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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
February 20, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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February 20, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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in the na- ~etition, have of their Year's Which he furnished the With at Year since in Capacity and of 1931 he ish Olympic eOuntry, s top students of ~ere Claude Oyd Apple- team has Pin which ~eck's Put- the Army i that suc- and Dean wOuld any future set- epartment be returns from Ifornia late in Y Dean and Zoda, member of Died Feb. 9 Lds received e death of of Iowa, home in 9. mbered as Ver- Operated a Years, in by the registering 10 and 12 degrees be- tian Principles be Followed in In- lOW in early morning. The report is continued cold. Garage men were kept busy servicing and start- ing automobiles and the plumbers had many more calls than they would conveniently care for. Entire Pfeiffer Hall Addition Now In Use The Pfeiffer dining hall addition was opened to meals for the first ttme Sunday noon, accommodattng l ternational Affairs?" Churches To Join In World Day Of Prayer Friday, February 28 The Methodist and Presbyterian churches will join for a service in observance of the World Day of Prayer, Friday afternoon, Feb. 28, at 2 o'clock in the Methodist church. M:rs James Killian of Ce- at the. pre~ent five extra tables, dar Rapids will be the speaker and seating eight each. The new dor- special music will be furnished by mitory addition is now complete- both churches. ly filled with Cornell women. Men ---------- students have moved into the fe- ~ ~ ]|]' ~B ~[~,I[~ ]U[||~|~ male vacated Guild hall {~.~ IWi V H ~ I~llI.M|. " ""-"""---- Tw.o Local Students GROUPS IN CONEST The Mount Vernon high school The Purple Masquers, Cornell honorary dramatics society, lmtiat- . . . " . will have only a few entries this ed el h year in lne spring lnusic contesEs g t pledges on Tuesday night ; . '. ' In the Little Theat~ incl - {accora]n;~ to ~v J~ L,'mmr airccror e, . using . " ' r ' ~ of Inus1c in the Mount crnon pub- o~ne Travls and Elwood Young o~ . hc s~ hool~ ,~mce the gn ls glee Mount Vernon. Others initiated" " ' " ' " chib and mixed chorus participated were Barbara Carr, Barbara Bick- ctt, BIll Dodds, Doris Boerema, Bet- ty ffean Hunt and Lenore Taylor After the ceremony refreshments were served in the candle-lit "green room." The pledges were asked to give an impromptu panto- mime scene for the group Then the Hamlet east entertained the pledges by giving a skit of their own, a farce of one of the scenes from "'Hamlet." Mrs. Cynthia Belknap Died In Chicago 10st yea]" in the national music con- test held in St. Paul, Minn those groups are barred from entering this year. :Mr. Fuller states that the band, a soprano, a mezzo-so- prano and a baritone solo may bc entered in the spring district con- test which wi/] be held in Monti- cello on April 3, 4 and 5. The mimic groups including the Girls and Boys Glee clubs, the orchestra and the mixed chorus will participate in the invitational high school music festival to be held at thc State Vniversity of Iowa in Iowa City on May 1, 2 and 3. good who finishes a three y,ar ]es sitting, standing and sprawling term is nominated for re-election. The annual school board election will occur on the second Monday in March, whieh comes on March 1 0, at the Mount Ve,'non city hall. The menlbcrs on the board whose terms do not expire nre: Dr. I I']. Bigger, Mrs. J. B. Culbertson and Vernon Jaynes. 200 Tons Ice Cut From Ink's Pond on the sunny banks of the Missis- sippi river. The pickaninnies cut capers and break into a clog dance while others sing and exchange wise cracks. The darkies have all come to see tbe Show Boat which will be "comin' round the bend" any min- ute. A couple of deep toned "toot- toots" are heard in the distance and everyone breaks Into singing of . "H,re Comes The Show Boat." On the second choru~ a big boat rolls onto the stage carrying a chorus of trombone players dress- ' ed as nigger sailors and blowing A crew of men working for the io beat all ----. At the end of this F. J. Pctcrson Inc put up 200 number, the Show Boat whirls tony of lee last Sunday. The ice lar und revealing 'i minstrel eir- was obtained from InICs pond:Cle, complete with an interlocuter north of Mount Vernon. The pond (Bob Beranek) who say~ "Gentle- was not frozen solid around the men, be seated." The end men edges and had to be left but theswap some hot ones and the circle ice through the center was all the!ruing's several numbers, featuring way from 8 to ]0 inehcs thick, iAi Morrissey in "Eloise," and a Twelve trucks (lid the hauling. If speciality number by Betty Chiquet, the weather continues cold this Cornell student, in "Can't Help week Fred Mizaur. local manage]', I,ovin' That Man," The circle says they will cut another 100 tons i really ~oes to town on "Java Jive" next Sunday He said the ice ha.d frozen five inchcs in two (lays the first of the week. Iowa Income Tax Man To Be Here Mar. 11 G. J. Bondurant, field auditor for the State Tax Commis.~ion, states that there will bc a representative of the commission "~t ~hc City }Ial] in Mount Vernon on Tuesday, March 11, to assist ~axpayers in the filing of state ineome tax returns. Thorc is no charge for this service. The Tax Commission office at 629 C. R. S. B. Bhlg Ced'L.r It'~pi(ls, and tops off in "l)ark Town Strut- ters' Bali" with Nell Miner doing some fancy hoofing. The Minstrel set .closes with the fall of the oleo drop which, follow- ing a specialty number, again rings up revealing a barber shop and the famous Lion's quartet showing off with a shave, shine and shampoo in Saturday night rhythm. This act closes with A1 Morrlssey out like a light on the floor, sniffing a bunch of red roses. Next comes the cotton pickers' , act, featuring IAonesscs Essle Mae Hill and Peg Johnston. The oleo conies down again for another spe- ('i'~Ity featuring 1)pug Hudelson and Jean Smith, a couple of "kids about town." They do a burlesque on the adagio dance and encore with a song from Noel Coward's "Red Peppers." The oleo rings up and several couples dressed in nineteenth cen- tury costumes dance to the Blue lished their home there, where Mr. Leinbaugh was associated with the Elwood creamery for fifteen years In 1906, he purchased a lumber yard at Martelle, and with the family, Martelle has since 'been their home He continued in busi- ness until his retirement about four years ago. Their children are: Clyde E Mrs. Harry Newman, Mrs. Merle Murfield and Mrs. George Barner all of ,Martelle; Mildred A. I~ein- i baugh, of Cedar Rapids: Mrs. W~il- lard Russell of Clarence and Mrs Thomas Laverty of Laurel. They also have seven grand children. A general invitation is extended their friends to call on Wednesday afternoon or evening. No other in- vitations are being sent Lee Stingers Hosts To Franklin Twp. Bureau The extremely cold weather on Tuesday evening kept many Farm Bureau members from attending the regular meeting of the Franklin Township Farm Bureau at the Mr. and Mrs. :Lee E. Stinger home. Those present enjoyed a delightful evening preceded 'by a delicious pic- nic supper. The program consist- ed of a piano solo by Joan Blinks; a guitar solo, by Dorothy Gaines: A paper on "American Achieve- ment" by Mrs. G. A. Stonebraker; extracts taken from minutes of the Franklin Township Farm Bureau meeting of years ago were read by Mrs. Anna Gormly; "Pasture Im- i provement" was the subject for a talk by R. P. Ink who led a dis- cussion following his talk. Group singing led ,by Luther Plattenberger with Lyall Bryant at the piano con- cluded the program. Farm Loan Assoc. To Hold Annual }any. Fun- Danube. This number is followed bv Meetina" Wednesday February afternoon, a specialty dance act featuring, v ------- ~Y Holly- Methodist chnrch. Hc was aceom- Mar. 10, AnaInosa, Court House. Genevieve Snyder After this num- Wednesday, March 26 has bee : was In Merry Lou 4-H Club Meets {panied by Bev. Trevor Baskcrville, Mar. ~1, Mt. Vernon, City Hail. ber comes A1 Morrissey singing set ms the date for the annual meet-n With Mary Plattenberger i pastor of the Methodist church in Mar. 12, Marion, City tIall. . "Old Man River" with the entire ing of members of the Iowa Na- ;Martelle and Rev. I.oerch of Ben- Mar. 14, Springville, Bank. l eompany in on the chorus The cur- tional Farm .Loan Association, H. The Merry Lou 4-H club met Sat- nett. Charles Boss, chairman of Lain rings down on a grand finale N. Rockwood, president, has an- -T0 urdaYleader atandthethrechOmeguestsof MarYanswcredCarol i the general conference conunission S~ BU Platten'berger Eight members, one]in n w rl" ]numbers. The date was set hy the associa- 'a. ,iee(O peaco conducted the Dana ilds a medley of the show's nounced. Forty-five ministers were the roll call The guests were threeli s " Drc, Ont. girls from Cornell college who ob- ] Rubber Cutter [ tion directors at a meeting tn the Thomas i ]~O~llr~ ~d~,~r~ ~ farm loan office in Cedar Rapids. th, ----- ,~,~a--~. x ~. vv ~ x~x annual e firstserved the meeting as a project fm "r~o ~ . ~ ~ ~ ,~s h,~ rcventlv i)uiit { Mr Rockwood said the ' lll be on? of their ?lasses vlsnDeln ros ponea rubber cuiti,g m ,ch,e for I Death Ot Wm. Codhng get-together this year .is expected at 8 30 Among other numoers on the lar est gatherings )n ' : - --" Midland Rubber company in Ce- I ~ to be one of the g ,~ Cemetery program was an illustrated tall< The lecture of Morris Fishbein !a t~,n~a. ~vhioh o,t~ hnth rnh i Word of the death of William of land-owners in the associations retired rain- "Color in a Girl's Room" by the who was seheduled to speak on the I bl,- hos,~ and flat picccs of rubbcr. I Codling on January 1, at his home history. It will be held in the ~Onferenee club leader, Miss Sarah Kirkpat- Corncli oonecrt-lectlLre course on The cuHin~ is i'one by "L revolvin~ in TIflsa Okla was received in a Roosevelt Hotel Cedar Rapids, ne- was grad- rick March 3, has been indefinitely pout- I~ ~ - ~ hb~a~ ,~-l, loh ~ n~er- letter from Prof Leo Haak of Tul- 'ginning at 10:30 a.m. :ge in 1889 Plarm for the county-wide 4-H poned. Mr Fishbein is president a a,~,-, h, ,),~ns of a!Sa to his parents Mr and Mrs C Detail~ of the program will e Y churches l banquet were discussed The ban- of the American Medical associa-I;;;~ ;~(1;l~'" ~P'h~' m~((in'g'~})lade is A.' Itaak this w~ek ' Mr Codiing announced later, he said Was a ire- I quet is to be held this coming Sat- Lion. and will appear here some- l entircl~ ~surrounded by a guard. ] will be remembered by many M0untl mater andurday evening In the Methodmt hm, dmLng" the comln s(mestm ' ~ , g h se or flat ieces of rub V rnon ]emdents 10L many years " "'" ' " " "," Strips of'o " p " ' " ' " " " eel As he had Trinity church in Cedar Rapids.-- ------------------- he ,'as a builder and eontraOor ,arc -- Nam Preceded Owen Smyth, reporter CAR1 el TItANKS t r,o+ in Mount Vernon At th~ tim~ a [ ]F~4-^ 4~, ~ ,n~ Clnh .- u~"~'^ was ~" We wish to (*x"r,v w~ t, ur sincere"-,can De leo into the cu~;teI'. ~ I h;s * death he and hi' ~L~ ~. ]L~l~L --~- [Ae '81 ' The Cornell college freshman gratitude to all our friends and{before the blade starts to cut the lom ,~;,: s son. Har.ry]~E~l ~t~ g.~4~ ,O -ars basketball *e~-~- --'" -'---- *~- -"-- n(i-hhors for *~-^ ~ :'~--' ~rubber, a fine stream of water ts,ateu a contracting ousmess in] ]~l~L1011 Ut ~.~axavv , ' ~ .v~ayt,e ~oe ~,- t e~UL]2m *mrm ]played on it by a jet built into the )Tulsa. He was 75 years old. Bur- " ------- , 1~.~ .~ xresnman team on the ~;oe floor o~er]ngs ana many acts or Kin(lneSSof)guard.t " The stream is turned off as ~ i"' --'~s ~,~ '~,~ a-,~ far the aTlnilal n~=~aker Friday afternoon February 21 at Idur ng the sickness and death The tenta nve ,:t~y -=f offi;;rs of ~ Goun-,' ' ~ ' the foot pedal is released and the l ~ meeting ano eLecuon u ,- 4:00 O clock Coe won the first i our dear husband and father. I .- "- " '. - -' n I isbon Country v|ln on ~mm. chtoo~ao.~. ~. +~a o,I M-~ r~.~]* xx~', I cutting Dlaue returns to its normal ~ MissI~ella HueDsch dietitian In tne Moun~ ver,m - . ----- orne -- L son Monda eve s subject 2,' ' ~ ! ~"~ "" ""~'~:.'2" "~ --'--r "- ! position Timing of the control to i charge of the dining halls at Cor- club has been set for ~Y " l.lOur ] .virana ,Mrs, r~mll ~, alter t ' " . - I "" - "~ " " "*" -~ 10 The annual meet- 1 M, ~ a ' turnthe water stream on ataust~ncu went to Minneapolis Minn on nmg march ~ ~~-~ i [ . ,~'~ 2,1rs, ]lyron %~*lLSOn !,' * " ' "' ' r on FeDru- . An alarm from the E N Blood! Mr and Mr~ xxrt]h.'a x~ ^:, I the right point was one of several I ~,ednesday evening to attend a ing was held last yea $ ~,wy Ot conl]lct~ U~mitted residence summoned the Mount] ~." 2.-." ".;." ":?'.;;.:"' '[ticklish situations worked out by aeries of lectures by the American ary15 but on account I . iLlltl . vlrs. virgil WILSOnI I " ill ,be helO a iew g at the Vernonfire company about 7 15 x~, ,U.o axr . - ' ~Mr Stearns tn building this ms-il)]otetic association to 'be held on thisyear it w . -. Vt ' ~ u /Vlto. ,avne JUay. " ~ - " U Van Metre na~ ~wa City o clock Wednesday evening. An ( -----~ chine. I q hursday, Friday and Saturday at weeks later. D. . . - ,~ ~. ^^ te as can over-heated furnace pipe was the Mrs John Leise of Albion is a The cutter 1~ painted with alum- the Center for the Continuation of been president and J~Y ~y[~uy~:~. confined cause of the alarm No damage [ guest in the homo of her aunt Miss ] inum paint and appears ltke the t Study at the University of Mlnne- secretary and treasurer tor tne pa~t Weeks. was done " ~ teams Lathe. ' [last word in modern machinery tsota, year l t The Federated Board of Man- Bill Brown. recently transferred agers will conduct an auction s~le from the Lisbon to the Marion ~t 2 o'clock Saturday, Feb. 22, of Iight Company Wednesday after / h r ' - -[lhe Reformed chure and its pa - noon fell from a pole 16 feet to T urch ~fll . t sonage, in Lisbon. he ch "' the grounu and ~as taken to St . ~ ' ' ]be sold separate from the lot, and ] ukcs hospital m C(dar Rapids for t ~ then the lot will ,be put up at auc- treatment of head and 'back injur- ition At the same time the todd- ies. Mr. Brown, with two other ern parsonage, which will make a men, was going up a light pole lovely medium sized home for the with a roll of wire in his hands He stopped to hook himself around the pole, and, in place of hooking to his belt, his hook fastened in the wire, Ieaving him unsupported His head struck a steel corner post and several stitches were necessary. Jean Van de Berg Wed To M. 01dorf The marriage of Miss Jean Van de Berg and Melvin Oldorf is be- ing announced ~by the bride's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Van de Berg The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oldorf of Stan- wood. The ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev. E. F. Hempel at average family will be sold. W.E. 'Challis of IAsbon will be the auc- tioneer. Auction To Close Van Fossen Estate In order to close the John Van Fossen estate, the all modern home on south Washington street will he sold at auction, Wednesday afternoon, Feb 26, at 2 o'clock. This home has many advantages. It is only two and a one-half blocks from main street and on a paved street. A full description appears in the ad on page four. W. ~. Challis of Lisbon will be the au ctioneer. St. Paul's Imtheran church in Stanwood They were attended bY lGive Last Lesson Of Mr ~nd Mzs P'lul Hasselbusch jrI, Furmshmg" " " " "' ~nome Course of Clarenee. The couple will make i their home on a farm north of Stanwood. Clint Johnson Buys Sterling House In Auction Saturday The residence of H. C. Kurtz, one of IA~bon's pioneer families, which was sold by the Kurtz Estate some ten years ago to Mrs. M~bel Ster- ling of Olin, Iowa, for $935.00, at public auction, was sold on last Saturday by Col. W. E. Challis at public auction for Mrs. Sterling for $720.00 to Clint B. Johnston of Lisbon. This place was at one time one of Lisbon's best homes 'but during The last lesson of the Home Fur- nishing course, for the LIinn-Cass leaders was held at the home of Mrs Glenn Agne on February 13. New trends and development in furniture, styles, draperies and labels were studied. Because of the war, prices of some furniture is expected to advance. Plans were discussed and com- mittees appointed for Achievement Day which will 'be held May 8 at Tipton. There has been quite an ;interest shown in Cedar county in the mattress program, 200 applica- tions having been approved for the mattresses. Announce February 26 As Farmers Day In Lisbon a long' period of renting had become Free shows, free dinner, free badly run dowu and in need of re- dance, interesting and educational pair Mr. Johnston is going to re- lectures, door- prizes---all these are model this residence into an apart- features of Farmers Day in Lis- ment house, thus relieving the bon, to be held on %Vedncsday, housing situation in Lisbon to some Feb. 26. ThTs event is sponsored extent by Chris Petersen, dealer in case /*'arm Implements, and Ben ])wire, Townsend Club To Meet In dealer in Chrysler and Plymouth . .- cars. An advertisement appears City Hall Tnursoay, vem on page 4 The Lisbon - Mount Vernon - To,vnsend club wiil meet in regular [Cedar County Lambs Sell e m the Mt | session at the usual pla e " . :. At Ch cago For $10.50 ewt. Vernon Citv IIall on Thursday eve- -------- *~ "- :~" -- ~'cni~ s J,-er will / H. Maurer and Gale Maurer, Ce- ning, v(9) t.~ ~,- ~ --, a at 6 30 to which allldarcountystoekmenofTiptonmar- DO SOCVt'u , - :"-th( usual picnic t keted htgh selling consignments of present VIii lll'ilt~ ) ~ ' ; " 'Pbis is not mere/y lambs in Thursday's trading at the reqUL emcnts ~ - * embe, s of the Townsend /Chicag Stock Yards thls week. rot L[I(~ lit " " . " the ~enerall Both shipments consisted of 1 ] 5 organization, DUE lor,~:$ . ; "-siretO attend Fol- ~lambs and both sold for $10.50 per pnDI1c Who ut:, r the re~u /cwt H Maurer's shipment aver- lowing the plcnl? SUp|IL",~ ; - ~'i-- will be held i aged 83 pounds while Gale's lot lal I)uslness met.L ~*~4 " ' I " ' " d weighed in at 80 pounds ea(h ~hieh cmInes will be playe,~ . ~ILC! t~c t ial t ne will be enjoyed --~ and a so' ,' l XLLSSeS Grace Bittle, Marie Hjello, b all present h Mowte an Y ~ ", I-" ~ Blanc e ~ y d J ilia Garling Visitors are always InOS~ cor~m~t; ] teachers in the Waterloo schools nv]ted to attend and partlmpa ' ". ~. " 1 ' . . . q . *spent tne week end with Mrs. Anna m thc pro eedings or each .n~ }. "I B ttle As a court~ s ~ : . . " . i ] l=seL e i . -', y to her ever~ y mecting~ ~ of the localclun. gucs~ ts ~M~s-. Bittle was" hostess at ~~i~vas guest t a luncheon Saturday with Mrs g " -'/ " m on Mon dinner Mrs Peterson and Miss in their school aUaltOrlU Hart" Klahn ~ Garling taught together in the day evening, ,~r~. ~ }, r m school at West Bend wWS in charge of the prog a I !