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February 20, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 20, 1941 |
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J'L L ; L "L " '2 "2 ! t '"'~ L L '. '~ i ' L L ,
A school of instruction for lay- ing officer of company H, 136th q[~|Al~ A n][l[Oq[1]rllt~l|D ~[;rm~* ][~m~;|zr ~k/[~zr~.~ ~ ~T ]LT ~ ]l~.r~ T tLa~ fINN A4"4"~ ] ~rr;n~ }~ff;||~1*t] ~ O~*~'n !sionary parents, will,!
leaders of the M'ethodlst church .~ ~ 1 .^ ~ Th- e n N| nKm i Ki Jmi. ~x~. 1' K~l~l|[ll~ & 1KJ ql~ [ aaX.V.JLXok~, l." lV~ l.a~ I JtV~ z-l~t~atta bOWaaL~ I aaa~u -,-~. ~./~L~ata { sneaker on the fores
t:as held mday ft noon i Is k.o .n as the ho .plt l u it a.d [aJ*ff. From Washington I To U. High 39 to 23]Feeding And Disease ]To Speak In Tipton th. mt. ion ry
~tarenee trey. ft. w P'ulmer oI, was zeuerally recognlzefl on May z, I $J Is" :'i-|'|Zi] |; lm l~ ~ I |-- --, ~ -- d -- I ~ PaiSa ~nnrcn I
Clinton. district lay-leader was in I 940. The unit to leave Cedar Rap-lll/'ID [ r.|,r.l FlY, IT1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sider andl .Mount Verno' o t to Cniversityl Meeting Feb. 14%11 I Representatives of all the Meth- I from Korea whero ?-[i
charge of the program and Dr. E. ids Feb 22 includes 68 men. They| two children Patty and Buddy] h of Iowa Cit, last Tuesday -- led[st churches in the Davenport '~ he has been prinC]~
. I ~ " " ' the
T. Gough superintendent of the fare stationed at the armory in Ce-]~|~r~ D |~J ~J~| ~]~ came from Washington, Saturday l ".'ht in a conference ~ame played l Approxmmtely ]00 Cedar county] Dlstmct will meet m the Methodisti Chal Academy m
Dawmport District of the U, pper i dar Rapids until they leave for] l~ll~Ir~ []k ll~ l~]lj~'~l~LF to make their home in Lisbon, andi ingthe local ~vm fioo~. The flnallfarmers attended a swine feedingichureh of Tipton on Tuesday, Feb. IEducated at I, rincetv~
Iowa conference, of Mount Vernon, Fort ClaibourneLa for a year's. ---- temporarily are in the parental[ ,~ T~ ~ig~ 39 Mount Ver- land disease meeting which was held[ 25 for ,~n all day "Missionary In- I logical Seminary, ~"
conducted the discussion during the training. ] ~--*-- Thomas Arm- Dr. J. R. Gardner home. Mr. Sizer/ non'23~" tin the City Hall in Tipton,]stitute" under the auspices of the [
af rn on v E Be d of~,~u,r-~ - ~--- " " b
te o . Re . E. . y i t a ^,+~. from commenced work Monday w~th the[ U High ~ained the lead early tn / on Fmday, February 14th, Y| Board of Missions and Church Ex- i
] ~a CRY and Samuel Hankins, sec- I . ]~.~o o ~.~,~.~*~-" ~.~,~ --,n~'~" ~ u -.-, ~ who h~sbon Bank and Trust. company I the ~,~ame and, through their sur- IL L Quaffs and Dr. .St uder . f[tensi n o the. lTpper Iowa Annual!
retary of the Y.M.C.A. in Cedar{ Dr Lawrence J. Halpm, who is " ' ~ ,~ He succeeds W. C. Whitman who/nrlsin~ accuracy in basket shoot t the Agricultural Extenmon Service{ Conference and of Bishop J Ralph ~tj~
:~tP!:sn~e?:ythee fP:makl7Sehggns " ~:lphinU, Sbf:rdm ~l?afga(:t ~:u::i ]~a~n~'~a~E~t~I~i??]ut~i~hI~i:'~ fhlalt'be~Inr'~V~mb:nk:tln:eed(~tt bh~i/[n~ biilt'upflar2%dlff 19Inl 0mboYstthf [?teAd~:rcnThC~e ~eannP~la:i:t-~ LauggI fl?)l:: i'nM~ii~ge.DrThEe IT-
in the district were present. Dr. i music faculty, has been called for / ~'~= :: .~,n~a ~,t. [home in Monmouth, Ill. [ the second half the Maroons nlav- ] ed the necessity of preventing dis-i stitutes will consider the plans of
Gough Dr Wr G Rowley and Prof r 1 in pool i'n~ ~e~ . o t ke
.a year s act[re service. D . Ha p l ~t ] ~ . [ ed the visitors on fairly even terms ~ eases rather than trying t a [ the vamous churches for the car- i~~
F. G. Brooks of Mount Vernon at- is a first lieutenant in the medtcal~t,v rater ~nnsu~[ : ~.~ ~-. -.~-~ = I R.L. an ~on trm~ are moaern-[ but they" were unable to seriously/ears of it after the hogs have the] rying on of worldwide missionary i~~
t(nded, corps reserve and has :been order- ] ~,~ q~,~ [lzmg the residence they recently|,~.^ ~, t~a It wa~ anlv late] same. A number of the men asked| nro~ram of Methodism and will ~~ii~l
ed to active duty at Camp Riley [eral^lnt~re~ [~.~ "~-~'-~'~-~-'n [purchased on West lVla~n street A|ln the ~ame that U High went i several questions .concerning car-] hear visiting speakers present some li~~
Kansas for a year effective I~ eb 22. { -'-- the furnace as oeen msm (1. ~),ahead to take the ~me bv a mar- [ [pus commercial protein and ram-] of the missionary problems of the ll~ll[~i~
mmea oy ~ne i~rltL~ll utaraa~" first floorthey areputting in a " - " " :
( apt John t arkc husband of Dr Halptn is a specialist tn allergy
2" " i,[ -- --" " s'--d I gin of sixteen points [ eral feeds. [ present period of world foment.
Dorothy Pierce, who lived in ;,diseases and practiced tn Cedar[ nommng o[ tnew ~s[.~. 9"0 [bath, laying hardwood floors ansi I ehman of U High was the main] Mr Hendricks of Muscatine[ Rev, Wflham Crossley, pastor of
M::r~e VAr:ilnT,tish h~: mstmer~Mj; laaPpdnSsf~r~?rblya::h:e~.years The [ MYrhd::~s ~,Li!d ;~!~y~oYuC lee'elf l~lllf ?~Y e~ianitt.i~ :wl~l~!l: ~e ]:~e: sE~r~e~ P~gkin ff:hle:'~pt:i;nSts?ff~'~rilt [ !i~h~etSYhm!gVf:ee?~)g:~i[rs'(!i~g:~i~cili! I [heh]iptof tr:t?2"d~tt~hurch .ill
@- :-: ~-- ---- --:- ~--=~-- " ----~-:--- -:: : ~]of a few weeks ago. It took six ] merit /Vernon, Hutch nson was hig w't ] - " '[ Dr. Wlllard G. Cram, one of the
,~ weeks to get here. I don't know] " ~,ten points and Hedge and Burnett~ on how Mr. HendricKs nau raises[ executive secretaries of the Board
~ ~ ~ ~ a'~ ~lwhere it went but I was glad tO i ~ ** !f.11 ~ were next with four points apiece.[ his hogs on a cement floor, never[ of Missions and Church Extension, ::
{ ~31P~11~lld~la"~ [ [ll(]l[l~'~[Y ~'~f~l~]~ []have tt so if this takes as long tot ~CO[[B 1 1111,Individual Scoring: ]allowing. them to co.nje m contaftland a recognized authority on the ~~
lllll~l~ O ~JUfllltV k~tqJl~ |[get to you, I must wish you all a| Mrs. Gerald Seot~ [ Mt. Vernon I~G FT P|~utn c ntan~ma~e.~ s~ ,n r the Yaras'lFar East, will speak of the place ! ~~.:~
I ~ ~* q,]Happy Christmas. I am writing[ -- ] Hutchinson F 4 2 2] Arnoia .viewer or wmrence, to.wa, [of the Christian church in the world ! ~~i
ft~l~ ~'~1o !~t'tlT~hqP Vl~l~'~Jt~J,]*~-* ~-n-e so ~lease excuse~ HAVE SHOWER FOR,Hedge F 2 0 0l gave an interesting talk on nis nog I of toda-, [ ~'~.!i:ial~ll~l
! I~ v ~ t ~,lt, very straight /m~. ~ib~u~* ~x~z~ /Burnett C 2 0 ~/ ~ v ~, ' "I ,~oi~+,~ i ~!~
[ Deliveries at 9 and 11 a.m ; 2 and 5 p.m. |t "'{ sup'~ose'you are all wondering] Mrs. Dillon Streets. was honoredI Current G : :::: :L 1 0 1| young pigs out on. clean pasture] wilt't: th~era=issiiiarTenworTS'o'f~the ii i~~
~ ut go* in on Tuesday. I am/at a shower at me scnooi nouse on i Herrin~ G 1 1 l/|us] as eamy as posmme. ~vtr. meter ~ " . . im:~i
l/hoping Roosevelt will again. A/Frl, day.aftt~rnoon l~veLby thmemP:rilBarrett G 0 0 0|thwa~ alcet:~ialhfea~e :m~ h:::~ :tl ]M:th l~tst$~rC:a ~snCaenlgl2nghe~ i ~~
WeeKena peclalS l/lot has gone on since I wrote to[ e ~tS 1t "h P ~Plen-in e "" ;] .-77 -~ -U] heater he has constructed 6 pen~:[ and teacher under the Methodist; DR. ~. G,
I |t ~,t, h,~t,~r,~ To us lust here it haslScnoo, x ose a ~ o g w re mrs. I lO a ~/ ' " '1 ,- ~ ~, oh ~ ~, ~ now i
I FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES )|n~t altqred much I think most[ Streetsmother, Mrs.James Carad u. High 'FG FT P t housing a total of 12 sov, s at a ti e.I ~ in *h ,~-~mlnation I
" ' V e n "'"-'~ r$
cooking fats and lea have been| way of Monmouth, lVIrs. GeorgeI Evans F 2 2 2 I Mr. Meier s cost records ha e b e ~ After fifteen ,ears of service in,University, with g.
~[rn*ion.I nee I ,rote but we[Gaines,=, s.A St war, Mrs. Ralph[Haliverson F 1 1 0] "" " '~ ~ HoA ,o oHo.*o[,n the arts and .
ArtichOkes, eaeh 10c Bro(~coli, lmneh 19c ' r l e exceptional|y low ~ - in tP
[ C lery Hear m 2 hanch~ ,5~ ]CarrotS, 2 b|mch s ,5c |1 ha~;~'n~o comp/atnts. We' have had[ Ba. chin. an, Mrs. Les!ie .Meeks andI Lehman C 7 1 1 I ~"~L--J~--~.*A--,h*elp'~ir'ect'the~ra'ising "o'f"a'fund ~llong been recognize
| [Jonathan Apples, ,5 lh bag 25c II| a wonderful harvest better than] jlmm~e, Mrs. r~mme~ ~oaugn, Mrs.] Haugenfield G 0 0 1 ~,/~[|~tl[Ul~ Y~d~l|l~gL|U|[ | 35 ~00 00 f,-- th~ fl r mis I outstanding missiO~W'
! ,ru~,!,prou~s, q~ m)x ]c [Delicious Apples, 3 pounds 23c i/for years, and good weather to sow/ Sherwin Cal.dwell, Mrs. Floyd De-I Smith, N. O 4 1 0 I ~.~ ~ ~"r March 6 ~ sionar; program of his ~hurch. Af-IKorea. He
i Av(xmd(m, each 15c |~-~ ~:raves .~und 15c ]| and get it all in. I don't think] cious, Mrs. ~wervyn l~napp, mrs.I Smith, E. F 1 0 0 I ~o~aa~l x" v ] ter a further period in Korea he,developments au ~.
I ~i~': ~l~"~n .i2~ [i~h:~~t~27pct~k n~ :: ~/~he~ee gi~hrW~d~:~nf~iiotje] ratn from the~hat~ir~di ] iii:]: 3 t dM bpHe iy i [ Usanoonn~napp nars ttalpn ~Juncan Schneberger G,%.G 2i 0! 0! ! !~~a ~r~ce~iii! I ~r~hi~;!!~. eOvelt!I. ' ti n rn vement 1S;:~Kla m~'ia:t!;/)~fl
[ [Green Peppers, Radishes, Pal- ~| good but the apple's have been Ib n, es s t e p p s. [ -- -- --I ~'~ ~h^'-'' '-- O-^ Ti--*on Cit= f Cultivation and Promotion for I ring(
I E,~dive, bunch IO~ |tabagos, Parsnips, Sweet Po- //tairly poor. All stone fruit ts: ~ [ 17 5 4[:*;~'=~-v'~'~ ~'~-~=~"~? M='"~ff~6 The the Board of Missions and is now vv-~. IL
| To rote|s, pound ~ . 20c Itatoes, Rod Cablmb~ l| plentiful. We had a good potato:MOVING DAYS BEGIN [ The Mount Vernon 'Second String [~='~:~'--'~"~artat 9 30~m "Those located in New York City. l~utl De: ttev. ~. 1~
- --- /lost to U High in the preliminarv/uc"~ w ~La~ t - Anamosa x~. w. .
~ ~ are . we lowe(l up a pc]on |DOUr
,BIRDS]L 1% FRO,%1~,~D FRUITS AND VEGETABLFM4 |]. p .P Mr. and Mrs Chas BachmanI ~ame bv the score of 23 to 12 The / planning to attend the school Born in Kentucky, Dr. Cram was I ton Mrs Farl FAIJ~
|,i~nree-rourtns or an a~]rLan~K~na~ moved this weeK m me home mey[ score at the half'was Mount'Ver Ish uld report to the Farm Bureau educated at Asbury College. The I Miss Mar|erie Littel!
-- snout 1~ ton Oll ~ rneyere ~ urc a e in un ern n" r ' "
. ~-~ . ~ ~I p n s a M0 ~ V O,M:.I Ioffice before hand. degree of Doctor of Divinity waS/non Mrs C J LaPl
i week mnu ~rocery ~peclalS reo. zi anu zz,[ Edwards and make $27.00 a ton.and Mrs. Ralph Bachman and David[ ~o ~z, ~ ~t~gn ~L was [ ~ awarded him by Asbury and the / ~. ': ~'r b~nke 0
65 " nlgn IOIMount vernon wit iour .
,T(msted Mixed ~lted Nuts,Tall Corn Pink, salmon, tl cTwht c it~ll~d PciCe:: WLeaati m~um will move to a place on the Mt. Ver-] points [ Market Report degree of Doctor of Laws by Wes-[A"H "Hu~.bregtSe
| large size, lb 5~ I Pound can 1Be |t "; ' "; 0 non-Lisbon road. The Yanda ram-] " [ leyan University. ]and Rev V~. O. I~
| [ Monarch Gelatin, 4 pkgs 19e |lprlce. ~Barley (malting) $5.0 :ily moved to the Grant Needlesl --~---~----- 7------- TheRev Henr- Dod-e n-~I [~^-i~" "A delegatl(
,l,Ol~nlC ~aveu unocom~e ] ~.~.~a A.~ cots choice 2 lbs 39c,[Eggs are controlled, bestgrade farm which is owned by Dyke-[ Hold Linn Co-Operative [ ~ogs, t=mcago top $~.m let ~ho w~ bor~ in K~r P~ ~is-/VerPnon" are --lanni~
| I eanuts, lb . 19c I v-,|~$1 00" milk 40 cents (wholesale)" ,- ~^a ~ :a .~ ~l~.-. ~, /~a~ue Unlcago top la.m vno was oorn in ~orea o] mls-~ vernon are pl~
= . -- ~ nvu~cn u~ ~.~uctr ~p~u~. ,v,~. ~uu I Lfll L0mnanv Meetln~ ~ '
,Casimw Tld Bits, lb 49c ] Cream O'~Vheat, ~ 23c [[beef cattle about $15.00: top grade Mrs. Frank Hoyt and family willl r v e, [Sheep, Chicago top . l
~%onarch Gral)e Juice, qt 29c [ Whole Wheat Graham,I sheep 30 cents dead weight, milk- move to the Umbdenstock farm and] Last Thursday the annual meet-/tiogs, ~euar napmstop ~.oo
~,~ pi**~,~ ~h,~ ~,~ ~ an,- [ 5 lb pkg 25c~]lng cows best ones up to $250. and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dec[pus and[ ing of the Linn Co-operative Oi1[ ~mcago uram nm"0
' ~ st re e ttle 15 00 cwt " . ~orn, per uu nxc ~w '
| No 2 '~"" ~ "" ~ [ Monarch Primes, 2 lb pi~ 21c |[ o ~ $ . family and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd De-I Co was held at Marion. About] wh,~o n,~, h, ,0~ ~ mr I~ I~ A ~ ~ ~lt.
/ I "'-n---h Black Pe-'-'-r |~ We have not had any evacuees ~cious will move to the farm knownl400 members of the organization|',=": v~= ==,o~ a~ i i~ ~,~ ~ a~-.
Dole Pines ie Juice ~u~, an: t,p~,n oats per Du ~oe ~ i i ~i A i i I ,~
| PP ' [ "" " " ~c/ [yet, although we had a paper say[ g as the Frank Snyder place. [ gathered at noon and were served] ' Tb
46 oz can 20cI ~l~ oz can i ~]500 mothers and children were Mr. and Mrs. Mile Machula and] lunch at the hall Mount ve-ueeor, TO-NIGHT - FRIDAY - SATURP/
,Pine~p~)le, Crushed, 8 oz, [ S p~hetU or ~aroni, [[coming into the Atcham district son will move to the Zingula farm{ The business report showed a sub-/ W~lnt Ads I'AV. " 1" g~$
3 cans 25e ~ tos a,~ from London and I lverpool The 1 1 t~ m s t~reat rrouucuon oI tne ttell
| ] |[ ~" iwhich they purchased and Mr. andtstantial gain in volume of buMness ~- ," " ~
,~lexiean Style Chili Beans,Argo Gloss Star|h, ~ [ big towns have had the worst tim es Mrs. John Lorence and family, who,and new share holders. A part of ~ r avy s Armaua o] me ~KleS, Illmeu Wit *"
3 cans ~ 27c ]3 lb. pkg 21c| l but it does not alter the spirit of have farmed the Zingula farm willl the financial statement is given in ~ tion of the U. S. Navy
t h ~, D ~ ~ I ,~flin Cleansir~ Tissue, /[we British people, and it never will. move to the Ingold farm on the/an advertisement on page five. ~r~-~ ~'~w g~ .
~" "' N~'~'~z'==~"~ ~ 509 sheets 25c2~)sheets lDe |]It seems funny but the more the Lincoln highway, which is being/ The afternoon was devoted to in- ~l~'~[l~l ~ w~--~------,--
,~z ~ bombing the more determined pep vac ted b Mr a 1 ~, ~-~V~& ~ a~
| " . i ~a ~n.~ 49e /I ~ - a y . nd Mrs. Willislformat've talks on products handl- ~ll~r~[~-
| Mushrooms, Pieces and Stems, I /]ple are to carry on. By people.] Martin and family Mr and Mrs led by the comnanv and bv a talk i.i~ii~ ~uml~~
/ S oz can 29C IOxydol, reg size 19~/i mean the very poorest alike, they George Caraway moved from the[ on, "Cooperation and the "Vtay of F~r Frldav-Saturdav w p~a~ Ao
/ Cam,pbeU's Tomato Soup,I~tundry size 55c~ ~ would not dream oT g~ving up. It's Needles farm the first of this month l Life," by the Rev. Glenn Campbell d d ~" "~E,~."~,' --'. ~ --'"~. .'~-~ *':'7,- 1~
g 3 cans 25c IRi~o ~ size 19ci [ a great spirit to a farm north of Marion which]of Des Moines His talk was the ~ k o~ oo ~n,~ ture as --l~eli ~ivers-- an "Test l~ll0t."" *
You should see our little village the urchased 1
t Y.C. Tram, lb can, 2 for 35e [ Palmolive So~p, 4 bars 19c /{ . " . - Y p " I h gh spot of the afternoon. In this In prices.
t I //sewing meeting. Women trom cot- -- ] speech the progress of the neonle ---- ~-.~
dumt~ wee ~wnnp, can l~c Northern Tissue 5 rolls 26c
| Y . . ' :"" [ |ltages, small holdings and farms Mr and Mrs Sherwin Caldwell~Of this coun{rywas shown tohave Marshmallows---extra SUNDAY, MONDAY. MATINEE SUN])
,~,)narcn ~eanut Butter m I I'URINA CHIC K F.EEDS-~- |lcome. Some have a lot of work spent' Wednesday evening in Iowa/depended upon the cooperation of lar~te, uound 12c Attend the matinee and avoid the
i larg~ {lrlnKlng g~, ID ~lx~,Chick ~ee~er [roe wiui eaen,[ outsiae owing to shortage or men, City with Mr and Mrs Paul Cal,~ /indviduals ~dth each other The " " - " ~
v - " - " -'J -. " lne Amxanuers time tlana oI tv~l
,G.'~V.C. Cocoa, 2 lh can 21c i ,sack J and some ha e large families, but well and en~o~ed a dinner in honor, cooperative spirit and urge to get Macaroni and Tomato /tag .
Please and News.
House, Drip Only 2 pound jar
Pound 25c
BERRY, pound c
.Bomering Plane Free
Gold, pound
CHERRIES, 20c size lOc
or Buckwheat, lfic
3 pound bag |
10c can of Syrup Free
val Ware, lge box
Brand No. 2 can I U
GHETTI, Golden
Wheat, 2 pounds 15c
Large No. 2 can
2 pounds 19c
Sweet, 3 pounds f t}
Guaranteed 1 fi
49 pounds l.lU
Powder, lge pkg
Bar 8e Trilby Free
a week. spent Sunday in the home of Mrs.
The first week end they started Knapp's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lau-
bombing here wa~ a bit frighten-
Ing. They seemed to go just over
the house each time. Really I sup-
pose they were miles away when we
heard the drop and the vi-
bration and the planes off back. Of
course we were not tn the area
where they were raiding but since
then we've heard them. An odd
~bomb or two has dropped around
:these paFts but has not done much
December 28th--Isn't this too
bad I have not posted this until
now but I never seemed to have
time to finish it. Christmas is over
~and soon the New Year and PEACE
ii hope. ~e wish you all the ,best
; for the New Year. We had a won-
n . L ~ p ~-~ o~ a n *~ Wasn't it wonderful all over
tl~;l~l~l~, ttoyal Ann i ]~rg ~a~"~-' 1 ilc Christmas, eve and night there was
ounce can, "9 P g [IV :not a raid over England. Every
Ior -.~= --~-----. frown had a peaceful time. There
ORANGES, Texas ~ ~ iwas a talk on the wireless of the
ITALIAN PRUNES Juice, dozen year's summary, and was very good.
NTa 1 1 ~i~a f ~, = = . ~ Did you hear the King's speech on
.~v JllIy juicer tree are wonderful, going to all the
~ are wonderful, giving to all the
COOKIES, Sand- LETTUCE, Extra badly bombed towns, visiting and
~ talking to the people m the very
w h Cream, 2 lbs Fan
cy, large heads 0 midst o" i" ' "
------ --,We have a local hero you may
CORN SYRUP light Q :w CARRO'I~, Texas I=~ remember he comes from I "th
or dark, 5 lb pail/-t Bunch t) wover, he:s a cousin to the " at
~ Lock. He is in the air corps and
~ has won a D.F.C. and ,bar and
Block Salt L$ C D.SO. i= only 22 and has
brought down 22 German planes,
~ 10 in 15 days. The last flight he
@--~-~ ~ ]was wounded rather badly and is
,I [still in the hospital. These young
~'~ " 1 I~. ~ / " I ~ I I,[airmen are really wonderful. Be-
fore the war we thought of them as
i 0De lal$ ror rmav ano 0amreav l lchildr . . "
i a ~,~ ~]. en hut their bravery makes
us proud to be Brttmh
| BROWN SUGAR, Medium C, 4 pounds 21c |[
i CHIPSO, with Metal Serving Tray, large pkg 25c |] Well really I do not think you
will read all of this but I hope you
,CAKE FLOUR, R cheheu, 5 pound hag 33
I"H "" Rub-in No Polishin in" 2" |Will wmre a xong letter and tell me
FLOOR fflN,NO D g, g, p t |
l alI the news. President Roosevelt
,BISQUICK, Gold Medal large package 31e Ills speaking
tonight. I expect you
,COFFEE, Folgers Drip or Regular, 2 pound tin 51c ~[will all be listening.
We shall hear
It in the morning news I wonder
i MACKEREL FILET, Heat and Serve, oval tins 23c |[
if any evacuees from |her are any
| TUNA Baby Stuart Light Meat, 2 tins 35e |/ .
~ -- ~; i'" .'.'",7-,! wnere near you. mere is one thing
I FRUIT COMPOTE, Richeheu tmLuxe cello uaeK, lO zac m/the ones that went abr ad
. f* O, canner
| PEACHES, R1cheheu Raggedy Ann large tlns, 2 for 52e ]}come back but the ones they send
| PINEAPPLE, Richelieu Raggedy Ann, lge tins 2 for 52c |[from the big towns into the coun-
" try will not settle down Quite a
| APPLE SAUCE, R1cheheu, No. 2 tins, 2 for 25c,] - . ,
lo[ of them go DaCK a man Irom
I BOYS ENtBERRY, Rlcheheu No 2 tins, 2 for 45c |[I ondon ~a " "" ' ""
. . " " : ' S telnng me theother
| GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, R chelleu PINK 2 No. 2 tms 21c ]Iday. I ald what are the people
BEANS, Heinz Boston Style, 2 reed. tins 25c |]really nke there. He sald, "They
" " will not budge even if the roof is
HOMINY, Rlcheheu Golden, 2 No. 2 tins 21e I/
,SPAGHETTI, Rich. Tom. Sauce Cheese flavor 2 tns 17c|} l eWln tl:rth~:~'is ThotYdWill
I CHOCOLATE Hot Fudge Hersheys large tin 22c ~aged and s&v they shall be alri~h~-
ORANGES, Texas Juice, 200 size, dozen 23c |[the air
force an l A A. guns ~vil'I
,FLOUR. Omar, 10 pound bag 39c |IPretest us." I hope
you have
-- -- |[found this interesting, so I will fin-
I r llll V { I]t.h. Wish you all heaps of love
| ~][~ ~ :~ ~ ~.J&~.d~L-~a~ A ~]and best wishes for the coming
Year Your loving Mamie
| We Deliver Mount Vernon, Iowa Dial 4012 |1 "
9| |i The con~ Catherine
:~ -----;- ~- :- - --- --- ---- ~ ;~-- - ; ~- ------ "=" ~ ]Lott. ,~'s "reproving. She" is able to
|~sit up a part of the time now. Mr.
~' rAW/~ g~ Di~I~KIWg311~l~ ][and Mrs. Mark Lott who were vis-
~J |Z'~&Is~ ~.P ~]U~L'~I! ~-/~.~ U/itors in the Mrs. Lott home and
|~with Mrs. LoWs parents, Mr. and
Flowers wlrm everywhere [ Mrs. Glenn Stoner left this morn-
a.~ -- ---,[ ing for Carroll to visit a few days
I.-none 11 ~mmb aowa {I before going on to their home in
. $ San Francisco, Calif.
Mrs. R. P. Ink who has spent two
months with her mother, .Mrs. W.
rance Schoon at Martelle. Mrs. A. Plnkerton, tn Pasadena, Calif
Schoon is confined to her bed with is expected ot reach home the last
a broken ankle, of next week.
The Count Farm Bureau Chorus
3 bars P & G Soap and
Quart Sun X Bleach
All for 17c
group will meet with Mrs. Argene Too Late To Classify Cookies, Choc. Nut Roll,
Allbee on Tuesday evening of this
week. Turn to Page 7 for Regular pound 19c
Knapp and Rice have purchased Classified Ad SecUon
a purebred Hereford sow from the Choe. Cream Drip or
Henry Weimers herd at Diller, Reg. Coffee, lh 26c
Neb. Six of her gilts sold at theFOR SALE: Coal, wood and
same sale. The Hereford strain of posts and general trucking, E.A.Good Cheer Coffee,
hogs is comparatively new. Petting, Lisbon, Iowa. 17p3 pounds 37e
Miss Mary Seyler of Mechanics- FOR SALE: Berkshire hog.
ville has been very sick with the Austin Armstrong, Dial 5603. 17p Magic Washer with
flu and under the doctor's care in Silverware, lge pkg 21c
Wanted--Orders for Home-baked
the home of her uncle and aunt, pies, cakes, cookies and doughnuts Cheese, Land 0 Lakes
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Albaugh. for parties or home. West-N-Lunch,
Marguerite Morning of Anamosa Lisbon, phone 30. 17-p
spent the week end in the home of
21c TUES. WED. --- Another good
Color Cartoon and March of
COMING SOON -- "Son Of Monte
Sierra," "Virginia," "Western
[derful Christmas considering the brick or Amer 2 lbs 49c
times. Now I wtll tell you what her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John For rent and sale two farms, and Salmon, 2 1-1b cans 35c
we had to eat. Ooose, sauces, plum Knapp. a modern house in town. G. G.
pudding, mince pies. We had a Gene Allbee was absent from Wolfe, Agent. 17-p Pumpkin, J.S 2 No. 2
nice Christmas cake. I was able school on Monday, suffering from --Wa-~-d.~~ h~ f0ro~-er cans 19c
to ice It. We can't get icing sugar the flu. work than cook. Boyd Cafe, Lis-
but I had saved it. It had goneThe parents of the Caraway b0n. 17-p Homi~y, No. 2~ can 9e
rather hard but after working at it school pupils entertained the child- Pickles, Mayflower Dill,
it softened very nicely, and MollY'ren and their teacher at a picnic CHAMPLIN'S Quart jar 13e
decorated it. We were twelve to dinner at the Happy Valley station
supper. We had the goose cold, on Tuesday.
cheese, celery and sweets, so con- The teacher and children enter-DAY OLD CHICKS Spice, J.S. Black Pepper,
sidering we're at war, we did not tained the mothers at a Valentine pound pkg 17c
tie so badly, in fact very well. party on Friday afternoon at the On hand for immediate de-
school house. Coeoa Mayflower,
The teacher and pupils of Em- livery. Sexed chicks on order 2 lb tube !9e
mons school had a Valentine box All stock U. S. approved,
on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Streets u -
is teaching her last wee of school pullorum tested. Order now. aosepnme s
at Emmons and will be replaced byCHAMPLIN'g D~ 6212 We Deliver
Miss Wilma Smeltzer on next Mon-
day morning. -- fflOUnL Yemen, l'owa
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Dec[pus spent The City s Leading Hatchery
Monday evening in the Gerald Scott 1950 E Ave NW. Cedar Rapids
LucilleRRsselI, Tegcher Sp "al F rl rd y0 ly
We are having six weeks tests ecl s o atu a n They're our
first 1941 garments
this week. We have just twelve these gorgeous toppers that you can
more weeks of school. FRESH GROUND HAMBURGER, pound 16c
We always have current events FRESH GROUND PORK SAUSAGE, pound 14c wearing a y, day now.
on Wednesday morning. Interest-
ing things are taken from news- FRESH SIDE PORK in Chunk, pound 14e They're new in fabric and in color
papers, or sometimes from the radio FRESH SPARE RIBS, pound 14c and if you don't fall in love with the
program, "We, The People."
Ronald Yeisley was a visitor at FRESH PORK HOCKS, pound )
school last Friday. FRESH PORK LIVER, pound i 1 they re modeled and tailored, you ne
We had a Valentine party at FRESH PORK HEARTS, pound ) -- good dose of sulphur and molasses
school Friday afternoon. Charles
Hubler brought popcorn for all of MEATY PORK ,BONES, pound 5c
us, as an extra surprise. HOME MADE SMOKED SAUSAGE, pound 18c No obligation in a try-on of several.
First and second grades framed PORK CHOPS or PORK STEAK, pound 20c
pictures in Language class Tuesday.
The eighth grade are studying PORK ROAST, from the Shoulder, lb 18c We don't expect you to buy the first,!
stocks and bonds in arithmetic,
while the sixth grade are working PORK ROAST, from Ham or Loin, lb 20c - 18c you come in . . . but we do know yoU.
FANCY BEEF ROB BOIL, pound 13c back.
FANCY BEEF POT ROAST, p0.nd 29c-18c
/ lOLLED RIB or RUMP ROAST, pound 25e Stratbury Top Coats $18.75
Tbl Si " / HOM RENDERED LARD, pound 9c Imported English Dewbury
Alpagora Topcoats and Cahf0
ARMOUR'S STAR BACON, Sliced, Rineless, lb 28c
] -- ] CORN FED FRONT QR. F, 75-85c lbs. 13e. 14c
] CORN FED HIND QR. BEEF, 75-85 lbs 17c - 19c Weight Coats $27.50
LAMB,------- OYSTERS ' Hart Schaffner & Marx Tope atS
i We will have Perch, Haddock and Catfish during B & C
Lent, also Smoked and Canned Salmon and Cheese.
C'tyM tM k
] ADS ARE NEWS I Rudolph Vodicka, Prop. Dial 2412 Stetson Hats Crosby Square
{ Printed In Big Type [ Mount Vernon, Iowa