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LISBON .ooo, Oear o onoie Soao er ouotl- ::
non was a visitor on Saturday in ton were Sunday guests of their lVernon was a guest on WednesdaY l
the Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Gish home. daughter, Mrs. G. K. Frink and]in the home of her sister, Mrs. E. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Yeisley and family. J~ Stahl. ' : : : : : : :
Lisbon chapter O. E. S. will meet son John of Cedar Ra-'ids s-ent
r ' ~"
m egular sesmon on Thursday eve- i re n
Sunday n the pa ntal Mr. a d
nmg, marcn l~. !Mrs. Willard Yeisley home.
The Evangelical Missionary So- ~ xxr ,-, ~.~a ~ ~ ,-xv~,~ ~
ciety will meet with Mrs. JohnI *,~-~ -. ,~ 6
Miller at2'30Tuesda afte don iJunctton returned to her home to-
j . y rn '[ day after a visit since Saturday
lwarcn ix. i with her daughter, Mrs. O. S. Bur-
Kenneth Dyer. of Indianola spent~, lingame and family.
the week end m the home of Mrs. r er
i lvlrs, w. ~o uon o Doum ,
Dyers parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Colo who came Thursday called
lw. oDerton, t~y t~e illness and death of her
Misses Bernice White and Helen mother, Mrs. Mary Cameron, wlii
Schloemau o Cedar Rapids were return to her home on Saturday.
Sunday guests of Mrs. A. K. Runkle Dr. H. M. Cameron returned on
and Miss Hazel. Tuesday to his home at Alden,
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Haeseler! lvlinnesota.
and tarnily of Mount Vernon were~ Mrs. Anna Wetherell spent sev-
Sunday guests in the home of Mr. i eral days last week in Mrs. Harry
and Mrs. Oscar Haeseler. !Harmans home, and was a weel~
Mrs. Constance Hahn returned onI end guest of lVlr. and Mrs. Will
Saturday to her home in Sigourney!Dugan. Mrs. Wetherell has been
after a several weeks visit in the w~th her daughter, Mrs. Harry
home of her sister, Mrs. W. L. Boyd. Klahn in Stanwood since her recent
George Reid of Cedar Rapids was ! return from an extended visit in
-- I
a Sunday dinner guest of-his par-Douglas, Wyo.
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reid. Stan- [ Homer Crain of Akron, Ohio, was
Icy Reid was a Saturday evening: an overnight guest Thursday of his
visitor in the Reid home. mother, Mrs. Sarah Crain. He was
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beaver lenroute home from a business trip
were guests of their daughter, Mrs. Im California, and visit with rela-"
Elwood Resewehr and family in!tives in Dallas, Texas, where his
Stanwood Sunday for droner to wife, who accompanied him west,
celebrate the second birthday of is remaining with her parents for
Patricia Ann Resewehr. a longer time.
The annual Legmn Auxflmryi Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smola and
family picnic supper and entertain-/ daughters Lois and Betty of River-
ment is Tuesday evening, March side were week end guests in the
11 This gathering at six o'clock!Dr. E. P. Bigger home. Joining
is for members of the Legion and l them for a picnic supper Saturday
Auxiliary and their families, l evening were the S. F. Emerson
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Davis vimted i and Rudolph Notbohm families. Mr.
last Thursday with the latter'siSmola, former member of the Lis-
daughter, Miss Grace McKay at~ ben school faculty, has resigned as
Dubuque. Miss McKay, who is a[superintendent of the school at
registered nurse, has enlisted for lRiverside to become assistant field
service with the Red Cross in the iman for the Red Cross at Battle
Navy department. Mr. Davis re-I Creek, Mich starting March 15.
turned early on Thursday from a! Mrs. Smola and daughters will re-
week's visit in northern Iowa at lmain at Riverside until the close
Waucoma. of the school year.
- y
- a
" Friday and
u 2 lb box
w Large Heads
m Large Size, doz
m Large Size, each
Crushed and Tidbits
3 cans
JUICE, 2 12-ozcansc
m American, 2 lb boxc
i Family, Vz lb 13c
I DOG FOOD, Doyles, 19c
B 4 for
Saturday Specials
l lc POTATOES, Red
Triumph, 50 lb bag 49c
Our Family, 3 I/2 lbs 15c
Family, 5c pkg, 6 for/. jC
COFFEE, Golden
Glow, pound IOc
CATSUP, Golden
Valley, 2 for 19c
Family, 2 for
Quart 10c
CORN, 5c
No. 2 can
Special On Our Meats
Free Coffee and Pancakes, Saturday
FLOUR, Leader, 49 lb bag $1.09
PURE CANE SUGAR, 10 lb bag 49c
Lifebuoy Soap,
3 bars for 17c
Lux Soap,
3 bars for 19c
N$ L rge
Fresh, Solid Radishes, 3 bunches for 9c
Seedless .Oranges, each lc
Golden Ripe Bananas, per pound 7c
Solid Head Lettuce, Large, 2 for 13c
That give your
pocketbook a
Pure Ground Beef, per lb 15c
Swift's Sliced Bacon,
lb Cello Pkg 2 for 25c
Minced Ham, per pound 15c
PORK CHOPS, per pound 15c
Bacon Ends, per pound 9 c
Longhorn Round Cheese, per lb 17c
CHEESE, Brick or c
American, 2 pound box
Free Delivery
Phone 93
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sankot ac-] mrs. J. R. Gardner went to bans- ] At th=^ ~.u^"-~ ,~"* ~ ~*~" week ~'he a~un-
companied by their daughters Betty re.g, in ~aturaay zor. a two weeK,s I iors had a great loss to their class.
and Jean of Ames were Sunday wsz[ w*m ner aaugnter Mrs. ~. ~. I D"-~an move"~ to Yinton
visitors in Des Moines. unn and family. ]He stayed until basketball season
Glenn Kepler returned Sunday to Mrs. Dean Clark was hostess]was over. He has gone to join his
his home in Elizabethville, Penn'a Wednesday to the Young Married parents. So in behalf of the junior
after a week's visit with his broth- Ladies afternoon club. There were I class we wish Kenny lots of luck.
er Merle Kepler and family, l four tables of bridge, w:his week in American History
daughter Patty were Sunday guests
of Mrs. Albright's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Bebee at Springville.
Mrs. Mary Bailey plans to be
gone for several weeks, leaving last
l'nursaay for a visit with friends
at Martelle, Springville and Ana-
James Howard, who has spent
several months in the I. V. lVlerrms
l~ome, went to Rocklord, Iowa, last
week for an indefinite visit with
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Holland and
Charles Engelking home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bear with
other relatives were Sunday guests
in the Russell Eldred home near
Mechanicsville at a dinner to cele-
brate the birthday of Mr. Eldred.
Mrs. LaVern Benning and daugh-
ter Roma Lee of Clarence came
today to visit for several days in
the C. R. Yocum home. Mr. Ben-
ning will join his family for the
week end.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Frink and
sons of Cedar Rapids were Sunday
sons David and Jan of Leiand are guests in the parental R. L. Frink
ws~ting several days this week with home. Friday visitors were Mr.
Mrs. Holland's parents, Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Edwin Tlusty and Mrs.
~narles Sankot. Don Johnson of Cedar Rapids.
Mr:~. L. E. Crelly visited several Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Chiverton,
days iast week witn her starer, Mrs. son George, and grandson John Me-
Amelia EsterbrooK in Davenport. Kee of Cedar Rapids had Sunday
~er niece Donna Lou came home dinner with Mrs. Chiverton's broth-
w~th her for the week end. er O. P. Wilson and Mrs. Wilson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Johnston, sons A. G. Walton of Mount Vernon.was
BoDby and Jean, Mr. and lWrs. a Tuesday v~mtor m the Wilson
~loyd Graver and lvtiss ~thel lVlaelhome"
ward Kent of Mount Vernon were
Friday evening droner guests ot
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Miss Bertha Koch accompanied
net brother Milton Koch anct fam-
ily of Mount Vernon to Grand
Mound Sunday where they visited
with Kerbs' daughter, Mrs. Norman
Reader's Digest, "Out of the Night"
by Jan Valtin. The hostess served
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Stine and
son Boyd came out from Lyons, Ill
Sunday and are staying in the Ray
Kamerling home until they are
settled in the Stine residence on
North depot street. Mason will
echau and family, continue his work with the Hawk-
L ~ ~" f ~ " nc l eye Motor Express driving a truck
awrence ~ong ot ~x oru ou - '
h hi ar ]from Cedar Rapids to Chicago.
non spent ~aturuay wx~ s p "1
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Long.] ~,T,~,
Friday guests in the Long home/ r~ -~,~r~ ,~r ~,-,
were Mrs. Robert McCoy and son[ Inru Inn,ears
Tommy of Cedar Rapids. ] lJ.~h~n Moth~'~:--
Tuesday evening dinner guests of/ OUI~II!
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Arbingast and -, -, -,
Mrs. Mayme Dorcas were Mrs. Em-
ma Smith of Coon Rapids, Mrs.
Anna Filloon of Mechanicsville, and
and Mrs. Claude Stine.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dickey, Misses
kmanda and Ethel Dickey, Mr. and
Mrs. Maurice Kohl and family and
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Burke were
Sunday dinner guests of the Glenn
Dickey family in Mount Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Warner and
sons of Davenport were Sunday
evening supper guests in the Fred
Tonne home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Tonne returned home with them
after a week end visit with rela-
Mrs. I. V. Merriss returned Friday
from a visit with relatives at Wat-
erloo and Sheffield and at Indian-
apolis, Ind and Cincinnati, Ohio
Her daughter, Mrs. Jack Schutte of
Waterloo, accompanied her on the
trip east.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moeller and
son Richard were dinner guests in
the home of her brother Richard
Tank at Walcott, Sunday to cele-
brate the first birthday of Judith
Tank. They spent the evening in
the parental Louis Moeller ho~e.
Mr. and Mrs. DeMayne Selma of
Chicago visited last Wednesday eve-
ning in the home of the latter's
father, John Miller, while stopping
overnight in the Earl Selma home
at Mount Vernon. Mr. and Mrs.
Selma were enroute from Kansas
City, taking home an adopted boy,
Jon, born Jan. 31.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bicknese of
Shell Rock, L. S. Wright of Daven-
port, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Umbden-
stock and Will Umbdenstock of
Marion were Sunday visitors in the
Mrs. B. E. Ringer home. Mrs. Bick-
nese is remaining with her mother
and Mrs. Wright, who has been in
the Ringer home for several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Graver
entertained at dinner Monday eve-
ning in honor of three birthdays,
their daughter Eleanor, Mrs. Gra-
ver's father, John Mohn, and Mrs.
Oscar 'Mohn. Other guests were
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graver and
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Graver of Ce-
dar Rapids and Oscar Mohn and
Miss Luella.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Blood, who re-
cently moved into Mrs. Wetherell's
place in the west part of town,
were given a house warming party
on Wednesday evening. Coming in
to have a picnic supper with them
were Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lang of
Norway, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Dick-
ey of Mount Vernon, Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Bridges and Mr. and Mrs.
Bill Kruse.
Mrs. John Kleineck of Oxford
Junction, Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Kolek, Mrs. Josie Barrett and Bob
Kleineck of Springville, Mrs. Anna
Pauba of Solon, Mr. and Mrs. Emil
Reyhons, Mrs. Joe Staskal and Mr.
and Mrs. Burton Kolek of Mount
Vernon were dinner guests Monday
in the F. J. Kolek home. They
were relatives who had attended
the funeral service of W. J. Fiala.
Friday visitors in the Kolek home
were Mrs. Fiala of Owasso, Mich
Willard Fiala of Charleston, W. Va
R. D. Baldridge of Vinton and Ollie
Harmon of Cedar Rapids.
Two farewell parties were given
last week for Kenneth Duncan.
Boys of the Junior class, coach Don
Menning and Mr. Sorenson gave
him a surprise at the Lloyd Graver
home on Thursday evening. At the
Dr. Bigger home on Friday evening
Miss Ethel Mac was hostess to a
group of fourteen. Kenneth left
Sunday to join his mother, Mrs. D.
H. Johnston in Vinton where the~
family moved the first of October.
A member of the basketball team,
Kenneth remained to be in school
here until the close of the season.
He was staying in the Graver
Guests in the Bert Siver home
from Friday until Tuesday were
John McConnell and daughters
:Norma Jane and Ethel Mac, Bobby
Overman and Ralph Siver of Cen-
turia, Wis. Betty and Ray Over-
man, who live with their grandpar-
ents, enjoyed this first visit in five
years with their brother Bobby,
who makes his home with his uncle
Mr. McConnell. Joining the group
for Sunday were relatives from Ce-
dar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Mild Vig
and son David, Mr. and Mrs. Orley
Workman and Mr. and Mrs. U. B.
Rogers and children Ann Louise
and Ray Burton.
(A series of fifteen sketches
refleetin~g Lisbon Metl~odLsm's
One Hundred Years will bc
presented in this column; "ex-
eerpt~" from "100 Years of
Metho~iism in Lisbon" as writ-
ten by I{ev. ~Vm. D. Bostrom.)
The early pioneers in this com-
munity were inherently a musical
people, for tbrough they had no
musical instruments in the House
of Worship and few possessed hymn
books, these deficiencies were made
up in enthusiasm and ardor with
which they sang the hymns.
'['he hymns were read out by the
minister two lines at a time. This
custom of "lining out" hymns was
followed down into the "70's"
when in the recollection of A. M.
Vloyd, not only the ministers, but
the lay-leaders as well, as they
knelt in prayer meeting, chose and
led the songs which fitted their in-
dividual religious experiences and
The "new" Methodist Hymnal,
puhlished in 1841, which is in the
possession of the Harlan Briggs
family, was undoubtedly used by
the IAsbon congregation in the
early days. It starts with "O For
A Thousand Tongues to Sing My
Great Redeemer's Praise," and
contains ~t total of six hundred
ninety-seven hymns, which were
printed in very small letters, with-
out music, in a book whose leather-
bound cover measures only two
inches by three and a half inches
in size.
In the "Old Church" (built in
1868), the Volunteer Choir sat on
one side of the front of the church,
while the "Amen Corner" was on
the other side. During the '70's
Miss Mary Littlefield played the
reed organ and the Methodist
Church was assisted by singers
from the Reformed church which
held services in the M'ethodist
church every two weeks.
One of the earliest musical pro-
grams was directed by C. E. Les-
lie, co-author of "The Conqueror"
anthem collection. He came from
Chicago, organized a singing school
for which a fee of one dollar was
charged. The climax of the course
was a sacred concert given in the
Methodist church.
Early names in the music of the
church were Miss Ida Floyd, N[r.
John Wctherall. During tbe '"80's"
Miss Nellie Fisher and Miss Add
Barnes were organists.
(This account of the music in
the early days is through the court-
esy of Mrs. G. L. Hill.)
Rev. Gaylard S. Hamilton, Pastor
S. S. Teachers' Prayer meeting at
9:15 a.m.
Sunday school 9:30 a.m.
Morning Worship 10"30 a.m.
Young Peoples meeting at 6:30.
Y. P. Prayer Service 7:15 pan.
Monday Bible Study Class on
Monday at 8 p.m.
Thursday Bible Study and Prayer
Service at 7:30 p.m.
Rev. L. J. Enzler, Pastor
Friday, March 7--First Friday of
the month. Confessions before Mass.
Friday, 7:30 p.m. "Way of The
Cross" and Benediction.
Saturday, 9:00 a.m Children's
Mass followed by religiou~instruc-
tion in preparation for the'Sacra-
ment of Confirmation.
Weekday Mass at 7:30.
Sunday Masses at 7:30 and 9:30.
Sunday evening Devotion at 7:30
~.m. Rosary, Sermon and Benedic-
Rev. Wm. D. Bostrom, Minister
Sunday school at 9:30 a.m.
Especially inviting youth.
Morning worship 10:30 aan.
Epworth League at 6:30 p.m.
Marjorie Duhme, Teacher
We were very sorry to lose two
people, Clair and Arlo Whitman.
They are now attending Standing
Rock School.
Miss Duhme has brought us sev-
eral books about the Dutch child-
ren. She is now reading "The
Dutch Twins" to us.
The third and sixth hygiene class-
es made health posters.
Marie Boxa and Carl Farris made
attractive March calendars.
Miss Dorothy Duhme was a visit-
or on Monday and Tuesday.
Coon Creek
Mrs. Forrest Huey
Dr .and Mrs. Elmer Pratt and
two daughters came from Des
Moines Thursday evening to the
home of Mr and Mrs Charles John-
ston. Dr. Pratt returned to Des
Moines on Friday and left on Sat-
urday for camp in Louisiana. Mrs.
Mrs. Pratt and children expect to
I remain with her parents for a
: while.
I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ehresman
~of Lisbon spent several days last
week at the C. C. Kerslake home
where they assisted with butcher-
Shirley and Betty Hansen, daugh-
ters of Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Han-
sen of Morley spent Friday with
honored by the accompaniment of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Katie. Harry with Faye. And why, Glenn Kamerling while their par-
did Maxine, Bonnie, Ralph, and Bill ents were in Cedar Rapids. In the
leave the party so early in the eve- afternoon they visited Prairie Bell
ning. Maybe they had plans of school.
their own, who knows?--Bill Y. Roy Brown was a Sunday visitor
JUNIOR INTERVIEW in the C. C. Kerslake home.
Since Kenny Duncan is moving Mrs. Robert Dolan and Mrs. For-
to Vinton, I will change the senior rest Huey attended a landscape
interview to a junior interview. He meeting at the Mitzner farm near
has attended L. H. S. three years, Plato last Thursday.
and during this time has taken bas- Forrest Huey and Bob attended
ketball, baseball, and track. Also a dinner and sales meeting of a
he has been in three operettas, seed corn company at West Liberty
Mrs. Margaret Woods
Miss Dorothy Connell of Tipton,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Foraker and
Patricia, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Oak-
es, Albert Gaulcher of Iowa City;
Mrs. Kate Anderson and Jim Con-
nell were Sunday dinner guests at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. L.
Connell in honor of Miss Phyllis'
birthday. She received many lovely
Miss Lillian Laing was a week
end guest of Dorothy Reynolds of
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woods and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Pavelka and
family, and Miss Charlotte Pavelka
were Friday evening callers on
Herman. He is resting as comfort-
ably as possible after his accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe W. Jilovec and'
family were Sunday visitors at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. A1 Pisarik.
Miss Dorothy Connell of Tipton
was a week end guest at the home
of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. L.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Laing, Joe Pit-
lik, Harold Burge and B. L. Con-
nell helped Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Kel-
ler move to Tipton Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. V. D. Keller and
Darrell were Friday evening guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. F.
Kenny's subjects are English II1,
Biology, Agriculture, and History,
Agriculture being his favorite. In
the junior play, "'China Boy," Ken-
ny played the part of Bill. His hob-
by is collecting bottle caps. When
asked of his future he said, "I wouk
like to attend Iowa State and take
up farming."--Maxine Leigh.
There isn't much news this week,
except that Dale and Paul have the
trailer hitch finished and that Hank
and Johnny can't get the car motor
started The rest of us have been
working on different jobs.--Robert
We are all becoming excited over
our grade school operetta, "The
Maid and the Golden Slipper," to
be given Tuesday evening, March 4.
last Thursday. ~ Laing
A son was born to Mr and Mrs " r " "
". - " I A fa ewell party was gzven zn
~ooer~ umr, r eo z~ r~e has oeen
/honor of Darrell Keller at Pleasant
named Keith Allen
. t Hfll school. Ice cream and cake
Mr. and Mrs. Maumce Johnston~ .~
and daughters of Tipton were Sat-]~Mr~='~=uT". (~ U r] ~in
urday guests of Mr and Mrs Chas ~ =--~" -
"~ ner for a number of people, helping
Johnston. ~ [Mrs. Kate Anderson and Jim Con-
Mr and Mrs. rorrest Huey were,
m : I nell move Saturday to the Dr. Wolfe
uesaay vmtmrs m ~eaar napms, farm near Ivanhoe.
----- Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Bridges and
Martins Creek family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Woods
and family, and Perry Woods were
Mrs. Agnes Marak
Sunday callers in the Marak home
were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marak and
son of Swisher, Mr. and Mrs. Rom-
an Marak of Solon, Miss Janice
Larson, Robert Wild and Charles
Wilde of Cedar Rapids.
Mr. and Mrs. Mabe Aler, Mrs.
Carrie Miles of Waubeek; Mr. and
Sunday evening callers at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. John Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Dvorak and
daughter Arlene and Miss Lenore
Dvorak of Cedar Rapids were
Thursday evening callers at the
home of Leo Woods.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Noska, Doro-
thy and Bobby were Sunday eve-
Our spellers attaining a perfect Mrs. Ed Aler of Central City call-
score on Friday were Gerald Bradd, ]
Evelyn Burrows, Margaret Davis, ed Sunday on Mrs. Leo Aler who
Chas. is ill in the home of her mother,
Martin Davis, Everett Graver,
Nosley, Margaret Ann Reyhons, Phil l
Sailor, Louise Carney, Carolyn
Frink, Janice Hotz, Johann Nesley,
Harlene Robertson, Billy Sailor and
John Smith.
We are making plans for an In-
dian Exhibit in third grade and a
newspaper in Fourth Grade.
We have made some original
~oems concerning safety rules. Here
are a few of the best ones:
"Whenever I run out to play,
I watch the stop-lights every way."
--Harlene Robertson.
"When a car comes speeding past,
I'm out of the way very fast."
--Billy Sailor.
February 27th the Lisbon Junior
High girls played the Clarence girls
We lost by a score of 31 to 5.
Since six weeks tests are over we
are all quite happy.
Some more song titles are:
Laurence Gouchee--"There'll Be
Some Changes Made."
Ruth Flockhart--"So You're The
Mrs. Agnes Marak.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lehr visit-
ed with the latter's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. L. Ketterman of Marion on
Miss Betty and Annabelle Oxley
of Marion spent the week end with
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harri-
son Oxley.
Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Oxley had
as their Sunday dinner guests Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Secrist and ~amily
of Springville, Mr. and Mrs. Jay
Stookey, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Feigh,
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Secrist and fam-
ily of Marion and Mr. and Mrs.
Noel Jamison and Benny of Mount
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Scott were
Cedar Rapids callers last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Lehr call-
ed on Mr. and Mrs. Marion Jami-
son Sunday.
Mrs. Ray Bolton
One" George House received the word
Eleanor Bri~gs---"Some Day My]Saturday of the death of his cous-
Prince Will Come' (Elmer) in, Ella Kindly in Belle Plame.
SOPHOMORE SCRIBBLES Ralph Stewart was a Thursday
We haven't been assigned articles caller at Ray Boltons. .
in the "Weekl- News Review" so~ mrs. t~eorge xeismy is stih con-
the "Big Three" haven't had' the Ifined to her bed and not getting
along very gooa
privilege to give a report, i '
In geometry we do not know
whether we are all here when we
state the statement, converse, op-
posite and the opposite of the con-
verse. It is really funny until it
comes your turn to do it.
Now for some gossip:
Why does everyone laugh at
Charlotte and DeVere in study hall.
(Why don't you give us some, De-
Norman must think it is fun to
annoy the girls. Wilma got disgust-
ed and showed him what she
Maxine received one of those nice
letters again We wonder who
from? (Maybe from Illinois).
We wonder if we would recognize
Bonnie and Stanley if they weren't
giggling in English class.
Signing off until next week--W.
B. and M. H.
The Council of the Town of Lis-
bon, Ltnn County, Iowa, will meet
on the 31st day of March 1941 at
7:30 p.m. in the Council Room
at which time and place interest-
ed persons will be heard for or
against the appropriation of the
Consolidated Tax which hae been
levied in accordance with Section
6217 of the Code, which amount
is $5,100.00 together with estimat-
ed receipts from other sources of
It is proposed to appropriate
said Consolidated Tax in the fol-
lowing ratio.
General Fund $2,750.00
Town Improvement Fund 900.00
Grading Fund 200.00
Light Fund 900.00
Sewer Fund 150.00
Mr. and Mrs. Jens Jepsen spent
Sunday with Walter Larsens near
Central City.
Mrs. Chas. E. Clark spent Thurs-
day with Ray Bolton's.
Wanita Cook spent the past week
with Mr. and Mrs. Ray BoRon.
Mrs. Effie McShane had received
25 cards Saturday in honor of her
birthday at a card shower.
Harl Gibson and Betty Sue Mc-
!Shane are on the sick list.
Floyd McShane spent the week
end in Chicago with some young
men from Springville.
Some of the children who start-
ed to Kindergarten at Springville
from near Paralta this week are
Barbara Campbell, Dick Neilsen,
Marilyn McShane, Harwood Rose
and Dick Murray.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McShane
:spent Friday evening with Mrs.
Effie McShane and boys.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie White spent
Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Effie
Total $4,900.00
Other funds of the municipality
will be expended for the purposes
set out in the budget previously
3-6-41 Clerk
No. 16026
State of Iowa, Linn County, ss.
In the District Court.
To all whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that on
the 14th day of March A.D 1941
at 9 o'clock a.m an instrument
purporting to be the La~st Will and
Testament of Mary Cameron late
of said county, deceased, will come
on for hearing before the District l
Court for the proof and admission
of same to probate,
Dated, Cedar Rapids, Iowa,
March 5, 1941.
Clerk District Court
Gee. D. Sailor, Attorney. ~ar.6
Lucllle Russell, Teacher
We are getting out of school at
4 o'clock now instead of 3:30, as
we have been doing during Jan-
uary and February.
Mr. Shupp, our county superin-
ning callers at the home of Mr. and]
Mrs. A. F. Laing.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Laing, Jean
and Darrell were Wednesday eve-
ning callers at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. A1 Reynolds in Lisbon.
Lisbon, Iowa
Real Estate and Insurance
Farms for Sale
Houses for Sale or Rent
Office Phone--146
Lisbon, Iowa
Came in on
gent!e [
this week
Ladies snzes,
$1.00. Girls
These with
merchandise will
New curtain
curtains are also
play. Right
and build
house cleaning.
It's Easier to
days. Prices are
Diamond C
24Vz lbs
Diamond C
49 ibs
Omar Wonder
24 lbs
Omar Wonder
49 lbs
Catsup, 14 oz
Tobasco Flavor
14 ozs.
Whole Peeled
2 can
Sliced or s
3 Cakes Lux
3 Cakes Life
Bartlett Pears,
quarters, 2
Royal Cake
lb bag
Spry Shortening,
3 lb can
Am. Beauty
1 lb can
Cherries, Red
No. 2 can
Nut Filled
Bunte Fancy
Bunte CinnamO
Bunte Crystal
10 for
Bunte Milky
Spanish Salted
No. 1 Roasted
At the Rear of the Petersen Implement Co.
100 lbs Rural
2 lb Box Liber
Jonothan Appl
Celery, Lettuce,
New Cabbage,
Sweet Potatoes,
5 lb Corn
lbs Brite
Fancy OysterS,
This sale is on the order of a grand clean-up after March 1st moving
some dandy furniture of most every description. Also some fine garden
etc. Automobiles, trailers, etc. This is property of different
Included is some of the large offering, now be on hand early for 1 o'clock is
11 new steel cow stanchions, only used a short time, take what you want.
tor refrigerator, 1 bed complete, dresser, desk telephone, cot, lounge,
chairs, lawn mower, 7 gallons of Linseed oil, 16 gallons of Creosote,
lath, several rolls of new corn cribbing, a lot of shop tools of every kind, a
able ice house, a lot of nearly new gas barrels 50s, 20s, 15s and 10s;
den plow for 1 horse; 2 cow cream separator like new, a lot of kitchen ware
wicker porch furniture; lard press, sausage grinder, rocking chair, iron
almost new Voss washing machine, 2 portable drain tubs; Coolerator ice bo ,
size; Iron bed, springs, mattress; dresser; library table and chairs.
Solid Oak breakfast set, drop leaf table and 4 chairs; 2 fine radios in A 1
Voss electric washing machine copper tub; ice box; 6 hole Excelsior
range in perfect condition, here is a dandy; Coleman gas lamp; sausage
lot of fine dishes; beadstead and set of triple coil springs; gas iron; a lot
spades, forks and farm tools.
SPECIAL--Hamilton player piano, bench and music rolls included, this is It
Some nice bright baled straw has been promised by 2 or 3 parties
never was scarcer and l?arder to find. 8 bushels of strictly choice clover
about medium Red and Alsyke mixed, a wonderful mixture.
Bring your things in early so they can be listed and tagged. Nothing
cepted after 12 o'clock. This means YOU.
tendent, was a visitor last Thursday~
Charles Hubler, one of the 6tff I940 Ford Coupe with only "8187 miles registered, this little car has seat
grade pupils moved away last Fri- defrosters and was owned by a sehool teacher, who is now deceased. This
grand buy for some young fellow. This ear is just nicely broken in.
1930 Model A Ford four door, the upholstering is fine, the rubber is good
runs like a watch, here will be some cheap transportation for some one.
2 good Swo-wheel trailers, there will be a few pieces of machinery, we
for much. Set of Rotary Hoes for 2 bottom tractor plow.
W. E. Challis, Auct Phone 130, Lisbon W.B. Bennett Clerk and Listing
day. He will start to Brush College
school, south of Lisbon.
1st and 2nd grades made pictures
in Language class of the wind blow-
ing the March lion's hat away.
Mr. Yeisley has placed signs of
the school election, Monday, March
10, from 3 o'clock to 5:00.
Mrs. Orva-1 ~ohl a~ daughters
Phyllis and Carol and Emery Kohl
of Cedar Rapids were Friday visit-I
ors in the J. S. Kohl home.