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February 23, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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i roll F llf ii in ....... hi ....... qr
~..~.....~.~....~.,.,.....~..~.:.:.-.......-0~~..'o:..', C ha r les St a ab spe n t Sa t u rd a y
................ ., ,,.~,~=. and Sunday with his son Everett
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mohn spent
John F. McHugh. Rel)re~mtative Phone 125 the week end with their daughter
"" ~orter Phone 13.5 I Miss Luella in Knoxville
Mrs l~'cd Bittle. News t~el , •. ! "
"" [ Miss Lucille Hester of Cedar
,...~........_........~~..:.....:o~...-.:o:~:.:o [Rapids was a guest last Thursday
•"" " lie Ftink and/ of Mrs Robert Beasmore
Mr md Mrs G C Moreland of Mr and Mrs. l.~es" • | "
• ~ ' " ' • • -- ' " i" ~ Thursda'" in the R L / Mrs Nellie Cole of Chicago was
Olin were Saturday visitors m me sons vm teu ~ - .~ ", .
....... homes ~ a week ena guest in the home of
Mr and Mrs W M Ober~on nome ann lion lYrlnK • L
.... " | Mr. and Mrs. Charles Engelking.
Mr and Mrs Claude Stine are Rev W G Rowley of Mount| ....
• " " ° "'e " " " . ., . / miss ~nris~ine Strand of Mount
improving from an illness o~ m Vernon visited Friday in me no|e/., r " n .......
...... _= ...... m ve non was a bu nay visitor in me
flu, both confined m oeu ourmg of Rev. and Mrs. M, L,. nnl, ~ Rev and Mrs M L Hill home
:~rpi~tnJ~;/LI-le~'ks ~ts?(nwelthSh;r i I°DaDl~!~d wl~,!: Su~D~jY::ga~:~i/! / itn?~°rUFtE~IK~lekw!tnP~s naherSa~aU~Y
"~ " f i ihe " ~ • • ' ' ey nd a "ly
daughter Mrs. Rex Dean and am- ' " ' .. . / "
ily in Iowa Falls Paul Wickersham at~enaed the/ Mrs. Joe Staskal of Mount Ver-
conference of music super- n
- • - ~" .... elsh andi" ' ' | on spent Wednesday m the home
mr. ann mrs. ?:~:rleYal~ds wereiVisors at Iowa City on Friday and/of her parents Mr. and Mrs. F, J.
Nita Marie of C .- P~ tal A Saturday. / Kolek.
~iu~:yg~es~ in me pa en "i Mr.
and Mrs. John PeterS°nsand[est in" Mrs. Lester Bails of Stanwood
Charles Tillia commenced work shn 2?nl ~e:esoSnU~lamYe gnu Mech / spent, tTue~ay in)h%home/f her
-- - ' ....... ~ Corn ._e ..... 1_ _a k -, ,- ...........................
monoay wire me Honeymeuu -i miesville " '
• " " ork ~ ' / Beaver
pany, employea as salesman w -~ " och n ,l "
ing out of Webster City. Mr. and Mrs. Milton 1~, , ~a ct| Mr. and Mrs. Vince Gollobit and
Mr and Mrs J S Kohl and Mr family of Mount. Vernon naa ~un-| son of Patterson, N. J., are visiting
.... n ~n,~,. ~, w~J~:'-~ ..... n ~m," flay oinner with ms sister ~'~1 in the home of his sister, Mrs W
......... s .... ~ ............ s a,,,~B~,-~ Bertha Koch. [ J Kent
spent Sunday at the Howara m ess- ~ " "
ing home in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. McAleer were| Dillon Franks was home from
Mrs O H Stabenow visited onguests of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. ~nams[ Iowa City to spend the week end
Monday with Mrs. Mary Todd in :~tayaevSlXlin°~l°cK stoner on ~atur-/ ~zIlthFrhisk:arents Mr. and Mrs. E.
Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. Laurence'. ' . • " "
Stabenow visited with Mrs. Clara Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis, Mar-| Mr. and Mrs. Milo Kaliban and
Wilson. garet and Martin, visited Sunday at] family were Tuesday evening sup-
Mr and Mrs Robert McCoy of)the parental D. C. Davis home m] per guests at the Ed Reyhons home
. . ' .~ .. " .~ _ " I Mount Vernon. | north of town
Ceaar lxaplos were ~unuay eve-i ,, . / '
ning supper guests in the home of l Mrs. Otto Beal], Mrs. Tony l~ore-| Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Lee and
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles!man, son Allen and Judy Jepsen] Judith Ann of Maquoketa spent
IA)ng. i spent Thursday at_ the Earl Me-] Saturday night and Sunday in the
......... E Keehan home near Marion. ] parental T M Lee home.
NIrs. lwargaret t~urKe naa ~un- *. . . • • •
day dinner witi~ hcr daughter Mrs. i The Mary Shaler Missionary so-] Sarah Fouse Missionary society
cmty meets rnursoay maren z will me
Clarence Roegler in West Branch. " ~" ~ ,,.- ~, .... ~ " et Wednesday, March 1,
l i h ~ with Mrs ~elne tqattennerger~ ]
In the afternoon she visted wt i " • .... : w'th Mrs. Fred Downing, ann as-
frmnds in Iowa City. _[ The meetingE.,f~ ,,~win' oe mcnarge oI sistant. Miss Eva Floyd. Leader is
Miss Dorothy Doyle in nurse's i MI~' R.,~aik;,;o.. ~..
training at St Anthony's hospital ! ~vi~. ana mrs. Lioy(1 t'e~erson a.n(J ~- .... ~ .~-=~--- .......
Rock Island i11 s~ent the week) t'mipn accompameo oy miss ~a~mc- -- .....................
end in the 'home of her parents, Iia Tabor of. Cornell spentSunday LISBON HI-LITES
~n. .~..~ ~n.o I ~ n~l,~ v,'itn [ne latter's
parems Mr. anu
.....Mr.~"Uand ........... Mrs. Wiison'~ ~" ~lng~" rey, l| Mrs. Clifford Tabor in Baldwin. : : : : : : : : : : * ; : : : : : : : : : : : *
Mr and Mrs Lester Newton and l Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graver EDITORIAL
~,,~ hn,~o~h "~o~ar~ all of Blairs l had a dinner last Friday evening When Glenn Cunningham was a
....................... -~ if f
town were Sunday ~,uests of Mr for her father John Mohn to eele- boy a school fire cost the 1 e o
and Mrs. Harry Pearson. i brate hxs birthday. Other guest~ his brother and burned hm own
Work on the new school build i were Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Mohn. legs so badly that for years he was
ing has been somewhat retarded i, ,Mr. andMrs. D. N.. Swomley and aoe~?Pl;v:/d:ltk watinfear~It the
due to weather conditions A coat- ,~nee oI ~ectar ~ap~as wslm~ ~at- - ~i ame Glenn%ahs the lisi
ing of ice covers the floor and the urday in the Mrs: .mayme uorcas aay~n s s ....................
temperature has been too cold for home. monoay v~)tors were ,~r. o,4t~is [x(/:ord~n:r;=};at~ml~t be
work l anu lvu's. ~narms Tmcner oI t:euar ~
• i Ra*.ids considered as a miracle but it was
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis LeinbaughI ~ ". ........ not aceomnli~hed in ~ho ,n,~,~a~,
and Bernice were in Lost Nation , lvlrs. Agnes lvnner oi t~eaar .J~p- manner "'in"-'whie't~" we~ usually
Sunday to attend a surpmse ce!e- ~lSssp~ntM?U~?s~y ~[sit:er isls~t~ think accompanies miracles. This
bration for his brother and wife .......
.~,, ............ ,~ an, ~,,~ ~ar~ o aa was a slow miracle, which required
Mr and Mrs Arthur Lembaugh l
• • w.. ....... ~..~ ,~,~,~ r~n,~ ,-,¢ ~,~A.~,. Infinite amountsof courage pah-
hor ...... "^ir 25th weddin'* anni "'¢"~ ........................ '
. ~.r ot t.c s , - Rapids. ence, and many years of painful
versary, effort.
• Mrs. E. M. Franks Mrs. G. J.
L. N. Rahn, Paul W]ekersham ............. ,_ ~ .. Many of our other great heroes
n h ,~ior]gnt iwrs ~ n oonnsmn iv~rs
and J. Harvey Smyth atte ded t e ...... " •• "_ " " _ .~. ' ~. ' and heroines have been hampered
• INellle ~lattenoerger flnu MISS JJes- -
schoolmasters banquet m the Roos- ...... by seemingly unsurmountable hun-
..... ~ " " ""--'---da- Pl--- sic ~urtz were guests Tuesoay ot t: -"-- ....
evelthotel ~astvveune~ y. anu ~g.o u ur ~..~++ .* . .~.,;l+;... ~. + cAcapsoi various sorts. L;onsl(:ler
were made for the h g choo ........ the cases of Socrates Helen KeN
• • a~ ner nome in lv~ount vernon '
music festival to be held at Mount " ler, King George VI and even our
Vernon in March, and Mr. Wicker- Sunday guests of Mr.. and Mrs. own president. All of these peo-
sham was named a member of the ~OmhnlE. M~Hs~ghs~erevM~S: ?:x!~e pie through years of intelligent
hoard. , , , • ,, p t practice have transformed them-
. • scnoom at bpirit LaKe and ~ill selve 'n
Mrs. Harlan Bmggs was in Des ..... ' . s , to men and women truly
nonenscnuh smuent at Crexghton f
Moines over the week end attend- , ..... ' .... worthy o our deepest respect and
umversity in umana ~eor
ing the annual educational confer- , . admiration.
ence of the American Legion Aux- Mrs. L. E. Crelly accompanied You and I have handicaps also--
iliary On Tuesday afternoon Mrs her blother Frank Fey of Massilon some defects of speech, manner or
Briggs was a guest speaker at a on a trip to Hot Springs, Ark.,: character, and we can overcome
tea and patriotic program sponsor- leaving Monday. Mrs. Crelly will them too, if we will.--EM
ed by the patriotic organizations return in a few days, her brother LISBON GIRLS BEAT MORLEY
in Muscatine. planning to remain for several The Lisbon girls went to Olin
Mrs Victor Gustafson returned weeks, last Thursday night with grave
'tuesday to her home in Waterloo Thursday, March 2, the Meth- misgivings of commlxg home w)th
with Mrs. Leland Miller asd Mrs. odist Aid Society meets with Mrs. a ueieat. Tney nan nearo mat
G J Albm ht and as|st| Morle ahd a forward that was
Lendell Merriss and Patricia who . . g " " g host- Y
came for her on Monday. Mrs esses Mrs. W. L. Kynett, Mrs. Er- even taller than the one of Ely's.
m er Mrs arme They were afraid that the same
Gustafson had been with her par- mina R g , . C n A1-
brl ht an Mrs a 1 * thin would ha en as did in h
ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. V. Merriss "g d . P u W'ckersham. ' g PP " " t e
since Wednesday when she came Mrs. Glenn S. Hartong, leader, is county tournament.
mn The Lisbon iris went |to a f
from University hospital where she plan " g a guest speaker for the " g" ' our
had submitted to an operation, program, point lead in the opening minutes
~ of the game. This seemed to give
~ them courage. The girls were
ahead all of the first half, the score
being 16-23 at the half.
~_ In the middle of the third quar-
• "~ • ] FT I "lk • ~ ter, Morley started making baskets.
• II ] m • I • • The score was 33-32 in our favor
m m • m • _ when Jean Van made a free throw,
• • I m m I m m • I and then our forwards made three
U • I .k • J L 1 • • baskets in approximately two min-
............ utes. We had enough of a lead
so that when Roberta and Marjorie
• - • went out on fouls, we were able
| ----_.-- t ....... ,~ to hold our own. The final score
IS a verv nul ion DUSllleS$ was ,0
In the second round of the
tournament Friday night, our girls
had bad luck. We met Oxford
• ~ " " Junction who had not played in
It has been stud that busmess goes the tournament before
....... . Our girls again went into a four
where it is invited, and stays wlqere is point lead, but in the second quar-
ter Oxford Junction started making
r " h fo n his es e baskets right and left The Lm
well t eared. We ave u d t " p - , ! . -
non guaras seemed unable to stop
," , -- -- them and the forwards couldnt
cmlly true at our bank. seem' to make their baskets.
the half the score was 23 to 11 in
favor of Oxford Junction.
During the whole second half,
...... the Lisbon forwards worked to
Not on y ]s ]t sound pohcy to conouct overcome this large score. The
closest we could come to them was
• 24 28 in the first of the fourth
business on a friendly, down-to-earth -•
quarter. The final score was 27-
~" " , ", ~ -- -- --" _ 35 The Lisbon girls would have
basis, bu~ 1~ makes eacFl ~ransac~lon so played in the consolation but it
was decided not to have one. This
much more pleasant, was the last tournament for five
senior girls.--MF
Ruth Harman who is distinguish-
~ • ed particularly by her cheery
It s a real pleasure to plan with oml ugh, is the interviewee for the
week of Washington's birthday.
patrons and to assist them in making fi- Ruth's favorite subjects are typ-
ing and Psychology. She would
have enjoyed agriculture, but it
nancial progress, wasn't given this year.
Ruth has belonged, during high
school, to the Hi-Y club and to the
S. F. H. Club. The latter is a Home
Economics Club to which she be-
A Good Bank Since 1874 longed for two years.
Two very interesting and un-
usual hobbies which Ruth has are
beadcraft and the making of paper
flowers. In her beadwork, Ruth
has made a great many unique
Lisbon Bank and bracelets.
After she graduates this year,
Ruth isn't quite sure what she will
do. She seems to think though
Trust Company that she'll stay at home and work.
Well, Lisbon's a niceplace to work, :
isn't it, Ruth? In anything you de-
-- - eide to do, L. H. S. gives you its
wishes for success and happiness--
R. B. McConiogue,
Vice President
G. L. Hill, Cashier
John Auracher,
HOURS: Daily Except Saturday
9 to 12 a.m., I to I; Satnrday 9 a.m. to I D.IU.
"Well it won't be long now!" say
all of the seniors. There are just
three more months; or ninety days,
or two thousand, one hundred
sixty hours; or 129,600 minutes; or
7,776,000 seconds left of their last
school year. They have ordered
]their cards and announcements.
The cards and announcements are
of a very snappy and modernistic
Two of the Senior boys are go- ~DDIMPI/II I £ I~II~IU~ Fayette, proved to be a unique en-
ing to the Rotary Banquet at Mr. I~][ l~ll~t] ~ |ldldlJ l~r* ~O tertainer. Others on the program
Vernon on Tuesday, February 21. -- -- were R. T. Schwab and the wood-
Bob Huey and yours truly, Bill Mrs. Harry Freeman wind group; Arthur Pearson spoke
Mohn, are the lucky fellows this ------ to the sons; while Max Batchelder
time. Better luck next time, fel- MRS. ELIZABETH CLAFLIN responded for the sons to the fath-
Funeral services were held Sun- ers Rev L C Smith spoke briefly
lOWregards.__B.M.seniors. Signing off with best day at 2 p.m. in the Martelle M. E. i to "the 1"01 " fathers seated at the
JUNIOR NEWS church for Mrs. Elizabeth Claflin, tables decorated in pink and white.
You most certainly were missing 75, who was born in the Linn Mrs. Louise Levsen of Tipton
something if you didn't hear those Grove vicinity where she lived for called in the E. H. Levsen home
short three minute speeches that some time, later moving to Mar- Sunday morning.
telle where she had lived for the ...........
were being given in English III . . . mr. anu mrs. oaKe ,.wart, ~wr.
past thirty years Her immediate
class. They talked about every- . • . .... and Mrs. Paul Ewart, Misses Leta
thing from patriots and dictators survivors are a meee mrs. wn .............
• ' ann lvlaoel mc~nane, mrs. ousan
ham May of Martelle and a neph- "help r "'r an~ Mrs David
to boring moments and pet peeves, f . , ~ ha•me , m. a .
ew Charles Boxwell o tAm pmce. Paul and Rob Atkins attended the
Friday, Mr. Wickersham didn't Servi;;s1 leWer~ l~Onrd~ete%by Rev. funeral services for Mrs. Ann Paul
come to school, and for the Alert- Baske v'l e o te s'c was Y F
can History class he gave Mr. Cal .... '~- held in Marion at the ocom un-
furnished by the ~mn L/rove male eral Home Wednesday afternoon
kins some questions for a test. It quartet Interment was in the • . • ~ • • '
wasn't until the questions were giv- ~- :2" • with burial in the Sprmgwlle
en Friday that it was discovered umn ~rove cemetery, cemetery•
that Mr• Wickersham had made JOHN B HA~D Misses Leta and Mabel McShane,
out the questions for the next chap- Funeral services for John B. Mrs. Mary Brenneman of Marion
ter. I would call that putting the Hammond, 87, were held Friday took a basket dinner Saturday and
cart before the horse• :afternoon in the Beck Funeral helped Mrs: Cora McShane cele-
Our biology has concerned the home conducted by Rev. L. C. brate her birthday.
honey bee. It's system of corn- Smith of Springville and Rev. E. Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Smith and
munal life (symbosis is what the T. Gough of Marion. Music was family of West Liberty and Caro-
more learned call it) is very in- furnished by Frederic Taylor and lyn Sterner were Sunday dinner
teresting. Margaret Wells, accompanied by guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Ster-
I don't think any number of Mrs. E. L. Patten. Survivors are her.
Mrs. J. G. Van Sickle, Springville, Mr and Mrs J. V. Patten gave
four-leaf clovers to rabbits paws, in whose home his last days were a dinner Sunday honoring the
or what-have-you, would help us
Juniors• To begin the year Velma spent; Mrs. Will Jeffrey, Des birthdays of Fred Leaf, of Spring-
had an appendicitis operation; then Moines; Harry Hammond, of Mar- ville and Marvin Hart of Marion•
Margy broke her hand; Wilma had lion; a number of grandchildren Others present were Mrs. Fred
an attack of appendicitis, and now: and great grandchildren. Had Mr. Leaf and Elaine, Mrs. Marvin Hart,
Hammond lived until the first Mr and Mrs J. H. Leaf of Mor-
leave it to Velma to crack her week in March, he would have ley" Joan Patten' and Mrs. Ethel
wrist. Are the rest of us lucky
or is Velma just unlucky? We been 88 years old. Burial was in Hart of Des Moines.
hope somebody in the class turns the Diamond cemetery, six miles The S S. Y. S. of the Prebyter-
out be a doctor when he graduates, north of Clarence, near where he tan church gave a party in the
SOPHOMORES spent his earlier life. church Tuesday evening. Games
---- were played a nd refreshments
Well Sophies, what have thou LARGE CROWD ATTENDS served by the committee. ,
been doing big to have thy names FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Mrs Be s s Hendrickson and
m the paper?
You say not much except on Fri- OF METHODIST CHURCH dame~"• Story attended a birthday
Between three and four hundred dinner in the Elmer Storms home
day. Mr. Wickersham wasn't there people attended the 50th anniver- at Wyoming Sunday honoring Mrs.
for World History so Mr. Rahn sary of the Methodist church Sun- Storm and her mother, Mrs. How-
gave you a test. My! my! I call
that pretty big myself, day. The church was beautiful ard Brutsman of Cedar Rapids. Mr.
with cut flowers, gifts of towns- Brutsman also attended.
I hear that you were also given people and Cedar Rapids florists. Mr. and Mrs. Warner Kerlin of
a geometry test Thursday, and the Dr. W. G. Rowley of Mount Ver- Sutherland were week end visit-
ones with a "D" or lower had to non was guest speaker for the ors in the Harry Whitman home.
take it over. But of course few morning service, with music by Mr. Kerlin attended a Bandmasters
of you have that thought (or shall Frederic Taylor and Margaret meeting in Iowa City.
we call it trouble?) in mind. Wells; a saxaphone solo, by R.T. John Carbee and Carrie Kyle of
What, the English class is getting Schwab; and special choir music. Mount Vernon were Monday call-
impatient for their "World Hurl- A picnic dinner was enjoyed at ers in the H. C. Carbee home.
zon" magazines. It couldn't be be-noon' followed by a program of Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wetzel en-
cause of the almost daily quizzes musical numbers by Mrs. Clarence retrained the Get Together club
which Miss Bowley gives you, Reinert of Cedar Rapids and Dar- last Wednesday at an all day meet-
could it? rell Gilmore. ing.
You say you think the teachers Greetings were read from the Mr. and Mrs. Clell Port enter-
have been ganging up on you with following former pastors: H. C. rained the Wires Corner Commun-
this test business this week? Well Culver, F. G. Young, C. W. Bat- ity club Friday evening•
maybe it'll be better next week-- tin, E. G. Stein|an, M. H. Hill, W. Albert Fellendorf has purchased
WE HOPE ! ! I H. Doner, L. D. Stubbs, also G. a new tractor.
FRESHMAN FLASHES Bromley Oxnam, Bishop of the Fred Woods held a dlosing out
Flash--what was it that was so Methodist church.
interesting on the bulletin board Letters were also read from 40
last Thursday? It is rumored that former members. Mrs. Isabelle Gal-
!~ . . " . ' " .
Mrs. T. W. Pollock entertained
waR;b;rtBeB::2oreM.arLEnS;h;r Boyd, in honor of Mrs. Albert Pollock
L n Fr' " , , . ~ave, Wednesday afternoon. Guests were
y n InK, ~orma ninriezsen, Mrs Ra--~-11"-'--" ........
Ev~I-" ,r_,.~ .~ . _ ... . y ro t~z~ ol wlar~ene, lVlrs.
• ~v yn ~xanvan,~onnm ..ang, ~or- George Pearson of Burlington, Mrs.
aOmy fteynoJas,. ~anny uou ~anKot, Harry Smith of Viola, Miss Rachel
i~%U~l?a~J~t~g~nSekrece]vea i(ms Smith of Davenport, Mrs. Henry
~ • Cooper Mrs. I. S. Pearson.
Pupils who received a star in SPRINGVILLE AND VIOLA
health for all week are Eugene METHODIST CHURCH
Bova, Mary Cole, Donna Lou Es- L.C. Smith
terbrook, Orvin Kent Frink, Ra- Along about March 1st, many
pheal Hall, Mary Florence Robert- people will be moving, so the ser-
son, Barbara Boyd, Eleanor Briggs, mon will deal with this subject.
Gerald Cave, Lawrence Gouehee, Someone will say, "I don't intend
Jean Johnston, Ray Overman, Rob- to move so this does not interest
ert Roup, Dorothea Tillia and La me." Let us think this over and
Vonne Vandeberg. see whether or not we will move.
Pupils who received 100 in spell- The usual services at both
ing all week are Eleanor Briggs, churches.
Lawrence Gouehee, and Dorothea PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH
Tillia. Roland Hall has maintained Rev. R. A. Badger
a perfect record for two weeks. Sunday school at 10 a.m.
We are motivating our work by Morning worship 11 a.m.
making graphical charts of each Choir rehearsal 7:00 p.m. Satur-
week's average. Each of us has day.
a graph of his own and makes dif- Friday, Feb. 24, the missionary
ferent colors for each separate society will meet with Mrs. O. J.
study. This is something new and
interesting to us, and we hope to
improve our individual records.
We have a new pupil in our
room. On Wednesday, Betty Jean
Graft entered the Third Grade,
from Mount Vernon.
We had our valentine party on
Tuesday afternoon.
Carol Gish and Kenneth Siggins
have been absent during the entire
week because of illness.
Those boys and girls who had a
perfect spelling score for the week
are as follows: Maxine Cave, Le-
nore Emerson, Floyd Gouchee.
Ralph Petersen, Louise Smyth,
Thomas Tillia, Martha Ann Big~
ger, Ralph Burrows, Marie Kam-
berling, Merle Louis Kepler, Zola
Mae Reitzel, Eugene Reyhons, Jack
rillia, and Billy Zearing.
The first and second grade en-
joyed the Valentine box Tuesday
afternoon. All the children re-
ceived many pretty valentines.
Mrs. Nosley, Mrs. Robertson, Mrs.
Frink, Mrs. Nesley and Mrs. Staab
Emmons, assisted by Mrs. Larry
Dyke. The Mite Boxes will be
opened. Election of officers will
be held. A book review will be
concluded by Mrs. T. W. Pollock
and Mrs. R. F. Wiley• The meeting
is called for 2 p.m.
Mr. and Mr~ph Graham of
Dubuque were week end guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss.
Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Ballou enter-
tained at dinner Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. C. R. Cash|an and son Doug-
las and Bert Cechler of Tipton, and
Alta Levsen of Olin. Mr. and Mrs.
Dolph Van Sickle were also after-
noon callers in the Ballou home.
Gerald Hotchkiss and Lois Pat-
ten, students in S. U. I., Iowa City,
spent the week end in their re-
spective homes.
Carol Burroughs and Betty Jean
Levsen attended the Cue College
Colonial Ball Wednesday evening
in Cedar Rapids, guests of Jean
Burroughs and Betty Jane Levsen i
Cue students• I
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Liggett of
Anamosa were dinner guests in the
'W. A. Shaffer home Friday and at-
tended the funeral of John B. Ham-
mond in the afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Levsen of
Mankato, Minn., spent several days
the past week in the E. H. Levsen
The Springville high school bas-
ketball team won from Marion in
a peppy game 42-21. Their next
work out will be in Anamosa at
the Sectional Tournament where
they meet the Mount Vernon team.
visited our room Tuesday after-
Mrs. Graver visited our room on
Thursday morning.
The first and second grade art
class made spring birds in art class
The following second grade boys
and girls made a perfect score on
the spelling test Friday: Everett
Graver, Mary A. Wilson, Glenn
Hartong, Margaret Davis, Dean
sale last Thursday, but will remain
where he is until the first of Sep-
The Chris Dircks family of Tip-
ton have moved in the the parental
Lee Wilson home.
Mrs. J. H. Perkins received word
Sunday morning that her brother:
C. J. McShane of Kenwood Park
had fallen, fracturing his hip and
was in St. Lukes hospital. Mr. Mc-
Shane is 73 years old and the only
living brother of Mrs. Perkins.
Mr. and Mrs. HarIan Larsen of
Martelle were Sunday guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Harley Davis.
Mrs. Serena Neilsen, Mrs. Geor-
gia Murray, Andrew Neilsen were
Saturday evening dinner guests in
the Nels Neilsen home.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Seerist were
Sunday guests in the R. T. Schwab
Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson
were guests in the Albert Thomp-
son home in Monticello.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davidson of
Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Berlin of Marion were Sunday
guests of Mrs. Matilda Berlin.
The L. W. Club held their regu-
lar meeting at Mrs. Althea Beck's
home Monday evening. Present
were Mrs. Maude Keithley, Mrs.
Capitola Gunn, Mrs. Margaret
Colehour, Mrs. Matilda Berlin, Mrs.
Mac Gunnison, Eva Reed
Mrs Willard Hoffman and Mrs.
Paul Ewart were Thursday visitors
in the Mrs. Ollie Duncan home
near Mount Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gramling and
son Gary were Sunday guests in
the Wilbur Colby home near Me-
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ewart were
Wednesday callers in the CarI Me-
Gowan home in Marion.
Mrs. Roy Goldsberry and Mrs. P.
W. Sterner attended an O. E. S.
school of instruction at Preston last
Wednesday and were dinner guests
in the A. C. Horneman home.
Mrs. Hattie Shunk is spending
this week in the Roy Shunk home
in Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Donal Gordon and
son were Sunday guests in the
Jesse Gordon home in Coggon.
Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wetzel were
business visitors in Marion Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnston
and Betty Kleineck of Mount Ver-
non were Sunday dinner guests in
the Clinton Shanklin home.
Mrs. Ralph Lacock and son of
Martelle were visitors Saturday in
tile James Thompson home.
Dr. and Mrs. Clarence Darrow
and daughter Mary were Sunday
guests in the parental George Dar-
row home in Dubuque.
Mrs. W. A. Shaffer and Mrs. W.
H. Parker entertained at a miscel-
laneous shower in the Shaffer home
Friday evening, honoring Mrs.
David Baril, formerly Jeannette
Parker. Cards and chinese check-
ers were the evening's diversion,
followed by refreshments. Present
were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Shaffer
and Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. William
Farker, Helen and Loren, Mr. and
Mrs. Ralph Frank and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Parker, Dorothy
Guhl, Jean Frantz, Mary Gustaf-
son, Martelle; Mr. and Mrs. Eric
Bartleson of Donahue; Eleanor
Boots. Mrs. Baril received many
useful gifts.
Mr. and Mrs. Dolph Van Sickle
entertained at dinner Tuesday eve-
ning honoring Mr. and Mrs. Harley
Davis and family who are soon
moving to a farm near Martelle.
Mrs. C. C. Hotchkiss and Mrs.
C]arence Darrow attended a meet-
ing of St. Theresa Circle in the
Mrs. Allen McArthur home, west
of town, Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Ralph Waln, Mrs. A. E.
Switzer, and Mrs. A. C. Port at-
tended a shower for Mrs. Robert!
Peer in the home of Mrs. Thomas
Stahl in Martelle. Mrs. Guy Per-
kins assisted Mrs. Stahl.
Mrs. Clarence Darrow entertain~
ed the Monday Club Thursday
night. The program consisted of
a talk on "Hidden Taxes," by Miss
Geiger; a book review, "The Weav-
design with gold writing. It won't
be long until they will be voting
and getting elected to Congress.
Nesley, Wanda L. Reitzel, Marga-
ret A. Reyhons, Evelyn Burrows,
Charles Nosley and Lois Cave.
The Father-Son banquet held in
the Methodist church was well at-
tended. Rev. John D. Clinton, of
Father George Stemm, Pastor
Winter Schedule
Sunday Masses, 7:30 and 9:00
Confessions, Sunday morning at
7:15 and 8:30 o'clock; first Satur-
day of the month, 7:30 p.m.
Catechism Class and Rehearsal
for Junior choir, Sunday morning
at 10 o'clock.
Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor
Sunday school 9:30 a.m.
Worship service 10:30 a.m.
Evening service, 7:30 p.m.
In the Sunday evening services
we are considering the important
subject of, "Why we believe the
Bible to be the word of God". If
you have any doubt in your mind
about this book known as the Bible I
being the Word of God come to!
the service this Sunday evening as i
a thoughful consideration a n d i
weighing of the evidence available
may help remove some of the
doubts and difficulties that are
now standing in the way of your
entering into the joy and blessing
of a real Christian experience. We
invite you to be with us this Sun-
day evening.
Bible Study and Prayer Service,
Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Day of Prayer Service beginning
at 2:30 p.m. on Friday at the Fed-
crated church.
"The thing that matters most in
the last hour of life is the thing
that should matter most now."
Glenn S. Hartong, Pastor
Church school at 9:30 a.m. Classes
for all.
Morning Worship at 10:30.
Lent begins on Feb. 22. The gen-
eral theme of the preaching pro-
gram throughout Lent will be,
"Some Great Acceptations" consist-
ing of the following sub-divisions:
Feb. 26, "A Prophetic Annuncia-
tion Accepted by Jesus."
March 5, "The Acceptance of God
in Experience."
March 12, 'I Accept Christ and
His Method of Growth."
March 19, 'I Accept My Christian
March 26, "The Church I Accept."
April 2, "Prophet and Priest."
(Palm Sunday).
April 9, "The FIRST Coming."
(Easter Sunday).
Open house for Christian Fellow-
ship at the parsonage each Wed-
nesday evening.
Young Peoples Devotions at the
Federated church. Topic, "Is The
World Growing Better or Worse?"
Leader, Helen Graver.
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Lisbon Business
Notary Public
Phone 127 Lisbon, Iowa
Heating, Plumbing, and Wiring
Res. 94 PHONES Office 110
Lisbon, Iowa
Lisbon, Iowa
Real Estate and Insurance
Farms for Sale
Houses for Sale or Rent
Office Phone--146
Lisbon, Iowa
Dealers in
Cemetery Memorials
General Practice
Notary Public, Deeds, Wills,
Office in residence, corner Wash
ing and Market St., Phone 80
Physician and Surgeon
Corner Main and Jackson Streets
Telephone 36
Physician and Surgeon
Phones: Office 2-91. Res. 3-91
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Iooklq under cow, In "The
Admission i~ by ticket only. If yoU
need more, ask u~ for them. They axe
Lunch will be served
ers," by Mrs. W. E. Bell; a poem, Phone 32
"The Weavers" by Miss Sue Ken-~
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