---__thyme' Arabia looks Eke the playing of Beauty aids: Sage did cleanse the reckless politics in a matter that tectA. The juice of an onion did could affect the welfare of lhe free cause hair to grow again on bald world. 'pates. The Pilgrims wore mugwcrt The Hawkeve-Record on the right arm the head of a bat." town on Saturday afternoon to do X-rays disclosed ~,[e:~ their shopping• They do not like it week that Fire Chief"~ ~ ....... " ,, , I (Just the last one would rouse me l .... ~a:u /he wIounT vernon nawKeye !from the dead') i that }}ae post off~ce wmdow is closed under investigation. It is hoped that! fractured a bone in ~ro , and The Lisbon Herald ~ "------ i and may cannot buy stamps or post some changes can be made soon to:NO ONE INJURED AS • • . }, ~ cards or mail packages or buy im,-rove this service but there is ! " • ' as well as tearing tw0md ........... i You probably have no use for this/ m - r v . ~ i CARS COLLIDE ON ICE . Sine 104 2na ~ve. l~ortn raount vernon, lows . . , , oney or.dens. Corne!i studentsare ,nothmg to report now. The letter! prepazmg to get on , Official Newspaper Mount ~rernon and one, out it's well to have the remedy I on - "Linn County on file just in ease: r ousy during me week and on mat- says regarding this phase of the i A ear driven by Buddy Brown of to go to the Richard If • The Mount Vernon Remarker i "If the head eomplaine itself of! urday mornings attending classes, complaint: [Mt. Vernon slid on the icy pavement Sunday noon Jan. ~el N, .... • ,o~,~ • "'" " " zl ! too much drmke there may be ! They come down• Saturday .after- , "There a-*'earsv~ to be need for s"iv- ~ at. the west ed,,eo of.Lisbon Saturday, -i -¢-r~ys"~, were so claude wee rounaea zn ~oyJ uy m~nara LO er .... ' " . noon. ,~ number of local remdents~;n~ nff~nfit~n ~f~ ÷h,qeo f~f,,~,~e ~h~t~nlght and crashed rata the left side'the hemorrhaging thai'of. I mane a zronttet with wild time, I • , .-~, ................................. i ~ ~ The Lisbon Herald maiden haire and roses." I who are employed m Cedar RaP-!rela,~ ~o oervio- ~o ~ ..... n~..~,, !of one dmven by Judy Busenbark. was not discovered I~dy Founded in 1894 by IF. F. Staid -- idslxdmiteng ;ie.~eekt:mdt)et very [Mt. ~Je~:non, aiso to t~e'~°outing o~f There was extensive damage to theldays later. The ank~n , As soon as the small fry start to , t em a t na to 1 mail from Cedar Ra..ids Chi,;nao ' ~eft hand door of the Busenbark car ] in a cast when the sw~L co James W. ,M¢(_,u!¢,heon school, and measles, chicken pox{ [any business at the post office on ...... G.. '. -~" '--d none to Brown's ..... l Saturday afternoon " ,and nanaleo mrougn ~llnton, iowa,,'" ' l U~eu' 1 Editor and t'uottsner and just plain colds rear their ugly Published at Mount Vernon and Lisbon, heads, you might be interested to The reply to the complaint about'~ 1 in Linn County. I.wa every Thursday. know that it has been thcu.htva ~ :Saturday afternoon closing follows: i 1 ntered as second class ma 1 matter at the " ' -- " ' "The discussion to close the ser- ~. , . . . 1 ] " " ' " " " d row oz onions nung above the door/ post office of Mount v ....... own, an ivice windows at 5:30 p.m. Monday! (Some In and tare our Lisbon, Iowa. absorbed all contagious diseasest Subscri tion Rote from those who came in. 1 ARROW POINTS TO PIPE which was disconnected under o i through Friday and at 12 noon on I r P . ------ j lavatory at Harlan House on the Cornell campus, thus causing ISaturday was made after a general --I I survey by the Post Office Inspection '~ ~ ONEi#a YE,dRcounnes. in Linn ...... and adjoin- $3.00 onThece strewnfmendlY'overlaCygraves,parsleYhenceWaS I ~.., ,o,..,...~.~ .... ; A,~,,~ I-,lo,. ----,,,.~.--A ..... .,,..xt-o v,v,-";"° h...~. ,.~.~ ..,.,., ,1~oo" disconnected from the '~ Service." Attenhon" and observationsI' ' a~ ONE YE/tR, outside Linn and ad- "To be in need of pars.lay" compression httmg lust ahead of the arrow and water was pour- were also made by the District Op- I ing from the fitting when discovered. The flow could have been erations Manager in this regard. A ] I1¢ stopped by turning the shut off valve just ahead of the discon- count of the window transactionsI nection. Damage is estimated at from $I,500 to $2,000. after 5:30 p.m. Monday through Fri-$ day and after noon on Saturday was i Discovery of the running water .________ ~~ made. The volume of business trans- I was made by Cecil Thomas, supt. ,~ • of buildings at Cornell, on Tuesday p~stF41 n~l~, i acted during these hours after con-I evening Jan. 29. He went to the V ~ I~|~ siderable thought did not warrant l house after Julian Johnston had I • - keeping the windows open• The i phoned him that there was frost on i~llPlll~l~ l~t~ postmaster also was of the opinion i the windows when he delivered oil ~ ~ 1 1,o ---~,,~ from his observation and experience I that the window service should be 'i and he thought the oil burner should be checked. Service HerewindowChanged aShoursnOW inbecameeffect. TheSeeffectiveneWl! Although President Eisenhower leaves in their shoes to prevent fa- felt the visit of King Saud of such tigue. And do hurry after the rose- importance that he gave him a big- mary, because all you have to do ger welcome than even accorded is "blake thee a box of the wood Winston Churchill, Mayor Wagner and sinai1 to it avd it shall preserve refused to waive even minor traf- thy youth." The house was being made ready for occupancy by Dean Howard Congressman H. O. Talle has for- Sept. 8, 1956. Troyer who arrivcd in Mt. Vernon I warded to Mr. Vernon a copy of a "The attention given this sub- ::~::: on Tuas~ay. i letter from the Post Office Depart- jeet has failed to disclose snf- ; Wher~ Mr. Thomas reached the ment, St. Louis regional office, part- ficient reasons why any changes hou~: there was still some heat so ly answering the letter sent by the be made at Mt. Vernon as con- the oil burner had not been off Chamber of Commerce complaining cerns the operation of the post vet.; long He found water running!°f the orders which have gradually office itself." i:~:i:~:~:~: fic rules. Apparently he was trying darn the ba~k and front stairways i reduced the post office service here• to curry favor ,,:ithterra n .New . Despite all ~his old ~ons.ense, x~a- s'a" ~'-" "- * ....... ' "The many subjects referred to in !~I .• . r ~ C i tillN UO ilgU/~c, ~ " I Yo-k orou ~ ner~ are the seasonings of the . 'the le ,. p / tter from the Chamber of eo the s¢.onin s one can Inv s gaton revealed that a ..........1 r a.d hr_-est P! P g• • ....... pper p pc mdcr a lavatory °mmercec°nst ' e ' "°e°re-! I " • ..... -• "a wavs nave no matter voat the ' " ........ s o ibili " ' " oil reserve, m the ~orqt which ..... ~ i~ ,h~ ,,, ¢ , , .p ns ty betx~een the D~wsmn of . s ' ~ ' " ~ m• o " " r ~ ._ p ta.~s bad~oom had been • . - ~,VO I1 C nOlglOn Ol cemmerce cr ...... Po " , " " are v,tally m, portant to mooern ; ................ disc'onm, cted Water from it \va~ st Office Operahons and the D1- ~lk| lineal cwfltzatmn, ths supoo,-t as ~ !p:mrmg Co~,,n a hot air register in ~lon of Postal T~anspmtatton 1 I~ltt--~ • -'%(@ The feeii .gs of the Arab natons you:self a liH]e herb ga cicn, tryI Aater rurming over the furnace ice about which cam" lanto were 1 1 in these perilous times are very am-' out a taw new tricks, do all sparing-. I had. shorted out the ran.or on the matte' pi .,1 1 portent These pcople want to be ly a~d subtly w/th~ut bal 5[ no md~oil burrer so ~t had gone off : (Jne ~ "h '-i . , 1 • I . . ' ' ' ; " ~ " ~ Ol I ,e tn ngs on wnlcn conl- treated as equa ,; and rest?cared. . as rzch wtii be .your reward, il It, addition to the disconnected,pmmt ......... was mafia was tnat mere is 1 New Model_ _ • @ persons more than anything', else, me- ~ ~ .. -- . . . I pipe both faucets in the bathtub ~ b"* ~n~ ~- ~" ........ "" • • cording to a Christian student from /hey say tne six sweetes~ pnvases were running wide open as well as Nia~ilUtik;n~'o ut.~e~/stU;f~;Y ~a~it" 1 • ~Tr Lebanon who spoke to the Rotary in lhe English language according to a faucet in the kitchen This water ...... . p ..... a tar 1 1 ucksf ever b r mthew r d sm st m ete r k e-V2- pi kupst 9 b.m de s club here last week a survey are: "I lovc you," "Keep [ ran dow~ th~ ~r"in "-~ -':~ .' u a.m. is not delivered unto me IOl- 1 ll|~,41~llt~l~ l • *~.,~ -.~, .... " ,,a~ i~ ¢ .... ;v'-. ,,I . .e u a. a~tu um nail lowing day which means it takes I -- "" I Thus a dehberate discourtesy to ' , y age ~niy water ~tom , • • • "Sloe"- ~i~ .... " "~ero'~ thnt five "[ .... . . . . i more than 24 hours for mall to be tl t~l At el I~"a'~ • a very prominent foreign vmttor .~ ~ ......... ' -"., ....... I me msconnec~eo pipe caused any~ delivered a f ........ 1 ~L~~ 1 Yea know INTERNATIONAL'S reputation Ior usable power. • • ann "'L)inncr is served " ~ " ~-- ~ " eW mOCKS tram me 1 • • 4"~¢1 • IJ II 1 might greatly damage the posslbll- • I~ama e '1o ....... m 1 ' ' " " 11' • ' ___ ~ • cm po~t otnce 1 1 Now here s your chance to see what s back of this reputah0 Tk ity of his friendship to the United ~,a, a ~,~ ~a ~-~---~-~ ta~ ~ = ~= •~ J With the temperature dropping[ "The discontinuance of the second 1 and 1 States which right now desires it ~ ~ I D J~ ~, I~ W I"1 P I~1 rapidly because of the sub-zero delivery of mail daily in 1950 was 1 • to test,thispoweryoursel[! sy very much. i TEN YEARS AGO weather outside, Mr. Thomas, with nationwide," the letter says. "The:l rtDIPD • ~ You re invited to take one of our INTERNATIONAL Trucks ~ at This apparently meant nothing to Jan 30 1947 it.he assistance of Alvin Butler and[ results of this experiment have been • ~al,=a • the reckless New York mayor who B~ zzard hits•area blocks roads Dan ~avies of the Cornell staff,! very favorable and the restoration 1 1 ~ give it the works. Try it under the most rugged conditions Y° thought he could get some publicity The-14-inch snowfall' is the heaviest/changed the oil burner as rapidlyI of the rural carrier delivery to res-1 1 1 1 ~ 1 I can think of. Put it through tests that would make your pre~ and possibly a little political sup- in five ~-ears Is the first snow storm Ins poss~ble so heat could be rester- I idential areas is not considered ad- • ~1~~ m ~ • port by snubbing the king. lever toal~eeo'Frank Young from go-led to the house, visable by the Post Office Depart-1 ~[~'T~l]l] J~'n 1 1 ~J • truck strain and shudder. Thisway, youcansee foryourselflaa _ ling to his -work in Cedar Rapi-ds.i Ice was chipped off the slairs andlment." il ?N_I~ 111 1 • ql M1 • INrma~ATlON~L handles the tough jobs. ~,hI~. kl .~vv.~ ...... ~. ~'autions OnI Ka-" Canfield and the Charles Nuttst plaster °n the dining r°°m ceiling! The Chamber °f C°mmerce letter 1 ~ I • . IqFV E IF e~P,v ll i ~l~Ulllo~thlei - t -- !spend the night in an Iowa City ha ' was removed where it had been!asked to have marl thrown to the:l • Hlah Pressure Economics tel lobby waiting for Mr CanfieldIs°eked. The men worked until l lpost offtce boxes on Sunday morn- 1 ..... • ,~ ~ and your ola macnlne l who is stalled by drifts and has tola.m. to protect the house as much ting. The letter in reply says that'1 • Dr. Edwin G. Nourse. ~ormer [stay at farm house Mrs H D Win [as possible. I last receipt of mail received Satur- ~l 1 chairman of the Council of Eco- [sor.~ in Wisconsin' aban¢lons car at The affair was reported to the [ da~ is at 5 p.m. and it is thrown that.• 1 nomic Advisors to President Tru- ~po,~£,e ~,oar,~ b,',~ to M~diso- ~i,, sheriff's office and Deputy Larry i day, but that since the U.P. trans- !l ~ 1 • 1 man cautmned recently aga nst ' . fo"* drip° s~'-n i÷ and ,mss~n,,~ro Condon investigated on Wednesday I ferred to the Milwaukee tracks 1 ~l~lll~l~-de 1 high pressure economics and e - s,~end night in the bus Gas su-.q., Authorities believe that the dam-I there are no trains to bring any 1 ~]~l~ll~ ~ • plained that by this phase he meant i,-~:n .... ,~,~ +h ..... n,~ ,o,,, ~e,v'o~ age was caused by vandalism. I mail to be distributed on Sunday 1 1 putung employment ann PUS ass nearb,, s c h o o 1 h o u s e Geraldine As a door into the house from the i hence nothmg to be thrown except I 1 expansion goals so high that they ~ • • • • ' 1Hu"h~o ~n"~ ~r ~-,~ ~-o a/~ .q rear attached garage is behaved not perhaps local• Busmessmen liked:~ invite inflatmn and Federal con ~ ........................ ~ . . " I Hu'*hes held u" at Vinton for 24 to have been locked entry could, to have their marl on Sunday• trols His remarks were made at~ s v • 'ho"r~ ~"" s*o ........ ~ ...~^^~ ..... have been made to the house. ............. s ................... " th"r~ Finql-. taxi "-- o ~ _..~ ..~, The three runnmg faucets may l nomm Assn at Cleveland, 0 " "' [h°meSundayaftern°°n after lear- have been °pened after the pipe was E)H IMPLEAENT CO He urged'self discipline" oy both',in~ Minnearmiis followi'n~ the Fri- disconnected in an effort to lessen ~ ~ • S , o ~-- o labor and capital. He sugge tedldav eve weddin~ of Jessie Huuheslthe water pressure so less water ~ .~IL-L~ I translating productive. . .gainSr main-re 1 I nnd ................................... C..r,.io r~w~ti~ ~ I would run out of the pipe. How- ~ . lr)W~'~.~a~--~ ~ ]/~.._ ~ • lyinto lower prices to mc ease a [ L~ter Carawa- named count- I ever this is only a remote pos- I OIL& v/ ~ I --v" IO~F" /¢~ ~.~. _ L purchasing power• [roa~oreman ~. B Brvan~ hea~t~[sibility' It didn't make any differ- ~'~ I .~,,.~..~'_" "" (-/0",,~ • Dial 3521 Mount Verno Dr. Nourse spent Nov. 26 and 271iowa Veterinary MedicaI Assn...I enee in the flow as there was am- ~ ~-~\ I ""o//Vg-J'~ ~... • on the Cornell campus, spoke to'~Lisbon firemen rcceive $25 check pie wa~er pressure mere• ~ L.... ~1 I ~,.-- ---* ~lVl~fl • ere I It will be necessar ~or conmder the economics classes and deliv difrom G. L. Albright to start fund~ " . Y ' " - J ?(.,,,,~ , ~"~ ~ {"~'~g'a~;~ ,~aCg'~#~.~ • ~ ln Arm lable plasterlng and a great deal of [~JBE B0r! 101[[ PIrltt a Phi Beta Kappa lecture " -Ifor fire truck... Peggy Herring,d . ..... ~ ~] ~ I ,~-- _ --~'~$'~C-'2£~ • ~ • stron Hall P ~ia b em lo ed as ecora~mn to t>e ~one an(/ some new g • leaves for co" to e P Y " ; ........ [ • "~ ~ / I I~" 7"~,~,~ ~,~ .. --" • ..... • - ~,~ ," ~eolth nuts,, Bob Hor~ :iloormg prooaoty taro. damage re- ! ~~ /N 1 I " "~g. .,O~L~.-~*I~ 1 SEC. WILSON STANDS ~ .... rin* n~ nt a* W s*~sultmg from vandahsm was not _ ~ • ~,.'~--ff~ ] ~ ¢~.. _. ~-~l. • BEHIND HIS REMARKS iai t present supe te ae ~ e t ~ ~ t'-~-~,'~ I • . ... ~. .- 1 I ........ li-~ s "he nets to lead covered by the house insurance t~, %. • ~."-'~ "/ # ",t ~.TA~'.~ ~.. _ 1 Our respect to Sac of Defense' ~loerty) o star ~ ....... 4" ~ fe " of Coe in When Mr Thomas entered the ~).~_"--~ ~ ] ~ _._ -- "" ~'~ ~--)~Ab~ • Charles Wilson for not claiming he ~%ne~le'°oae;~;~n%(ae a~ house in the evening there was a ~'~ \ ~T /. I fO ~",~ ~,--._-"'"~" • was "misquoted" in the .press fol-[ ....... quarter of an inch of frost on the ~ I ~ ~"-~ ~ " "~" (-~f/~.~ • ' g. ) TWENTY YEARS AGO d " g. Water wasfive )( ..- '" NEW CUSTOM MODEL I lawn the flare up over his remarks walls an cethn s about the National Guard, and for[ Feb. 4, 1937 inches or more deep in the furnace ~ ~ ~ ~ " ,-r~ ~g.~,~_~,~ ~**.~ I Mrs wilson for agreemg w th • ' . " ' ~. " I Father George Stemm, then head room• While the men took out the "~r~~ ~r~-----..~l~ ~1,-~.~ ._. - " °¢O- • identWhen questl°ned bY newsmen" t~res-[°fIke appalcntly does not want the dramatic dept. of Columbia damaged oil burner and rap/raced it J J. ,t.y'~ ~ IG/ 7",g¢'s~" ~,-~.__ I J • )0er!! • "'. : , i college, Dubuque, directs world pre- with another unit they were stand- ~ [ Ill t-N,.X~.~ ~_~--=L_" "c07" |~ himself surrounded oy "yes" menlmiere of "The Mountain" a play by ing in water on the floor while ""4"-~1' J I~k" .~~-~ - J~::::=:~__ like some former presidents. JMarcus Bach, former pastor of'the water was dripping through lhe ~ I I Il~,l ~ I?T-~ I~~= ----------------- I Reformed church at Lone Tree. Mr. basement ceiling like they were J~ t:::::~l I I / } I I~ J~ ~|~ J~,'~tb;~ JBach's previous play "Within These working in a rain• The basement ~.~ ~1~__~ ~-~_ ] ~ J JJl~ • VlI~ I II • • ~, ,i•~,~, • * • • ~ Walls " also premiered at Dubuque water was released in time through -- Florence Hoidahl is running at the Blaekstone in Chi"~ a floor drain• --h what wishful thinkin-can do[cag°'" " 70 employees of Iowa Light The house was O.K. when last ~|! ' "' ~rm _ /and Power Co. enjoy 64 tastily pre- checked on Saturday mornmg." AIKIV'IPUlIKla~_ I~fil~ to one--I'm sure mere was a sP. rowgl v,,c~ ........., ~,bi*---lus half bushel-'ams,~ v a ~ .11//nll'q~ rv. ~14~ ~kaerJihgtte~hea~:~gesth~ut:Pi: thS'~nd Oothe'diPaal::e plea~e~aat::pn:i~! BUILDING OR 1 sunny south wmdow of the bedrocm .. s ........ • iviarvin iviaiiie 'micld~e-aisling REMODELING • Monday morni~lg, and I could swear " TA~ I detected an extra lilt in .the one THIRTY-'Y~RS AGO ...... note the cardinal called before he Feb 3 1927 ONE TERMS AS I,O spread his scarlet feathers out to Elmer Moots awarded Doctor of Dial 2821 Mr. Vernon, Iowak,* catch a bit of softer breeze moving Philosophy degrce- a~ State Univer- .... sity . "Dr. F. F. Ebersole buys A1- ~ through thc bmten apple tree boughs, bright homestead. The well-pre- 4 L - "- ardener I served brick structure was built by L.~le~ !r ......... ~ow's ,ne, e tor a ff ," ' ~ N A WEE~ " - - in himself with the ~H. D. Albright the year Cornell ..~,~=,, ~o De t}usy g " " b lwas founded. Lumber hauled from seed c~talogs, uarriea away y ....... Br' after small dow~ -" -nthus~ he's a-t to -o j~Juouque or ootameo irom lney's .......... ~::~ nts e - "_7 ~ P~ ~. ~mili Originally reported as sold to "- way overooaru ana oraer out ~, " ... - .. ... - m n more seeds than his back ~iossom l~rK, it wui now become Toi,• I, have can take'" "Y" " Dr. Ebersole's home and office • . • ' ~ B ~~"~ ;~*~) ~l ~ ~~ i i",'~ • Students in Mt. Vernon contributmg )I JJ~" "'~ ' !iiii~! • ~'f ' , i::~@ Herbs are in~n again There dimes to purchase cornerstone for ~ }i~!:~:~::~ was a period when every garclen had new high sc.hooI.bu)lding -.; .. Fi,:e For best # its herb corner, close to the house destroys "fire9 ~nn, ~eaut) 1~ ~r ~.r - .. ii~i~!::i~ hou w o o, .... snip off a few tender tips to and Ben van at J ower r'aL F .tO give a genuinely warm ',i}i!iiii dry clothe her cooking Now again nurseries .... ~ *" I. . ' ' . .' .- - FORTI(-I~IVIE YEARS AGO .~--~---~ -~~~dditio:toa automatic,' are carrymg more STOCK OI nerds .... . catatogs devote a sectionmen to them in 1912 w~a~'~0or~e~l~beat Coeit ~ ' ;" "" ~,II" attention to details ::}':ii i}iil}!ii I " tric way, • for and women ' : ll; eti'c.,o ,s iiiiiiiiiii, and magazmes "' ..... reci es for was recordedasa victory over 'the p,:~!~/~I~ IUIII~. ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: m'e prmtmg retestea P ............ Fee|aa 9eppy u L IHL'~ llt]lIi~ J .......... ~f-rded t~res°y%ermns" "w'~" verKms Iarm isnes with the aodeo zes o ..... " c. ..... ..... ..Jhi a iiiil)iii ...... '- '-- AS salts to Dan ~ravis at $175 per acre Sanitary offer'~ you oy a disciplines use oi nerv~. ..... at whtch "stimulates belief that Iowa .... plet~ |ine of iiiiiiiiii!i Horace said "Man ever seeks m ........ the ~.~t Cr,d¢ A e i ~.,] ~ iii::iil ' .. , iana 1s something worth poSsesmng." Daily Products for I '~' " -~ ' ~;~ which he lately mrew awayF' ~ Y ygood ...... ~~ ^,..,, !ii!it :''! " driedATTEND SWINE DAY ch , Sanitary . . . Of course you can buy ........ re Four Lmn cour~ty hog producers it's laboratory con- nerds in packages ou& mere a . trolled for your pro* n-.~ of *he "reen -,-owin~ plan to attend the Swme Producers' t~uon. , ,,'r0n'n" " ma ~ ~ ~ ~ • ~, herbs ~l~t one misses without day at Iowa State college, Ames, on --~.. ~ • .- h-- little lot of fresh min~ Monday, Feb. 11. They are Arthur • Is p ' Gray Center Point; Kenneth Conley • ' thyme, s~ge, marjoram, rose- mary and basil. These six basic and Howard Quass, Marion and Wil- ones may even be grown by the bur Peters, Central City. Funeral Homes . . . Ambulance Service With the Westinghouse Electrie Clothes Easiest to load and Dryer your clothes come out soft and fluffy, slanting front and handy loading doo~ apaxtme~at dweller in his win- Fnm Mt. Vernon, Phone 5012 Lisbon, Phone 2501 xnany so wrinlde-free they are ready for im- stooping, bending, heavy lifting• dow box. mediate use or storing and the little ironing Westinghouse Dryer is convenient to Most herbs can be grown from you have left to do will be so much easier Dries Clothes as You Want seed. They should not be crowded, SAME PLACE TV Service for Particular People ~co~o item~ can be damp-dried--un/- DiM for drying tim. deairod---for but they need little cultivation and ~~~ [ormly---in fhe Westinghotum Dryerl completely dry for immediate a small patch will adequately serve a family and the neighbors who are without garden space. Insects sel- SAME TIME ,,i, Anltlth|nlI--Heat.or ,huf~ off auto- age, or damp-d~y for izoning. dam bother them; most of them are rustically five mlnut~ before drying cycle DTles Fa|teT, ~as hardy. And .the fragrance itself is ITOCK ~I'UN]~ ends. This featttre combined with shot~ direct ai~ flow syld~ml for~ wltrm timo settings permita safe drying of the ~Ar directly #hrou~h the tumbling rewarding. SAME MANAGEMENT , •f 46tk een,ecu,l,e D~vld•nd. ' now mlrade fabries. Dri~ falt~ . . o Mv~ yOU I~mt¥. One of the most fascinating T~e I~ord of Directo~ of Investocs Stock • : aspects of herb interest is the Fund, Inc., ha, declared a quartedy " .......... "~ ...... ' " ..... " ...... ..... gre~t wealth of superstition and home-cures tied up with it, Fall-SAME GOOD FOOD ~aredlVidtmdpayableaf t•no~andFebruary~ne-halfT,cent,1957Perta ~/ l~ ~[ ~ ~e~d ~OUSf ing ha, ir, nightmares, toothache, *har~d~w~ of record a0 of January ' h ~ ~ ~ M~lNtllelvllle V~ ~1~ ~11 ~e**0P [~| fickleness--all could be handled 31, 1957. with the proper use of herbs. Jmeph M. Fitz,lmmem ]F~OM~ J IT, ~ Cha/rmon of f/m Board Have trouble routing out the o.rm a when the alarm rir~gs? Try this (if Clyde and Ruby Lutz KEN L WILLIAMS you dare): "To awake those which 309-310 Iowa Theatre Bldg. are given to sleep too soundly, it is Mt. Vernon EM 4-B343 Cedar Rapid: el~ II ~ e~ ~ good to make a frontlet of savorie, boyled in vinegar; or to make a per. H t