National Sponsors
February 23, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 23, 1939 |
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,r-~-~*il ..... i ii, i till ...... : :~'-~ ..... I
................................................................................................................................................... ............ I ......................................................... -7 ................... I ..... n
now nave ~ngllSn, 21rltnmetlc anal ................................................. Mr. and wirs. uragoo ann day. [ LllUa ,
It| ~ | t'~ H [~ ~ ][~ H i~ I~ ][~ ILl r. ||1 ~ Civics to take examinations over Crib At Sargent-Brady Farm Evelyn and Harold called at the Pictures were molded out of Ltertaine
m m • •_ n K • • K n • • • • i a gl m mt 'l in May e, d Vivian Young home in Cedar Rap- flour, salt and water for art per- Saturday
11 ILl I I,I ILl 13 Y l, i| V 115 1~ 11 ILJ TT U Dean'Kirkpatrick is wash moni-l-e----=----:::::::::=::::=:::::::::::::::::::::==:---':: ids on Sunday and also called on led Friday. There were some very of an aftt
tot this week. ~. : Mrs. Bob Blood atrMercye hospital, good results These pictures will ous lunch
.......................MECHANESVlLLE""' ........ ' ........ ' ........ MrY [leA{stin , fg: !hlanm et.h eese y wrne : ?sauen aryd" ' i Odd L]inegsPA @
: ............ ;,:','¢*,,~,, ,m,:, ~enort -----" I ~RImRB~ME[~° ffi\ ~:~ Mrs. Bessie Ankeny of Anamosa! and Maxine Achey. Jackie, I)
~ANDIDATEAPyREACHED i;;~e ~s=doln~ as well as "can l~eex- ItENRIB~ SoM~HTuWEASAy i ~~~: ~ called at the Joe Hurt home Sun-~ .... i Laura Vie
J~F~ ~ ~ --ected" ~ ~ ~ ~~" ~I nay afternoon ~-~ i-~ ~ ~ Mr ann
Rev C W T rrell of BentonIp~ " ....... n t reeK
.... Y 'i Dr and Mrs A W Brown of rlenry 1~. ~mith, the oldest clti- ~~ I~ Mr. and Mrs. Will Robinson andi O [ ...... " Satur¢
Wis., preached here Sunday morn-I .... r,~ ....... : ~,-,,~t~" ~,,.a~v ,f zen of Morley was 89 years old on ~~ ~ son called in the Mrs. Ida Miller Mrs Jack Clha t t~e'~Wi-llie I
ing in the Presbyterian church as ! ~,r~;o~'~n "ttl'e ~olan~C~oi~'*-t~ome Tuesday, Feb. 21. He spent theI~~ ~ / home last Tuesday• i " I Mr and~
atcd~nd~daterfe°te~epulpiat~tdA ~waregee They came over to see little Jane day quietlyat home. with his CeOm-j ~~ i~ ~ ~l-oMrs" Mma M,tchell, Mrs. Bessie Several neghbors went to the Lizzie Wall~
• • " g ~ ,,,__2~:_~ panion o! toe last sixty-two y a s , - ~~' ,i~ i "n mas and Mrs. margaret Tnom-~ ....... . ~ . _ ~_ _ ~ ,~o
. . . ! ~arum~e. . • nome oI Mr. and Mrs. 2xnuy Lalng tended u,*,,
favorab.y impressed with the sel-i ......... I F~-'~n went Mr Smith was born in Pennsyl-I ~~ ~i :t~i as called in Mount Vernon Thurs-[ ....................... ;-.-..~-[ ...... ,.., at
men and his nersonality One i Mr. anti ~wr~. L ~. eye ". • ,o~n ...`4 .... ,,.the ! ~~ ~ '~ da,, ~¢,~-.-,,,-~ I a,iu ~amuy xa~ ~,ua.v evenu*~; ~u. I ~ne~*~ .'
- " " to c,,,.,_. Ra"ids Frida'" ni"ht to vanla in xoov a.u ,.,..,~ ~,, , ~,~-~ ~ .~ ~ j ........ v ............ n
~eek frontSunday March 3rd ,~t-uar v , d ~ ............ till" ~ "~ :; ~ al•mm ........... I a Iarewen party. ThOSe present I atternOO , :
' ~, ' ,.4,....~ +~... TT ¢ xxr V nnd .lane white OaK vicinity Jones co ty, ~.~=~, .~ ]~ Mrs. t21ara wlatneny oz uedar ...... ~a. ....`4 ~a.-o ~..*.o.+ cu~..;..~,~.. of J01
there will be a congregational!~ ......... y. ..... ",: 2"-,.-7_ - with his narents in 1857. The[ '~~' - -~~ Rapids was a caller in town on ~'.=, "*~'."'"* ".**.~;.*'"~..~.'~ "." ...... I .......
"~ 'ci:: "~ ident ~elan° auxmary meeung xney ~eMdu:Sb~Y e~~ **~: ~i~:: ..... :~Tda!n ~ zamuy, mr. ann mrs. wm. ~.onger-,
~esttmg to de .... on res } ~:asStav~O:ha;dsa~en:2dth2 iMnathdi ~ lv~!2~W!inYCi~has]!r:¢~ ~R B~:(iar G~r;lds ~rs? ~v~:s.m'wsr. ~nodngeCr~:i~, jMr.: D:nd ,~
TIIREE FALL ON ICE Memorial Coliseum " "inished b team andI - ecord Photo ida.. "/thy Bobble and Jimmie Mr and Yegetal~
• . journey was i y
........... ,, ............. u,,,, Gracia Gmld of the Presbyterian ........ I The crib on one of the Vred A Iof the drive Its e'tp'wity of corn I ~5 ....... I Mrs Joe Baxa Retha Bonnie bar- ] the nut ~
ha;;C ~lett~:.;; ,-vi,ct(ms...l~; i ~;lilc~aCh miegthWlt~viMls0Do~ly BMyO= ~ag:2cia p:~rr n~ 18 Tar hagehomO l Sa::.e}:tl:,:,;n:is ,io;.tt;{2{ ~odnt V;I; [is 5000 bushels. I,'our large bins, [ ca~l;rsn~lnrt 22:mosOn ~.~o~:;1 aVft;~e [ ~_~2:bstand George and LaVerne i ~a~t
past week. Mary Fritz fell whlle l " • .... was made on the farm north of .' . .' : iwith a capacity of 5 I bushels oftnoon. " I"l'n
,~ .............. Dr Stooke'" s J gave the devotnms and Mrs. Glenn ....... ] Ilradv iN Nho~,vn in thm picture The " , ........... ] Jack Byers visited last week at eeedlngly ~
gomI~ booth t~ca~ . ~ i ' • town Ior Iorty mree years when - ' sln'all gl" Lln" 'lie" In" the uppel put ~lycle Llnoley cauefl In .~namosa
..... Mrs C W Woods the lesson. The officers for ........ '.. . lerib is fH'ty feet long ]lab a ten 1" ' 't .... ' ~ " Fri- the Wesley Ciha home near Solon worked llll
icslflence to ner nome; . . . ~ ....... they retired to me nome in lvmrley I. ," :, .'., " '. • ~ ....... I Jay. t -~ .. -.
"" " ; ........ :- s*r"-t and m~ coming year were elected at .......... I toot (~rive way In "ougn lne tenter ', of ~ne large eri..l:ex and AHo r ........... I Mr and Mrs Willis Longerbeam -^-'bll~ ItC
r~orrls lell on eabt ,nan t ee , .... ,; .... wnere they now resloe. Mr. ~mltn ! " I ~ou ~.merson oi rayette calico I '. .. . ~a~
broke two bones in her ankle" and tms t~me. ~eine Trump, pres.; ;~ i .... n health and s,-irit He [ with seven foot cribs on each side . l~radv are shown in the picture. I in the M F Emerson home Frida,, I Bobble and Jxmmm were Sunday
Hans Busch fell in front of the ]Mrs: Llttlg. v,ce pres:, Mrs.•John ~tendsVc~mrch services regularly t Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Lynn and ldinner guests at the Leonard Bales @,,~*.
• broke his r~ecKer sec " ~3ony ~woon treas" . • nome
~urmture store and !.. :L'.._ /'~... ; ... "'and dally walks down town for his[ - i .......... ]Gwendolyn of Cedar Rapids spent l . • .... ~ |
shoulder blade. All three are con- ~vn's. ~loert 19at ton, sec. oi lltera- mail and other necessities besides ] I ~,an- sunoay evening wnn mr. and mrs. ] Sunday in the Gerald Darsee home I Mr. and Mrs. Joe t~axa Jr., ano I ~
• . rare" lvlrs, oonn ~ye sec. ot eauca .... ' • "-~" ~ ~* .... ' Claire Scott ' famil Walt r n I '
freed to thew beds• i~ ' ~. .-.. ;% _ o caring for his furnace and this fall . ,. ., ~, ~ I - , . .-. [ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peel spent] y and e IRa dall were [ :
----2 ..... lion;, mrs: ~,,enn .woods, sec..oi helped gather wood from his tim- /-lVallaDle ior l+armers Mrs. Will Robinson anu uorman, Sunday in the H M Kyle home Sunday dinner guests at the Ray i| l'l~']~
TWO BASKETBALl, GAME~ i memoersmp. ~urmg me social ber north of town He also cared __ land Mrs. ~sa ttooinson were Mrs George Barner ~ - ." Mitchell home , • j.~u~-
The Quaker Oats team from Ce- ht~r. refreshments were served, for his garden during the growing J Keith Nell, County Rural Re-i among those attending the great Cedar" Rapidgs Thursday snoppeo ]n I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ehresman ! | .~ ,, ¢~
dar Rapids played the town team ine t~ames 2iuxutary of the season and the garden was noted habilitation Sunervisor for the] Passion Play in Cedar Rapids Men- Mr and Mrs Leonard Gordon of Lisbon assisted with the butch- i ~ Call ~
here in basketball Salurday nighti American Legion held their ken- for its beautiful flowers and fine Farm Security ,~dministrationinI day. / shopped in Cedar Ranids Monday I ering at the Chris Kerslake home ', | '"
.. ~, • ~ " ! ~ . : ~. ~- , !
and beat ear team. On Thursday smg~on u. the H. Vincent home vegetables. It was also noted for Linn, Jones and Jackson Counties, Mrs. Ida Andre and Mrs. Jose-! Mr. and Mrs. Add Rich and John]thm week. ~ fL,,¢lgr
i.qght, the Maroons plaved Durant i normcast from town. l~ memoers the absence of weeds The entire ! announced today that loan funds ~ phlne Baker spent Saturday after- [ called in Anamosa Sunday evening i Mr. and Mrs. Ovie Lloyd, Nancy ] | ~,~**
and were victorious. On Tuesday braved the snow storm and en- i community wishes this good citizen are still available for farmers who: noon with Mrs. Wm. Oldorff. [ Will May has been on the sic~ i and Margo Joy of Cedar Rapids l | ~
joyed the afternoon together sew x~
night, the business men played the . ' -and Christian man many more lare in need of financing and be- Mrs. Clella Barnhiser s pe n t I liBt but is some better, l visited several days last week at |
one whmn the men on mg I ovely refreshmentswere Thursday afternoon with her moth Mr¢ Isa Guhl entertain the Jack C]ha home
girls in a g~ ', '" " ' ~ " birthdays in our midst. I cause of low inventories cannot " -I ~. ' " ed sev-I " • :i | 1~I~'~11
the faculty challenged, This was served. Mesdames Albert Z.enl-. ~ [secure credit elsewhere, for, Mrs. Dora Russell=, . . . feral ladies on Saturday afternoon I Mr. and Mrs. Clair Stout and i I ~
a benefit game for the band uni- i s.neK, ann harry ~naresen assisted SUNDAY SCHOOL CLASSES Low income farmers including Mr. and Mrs. 2~sa ttoomson and I at a miscellaneous shower in honor family attended a party at the i ~ Iowa
lorm fund ! me nostess. ~"''~" "'*'t~N~INE PARTY farm owner or~rators renters and ] Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robinson of her daughter Miss Dorothy Guhl I home of Mr and Mrs Harold Fish- ~~
" ...... ~ Mrs. Paul Thereto" s and daughters ,~,,~x .tz~.~ . . .~ . I g ..... ,....~" *'-~,. ......... ' ,,,;~,~,~ 1 were Cedar Rapids" callers the last I whose marriage to Loren P~-~--' or .q~tnrd~v' night ' r ~ ~.,~
FIRST TEAM WINS i Betty Dorothy and Marilyn and The Gleaner ann t~ornerstone ~ ............... ~ .... ? ....... s,~y of the """k ---:" ....... ° "~- - "&'L~'[--' ....... " "'"'" ' •
. .......... n,....,,~ !., . ' . '. , x " . • ...... ..--~ ,-,--.--^- ~ Ior this type oI assistance, inai- [ w~ . [ Will take p~ace on ~aturoay, IceD- t Mr and Mrs Jack Ciha and fam ~ • ~"
~t ~t.~t~r~ X-~X~L " ! tnelr week eno noose guest rleien classesoi me unlteu oveu~[e~ I ..~ • • ,-. - .~.. • ... - • • f Mr. and Mrs. Lester Meyers spentl ruary 25 I . " . . " - ! | .,.t.~l
The fir¢¢ nnrt ~oonncl tonms of Jack attended the first session of churchschool enjoyed a valentine I VluUais wls.lng ram.type ot a~slst- ! .qunanv o.onina with Mr nnd Mr¢ I rot._ ..- ............ I ny were visitors at the LaVerne : i IN-t*
........................... " ~ eve- ance must nave a satislactory lease " "-- ..... o. - ........... .~ue young peop,e oi me lvietn- Simmons home last Wednesda
the McVille basketball players the Cedar county Youth Church! partyat the church Tuesday. - I on a farm for the comin,~ -ear [ Arthur Vanderbflt. [ odlst church conducted the evening l .... in~ Y I Ct~Ills
went to Center Point Monday eve- ~ for Sunday evenings, at Red Oak nmg. A program sponsoreo oy ] ~t~,," ~oo~ ~ ....... ¢ ~, .... ~,,,,~,~ t German Robinson was a Daven- I services Sunday Snecial rmmio ...... ~" i •
nm, n the scme was McVflle 7 G~ove church Sunda nl ht Dr Mrs Grace Slver was hlgmy en v or 1 atur a HI w Dorothy Longerbeam and George
• g a d ' " " '. " ' Y "g " " '. • ." , " - --1 b'"*f'~'~ ~ati'~fac'tor;;')arm"- an"`4 v~'~'m= I p t ca ler S d y. 's sister, [ as presented b-y a "quartet co-m[] ' } Tele~
Center Point 20. The first team Harry Gage of Coe college was an- tertalnmg ano an excnange oi val-] ~an whict~ is worked out~b)"th;I Corrine, returned home with himl posed of Doris Carolyn Murfield I Baxa were Sunday dinner guests :~ ..,
stood Center Point 28 McVille 22] bleo be present but Dr Morrisentines was a feature of the eve-]P ...................... ~. ..... I for an over Sunady visit ]Doris Larson Mary Jane Gordon'lat the Joe Stepanek home., ~,,,~,~__
' . .... ' .~ ~. ...'...* ..*+^.. ...h;.~l~ +h.~ .,~,~.~n~t of I ~u~/u.a'er u[Jtl ale rarJn ~ecurity I ...... ~ . I _ . ' , I -- ~~
........ ---~ZT. .-. . . vine president ot coevery ably,,-,s, ,~=- ............... .v-.: ~._ Administ,-~*ion omnlo,,,~,~¢ Mrs gred nines spent Wednes-} and Maxme Larson Dr Rowley • ....
• ine w. lvl_~, o[ me vresoyterian titled the place They report a 30 people present adjourned to me .~_ ,,,~','~ ..... .,*" /'~' o - I day evening with Mrs Minnie/ gave the messa,~e "and 'conducted/! :i
church met Frioay afternoon in the ,,n~¢ and nrofitable eve basement dining room where Mrs. ~nv. ~olt says mat mese Iunds I ~,,.t....`4 ~os;~,^~ ..- ,~-~ ....... | th~ ;-; ........ "~*" .- • - I} ,~a ,I
- ............. ; ....... ' ...... " "- - -- ........... i are bein* advanced on t~o ~o,~,~t'~'~- ,,,,,~~. ~.~Leu111 IL~A~e reuep-| ~ IIIILIaLIOII eL a ~ront ~ow]~ ~ ~ i i am ~•' ~
none oI Mrs. ~reo ~uie, wnn lvirs, i , ~ n-~. ....... o~ -m unusuallv large t:ora Slyer ann MISS lvlyrtie man-I, ~. . ..~o~ .... ¢i"'- -~'-o i Cl,,h ,, i l ~ H i ~ I l~ it
o ~nln~ .......... ~ ~ basisas theyhave inthe past l .... v, -
B ck assistant hostess Mrs R .. ". ~:" ly served a delicious lunch The1 • '~ .... ] "" ]| ~ ~ i i ~ |~
• " " i auenaance ' " L ' ---- ----~----
oanscan be made forthe ur
Smith gave the foreign topicfor[ ~,-~ Oili~ort button was hostess tables were beautifully decorated l , ' P -t ................ / D......,... i l II 1 1 |Ill
her mother who was absent and • "~*k'~' "\'" ; ~-i~-e Club" Feb in pink and white with a large]''cnase, of such things! asfeed, seed., I M A~TI;I i !/ IUI~tlY~: / ~t~ttta II IF 1 1 ~ ILl of Mrs.
Miss Rankin gave the national. ] ~+~ne M;l:n~;Yn~r~rglson won the angel food cake centering each I machinery repair,., baby chicks, I ITi2UilLhlhv, lllG TT 0 [ Mrs. Ray Bolton [ | -- m -- m -- ~- -~.. Robert
Durin~ the social hour delicious re- I ........... - ....... ~ ~h]~ ~ livestocK, new macnmery ann also I ..... t . -- I | ~Sion oh
. - ~ . _ ! prize• Mesdames ulenn woods anu ...... for the refinancin," of adjusted in ~ Mrs. aonn ~mn [ Harl Gibson spent Sunday at t | ....... ._..! _'lJ|~n't~ -'"
lresnments were serveo { . ~ t, , - I ~ " " ~'b "
• Gflhngham were gue.ts. ---- d ---- Homer McShane's ~eea sows vltamo t'lg IVl~ ~ ....
Mrs Will Colby returned Thurs-] D ebtedness where the former cred- -
,~ .... ' ...... ¢~...~ ~ .... The W. M. S. of the M. E. church DWIGHT P ULVER AND NEL A itor is unable to carr,, the lea,, an" MRS ELIZABETH B CLAFLIN , Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Bennett were | rowin~" to nroduee stronger anll""~
j ~ anton xowa I ~ " -~
~,a ............... ~, . ' wilt meet with Mrs. Laura Kohl INSURED IN ACCIDENT " " Sunda ....
where she attended the iuneral of l .............. ~n ~, ' ........... longer. These loans may run from i Mrs Elizabeth Boxwell Claflinl .,, y morning callers in Spring-/| Vitam- 4n% ~-~ R~l~,,cer Vitamal . ---
........ I fnursoav reu, ~oru, at ~.o,, v.-,. L~wlgnt l~ulver and nls lz yeartwo to fiv -ears de endin- o -- , 7" "~ '- "1 1863 and -assed t vnle t • -- -- / .... ,s ~-~ ..... vm~ l~,ee~
ner n u s o a n o's oromer-in-iaw ~ ~ ' oint e y p g n me was horn ~eo ~ p ' . . . tU~7
........ " Y i urday with demontrators for their conditions were blamed for the ac- • .......................... -_ I .........ihe was united in I Carmen Sullivan i~as been s,-~nd ]1 , • ~ • ', ~ '~'.~ ,
mternoon for an over;~unaay visit ., " ' ., . . ,_ • ,_ .u ............. ~,u. ..~ce ~u~ me aouve cuunue~ ~ u~ .=L .~=. ~. I • - ~'~ " ! • ~ ~t. .~. ~ -." ~ 1 I~" S "
with her mother MrsC G Sleek-', wwmus n, nes oz good]s, i~i~:m;n~sy. cioent wnlcn happened on me rOCK is located in Room 329 in the Post L marriage to Denver Claflin of i mg the ,,past ten days with the 1| ~-- ~ Yl~ J
...... ' K ~ ." -. nave aaaea tome r p •road east ot lvlarteue ............ Martell- o-Ha'" 6 1914 He died I nome IOlKS ,• ,a~ "~COS
ey. ivlaster ~on and UiCK r~eece ....... - - " ~Hice tbUllGlng ana interested per- e tt y .. . i R - _ . . _ . _ ,_~s ~__ .
.... I lViouern metnoas oI gas COOKing ' ~ t~-eorge noose wll[ mov in~"
accompanied them here and visiteu ~ ......... -- sons can contact Mr. Soil there in 1 Jan. 12, 1924. She was preceded i .~ .-. " e soon to I I Car Salt In soon. Come in and P to v.,,
with their ~randnarent~ ~,- ~,~,~ i were oemonstrateo. Mr. ano w irs. SEVERAL MOVES ABE MADE nerson or by letter ] in death by four brothers and two i lne ~ob McShane house on the | • ,~ ..... :-~ .-f-""
.. -- "~ .-. ,'- ............ i Harry Enck are managers of me .............. *" ~ ' I ..... I hill where he will live I • prices o- car Oellvered ~ mon~
zvlrs Herman ~oeK. ~ " Ine ~lyde rleITlennger lamllV .... Sl~terS. • I I * ~V~,~.*~
Gracia Guild of the Presbyterian i store. ~ .......... have moved to the Don Joslin farm F'.,.. ~-,.,, ~oiI I~,.;IA;,,..~. I Mrs. CIaflin was one of the best Mr and Mrs. Pay B olton, Bernice I| ~ ~t~lue
..~.. ,_ • ........... i t,e o n a r o ~xoppennaver w a ~ . .. ~ -^" Hill communit- and ,~.a. ~a.., o ,-uu.u.t~ known residents of this community I ann tcarmen were callers at Frank I| • • 0~15~
~;r;CnFwdlaye;teW~t~. l~r~ ~ii)tea~ brought home from the Cedar Rap- ~lrmaend°~Irts Louis Guhl ~'have Payment With Trees From the high esteem in which she was l Webbers Thursday afternoon. I| ~et our prices ou Ollmeal, S?Ybqa~t,~ you -
7 30 ' • ' lids hospital ,Friday and is, getting moved to the Pieper farm vacated Clarke-McNary Nursery held being indicated by the tender Mrs. Vic Miller spent Saturday l| Meat Scraps, Bran, Bidds., Grit,
Ti~e R N A Lodge gave a tea]ai°ng,well atone nome otnis par- by the Hefflefingers Jesse Cozart _ . -------- ..... and generallyknown name of w~h Mrs. Hatt~ Campbell. i~ and Balancer 500 hounds or more' :.° *ouay!
i~ ""~:- '~-'; _72 .... , ents mr and Mrs. r~ason r~oppen- . . _ " .... Iowa iarmers can Kill mree or 'Aunt Lizzie" t~arolee Van r ossen is on the sic'- ~ • .- :~....a _
,, ~t~elt" nan un luesoay alternoon ' ' ano son LeVl nave moveo to me . . • : . ,~ ~u and
............... ~ haver west from town. He expects ........ four birds with one stone by plant- Sh,~ leave~ to mourn her naBBing hst and out of school I| ~,
nonurlng toe agen ano me charterS. - ' .... " ~ t " oiarm iormerly occupleo ny me .......... ~ o ,- ~ .. .. - ~t ~ptle at
m-,~,~o to oe back at WOrK in aoou tw cua..~,.....,4 ÷h.. ,.)o..,~ +r,........ ¢,~,4 mg trees Irom tne state-ieoeral a niece Mrs W C May of Mar-] Mrs. ~ievernsen and Ruth Ann | ~=~ 'm~H_,,.
• ~ ............... weeks ; ........... ;~.,4 ~.. ~, .... n ....Clarke-McNary nursery at Ames in telle: five nephews. Charles Box- rs. Larsen and Junior Mrs De.. _ •
W~li nZi~tmer~alVirs" ~ug.n Murray, Harry G. Feyen of Dubuque ~:,~'".:_~ .'~-."."~'~..~,~."~," ........ ~'order to earn their soil-building well'of Snringville" Robert Porter vere O'Kelley Mrs Amelia Lar i DU[[¢ Ylls '°°u S
n and ms grand- i his rother ~,mu,'u na,~e, a.u ~a,.,y. - , ' " - :
~_ spent a few hours w th . b . __ payments.under the 1939 AAA pro- of Alma, Nebr., and Fred, Donald, ] sen, Mrs. Edward Andersen and
~.--~--- T.L. Feyen Tuesoay, Wnlle enroute ........... gram, points out Rex B. Conn, and John Porter of Salt Lake City, I Jean, Mrs. Ray Bolton were call-It [ Str'a{il°u
BABY CI!1¢'~ ,v~ from Iowa City to Anamosa. . ~=nas. ,wnner, wno naB, oeen .shut county agricultural agent. Utah and a host of friends. ! ers on Mrs. Jens Je sen We n - • kegf
..... ~ ---:'-'-'" "7,~"-,A new schedule of the telephone in ms nome most oi me winter The AAA *'re-ram "ro-'i ......... • ....... da- af ....... P d es Condensed Buttermilk, barrelsor lth Av
~l'f|~ ~ (~()()D N'| AR'! . , v s p v u~ uta~ Those Iron OUt oI town attenolngi J ~=lllu~.. .
in enacted in thedue to ill health was able to walk |s
....... ,,, , . .... operators is be" g .... , , ' . planting 650 forest trees per acrethe funeral were Miss Laura May The Paralta Emb club will meet[i Guaranteed and dehvered, t St
ohlt/~'es 'on"~itl:/i~:d t;on ::l:{::k~ !ocal offme. The hours of the regu: ?h:notOoWnio~na~Uroay ~neand:na~O~ in a woodlot planting willearn of Lincoln, Nebr.; Miss Agnes May with Mrs. Ivy Bennett assisted by [I ~lar 1
even if lhev are cheap to Imv'mf.~ opera.tors n.ave ,oeen changed the beautiful da~p five_units per acre toward the soil- of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jack Wadell on Friday, March [| ....... ~¢¢¢$ | tVer !
iallU a tOUltt~ ~.Jpr2taLUlt llCtbL~tTell J OUllOlng payment o Ior an all da t~rln In tour t'OUltr r~.
~'h( }>(,st (,h'ie