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February 14, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 14, 1957 |
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Mt Vernon, la, Hawkeye-Reeord *g Menhon"
grid" The Lisbon" Herald R ~,tM'ht .... 'WAY BACK WHEN1 Delegate To New York[ Residents Have Dick Hughes In Hospital IMrs. Zola Folden
Thurs., Feb. 14, 1957 rage ~ Florence Hoidahl TEN YEARS AGO ! - ~ ~ ~.~,~ ,~
~----------------- Folks have complained frequently Feb. 6, 1947 i m iiuzn ~nmversary Following Auto Accident Iu,_*ll__l i A .I . ]th'ree sister's Mrs A-~h an~
! [ / ,luea in cclaem iBh'mingham' Mich.
.... . ,~ . I that corn frozen on the cob has a R. P. Ink "hikes" town l~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ormer residents in the Coon i Dick Hughes is spending two~ I Healy Anamosa. and
IThh: £:ntWvK:Yoen-~::kOeryy i%n~cde~tChhee:t~:(~bihlS~i!~: tb~!il re~°~)k! ~Mt~:X~e~h cds2if~,x~ ~iah!!~laS~h~irdom:i!" ' ~ 1 ~ ~ Creek community many years ago, i weeks at home recovering from in-[ Mr. and Mrs. Ira L. Davis ofMt [ Jeanne Heffley of Berl~cm %~
and The lisbon Herald " g. . .i_ y ' , i ~ ~70th wedding anniversary on Jan. in curvea milenorth ofWalker on atdeath of their daughter Mrs Zola',M~°] ~e pare
• 1Poets have solved that problem, the fences..• Girls sectional post-! the W. O. Dodds observed theirljuriesreceived when his car missed]Vernon were notified of the tragici ......... liTraci&
:27 at the home of their son and i slippery road on Jan. 31 ~M. Folden of Vallejo 'Calif' last. y , uh~, inme IR H
Mc~isW£1;P ~:D h :~ai~pbthd!u:!:[rerei~ ~°e :P;ti~:~k:ei°~ ~r~!? ~bt.?arhdt~dr:y ~ ~ ~ ~ '' , ......... e~ ~c re~u,Lea irom an .... . vvi
10~)f2fn'~alANee~Np;pher~M-M°un!L,nn ~o~,,~y Vernon aIOZa CJ CO~; ::::::ill!i: Immiiy in Edina Mo " |w~'- T4,-: ~ ...... i: ", ~, "' " cmlty near iwar~ene D ~;,"
t ' : The Dodds lived on the former, H.e spent from Thursday , m ght !automobile accident which occurred Prior to her moving~ l}usba
i V[o~!O~Me/!e(drker ~@id2dl~uur! ~!~ht:li!? s 65th anmversary ~ ~ ~ William Longerbeam farm. After lUntn iues°ay morn.rag at St. buKe'S,February 2 1957 !in 1947 she lived with ~a mere
,/M~:n a the famil m • Inosplm, t~e~ar ~apms Ior examina " ' ' ~ .
• y Dyed to Spring Valley, i - ' ' • " She i ¢ " , • - ~Llsbon team.
Founde..The Loz~er ,, ~ii°n hi TWENTY~ARS AGO Mmn, a daughter, Essie, now Mrs.~tmn and treatment for a possible I ..... ~s.~urvl~ed by he~ four c hfl-] • --------~Use f~
Founded in 1894 by II/ F. Slam best use of the old bean they'd ,-, , Febkll, 1937 *,~~ ~i ~ ~ John Kummer of HaRtina Min,, skull fracture and internal injuries ......... rb z~ma ±w. r~enneoy ban -- ~ ~,--
returned and taught the Coon Creei~iAlth°ugh x-rays did not reveal any Antonio, Texas, Mrs. Wanda Lou I~M~; Ed Thomps?n~ti" et~
,heard ofin a lon~ time, [ t~namoer or t~ommerce considers ~~[[~~~ school. [skull fracture he may return for!~:2~%a]~_a_lx°°ert R. Reitzel of ~?.~t~n%mpsOtnotOulVelnl~"]'in'U~
James W. McCutcheon ---° .... [suggestion by engineers to tunnel~ ~ ~ ~ Mrs. Dodd has sent Mrs Mable mrmer exammanon if headaches do . a~co, ann one son, }ra i- - ~. ~ 'on r,_
~:,t;,~ a,d PubliHwr [ Kinda snickered when I read ! under First Street for an underpass ..... Johnston a clipping from the Edina not clear up. He also received a cut Lynn a~ nome. " 'souse nunnng. _~._~e
~(i!!!! !~ j ~~@i!~~i ~ia!!@~dlt h e ~~! ~~ ~~W~ newspaper with a stor DoddsYhave of the an i on the nose and a bruise on his left I-~
i niversary. The seven leg.
children, 17 grandchildren and 30[ ~ | ~~
great-grandchildren Mr Dodds was .... . ,, .~ II
92 last week and Mrs. Dodds is 87 ]~I|SS t~arK, ~r, ~ern ] ~
• ~rr v~'ze ;, Linn and adioln- [carefully trimmed' ones that are Lisbon burns to ground... Mrs. Ross: ~.i~ii'~:i ii~:i:~iiiii~:!::~l ~ ;: :: years old. I WillPresent Recital [ U.S. Highway No. 30 -?"
• -,:o~ $3 00 trlght becoming But shucks why ~ a'k plans surprise party for Roy ~ ...... The seven children are Mrs. John [ I |
~J~ ~'~ ...... , " • / C1 I ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ~ : "::
o;nE y~R~'out'~id'e L)nn and'ad" " not just declare "I wear it because Burges' 25th anniversary ... Lynn i :~iiiiii~ i: :: ::i i~~: ~ : :~ Kummer. Hastings, Minn.; Mrs. i Janice Park of Victor,Cornell I ........................
;,.;,;,,;" rounties $3.50 I like it this way" and dig no fur- Gage enters light heavyweight class :i:?::ii i:~i::ii~ i ~ ~ .... ~ Frank Kimm, Minneapolis, Minn.;', junior music major, will join herI | LIVESTOCK AUCTION FV IM ...
........ , ................................................. : Ralph Dodds, Kirksville, Mo.; Fred i instructor Julian Bern in a recital! [ .................... "[v~,iy
" thor Into fancy excuses hke "it!of Golden Gloves tourney... Judy ::: ......................... ~:::~::s::~ ~ ~ ........... ~ ~ Dodds, Milwaukee Wis. and Mrs. i for two pianos on Sunday, Feb 17, I ] w~r~]~r~ ~_ _
-~ adds a little age" or "a bit of dig- Johnstons buy house trailer• Plan! Roger Dennis son of the ~Ki+o~,m~iLola Szlapka, Mrs. Ralph Arnold I at 4:00 p.m. in Cornell chapel The ] ----..~. ,.---~r'~u Ull~ [
.... • a_l.:---- laity" or "maintains individuality" to leave for Corpus Christi where i Dennises, is one'of four Iowa"Nie~t'tl~ and Willard Dodds of Edina. t program will include "VariationsI | ,*A.__ ,
~ anlT~rirdW~tSanne?he:t ~emg?l~uilnd~d- pJUdYec~.ill be employed on building di~shY;Utsh:mT:aO" ~lol2tt~2d a2:it:; ,.~ .., ,...yen, "Italian Polka," by Rachmani-I| pnone Z/i:i NiecnanlcSVllle,~
~e gth mane cultivated by' Amos i -------- March 1 at U. N. Headquarters in ~ 'and Fugue," on a theme by Beetho- | Tele " ..... " .... ~erVl
"~ " "he -olicies of the pres- ITuckle in the old Ellis Parker But- r THIRTY YEARS AGO New York City and at Washin ton uarrel ~onls Move noff, "Pantomime" by DeFalla, and |
nt ReDubhcan admmistr tmn~°me o~ ~ p " game lt~r taleneYrOUmr:~alla ~ DraF:rb, lm0oJogl2Jgist, DTChe g ' TO Central Cit~ Farm "Scaramol~che." by NIAlhsud. ~,"
eroDing" quite irritatingtoathe :e2a;do2~lt~2gI Ruth pleases ReD. E. Edward Pilgreen of The Darrel Kohtsmoved Saturday
P .... .~ of a showing when he carefully re- i large crowd at Cornell chapel... Richland will drive his car and take from the C. E. Hedges farm north
~!!!I ~ii~ii~;~~fiiii~iY eill iiiii~i~!!i~l~i@ of Mr. Vernon to a farm they have
purchased 2~,~ miles southeast of
The Ben M. Pospisel family mov-
ed onto the farm Saturday vacated
the Davenport district of the Moth- by the Kohls They came horn the
by Mauriee Crabbe, a former Re- • ............. fined $15 and costs at Mt Vernonodst church ...... "..
ublican member of the State Print- accmentany le~ me lm o~ a wooden, ....... ~. _ ~, . . . ... u The seminar is ~ on o - " ~wmner vmmi~y.
p ,_ ~ , ~ . ~. ~ _ _ , Iul bpveulng t'atrolman wagner -p s recl Ior ------
- r. cnes~ smm snu~ on ms Dears ann in. " :Me h ' - "
ing Board, follO~LoODY NOSE his frantic efforts to preserve this ~InedtsghargeSe~gamst Herman M. berk °d~StaYu~thoft~]clrOWwSl;~P memh- Enter Aud|tlon$
BREEDING A bit of manb~ boaut,, h,, ~,,,~,d *~,~, , , f r speecling 6 [ ~, ' Y •
~ ~ ...............miles e s • . ~oout 70 persons from the nation "
IN 1960 ELECTIONS "~ ~-i .... " ~, ~. ..... , a t of Cedar Rapids and Ur-I Phyllis Folkerts of Victor and @ • •
" . . . tAe uu, ect ot sis anec~ion nau spo~- I ' will tape art Th " • • ' -
"Our 'New' Repubhcan admmls- en ,,f tho "r~+~' n ............ ,,* .... ~, ~banJ. Jaeger of Worthmg for ] ,~ • p . ey will spend from Richard Cross of FarIbault, Minn.,
tration is getting, itself all. fixed .uP ~u~"**" ion~ h"~r'a • e~ ~pec~t~nu ma~ was--r2-°~'~-:-" :me I speeding in Putnam township on 'i bundaY'in i, ew yFebt 24, .... until Wednesday 'senior vocal students, of Miss.. Pink- the ONLY living room furniture that carries
~°r:n2 ~errimfiiCd(~h[lla:k:ngn t~te l~6s~ end of hm haw-raining experiences[ i:O: 30WO~_E~_(~_M~_T_~ ~gton on°~re~t~Ys~ryiVnmg~? Wt~Shre ~ ~t~te°nl~ie~:e;;di(:gl~;lraUdctoi°n;afyr
elections. Just too many of its re-[ Seems Odd to Me department: i .... !O OTED , . I" ey will have appointments with at Northrup Auditorium, University written guarantee of lifetime comfort !
forms' are getting to be unjustifia- That refugees are being welcomed ;, Tom WOlfe, a ~ormer l,oeat rein- ! senators and representatives and ~ of Mi,mesota campus, in Minneapo-
..... ~ i~en5 wno has oeen assistant man-iwill be briefed b h
ble lrmtants to too many people,wholesale into this country but a ~ • , - y t- e State Dept. lis Monday and Tuesday, Feb 11
"The latest are the postage stamps ismall technicality can be "held as i ager of a Kresge store in Dubuque, I on the U.S. relations with Russia ! arid 12.- Accompanists were Vir-
.... t ..... '~ ..... ' S..m I " " " r" t ~ ,~ ~has recently been promoted and!and the U.S. policy in the Middle~ inia Donaldson of New Lenox. Ill.
dne~r~afi~mdne!t ilt~t~i~i~ii;~a isff"ie; GaF~°crw~adoe°~° i! ai~e~jy aPe~ls~tJlbe-] tmr.ansf;:;edf t2 Kran:2: sCti°t/e iMn°tha~ E st ..... gn
S d Schneider of Albert
they say. And he has probably saved f lished in that eommun;ty " * i e:W . , o , , David Lyford, student at Iowai This is the same contest as one
some mone~v on the new. glueless __ • " ,, bawD., wohe., nas returned to the~[, Ames, ~spent the week heldl in 1955 which, was won by
stamps but he has irritated thou-t It's always interc'~.ting to hear a posmon wltn the Guaranty Bank lend in the parental John LyfordlCharlotte Reinke, a Cornell gradu-
sands and thousands of voters doing I native s~n report on his imFressions ' and Trust' Co. in Cedar Rapids he [ home. ~ ate of 1940. :~
h ho~ neld before he entered the mmy
it. I of the area behind t, e ' Curtain. ' • " . . ~ ........
,,~r~ has also fouled un the mail I The head of the Sehield Bantam Co. i ....... I | | i
~-v~i~ ;eta;on towns 'until it is of Waverly father of h present Cor-NEW CLERK | . . |
i)tm~:!~Yia~°skebl?°t'° ln;:?n~e'll:t;; llaCslI wst/dken~ iP'°ks~rt°°; hfa~l °hn°thse :r~tnaic:a~en~Y:2~!;:CoV°nn:!!i~t;°nd i~[I ~v Service for Particular Peoplo l i
from Vincent to Eagle Grove (9 i experiences m Russia. i ..... ' • .," .~ l| ..... |,
~,n~.o~ ;,~ 1-¢¢ than two days At "They (the Russians)must always IweeK. ~ne takes a civil service] | ~ ~ • • |!
................ position with the inspector of naval
...... mailed in Vincent and ad-ibe ahead of you " said Mr. Schield. I• . . . , | ~ ~ ~ l~ • ~ ~1~ ~ |
then comes back th g ' . " ' ....................... [ = ~ On2 ~ERMALUX has the base spring unit ~ ........ el
Eagle Grove the next night. Jgood Russian tune'. Do you know ] I ~l~l~l~lg ~I ~.~m:~l~:m~ I{ SEC~~~aa- U~'~ItsJ mll:l'[
'This is not an isolated incident wnat lz was: '~lways':" ' U m.amulr m • .,tmm~_m:mdul~m u~ T/ORALS ## ~~'~f~'o~ BOIH PIE{~
.... , I • ~v~v~ m • ~ll~V,mm~sw~ I AT THE SAME ~' ~wshadesofGreen, t ~ ~$~
"'" If the Chica-o train is late ~ Mr Schmld had with him in Rus- I ~ I • ~ !
elmer. "~- h-'--o c~min"~ north is i sic a'recent issue of Better Homes [ ~ ~ ] | .............. | ] ,~~ withb .... for- ~ • ~1~ L,~
)EeM&- EST ...quality a.d eco"
i!onue \ Z--L N "
Internal e pa [ ,~. ! I
. Mr Schield and his companion were " -~ "!'N[ " ~:. ......... ~ ......
• ' " r "have no churches," said the guide[ ~ [. ~ I Z~ iiiiiiii::::~ i X::iiii!:i:::iiiii:ii!~,
ed this latest one m the eou ts. or in "ri ~ • .- , THIS '
..................... t epe~ted 'qm es. Eventually t )b~g~'~2~~ ~~I-~';-~ t';:--" [ii~*~:~:~ t gN~I'H~
complaints have touched on Mr .... .i r, ~ ~ ~-~//.~ ---, --,~ ~, ......... :~'~
........... ;, gui~es mignt oe found who could, s..a..~, o~.f, ,ou (~ k~-~,\\~//c~. [ W~sattentlon to details ti::ii::~i~l 1 ONLY ~ii!iiiii!iii~ I Qua,ty built liv,ng room furniture, priced this mouth ~:
~enson or nis 'morns m me stue. ~ ............ , complete ,no of / ~"-~ ("k~J\ ' ~ ~ .................... [~ii~ 1
.............. • -" :'-i ~ mrec~ ~nem ~o a cnurcn ~ne men th, ~,,~t C,d, A ~, \ ~ ¢I ~ ! .~;C, IF]Ill ~r[l. /&'_ ...... [iii~::~ 1
~22tsl'tY°~h~: ;:unS°h~%u*~t ;*us; !were taken ton building set among i Do'~ ~;~:¢~oto°~ ~/' \ i ~~$ iS ' part Of OUr freed. [iiiii~i! ] ~~~mze into,'
............... ,,other buildings in plainness and .h~,,t~ Always { | 1 ! . "~]~|[. ~]~'~[~ "s [ii[ii::ilt ] ~ff~~eautifulshadeso£Brt
aOou~ everyone in the **nuui ...... ! eha~ S'.nitat % -- -- '~ "" ............. ,,' ~~ith brass fe~ule~
sameness ~ crowd stood outside--i ~... • ~ i~::~i~
It cou}d add uPtitcOla]U~tsla::~ ~1~; there was no room within. But the i {~"~t~o~ou~r ~o~- ~~ ~1~,, [, ,~g,~.~ , ~
~Iiggoer~ ~~wes:come. 1960." an~l~e~vOe~e~22: hOUnd thru ~,a~a ~~__. ~ ~. ~~ '] REG. $259.50~ ..... 50
-- m" ' t t at service, ~ ] ~~ -. . ......... I ne Lamp
Te.msterUn,onLeaders ay be more deeply religious thanl • " ". -- ' ------ "= ' Hurrica I(P.I, -
1-[[--.~.~.~" we," observed Mr. Schield. 'They' ~ ,. ~ IWw~, m j . SEC,IONAL$ '
Defy Senate Comm,ttee Ste~vO~i~est~i;dw ~£yho~UrSs_~rist~ahat Morgan FuneraJ
burnimg Hturricane lamp
I An st I - s,., tow
• ' '- would "do so inorder to attend l [ Funeral Homes . . . Ambulance Service ] I .l~Slawith.~.l°r~d~m.e.t~l'~.~l~l~. | , m ,
The actions of Dave Beck presi V ,'~u~
m n.~.~ I J ~,~,~ ;. s..,~ ,...~.,~
dent of the Teamsters Union, in churchg,, I
fleeing from the U.S. apparently to ....... . _. J Mt. Vernon, Phone 5012 Lisbon, Phone 2501 J~V'J J c)rgan 'urn 'ure
avoid answering questions about ~~ hat. Vernon, Dial 5012 Lisbon,
union finances looks like a dead 11~ '~ '.'.:~::::~ :':"-":'::.'~.~""."=.'~:.'.:.~:~
give away that he is involved in the ~ }.%:::::i::i:.!i:i:::i: ::!!i:: :::~i(~:;!:::i:i.::': [
misuse of union funds the Senate ~i! i::~ii!~i~:ii:i~::!:::i::::'i,:i ~s..~:i:::::: i!::i
committee seeks to investigate. I
Mr. Beck in recent years has been i! ~i.!ii
held up as a respectable labor lead- ~ :~ : ::::::~ i
er who has extensive business oper- i.!:~ :::ii~ ~ I"% - . • ~ • • • ,
atmns and is stud to be a million- ....... ~ e[eDnone lS nr .......
• . . : f ~/,~ ._ x, --l~,~t:~..[~, ,~ ~ ]
hire. i :
Evidence now points to the ::~ :~:i::!:::.~i:
opposite According to evidence :' ......... ~ .... :: ..... ~ - ~ ~1 1 .
presente~l leaders in his union •.. l~; S me cneanes~ I
have been guilty of gross ::!i!i : ..............
use of union funds. ................ • ~, • .e ]
~. Union officials hiding behind the ~iii servme we Duv. I
~th amendment are using the same :ii;!:: "/ i
tactics as former members of the ~ii I
communist party to avoid answer- ~'~
ing questions which might involve il i~1 ',
them. i~|| What a comfort it is to know everything's 1
Every honest working man who is ll r" '
........ |l| lght at home when we re out for the eve- [
a memoer oz a laoor unmn is ~emg " ' ' " II d
besmirched by the arrogance o{ the Ill sing. Its wonderfully reassuring to call home e e. You' :,;
teamster unions, lll~ and hear our baby sitter say ' Things are just I
These same union leaders have in m a~ ,, ,
the past screamed about the unfair- III fine! I
ness of the Taft-Hartley Jaw. One llll I
reason this law was passed was to ]] | No doubt about it--a telephone helps make I
protect union membexs from their ~ , I
• ' 1 | life pleasanter in many ways It s a dependable 1
leaders as well as from unscrupu- I~ " ,
lous business operators From the ~ personal service, at your fingertips 24 hours I
looks of information disclosed in the ~ a day A big buy in hanniness and nonce of D
Senate investigation, members of ~!~ • " ¢ ~
some unions need protection from ~l~ mind.
dishonest leaders. !~ !
ARE GETTING ALONG WELL ::ii!I ~ Northwestern Bell Telephone Company {
J. G. Lueas, editor of the Madrid !:~: /
fm mer state ~ "
tween Democratic Governor Love- t
• d'
less and the Repubhcan controlle
legislature than might be indicatedI
by news articles. "The Governor'
is moving calmly and slowly, and
the legislators indicate one para-!
mount interest, that of legislation~
for the good of the state", he says.
Also the Governor's appointments
to the state board of regents are
considered satisfactory by nearly
Farm Labor Clinics Will
Be Held Feb. 21, March 7
Farm labor clinics will be held at
the Iowa State Employment Service
office, 308 3rd St. SE, Cedar Rapids,
on Thursday, Feb. 21, and Thursday,
March 7, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
These clinics provide a meeting
place for workers and farmers. Hir- t
ing takes place on the spot. There
are openings for well qualified farm
Dial 7061
Mt. Vernon
The Family Will Love
Your ""
Meals !
Modern gas ranges are built with
feature after feature, designed
specifically to conserve the good-
ness in foods -- and to add to
that goodness by superlative cook-
ing. Depend on your modern gas
range to bring out the best in
every meal you cook on it.