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February 14, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 14, 1957 |
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E: First a~
lfalfa haY.
"In southd
tbohm, 0~
e!l Edu nPnt .. lk ....
m llan hr Fc h htv
,,e aallr , • , non were surprised unda to fred School Election ,heavy fog at 345 am O71
a__~ . . . . . ~ po a , . . • . ., d theft
..~.. *'s,,~,~, , . • y" q ; est the Wes-30 nero the Beacon caee m Lisbonl" O Occur T~ ~ ira' JJ,, Dies -, - armval
• 1~,~ college, paired. When he had' about 55 for a 2-year term. The west bound'arv extends a mile Red Schoolhouse,'; Martelle "Why .Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Pavelka are ed to serve until the next election Driver of the semi outfit Haroll~ L
. , &~!.f~ edu_e~tion as ~ theair chuck hit h~m m the fore- tmn l~pers from the.secretary Jolt. : The south line extends a half mile !Meers, Robert Penn and CharlesJohn Haak un ml l'="e," ma~ ~ ob~,n~ from Frank the mght rear of hm semi, the hood
i u the ~ro,-ose Mt ern n U
' • " " nuaJ i Outl ine Area To Be TS eech Contests • --
v f0 , .at. ., -. ,,,.,, Affected By Election re This Week J" P as
• . , . Election Will i rr
l f] "P e l, .II .Jq .Bill, Ill Bi, _. _ Because of inquiries as to the ex- The Mt. Vernon Consolidated urgan ,,,, . . .
m i II; Vl I ll I I , act boundaries of the terr torylschool will entertain contestants in ; _
Occur || !which has asked to be added to the,one of the first round contests of /
~ eCucat¢on i - I IV I_ '¢ " the . o Church 3/In/I IlS IIJ flit
• n rclat:on, ~ ........ d t. vernon cons. school dkstrzct an i state speech seines this week.
4 ~ '!endenc5 was brou~2t[ ..... MtT.h~:?n~ual ~Coh°°lli~lae::~°n~intrt~c~ at~dtnoW~: bher2_~d~tt° :fe~r:~in~~ I BneCauSein°~hetheele~rg~ena~nab:L~l~ The congregation at the SS. Peter ..... ! First fatal traffic accident
r ~e~taYebt~eWlamda~nory ~ .M?S Narrow scapeiwil1 be held on the second Monday iGrove No. 5 school district in Put-be handled as two contests. On and Paul church, sou:h of Mt. Ver- • !in tMs community occurred in95a?
es~ed the "Mr. IAII~FL~,~ T,~,~ DIA .... in March, which is March llth, this' :nam to~ nship, figured approximate-:: Thursaay night a series of one-act I. , , , . ~ ~. Y .. , , : . . Saturday,
,. W V I Igl I /11~ I~lq~W~ " " ~ la s r . a new emctmc organ installed at the re~ 9 as Joseph Tvrd~k of Lis
~l; .... i lyear, fly, comprises the followmg area: :P y , p esented by high school ............ ~rrliV~ 11 , . ,. ben
,scnce ol *~-~ :- - i : m ..... ~ '~ .... ;~ ; i students will " . church, a glib; OZ Mr aria ~virs Leon- v*.,, v~ •,~,1 I ~• was en ,ouie [o nLq walk at Ced
-,~ mmates i • ! terms oz ~oy ~owman ana J_,aw. '. .Thl~ a.=o. ,~ m no way connected be judged, those g~ven [ ~. - . ar
lib ~ has been fo-,,-~ *^ ~ LaVerneHerbst received a severe l ...... , h~ , a first divi io " • ^ ,Id J. Pavelka. ~Rapids as local route man
.... ~o u~ .... rence ~unter ex ire ±~ominazion to t._t north of Mr. Vernon and, s n ratmg that mght to • . . for
than the av ;~bruise on his forehead over h~s left ' P " .. ' • _ ' advance to ur • • , The oeeasmn was the 25th wed- Three school directors will be ! Searles Dmry
erage it ,~ I a er • commonly known as Lmn Grove.) ; f ther compet~tmn. On ! • • . . •
e~eaker said ,~,,,+' ..^,., eye about 3 p.m Monday when a ~P s were mere Sta i n Saturda be innin . dlng anniversary of the couple elected at the annual school election His car west boun
. .... -~,~ ~ • • ~,is w e an " • ~ rt ng ear theJohn Bartosh, Y, g g at 8 a.m.m .... - d, colhded with
• The . spare t~re blew up while he was e k d bothwill be candy-, - i ' . , t Guest orgamst for the service in L~sbon on Monda March 11 " "
• most significant • • ' ~da . • house, south of the Cedar-Rapids-, d wdual contestants m the different I . s Y, • a semi-trailer truck stopped on U.S.
ent is the lack .... !pumping zt up at the school bus.,~es forre election for 3"year~Ivanhoe r~ad h *h i classes of corn etition w i .was Mrs. Jack Cahdl, of West Three-year terms of Don Bowers ~0 at the west end of
• u~ eou- I ar ,~erm~. ~ , t e nor.., boundary ~. P 1 1 be .... the Cedar
[.he _intellectual ability ; g~ age..He feels very fortunatei ............... I extends west a mile and three quar- I judged. The public is urged to at- Branch, mece of the - Pavelkas. and Sador Phelps expire and a, di- ! river bridge. Joe stepped out of
lll¢" rent of prisoners h v~ !ma~ ms mjurms were no~ worse, zne mrm ~ zvu's. ~onn *~yzora ,as ters on a section line to a int tend both entertainments x~essmg oi me organ ZOOK pmce ~e- rector win. De e~ec~e~ ~o comp.iete ! me car after the accident an
lllW" ~[~ oeyond the oi~÷h, The mishap occurred while he school treasurer will e xptre and fine uarter of a mile w of Thursday s bill includes the fo fme the Mass by the pastor Rev the unexpired term of Frank Car collapsed He was dead on
"- re, nan one ........ ~ I was numnin~ ur, a fir h a ~ ,will be a canmaate zor re-emcuon ]~,~ w~,,~.,+ ,. ..... lowin • Center Point 'Th " Carl ~ 1 . Clems. bee Orville Crawford was appoint at St Luke s has ltal
v,=~en~ nave~ . ,- ~. ~, ,. e e ha,, r~- .~ ..... ,~ ....... . g. . e Little . - - ' p , Cedar Ra 'ds.
. ~, ]enls Ule.primary oh- !pounds in the tire the rtm flew off, i Anyone interested in being a can- and a quarter straig'h.~ south to the,I,, Am a Bachelor"; Mt. Vernon, line parent~s°f Dwayne Pavelka and after Mr. Car.bee's resignation., i Lltty, 35, of DeWitt, was jumping
e['~°rma~°rY? Sho-m ..... i Ia~ing to me cement, the wheel or ; aiaa~e or in. Iizing papers, xor .an" ~: south boundary of the George Pis- ,' 't-uss. ,,in me Well". Shellsburg," Joy ...... ,-. ...... ~ ~ltus~ ~so nommauon, papers nab ~e. en ', ou~ of his cab to. put out flares
~, s,~ not be that ,,,,,~ r©--- I, tire struck ..... his hand and he believes other candidate may obtain nomma- ~ arek farm. Ride. Judges will be Mms Geneva ~ taken out on Wednesday. morning, when. the Tvrdik .car crashed into
~llv HI~7'''~: ro¢[a~, n,-~ !need [,.yzora or at me ozzmeoz ~upt east alon the south side of h ~omnson, all of Mt. Vernon _ F..... ,-,-- caroee secretory ~ma~ ume for'of me car running under the
,,, ,.... _s r--o- " . • g t e ~ . ' • . _ rear
#$ ':~Omorrow,s. eiti,~,,~,,, t Ed Li'tf~ .......... t~,h,~ h~,,,,,~,,~,~.~ ........... ¢ .... ~"°v,.:l Harold. J. Plank. .. Final time for .! Geor~eo Pisarek farm, t'hence no._.,nh Schools entered Saturday include T fihng is noon on Frzday, March 1. end of the trailer.
~na.1 restitutions are at the garage about the time of the !filing.of nomination papers is noon: three-eighths of a mile and east I Alburnett, Center Point, Central j •~urs~,4a~ ; _ . ~.. Litty had stopped because the
ulrectlve ,on ~rmay lvlareh I a t~lIy t~oggon ~asoon lviarlon Mar ' *
K1 "~ " • In the old iaccident, took him to the doctor for, . ] long the north boundary of the i- - ' --- .. ' -- " ' ", Funeral sorvi ...... "' Fronk t .ra !driver of another semi-outfit was
I~*r i,, _~2e Warden, a man !treatment and he was able to make I__ ~ . i Don Brutzman farm, jogs south an ~eue, mz. vernon, x~orway _ and Th .... • "~'~ ,~ .... i ....... __~'*'*~_*~. assisting a motorist to get his car
~/ ~ae day; the next he his bus run on schedule a little Or~esnl~ Jn i eighth of a mile thence east another !.Shellsburg... Several classes will be I hursday at 2 p.m. m the Federated * I back on the pavement from the
........ examination ,,:later i'---~ ................. half mile to the Frank Dolezal in m competRmn mmultaneousiy with c urch, L.mbon, for John S. Haak At Belle P~olne Imuddv shoulder "s driv~ ....
. , th~ - - . ~v • . Thi .... v_
assigned to t er ' " • I the following actm as "ud es"1 , wno azea a~ me Mt. Vernon Rest - • ....
~UI OI1~" • work. To .... t section. Turning south for a mile, g ~ g • Herb Thomas of DeWitt, who form-
2mtelhgent apm'oa ~ ! ....... Here On Thursda ae line takes in the east rt of th I Mrs Margaret Meyer Mrs Rich- Home on Tuesday around .2.a.m. The Frank Crelly who made his home erl dr
, , ~. a testm,g pro ..... .[llh¢ ~[11~==~1~ J Vornholt farm turbo east a ,mar , ard YokamMrs. Frank D'Aquila I_ . Ralph SchencK wilt be in much of the time recently in the telle '
. =- eh .o, pa e . " [Rev . . . . , ., . y ave for Lowell Kohl at Mar-
~il s*~,,, u~' l.,...v .~=v~. vv=.,. , ....... .1 ter . char e . • . before moving to DeW~tt. He
In OT is and a ti Clmre Coe~ known widely in this • • T..~. .... I all of Cedar Ra ~ds: Robert Gre~,~, J g of the service. ~rlenos may, home of his brother L Cr 1 - " ,--~ ~ ............
g P tudes and,, I . . of a mile on the Linn-~ ..... ~,~, ~ P .... ! . . ee. .e 1~ in I .au noo~eo a cnam on me car S~UCK
|asStUdyz of background .___ llnnSr... -...91¢t tnCl°untry and E urope,n w!ll appearon,count, y line and finally north again. Robert Evans, Don Detman, Don MozCall afteran Funcvall P2-n~' homWednesday at the i IAsbon,, was found dead m his room in the muddy shoulder.
. ~ "s Possible---~this in l--r"r I.. e ~ornen co ege ~.ectm'e anct ~r-ia mile and three quarters to a point)~pringham, all of Iowa City; Mrs. ~,'g ..... e m Lisbon. lot the Herring Hotel, Belle Plaine, It ~ .............. ,- ......
• health e am~,~+;^.. I .......... t tls~s ~ourse ~eo 1~ at ~ 15 p m . ! E R Hoidahl Mrs Forrest Br .3-an ~earers WilL. De Don ~owers ' at 9 a m Monda b -- -~ ,~p~,~eu un~ me ur~ver or
x .......... .,, zne ann ai ~l • , . . . , . ~ on the John Bartosh farm a quar~r , • own, . , • • y y the manager of I ....
._.|OOL~o " I ...... u ueana uol(l omner She is descmbed m rewews as an l~., . .~,_ ~n,,*h ne h{¢ h ......... !both of Mt. Vernon. I Alvm Lehr, John Meyers, Dan'~ the hotel it.he car_m d~fflculty said he had a
~o~ ~vtt. vernon t~uo ~cou~ pack 40 "organist extraordinary" ,,- ,* ...... :~--..~ ..... . ..... a,u ~i C E Krause of th~ 1,,-~' ~-:~-IMorningstar Otto Kern and Lee] Mr Cr'ollv hn,t .... *~, ~,,. f SZCK wife in the car. The name of
-*,o i will be held Th F • ~ " , quarter oz a mue eas~ I • • ~ .....-su I ' ' .... ~ --'* ~ ........... i " "
~Ucational and trade I the all ,urpose u~:aY'of ebl~e21n:wn i Miss Coci gave a piano recital at DESCRIPTION OF i school ~s manager of the contest, i Rh~ads'o ........ I Plaine to spend the week end visit-!~hisedriveI was not obtained at the
"Onal ins- .... "1 . has studied organ with Palmer asked to be included with the Mt i|nl l B,,__ j , .., , , - s. Patrick's church Belle P.aineI° ..- ......
-uuuon arr ' , I'liiJi Jlr|~ 11 to Iowa an and told her he had not et re ct
th , angements is Mrs Boyd Horton r in I~1 r[~• I Y cl mey nveo at first on Wednesda y I~
e abov .... " -' -. " , • • .. • :Christian and Charles Cou be" , Vernon district is described as fol"i ~ ' ' , " ' y. Feb. 13 at 9 a m'i : _ _ "
uten~lonea, Tn K on the iazm wnl ~ ed but at that hme ~t~e knew no
ixentsare~- ma-" . ~ e eight dens in tne pae. win. eat inerforrned' with major, symnhony~ ~_ .-...o: ........ I " - 'cn is now the Ver- ! xwth" burml in the Belle_ i~lane corn- i , ' .~ .........
~at an idle ~w~t,h_a fat separate tables, with chairmen 'orchestras and given recitals from i The east line is the road pact the I ~armn Russell ?f Mechanicsville j non Burge place south of Mt. Ver-etcry.;~.ot~ tl)an t t~at.he h,ad left on t!me.
t~si~- . ,,~a,t zm(lstlrom eaen uen in cnarge oz incfi ..... * ~=-- --'a--=~* ----~ :-- ~'l~h-- ] ............ ~ iwas emcce(l presictent of the Lin~ 'non I ~w. r.~._n ....... ~. .... . . ~,~on axter, me nosplzas pnoneo mat
,ass : . , ~ua~u ~u uua~ m*u m ~u~u~c. J~(l ttaru iarm an(l inclu(les Lne new -- ' ' 1 -,-.. ~.~c~*v wab oOrll &L Luzerne - •
bb sti,,,that a man ;wdual arrangements l .... ~ ............... ¢ ~n o~ ~.. !Mutual Insurance Assn. at the an- On Dec. 14 1904 he was married on June 17 189n *~ _t~,t ..... ~ c.,~., he had been injured and Mrs
~r~c . ~hlm ind~,,;.~g, nd.m-I Skit for the February pack meet- '~ II • Itends on t,o the river !nual meeting held at the Presbyter- Ito Edith Terryberry at Nevada, M~s- ICrelly. He had lived in the Belle:Twdik l~ft for the hospital at 5.50
..... ~er. .*,uuaay ~s a ing following the dinner will be ~ornelI Loses ! Tho c~o,~-r ~i ..... ~¢41h,,0~ ,h,~ mn church Mt. Vernon, Saturday, souri. The couple came to Lisbon ! Plaine vicinity for 20 years In Max a:m. it was some ume after she or-
mount ...... [presented by Den 1 under the di- ' -- ~ .. ! ..... ,C ,:~"~'.,~o~ -~.~,.~,.~':.~-',~"~.~ .~.-*: I~'eb" 2. Howard Rieger Mt. Vernon ] and lived on the Simon Haak farm 1954 followin~ the doeth ,~f'hi~ ,~'~'f~ I rlv~-~d, there before she learned any
e reform~,~yustry con-!rection of Eugene Strauch An in- Fl~ll*l~ I~lY ~I~SI~_ l°:2~'~n~" ~-°f~r~h~'='~h~'n~:hlwas elected vice president G H. two miles south of Lisbon for a'he moved to Lisbon-an'ci-1]ve-d ::;(,~.:oetans of his injuries and then she
• The Pro~.,~. p ov~des ~hatmn ceremony will be conduct- i I line of the Glenn Blaine farm ~chardson, Martelle, sec.-treas, and Iwhfle, later moving to the Frank,,his brother and sistcr-in-law I ~ s mmrmed that he had dmd.
"----"~ Puree~"-~-'9- p~intmUSt ~e i~ ed by Clarence Gardner. ,J The I~w~. , Su,,remev court in Des, ............... "~h .... *h h .... ,~ .... ~ .... *~,,,~ ........ eh,,~,~ ! tieorge ~grips, Marion, assistant sec.- t Heimer farm a short distance west, ! Surviving besides his i£ro,'.hor ....... ] Skid marks from one wheel ex-
"~T J'~hUmbe,. ~, out i w 1~' joi~i~¢~....... ~-1,,~ ~+~- i MJ~IO~ ~1'10~e~ ~1~ W~h ~ h n ~ ..... ÷ .... ~ o ,,~U,~ ~,,,,,, +h .... *~, I ~reas., rather than the officers as now the Mason Stme farm ] Lee is a niece Marilvn in Call rni~ : tended 72 feet Visibility was esti-
• - -t in,~ .... :_ ; ............. , ................. a,. .................. on t e a,.- u ................ ~ .~.~ ......... ,.~u ...... .~ .. ......... - _ fo ......... •
mustwuviZ"*°~c~. ~ for the ..Wansiketn .............. .~,-nnt rticfrlrf ~ heal of Cornell oolle~e vs tt~e Tama lln~........................ Af Cho l:lluln~ fo~rn~ onrt ~,~,.oar~'~¢ * a~aucu in. me news story last week. I ~evera, years. ±ater they purchas- .t Lee Crelly went Tuesday_ to Bo]]o matea at 300 feet by officers. Pa-
~essi • oe assign- ~ . ~ ~ , .~- ° . . , Mr. R~chardson and Carl Mohn ed the Jess Miller farm east of Lis 'Plaine t trolman Glldroy covered the accl
!d ~ ties for as r~ ...... I wdl be a specml guest. ~ county board of review holdmg south three quarters of a male and r~ .......... ' t ...... " o complete necessary ar- 1_ . '"
• • SUch as the "~;~"~ ~? I Ithat the college is not entitled to [ east around the town limits of Ber- t~..'~n' were re-meccea mrectors oon now Known as me umnn Kohl] rangments and Mrs. Crelly joined luenr"
c ,~vs aria, ~ i • . t ~ur mree year ~erms. omer mere- zarm. lffrom ~nere the moved to ~him on Wednesda I Service f M "
o acco ~ ro err tax exem tan on a from m 1 Y y to attend the fu s or r "INrdlk ~eIe con
m lis ' r * P P y P " tra t~ a po nt north of the Hartl . . - • " ' " -
-- done WLn h pet ~Survev Site For i i~ Grant township Tama county i farm which is the southeast corner b~sti°f- the board of d~rectors in !L~sbon in 1929 and purchased their neral. Others attending from Lis-Idncted at the Kuba Funeral home
I1" during w~= _ ~ .... I --_ C...... t operated by Rudy Dietrich ~ of the Bertram town limits l+~,,,,o~un ~oome o~ncers aoove men- I presen~ in ~eptem~er 1938. I bon were Father Gibbs and the Milo ~:in Cedar Rapids on Tuesday, Feb.
/ • Bit the-- ~v years. ! I~i--..o f~=&.o IA/--II ~ r.~..., ............. ;~ ~.;; r, ..... '~ ' ' =L" .... ar~ ,~enn ~erguson an(l lxay I iwo cnimren were oorn to Mr Kalibans and from D v 12 at 2 30 m b th
are8 " woo o o**cu u. r , a enport the : p. . y e Rev. Eugene
1 338 ia 60 m ]111 1F ¥¥1 11 I " .... +r • Ph Mr and Mzs If these de scr ptmns are not en- vmrtm. Mt Vernon and Frank and Mrs. Haak Mrs Rex Dean of Charles Runkles and Bill Miller astor of the n Met
'~ me Pcni • i unue, ~ ~,~ ........ . • . . , .... , • ~ " Keiths , , P " be lao-
Madiso.-,~ -~ .~enti- I ........ :rTM........... 14 t~nnthrnvd of Ch~ca~o on June I tirely clear, we suggest tl~at a farm Whitman, Mechamcswlle. ] Mt. Vernon and Mrs. Orville Craw-'l ~ i'dist church The Masonic ritual was
• to~, . ~riglnally ~ survey to ootam a Jegal Be-,. • .:: .... -.- .. : ° . .. :map of me area De consm~eo since l ~ i ford of Lisbon beth of whom sur ,~* - -- --- n~,~,, a ~ ..... ~ .... • ~;~-.~
-~ was de " scri tion of the lo ati n of th " ' t ~u0'* uncter me ~erms oI me . ' . , - ~. ...... e~. ~j ................. j .... ,,~
:)wn ~ffen s~gned , P c o e rote , • ~the areas are so irregularly shaped I vive with their mother I|| ~on . . •
._ _ders hut ¢ .... !for ,, ,, A v ..... 11 agreement the college was to per-! ............................... IHdlcrest Cl b. _ _ , .... : , p Man [~UyS ]Frankhn lodge. Lisbon, assasted by
lon¢l off~-~ *~ ~Y ..... " " -- ~ • .... mit Mr and Mrs Dietrich to lease i ~ ~t, ,,ar~e ~ u*~,~m~ ~,~,u=,,~,,~ I ..... ~so surviving are mree sisters r~ • • ! J. C. Butler of Mechanicsville. Mili-
~mers ax ~on me t=ornen campus was made on " . " . I boundaries. Mrs George Waln of asaden,a i K. MaM tory services were conducted b
from let e iSa • • the premises so long as either of, I Feb 14 sta and dmn • P , sen House y
1 • Madison i turday by Archm D. Conkhn, . ..... g er 6.30 p.m.J . t .
~ after is ....... ~r~ .....~ ....~-~-^ ~*^ *^- ,~-^ the Boothrovds shall live and ther Petitions are being circulated m $1 5 ~nrn' ]c~ro~h M~rorl ~ ~'~- Cal., Mrs. Frank Graver of Cedar V.F.W. Post 788 of Cedar Rapids.
~ ~'v~rCrow(l..,~,u** c*~;,~=t. ~t~c ~uc ±ur u~ - ' i .... . 0 ............. , ......... ~, ~v*ur- l~,a ios and Mrs Her -
I woU nn~ nnmn h,~,~,~ ,,m ~,~ ~ real estate is not to be sold during the Mt. Vernon district th~s week]Ban and N~olo p . bert Walmei of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hansen have The Rev. Mr. Miller conducted the
== . AL~et that a percenta~ j&et- m-~tiamater ............. the lifetime of either. In consider- ito bring the proposed merger of ~" Feb. 16 "I3anc~e 9:30 Live music Lisbon: and six grandchildren., is old their house in Lisbon to Dale i cremation committal and pronounc-
u u ~e the distracts to a ~ote unul two years ago Mr t~aaK was Thomson a falmer hvm six ml ed me Benedzctlon
Ill l P again i .... 1 " l ation the college issued an annuity, ' " " • ($2 per counle ' " " , , .... ".. i , " " " g " les .... " #
|V$"~a rehab:,'- ." prmon ~ ~bond and a~reedto "~a'- to the lAfter one third of the "ualifiedl r~fll ..... ~. ~ ....... .~^ .~.^:_ empmyea oy t~ornen eonege He lwest of Tipton Possession will be ±vmre man 30 Lisbon Masons at-
m~ation ro i . ~, v ~ ~ - ,~ ** cre~u wumen wzn resum~ ~,,~r had been at the Re m ' ' " " n - "
Orthy P I st Ho e since g~ven March 1 when the Ha te ded the selvices
,~ g~ble;,Flrst EaaJe Scout Boothroyds $2 400 per year while i voters in the various districts sign[social meetings on Tuesday Feb 26, ~ ~ I .... nsens ........ . .
.'2y"'s remarl/~ ° ° ~,~ either is living the petitions they will be taken to and will meet th~ fo,,,~h "r%,~A~,~ ~ ~' o. .... move to meir new nouse being oosepn lvl. 'J.'VrolK was oorn in
it, m ef'~eet.;~°'w , I' n • I i~ ,/ . Auuurumg~: .... ~," *~'^,~ ~r~n'*-~r ~.,Ctar-Cli"~- I~ ~c+~" ..... ~.~m~,~*'" ~'o~rda of, ~^~ucation. A ~ us~" e~u,^--~- muz~u.~" ........... " mr. naaK nad also been custodian. ,' completed on. the Lisben-Mt. Ver- Belle. Plaine. on Aug. 22. , 1918. He
~OStofll~;~°Uldnt,|S LOCal Keslaent Mr IRc~athrnvd nw nt v ' o hominaw' if arm of the Federated church Lisbon for non road lust east of the Mt had hved m Cedar Raplds from1924
• - - -* ~ m,~,,~ ~ . ~. .................... e_l_ho hv_- --~--r--o ..ill be held and ~rov-, ~ , .
Per man fo~ ~:_"7=u i ........ stock commission man in Chicago ed the date will be set for an elec- / STOLTZ CAR DAMAGED
~yorth it ~' . - ~ucn a~Tnisis international ~oy ~eou~ ~.~ ~ ~ ....... ,~ .... an~ i .... r' +;^-" Considerable dama e was c
~ re ~ r ,~.~ --ernon ocou~s appear o h
, habilitated ~,"_~'* ' Y"~": . " ..... " vived by his widow The farm is All ~ualified voters of Mt Vernon t t e Dick ~toltz car Sunday aft-
ts Your --,t one I lng a~ cnurcn and SChOOl in unilorm . ' - , ~ .....
son~ stud to be worth $48 000 to $~0 000 ernoon in an accident revolving
|IO~o • remin,~ ,,~ ,,f th~ ~ ..... o~-k ,,e ch~ , , , and the additional areas will then l .....
• -~,a" "'.P ...... " .................. . and its present rental value at lcas't have an onnortunitv to vote their [ three cars aria a truck on Highway
&est~ARE • ' individual"wishes on the consolida-I " " " .
over 25 years until he gave it up iVernon cemetery. Mr. Thomson is until he moved with his family to
about a month ago because of his!employed by the Nie Grain and Lisbon last year.
hea th. Feed Co. at Mechanicsville. The Mr. Tvrdik operated a tavern in
IiThomsons have a 14 year old son the present Legion building for
• ,~ ~ / ~ / I ~ " about tahree years, starting to work
'$15 cash per acre uonna ~.aroee zna, Schoo Officials Will for Searles after he sold out in 1952.
• " - Lhe -*--- We are also reminded that Mt. } The college after acquiring the tion nrono~ition Dick jr following the other ve- i~ Iff~__~ "rl~A~m ~,.~&J ,a . • , , .. • l They had built a house on South
~ea on m~,~e Vernon ha~ the distinction of !farm, flied a claim with the county .. *'. *'ff .'. . . . hiclc's was unable to stop quickly nil /11~ /II/~W |Yl~li~,leet In Lisbon Mondav 1Jackson Street opposite the Lisbon
• s • me hay" the first Bo Scout to . t'upi~s irom mese (listric~s are • • • " ~ rk an m " "
• .~ . no I~-.,-,-- mg y assessor in Toledo for tax exemp-' ........... enough to avoid hzttmg the car I pa d had oved into ~t a year
~ae [ra.~ L e----'"ua pass the tests for the rank of ' tion r¢ior to Feb 1 1955 which was now .lvtt. vernon scnoom ahead of him as tlaev stormed to el- Donna Carbee, freshman forward I Members of the be~ard of educe- j ago in January 1956 bin i,~;r- Eagle Scout• This is Roy Young. i n~t .approved and' the college ap- on a ~tuuon oaszs, low the truck to n~ke a'left turr~ on the Lisbon girls' basketball team, I tion and school secretaries of towns ~ He is sm'vived by his wife the
I~t-1 tit ,~wa~s. Mr Youn-" -assed all his testspeele~i~-,~ the Tame county board of! ~------'--" off the road. Damage was also caus- was runner-up in the free threw[ in the Wapsie 8 conference have! former Blanche Trach~ta, to whom
Dt~! ,qra~,. "-A- e-°m'l~y .................... ...~.,,2 ^ --^~.P~_ ^, ~t^ o~uu~ ~ ..... *~uup .... r'wi'~w'~ ~ , which also. disallowed the . ~lvin~J|~'* ~nu~l"k m~u,~U"--'- ed to the other car driven bv Robert. . ............. contest at the girls' sectional at Mar- 1 been .... invited to meet at the Lisbon t he was married on Jan. 11, 1947, and
in St. Paul Minn., in 1912. Be- tax exemption claim. I ........ A. Rob~son of Ceda~ Rapids. No one tene. ~ne maae .z~ ou~ oI za. tree scnoot nouso at v:30 p.m. on Mort- ~ oy mmr son ~ammy Joseph, who is
tat Case~ -~ cause the Scout organization was Judge M. F. Farber's decision in N~ Kepresentahve was injured. I throws ou~ so~m ~tuth A~n~ I day, Feb. 18. They will discuss !in second grade at Lisbon.
o o ~ mere new .... ish - F ......... the district court was upheld by the --~-----~ i of S~anwooo. ±-o oreak me ~ie, eacn I scnool salaries and other mutual I Also surviv~ ..... ~_ -r.._~:,.,_
rn carl ~es~aDl ea eD. ~, ll~lO) me • i • • . . . . ,-~ ,*-~ ,,... ~v~uu~
~e ,d~Pendeb:e re- troop leader did not understand the higher court= He held m d,strxct ~ Dr. R. R. Voetberg was introduced RUN-AWAY CAR I shot 10 more; This time Donna ]problems. D~ectors have been in-lparen~s Mr. and Mrs. Joseph r
|~e~ ~ph~,~..., ~" proper procedures and delayed in court that "This is not enaowment : as a new.memoer ot ~.mns ClUO at Damage estimated at $300 was I made ezgnt ou~ oi lu ou~ ~ vz~ea ~rom ~wecnan~cswne,. SCan. l Tvrdik of Cedar Rapids; a sister
I$~'ls ' pe
If. ct~,k-'~.~u a sending the report to headquarters for the benefit of the college put I me regumr meeung at Holiday done to the car belonging to Carl maae go