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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
February 28, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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February 28, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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-- • ,,, A • ,, ~ R • ! The Paut Farnsworth and Jim From Our Subscribers Famous Organist L, r uram u.naer tricelIowa City, the Robe~ Zeman fam-1 • . ,,,. . . .. ,' [Su,,oort In Unn Counlv lily, Fay, ivlrs. Clara lienel Some of subs ri . s" , om rresems KeCllral rr- -. I J; E. em e recent gue I other communkies write ma~ mey I As of Feb. 15 990235 bushels of} or the frank L . ! read every word in the paper, in-f Claire Coci world-renowned con-illk56 crop' was ~ac(~ price gixpportI Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ReyhonsI ds OccaslonaLl some- ~ .... " eluding the a . ' Y ..... ~ ~,-a~i~t -r~nted a varied and I m Lmn county. Soy beans trader I of Pueblo, Colo., have adopted a [ one thinks the ads overshadow me i :~.~+~"~'~'L ~h,, ~in~ Char,-IPrice support totalled 47,515 bushels|baby daughter on Feb. 13. She was[ news but like our subsermer, mrs` I ....... 8~ .... ~":-: :-L'.--: ° • "-[and oats t6falle@25 666 btishels as of|born on New Year's Day and has[ Bessie Jackson of 1332Vz 18th Ave. [el Thursday, reD. is. ~Svlaencmg a ....... . '_:, • . _ _ . ~ ........ • .- , taam ax. ~uppor~ rate on corn mlDeen name(/ mary ~atamrlne. lne1 S.W., Cedar. Rapids, they realize I warm and colorflal interpretation, I $1A7 a bushet-'with non compliance [ John Reyhons of Eolon and the [ tahatteadLef~s~n:ws~:;::S~calt~ &n cMeiiTe:b: i~ec~at?:eti:~diZ:;ieorn 25 cents less/ ]Ee~etatnd~lrleYSt Blatrstown are I seribers will profit by reading the of mus;c * ........ ~ ~ ~r ~r~. ~no c'~,~o~,~a' s?f M~" nnd l ads carefu/ly and patronizing local _ , ,v:~,~. ..., Ig~ IM~rsI.~sC~l~eyhons'"w'~'r~ "Su'nday~ merchants ~ opening ner program wire me ~.. ~lll~lll~ltdllU~ I.~_'_" ......... • ,~... r.~ ~..,+~,~] oIien-per/ormea ~-relune ana r u~ --.I -- -- • l ...4 ~ra.i~, J A ril 2 Will Be WaMaC , in A minor by J. S. Bach Miss Co(" l~lll~ I~A~,IP [A|A~ I ............. . | P _ .. ]charmed her audience by displaysTl|l~ |%/|' ~t~|~,/|i I., My. and M rs.A1 E~!beck and fam-/ Career Day At Cornell l of technical virtuosity and dramatic I~ • • ~ l luy were .emer!ame~ bu,noay e =:I contrasts of registration Despite ~,~l~,l 121~,~II Ining in me nome oI me At~re~ Annual career days for all jun-lm,oh,nio,l dlffi~ties wi~h the or-]"qtI'|IUUI I~Ul, i[ll~ ]Randall family. I iors from high school of the WaMaClga"-n-'a-r~-ext~ane~l.~ noises of the ] The Frank Schleuter family andI conference win De nero on me Eor- hall the organist's charmina sta~e SOLON--George Miller and Don/the Clyo Castle family of Marion nell campus on Tuesday April 2[ ..... . "" " , • rmrsonalitv was always in evidence IBrannaman are candidates to fill~were Sunday guests of the MyronI Career day is for the purpose of .... 'lthe vacancy of Marvin Ham on the~Nallys and Patrick Mrs MargueriteI he[ping students select a vocation., Of parhcular interest was the ex I Solon school boai-d. Mr. Ham s term i Abrahamson Io~-a City was a re- ! Before the conference each 'unioriciting "Eroica SonaTa" oy joseph ~,,,,~ .... n-~ h~ -~ ..... , ;.,^.. ,~. ~.^l . .. ' .... '-, ...... • J ~ .......... .__~,~,=o ~ ,~ ~= uu~o ,,~,~ r,~,~, ~, ~.c,cen~ olnner guest in trm l~al~y nonte. ] will be asked to indicate on a list;Jongen wnmn rams t~oct nana~eala oandida~,~ • .... i " ~ "-" Mrs Anna M Kucera Mrs. Anna of vocations the three or four m i Wlth dextemty and personal aft .mtyI Harry Kral who filled the vacancy ]7=m~~'..A ,A~o,~ were'Sunday af-[ which he is the most interested, that was intensely [of the late Beu}ah Whittington is a I Y=-~=',-~"v'isdtors of Dr and Mt'~s C [ [In an era when tne "puris~"]caudidate for treasurer. Tbe else-I~-~"~ari{~" in Iowa City The ~tovl WINTER CONCERT pretation is much in ewdence tion is March II ..... • -~" - -- "' Richard Kruse of Mt. Vernon and I among organ recitalists, it is hea~t- " Holubars were emertaineo Tnurs- Mary Inks of Mech.a~ficsville are, ening to hear such a bold romantic I "----'- [ day" evening by Mrs. Anna M. Kuc- l • i W~.C.S. MEETING era Mrs Marguerite Abrahamson members of the Iowa State smgers, lpresentatmn of a program of ths ~.~ . ;v, .--A... ~ ,,,..,A... ~e .. " .~.." ......... '1 otto ,,:,~.,.~ .,h~,.,,o .,~ ~,,,~ ~+~+o ~,~,I ] ...*,,.~ ~a;oo t~,.,.] ,...,,,.~a ,*,i+hout o i ..o,~,o. w,a, ,a~w~ ~**~**~.~ o,- t iowa t~lty all,o _rvlrs. xwyronlNally ] ' 1 • r church. Gretchen Smith has eharg Kueera home concert on Sunday, March 3, at 8 1 stuffy and straight-laced. She e- .., ,, .... .~, : ,m,~ ,~u. ,,~t ;o -a i " ~, [ p.m. in State Gymnasium. The chor-imains an outstandil%g exponent ofl~r..~~ f;~'~,'~= ~,C';,~h',~"" ~'~:,~'~,,,~:] Guests Sunday evening of r.he L us will be assisted by the Iowa imaginative and colorful perform- .;,~'~'~"~,,~'~'~,.~,~"'r";'~.~[J. Bittners were the Vernon B~ttnerI • ,u~ ~ ,,~ ........ ~av~ ........f mil State Men's glee club• ~ ance. -,~ :~-~ ~rved Hostesse~ are Clara [ a y. [ wu~ ~,=~ "• ........ ] A daughter Connie Irene was] I Krom, ~iz,4betn ~oua, Mary ~as- ] hn~ t~ Mr ~nd Mrs Lawrence Ku- TI NT ' ~" ........... NOTICE OF ItEAR1NG IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND THE APPOR ON|IdLE I~arek and Gladys Kasparek • I ................. ,-'i,. ] OF COSTS OF PROPOSED SECONDARY ROAD ASSESSMENT DISTRIC~ NO 518 ~- , ~ ' i DICneK 8% lvtercy nosp~tm, ~owa w.~,l Notice is hereby given for a hearing on the proposal for the'estab|iahment of aI ........ ~ ~ [Thursday, Feb. 21, weight 9 lbs.] Secondary Road Assessment. District and the apportionment of 25% of the estimated ......... ] o~ .~Ju=,~ ~. e~ ,wr~e'... ........ l