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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
February 13, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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February 13, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Six OU/WI' VERNON, IO.VCA, HAWK.EY-H-RIE OP.X) AND THE LLSBON HERALD i hursday, NEWS IN COUNTY TOURNAMENT Springville won trophy No. 2, Center Point, trophy No. 1, and Toddville No. 3 in the finals of the Beth of Anamosa were Sunday eve- ning guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wilson, and Miss Minnie. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Bailey of Cedar Rapids were Sunday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bailey. Floyd McShane spent Thursday Linn county boys basketball tourna- night with Merle Van Sickle at ment Saturday A game between Arlington. Springville and Center Point will Mr and Mrs Wm Mowr of . . y be played here Feb. 28. J Anamosa spent Sunday afternoon The capacity crowd in the gym-Jwith Mr and Mrs. F M. Bailey. nasium Saturday night was esti- ~,o T ,~ w~,~ ~ r~,t~ c'i*v mated at 750. When this reporterI ~,~"~,'f ' ~,~="an'd"~uVes~a ~" with entered the school grounds at 7:301~r'~tau~e~'Mrs D V P~terson that night the cars lined up on all To~t, ~t,~" ,~ ~ " - " - "--" streets looked quite like Harvest ldav~wi~'l~'~r"a~2gg~rSpen~:bU:rt Home. Pearler. " " TAVERN CHA'N~-S HANDS i Will Pollock was a Sunday din- Mr and Mrs Grant Cantwell of t ner guest of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Wll- Blairstown have purchased the so~ l~-~err-" tavern recently operated by Mr. lroe'ran~n~an~erSMr.~aaYnd~l~?~ ~' and Mrs. George Cluett. Possession ~ ' ,-. " - " ," was givenweek following the t W2%e " issuance of a permit to Mr. Cant-ll . h lel i. ehJa Jr ra .': well. The Cluetts are remaining ~" "" "l~'ur~?" ~-~:nd:'-'- in town for some time to come. ~rove C~oU' c~t~m~UauY~h underwent Mrs. y g METHODIST NOTES ~a malor operation m St. Luke s Sunday school 10 a m I hospital last Tuesday morning and .': " .- Its reported gaining. Morning Worship 11 a.m. ~,ev e I Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ernst of Bene- U. U. t~oggl . Feb 23 Lo,alt,- Sunda" Sun [vue have moved into the Carmen 'da" school and con"re"ational "-ic"lB xwell house. Mr. Ernst operates -.~ - ~ ~ ~' "[the Standard Oil truck recently op- runner ann program . [crated by Paul Sweitzer, who is PRESBYTERIAN NOTES moving to Muscatine. Sunday school i0 a.m. Morning sermon II a.m Dr. Gee. Bryant, followed by a congrega- tional meeting concerning the Rev. Willming, candidate for the pas- torate who filled the pulpit last Sunday. M. O. B. CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS Mrs. Harry Freeman entertained the M. O. B. club Thursday evening. Election of officers was h~ld. M~s. Freeman was elected president, Mrs. Lee Wilson, vice president; Mabel McShane, secretary and treasurer. Retiring officers were: president, Mrs. H. H. Cooper; vice-president, Mabel McShane; secretary-treasurer was Mrs. Freeman. Ella Faust will entertain the club, Feb. 20. TYPING CLASS FORMS CLUB Fi Alpha club, consists of the Mr. and Mrs. Claude Latin of Cass were Wednesday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Bailey. I~eslie Hopkins, a N a t i o n a l Guardsman of Co. H 136 Medical Regiment, will spend two weeks in Cedar Rapids and then transfer to 31airborne, La. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Stanley of Whittier were Sunday dinner guests and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hand and Jacqueline of Cedar Rapids were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ford, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Erickson attended an opening in Cedar Rapids Friday evening. Mrs. Margaret Lacock, her totall- ing staff of Rebekah Lodge No. 99, and their husbands, enjoyed a pic- nic supper with Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Begley, Monday evening. members of the typing class in the Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Batchelder school, who held a party MondaY/motored to Iowa City Sunday after- night with members of the school tnoon to visit their son Max. faculty as guests. New membersI Mrs. Margaret Evans and son added to the list were Allen McAr- I Terry Wayne moved to Cedar Rap- thur, Duane Barnhart, Francis Leet ida Saturday where Mr. Evans is Knight, Pauline Wetzel, Patrieia employed Gatewood. and Arnold Port. A Mr. and Mrs. Fred Grawe were scavenger hunt and games followed Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Evel n ~-n---.- j Mrs. J. w. Brown. y Walto m a guest this I Mrs. W. J. Goodyear of Marion, week el her cousln ivlrs wm l.Jay, ' " " I Mrs. Elzoe Plummer of Martelle in Flint, Mich. r-~." I were Sunday evening callers of Mr. Mr.2 a nd Mrs = ~ecn wuson a na and Mrs. W. J. Brown. - - -- [ Mrs. Loren Brown spent Thurs- - - ~h,~-mn~ [i day with Mrs. Ivan Bowdish in Ce- v* dar Rapids. Removal Mr. and Mrs. George Emmons of Of Dead Stock CALL COLLECT Meehanicsville Tipton West Branch 580 41 Dam o, Farmers V ,Rer.derln Works 8~atC ~ No. 7 Clean -- Fast --- Service Robins were Saturday evening sup- per guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Loren Brown have purchased the Mrs. Alice Dixon Estate property and are planning to remodel it for their home. Leta and Mabel McShane are spending some time this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred MeShane near Marion. Mrs. I. S. Pearson, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Carbee were Sunday dinner guests of Misses Carrie and Bertha GOOE. Serve Colenial Wheat Bread Cracked Wheat Bread White Bread Half-and-Half Rye Bread & Rolls Ask Your Grocer iii I IIII II II II1[I III I Here's the answer to your cooking problems. New Monogram Combination Coal & Wood Range. Coal& wood for winter; Gas for summer. FARMERS: Come to our Power Farm- ing Show Thurs. Eve Feb. 20, 7:00 p.m. Six Acts of Real Vaudeville. Movies. Mount Vernon inc 1914 Hardware --- Implements --- Appliances Dial 4821 III II I IIII I II II III II II III ill i Kyle in Mount Vernon. Mr. and 21, Bertram Mrs. J. W. Carbee were also mem- Mrs. Bess Newland will be host- bers of the dinner party, ess to the Fancy Work Club Febru- Mrs. Frank Letner Mrs. Bess Newland visited rela- aryl4 in the home of Mrs. I. S. Pear- iMRS. FLORENC~OHL tires in Marion Tuesday. son. Ella Faust spent Wednesday in Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Johnston Mrs. Florence Kohl, 44, a resi- Anamosa with her sister, Mrs. H. and son Terry Wayne of Cedar Rap- dent of Bertram for two years died Whitham and Mr. Whitham. ida were Sunday dinner guests in at a Cedar Rapids hospital Wednes- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Anderson, the F. C. Roberts home. Mr. and day evening at 8 o'clock after a Mr. and Mrs. A1 Rinderknecht and Mrs. Marvin Johnston and Betty short illness. She is survived~,~by Sally of Cedar Rapids called on Kleineck of Mount Vernon were her husband, Adam K oh.l; Fu~ral Mrs. Marie Nielsen Sunday. afternoon callers, services were onei~h:ir~aiY ~rr Springville was well represented Mrs. O. J. Emmons entertained noon. a~ znei~ . . . p at the closing out sale of Mrs. Belle the Minor Music Club Saturday af- rtap~os, w~m ourml m me ~muon Napier near Jordans Grove, Men- ternoon. Officers elected were: cemetery. day Mrs Napier and son Claude president Caroline Cooper" secre- ,HOBBY SHOW"------PRESENTED will move to their Whittier home tary, Anita Calvert; reporter, Joanir BY DIVISION 4 ON, FRIDAY soon. Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Napier Patten; program committee, Vi - A "Hobby Show' nresented by and daughter, who have been pc- ginia Williams, Zelda Pearson and members of division No 4 was a cupying the Napier Whittier home Donna Mae Hampton ff,aturp nf t ~ nra~ra ~" ~n "n t tin of h . o m .~v L he will move to Cedar Rapids, where Mr. and Mrs. James Cur Methodist church on Friday eve- Carroll is employed. Marion visited Sunday in the R. ning under the direction of Mrs Captain and Mrs. Gordon Hughes, T. Schwab home. C'U,~n ~,~rrv 'Vhn~,~ ~akln~, nnr~ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Crew, Clara Em- Will Simpson attended the funeral ~"~"~h"~h'~hio~"~ ~"f"~'~ln~" mona and Mr. Woederhoff of Cedar of Harlan Miller at Stanwood on ~'~.~ '~.'~ ~ -~'-~'~n~.--~i' ~" Rapids were Sunday visitors in the Saturday. Mrs "Harry" S~onel~i~ng'~"hoP:nCldSe Mr and Mrs O J Emmons home. Mrs C L Burroughs entertained r,~ ~;~ w,IHi~ ~'rs~ r h~r Mr. and Mrs. Joe Emmons of Ce- with a galloping tea Thursday after-I flie~ Mrs Emmett Albau~h" dishes dar Rapids were also callers in the noon. Following refreshments the l Mrs' C C Berry; books ~'C ~ne All: parental Emmons home on Sunday discussion of migrant groups was boo'; ~-ni~'~" ~,~i~ ~orald Sent't, Mrs. Lizzie Falcon, who has been led by Mrs. Burroughs ,~ m,~i~ a~,~,~, A~l~e~,h ~ Lkm'l a guest in the W E Bell home Mr and Mrs Wilbur ~tearns re-h~-flo~ f~ f" ]Ro~-rv" r~nth maai has gone to rtowley to spenu some turned home Irom Los Ange~ s Ray 5 R ve.qtone n rni E time with her son Carl Falcon a d Calif Saturday me rig. o r m Other numbers on the pr g a family. Mr. and Mrs. Harry rTeeman vm- inel,dgd con~r~antinnnl .~in~inu l - r en ~'-- o --.~ Wires Corners uommumzy c ub ited in the John Von Sp eck ,~h ~ oha~h-al sooa,~n~ni~,~nt" in- - ~" it- Mr - r e "~ tur-a 1" will meet February z~st w n home, north of Cla enc,~a a y. ,~;,~ hv ~,~, T ~a ~.v,~an~ a "" ' re na alt ~ " ' and Mrs, George ohnger. : Dr and Mrs 1- A. L/ e W araHn of ~e] " .q by th~ o .- . ectmn rches- SpringviUe basketball boys play- and Mrs. Pauhne Dusdmker of Ce- tra" a report of the State Farm Bur- ed Alburnett Tuesday. dar Rapids spent Sunday with Mrs. eau convention held recently in Des Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ballou and Bob visited Sunday afternoon in the Douglas Cashman home near Olin and in the evening they called in the Bob Campbell home in Cedar Rapids. Vena Greenawalt. Lloyd Phillips of Clarence called in the Dolph Van Sickle home on Monday morning. Mrs. Bess Hendrickson will en- tertain the North Side Women Pro- ject workers Friday, Feb. 14th. A Valentine party will be part of the day's entertainment. Mr. and Mrs. David Hindman of Marion, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Davis of Martelle were recent callers of ' Mrs. Bess Newland spent Tues- day with relatives in Marion. Mrs. L. A. Johnston was guest speaker at the Woman's Circle club meeting in the home of Mrs. W. C. Secrist in Viola Thursday. Mrs. Minnie Palmer and Norman of Dubuque were recent visitors of Mrs. Corn Palmer. Mrs. Samuel Palmer was taken to St. Luke's hospital for observa- tion Monday ! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Heady and son of Mount Vernon were Sunday via- itors of Mrs. Mary Heady. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Himebaugh of Center Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Livingston of Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Dewayne Knight spent Sunday with their parents, Mr .and Mrs. Lester Knight near Viola. Rev. and Mrs. C. D. Boggle and daughter spent Sunday night and~ Monday at West Union. Mr. and Mrs. David Fellows and Eva Reed of Cedar Rapids were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Taylor. Mrs. Margaret Colehour enter- tained the Royal Neighbors Thurs- day. Invited guests were Mrs. George Maxfleld of Robins and Mrs. Don Colehour. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Schwab en- tertained at dinner Sunday as courtesy to Mrs. W. C. Secrist of Viola and Joan Davenport of Dav- enport Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Beck of Clarence drove over to attend the final basketball games of the tourn- ament Saturday night. Neva Mater spent some time Sun- day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mater near Alburnett Mrs. Mary Gibson of Cedar Rap- ida is spending several days this week with Nelle Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Wolfe of Grand Mound spent Saturday with their daughter, Miss Mary I. Wolfe of the high school faculty. They also attended the tournament. Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle attended a birthday dinner Sunday in the Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Hammond home near Marion, as a courtesy to Mr. :Hammond. Members of the Ham- mond family were also present. Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Fowler and was hostess to the local Larkin club Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Stonerook of of Clarence were Monday dinner uests of Mr. an Mrs. Wm. Simp- son. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Cooper ac- companied Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pol- lock of Cedar Rapids to Ames on Monday, where they visited Mary Jean and Wilson Cooper, Iowa State college students. Mrs. N. G. Graham entertained Moines was given by Mrs. Argene Allbee, delegate from Bertram township. Announcements and dis- missal were by Rev J. B. Eyestone. DIVISIONS 1 AND 2 TO PRESENT PROGRAM On next Friday evening divisions No. 1 and 2 will be responsible for the program in the church. Mrs. F. G. Anderson is in charge of ar- rangements. RACE RELATIONS SUNDAY OBSERVED HERE Race Relation Sunday was ob- served in the Methodist church on last Sunday with appropriate music and sermon, by the pastor, Rev. J. B. Eyestone.' "Nobody Knows But Jesus," was sung as a solo by Doris Judith Ann were recent dinner Kitchen. A group of negro spirit- guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Fow- uals were sung by the congregation ler near Anamosa. with orchestra accompaniment. Mrs. H. J. Davis near Martelle HONORED ON-B-"~THDAY George King celebrated his 77th birthday anniversary on Saturday. A number of friends called during the day and evening. He received greetings by telephone from rela- tives in Chicago, and a basket of fruit via air-mail from Jacksonville Florida. the Monday club at its annual guest night Thursday. Committee assistants were Mrs. H. H. Cooper, Mrs. Loren Brown, and Mrs. Anna Hann. The guest speaker was O. a J. Elsenbast of Cedar Rapids. His subject was "The Amana Society, Past and Present." Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schueler spent Sunday evening in the Sidney Peterson home in Cedar Rapids. Ruth Switzer of Iowa City spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Switzer. C. F. Butler accompanied by his housekeeper, Mrs. Esther Hepker, departed Wednesday on a trip to St. Petersburg, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ramsey were Sunday guests of Mrs. H. H. Straw at Troy Mills. Rev. and Mrs. J. C. B. Peck and HarSld Plagmann of Blairstown were Thursday callers of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ta$1or en- tertained at dinner Sunday'Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pollock and June of Whittier. Mrs. Anna Sheets and son of Keota and Mrs. Anna Gage were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Mitchell, west of town. The Bethany Circle of the Meth- odist church held their regular meeting in the church Tuesday af- ternoon. Hostesses were Mesdames O. W. Courter, W. J. Pirie, A. C. Newman. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hunte and family called in the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jaeobs home, who moved to the Forest Edge community. Mrs. Byron Wetzel spent Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Na- than Port in Martelle getting ac- quainted with the new grandson. Relatives have received word of the illness of Donald Stone in his home in Marion. Byron Wetzel and Pauline visit- ed Sunday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Wetzel in Cedar Rap- Mrs. Herman . Brooksidewlll---Bruger'Robinson were Mr. and Mrs. Francis Crock Wednesday noon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wethington near Tipton. Mrs. Harlan Russell has pur-I chased an electric ironer, which certainly makes household tasks easier. L. O. Brokaw installed an elec- tric tank heater this winter. Born to Mr. and Mrs. John Steuhm a son, on Feb. 5. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Clark, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Clark formerly lived here, but are now living near Springville. Mr. and Mrs. Ward Lewis enter- tained guests from Mason City, Fri- day night and Saturday morning. Claire Scott, Asa Robinson and son, Arthur Vanderbilt, Will Robin- son and sons, were among those at- tending the Anamosa sale, Saturday. Mrs. Francis Crock has been suf- fering intensely from an infected finger. She and Mr. Crock are i I spending today with her parents near Tipton. i I Mrs. Merle Clifton, Mrs. Grace ~Robinson, and Mrs. Will Robinson attended a study meeting of the !Priscilla Class Tuesday evening in the home of Mrs. John Clifton. The study of Sacred Art was made, and about fifty Sacred Art pictures were then passed among the guests for study. Mrs. Clifton, assisted by Mrs. Martha Stookey and Mrs. Flora Wilson served a dainty Valentine designed luncheon. Mrs. Merle Clifton's daughter is ill with mumps. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert idS~ne Ladies Aid of the Methodist church will meet Wednesday after- noon, Feb. 19th, with Mrs. Althea Beck. Mrs. Susan Shellhammer is assisting hostess. A picnic supper will be held. j Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sweitzer were :pleasantly surprised Sunday eve- ning by about forty members and friends of the Linn Grove commun- ity club, who arrived to give them l a farewell party. The Sweitzers i will move soon to Muscatine. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fowlie were Sunday afternoon visitors in the Mrs. Maggie Schieck home in Stan- wood. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Port were Tuesday dinner guests of Mr. and SkTTEND TRAINING SCHOOL Mesdames Herman Nebiker, Em- mett Albaugh, Argene Allbee, Gee. Gaines, C. C. Berry and William Schnell on Thursday attended the third Training School for home- makers held at the K-V Care pri- vate dining room, conducted by Miss Lucille Gove, H. D. A. This i was a joint meeting of South Mar- ion and Bertram townships. These i women will, within the next few !weeks, pass the lesson on to mem- bers of their district groups. Miss Catherine Berry and a group of friends have gone to Miami and Cortez, Fla to spend two weeks vacation. Those included in the~ group are Mrs. Mary Borghart and daughter Ellen, Miss Maymie Rein-! heimer and Miss Audrey Randall, all of Cedar Rapids. Perry Knapp has returned home from St. Luke's hospital in Cedar Rapids, where he has been a patient for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fernow of Marion, over the week end visited Mrs. Fernow's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roselle. There have been no classes at Forest Lane for several days due to the illness of the teacher, Miss Ruth Mikulecky. Mr. and Mrs. Vade Beville of Ce- dar Rapids were dinner guests on Sunday evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Butterfield. Mr. and Mrs. George King were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stewart in Cedar Rap- ida. Henry Roselle called Sunday eve- ning on Charles Steggall, who is ill at his home in Mount Vernon. Caroline Berry was a guest over the week end of her friend, Rob- erta Hartung. Mrs. James O'Connor is ill at her home with influenza. Mrs. Oma Fairbanks, four sons and infant daughter have returned to their home at Monticello follow- ing a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Knapp. Paralta Mrs. Ray Bolton EM1 ROIDERY-C'LI B MEETS The Paralta Embroidery club met with Mrs. Lill Stewart, assisted by Mrs. Elva Kyle last Friday. A de- licious dinner was served at one o'clock. A business meeting and contests were held after dinner. The following were present: Mrs. Mary Perkins, Mrs. Lenore Neilsen, Mrs. Helen Murray, Mrs. Caroline Hus- key, Mrs. Ethel Rose, Mrs. Mollie BoRon, Mrs. Vie Miller, Mrs. Ber- nice Waddell, Mrs. Mabel Engel- hart, Mrs. Elva Kyle, Mrs. Lill Stewart, Mrs. Nell Patten, and the following guests of the club: Mrs. Dairymen To Meet At Marion, Feb. 20 Out-crossing, line breeding and inbreeding as methods of boosting dairy cow production will :be among the topics disa~ussed at the third sesssion of the dairy short course to be held at Memorial Hall, Marion on next Thursday, Feb. 20, County Agent Rex Conn has announced. All dairymen in Linn County are invited to attend the meeting which starts at 10:30 a.m. and will close about 3:00 p.m. Principal speak- er will be Floyd Arnold, Extension Dairy Husbandrymen from Iowa State College, who will discuss the points to consider in selecting a sire, principles of heredity and dif- ferent practical breeding plans. Accot,ding to Mr. Arnold only one-third of the sires in service can be considered herd improvers. This appraisal is based on production of offspring-. Another one-third of the bulls definitely lower the pro- duction of their offspring and the remaining one-third neither in- crease nor decrease it. Compl~For 4-H Club Banquet Final arrangements for the Coun- ty-wide 4-H banquet, to be held at Trinity Methodist Church in Cedar Rapids, on Saturday evening, Feb. 22, are rapidly being made by the county 4-H club officers. Highlight of the ~banquet will be the appearance on the program of a good will team representing the, National Conference of Christians and Jews. Members of the team will .be Rabbi ~VIorris Kertzer, of the School of Religion at the State University of Iowa, Father Syl- rester Luby, of Loras College, of Dubuque, Iowa, and Rev. William Johnson, Area director Of the Na- tional Conference of Christens and Jews. A similar team appeared on the program of the state 4-H boy's short course at Ames in December and was so well received that 4-H club members in planning their banquet feel that they have secured an outstanding attraction. Final announcement of preparations will be in the hands of all 4-H club members within the next few days. Some 300 4-H boys and girl's lead- ers and parents are expected to at- tend the annual event. Junior F. B. Delegation To Attend State Assembly A delegation from the Linn County Jr. Farm Bureau along with similar groups from rural young peoples organization in 56 count- ies over Iowa will head toward Ames Friday for the seventh an- nual Iowa Rural Young Peoples Assembly. Theme of the two day meeting will be "Our Job In Strengthening Democracy." Linn Counties delegation will be headed by Emil Novak of Fairfax, who will be one of the candidates for a state office. In addition the Linn County Jr. Farm Bureau quartet, composed of Keith Car- son, Cedar Rapids; Melvin Mc- Bride, Marion; Russett Hughes. Marion; and John Clark, Ely; will be included in the group and will appear on the State program at the annual banquet to be held on Fri- day evening. Farm Women To Hear Book Reviews On February 18 Miss Alice Story, Cedar Rapids Librarian. will review several cur- rent books Tuesday, Feb. 18th at a county wide meeting :beginning at 1:30, at the Y M.C.A. in Cedar Rapids. The proposed legislation concerning rural library facilities will be discussed. All women tn- terested in reading are welcome. This meeting is sponsored by the Home Project Library Committee composed of Mrs. Frenk Bedell, Ce- dar Rapids, Chairman; Mrs. Lester Mitchell, Falrfax; Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Center Point; Mrs. W. J. Scarbrough, Springville; Mrs. A. B. Christensen, Alburnett; and Mrs. Harry Horn, Wit. Vernon. 4-H Leaders Study Home Furnishing At Cedar Rapids "It's not so much what you spend as how you spend," ,Miss Florence Forbes 4-H Home Furnishing Spe- cialist from Iowa State College told the 30 4-H leaders and girls Fri- day, at a training school held in the Y.M.C.A. in Cedar Rapids. Materials for curtains, draperies, dresser scarves dressing table cov- ers, and bed spreads, were display- ed and discussed. Various construc- tion and techniques used to make these articles were explained. All 13 clubs were represented. Fuhrmeister Given Certificate For Long Time Farm Record A certificate awarded for hav- ing kept ten years of Farm Re- cords in cooperation with Iowa State College, was presented to F. L. Fuhrmeister, Ely, President of the Linn County Farm Bureau, on Wednesday afternoon at the l~arm Management program during Farm And Home Week in Ames. Will Discuss Mowers be held at 1:30 p.m. at the Marion Machinery Shop in Marion. j The meetings will be in the ha-} ture of a round table discussion of machinery repair and adjustmentI problems and everyone will haveI plenty of opportunity to ask ques- tions, according to County Agent, Rex B. Conn. LEIGH SCHOOL NEWS Lucille Russell, Teacher The first grade, Louise Haeseler and Perl Zingula, are reading in- teresting stories about animals and bird~ in their reading. This is the third reader they have had this year. Marilyn Yeisley and Ann Good-] year are having a study of fablesI in their reading, l Melvin and Marilyn Coppock took I 8th grade examinations in MountI Vernon last Friday over History,I Spelling and Reading. Charity Fisher visited our school Friday afternoon. Charles HuLler and Donna Yeis- ley, 6th grade, are imagining a travel through European countries in geography, particularly Spain and Portugal just now. I Miss Madeline Healy, county i nurse, visited our school last Mon- day morning. She tested eyes and ears. Solon Anna ZeHer IRENE SVOBODA AND FRANK BECICKA TO WED Mr. and Mrs. Charles Svoboda announce the approaching marriage of their daughter Irene to Frank L. Becicka, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Becicka. The wedding will take place February 18th at the Bohem- ian Reformed parsonage, located about seven miles west of here. The Rev. Ludwig Burian will of- ficiate. Mr. J. B. Randall has purchased the tract of land located at the westI portion of town from Victor Breza. 1 The tract adjoins Mr. Randall'si farm on the southeast portion. Mr. Randall's son Carl and family will move there from Parnell. Mr. and Mrs. Breza and family will move on their farm east of here occupied i for the past few years by Mr. Breza's mother, Mrs. Parkins. Earl Stahle, who recently pur- chased the building where the Economist is located from Mrs. Robert Baker of Cedar Rapids, has again sold the building to Mr. C. J. Shimon. The locker system which was planned to be installed in this building will be installed in the north portion of the Ernest Stahle building, formerly the C. S. P. S. i hall, according to present plans of l Earl Stahle. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fencl announce the birth of a son on Sunday, Feb- 9th. Mrs. Fencl was formerly Miss Mary Novak. Visitors Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey Raim were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hynek and son Robert of Mount Vernon, and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Bittner. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kessler en- tertained at supper Saturday, Lieut. and Mrs. Frank Green of Fort Des Moines. Sunday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorence, Sr were Mr. and Mrs. James Barfs, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zenishek and Glbert Lor- ence. Mrs. Mary Palmer, Mrs. Anna Beck, and Miss Velma Beck were visitors Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. J, B. Hemphill at North l Liberty. Miss Julia Weldon, Jack Weldon and Mrs. John Weldon of Cedar Rapids were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bittner. Dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Ciha Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Worrell and fam- ily from near Cedar Bluffs. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Elliott en- tertained Saturday, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Cress and son Lowell of Win- throp. Dolores Reinhart is visiting with i her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Reinhart, while attending school. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hertz of Iowa City were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Sarah Kohl. 18 1. Big, Continental Cabinet 2. Six RCA 3. 4. 5. New Style 6. 7. Attachment 8. RCA Victor 9. Powerful Magnet tO. Improved Circuit ll. Popular 1712 "~ 12. 13. Knobs 14. Automatic 15. Special Transformers 16. Condenser 18. 16 to I Dial Mount READ THE ADS. WB m Your pick of popular makes brought us new Fluid Drive Dodge and 1941 Pl thing tagged plainly at Clearance prices. pared to do business. Following is an great values offer if you act Quick Speoial For 1939 Dodge Special, two door sedan. Mrs. Clelland Port. The foursome attended the Martelle Elevator as- sociation meeting in the afternoon. Mrs. John Port is a house guest this week of her mother, Mrs. Car- rie Dripps in Strawberry Point. Doris Lehr and Virginia White and two college friends spent the week end here and attended the basketball tournament finals, re- turning to Cedar Falls Sunday eve- ning. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Rodman and family visited relatives at Monti- cello Sunday. Bert Jordan and sister Mrs. Mary Newhard visited their sister, Mrs. Louise Thomas in Cedar Rapids Sunday. Later in the day the group visited their cousins in North Lib- erty. Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Merritt and Jack visited Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brush in Cedar Rapids Sunday. Mrs. Park DeLancy of Prairie- burg was a recent guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wood- worth. Mrs. Frank Woodworth was a guest Friday of Mrs. Herbert Weise in Anamosa. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Apland of Center Junction spent Friday in the Dillard Merritt home. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Johnston of Linn Grove vicinity were Sunday ~guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Meek. L. J. Miller, who has been i11 for several weeks, is again able to be at the depot in his office. Mrs. Ira Vernon will entertain the Progressive Club Friday, Feb. Rittmer, a daughter, Feb. 7th. Coon-Creek 1W rs. Forreat Huey Mr. and Mrs.---~onald Kamerling entertained the following at a steak dinner last Thursday evening: Mr. and Mrs. Harry Jackson, Mr. and Mrs. Opie Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Far- rest Moffit, Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and Harold Carr, all of Mechanics- ville. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. I