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February 27, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 27, 1941 |
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Peb~m~ ~, 1941
] 1 ', ,', n( e M 'K'w f "ore lies I ~ 10 ~'~--.~ "~---- i Prof. Lloyd Oakland has been a Mt Vernon FG FT P Pslissdo~ [called Sunday evening at the home
. . ~ JU Ullel'~l /~IVVlUt~ I'U[ ' rest ms 1ration to all m the ser- nson F 3 1 0 t of Mr. and Mrs. ~ B~'horm.
Me:n :, ~mli, d oxcl S,imday mght g,p Hutehl
~-. . . Mrs Charles Ford Mr and l~s Leo'
er and Mrs md children Karen and Mark of' cd'M].'s Hoov'e'r's 'sist( r Mrs A' I lian sport where M ~ McGaw was ~ Y'~- I"1 11 ~.- J. XT o daughter, Mr and Mrs. Louis Dyer-tabeth Kimball
were guests T ' : 7"an oumor maus~rmt aocmty rne|l ~ rL l~W~ "
u~ . . ues Gladbrook, were guests from Sat- I<( yes at he" he ne in M u'ion Sun- born. At that time the iron and (JO pC ak and daughter Irleen of Cedar .- ------------
-- ~ ~ea " . - meenng a~ me nome o~ Mrs. Law- ---
in Cedar urday until Tuesday in the home of i da " afternoon, coal mdustrws of tbe Stale were - -- : : : : : : : : : : : = : : v Ra lds,and Mr. and Mrs. Frank ~ v
hon ured Mrs Ellen Mrs Schaefferle's parents Mr and ~ retain,- n p 'omin, ~eo and Veil- Irence Hunter. - ToPer and two children from Chi-i ~:ount
Vernon als
uznd bi,+~,~ ~," ' ' . . ' ' ' * " I AIrs. J. /L iso v(!rs anti her lnotner . ~ ' ' . i Vhnrsaav--- i-t ~1 ~r~ al ~! ,
nuay .*trst A l~tame h lnlspo[ x as %r )pldl~g n~ n~ - ca o, Ill
" z' ' " ! Mrs l(, m ?,ur'tcil,r spent Tuesl'ly : '" " "' ' : : ~" "! 7 0n r'h"i" -oheo-oal wornell asKe ;oaners g ------
[~St, son of Mrs. Mrs Joseph Bennett returned l in 't'h:, Mr "and Mrs Vi ank l/'ates s,ttiement, truly a port on the Iv ]:;, r~ ~e ~ . I After a luncheon at noon the[ Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Gage and ann
o~ .Mount Vernon home Monday afternoon from lAn- !ha n,in (:, ,tqr l .u)id~ .%~squehanna river. "'~.~"-~,~.~. e^. ~. t~,;, U~I~HL l.J~twr~llt:~ 111 bridal party went to Cedar RapidsI Allan expect to move thhs week ena
l~l . " ' "-' . . O:OV &" ttLllEt--~Vtl ~)Otl~ t~, ~V&alll v '
a is semously coin Nebr where she was calkd the father was a eahmot-maker #-~ . ~ flfll,~,||^~, and had pmtures taken, In the to an acreage near Cedar Rapids.
l I All tntl A/tN % IIIIIHII ltIlf~n(1 speaker t-remoent marry taage o~ lv 11~ lli[lll~;::l-
entathl tnd he seemed x mk md btcame ~ ~.)Ol|l~:: ~ enm a ed In droner was
's homeby the illness of her mother Mrs t . " .:" ' ~ " ' " ( " - ~ :- ~ ~ '; ' " " ~ '' " " r, ~,~,~,~ ev " g w d" g ' i Miss Janette Bleaker of Rood
not al ' [ ialUllV el l~(,lle i Nllll ! vcre VlSlkOr~ Slli)~tqntiq] citizen amen the FU ~.A~ ~o-=s,-. I " r "
lowed toHason Turner two weeks ago.Mrs. " ff ~- Commg from behind in the fins served to the bridal pa ty and Ira-! House was called to Aekley Tues-
Mrs. Fred
Thressa Belknap
ant Vernon this
te fUneral of their
eSday afternoon
Mrs. Tschentke
horse in Chicago,
r of Waterioo and
to Fergus Falls,
dl of Bagley was
of her sister,
On Fri-
. . i Sund:tY in the home of Mr. l,ittle's
Turner m m~provmg. I mother Mrs. H. E. l,ittle.
Miss Marian Scott .of Chicago, t Mr an,l Mrs. Doyle Cotrell and
ill, x~asa ~eeK enu v~mtor m tpO i family of Truer wore visitors over
some or her mother Mrs. ~V. It. l ihe week end in the home of Mr.
Scott She 'as accompanied by - -" s " 1 B 11~ C
I anti .}IF d. ~. I a I rl.
Mary Gall Hull who was a visitorI
with her mother Mrs A M tIull ~Ii's. Sarah Tallman who nas
' I spent several months on their farm
All interesting assembly program lat Palon rcturm,d last Sundgty to
get l'ennsylvania Germans. The
family belonged IO the Imtheran ~'ll'~ M~ro'~l"o~: V~I~o~
fqith, and were faithful adherents *'=,~ ~.~.~
and abh, defendants of their church
Dies In Wllhamsburtr
~nd its enterprises. They were allI "-"
active in the ehureh work, and[ I.'uneral services for Mrs. Mar-
Mrs. McGaw, an a girl, conducted lwaret Yates were held on Monday
two ,qundav Nchool (,la,~es each,I in the Presbyterian church in Wil-
,qabhqti/ dfv, m}e in lhe morning l liamsburg Hey. James B. Hodg-
and anothm: in the afternoon. The I son of Cedar Rapids conducted
writer remembers well how church I the service. Mrs Yates spent one
and community seeemed lo defer']winter during 1937-3g in Mount
*o grandfather Veisheit. I Vernon in the home of her ,brother,
The dau~'htcr Elizabeth marriod~J. M. Thomas and made many
a young cabinet-maker, George Me- friends during her short residence
gaw, who had oolne from a farm in who regret to learn of her death.
Mrs. Russell
ere they visited conlral ]'ennsylvania west of Har-
er, Mrs. Lyle risburm This McGaw family also
Led the high were ne',v-comers to the state, mak-
in the evening. 9 1 hi e ing their way somewhat earlier
Ung was a member ?,I,~. Stuskal has .000 love y W 't, ~ . .q . from East Sootl:tnd by way of Nm-tb
I Saturday until /unday afternoon In Ireland. It was a large family, and
Hock chicks one month old. She ttle home of Rev. and .Mrs. M. L. tile sons and daughters scaltered
through }'ennnyh'ania, mostly on
" is a believer in early chicks and {I:Iill.
raises some every year, for sale as Mrs. Amy De Camp and daugh- the fertile farms of the land.
6 k i broilers.
ters of Cedar l{.api(ls were callers For a time the couple lived in
srflm, s, Clyde Lindsley, superintendent of last Sunday afternoon on D. I)c-
&,schools a, nd Mrs. J .B Laing, pri- Camp at tilt: (leorge Kirkpatriek the iron-town of Dtlnville in the
or Ind I mary teacher in the local high home. coal regions. After six years they
. ~ ""* |i school attended a sectional meet- RobertIla,'tcnb,wger spent the went on to Philadelphia, where the
aPplieatian i,ing of the Northeast district Coun- week end wth his family in thehusband found employment as
~ ---.a |i ty Council at .McKinley high school ] Mrs. Villiam Zache home. ]Ic re-~'ash, door and blink-maker in a
"a'~'Ule P01~ Ifin Cedar Rapids on Monday eve-
,! . rittltS [] ning. It. W. Tallman, fmld man for ' turned to Des Moinos on Monday wood-working mill. For more than
~r~li. " morning. [twenty yearn he hold his p6sition.
. " s 'ictur o|;the Iowa State Teachers association
tt Bikinit I{was tile .speaker. Mr. and Mrs. John Yeisley and] respected as a m, perior worknlan,
family, Mrs. Susan Yeisley and Ar-whose specialty was fine joinery.
~, ~ Y I ~' Robert Hartung who submitted thur Yeislev of Marion were dinnerThe homo was blessed with three
sons, Frederick, Hampton and
"" afte, e,'. to an appendectomy ten days ago guests Sunday in the homo of J. F. Thomas. All are now living. One
,~ - u O elOCK~ fin the Methodist hospital, in Des I~. Yeisley.
is professor in Cornell college, one
"~qmlntlUent,:: Metrics came to the home of his ] Delorres Cottrell left on Sunday is prineipal of a high school in
I i .
~l~ t" ~r~ ~ ! parents, Mr. and Mrs Harry Ha~- for her home in St. l,ouis, Me fol- New Hampshire, and the third is a
Jg'OX 4~:JI ',tung on Sunday where he is re-
lowing a short visit in tile home of draftsman for an electrical manu-
I icuperating. He plans to go to
l~l~]t. ~ |]Indianola Sunday to resume his her mother, Mrs. J. I Ballard and facturing firm in Greater New
*,-oerts t }position as head of thc speechde-I Mr. Ballard. York. The namon of the sons ,*ere
chosen from names of heroes of
l)r. and Mrs. Jay B. MacGregor
~tr --'- ~]partment of Simpson college Mrs.
vernon, Iowa [ Hartung spent last week in Des had as luncheon guests on Friday, the family and the sons were ex-
-- ~IMoines and accompanied him Mrs. I{. B. l.eacl]man, Mrs. Jack petted to measure up to the ideals
Matthews and Miss Marie l)owner set before them.
@, home. of Strawberry l'oint. I:ducation was combined with
Mr. and ~rs. G. A. Beranek and manual work at some trade: and
Mr. an 1 Mr.;. H.oy Johnson of Ce- each was expected to learn to do
dar Haldds, Sllnday evening ~omething. This was tile policy of
I suppcr guesls in the Mr. and Mrs.the entire family; and early falhcr
/l{. A. I/us,nhnrk home. and mother instilled in their prO-
Mr. and Mrs. liar(is Strong who *zeny the love of accomplishment.
The huM)and. George died in
were re((,nllv marri(,d, moved Sat-1912 in l'biladelphia, and Mrs. Mc-
urday to ~tll al)arlnlcn| ia Men(i-Gaw eoutinned to make her holne
i1 11 l elivered Prices:
a2 A SPECIAL $7.75
BLACK ROSE --.$8.75
LOTHAIR $10.50
BRUNHILD -- $10.75
RANGE- $8.50
STOKER -- $7.75
can I get most value, comfort and
rf rmance in a low-priced car?"
In a
get ost for your dollars if you make your
decision in the Driver's Seat!
Ask Us For A Demonstration.
(and Plymouth Sales and Service
Mount Vernon, Iowa
c,llo. Mrs< Strong *as Genevieve
]{urge [)('fore her In a i l'iage
,Mrs. Gusla Minotl, Mrs. Imlu
Hlaine and ]~,eujanlin (Tlark were
guests Sunday al the silver anni-
versary dinner of Mr. and Sirs.
Thomas Dill in Ccdar Hapids.
Mr. and Mrs. l{ichard I,'uller and
dam:hie( ,lull( export to spend the
web,t.: end visilinff in ti~e home of
Mrs. leulIerk~ ]Jure]its, Mr. and Mrs.
Arlhur Hansen in Sav%nnah, ill.
Mrn. 1,~, V. Bush returned last
I,'riday In her home in Van IIorne
after a visit of l vo we,kn in the
home of her son-in-law and daugh-
ter, l)r. and Mrs. Russell Cole and
Sunday visitors in the Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Hecker borne were: Miss
Bernice Broker of Tipton, Jm Beek-
er of the State I;nivorsity of Iowa,
Iowa ('ity qnd ]-Ienry Grunewald
of Blairstown.
Mrs. Effie Butler, Mrs. Frank
Gage and Mrs. Ralph Hart of
Mount Vernon and Mrs. Gordon
Bridges of IA,qhon wore in Marion
on Monday where they asMsted
Mrs. 1)on Price nt a quilting bee.
l~.ev, l!:arl t(ernehan jr and
brother Galls of D, ashin~.~ton, I).C.
are hrivf visitor(~ iu the home of
Rev. and Mrs. E. T. (tough. The
former has accepted & pastorate in
Villiams. Ariz and is cnroute
Mr. nnd Mrs. Ghnn Jones and
daughter Mary Etta of Leaven-
worth, l
llsh it with judgment and with jus.
rice from henceforth even for ever."
The Lesson-Sermon comprises
quotations from the Bible and from
the Christian Science textbook,
"Science and Health with Key to
She passed away last Thursday fol-
lowin~ an Illness of fifteen months
at her home in VVilliamsburg.
Mrs. Margaret Yates was ,born in
Aberaman, Glamorganshire, South
Veales on May 31, 3852, and came to
America with her parents, at the
age of 16 years, going to Frostburg
Maryland. where on May 8, 1872,
she was united in marriage to John
J. Yates.
In lg85 they came to Iowa, loeat-
in~r on a farm near "Williamsburg,
where they remained until 1910
when they retired and moved to
town. In 1922 Mr. and Mrs Yates
ceiehrated their fiftieth wedding
a nn[versary, with Mrs. Yates'
molher, Mrs. R. M. Thomas, present
as an honor guest. Mr. Yates died
on their 57th Wedding anniversary.
Two sons died within ~ix months
al)(mt a year and a half ago.
Surviving" are three sons, Joseph
V of %Villiamsburg, Edward G. of
St, Marics, Idaho, and Stanley C.
of Cedar Rapids, and one daughter,
Mrs. Harry ~r'ignall of Cedar Rap-
ids, eight grandchildren and six
gre'tt grandchildren, also two
brothers, John M. Thomas, Mt Ver-
non, V~rm. M. Thomas, Cleveland,
Ohio, and three sisters, Mrs. G. T.
Itanna, Mt. Vernon; Mrs. J E Wil-
son, Phil'tdelphia, Pa.: and Mrs.
W. It. Balfour, VVihnington, Dela-
Elimination Rounds
To Start March 5
Bennelt and Wheatland will open
thd firing, to determine who ~hall
go on to battle nine other teams for
the right to represent the B schools
~of this area in the next round of
the state b'mketball tournament
play, in the Mechanicsville gym-
nasium Vedncsday, ,March 5, at 6
Elevcn Class B and two Class A
teanls will play a series of eleven
games to determine winners in the
two divisions. On the basis of the
season's records Clarence and Ben-
nett were ceded as the two best
t(mms in the Class B section. In
spite of the ranking given these two
te'tnls there are two other teams
th'tt will hear watching. St Mary's,
of Iowa Cily, and Lowden are two
clubs that arc not to be taken too
lightly. Stanwood has been eom-
in~r to the front rapidly the latter
part of the season and may prove
to be very hard to get out of the
way when tournament time ar-
rives. Solon will bear watching
since they have had a fairly suc-
cessful season.
Teams that do not appear too
strong, on the basis of the record
for the season, are IAsbon, Wheat-
land, Calamus, Mechanie~ville and
Springdale. IIowever it seems every
ionrnament has its upsets and no
doubt one of these teams will come
through to prove the surprise team
of the meet.
Tip,on and Mt. Vernon arc the
two Class A teams. Right now it
would appear Tip,on shcmld win the
Cla&s A trophy. That .~[t. Vernon
can be a distinct threat may be
l~tken from the fa~t that they held
the strong Monticello tca~ to a
one point victory the other night.
The tournament will be played
in fovr sessions. W'eduesday night
there will he four games beginning
at six o'clock. Thursday there will
i be three games beginning at seven
o'clock. On Friday and Saturday
evenings there will be two games
for each session beginning at seven-
the Scriptures" by Mary Baker
One of the Bible citations reads:
"Then came the Jews round about
him, and said unto him, How long
dost thou make us to doubt? If
:hou be the Christ, tell us plainly.
Jesus answered them, I told you,
and ye believed not: the works that
i do in my Father's name, they
bear witness of me" (John 10:24
Among the selections from the
Christian Science textbook is the
"The divine image, idea, or Christ
M.V.H.S. Five Loses
30-29 To Monticello
Mount Vernon lost a heart break-
er to Monticello, 30-29. last Friday
night, in a conference game played
on Mount Vernon's gym floor. It
was the Maroons' last home stand
and they played what was probably
mediate relatives at the home of day to attend the funeral of a
~the brides parents Mr. and Mrs.great aunt
I ' -
: Frank Dvorak Sr Mrs. James n
' " Mrs. Harold L. Still returned o
vetrlcK baked me weualng cake W~dno.d~v fre~rn ~ vt~t ~ina~ .qua-
," ~' e a
ana nelpea ge~ me alnn r. d-- wi'h ~'^- "'+"" x~,~ r,
A wedding dance and shower ~Y ~ ~ " ~
Reed at Des M'oines.Mrs. Still was
honoring the bridle ano groom was n ,~,~ l~t ~/r~,~k ~ th~ horn~ ~f
held at 9.00 o clock that evemng
her sister, Mrs. Stanley Hrtbal at
at me c. ~. ~'. ~. nan in ueaar ,tap-
2^^ . Rockford, Ill returning home Sat-
1QS. nere were aDOU~ t~d presenL ,]~d~v
Among those attending from this--"f" .
-icinit'- - er^ Mr ~na Mrs ~il^Mount vernon rrlenus nave re-
V O' w ~ . z~ u,~v.t v
'Pr~nlre~h Mr nnd ~Mr~ lr~M~ ceived the following announcement
~1 Mr ~nd Mr~ Howard ~eal M> "Mr and Mrs. Blair P. PhiUlpa,
'*'--" announce the marriage of thetr
and Mrs. Jay Milholin, Clare Mil-
holin, Mr. and Mrs. Warner Peter- daughter, Miss Jeanne 'Marie, to
than their OPDonents, but Monticel-
lo's qecuracy from the free throw
line was the deciding factor in the
The ganlc was ('lose from the
stapt, with the visitors holding a
slim lead of 11-10 at the end of the
firsi quarter. The Maroons fought
Like its
llobcrt (I ge. non of Mr. and Mrs.
folks. ""o"s ior" Uolonial' " Bread. Always Frank (]age who was a member of
the last draft contingent, left Feb.
ot this ener tastm Bread
" gy-giving, good- " g 14, for Camp 1Indite. tie 'ms truss-
after sch ell as at re ular ferred to Camp Snelling, Minn and
,~ eel snacks as w g on Feb. 18 was sent to 1,'or, Dewis,
. ? Variety" . . . Try Colonial Whole Wheat
2'ea"at "ea- Rread in addition to Colonial Sol, err v. Gage. a,ooo3, Anti
Tank P, attalion, Fort l,ewis, Ta-
41.Qy 'at the same loW :k !y eoma, Vash.
afresh . . . our grocer/ FILMS DEVELOPED
ill l One Enlargement
FREE with !
Each Roll i
moments of play, Cornell defeated
I,awrence 42 to 37 Saturday night
in the most exciting basketball
game on the home court this year
The Purplc trailed throughout
the entire contest until Earl Re-
disc's free throw tied the score for
the first time with only two min-
utes to go. A pivot shot by Dwayne
Howard and a ,basket by Dick Hou-
den einched the affair
Lloyd Simester led the Cornell
scoring with four baskets and six
free throws for 14 points Howard
scored 11, and Bill Crossett passed
the visitors with 16.
The half-time scorc was 25 to 20 son, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reyhons, Mr. Roder~ .Hall Van Scoy, on
~-- --- Dormhv ~n,~ w,*h My nnd ~Tve ~aturuay, v'enruary zz, I~41, al
Anton i r n n avenport." Tne "At ~ome" cars
- ~ B de ma and Rutha n, Mr
" i n read "At Home after the first of
C, arnall Fra h Five and Mrs. Em,1 B derma,Mr. and
street i)avenporz " .~ars. van ~eoy
hoses TO Uoe Again and Mrs. Joe B,derman, Mr. and ' . . . "
Mrs Joe Staskal Mr and Mrs Leo wan grauuatea trom ~dorneu m
Cornell's freshman basketball . ,:, - '~ -" --- ~" 1937
te,~m was for the second time this ~anDan, lVlr. anaolVlrs, a~J{1 ~I~IIK:
seas s un-I t-~ashed b the aar. ana mrs. doe MlcnaleK, l~lr. ana
Coe #os~ l~si"v" 47 to 8 '5 th: Mrs. Jerry Walters, Mr. and Mrs. Need More Red Cross Workers
Kohawk }leer ~rlday afternoon Adolf B!derman, Jr. - . . From
Mount ~ernon to Sew
~'a e " te- "he orin with *wo 2Lt~er me nrst oi March mr ana
1~, s .y star a t sc g " ~ D " " ------
"r e t- ws " ~ "he ~"r " but "-atMrs. osedlo will be at home on a .More Red Cross sewers are need-
r e, nro ", ro't l'u pie, In
-- " c farm five miles southof Solon. ed in Mount Vernon On Wednes-
was the omy oc amen tnrougnou~ . .
~h,~ oon~o~ that ~h~v hel~ ~ho ~,~a They are spendmg part of th~s week day and Thursday afternoons of
i " "-in - i n- - " w
Stettner scored 11 points for Coe, in t~n cage wet g Ire as ann rela- next eek ladies who are Interest-
w il n byes. t ed and willing to sew are Invited to
h c Rasey a d Gast did half of
~ [ meet at the home of Mrs Mae T
Cornell's scoring with eight and six " "
naint~ ~o~noottvolv Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Albaugh and Mitchell, where Mrs. Mitchell has
1 her e
htt e daug t sp nt the week end]generously opened her home for
~r, . I at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Kim- J several weeks, for this purpose One
t er ram ball. /and one-half dozens of wool skirts
Mrs. Frank Letner Mile Trypkosh shredded corn fed- for women are ready to sew
----- !der on Monday i~
HAVE EXCELLENT PROGRAM Mr. and Mrs. Anton Biderman I ~" ~7 =-- -- ~ : : -
ON FRIDAY EVENING were dinner guests on Sunday at,~ .
Washington's birthday furnished!Mr. Biderman's sister's home, Mr.l~,N S U It A N C E
inspiration for an excellent pro-and Mrs. John Hynek at Swisher. ]|
gram presented in the Methodist Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Henik en-[|~|r~ ~nd Wlnd~tO~m
church on Friday evening by mere- tertained the Saturday night birth- "-'~-" "-"
bers and friends of division No. 4 day club Saturday evening. A pic-I| Automobile
under the leadership of Mrs. Ger- nic dinner was enjoyed by Mr. andt,Health and Accident
ald Scott and Mrs. J. B, Eyestone. Mrs. Leo Henik, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- I . .f
ern~eo{}2:~y:~ohg~nnUmnb;!ga~;re g'i~h ~trs.He:wkar21~la~da'n$~dmml~re 1~ I I~l-It
c p him t; invoca- Leo enik was the honored guest, i| S- N. MERRITT
tion, Rev. J. B. Eyestone; a group Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Peterson and ll Bid-
of selections by an orchestra corn- Douglas Hudelson were dinner,Onlt In ~auman g.
prised of Mrs. C. C. Berry, Mrs. J. guests on Sunday at the home of]
|Ofe. Dial 3412, Res. 4 -62
B Eyestone, .Ruth Harrison, Floyd Mr. and M~. Warner Peter~n. [[ ~OUlt't Vernon,
r~kcnen, vlonns; rterman l~eDIKer, Mr. ana mrs. frank DvoraK, ~r [|
Sr cornet' Darrell Kitchen saxo- and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dosedlo~ -= ---- -=
phone; and Mrs. Floyd Kitchen, -
piano; reading by Rev. Eyestone;
piano solo, Gerald Scott; song and
exercise, "God Bless America," by
boys from the Emmons school; a
]reading by Mrs. Argene Allbee;
:violin solo, Mrs. C. C. Berry, with
Mrs. Floyd Kitchen at the piano;
reading, Mrs. Harry Decious; mus-
ical reading, Mrs. Floyd Decious;
patriotic song, Mr. and Mrs. Eye-
stone with accompaniment by Mrs.
Kitchen at the piano and Herman
Nebiker, sr cornet; reading, Miss
Tillie Kramer; tenor solo, Argene
Allbee accompanied at the piano
by Mrs. Allbee; reading, Mrs. Eye-
stone; reading, Floyd Kitchen.
Presentation of a farewell re-
membrance to Ruth Harrison, who
with her mother, Mrs. R. J. Harri-
son, leave this week to live in Los
Angeles, Calif Rev. Eyestone ex-
pressed the church's thanks to both
women for the fellowship and many
kindnesses received during the l
years they have been connected
with the activities of the church.
Wanita Hartung, eldest daughter
of Mr and Mrs. Ray Hartung, was
united in marriage to Ivan Platner
of Mechanicsville Saturday, in a
quiet home wedding ceremony read
by the Rev. J. B. Eyes,one of Mt.
Vernon in the presence of the im-
mediate families.
Services on next Sunday in the
Methodist church begin with the
church school at 10 a.m. Worship
hour is 11 a.m. All are welcome.
Next Sunday is Compassion Sun-
day all over the nation. All are
asked to share in this service.
The township Farm Bureau met
Tuesday evening in the community
hall. Posture Improvement was
the subject of a discussion. The
Girls' 4-H Club of Putnam town-
ship gave a soap demonstration.
Perry Knapp, a patient at the
University hospital at Iowa City,
was visited Sunday by Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Black, Mrs. Perry Knapp, Mrs.
Katie Lynch and Howard Knapp.
Rev. and Mrs. Earl Hodgins of
Delhi were dinner guests in the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald But-
~terfield. Rev. Hodgins is a former
pastor of the Methodist church
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bena, Mrs.
their hest game of the season. Mt. C. C. Berry, the Misses Vera and[
Vernon (lid have more field goals Martha Lippert, Leona Newcomb
and Florence Bena on Saturday
evening attended the all county
was, Is, and ever will be insepar- girls' 4-H club banquet held in the
able from the divine Principle, God. Trinity Methodist church in Cedar
Jesus referred to this nnity of his Rapids
spiritual identity thns: 'Before Miss Catherine Berry returned
Abraham was, I am;' 'I and my Saturday from a motor trip thru
~ather are one;' 'My Father ts the south, and a vacation spent
,~reater than I' " (p. 333). hard, however, and .by halftime visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wayland
311 First Avenue North they were ahead 17-15. All thru Guthrie at Cortez, Fla and other
-- l the second h'tlf they maintained friends.
METIIODIST CHURCH ]their lead and with three minutes Mrs. Edward Marx last week
Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Pastor to go in the ball game, the score visited relatives at New London
The Sunday school meets at 9:45 stood Mt. Vernon 27, Monticello and Burlington.
each Sunday morning. Everyone is! 2(;. It was then that Monticello, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Booth spem
welcome W. B. Gray is superin- nosed ahead and stalled in the I the week end in the Emmett A1-
tendent. ~ closing minutes to protect their I baugh home.
Morning worship at 10:15. Thru-lh,ad. The game ended with the] Bill Be(land of Oelwein is a
out the Methodist Church this is lseore 30-29 in their favor I visitoi" in the home of Mr. and
Compassion Sunday when pastors lien Current was the leading [ Mrs, C. C. Berry.
make an appeal for three causes, tseorer for Mt Vernon with twclve} The Zenith Club held a ,inner
overseas relief, help of the Meth- points to his credit Capt Mark l party at the Mervin Zeller home
odist Churches of England, and the Hutchhlson and Skip Herring were los Wednesday evening.
urgency of adequate spiritual rain- next with seven apiece. Liddy and [ The Jerry Thompson famil y mov-
istry about and in the army camps. Shrader were high for Monticello|ed to a home near Mount Vernon
"Unto the least of these" is the sub-/wilh ten and eight points, respee-| on Monday. Mr. and Mxs. Joe Dra-
ject of the sermon. The ministry]tively I hos will occupy the Michalek prop-
of music under the leadership ofi Individual Scoring" Jetty vacated by the Thompsons.
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