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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 9, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 9, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March 9, 1939 THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAWKEYE-RECORD AND THE LISBON HERALD Page Three _ Louis Gamble of Mechanicsvillel Miss Thressa Belknap went to] ........................ I Debaters To Argue f Mr. and Mrs. George Erbes Frank Persons Is Named V~RMflM I filial ~l~II~ ent last Thursday evening visit- I Chicago, II1., on Monday. i Cornell News Notes A÷ ¢~,~a ]Return From Florida Trip ~iAssistant To CCC Director VLSlUI~I¢I]I l.I b/lib PIIIII ing Mr anct lvirs. Homer r.merson. 1 Mr and Mrs Verne Jaynes wereI z~xv ,,..~,~ I -- • •. _ Mms Carrie Pae of Mohne IllI business visitors m Chicago Ill, Two Cornell debate teams will] Mr. and Mrs George Erbes, and j Thp fnlha,*rinc* if~,~ ~k,~,,t l:r ......... ;.*;**;o;,*;**;o:,.: o*z**;,*z.*,* was a visitor last Saturday after-lover the week end. ! Announce Speakers For journey to Coe thin coming Friday, [ !he la!ters father J, M. Huber of Frank Persons, Cornell, 1900, taken McGaw has been r,~ , ~#. ...n a~ ~, c+; .....i noon in the W C Moffitt home. Rev C F Stratton occupied the • . March 10, to participate in the Mid- waveriy, reeurnea last weeK from!from "Ha Da s" ublicatio~ home for ...... ! ................ enn ..... s .... " • [ ' ' • " " church for Vocational Conference I I a delightful motor trip through the thPPY" Y' p ~ of two weeks i West Branch were visitors Satur Mrs Emma Plattenberger was a]pulplt in the Coggon . ~ i west Conference Debate Tourna-I ............... ~ e CCC, has been sent to thin .~ old , day m the home of the c . ! " litter's visitor Sunday in the home of Mr. their regular Sunday services. ! Dr. A. H. l;:dgeli'tvOniltvo:~$.tiwli:l ment Friday afternoon and all day es~al~iishedeai 2re:22n~arm~Sla w:r~ n:rTl~plaper by a New York sub- .a Worrell was a guest parents Mr. and Mrs Frank War- and Mrs Charles Meeks in Spring- Mr and Mrs Morland Colony of I d rector at the t,n v y :- Saturday Debating affirmative for ] .... :~, ..... :..~ ~..~ ~ .... "' : • , . 111~11 lllL~'l~tlll ~lUt2 t[l ~ were ,, ~ . ~gY Hughes in Cedar !son. iVille. I near Iowa City were callers Sun-Iconsin. and Miss Mary Daffy, chair-l-Cornell will be lrrederiek Ambrose I ma¢t~ from thPr~ T4,ah~.~ .... ,th! . W. F~ank Persons. who since ~h: we:kelldreturned andMls'oanBdillMiirSofCla~tencRB°h~awndrer MoE:rlt Ceirm2::tel~nangeerx:hfa:h:[daM:: th:bMa~SL:dlahy:Sh:eP:Ocomne., n:a?mO:si:heofe~lheg~ h:::ti:::n1 ci}dlMi:XMigl~: ~lla~SkeAll:p thde ~aSoul~io~nt~m;~e/ionWir'~a'r-(rav~e! ~JYSar:~dl • r~Ct~l(e°[ !!i Y evening from Iowa J ~'uests Sunda-, ~-- *~-- ~- .... . ..__ [ is taking a one week vacation this] fined to her bed this week. She has ~ selected to lead the meetings at the ] negative team [ cennes Ind enroute south but I ......... : " gl she ~ .y ill Lllt? ll~'llllq~ U'l- J'V'L[~. • • ( , " ' ", , illS position anti Will oecome a spe- ..~ spent last week at Bohlander's mother, Mrs. J. E. Iweek" I had a bad cold and throat infection. !h,gh school confe, ence to be hehl [ ..... --7 ::.~-~ -~_. from there they followed h,ghway cial assistant to CCC Director Rob- -uu nome. Beach Robert Hartenberger attended a ] Miss Jean Lollich teacher in the I on the campus Saturday March lS, [ ISlect _New A W.~ Off:leers No. 41 the remainder of the dis- ert Fechner about Ma 1 ,thy Yates of Lime' ~,~ t,,,, n .............. ]meeting of hosiery salesmen in t Ward school spent the vacation[as a continuation of the traditional [ ....... .~" . o tance. "'From the' be~innino Yf the CCC a guest W ~ ........~" "~-'*'-~- °~'~"~ ~"~ " " " first of the • • , . . . ~ qne A.w.~. has e~ected tne rot- , o . o - --. ednesday and w^-, .......... I Minneapolis, Minn., the last week at her home in Clinton. L Grex Day i, est~wt~cs. In the mm n- I ........ [ Among the many places they ws- Mr Persons has directed the selec- ts. the. home of her !bTo~-lerU~oat ~nemn°m~ea°I. her[week. Miss Margaret Walker, teacher in ing Dr. Edgerton will address the ]low~!lg g~rm as on~('ers for tne lded were: Mmml; Ft. Meyers, tion of all CCC Junior enrollees ~w ann starerMr and ~r, ~n,~ ~ r~.~;"~;.".'~'~f~'~,.~'~=l Mr and Mrs Ralph Hart were] the Ward school spent the vaca- men and Miss Daily the women and coming year. lmrotny t:ourson, wnere mey saw the e, aison and the and has been the Department of ~usenoark ! ................. ~ o~c,~,a~a ,umc. I " '" " " n- "in the home of Mr ..... ' ..... t her home I " . ..... I president" Mary Louise Wurster Ford homes; and West Palm Beach. ~_~, ," i She left Monday morning for Man- visitors ~u any . "l tmn perloo las~ wee,~ a ,,'ill he avauame (or eomerenee ,. .... ~. . , .............. : Labor representahve on Mr. Feeh- =cmey wno Spent the chester ! and Mrs A M Christensen near l in Miles I~...~.~o. ,~... ,,~ v I wce-prcsment JU ie lsaltey, socml xney arove tne ~amlaml ~rau mru ner's advisory council • , .... - • • ,~,,-,.~, ........ of the da~. . . . ~.oliet, Ill.,_ returned to .......... |Alburnett. | Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fisher re-] "Iolanthe" ]cha,rman: Helen MeKendry, score- Everglades. At .Lake Wales, they "When the CCC was formed in w~.~on Monday after- ! ~. t.nar.ies ,~av}agereturnecl to nls I Laurence McKay returned home[ turned Monday afternoon from ......... I tary: and Helen Isaacs, treasure,'. ] V~Sl~Cl tne t~ox ~ngmg. rower; the spring of 1933, Mr. Persons was ~- ue at the Mr. and i ,,-,;m ~n ~.mana, l~e~r., last. we.eK ] Monday afternoon from Cedar Falls[ Davenport where they spent the I High SChOOl guests Wln atteno IThe women faculty member• and ] a L ~cola. enjoyed, a rlcle in . the given the job of organizing the ~napman home. i ~..n~, IOliOwlng a tew ~aysvlmt w~th[ where he spent the week end visit-] week end visiting relatives. [the meetings in the morning and be all Corncll women will be invited gms.s oottomea .?oats at ~nver state relief agencies into a CCC- .m returned home Fri-!w~thm~:eri .~trs" ~'- ~" ~elo andling with friends I Mr and Mrs Chester Bolton of[guests at a special performance of to the ioiut inaugural tea of the s~prmgs" wn, ere mey were aoie to enrollee selecting unit. The speed ~.Orvallis Or ster,Mrs. watson G . . • • . . " ' ' e oown elgnty zeet In me water, . • • ,~.. . , egon, where Ke,qer "1 Richard Moffitt of Clinton visit- [ Tinton spent several days this week [ "lolanthe m the afternoon, q he I A.W.S. and W.A.A. hehl at 3"30 I ~ .... n...,+ ........ ~- *~--v ~ ..... ,_aat which men were selected during ~vera). weeks at the Gee. i ~ " [ ed from Thursday until Sunday in I at~the home of Mrs. Bolton's par-[ remainder of the program ,,'ill con- [ p.,,,, on Wednesday. "at Armstrong I ~aor~ -~'~"'*'~"~"~ ~=~* "'~'.~:.~ i the first three months of the corps ~- vernon Burge, who [ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Watson pass- [ the home of his parents, Mr. and [ents Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gamble. [mist of a banquet, tours of the cam- [ Hall " I tino~" -~:~ --,~,~:~,~,~ ~. ~s~ [ evidenced the effectiveness of this :.~on w~th him, is re-led their 52nd wedding anniversary Mrs. W. C. Moffitt ~:~ R~v Youn~ soent last Fri- pus and attendance at a dance in ~ t bee~a travel'ed-~i'~;;'~Th~'~Cai',',~'::l°rganizati°n" ~'~,~.- on Wednesday. The,occasion willI Mr and Mrs A F. Hunter were1 da'y"i'n -~h~aterloo attending an ex-[the' evening. ] Paul Engle To Appear Here ] week when -they'left for'~t'h'e'sout'hs' "Specific duties which Mr. Per- ,ue cemorateo a little later lv~rs " " " • " sons will assume in Director Fech ~,_. ~olma, of Cedar Rap-! .............. • [guests at a party at the home Of lecutive board meeting of the We-! Committees / . ---- ] ........ " " - mer of Mr an-~ *- i watson sam wnen me weamer con ......... • in Merle--' -- *-. ..... Ooeiet-. eel ' I Accoroing to Prof (~ yde Tull / ' ner's office nave not been announc ~._ . u mrs. Les- ~--- ' , _, t Mr. ano mrs. ~uy ~usun y i man's ~ome l¥11SSlOnary o y I . I " ' t ,, .... i , - ~Y, submitted to an op- umons are more iavoraole. ]last Friday evening, the Methodist church. Student committees who are|Paul I,:ngle, eminent young poet,/!vlount Vernon Loeals l ed%.Sor has Mr: Persons successor kBt'Lukes hospital, Ce- Lloyd El.lison will arrive at the [ Mrs. Ada Stewart of Wyoming is [ Mrs. Mike Novak is visiting her ]working on the con[erence are a.S(will, speak at ('ornell on Thursday. / . -_ __ as uepartmen)o~ t,a~or represema. o, ~vtonday mor home of his arents Mr and M follo~s invitation ~athleen wu Apm )7 on the s i((t IoCt v ~nd l eo Kthhan ~as kept he ne on uve on the ~uu aavlsory counen 8elm - . . ning i . P , . rs. spending a few weeks as the guest daughter Mildred Jones Atherton '": .... ~ - " '" :"' ..... - : ~ ." ~ ' "'" " i , --. a ~s visitingher l H. G. Elhson this week end from of Mrs Frances Bickle at the Mrs ]~..n ¢~milv in Los Angeles Calif son John Granger, chuirmen, l, red Modern Life." [ F rl(l'ly afternoon and Saturday been named• mrs. i Iowa State Teachers college C'o I~n~.. ~ ..... r,,,,~,~' "[~ f~^"..', .~.:~ ~h,~ ~h~n~%~r'nn ~h~[I ei~h ('harles W~tr(lm J~net Lou [ • ~ .......... r,h..,:~ with a .bad cold Paul Mallon Washington eorre- ~lene Lindse ........ oar ealls, where he has been en-I ,,~....-..: :'~-~-~--"-h snent last lChicaao North Western railroad. ~Smith' men's dinner corr mittee, lit .~ erton Col ~,~e ~he "e l"l \Vein [ Mrs. T. I. Mitchell was call(d to sponoent had the following to say unhl Tuesd ...... ~mirolled since September He willI ..... t~ ,,i¢iiina her hrnthor in law] . . . Howard Johnson I m I)aly chat '- ~ iller is tt ,wesent fi~st x, np • ...... /[imvers ty Park last "'h~ "sd tv about Mr. Person s change m pos~- ~r parents, Mr and ** e} his father on the farm this [and sister Mr and Mrs. Charles[ Dr. L. H. Schwarte o~ ~messpe~.. [men, Jnhn Wherry, Gleb l:edorin, ]for his American Son~ and late,, [m°rnmg hy the illness of her tmn m h~s column last week. ~dsey Mioo ~:'-~ ,,xrs. i spring and summer The winter]~; ~. ',-.~..~.. o~..~no I last Thursuay at toe nonce o* a*xx;i ,~.,,.t. ~,qi, ~,C',d)nt Woh rd)e I, ........ • .... ' .~ . S " ]daughte ', M "s. Rruee :Mullen "Another old-hmer has tip-toed • oo ~mnsey at ter " uaole in .~=~,a. ....~...o. Turner ann atten~ea ,, .a,,K ...... ~--, ,- - , .... ~CC,,Ht a inenlDer oi (De YCllO ,'%er- " : State Tea - m ended at the college March ' and Mrs. Fred • Mrs Ma'e ('larl" loc'H s out of the labor department W :~ ..... chers college !2 but ~,,,,n ................... I Mr and Mrs Nick Schueller of I,~.. ¢ ...... 1 services for Mrs Tar-IBoh Osburn; housing comndttee, ],s ef Young Poets. ] ." '" "' y ,. , po. t- ~,_~t~ v .................... ' ....' ~all~ an . . , ~-~.,Jj~.a ~u~tjt=u d w~l~ lUllabY . " . " tll~ tu~a~x~* " • FnlsIross has |)co ( e * , ~. ~t,~a~, x~zoullo, ~tll~Cuul ul tll~ ull- tVs v ..... ct was enjoying]to work in the coll--~ h...t. ~,^.. [Sprlngvltle spent Wednesday eve-[ner's brother J. C. Smyth, in the] l.aur(ss Ackman, Mary Hubba, d, I ~ |, , - : n .1 ta, ined at hc~ emnlovment serviro and t .... s..~iu'~tl°n between the [ to help out durin,~ "-I~ool~V:%~,~-'''-~ I ning of last week at the home of ] afternoon ' ] chai,'men (:orrine an,lersou, Jean- / Elect Dormitory Officers /,~o..? ..y a na~-(~ ecru mnce ,Ori,.ty. ferred- to the CCC~' H-e'~wil'l'-n'oi p ng terms s wt~2**L el • ' .~]o 1s Inlprovlng" an(l muy be "D)le " . . . RM?:"*'" ° ° l ° l ° °" ° ..... LOANS°• " ,-', : :.. I 4!i ii: is[it''ley I} iii!itf!iiil i!ihilSi)iiiill ai!lom"ner nus an wn ...... -| Jam s ~yre" i. .... ' • ' ] " '" ' " .... " ' " " '1 " ' ' ' " ' :"":/! "our' ' ' ': : plans, they' '" || " elp t" solve' ' " " l"||- -*i'-| Dr Nicholas Kniaht who was [ " - .... [ ..... ,..~f h~, '.'d Jcan lleaueha,np as A.W.S. ,'ep- l,:l ~s Shoemal, e. suffere. , I I ..... • nee Chamoers o, pr,,nc. ............. e of the • 1 very I N S U R A N C E ~rl_, | | , ~-*~I/confined to his home by illness for/ Miss Flore ............ h°meI ....... ~, .... resented in the ex re:entahve,s Jo Beadle as Social ]severe heart attack Sunday morn-: • . .. ton spent me week e.u .~ t.e ~,,,, u.'~.s~." ." ,- . . - . . |r~|~ i[~_.~l~, ._ _l_._ ,t~[several weeks, was able to greet/ ............. T R] ........ ~ o.~ ........ ~;han-n,an, and Cather ne I)~lek as ling about one o'clock and has /)een | Fire and Wind.~torm | ~" ~i||1~ |~ ~ " • on a oI ner parents, mr. n.u ,,.-~. . . nm~uon or Amemc ............ ,. ..... ~ eonfin( ' ' -'- "'" dlW~VS |n .7..]errands on Main street on M d Y'/................ isI .............. ]Secret'~ry-t.'easurer. [~ .'d to his t)~d since. Italph!| ....... | "osit:-- " " ~ ti]RMr t:nwdeMrg/ayBea LO:eCeda ] 2s r sS im iUSi l'}r'*kMrm i !:i:th SIT IS t'o::;:ykt o ol:e' ]:,t ,:thet l c.ue[ HealthU::TA;':ident I ~- ,on to mare rarm :*:/in the home of the former's broth-/Chambers is not very well. ] :n "wit;~ his' lithog:aph H':len ':] . :: - , NG PLANT/ ______ [ Life | _ .~.,/er Charles Beach and Mrs. laeacll./ " mltted to Is " "' " '~, im t;~e [ .... / - " ~ - "=°[ Mrs ~Xrilliam Lamale of Ada / C. N. Warren, who sub " [ wh ch he (lid in (?hicago l ~" ff , "Fhc food ('lass ofthe home eco- | Primitiv~ Amphibian'a Traek~ ! O ~,r ~rI~t~r~trtar~ | • -*" ' " ' " n at Webster Grove • .q • " " On • farm lu Ohio there a /D. l~i, l¥1][~l%]~l I 1 ~l~t~ r~l[~l~ ~-" ,, ~1¢ .. I ~. tl .............. ~$~|Nhi .... ivod .qundav_ evening., and/an operatic _ , [summe~ of 1.36. Inomws. department, . made a tom'] w S re- . . ~l~Ig; L_{~l~ns ~ ;.*;he o2~..n~.,. ~h, ..... ek visitina in/Me, several months ago, nas gone The (xhibit which is open to of the Wilson Comnanv nackin~ cently found a slab of rock showing | Office in Bauman Bldg ! .*~.[~,,~,~'~% l~:rmot~her Mrs Jessie [to Galva, Ill., to be with his daugn- / ~,ainte,'s sculptors and graphic i ..... : .... ~ ..... ~.~,,~ o[...'~...... ,~ [ tracks of • prholtlve amphibian with I lot. .............. -~k, | ~LII,.__.. _ ~: |~u,.~Zs." ..... [ter, Miss. Helen Warren,. who m a ]:'~rtists, is nation-whle, and a repre-IsP,~,a.(';,u, 't'lhe"~'~'e~,a't "~'~"P'~'~'~'~"~"~"s: :~1 four toes on the front feet, five toes |tnone~. u.c. o,), ,tcS. t ouJ | ttldCiiVe i,*i ~ .... teacher In the Galva scnools lie sentatmn from 48 states will he dm ,~-- . ........ ~; t, ......... on the hind feet and a draggln Mount Vernon, Iowa terms ..... [ Miss Maude Singer returned| ....... satisfactoril" I ' " ' ¢ '' • "' r "-]mode'n plants Those in the tourl ' g I I • • ~ is recovering very .,, • - • '" tall a :i'./home Sunday evening from Cedar/~.n ~ nhl~ to ~o for rides in the]played m the Contempo, ary Arts were: l.aVonne Alhright. Martha " "" • :~:/Rapids where she spent last week[ ........... I Buihling which is situated ca Rain- B"r*lett Geraldine Cook Jun~ [ : ...... ca . . . , , .... • ¼,]visiting her friend Miss Clarlce] .......... r tbow Avenue w,th ,ts entrance fac-tGanson F'lizabeth Hansen Ther-I|l .... ",.... M : [___. _ |, ~. **$: [James. / Joyce Ann r~nle, Bowling Green. lesa Hut)hard Mary Gall Hull Er-[I 1' I' 1' . 1 ~ 1 _. I ~,: nsUll OHr ~b~l~*~e~ I/ Mr. and Mrs. Bert Hartenberge / ............... for infectionl Mr. Henderson has been rep~e-/ma IAncoln Louise M(.Colm, Mar-t~ ~'~([~ Ht'~ll~ ~d P~]l'll*ll'll~ 1 ~Y~..~ "-" ~"~'|~• :_~:/and daughter Marilyn of Cedar[mn.~eo to a~)~y~,~-~.., t.., ..... it,,!~ented in displays in Detroit Chi-/ ...... Ot~ 'Helen Peet IaVerne[1 A ~v~ ,~ ,1,,~**~.~,~,., ~,.~a~ ,~ '~t~,~,.~,~ ]l~ • ~,~| i~i{Raplds were visitors Sunday:ftae[d [~nospe~a~.lg~(~v~?~i~; t~a week'ago[ cage, Des Moines, Ytockford, and at {~os~vlc Phyllis Wilmarth Lois [i • • t~ el/e • • i ~lll~ i~i|~io:hnn ll~or~n: ~v~r. an(] ~vx . /Tuesday was able ;o be brought]the Olympic exhibitiou in Berlin alslessor, HazelMiller, JeanMinnish,]~ rlou~e DUllaln~ 15 in 1 xT -- }!/thyi~atPer~ICni~larK~ele~'iStwUde~towm]h°vm: tYoeSteerda?ny ~°ren°a°~t f°Syeb~iullt f't~tY:a;:t~gr°exhThetP::~e:h°w:l~hdi~D?:~s ~tranH;l:~atP:~:t whVil:/I rfl ll O * '=: | ,;~ nut vernon Ra.,l, :t:[- e - Y...... 'in the/a month longer. ]which Mr. Henderson painted theIMrs Ninde and Margaret Keyes]l FUll Wlntr • ~01~' ----~,~J~ ~ail.~lMi ~ t,:lty was a week enn guest _~ he Chica "o Black- ". '- - ~ rl~ ~.~ o='I ................ Mrs W C / in,embers of t ' g Idlrected the excursmn. [~ .... @~ llOlllt~ U1 ll~:~l lllULll~lI " * " ES trust [ :~,|Keeler / MT. VERNON CHURCH NOT hawk hockey team, and unkno~vn ] ______ /I • ~.suut il:~U ~$~ t ~le~ there ~ete tx~o Jewish CHI MISTR~ STUDENTS TO Leav CAPITAL AN~"~- ]P Y :.$:1 Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Scarbrough| PRESBYTEr-AN CHURCH [to .t • , I /I e your order now so that you may have your I C N..o, -- ~ o SURPLUS $75,000 ;~! and daughters Marilyn and Rosalie / Joseph W Gray, Jr, Pastor [ men on the team. / .... [• buildings when vou need them. • • "-~', riteS, p.o [ • " .... ~ " ,. !). U Va~ - R, B. MeConlogate, Vice Pres ~ were guests Sunday m the home of | __.~ ] .... ] Several students from the Chem-l1 1 • t Metre, Vice Pres ~..., ,~ -- " ~0 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Stewart near/THURSDAY (Tonight) / Ferdinand From FInlano istrv Club are planning a visiting Ill ........ • J. APord,,ce .... " .... -~aSmer !~: Martelle | 8"00 Union Young Peoples group,~.. 1~.. uZ e,, t, arnival I ' ~ ' .... v" ca'ion in l• 1I you are uncertain as to your neeos---asK us Ior • • a , assiStant Cashier ~° ' ' r e ' 1o 1.~vv a~t ~ pl-ogram curing spring a : t ' . ;-~, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beers, Arat the home of Helen Bu g f ma h o s ;$~i . i~esplashes,~illlWhieh several of the biggest com-[~ groups o Y your ,.- ;,~ thur Beers and Miss Audrey Car]SUNDAY The trageay" " " ' " mereml labo~atoi~es m the Chicago m " " -- ' vED - " - - unda school ' etators Saturday night I ' "..... "-.' " ' . [1 problems We have for your convenience--Ames plans • "~ ~ ERAL D ..... ~o mer of Cedar Rapids were ~unoay[ 9:30 S Y " . _ [soak the spe " ' " I .." ........ . .... .m ' m , ~ru~IT INSU ~ hl Sermon u~str~ct ~ Ill De mspeeteo I rom ~:~,~,**~.**,., RANCE CORPORATION ,;. dinner guests in the home of Mr.[ 1045 Common wors p. , 'tMareh 11 at 8 in the pool whenI '" ' " " " .. , '... [1 and Midwest Farm Plans. - • ~--"-*-*'~'*':**-*'*-***-**'****:,-:,**•..*.e, ,-*, - .......... 1,,-,.. *"~" Vicious Enemy' I- ' ' , • ,. ,,~ IMarch 97 to 29 the',' win vmit tne Ill II ..._ - " "*"*-*'~-'** - ~**:**-***-*~,*-.*.*.,:o~*.*****~.~.~.,**.~: ~ anu Mrs. ~mlt wm~er. / '~ur ~,x~,~ ...... • .... I thewater carnival "Fer(nna,,,~ I S. ". . . . " ........ III 1 ~*--.--.-.--.-.-.-e-.-. o .-. ....... ,, a t r qn Seniorcnrls~lan r~naeavor i ............ ._., I Miner l,aooratorles, a eOllSUltlllg • • - Lmane t~rossley OI llpton calleu[ u-,*Tt ]Froln leinlun(1'' WlJl De prc~*,~uvu. " . . m ~., ~, ,, ~ , ~. i A _ -~ ~ on college friends in Mount Ver-[Socie Y. [ Large [ehen,~stry firm. Abbott Lahoratory, Ill |"q'¢'M~ ~Y'~r~lllt* ['tot~[ ~llr~]lr • ~[~]L* l~|~ l~|,~=....J --- | non on Monday. He was enroute [TUESDAY ....... ,n ,,;~,,;, t The slot which centers abo~ I the Ia pharmaceutical manufacturingI1 --'-'" --"--" "-''--" • . ~-- "-~Y~ H~t~s~ • | ,,~ Tnu,~ ~+,~ Teachers college [ 6:30 Presbyterian ~,,,,~, ~ ..... ! ~ . . .'= ~ .... Icom pany, the Sherwin and Williams ll lr~| ~1[ tr~ .I tr~ • t~ ,,- --.-~w~, ----Am I where'h,~senrolled. "~ '[supper and discussion, atthe home life of Feroinan(l tne