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February 28, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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February 28, 1957 |
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,% £ahVernon Social Announce Artists by quarte ;: 9 i0 hurc #es of E%S o wore *ha" daughter Ann o eomb ;M, Vernon. ,a. ",wke o*eeord
• ' [ ' Y ............... I s ana me ~nueyvme ~.u. Iowa City: the Glenn Richardsons and The Lisbon Herald ,,~ ,
apids.~tor_ fr0~0e~st~iefsThursdaywill m-ee~Feb" ~tn~ .... 28 ~.T~,~ [tVirs" J I1~ -- ..fOr /V|&A--''uy I'~I IVU r___L.'_ .__ Ii ,i j Viola ................'s14 games16 14 12--36 t ~vn~B" churches,~a ~urWill~participate'ea.,~ andand Robertthe ArlenMltchell. HolcombScedar~, MartelleRaplds.. , Thurs., Feb. 28, 1957 I"a.g e
' eenFi da e and p' ace ...... I Adelc Addison soprano ,vill give4 M le hum d W omin with RET ------
es Bide~Foe club will meet with the opening concert at the Cornell outCVlmuchl ttroublePC inY theg early ~ The Howard Snyder farm sale ElvinVRNSwalkerFROMwasHOSPITALable to ~- ..... T " owns, I aPt2te. Ina.,
J ...... he Robin t Br • ,. -
brothe-,thert ~_iK:nM°pday, lylarch 4. May Musm Fest!va! on May2 andI igame Tuesday, breaking into a first i South of Cedar Rapids E.aturday brought home from St. Luke's ho~: ~p;ntw~tIha~Yr l~l~gt~eanl~ir:a~;~d~Y
• .~.~¢g~ czmrlKs will ,qve alt~eorge ~olet pianist, will present; quarter lead and outscoring their ~rew a large erowa and brought pital, Cedar Ra iris Wednesda : ' "
~t{~en2:;~_ew. ~ Jthe Friday evening concert, accord-' opponents all the way. good prices. The Snyders are mov- after being confiPed for over stY iK0ns. Kenneth Gordon returned
, ~,0ant Vernon Le-ion Au- :" ]ing to Dr. Pare ~eckhelm. ~ ~w,.~rmo u,,,omin~ I mg to their farm south of the farm weeks He is recovering from a i .
)me o~ , s ~1~1~-" ) • • [ ............ ~ ~ ~ " . • • . . • I Wednesday from Conrad, Mont.,
.~,~ eV~meet Monday, March 4 J As premously announced m this .......... Ion whmh they have been hvmg. broken pelvic bone, injured when!where she ,~ ~, ..... ~itln~ h,,,.
~"'~2th~ers are asked to attencipmwspaper the Chicago Symphony] I._ ~g ~ P .. -~ ~ P A John Deere No. 70 tractor ('56) his tractor turned over on some [dau~hte'r .lnha~d ,=~*{,~:"~$.~,'~, -~"
.... ~ address envelm~o-,^_]orchestra will return for the 55thl i~nrens .. a ~ a ~usaneK t t a brought $3020 and an Oliver88 ice He is emnloved on the ear-,i ~,,F ;- ---~-%-: ....... ~ ..... a.
lel~,as .... ~-~o~u~ Kern 5 6 1 Wurst . 2 3 4 1 " " ~" ~ ..... i ~ne t~aymona Larsons. ~namosa,
"~ ~o ...... today. [rator. This work was commissioned: ....... p.m., World Day of Prayer service 18th'with Mrs. Lawrence Larson ]tern?on in Mt. Vernon with his
| y ~1~ wu,l meet on March 4[by Cornell for its centennial observ-i 23 24 11 15 10 21 at the Unmn E.U.B. churcb. Fran- ] ------- " I oromer ~mya.
"- ~. ~aYnan at her. apartment.Lance in 1953. The usual Saturday l l Scoring by quarters: Lets R. Larew, pastor. . [OBSERVE 50th ANNIVERSARY ] .Sunday afternoon and evening
,. -~ On ~,~ten. will have the[evening orchestra concert will elose ] McVille ................ 15 17 24 12--68'~, The Vernon Neltderhmar family Mrs. Bertha Kohl and her sister ] vlsators with the Jerry Blythes were
|T|r]g h Mr~:a~rc,a !,8 the club wilI[the Festival i Wyoming ............. 10 5 14 11--40 nas moved to lhe Woitishek farm I Mrs. Blanch Russell Meehanicsville ithe John Blythes, Wilbur Ellison
• ~awln Rogers wi~h' I I ~.^ w~. , ~+ ........... ~;¢ i z/h reties east of Ely and Mrs Cora I went to Waterlon' Wertno~dnv t~' family and NmTnan Roberg family
.... g nd Mrs. Gilbert[THIRD IN MAA ~ ] .... , ..... , ~,,~.~_~t. ,,~ ~,___ Nmtderhisar moved back to her t s,~end the do-. with the a_.. x~i,.!all of Anamosa.
L ijna . . , [ llCUlb [i~ ~t, ¢21~/iuU~ll tllt~ blUll~ l~ • ,Y u~.y ' tll
)ble ~ge of the program• ] Dmk Cross, senior vocahst at Car-] ]started out strong and doubled theifarm home on the Ivanhoe road. ,[ the Raleigh ShooDs in observance of! Callers Sunday afternoon in the
:."urands will, "-~"rm'~+ ,.,~+~da~ Inem, won mira pmce among ~ con- I score on OnslOWwaYb the close of the ±ne ~mon l~etoncKys moveu,,[ their 50th wedding anniversary. !Glenn Richardson home were the
testant.s in the~uumu.~ o~ um ~.- ,cm ~, "~Regi°nal-'M" ey°p°li£ i first period. It well for Lisbonu~r~ w fl~°ml the~Harryum Up~jere[s~Z;m~arm'S°-um ] The Shoops are making their home i Wilmer Richardson family, Jordons
--o.e~unn°~,,--urs Y',tan ...... ,1.,... L.~ ~ ~ ,,~ ..... ,-+ ~, h Y " ' with their son and wife Mr Shoo Grove and the Howard Z~rklebachs
". ,~,~a[-u anct . . . i ~,,=a -,~,~ ,~ ~ v,v-,= -,a,s .... h,_n, -e-i 1 - • P " •
k Archibald will be asst-+ ]Mmneapohs Feb. 11-12. He will re- ] ..... nnslow nu~ ..... rt t ,~ h~ In°rth of Ely where the Laurence has been confined to his bedforland daughter Center Jet
• • ~Ss o,- .............. ....... h~m ._ ' . . . . , .
)erVlC~ es and Mrs Amos Le ]celve a cash prize and an oppor- each of the remainin uarters Boothshave been hwng sevmal months They formerl I Mrs Mlna Mitchell w )
---,, _ ~.. _" "t Hess will]" ' ' " "tl Onslow went aheadg qin the third' " ' " " " ~" • Y i in~ "n" Io a" City with' theh( lSHarolastay-
e ~v~rs Rober tumty to appear with the Mmneap Tl~eEznest Trpkosh family of hved at Anamosa 1 w
ISl::)Ol'l* |~e of the program Lolls Summer Orchestra• [ [~. ~9 ,.,~(~ ~h,~,,+ ~/_ ,~;,~,,~ ...... near Marion moved recently to the] W~:.-~ ...... s ~--~ ..... Y"~
~mll~N ................ ~ ~ ' ---- 1 .............. P ....unoay azter-
oefffitaette~tduedala ~n~ter]MoOznrF?ro21a2rOS~wi~hIllt~mg~Pvia Th;6gi~tteerWwa~itc~1 ~pc~Y:heL.~ons]K::t ~2rmvir2O~hs~,fs ElaYugM1;i Trp 4 HreLeUJiKel~ ~uAcS:yIELSassies gave a ~i1~2h:l~d evening with Mrs. Mose
the First di-2 - . . . [Symphony of Faribault Minn i ,.~..' )... Nos+ ...~. ¢~,~_ )... a~ ,,. The Nevin Duffes and sons at [ Valentine party for the Greenfield [ ,~, ~." .....
.~rirt~.. *, s~rlct at West! ' " I I ~,,~,w ~,2 ~ a,,,, a x,=,uv, ~,# x,,,,=~ +~..~^~ ~ ...~== ....... • • n ~" ~ o^^~ v.._,. ~,..,. w^~.,o xr.,^- xne t~eol'ge r'resmns anQ hinoa
• '~Y. IVJ,'R ~T~,Oe . . | -- ~ tn~¢,~;*~ t*,~,rt~ T ;~]~r~w ~ o,qa~ t~llU~LI /el W~l-lLlill~ ]u{2ce L1on aE t~t. ! vgruuu tala~,ix LIUU, ~-t-u. 1o. v°i~ll-I * .... • T '
th I_. l~ll,a state aSa,-- Say= ~ ........ ~s~. . P . • , - Jinamosa, ana ivlrs• Deutah harson
~-.._ e Wome, '' M t W I • tendotf Sunday afternoon and ws- tines ~ere exchangedbetween b~gl . . .
,_ ), .... n s Auxiliary [ oun ernon Locals The lead shpped back to two ........ " I ....... v,sited the Richard Jedlickas ne
~ ~'~ ~lrst Di • . --' I - • . ltecl Mr. J~une's parents at Wilton Sisters ana secret pals anti given ~ol .- . : ar
--~'~ ¢~ . _ st. Auxlhary.[ Thomas Lincoln who has been [po~nts wlth only .54 left, but fouls,junctlon / o lon~o nnd m) ~t~ C. ....... rt iMechamcsvllle Sunday evening
a "t , th_ ._~.._rs ..... e .............. • ~ •
- ,--- l: er D A R " e " i ~ th ' canca on me unsmw ooys cost them, - ............ I V~mtors Sunda of the h'a a
.___.~: ~ . . . . will meet/ replayed InChcago for e past ] .... l Tho Ed Dowollo ~ *~ ..... -~ /dancin~weroon~,~ed , y M ld-
~.~_~,~f~an~. Peterson jr ~t[two months spent the week end ]the game. ±nis was a swee¢ victory ~* Z.Zf:~-;_ .... ~':~ "i',.~-~ .~"~,'~-' ~.o ~'~..~.7. ~.o +. r~ ~,~ ~ ~ i ens were the Max Arthur family
ones cla:~. M "' " ~ ' , for the Lions who have been on the t ~c. moveu lrom ~prlngvllle tO the ~**~o. ~,,~,.,c ~u.~, ,,~.~.~.~., re=u, e ld" " "'
--/~ • larch 6 Mrs lwith his family in Mt Vernon ........ . .......... [Mrs r~^"ala ~ ....... ;+t ...... C'dar Rap s, the Delmar Mmden
r[lS wil ' ' . " ' j~[nia WOltlSneK ial'nl east oI Ely .~,u. u ~**t-==~, ~u....~ ~- wu-~ . . .
-------"~ 1review rl k n ~ short end of the score most of the family An~mosa and the Wlll]a
thellfe Mrs John E Kirkpat "c a d ] ' 1 ' * man fo our 1 wer s , ~ .... m
Ada . - " ' . . , , ast Friday. r c ub e guest . Mrs., - .
~--~ Adams' the wife of Presi-]Mrs. John Lyford spent from Frl-[ --Photo by Hugh Roberts]season. . ........ } Florence Truhlar attended a bri-!Hunt demonstrated correct matting]Sm°thers family Martelle.
~% ann • avery Bowman of[day until Sunday with the mrmer's ! SATURDAY WAS MERLE GABER NIGHT at Corner as the Rams ] Llsoon was wimout one o~ ~ts net- !dal shower for Jean Keyes at the ] and framing of pictures and told Miss Jessie Boxwell visited Sat-
" ~a~rIcla Resewehr~SOn and the latters daughter the] ter shooters Tuesday mght Norm abort urda w,th the Weldon Wages m
J~J~/~ Winners o• .,_ ~ J .......... .... '. faced Lawrence in their final home game of the season. The town .... ' .... , . . i Cedar Rapids Horsemen's Club Fri-[ t the baking contest for March ', " Y '. • " L' '
• ~ =~/~ ~. . • une D A R aonn u. tu~rKpawmKs an~l meIr ~wo , .-. , ' . . ~r,^ .... ,~ . . , BlaKe oecause oI nmess, ann at, da-, ni-ht Mi-~ ~ ....... :- • ..... 2 at Hawwke,,e Downs Cedar Rapids
-~ .~,~r/ • aWards wil " ' " • . ' . or alena, II1., turnea out some 4uu strong to om t~am ooosrers ; . # s . =~ ,,.=~c~ wm ve mar- -= • ]