National Sponsors
February 21, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 21, 1957 |
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A Number Of Moves rDaJe Newman 3rd ...... ,,,.,,
' lp W ]ll Occur In Com -'" i _ il.reamery Will
, mun.y In State Contest ',, ,- , , I
(S of . IS The usual pring farm moves have' i M I I _
~ , k" , ' .... 0 a Jaml )ore. f -
each. 7, 1 II lJ oegun• The Jonn Hardens have4 J)am l~ewman of MarTelle was I • •
'pes. Itl01 V ! • m I~, mA moved from the Bert Miller farm on I third place winner in the state wide k |____m_ '11"______ _J _ _ I I 'l
Asbon y g::::V~ the east edge of Lisbon to the John I contest for Iowa's outstanding young ]'~exT nues,]av J "-
~---~ztty's SuperValu ~,~,.~ ~ Neff farm on the west edge of Mt. farmer sponsored by the Iowa Jun-i o ] .. .
'r'fr~g~°on to.Robert Nie~ie~] j Robert Caldwell, executive secre- Vernon. The Paul Zingulas from theli°r Chamber °fC°mmerce. Hewasl Ran Macadam is a new youngl --- !~ommation papers have been
""°unced thisweek 'rh~l, ,. , . . Itarv of the Cedar Ranids Chamber Neff farmare moving to Ten Strike Jpresentea a pmque aT a banquet~enm~dinn,,h,~ imnpr~,,n~*oo~ ~.d I . men tar 19on ~owers rot Lisbon
~s been manaeer of t*i~ i WJ|l Make He-~ I of-Commerce, will be [he speaker at [Minn. The Acle Grmhams have mov-~, held in the Memorial Union at Iowa 1-iv'a'n"'~'~,"c,"~'~-'~-~rn"n~~ .~i"~=~" ' ~m*~Jle~ ~l~h,~m, !school director for a two year term.
~ was opened~ ~,~^ -^: i. ,,=,= ,,,, : ............ tthe ann, rain,, ............. ,~'inne~ of *b,~ Mt V,~r- ,led tothe Miller farm. . . i City on S,unday ~oon. Dale was third. -~..-J°- .... ' '=£'"~-'l'.~,~,,,,v,=* Llberace ............... and many l'~%bmvmTum wwlammm~l .! Orville Crawford, who was a,ppoint-
_... ~5. He will operate *~-~! a~ ~'~lw~ce ~mi~ !non Chamber of C o mmerce on l The Lenard Streets family will]among the 42 count,y winners who other ~, ....... ,~ ~ .... m,.~ ^. ,~ D:,,,_ iI~e-J_-_J_., i ed by the board a year ago to serve
~,k~,.~ -< ...= u~ mob's Sueer rnursaay ~eo. zz az me , -" ..... =^~ **==- *"~"" --'= ............................. ~" ~ l~ i s b o n CoOn Creamery annual ! / ~ ...... =.~-,,-,,, w,,
' ~ ' .... " ' • • ' . *- -" ' '.no •
~',),'~. .... Heart Sunday, Feb 24, will beob- Hallat 6:30 p.m;.. His sub~ect williHeuer, farm northof Lisbon, wh;chi F]rs~ x nklin, g Dale was imeetmg and jamboree program on ~. ....... ~ ..... , ......... ~..~,~ ^,IH~ ~a cancn~a~e :orfe[el.~tion.
~2"/(5,,iz~,, u~ wmrshalltown +h~ 1 served in Lisbon and Mt Vernon bv I oe "~'eoaters o[ rrogress". $ mey nave operates tar me p as~ iv I one oz me ~op ~nree winners ] Tuesday evening Feb 26 at 8 in the f ...* ~. .... ~." °='f ....... ".2 _"~ ~'t ] ~ -.~7..- ...~ L-~-.:~ ,=,~ ~y u,e
~v ~,~ to d --' .... -I l years to a farm north of Mechan-' came w ~ • ' . • . ' i weonesaay a*ternoon, yea. z2o, az remgnauon at ~'ranK uaroee
.~ ~,; ~_ . ovate all of his Corned students visiting every Mr. Caldwell is one of the . ., ........ j hen he and the other iLlsbon School Aud~tormm. ,~.~n ..~. ~.. ,~.^ ~,^~^~,^; ~. .... ~. I ,,~_.. ....... ;--" . .
- -'~ ..~ arsnalltow . . ]ICSVIIIe. 1no Iarm is owneQ oy Mrs. ! two winners were ca, lied out • ..o. p.,.. ., u,~ x. cuv~a~tt u.u.~**,. ~ununat*on papers nave been IaK-
~,~ . n supermar- home to accept contmbutmns to help outstanding Chamber of Cam- ~ , i He was hked so well by Ed Sulli- ] • , • •
7~ ~; one un,~ ...... ] o~,,~, h~.-+ m .......~ ÷.. ~ ........... ~;~,.,= 0. , .... .~ ! Perry Russell but the Streets have ] before dinner for a~ tune re or - : .............. Lzsbon, for Carob n Warner, 84, w,th[ en out for three other candidates
--'~flville w~.~" construe- i~--...%..~ .t.:..~ ...... ....: ........ i "7~-%L .': ..... ." "7-: ""* I farmed it for several years• Mr. and ! in*, interview b,, Herh ~rd !va)~ rna~ ne was canect back on aI the Rev. Ralph Schenck in charge.]but had no~ been filed on Wednes-
o,-~.-~=,~. -tun wm soon I an eoucanona± pampmet j snomu ann• an mporm~n~ me~ I ~v~,~.'"-- t~,-,,ur^-'~'-- ow~.~,,p,,~*'~-' ....... v," ,~=,,,av^~'-r°~ I oeeK- ~ ........ oz w,u. " ..... " ;I m~er ~univan snow ...... zor a repea~ Miss Warner passed away at a
nurs-. I day morning. Sailor Phelgs is ex-
^~r Students from the Cornell Student sage to the local members. "11 .... performance Hks astonishing abil- in home in Cedar Ra ids at 11'10 ' ected to be a candidate for r elee
• ] . .. [ . , bought the Heuer farm and wl , • .... g P • i p. e-_ ....
Well known by Fellowship under superwmon of the Tickets are on sale by Lloyd ! move there with their family of ] t.iover~or nerscnel Loveless wa.s zty to change has voice in a split [ p•m. Sunday, Feb. 17. I tlon for a three year term.
- ne h ~Rev K P r ~ Loom]s Howard Rio er and Fred one o~ me speakers a~ me oanque~ second from that of a well known 1 Darrell Mornl sta
#~r~lce'~in' .._ as. had a: . enneth lumme w'll m, akeI ", . "g . ithree school-age children. Mrs. t ........................... . ] Pallbearers were Dell Kohl Rob-~ "ng r for a 3-year
F~£re ~^~'upermarket op-]the canvass, bast year more Ameri-[Young. ~mployees ann wives of lBerkenpas is a sister of Mrs. Irvin I w'~_c;,~_ w,as at~enae~ oy ~ people. ! persona±l~y ~o trm~ o~ another ;Siert Hanson Buell Miller and Wil-!term and Roy Pl,atte~berger for a 2-
• -vznl to 1 m m 1 t n ale recently was sezec~ecl as amazm ann rasclna~es in m t
i*~l"as£" ' ng lV~t. Ver- [ ca ~s were killed by heart disease e bers are inv'ted to a te d. Lehrman . ~" . .... g ' ' e as , llam 14 .... n RnriM w,~ "n th,~ T.i~- ]year term are expected to file• Mr.
~ass~stant manager of than all other causes combined [ ~ .. . " ...... l Jones county's outstanmng young staid audiences. His quick wit and ~ "'" "'-"7~''' "-J~ .... _~ L. _..: 2--- }Mornin~star has two ehileh~n in
/ w vam store i ......... |, . murae~ze eanKnauser, WhO nan farmer. He operates the farm of off beat como. ,, oon cemetery, tvlorgan rtmeral er- -,_ ..• ~._,_ - V--:-- "':
"- ........ [ ! ,nnual Llnn ;ooo [worked for lv£r. Streets; has been his father, Harry Newman. east of of his own r akes'hi n 'a'one vice was inchargeof arrangements, i ia fl , ina e , in nlgn senx°°l, anff'
.,~lhause~,- I *~,uu*ur ~ p*~u* ,~*,*~ *,vv*up~ I r ] hired by Francis Wolrao ann is ~ Martelle of 363 acres "~h, ¢~,,u,, ~. ....... ; .... ~ ,,_ . , . I uarmyn warner was oorn. to ; ". - ...... ~ .... "-" -'**• • *'*~"
.. - - ~ experience in- in which he can make a gift • •____~_* _ _ ,rL _ _J movin- with his famil- to the Wol I ....... " -'-- :';'FY o, u w u,~u u.e u, me country s mp i David M and Sarah E Cross Warn- i tenoerger also has two children en~
~lyears With Cashwayl without revealing the amount, ll[vl[eel"lng |nursaay Irab farm north of Lisb£n " ~;enS~S~Sh~ts+~.V~n[S. 2ewm^an ann cnu-iperzormers, ler on iViay 2 1872 ai Lisbon Sheir°lled in school, Jeanean in8th
[~i...~v~arsnalltowno , four , Th~ 'fir~ ,,,,~.~'"eful f~-+o,~o," ,,,'~de . ............... " N ........... ~. I Thru the recent holiday season he attended the I,'.~Lbon' __h-co ..... e.ol.¢ anad ..... wa.~i grade and Maroon in 5th grade
~,~ 2Ul~rmarkets, five ; nossible through research financed I The 27th annual mectmg of %he I . _ I Dale has used a new, portable 'A . performed at Palm Springs and Los I ~raduated from Lisbon high school ! The election will occur on Mon-
~l--~ ,~reat Atlantic and I in ..... + ..~.~*; ~..~ ,~._ u^.~, ~,..,4 I Linn Coop Oil Co will be held at ITem M~redith Buws t type ring shelter which he originat-' Vegas He is now touring the mid- t "~ ° day March llth Final time for fil-
u., and ....... ~ ..... ~ ................ " ' • "- "- / . . • . in 1891. After a term at the Iowa . . ".
~u., a four years with I .... 1Armar ballroom, Marmn, on Thurs- ,. u .,, ed. It *s made with three sheets of West and after has performance here . mg of nommatzon papers is on
n . t" ...... 1 Some forms of heart disease can I day, Feb. 21, wRh droner starting at ~ I=O /nompson House car. rugated roofing on three one-by- he goes to Chmago' for a three week sheStatetau'~htN°rmalschoolSChoolat Whiteat CedaroakFattSfor I Friday" noon, March 1.
~rshalltown Mr Ni,~ I bo n~ .... +,a ~ f,~.... ,won [ 11 30 a•m. Main speaker will be Ed- [ Jinx inch supports. Two of these engagement in a Chicago theatre ] ~ ,~,~ s I -------~~
i; g.raduated fro-m~'*~'l -2~'~i~h'ear'~' cases"can'b~e'cared for Iward McFaul of Chicago I Tom Meredith has contracted for units are hinged together, and night club ' ~" T~,,'~',~ ...................... ]i !-t---- ~_---l_ n- _ _
SChool Mrs ............ ; ___,.. ; Manager Ray Brown and officers[purchase of the Ed Thompson resz-[ These shelters are set un in the! .......... : ......... ........... I 0 vruue Kooms
~;r Be-r~2~ie ~.Ormer Lepta ] 3. Almost every heart condition wh, preseg~ rel~rm. *,,roe ?zrec- ,/= ....... .: ........ . .... ..~ o.~,~,* nela a¢ ia~.rr, owlng ¢lme ¢o protect Maza, the Bob Nonce quartet, thel and brother• ,~re Ulsarrangea
r- gra~::~ 1n Dubuquelcan be helped by proper treatment.!,v°rs wnl.~e se±ecTea zor ,~-yearj~venueanapossesslonwu,~e g,ven[sows ann ntters• Whirlwinds, and Howdy RobertsI Miss Warner joined the UnitedI --
---~.-~=u Ira • . • terms. ~lrectors wnose cerms ex- -,-.,-,~--.*,~-. i • • , '
tloolm' Dubu mu Vmlta- 4. Meat heart patients can keep. on ]~,,~'-~ ............... a,v Be, C. Ncul uf Mt. V~- l ne Thorn sons wih move to me[ In the summer the panels can be and .h~s WMT orchestra who will I~ Brethren church when young and I~ Rooms m the. new Lmbon. elemen-.
c n;_ q e. They 1 working--often at the same lob. .. ............. P unfolded on top of steel posts to furmsh music for the stage show ] later transferred to the nresent~ tary school weze left in conszderable
h.,ua-e , • .... ,
n M non t_inoer~ t~a~enelaer Amurne~ I Mmne oh ea to wh* h
;n R0~rrv ~,, , ary Lynn, I 5. Your "symptoms" may or may ] , .... . . ., , ap s ar c Mr. t provide shade. In the winter they and for dancing afterwards ] Federated church. She was a charter! of a mess on Saturday by two Lis-
.... - ~' o*~ of pre-sehool not mean heart disease. Don't guess ann ~ran,K rreflemc~ o~ maroon. Thompson was assigned by Inter- are used along fences as a wind- i Lisbon high seniors will have al member of the Loyal Women's Sun- [ ban youngsters. Entry was appar-
,^_~ land worry--see a doctor and be[ ~ I national Milling. Mr. Thompson[break• ~canteen at the schoolhouse, day school class and attended reg-iently gained through a window in
~la~auser,, who has been]SUre, i Discusses Pollution i had been affilia!ed withHoneymeadI This type of shelter, which is in ! Officers of the Creamery co mpanylul'arly until forced to stop because ithe teachers' room. Chocolate milk
- ,,~ ~ oezore ~ne iamuy movea nere zrom ~straws a r and mm
[,41,~© la~-- ~ mitty's has -- Jf%¢ e*_J____ n.* ....... ., . . .. widespread use has made it possi- are Glenn Lehr pres Clarence of her health last May• , , p pe s gu ed stars
'''~" t ~i;t:n~' Buds Super- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Johnson ~'#:n :Tus:: K'::~ion ~S~enre?tt;ol~altl~v~l~inmgaaco~oW~n;n b~e tl:ottslVeac22:danngdtblrmOeres p~s° 2ic~er~)v;CectPres.~:n:dSd~:r Ptthoe~s~ atShei?:rn~t;rOhmosA~g.' 212otOa O~ti~3: :de':rSCatntere~>oYsClaYr:a:u~a(~
lOS • ' . as any Snecin] ~ .... : Purchos Bortosh Farm i . . g p . of the Ce- now. use it officers are Dan Morningstar Wal-] for observation and treatment Since razor blades pictures were marked
[lOre, Mr• Niecle.h ....... i ] ~ar mvcr, flurmg a talk at the ! ~ I r~ ~ h ..... ,i,,. i ......... ; !ter Conway and Leo Resewehr Mr [ Oct. 3 she has been in a nursing up and obscene wm'ds wmt~en on
• .~_me storehome'_o~,~i Mr and Mrs. Roy V. Johnson ~o~ary cluoon m onaay evening a~i~_nrn,~|| ~[|| ['~¢~,r~, !~.~,,:~.,~;.7,y.~..~.....;,~..~.,_,u,~ Conway and Mr Mille,- we~e'eachlhome at Cedar Rapids. the blackboard. Pop bottles had
or~ as me ~eacon t~a~e t:ialr ttauscn con- " I " ' :be n - ' '
_ . closely n~ ~,~¢ [ have purchased the Bartosh farm, .. .~ ' . . - . I .... ~oh~,~ h~,~,~ ~nd M,~*h,~m~* ~ .... h recently re-elected for 3-year terms ] Surwvmg are a brother, Earl the e thrown against the outside of
~al People and~t~Q~.~- 'south of Mt Vernon on Highway ! servan°n oIncer, sam t ne t~eaar Reliaion In Life Week E.'~=V ~" ~"" ,'"~'~Z~ ~,'~..'~'..~,'~ ^ ,~ .... ;~, ~.+ ..... "~*' .... I only irmnediate member of her the building and broken. The mat-
o • R ver WOUla proDaoly not again De • - .... tel- wil I" ~ ""
~61, until reeently tenanted by the I ............. I I ,~mh,~,- ~,~ h~ ~.o~ ~o o a ~ Or~ nn,~ ~. +h~ ;,~,,;+o+;~.~ +.. +~ I family left three meees, Mrs. Mary ~ 1 be discussed w~th school
I • • S~OCKeO wITn IlSn Irom ueaar t~ap- ,, " " he .......................... . ~-.. ~ -~ ........ ~ ....... ~.~.... ~,, ~.,,. . . ~ ~ . . . . . .
~ Dmk Bartosh family. Plans for the ............. Ascent to Depth will be t r~o~,~m. ~e i~ vioo nro~H.n÷ n£ *h. ~nrobnroo cm n.a~ S ]Struck M~s. Ruth Herring and, boa~d members befoze d~smphne ~s
a ~rvic,_, =, , house which was recently badly i ms m. me ~ansaaes because oz me theme of Religion in Life week on ii~w~',~,,e--~, "~s- ~3r~o'¢~'"~ ~¢~-i ............... - ~'Esther Warner all of Kewanee Ill ~ decided on .
~ ~"~',~- tar damaged by fire are indefinite but pouunon: ......... !tha Cornell campus Feb. 26 through member of"~th%~ Anamosa-~a:~-~'~: : ~ land a nephew Raymond Warner of! ----
~aldwi- ]Mr. Bartosh will farm the land in!~ ±nerlver}s par~a]ly polmzea aS!March 1. Dr. James S. Thomas of lodae Naval Air Corn~ res~i~'~,~ J~IIA~& #~--A&,-- ~A/:m--:--~. Taylor Ridge, Ill i Tnm W;JJ;,mcn p...~
~. ,, ; .... ~ ...... ,_ ~Iar as ~U~llII ana the orgamc con-'N-shvill~ T-n- assec sec of the ~" ' ~ ........... I~ll~,/~1%1~1.,~ VV IIlllIllU ........ ,.,,.,.,,,. ~,vl
conjunc~lon wlcn ~ne ~eunasne~ j { ~. ~, ~ n., ............. ~ __
of 1~-.~, • !. .......... ~ ......~._.~ ~ , tent at Cedar Bluffs ~s more than Methodic* Board of Education will has taken G.I. farm training. ,_ = ~ ! _ , m ..~ A _1-'_" • _ ~ /
~1 sere-i,~' relatives at-]~a,~,.~j~ ~cc,~.~,/ p ........ ~'. ff*'5]it has been in the river above Cedar]be the "~-'-in-i"al s"eaker ~:ivin" Martelle people are very proud o.f I~rl~ll~ Thrn Tn ¢ I: A [,o, ~u|olnlng forK
aces IOr Fr ana Ivlrs. oonns~on are c on~inulngl • . . t,~ ~ p P ~ . s the honor which ha e ==-..-.. ==..v .. =v ~-~.w,. ,~m~,~va i a,n,m-t,
• nooat Cedar Raniaa2k~Itheir. partnership with their son-in-i Rapztowith2n .25 years'..w -~,~ u~ pure ........... wa~cr t chapal talks each morning begin[ Dalo s b en won by • I Mr. and Mrs. Tom Williams have
. n. ~ ..... flaw and daughter, Mr. and MrS. lm~'h~"~imi~'"t'~e" rowth . .~ _ r]nin'g Tuesday. On Wednesoay at ~.-: .......... ,Mt. Vernon Varsity ,Has 48 Members ipu-rchased a lot from BerL Mille,"
L~eereg ~ g oI t~eoa , 7 30 m in the cha el he will ~ve ~onowmg me mwa t~lty oanque~ /
Fred . Dewey Humphries in H o li d a y • • • i : P. • " P " g , " i i cornering on the Lisbon park a~
aldw" Baldwin,! . Raplls wghm 25 years. . ,,his main address. At 8 p.m. on seven Anamosa couples gathered at:r With everything to gain, nothing The Future Farmers of America:the ball diamond corner and oppo-
rnonlla2dRossBald:lH°use ~ .. Mr:.Ratmch zn !ookln~ ahead said i Tuesday a student one act play, the Newman home on Sunday eve- t~ I ......... inleoo r;ok... ~.~u ....................... !site the John M v re.~ic] .....
~ I r , ~z*ruugnuu~ u~ ~atlon are scneam e ors
)f Rm ~arola ma~ me nays oz nunnng on prlvaze nm The rou included
~s ~ erside, Ill: broth-!IOWA CITY RECITAL . . - land are limited Legislation has i an.d aconcert by th.e college chmf ardgGerlings ~Pr,',~ Parsothe vbeiclnr club tripped Mt. Vernon 46-45 Tues-iing special activities to focus atten-iThey are going over plans now and
^-~.~v~r. Baldwi .... .~ ; Eunice Hanlin, a graauate o~ i h,~n i,t-~---~ .... .~' *.. ~......,..... I Wll/ oe presen~eo m,.me ~ornen ,,~ s , -~ ~ , _:~jv day night on the Lisbon floor. There r tion on their organization durin~i expect to start work on a new house
~rehie Braniff-'-'.. ~m .... ~ i Cornel,1 where she studied under the ~ "~?'"...(,uu.uc~u ~u p,uv,u~ ~u~ :Theatre. A fun ~engm him with ±nompsons,¢ non l)earoorns, l~ea, was never more than 6 points differ- ~ National F F A Week" Feb 16 23 °'] in the spring The home will have
and Mrs. Eu~en an~°II,la~e Prof. Eugene Devereaux will i ~w~^va~enun~*ng areas. ~nsucncases ]Jimmy Stewart, "It's a Wonderful RoberL,ons, Tom Mullers, and Joe once in the two teams' scoring totali Locally men~bers o'f the Lisbon l a living room, with dining area two
~nver, Colo. ~,h~_.~- i present a recital of organ music at i~ ~u ~ ~u~..u ~ p ...... !Life" Friday at, 7:30 in the Theatre l, eggs. l at any time in the whole game. ] FFA chapter were on the Farm Ibedr°°ms, kitchen bath and a full
Ira. , ...... U lthe First Methodist church, Iowa i~"~ p~v.-~t;u ~. ,m.,u,g. .... !will conclude tha week. The pub- ~. ......... --2---- ....... I When one team would get a slight lF~rum Wednesday morning ~ithbasement. Kruse Construction Co
zn Served~.... post i Cit~ on Sunda,~ Feb 24 at 4 r~m !. ±n~enslve culnvanon o~. me lana I lic is invited to all the sessions. ~*u~ ~~u~v~ t:~l~u~ I advantage the other would husde Ii Chuck Wozceste~- " " They have win" will be the cat, tractor
Pids from ~- master The .)-bl:~ io ~nvited .... i~s noz conaucive m gooa numing ~ The Willard Russells and the .... ~ ............... :. ........... "~. . . : .... "-'"
~vlay 1 1 I i ~ ~ o ,a t c 1] ~u a ~cw r,a~ixv~ ~ ix~t=p ~uv p,-,~ CIOW alsplays in l=lulesn llnp ana
remen , 934 - " ' ' , nd fishing. S ream fishing is o Merle Murfields, Martelle, returned • . i . " • . .
t on Jan 31 t ] abmhng ~Baumans m Mt Vernon and m MU I
the Co ..... ' , 1949. !,a , --~----~n ~ h. [the way out, he believes. Water Duane Carlson S ays n Feb. 9 from a trip to California• ] " ;.~ o '. . . ., ., ! s c Parents Wdi
znell ac I ' The scorln ercenta es were ~.51awioios anQ ~x~amers in L1SDOn
Sof~900 .... ademyiNlecrlanical Ultl cuiiles i runs off quickly after a rain andthe L, .n .~* ~e ~a_ - They left Jan 17 going by way of; ' g P g ; ...... ' • ~ . i, * a ~ .
in ~ while the faro ~ ...... ' st-cams are at a low level for fish Name inar/une/v ~now Ei Paso Texas and San Diego nearly even less than 25 per cent I All members wear their F.F.A. jack-, t'resen~ ~,arniva| l}O]'o
~]Pton, before ~::!Delay Printing Hawkeye ;,.-~.~, ' ~.~v~ ~ .... ~,', .... *h~v ,,~,~ on shots ~ried from the floor 1biers during F.F.A. Week. :
; ~ ernon in 1904 ^~-~a -- -- -- i'-.::,"~" . ...... ~.~ Duane Carlson C ornell '55 and ~,~.'.~'~¢ ~,~,~.'~.~a~.~;'.:~. °"~ fi~'~ff buck~ts'anieee Mt Vernon got 15 Membership in the F F A is made Lisbon Music Parents club are
,~ ~ "~ Plato n~ n~;.~ Prmt:ng ~f [h~s ts~ue of the Hawk- Mo~..~,4~ u~ ~.~,4 ~ ..... • ~ :" l~]~ ~rxvo partners Norma Blum 17 of .~ - ' ...... - • *~ ',~-" ,~ossible 27 free u of farm bo s who are voa~ stu sponsoring, a earmval at the I ichon
It2 lan]] , -~.~- ~.lp- ~- " ~.~.~,J~.U~ ~.~ ~c,s~t ,.~_ UAl,e~[ecl IL "" . . ,, . ' ' nla mey VlSlteG tne ~aalCS' oro~nor,' t.vlnts out ofa ~ • P . . Y . . .~. -~. ~ • . ....
n., .ly came t~ ~, eye was off schedule because of me- ,,,~,,]~ ~,~ .,..~,...~ ~.~ ...... ,4 ,. B azl and "Mmkey Bmega, 16, of o~. ~. ~. • ~;.~.~,,,~. ~+ c'~,,~ .... ~ throw attemnts L~sbon got 16 of a ~ dents m high scho.ol. Act]whes are school on Saturday evening Feb
t mu,.,e here with c_han~cM t~ouble ,~.~jch dcvcla?ed~n fishing soon after being complet~.d. E'~:opm on the Name Tl~at^Ttme the H. E. Murfields at South Gate possible 29. It was Nost's snccess- designed to help develop r.ural lead-=~at v:3o pm ......
me large movor wmCn operates mc i+ ,_~, ~ .~.,~.~, ...... % *~r~ TV program pass ea me a]n u~u step ...... u -~ ~+~. .-~+;.,~o -.~.~ ftfl 15th free throw in the last sec- ersnlp an~l gooa cltlzensnlp ano TO ~. d(l~ULIOn [O [ne usual carnlvat
pres,¢ on whmh the paper ~s printed, r~o~i ..... ~ ~.~ ~+ ~+o "u.o+ u. leted a Lundqulsts boys threw m a ].lttle n ttr
,'.~ handise w~. _ ~n ue ~e ~}u j teacher in the Mt. Vernon schools, nal was requested there after the . ..--._ .: . .' ...... f~ ......... [in the nation to practice co t~
~:neir lin .... nzcn willI J is in char**e of plans for the first Union Pacific strean~liners began con~roneo Dan to wm me tltt Z~-Z'i. Mt V. varszW *.*soon va~z~y.. ! farming, crop rotation fertilization,, BOOSTERS TO MEET FEB. ?.25
Vm'iety ~,~[~e depart- i Yellow n~ nassin~ lines will, be I state wide° nlav da~ to be held I using the Milwaukee tracks Esti- Peterson and Studt pace ." the win- ~ fg ft p ... . 1g ~ P and other soil conservation and im- I Lisbon Athletic Boosters will holct
;h " ~ure ' --'r ,= " -- ---- • " ' " I " "
ae ~nfanto, " At the ! painted on U S 30 between Mt. Ver- [ on the ISC campus at Ames on mated cost ~s sal(~ to be around ners w~th 7 each, Rhoads had 6, Hip- Mullen ...... 4 10 ~ ~tarLtey .... u t 2 provement methods. It was more I an important meetlng at the school-
urYGon-~--wear was!non and Cedar Rapids at ]2 addi-[March 15 Each member school ofi$]2,000 of which three-fourths will ple 5• Miner and Vislisel 2 each. Kruse ........ 4 0 1 N~s~.. ......... z o ~ than a century after Washington'slhouse at 7:30 pro. Monday Feb. 25
~Ustorne~.~~°re which [ tional ,I~o~ ~ ~ rP~uH, of the new I the state" Girls' Recreational Assn I be paid by the county and one- For Lisbon Blood was the spark- Larson ...... 2 1 3 Smim ........ u 4 e death before gencra.l use was made Please attend
rind il ~[ ~?lring el-t hal-icy "in--re~ard- to-s-i~-ht- distance ~is entitled to send five ffirls an¢i ]fourth by the railroad, plug in many ways l'eading scoring Glattly ...... 0 0 2 Mills .......... 4 1 1! of the sound agricultural practices ! .......
-~ store. I necessary for no-pa~m~g line. , about 300 are expected to partici ..... ---- with 8' Van Dusen had 6 Zahorik 5 Clements ..2 3 2 Andre ...... 1 0 1 he advocated t' JUN[ORLis n Hl~H.uni GAMESi "
I~_, I ........... i pate ~;I~ IL.,, /oJL,, [1~,,,~,,,,,~ Light 4 H:erbst 3 and Longerbeam 1. Knutsen ..3 1 2 Carbee ...... 1 2 2 ~ ! bo j or h gh g*rls and boys
uriv znzs lniormatlon comes zrom w ,~,.~, .vu e~,,w~ ~u~n,u,~n,,, Wlil meet the Solon urea
-_ e ...~. .. ...... "1 Mrs Pelisek is assisted on the] -- _ • The 'reserve Warders took their ------Blake ........ 7 0 2 ,o~ Ill -- ~ alm,~l~ ~l~l~ [. " :. . . j " r high
I *J ~rzce saze~y ana ~raiilC engineer • • ' '
I teams on me l.Asoon floor at 3
March 1 ifo'r the iowa iLIi~hwav Commission Iplanning committee by five girlslWlU Be Held Friday abbreviated game following the] 1.5 15 13 ..... .O leCT [ ....... :,5
- 15 6 14 ~ p m ~'rzoay ~eo zz
ed Cro- fit is the result of ,,re"limina,'-, in"I each from Marion, Cedar Rapids main feature. Again the scrappy{ 1 I ' ' ' " "
~'| Mar~hss can'Paign wi11'form~*i .... ;n~¢t h,,~ ~,,rvev'~t~a~ and Mt. Vernon. Local girls are Funeral services will be held at Lisbon boys jumped into a lead, VERNON RESERVES WIN ! l_ I~__|_*__ I[~...°__--. I,o n ~,
i eh16~"1~' ~ and conh'nue-" i which .... recently*" ...... st'art~d" ........ checking ' Sandra Cunningham, Karen Jilovec, 1:30 p.m. Friday, Feb. 22, for Julius. i} were tied up at 2, reached, a 7-5 ad- ; The lVt.. Vernon reserves had to,__.ln ..... rOl_ IO urlv_e , I, ISDOn MellO WOrl¢l
~i~ ha-- " rs L C ~" { • ....... :~ -- - Dolores Jennings Patsy Sievers and Bergmann 66 at the Evangehcal I vantage then broke a 7-all tie by come throuah with some points in ~ 1 ,.,,~,h ~o,, ~,,,~,,h~ a ~,o ~ ...
• ge of • • ~toss,u.~. ~u ana ~ across ~ne state. ~ , ' ' . ] . o . • K~....~......~...~.~,.,~ ~ ,~,o. ,, v~.
I~st ~ ~ the driv~ ~,,,.[ T~,,~ o, ........ ~;~,, ,,¢ ,h. c~m I Karen Wolrab Reformed church m Clarence. Mr., a free throw• Warthen found the, the last 3½ minutes of the cur~m A- 1 ._L--_ ! was born *,, M, and Mr~ ~-.~;,~
~l~'[|n~,uerworkers- ".':A{ Y': ...... .h"~'.'.*" .... ~..=='"~T~;": -- Bet•mann brother of Elmer C ibasket in the last minute to give'raiser to save their game 33-27 Thej#'~T Ll~lgluIIrl IJilovec ~n"lv~"h" l.~"-a~'~,;~'~=~'
--.~ %- WII'I ] mtsslon yel'lOW llnes Will De palrlie(1 ' . " • ' ............... .~.a.~s
"~*k"22~ Week~,~-~------...~ i where- me:'" signt ....... instance is ~aor'^'zee~" [ neunn"- " l~i|**""l n" e me" I"a unA stBergmann of Mt. VernOnLuke s has ltal' Cod' r d,md 1 atlMt~ Vernon the tilt 9-8. t score was knotted at 2, 4 and 7 then lare Mr. and Mzs'. tta~,.Ral.nh R%, ,,~,.,..,=,
~T OFF,~,~ -_ or less and present 1L'~es will be ex-t_ g ....... • ..... p ,~, . a .Rap ds, ! Scoring for Mt. Vernon: Meek, see-sawed to a !7:15 hal~fim.e..,It;! The March of Dimes drive f~r po- and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilovec
_J ~rnon Po.~'~ ItOURs tended' for an additional 100 feet in[ProDosed School Chanae .aaou.~ a.~a am. x~esoay wnere ne Petrick Clark and Warthen 2 each, was tied again a~,~.~.ana.iv m me!lio in Lisbon totalled $437.17. ' Darwin Edward, weight 7 lbs. 7
~'. ,.A closed ~.Office win-Iboth directions ] -- ~' naa Deen.taKen.~orlowmg a rmto :Plank 1. earlypart ofthe ~ntra perma oezore] This included $340.82 from the oz., was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ed-
. -na t near~ aiiacK wlonaay azternoon ~ h ~VXUSTan ~ S brOKe away for a n u Tea 0 m
lee of *~VIy' Feb. 22 I mission's at[ention to the fact thatMr. Vernon Community school dis-~dnile wi~n relatives in tbeoar l~ap- P-i-t N-~t:'- O£ Hearin- I 7"21 lead to cl e ~he qu~.~er, ut American Legion Auxiliary on Jan- Feb. 19, at Mercy hospital in ~J~-'
) ~p~livery F~:~ here will i Local neonle'had called the Cam- [ Legal boundaries of the proposed . , ....... -~ ~ t e g .' . Mothers March co a c y e ward Koutny, Springvflle, "Puesda
~l~/ 1Ill WiD ~ ashington'slseveral shots on new U S 30 west trict appear in a notice of time to! 7= ..... • •a vaa~.~ a ~ ban pulled up m m e_murm to ~rau!uary 31st. ' dar Rapids. Grand rents are .
---w - ~e thr " ,bmwvols include his wife and onl taro rots 27 29 before Clark~ r Poho coUectedI pa Mrs
.]Patched a~ own to I of here should be marl~eci for no file objections to the proposal on ]~.'" .. " .~ .. iOn Well Site I~ose t .y .. po , : , .... ' The Teens fo ' !Christine Krummel, Lisbon, and Mr.
oon/~r$~. not ~-~ USual Local I nassin~, page 3 ! ms oromer r~. t:. ~ergmann. , i po~eo m a couple n-am Tne i~oor ~o i $23 24 at a basketball game at the and Mrs Frank Koutn .
fit Will *,a.ow Whether " ~" __ ----- Hearing on the establishment of M,o x ~ ...., ..... ,4 i Notice of nublic hearin~ on a ' help the Mt. Vern