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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
February 14, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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February 14, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Mr. Vernon, la., Hawkeye-Reeord : The Henry Hunwardsens were iMRS. HAESELER HONORED and The Lisbon Herald ~ ~'Saturday birthday supper guests in l At the W.S•C.S. meeting at the Thurs., Feb. 14, 1957 t'age 4: the C. H. Westcott home at Clarence. home of Mrs. Lyle Capper, Mrs. 1 day, Feb. 17, Sunday school at 10 i The Don Nicolls and Gregory en- O. L• Haeseler was presented aI a.m. Classes for all age groups• !Curtained Dan's parents, the Harold Mrs• Everett Garrett and son Troy W S C S Life Membership pin in Worship, 11 a.m. A young man from Nicolls of Mechanicsville at supper of Iowa City were Sunday dinner recognition of her faithful and de- i Cornell college will be guest speak- Sunday and Mrs. Nicoll's parents, guests of the Richard Carbee family,i voted work m' the Society, the i' er and we assure you a very hmely' j~' the R. S. Downs of Marshalltown Mrs. Rachel Miller and Stephen ] Methodist church and S u n d a y message• ~ from Tuesday to Friday last week. Mrs. Paul Seitsinger was hostessattended the centennial dinner of school, i The general pubhc is extended a4 The E.U.B. church is conducting the Two by Four bridge clubthe Iowa Historical Society Thurs-[ -- ivory cordial invitation to all of our la drive for $1500 to be used for a day at Iowa City• I Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Decious and !services. i new furnace and other improve- to boys were Sunday dinner guests in! -- i ments in the church basement To Tuesday afternoon. Albert H. Gray was released Sun- I the Gerald Scott home at Marion. ] Thimble society held a potluck ~ date $400 had been n~edged The Do:,ald Heniks and Darcy day from Mercy hospital in Iowa! The Gay Bluebirds under thei .t:hechurch Feb. 6, Mrs/[ Debby 22-months-old daughter of were Sunday afternoon callersin City where he had spent a week! .... the M. E. Pike home• undergoing treatment. ! leadership of Mrs. M.E. McCann, ~ i~:ana ~amarmge and Mrs. Eecn! the Gene Smiths, was brought home The William Stork family are. Several members of the Lisbon I held their Valentine and candy par- i nay nos~sses. . . , I Thursday from Mercy hospital in ty on Monday, Feb. 11, in the old i uaI"reu ~laKe en'tertainea a grouPiAnamosa where she had spent a few moving onto the Mrs. Sylvester farm : OES visited t h e Mechanicsville ] r.~inn hM1 ~ , OI inenas a~ ms neme ~amroay days for observation vacated by the I)orcases. school of instruction Thursday aft- ~'~,'~'" ~'"'-'.~ ,."in d "o : ~ I evening: John Jackson Sharon Han- ] - ' . ..... ~ ~ , na Rosalene Catlett Tom Greena- I -- Paul Kim of Cornell college was ernoon and evening Feb. 7. ] mrs lee ~reny was cam e ~ ~ , ' ........ ~ L lwald, Gerald St.olte, Fritz Mmneke, i a Sunday dinner guest of Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mohn visited I her bed for rive says oecause oI m- t ' ' . . juries to her back from llI~lng. ~ne I L ' r,_,-~n,~ ~,,~ ~;~,.~ ~.... n ...... .J ] . Rachel Miller and family. : over the week end in Milwaukee at • ~ ~ ,~,,,~ o,~w, ~,~,c n,~a, ~:~ymu.uI • has been able just recently to be up Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Francis of Iowa :the Edgar Jorden home and with j ...... :~:. :. ;Fmdley &m Kuchenbaker Florence i Planning to aug arouna Iora iew hoursearn .... : ..... Dun n' h n ' ' City were Sunday dinner guests in Mrs. Kay Skinner and son. • :: :~ :!~::::: : :: ] ca , S aro Slyer, Mrs. Glenn I the Dr. E. P. Bigger home• ' Mrs. Minnie Sedlacek of Cedar say. --Roberts Photo]Slyer and the Charlie Woods'. Mr. [ " " 9 Bill Burlingame spent Friday Rapids returned home Monday after The Edson Koppenhavers and CUT LARGE WEDDING CAKE j Wood is the instructor of Darrell's ~l reaecorale. Glen Kerns of Mechanicsville and , --i ,r.A^ night and Saturday at the Charles spending the week end with herthe Charles Nosleys and Candle" of~h,,lvtr" ,,and, ,uMrs~,~l," Bernard, ,~,~,Grahek17,. ~arei~i The .... Lawrence I)uncans Florence,I Carstenson home at Oxford• i niece, Mrs. Pauline Maiden• . • o ....................... s ..... ~ , Iowa City were Sunday droner fore it was cut at their recent wed 'Fand Dennis entertained Mrs. Dun-I See our new Spring The Cecil Hays and children ofi Mrs. Raymon Stearns returned guests of the Howard Masons and " 's s" f m " din" Mrs G"~'ek---as the formerlean lster and a fly the Cecil Anamosa were Sunday evening vis- Saturday from St. Luke's hospital, Mardel. R~ella Y'egg~," da~;hter of the i Hays, Coleen, Bruce and Susan, and l select ons of itors in the Fred Siebels home• .iwhere she had been confined for 10 Mr. and Mrs. George L. Albright Henry Yega~vs of Solon They were !her parents, the Lloyd Hunters, hon- Lisbon Chapter No. 490 O.E.S. will days following major surgery• were hosts Wednesday to a pot luck ma~/ed a['the Im~cula~" Con-I °ring the birthdays of both Mr. and hold their regular meeting Thurs- i Mrs. John McHugh has been con- supper for the Couples bridge club• ception church in Cedar Rapids I Mrs. Hay and Mrs. Hunter, also the day, Feb. 14 at 8 p.m. in the Masonic fined to her home the past two Guests were the Darrell Morning- " I wedding anniversary of the Hunt- i Temple. ! weeks suffering from a bout with stars, Frank Carbees, and the Ray- TO PLAY MT. VERNON ! ers, Feb. 10. Mr. and Mrs. Walther Carstens at-the flu. Margaret Rose McCann of mond Puffers. Lisbon boys will close their 1957 The Dick Uridel family of New-We have sample books you tended the 92rid birthday of Mr. Marion and Don Long of Springville The H E Dorcas family plan to lseas°n with a game with Mt. Ver-lhall were guests of Mrs. Uridel's • " -- -- " " I Carstens' father, Dick Carstens, at'were S,unday evening visitors withmove about Feb. 20 flom the Mrs. t non m the Lmbon gym Tuesday. b grandmother .... Mrs Ella Grassfield may take home if you wish. Olin on Wednesday evening, Feb. 6. Mrs. McHugh. Margaret Sylvester farm southwest lDespice the fact that they haven't Sunday. of NIechanicsville, to a house which lw°n a game, the Lisbon boys ex- Betty Dykhuizen, Cedar Rapids, they have built on the farm of Mr. Ilpect to give Mt. Vernon a run for spent Thursday night with her L. Dorcas, their money, friend, Mrs. Gene Pye. Pat's Firestone Dorcas~ father, Harry northeast of Lisbon• Mr. Dorcas will Mrs. Dessa Angus accompanied farm his father's~ place • "'" 'xMorle"" News her daughter and family, the Earl CA----- Mike Torrance and Nancy Morn- -. ..... Domers of Tipton, to the Bud Smith ~,,lll~rt~ ...... to enter St ~v~rs. ~mya ~,n~er home in Anamosa Sunday. mgstar are scneamea •T...,,.r.~....~,r~.~o ....... da Feb nu~uv~.~ The Abner Achenbachs visited Mrs. Dean Clark Luke's hosp~tm mlS ~nurs y . ~ . . ~1~. ....... 14 and undergo mnsl~ Tel ctomies Fri- ~au-v]ew ~n~m~erDm~s nearo ur- their daughter Mrs Newell Meeks . " ' ........ on Morn an Daws talk on "Health" and Dick and her family near Martelle and L,sbon, Iowa Dial 3371 flay. J.nelr morner lvxrs, u - _ .. , . • " " " " 1ana ~vlaynara van Antwerp give a their son, Vernon Achenbach and' lngstar will remain m the hospxta _ " : ........ .' ......... aemons~ratmn on "LUDrlcallon OI' family near Anamosa Sunday. toassls~ intheircare~rlclay ana .... .... ; rained agj'oup of hm ~amny rem-,leader, handed out projedt inse~'ts. hues ~tdroner on Sunday They " ~ - . • j Tom Hinrichsen, Bill and Larry ~ re Mr and Mrs Ed Gmem Joyce ~e .... h :Catlett were the hosts Maynard Plumbing - Heating and KetCh and Mrs Alvina Bac ....... ' • . Ivan ~n~werp, rep. man of Clarence; Mrs. Ve~maI ____ Air Conditioning Wright, Doris and Robert of Spring- ! Morley junior high boys beat rifle; and Mr. and Mrs. Harold:Martelle here Feb. 4 61 to 18. The Bachman of Cedar Rapids• i Junior boys lost to Monticello Feb. 6 at Morley ]2-24. FRINK'S lb. 39c Lisbon Church Notes i oWO :, ropped a d ouUe header Rath's PICNIC HAMS (in --- Morley Friday on the local floor, Plumbing and Heating Service LISBON METHODIST CHURCH ',Morley girls winning 64 to 34 and 9 a.m. Sunday school, 9:50 a.m. iMorley boys taking their game 48- Dial 3771 Lisbon, Iowa -- FROZEN ITEM -- church serv!ce.. .... r45 The second was a nip and tuck Junior high aria senior mgh MYFI f; i~ a Morle ....... ...... , a ia " S y DraKe a nalll, lme Old South v p m Monday ~eb Its" ilnanclal[ • • .' . '~ . ' ~ .~ [26 26 t~e to move ahead• RuM was I commission mee[s a~ parsonage v'~a . i - v. i•h ....... .... • . ~ n gn ~ t 1~ ior me Days orecna- JUICE cans 49c pm" Thurs 21s~ eaucanon commm ............ ' " " " :1Walc1 With 60 [or the girls. slon at parsonage 7 p m • " i FOREST CHAPEL NEWS ! FEDE~'~-D ! Men of Forest Community will TILE CHURCH Lisbon, lows ;serve a pancake supper at the For- Location eight miles south of Lisbon est Chapel church basement Thurs- -- GROCERY ITEMS -- Sunday School, 9:30 day, Feb. ]4, starting at 5 p.m. Pro- 4 btls. and ceedSprovementsWill bein usedthe church.t° pay for ira- Saturday, Feb. 23, 1957 " )ver Phone 2961 Open Sunday Mornings Deliveries Twice Daily Orders in by 10:30 a.m.; 3 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials -- MEAT ITEMS -- Cudahy's Gold Coin BACON..... Ib., ,9c PORK SPARE RIBS, Lean and meaty 35(: BEEF LIVER, Tender and fresh ............ lb. 25(: Longhorn CHEESE, Wisconsin Cheddar lb. 45C C.F. Cream Style or Whole Kernel CORN ............................................ 2 cans 29c Campbell's VEG. BEEF SOUP ........ 2 cans 35C C.F. OLEO ........................................ 2 Ibs. 49c GUM, All flavors ............................ 3 pkgs. 10C Butter-Nut or Folger's COFFEE ............ lb. 98C Golden Ripe • • • • Phone 3661 Morning Worship, 10:30. Youth Leagues for juniors high school, 6:30. Evening Worship, 7:30. Thursday, Bible study and pray- November 5th, 1956 ]er meeting, 8 p.m. GOOD CHEER CLUB Good Cheer Club met with the John Lights on Feb. 2 with a 6:30 All Day Sunday from Drip, Regular or Fine Grind ! Flavors-Cola, Punch, Collins potluck. The 22 members present were called to order by pres. Floyd Decious. The group voted that there would be no club dues nor birthday club dues this year. Instead of having the program as planned the evening was spent The Lisbon Council met with all mem- bers present and Mayor Plattenberger pre- siding. The minutes were read and ap- proved. Councilman Kaliban was author- ized to order 2 loads of blacktop patching if needed during the next month. The fol- lowing bills were allowed• Joseph Zbanek, salary incl. tax .... $290.00 Mearl Reynolds, gasoline etc ..... 28.03 Franks & Sons, Lisbon Inc., cement 3.50 Bitimijous Materials Co., patching . 95.71 Mt. Vernon Ready Mix, cement ... 13.90 Generator S~ervice, repairs ........ 7.60 J & L Hardware, supplies ........ 2.18 Win. L. Peiper, labor ............ 36.25 J. M. Carbee, salary incl. tax .... 20•00 watching T.V. Next meeting will Mt. Vernon Hawkeye, printing 56.93 be a potluck supper at 6:30 on Mar. I Auditor of State, examination .... 305.60 • the Ro Li hts Mrs Theo- I Beranek Hardware keys 2.00 2 wlth Y g " " t l ........... "~'~-~ ~* ""~1~ ~"~ in ohar~,e of the w. A. Kel er & Co., receipt book .. 2.75 ~v,,. ,.,,~ .......... ~ tWin. J. Zearing, salary incl. tax .. 200.00 program. Win. J. Zearing, car and gas exp... 30.00 a.m. to 10c Lisbon, Iowa • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e • • • • • • • Dale Wagaman, spur. police ...... 30•00 Roy Leinback, school signs put out 15•00 Louis Albaugh, ext. marshal ...... 14.00 Frink Plumbing, services ......... 19.79 Carbee Ins. Agency, truck ins ..... 58.50 Ironcrafters, heat. and weld ...... 16.50 L. A. Davis, service and oil on pump 10.00 Floyd Shaffer, parts .............. 31.25 Chandler Co., leather gaskets ...... 2.00 United Tel. Co. of lov.a, phones and tolls ............................ 9.65 J. C. Kepperle Co., hydrant repairs 30.44I McCall Plumbing, services ....... 9.80' Miller Imp. Co., sprinkler etc ..... 41.98~ Emil Walter, 2 mos. hauling ...... 30.00! Fred Alexander, salary incl. tax .. 100.001 J. M. Carbee, salary ........... 15.00 i J. M. Carbee, salary .............. 65.00 Is. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., pumping ... 55 40 Ia. E~l. Lt. & Pr. Co., lights ...... 124.70 State Hygenic Lab., test water .... 8.00 Bring coupons from 2-page Swift & Co. advertisement in Life, Look and Ladies Home Journal here for valuable savings. Coupons in each magazine are worth $1.45 to you. LISBON DELIVERIES -- Please phone orders for Saturday delivery on Friday afternoon or by 9 a.m. Saturday. Lisbon phone 3661. STORE HOURS -- Week days 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. M. E. McCann, light on tower .... 5.00 M. F. S~hiek, repair leak 26.50 No further business tile'm~ti'ng ad- • I journed. t~ glll)~ema EEI G.F. PLATTENBERGER, Mayor • tJ. M. Carbee, Clerk • ] Council Meeting Dt~embcr 3rd, 1956 ~ • ] The council met with all members pres- ~[ ent and minutes were read and approved. • t l~} street lights were ordered installed as ~/soon as the light company could make the installation. It was moved and seconded that starting January 1st, 1958 that the salary of the mayor be set at $200.00 per Carried. The bid of John Sutliff for cement mixer of $23.00 was accepted. Bills were allowed as follows• Joseph Zbanek, salary incl. tax . .$ 290.00 J. M. Carbee, salary incl. tax .... 20.00 G. F. Plattenberger, salary 3 mos. 6•25 G. R. Andre, salary 3 mos ....... 6.25 J. H. Miller, salary 3 mos ....... 15.00 Milo Kaliban, meetings 3 mos. .. 8.00 Don Minert, meetings ........... 8.001 Richard Radl, meetings 3 mos .... 6.00 John Sutliff, meetings 3 mos ..... 8.00 Nick Williams, meetings 3 mos... 8.001 Frank J. Meyer, sand street .... 185.43j Win. H. Sproston, hauling sand .. 57.60 Ralston Const. Co., street reprs... 1,000.00 Dean Clark, gas aect ............. 27.8~ United Tel. Co. of Iowa, phones and tolls ...................... 9.65 Roy Lcinback, school signs put out 15.00 Wm. J. Zearing, salary incl. tax .. '~0.00 Win. J. Zearing, car and gas exp. 30.00 Dale Wagaman,spur. police ..... 30.00 Louis Albau~h, extra marshal ..14.00 Fred Alexander, salary incl. tax .. 100.00 Ralston Const. Co., cem. st. repr. 170.00 J. M. Carbee, salary ............ 15•00 W. L. Peiper, labor ............. 20.62 McCall Plumbing, services ....... 15•14 J. M. Carbee, salary ............. 65•00 Ia. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., pumpin~ .. 54.36 Ia. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., lights ..... 124.70 Rockwell Mfg. Co., 36 meters .... 937.44 Buddy Schenk, read meters ...... 25.00 ~tate Tax Com., tax ............ 35.04 No further business the meeting ad- ourned. G. F. PLATTENBERGER, Mayor J. M. Carbee. Clerk Council Meeting January 7th, 1957 Lisbon Council met with all members. >resent and Mayor Plattenberger presiding, the minutes were read and approved. Kali- ban moved and Williams seconded that I whenever necessary the financial chairman i be and is hereby authorized to make trans- fer of funds as per section 24.22 code of' Iowa. All members voted yea and the mayor declared the motion carried• A dis- russian of speed was held but decided nothing should he done about it until warm I weather. The following bills were allowed•', Joseph Ebanek, salary incl. tax .... $290.00I' Franks & Sons Lisbon Inc., posts and bolts ...................... 16.56 Kruse Const. Co., services ........ 4•10 Mearl Reynolds, gas. acct ......... 12.46 L.A. Davis, g ...... t ............. 26.30! • . Gaines & Son, rock ......... 63.06' J. & L Hardware, shovel etc ..... 3.09 1 Bestuil Co. Inc., oil ............ 8.94~ Win. J. Eeariug, salary incl. tax .. 200.00i Wm. J. Zearing, car and gas exp.. 30.00 Roy Leinback, school signs put out . 15•00 Louis Albaugh, extra marshal .... 14.00 ~ Dale WaI~aman, special police .... 30.001 United ']'el. Co. of Iowa, phones and ,, tolls ............................ 8.~9 I Ironcrafters, weld., heat•, and cut. 40•50 Best Oil Co. Inc., fuel ............ 36.04 Dean Clark, Bat. rent ............. 12•00 Lee McHenry, supplies ............ 1.80 League of Municipalities, Ordinance book and cover ................. 11.50 Emil Walter, 2 months hauling .... 30.00 Fred Alexander, salary incl. tax .. 100.00 M. Carbee, salary incl. tax ..... 20.00 M. Carbee, salary .............. I5•00 M. Carbee, salary .............. 65.00 E. MeCann, tower light .......5.00 Best Oil Co. Inc., fuel ............ 20.18 Ia. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., 2657 KW pumping ........................ 55.58 Ia. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., lights ...... 124.70 No further business the meeting ad- journed. G. F. PLATTENBERGER, Mayor J. M. Carbee, Clerk ! Morley Methodist Church -- Rev. f Mrs. Don Nicoll will entertain the The tIarold Nicolls and A. H. of the Leonard June~l, rl Oswald Sandbach D.D., pastor• Sun- i M. E. Ladms A~d Feb. 14 at droner. Cother, Mechanicsville, were guests Mr. Cother plans to sr "---. Combination refrigerator and home freezer, washing machine, etc. This is a complete sale. See complete bill in next week's paper. Mrs. Cena Longerbeam Mechanicsville Trust & Savings Bank, Clerk Wilbur Colby Auctioneer Air Filter Cartridges Universal Joints Oil Filter Cartridges Wiper Blades Shock Absorbers Tail Pipes Wheel Bearings Mufflers A, B, V-Belts for most fractional hp motors We carry a representative stock of these items• We also have power lawn mowers ! mm Dial 3271 On Highway 30, Lisbon TILE INSTALLATION Asphalt - tino - Cork - Vinol - Rubber Get our estimate on Lino or Vinol Cabinet tops. Repair or Replacement of Sink Tops, Floors, etc. -- WORK GUARANTEED -- Call "SMITTY" Dial Lisbon 2485 \ U.S. Highway 30 Lisbon, Iowa Dial 3461 24 Hour Service Free Pick Up and Delivery Club _.~mpson --t -~ .... le~ ettes Fwe gallons of L/~:-~bert I ~, ~.~__ p.m. ~ altera gas and.., two ~l~i~~:~ II,--']1 Clu ., Ilk--f! ,/// ~/-~-~in Ki ounces at Hll ~',~ Marg /l ~' j'~1~ jl~ \ ~' Birth( ChlOroform I : Belle , Lli .theMi:l .,,;21, wit, We don t recommend chloroform for back sea~ircle oJ It's much better to let us put your car in shapi2,E" V' smooth dnwng that even the most critical b. *anc~t7 • " ~isting find a single cause for complaint. ~ng w$ iand th~ I i utive LAING S STANDARD SER distrit Mrs R~ and Restaurant , her' g~ O~heon. Lisbon on th WILBUR ,dent AND i i Daily hog market at Sale Barn, Mech0! and Chicago & North Western Yards, Tif 38 ft. Trailers and 16 ft Stralghtl for moving stock to interior plant Chicago market. We truck to Eastern Iowa Livestock Every Wednesday at Mechanics¢ F, 25 Years Experience buying stacker and fee0~ Business Phones--259 Mechanicsville, Residence Phone--53 Mecha S© Te ~y: F SPRING CARNIVAL at Lisbon School Gymnasium rots Saturday, Feb. 23, at 7:30 pJ Sponsored by Lisbon School Music CI~ Door Prizes, Floor Show, ConcesS er Ro _. ~'t you Problems,lt ,t e ,,u :4', Let us help you with the answers're" RAFTE! Point. Winter driving is tough on ca ¢ustc d at t~ yours checked and serviced from b 121 .o ce you bumper. 'Ought RA Eg Drive in now. dsiting GOODYEAR TIRES -- AUTOLITE DIAL 3501 Service For All Makes of ! •/ elevisi0 mc STANLE P Motorola Sales and Start Store 2841 101 & S© Lisbon, 'rtifie Call gro, 'i Serv~BC Dial 3821 We give S. & H. Green Trading St¢~ Phoc Up Have your carburetor, points, age regulator and generator check i justed here for trouble-free motoring11 especially equipped to service Cart1 tars. DIAL 3931, LISBON FOR APpOIP h