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February 7, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 7, 1957 |
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~'~doe Pavels were Thursday
guests of the C. R. Stephens
in Cedar Rapids.
}on Brannaman family were
dinner guests of Mrs. Gen-
Guests Friday-evening of Mrs.
Emma Shima and Mrs. Mary Lor-
ence were the Leo Shimas and. the
Joe Raims. Sunday evening guests
were the Mrs. James Hams and the
James Panzers.
i new portable cleaner
,s a beautiful job right in
,r own home, without
ss or inconvenience• All
dry in a few hours•
mileage charges to Me- 1
nicsville, Solon, Spring-
i or Martelle on sizable
/ . rs.
leCar lp Furniture Repa,r
College Blvd Mt Vernon, Iowa
B. Cambridges
Note Golden
SOLON~Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Cam-
bridge celebrated their 50±h wed-
ding anniversary at their home Sun-
day with an open house from 2 un-
til 5 p.m. A dinner was served in
the home of their daughter Mrs.
EIma Slaymaker. Present for it
were the Arthur Cambridge family,
Cedar Rapids; Charles and Linda,
Wes:t Branch; Mrs. Ted Becket and
family, Center Point; Grace Kess-
ler, Mrs. Roy Connelly, Marshall,
Mich.; and Robert.
Over 125 attended the open house.
Organ Recital At Cornell Feb. 14
............... ............... LINN ELE R,C CO.'' W:,o., ,...--a oye-Reeor,
, Wiring Service and Tile Lisbon Herald
........................................ Mount Vernon - 2400 Lisbon - 2718 i Thurs., Feb. 7, 1957 Page 9
FLOOR SANDiNG--old or new i FOR SALE: AppLes of finest qua]=- !
i floors. Call 650~ for an estimate, ity at Penn's Orchard, 219 10th Ave. FOR SALE: Scrap pieces of ply-
Lawrence Hunter• 16tf:s. 50 tfc:wood All sizes, shapes and forms.
RUG AND CARPET WEAVING: SEE OUR USED and rebuilt Reasonable. Randolph Studio.
Two automatic looms, no long waitS, washing machines. A large variety 15. 16, 17c
Bring rags in now for early de-i
livery. H. S. and Louise Smith, iat all times. BERANEK'S, dial 4821 - FOR SALEi Hampshil:e-n~:,~le h-{Tg~
Dial 2485, Lisbon. tf iMr' Vernon. 22tf j weight 300 lbs. Call Austin Arm"
: JOIN ROBERTS Studio's Baby : stro ~g, 5603 Mr. Vernon. 17c
WELDING i Club• $4.50 for 6 pictures, one each i --F-C)RSU.~I£Ei M~:::c--~'ight- ]~0~t:
We now have a Hell-Welder able
~o %~eld aluminum, stainless steel, i Y_?a_r'_St°p at studio for details• 13tf ] ern three room and bath hmne.
i etc. Bring in your plow lays so they TH R I F T EXCHANGE--R~ale '~ Good south side location. Can be
are ready for spring work. IRON-i clothing. Mrs. Marvin Harman, 616]purchased on contract. PRINGLE
CRAFTERS, Lisbon, phone 4121.16th Ave N., phone 3951 Mr. Vet- REALTY SERVICE, 6891. Mr. Vet-
8 tfc inon. 5 tfc i non. 17c
TV SERVICE bonded technicia-~. ! --NEW AND USED Automaticm~-d ; TOR SALE: Third crop bTaled--al-
radm and record players for sale; i Conventional Washers. BEST OIL I falfa hay. Put up without rain. Fred
also used radio record players, am- i CO., Lisbon. 36tfc i Baldwin, dial 2891, Mr. Vernon. 17p
Those from a distance included:
Mrs. Roy Connelly, Mrs. LaVerne
Connelly and Mrs. Robert Gold-
acher, Marshall, Mich.; the Arnold
I Fuhrers and Mabel Fuhrer, West
Burlington; the Kenneth Kaspers,
Delbert Kasper family, Ray Cam-
bridges, M a b e 1 Michel, William
Cambridges, C h a r 1 e s Furnishes, :
Ralph KralIs, Etta, Margaret and
Charles Metzger, John Lorences, i
George DePres, Iowa City; Arthur i
Cambridge family, Henry Cam-]
bridges Emanuel Rusheks Charles]
Shonkas, Perle Cambmdges, GeorgeI
Erenbergers, Cedar Rapids; Everett]
Kesslers and daughter, Walker; Tedi
Becket family, Center Point Charles i CAR TROUBLES are a thing of
TotaLS' and Linda, West Branch;: *,he past when you have Besler's
Lyle Payns, Cedar Rapids, andl I Claire Coci, known widely in this Auto Repai: check your car regu-
many other rel, atives and friends. ! W.S.C.S. MEETS THURSDAY I country and in Europe, will appear I 'arly. Dial 6201• 48tfc
The W S C S will meet Thursday on the Cornell College Lecture and l ,-,,~ ........ o___ :___,~ L_
]OLIN BARTOSH BUYS afternoon, Feb. 7, at the Me.thoalstl~ ~s~r~ou se ~e~. 1~[.~-1o p.m., ]plus higher heat, No. 3 Shell fuel
ill LII~ J.'~. 11 l~ J.¥J.~= l I l U J. at C12~ ~. l $. O.~:: J.
BEDNASHEK FARM cnurcn, lyrics2 z~ey.e, wm react m.ei ..... " , , loll FOA-hX treated--means trouble
Mrs. Anna Bednashek and Milo uevotmns, lvn-s, v~wan ~vmrrora ~sI ±wins t=om gave a pmno recital at lfree beatin~ at a really noticeable
have moved to Cedar Rapids and the program chairman. Lunch willl eight years of age and at 16 she be- I $$~ savin~'" Jud- Jo~-'-st--" r~n