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March 2, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 2, 1939 |
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rTn--i-Ill " ~liI~l ~in" i" --I lllI I I
................................................................................. ! ....................................................
THE HAWKEYE-RECORD ~ = : = ~ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : [ ward. ~ ~ood cI i The church in all the world seems club. Miss Williams will leave task in the community the past Those having
and THE LISBON HERALD f'1 ~ A I~ . ~ £ ~[~l ~ [ cheer tt .~ team [ ; to be losing to other' |dealed'lea, an(1 shortly for her claim near Alexand- two weeks, same will file
104 2nd Ave., North, Mount Versos, iowat kJ l.J 2"]k la ~ IVl ~ ill, £]k|everyon was v something must be done. er N. Dak. Mr and Mrs. Chas Gustafson of cited in the u
o~i,lal Newsnaner Mount Vcrnoa and[ ....................... ]in the c ltcome. I I Dec. 17. The discussion has })()on] The house on the Mrs. Elmer] Davis Junction, Ill., called at the the l,inn Cot
L|nn County ] The ] nlors ~ I [wonderful. We found a ('ross to be Vernon farm four miles east of home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Court.
] Edito -in-chief - I,eti ta B~ r~nek [ til they tried I I the heart of our group's faith [Martelle was completely destroyed!Stork a short time Thursday after-
e~[t~l:t*, .usin,ss Mg,'. ~Iar~ ret ,' i, ;gins l rush, tt.~ soph I !o/l)::el. 1,% .lust home fYom 7 by fire Sunday night, noon. Mrs. Gustafson is a niece M WlsOn
Published at Mount Vernon' and Lisbon ] Senio l{eviews \~e laee I.ittell I found t an ] ' o,~ eommunion. I)r. Anet. t~el- Grant Miller, brother of Prof. :of Mrs. Stork. (;.. '' '
in" Linn County, Iowa, every Thursday~i .qpeei~ I Veatur s -Vix ~n "(,nne. [ scores o the cl [ I gia.n, presided, and I)r. Cheng of t Horace Alden Miller and arch!tect { Mrs. Wilton Gunn attended Club thin we,
THE MOUNT VI~KNUN MAW~Z ' - - " " ' " ' " " "
.............. _~-_~U:..::.--7=-..~W.:;L=./E- Patricia Mitt'he! A'dis Stinger. [ below: who is a to|as|unary at l,oges,](luna ,tdmt~stered ('ore umon. iior the new Cornell gymnaslum, iat the home of Mrs. Marley Clark ~ 't ]~ey~
~.,..a~ i,, la~a by S H Bauman i (?ornelia l~rooks, Helen Culbert- I Sophs--24; Seniors--6. Brazil, of his being a dele- i Impressive. The ealibre and spirit [ was in Mouut Vernon yesterday. Wednesday. NOTICE.~I~1 ;test at
.................... o 1 Sophs--32" Fresh--6 ~tt to tht e 'ent meetin ~ o' the of the de e,-'ltes i pess( s ore, ll Dr H C Stanclift was called Mr and Mrs Cliff Ketterina Ray ~:~'~ I~ ~*-
THEFounueaMOUNT yERNONin ,a,a oy ~ainaraREMAllKER~os,or ] l-tepoltt, rs! . --M. .tri'ln, Fisher, Peggy I. Sophs---20, Jumors--ll.. International Missionary (~unctl ] m," " "t v, on(l’" "tul ~4,/Ih(" ',rag'" " and 1 to Blooklyn,' N. Y. last' week by the Brown, Mrs. Cora Stork, Miss" Lena "st~) l?[c~°v~S I~ Mirer (
IJ(rrin~- M'u'ilvn .qe.irbrough I Sophs---51" Eighth--12 i in T,tml)ar'uu lndi'~ from I)eeem-]feel will ('ontrit)ute mi"hlilv to . illness of his sister iRate Mr and Mrs Nort Litts as- and,,r'igned has ~.. .
THE LISBON mZRALD . i Martha Jane Rogers. leanne Sul-[ The juniors made the best show-ib~,r 12 to '-':h 1.~)38 spi,'itual up-surge in the ('ht~r('h(s. Charles Maybauer has purchased sistecl Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stork F~l,, 1~ )fd'l'-~e
....Founded In !_8~ by ~_ ...... F atahl ] hvitll 1,420111- ~ I ]'~l|lsO 1/ , ..~lt [ I "Ill Pit-/ mg against the sophomores.. They'. .M~.. Midkiff... has been .'~ mission-.. ]l rope. to ea .~ .Y so uelhin~ f 'o [the sixty acres just west of town, ]with, their butcheringo Thursday_. vyalme()na "ry ~eeaS~]o~-- ....
Subscription Rate ]lik Mary MaeG,-ego,' Ikept the score down while running ary in different parts of Brazil for I here tot myself and others, owned by the late Mrs. Elizabeth Miss Alice Border spent the week Iowa, decease&
Oneyear, m Lmn.... and adjoining,., Sports lira l")~e Are V, lison, thei~'s up. This" wall" be definite" " _"7 yel~s, .... He w ts g~,~duated f~ol Your I,'liher, 'tlid (] Indf libel'. ]Kepler. The price paid was $110 end at the home of her parents, payment~aidestateare~ltnere~ ~.ande~ e M~
ounti~.~ per year ............... ’~.a0 ----- [proof of who's who in M V H.S. qanox College at I{opkington, and ....... per acre. Mr and Mrs Clarence Border -" . aimS al ' ' gtl
One year. outside Linn and.adjoining [ EDITORIAL / girls' basketball! (or will it?) I went on to lh'incelon for three 1 -- : -- : : : : : : : : -- -- -- : _- : o _- - - - - I The following people from Mt. I Cliff Kettering was in Mechanics- () gduly attiC, of tile, fo
i( unties but withint~e s~ate I I .*., ,,,..v***,- ....... t ..... I Vernon Marion and Lisbon attend ............. th~ (led of the~ I ~t tier
'. .:' .$1.751 ,XT .,t,,e~ ,,n*il tomorrow/~,,~-~,~.~n~ I ye[|rs. He v,'llS [lien inarl'le(l and i ~I~ ~ "~ D' A g'~I2" ~[ITII"I~'I~T I ' - Vllle vrlaay, ~aturctay anct lylonclay ' . '" " i" '
. pei year: ': -'" :':e *.~ 001_ ,,ever pu~ ,:,, ,,;.- , ..... ’ *he/ What is a jay-walker9. I x~(nl', to Germ ~n)~ ". ~h* ~e he ,stud-,' lyn~t I)~t~jI~ yy _rllp_~l~I ~d~ the Iowa pmmc February" 22, Ihel in" g on the committee" to decide(')u~t" ~ " ~ and .~I
une year. outsiae tne .......... what you can (10toaay, ,u,, ..... . . . ~ " ' . ' P i ~ ,* - "s
~!.. . ...... maxim. ~ut ,~:" ~ ~--,,..sos ..... e| No it isn't a bird. (I'll take that~ |el, fo~ .some lime } efore ~,,'oin-'~ I° I Items of Interest .............. in MOUnt Vornon lm Los Angeles, Calif.." Mr. and[acreage allotments for the Sod .,~ at ~ dir
N,,ti~ .... f,!r ent~.,'ta,nmentS eoriot~rdeg.athj[age eli .... ofus choose to ig-| back. In a way, it is a bird (el ~ .azl|. lAnd Lisbon 10 20 30 Years A~ol Mrs. David Long; Mrs. C. S. Hunt;] Conservation Program. i R. 1~. Wolfe~les Hess
erings to wmcn a enarg now too Ill~lll,y I .......... 1 ' ' ' ~" I Mrs E TaP'o" °arri-Smith" Mrs ' " .... "~ '"
cents )( r line minimum charge 25 cents. f sa e ad- numan mra~ Jaywalking Is very In -oin , Into B "'tzil he eneount- . . o ~, ,~ = , Mr and Mrs t~eorge t~rlggs as-x~,,~,,,~, oF ~
. I , . here those few wolds o g , g g ..... ! -- : : : : : : : : -- -- : : -- : : = : ~ :. v -- -- _ " r o ' . ' " '" ....... '
Card of thanks and resolutmns of respect] .................... nd nervous[ common everyone does it (even lered a wilderness He established~ I E. E. Arbmgast, Peter Bowe s, R Y lsmted Mr and Mrs. Carl Blessing: oF R~-I)~ .......
10 cents a line. minimum .~narlge SI.uv!~ICtL x"xiatt ~.c .~v..: ,. , " , ! . ", . ~ Mort|son and William ~ort. I ' ri TSa' ;~' ’11111 -~||'~
Display advertis ng rates f ..... bed on aP-i strain in a person comes from put-/ you),, but it s dangerous: Many a .~aw ,roll and hmlt h,s own furm-! TEN YEARS AGO I r~.,.,m ~..~.., ,~t .i ....... i~i,,~a i with their butchering F '}day. - ..... a~u~r:~re" Carol
I licat )n to responsible advertisers, l' tlng" oft". We neglect t.his task and[[ people, nave. receives "w i fro'el " ,rod eabln, from the. lulnber.. I March 7, 1929 I friends~'"*"~ in ....................... Lisbon this week. He : .mr" ana Mrs. Wilton ~unn eana- State *(~t."Y"-~'L:'iow*i~hi~t***'re .... ~llnd~: -"
her Iowa Press A~soc,atmn National sli ht that one thinking to our- (which is a super form of Jay7 Alter establishulg a cente, lie George D Sailor and W C [ ' art Jimmy were callers Sunday ve "1o Wdb~]~rs Cl.~o
Mere , . . . ' g . . . . . . has not been in Lisbon for a qu.._.- ~ n Mrs ' .~si,,n el ~-~ -. . ....
Editorial Aasocmtmn, Foreign Advertm- selves in order to ratlonahze our walking, If you get what I mean)[would leave his ~ork m charge of Stucksla~er will be candidates for[ .... ~ ....+ ..... :nlng at the nome m mr. a o . se;,: n~..e~e~i~]ltgvHle
ing Relare.sentative,~ ~Waues axomes",,...~ t s that tomorrow we'll| because they practice this "art '.1 a native missionary and' move on ~ reelection to the Lisbon school I ~'~'.'~ ~,. ~.?."~."~" ..+ c....n.., ~.. ] Burt Neal. i wi~}° {he" foil° -~d-I~A- "
1~ meg. ue~ ~tome~, mwa *, ..... ~,~ tour- time in which to/Jay-walking pertains to traffic and/to another location. At Loges heboard ~omin-~q,m .... r’ f,~- t ...... ~ran~ ~oug:, spent ?~",'~'"z "," ! Cedar County received their 3A You and each ~. a. B. /3
~ ""~'~ ~ " ...... / " " ' ~ ....... ~" ........ me home o~ hiS oromer-m-iaw ana i ~ that on the ~u~ a fa
Entered as second class marl matter at " ' re erl But some-has a deflmte place in it,When also established a school where the other candidates were filed bu* ............ mile of rock Sunday. i . ~eseri~! 11 surf
', " n Iawa and do this thing p p Y. , , . . , " Slster lvlr ana Mrs. irrang t~aKer ~fonowmg u whe .
~he post (:ff!ce of Mount ~, e ...... how when tomorrow comes there s/M~. Carlwas asked to givehis deft- natp,'e pupils could come and work the men withdrew their names, l i. Clinton I The Good Cheer community club I Linn Cou.nt~,_Ia~,,~.n she
j,~stmn, iowa. I ~1 .... ~rnoihina more imnortant/ nit|on ot jay-walking this is what I the| " way tt rough if they were not ', I,iout Me)rlov .qln~ht of the fly I." .......... Wlll meet ~rlaay evening at me ] PuLl c maaer.,-~..rway at
_ _ I to do, more exciting or interesting] he.said: J, ay-wal.kmg, is the act ofI able to l)aY ]heir tuition. 'Mr. Mid-ling corps of the United States army] ~;L~,,~-h~,~f l r ankl[n i homc of Mr. and Mrs. Heston lq~2arl9~ pt. ~,~ ~,r~st. an