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March 9, 1939 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 9, 1939 |
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3~rch 9. 1939
Creek tie Bell School has been very ill l Lorraine Ciha, Wandalene Achey, ~&l~l$1" /rl" f~r **L An I Urges Care In Obtaining
with the flu and was unable to !l)arrel I.aing, Maxine Aciley, and| I EASY WAY TO ~KV~ [.1"~ ~r I.~ I Seed Samples For Tests
Jaek~Ciha teach school for two weeks• It is iT)can 1.]merson received100 in
Jack Ciha were hoped by the pupils that Miss I s!,elling Friday. . \Vhen sending samples of small
,Smith will bc able to teach by next l Those having a perfect attend- grain to the Iowa State College
guests at the Mrs. Monday• iauee and not being tardy this six Seed Laboratory for purity and
me in Mount Ver- Mrs. Charles Johnston and Rob- I weeks were: Jean l.aing, Darn'el ~erminution tests, make certain the
erta visited at the Clint Johnston]l,aing, and Charles Oler. samples submitted accurately rep-
Robert Dolan and home in Lisbon Saturday afternoon. Those on the honor roll for this
at the Charles six weeks were: Viola Clements,
Monday afternoon COON CREEK SCHOOL
Stine is ......". NOTES Bobble l.ongerheam, Wandalene
.... ~pecte(a Miss Margaret Slater. TeacherAchey, Lorraine Ciha, Charlene
eau niter spending ~ " . Pier. Maxine Achcy, Dean Emerson,
the home of her Those receiving health stars thin and Jovee Ciha. i
iDes Moines Jean month for cleanliness and neatness The new officers elected for the l
ry satisfactorily if- were: Viola Clements, Wandalenerest of the year are: President. l.or- i
itis operation Achey Lorraine Ciha Jackie Ciha, ratHe Ciha: vice president, Kenneth i
Joe Baxa Jr and l Laura' Clements Charlene Oler,Clements: secretary, I,aura Cle-:
the funeral "serv-; Maxine Achey and Joyce Ciha.
'axaos father, Joe~F The book, "Eight Cousins," was ments RMTE ------ WSMA L}nEwN
omen Thursday reviewed last Tuesday by Wanda-
. !lene Achey.
-~i~m our neighbor_ i Water proctors for this week are: "
L~t wnh the flu. Lorraine Ciha and Laura Clements. ' ~_~.~~ ,.~~
n, teacher of Prai-Coal proctor was Jackie Ciha
Those receiving 100 in spelling METHODIST C--H-~CH NOTES
Sunday school at 10 a.m. i ~,.~- .,,~__--~l [ ~• I)/~'~
were Bobble Longerbeam, Lorraine Worship service at 11 a.m. ~'~ ~/ -- ~( [ /f(g~, ~~'~
@t Removal i Ciha, Wandalene Achey, Jackie Ci- Epworth League at 7 p.m. [ ~ + ,,~IV / I [ , "~i~-)J2" ~
! all Longerbeam.;ha' Maxine Achey, and Jimmy There will be an Epworth Lea-! l ~': "~/ ] [ ~, '~ ~'~z?7" J ]
STOCK The "Little Folks" completedgue cabinet meeting Tuesday eve-~,~x x'-C-~~" I ~~ }"'! ~ff
• :~heir Mother Goose picture book- ning, March 7. i ,'~~~ I ¢)
earest Phone ets this week. Choir practice Wednesday eve-! ] ~ !
::eta ning at7 oclocck, i 1. Place platter so that the ]_eg [ ~,~k, .
,~ 4/~1 ch COON CI{EEK .'4CH()OI, NOTES Rev. and Mrs Baskerville were, bone is to the carver s right, In- I ~
l~lltl~ q[Ol~ 31arwaret Slater, Teacher visitors at Manchester Friday and ! Bert the fork firmly into the large [ -
l.ast T]lursday the school had a Saturday. Rev. Baskerville's moth-[ end of the leg and cut two or I \
psi 542 farewell picnic for Jean and Dar- er returned to her home in Man-i three length-wise slices from the [ ~~ffff~/y "~
( I ung ,,he tie ha, rag ou, . Don. He nderson...was a I 2 Turn the leg so that it rests [ LL ~ /g
OO11 800 :, ;" , , , ,. ,chester• i side nearest the carver. [ ( ( / ]
:chool. A delicious dinner was pre- me rtev t asKervme Home unoay, ^" +he surface lust cut !
ot Agrieultu,e pared. Guests of tile ,lay wereafternoon• ~ ~rL~lU~iSn,,~t"heroastfirmly'with the[ ~
NO. 1 I)orothy l,ongerbeam, ,Iunior l,]m- The Friendship class surprised/~'~,--'-~-- ......... ~,~leftend and l 3"~~ <
erson, and Carl Achey.
Miss Mary Gustafson on her b;rth-I iorK. m.~erLeu ,~v ~,~
ARY Joyce Ann Bohr entered our da last Men a Gum I begmmng at the shank end to the [ 3. With the fork still in place,
-- school on Monday. She is n sec- Y d'y .....s. es [ right, make the first slice downto [ the knife ls tollth~
NG CO. end grade. . were played and delicious refresh- )he le= bone and continue to make / leg pone to Iree the • •
-~'- • Those who received 100 in theirmerits were served by Mrs. Gus- thin slices varallel to the first / one time. The slices should be
:~, Iowa mx weeks tests were: Spelling, I.or- tafson, until aitch bone at the large end is ] about .one-fourth to three-elgn~n'~
The Official Board met at Frank / reached J of an inch thicK.
ernon 6000 ratHe Ciha and Wandalene Aehey Claverts Monday evening. Ii~~...---~-~-.~--~-~
arithmetic, \Vandalene Achey; His- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas and " - . ~ ......... 1 o'clock
tory, Wandalene Achev. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas spentt Mrs. Moore and Jane mane a trip the cHurcH scnool ano at l
Saturda in Cedar Rapids to Peoria Ill Thursday attending Rev J. B Eyes,one will give the
• y • , ., . . . ,
Miss Baker of Springville spent:to a business transactmn regardmg sermon.
the week end in the Mr. and Mrs. their property in Metamora, Ill. ¢
Charlie Darsee home Dr. Moore and Gene were dinner _JUNIOR FA~L~I,~ B~ER,~EA~U~
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert guests ot me r~ennem ~u i ........ Junior Farm
Thomas, at their home in Cedar Thursday evening• i me ~mn t~ounty
Dr Moore and Gene were guests i Bureau will present a program of
Rapids on Saturday, March 4, a • • -- - ~ ........ :-~ includin" a
son. in the M. F. Emerson Home rrmayl music rrmay evum.~, s
Mr. and Mrs Gerald Darsee andevening, i male quartette, a play, "While the
David spent Sunday afternoon with Mary Jane, Carmen, Joyce and lToast Burned," and several other
relatives in Olin Ralph Gordon were dinner guests l interesting numbers. Gerald Scott,
DRY CLEANERS Born to Mr. and Mrs Iwln Reid of Jane and Gene Moore, Monday program chairman af the Men's
209 3rd Ave. SW Dial 2-8131 on March 5 a son at Mercy hospital evening, March 6. ] Brotherhood has charge of arrange-
in Anamosa. His name is Keith The Christian Aid society was ments. There is no admission
Cedar Rapids, Iowa Allen entertained last Thursday by Mrs. ] charge. Everyone is urged to come
~~ H F Gordon of Mount Vernon Dora Holcomb and Mrs Emma and bring your frie_ rids.
~ spent several days in the Leonard •_ ........... ill,BROTHERHOOD W
I ~ " " [ Peet ] ILL
Gordon home. I The M. ~. Laoles ~m society w I
Mrs Stella Newman snont Satur Imeet Thursday afternoon• Host-!MEET ON TUESDAY
day aftern ...... ith her-dauahte~iesses will be Mrs. Myrtle Bobst, The Men's Brotherhood will hold
] )aport ~r~ Esther~Kola'l " '1 Mrs. Edna Allen and Mrs. Lillian]the regular business meeting of
Rev. and Mrs'Baskerville and iStewart. I that organization on Tuesday eve-
)S Miss Elva Hoffman. Mrs A L 'Heft-I Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Darsee call- ning in the church. Mrs. Snkey
man and Mrs C I~ Murfield'calledl ed in Anamosa Tuesday. t of Cedar Rapids will give an il-
on Mrs. Albert" B'obst and Merle Dr. Laughlin of Des Moines was llustrated lecture on Czechoslavakia.
e of a Million Auto Parts Murfield on Thursday evening a caller in town Sunday. I The public is invited to this pro-
They are both in Mercy hosnital Mrs. Clara Matheny of Cedar gram. There is no admission charge
in Anamosa ~ Rapids spent Monday in town. rand the program will begin at 8
Sl End 16th Ave. Bridge Mr and "Mrs. Harry Newman l Mr .and Mrs. Edwin Seels acrid O'CLOCK.
: Cedar Rapids, Iowa shopped in Cedar Rapids on Satur- Mrs. Donald Bunce of Anam
day. called at the Bert Clark home Sat- Carol Nebiker has been absent
~ " ~ai~ td~ha[urday ]from school for several days be-
Raymond Miller of ...... - ...... • • ~ •
m. o~.~o ~o, m*,, ,on,, ,,, ~:,;~, M,.o I Mrs Merle Murfleld has been cause of illness. -.
to 8 p.m. Open Sunday to 1 p. :=::: .... ~ .... "?'~'~# ~," ~ .... "ff*°'lsick with the flu for several days. Mr. and Mrs. George King are
wnuer ann son Jon, WHO are stay-i• ~ I now settled in their Home a~ter
ing in the J. C. McConaughy home. n--~-~_~.~_.~, several weeks spent with relatives
-I Miss Agnes May of Cedar Rap-I J~e['tE~Illl i'~ Cedar Ranids
ids spent Sunday in the Will May! Mrs. Frank Letner ~ "'Darrell Kitchen has been ill with
home. i .......... -Z-~-.~.N the flu for the past week.
Several people from Martelle at- c~:~ ~rt~ ~,~:x .~ . .......
tended the funeral services of Miss DRAMATIZES BIBLE STORIES edUie~::;a?n:t l~er~£reamo~r tC21~r
Pauline Zimmerman at Cedar Rap-4 O M Kearney of Cedar Rapids ,,~1,~ 7. T amer in Marion
ids on Monday. She was buried i whose cheif hobby is the drama--'Ralph" t3achK~an was a caller
'in the Highland cemetery. She was~tization of Bible stories and inci- Monday evening in the home of
that threatened to destro, all the
igs on a midwest farm ;Ys " .
When nei hbo __. extra
ed a ,^L , g _ rs for nnles around
"¢'epnoned fire alarm.
• arm er. noticed his feed rack in
tl eUSnlng to the telephone, he
alarm. Heln came m
Tt,. r * a few
rns ;. nre was only 12 feet from
:he te:io It was stopped.
p one had not bro
a hurr. I --- . ught help
• uiidin. ;._ sure the barns and
so vom(1 have been des
Would . troyed
nave lost ever thl "
said. y ng, the
14y put Offanv Ion e
p roteetien ....l • ", g r having the
C:et in ! elp ot a tele hone?
"-~n with th P .--
today. FiT1 t. e telepi 3ne o3/ce
teleqt .... ~ '~ now )on can have
.... .r Ior Only a few cenI a da:
a niece of Mrs. J. C. McConaughy. I dents in the lives of prominent
Willis Boots was a caller in town ' men, entertained his listeners on
Monday• Friday evening in the Methodist
Mrs. Lois Baskerville and Miss church with the story of David and
Mary Nelson and Mrs. Lenore Hoff- I "I Knew Lincoln".
man called in the Lolen RemingtonT The program opened with the
home Wednesday afternoon• , audienece singing, "Tell Me The
Prof. and Mrs. Ressler and daugh- Old, Old Story"; prayer by Rev.
ter Carole called in Anamosa Wed- j. B. Eyestone; two vocal solos,
nesday evening. "The Wedding of the Painted Doll,"
Rev. and Mrs. Baskerville called and The Good Ship Lollypop," by
in Anamosa Wednesday evening. Doris Decious; Mrs. Amos Berry
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Deicous andplayed her piano accompaniment.
Melvin and Mrs. David Myers Two piano solos, "High Ventures
shopped in Cedar Rapids Wednes-on a Hobby Horse," and "The
day. Ghost in the Chimney," were play-
Mrs. Add Rich called in the Low- ed by Gloria Kilborn; Miss Myra
ell Kohl home Friday. Jane Scott sang two solos, "Four-
Mrs. Walter Decious assisted her Leaf Clover," and "Softly and
mother Mrs. Anna Richard with Tenderly," Mrs. Berry playing her
her moving on Friday• She movedaccompaniment. An instrumental
on a farm near Lisbon• trio composed of Mrs. C. C. Berry,
Mr. and Mrs. Archie LindleYiviolin, Herman Nebiker, Sr., cornet,
called at the Jerry Blythe homeand Mrs. Amos Berry, piano played
Friday afternoon. : "The Old Rugged Cross"; Ralph
Mrs. Arthur Moenck and daugh- Bachman introduced the speaker.
ter of Anamosa spent Friday in Rev. J. B. Eyestone read the an-
the Lowell Kohl home. nouncements and gave the bene-
Mrs. Frank Calvert was hostess diction Mrs• Harry Decious and
to the M. O. B. club of Springville Mrs. Ralph Bachman leaders of
on Thursday afternoon. I Division No. 4 were in charge of
Mrs. Parnell Ferguson and son iaraangements"
spent Saturday in the Mrs. Marthal SISTER]
Barber home•
Mrs. Guy Austirr spent Wednes- DIES IN DENVER, COLO.
day evening in the Tom Hurt home. Mrs. Robert Harrison received
Mrs. Lillian Stewart spent Sat-lword Thursday of the death of her
urday evening in the Harry Peetlsister, Miss Carrie Douglas at a
home. . . I hospital in Denver, Colo., following
Mr. and Mrs. Louie Bobs, anita long illness. Miss Douglas was
Mrs. Stella Cusher called in Ann-I well known to many in this corn-
mesa Monday afternoon. I munity and for two years lived
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Peet and~with Mrs. Harrison, prior to heri
Merle spent Sunday in the Mrs. I going to Denver to make her home~
I sister Brmf funeral
- Evelyn Brown home. ~with another " .
Harvey Barber called on his services were held Saturday at
mother, Mrs. Martha Barber, Mon-110:30 a.m. in Oak Shade cemetery
day afternoon, i and burial was made in the family
Several neighbors surprised Mrs. lot.
Tom Hurt on her birthday last METHODIST SE~CES
Tuesday. They all had a nice time
and deliciousrefreshmentswere Church services at the usual
served, l hours on next Sunday. 10 a.m. for
• • • •
• Quick printing service, guaranteed
Assistance in layout, design, and
Advantage of fast typesetting ma-
New paper stock of well known
The experience and skill of Mount
Vernon's largest and oldest printing
The Hawke' -Record
i~lev, and Mrs. J. B. Eyestone in
Mount Vernon.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Barrett have
moved from Mount Vernon to the
Page ~ven
Henry Wright, Bailiff
Seth Hendryx, Bailiff
On nlotion by Supervisor Seevell, see-
ended by Supervisor Beeson, the follow-
ing appointments were approved for the
tern5 conlmeneing .lanuarv 3rd. 1939
all members voting "Aye" ther.)n:
Cnunty Attorney :
iC. A. Fordyee, Assistant
Carl Hendriekson. Assislant
Ruth Bartling, Clerk
Iowa Yield Test Bulletins
May Be Had From Co. Agent
Copies of the 1938 Iowa Corn
Yield Test bulletin, published by
the Iowa Agricultural F, xperiment
Station, may now be obtained from
the county Farm Bureau office, an-
nounces County Agent, Rex B.
Fifty copies arrived this week for
distribution to IAnn county farm-
The bulletin will .be of value to
any farmer wbo plans to buy hy-
brid corn for seed next year," Mr.
'Corm says, "Because it gives offie-
: ial figures on how many common
hybrids performed in this terri-
(~omparativc figures on yield,
moisture content, lodging resist-
under the provisions of Section 523S.
1935 ('ode ~)1" Iowa. the Ilulnber of d*'-
pnlies, assistants and clerks, is here-
by fixed its follows for the varions
offices ill 1,innConnty for tile term
beginning 1939. togetber with the sal-
ari(.s per annnnl f,)l- suchdtq)ntit, s, as-
sistants, and clerks not ()th*q'wise pro-
vided for by law:
('purity Anditor:
TWo l~)eputies.
1 ,()2 ().()(1
"1%~ () I)eputies
()He ( "lerb: .................... 1.',180.00
()He ('lcrk .................... 1.200.00
resent the entire seed lot, County On motion hy Supervisor Stirm, see- t)ne ('lerk .................... $1.380.00
()nded by Supervisor Seevell the all-t)ne (! e "k .................... 1.2(;0.00
Agent H.ex B. Corm cautions l.,inn l)ointnlent of Hilda Sehmiekle as ('It, "k t)ncClerk ....................1,200.00
county farmers, in the office of the Count.',, SUl)erin- One ('lerk 1,14().1)1)
teudent beginning January 3rd. 1939, ()He('lerk
"['nless each sa, mple is properlyand ending August 31st. 1!}39. was up- ()He,'h, rk i ii ...... ii i ii "" 'i i i 1.ITS0.00
taken, the report may not indicate proved. All menlbers voting "Aye" ('on(nt~ Treasnrer:
tile truevnlue of the entire seed th(~reon. "1'~ ) I"eputies
t n motion by Supervisor Beeson, set'- ()He('lerl,: ....................
supply." ended by Supervisor Stirm the folh)w-() e('l "rk ....................
1)r." R. [-1. Porter. head of the la- ing appointnlents were approved for()He('h,rk ......... 14(. )0
the ternl eomnlencing January 3rd One (?lerk .......... 1'.t40.00
born,pry "tt Ames, suggests the fol- 1939. all members voting "A~-e': there- One ('lerk ............ l 0S0.00
lowing methods of obtaining sam- on: " One Clerk ........... l'0"0 6o
ples. J)r. R. E. Munden First I)eputv (~or- One (' erk ......... I'( 7)( '0(l
oner. " ('Jerk (,f H(e' "i)ist'ri;'i'(':)t~'"(~ .......
Where there are not more than Dr. J..1 TerrallSecond l)el ntv (")r-]"w 1)el)uties
oner. " I One ( ash er ' I 70~ 0 )
10 |lags of seed. take one or two On nlotion by Supervisor SeevellOne ('lerk .. i ~iii'"1 14000
samples from each ,bag, either with seconded by Supervisor St r n, the fol- , t)ne Clerk " ' 1'090"0o
a regular sampler or by hand. If h)wing resolutmn was adopted all lOne(Herk .................... 1"( 7, ' 0
by hand, take a sample from near members voting "Aye" thereon: [(N)unty lte('t)i'(l~.~-i ...................
RESOI,UTION I t)ne l)eputv
the top in the center and as near 1;IC IT RESOI.V1,3D by the Board (,f I One ('lerk ". ..... I 3')0 (I,)
Supervisors of Linn Cou~lty. h)wa: That tone Clerk .............. l'07)()'011
the i)ottom as possible. Then mix we do hereby designate the following ('onntv ,\tt~)~'l~,\-': .................
:tll the small samples together thor- named banks to be depositories of the [Two .-~ss stalHs'
oughly and draw a sample for the ('OlrNTY funds in a 1 punts n )t to ex- I ()He ('lerk 1 ')'500(I
reed the amount nan)ed opposile eaeb [('ountv She~-i{f" .....................
test. of said designated depositories and the]O )e l/elmtY "
Where there are more than 10 ('onnty Auditor is hereby authorized t()[())- )el)Utv. .............. 1.740J~
deposit theCounty funds in amounts One [)e15nt~" . ......... 174 ).
(l ra%v
n,)t to exeeed in the aggregate the } () ~e ,lailor ................ 1'.19(} ( )
anlonnts named forsaidbanks as f )1- O e J~ r ""i ;;00"0(
second, third, fifth or tenth bag,
depending upon the size of the lot. lows: to-wit: [One ,Jaih,r iiii.iiiiiiii ....... 7~1tt'01;
Mix the samples and draw one san',- _ Maximu[u [One ('h.rk .............. 1102O 00
eposltor Location Deposit C,iunty Sup('rintcnd 'nt:
pie from the test. First Trust & Savings llank, ]One ('h,rk .................... 114(10(
Cedar Rapids. Iowa ........ $15.000.(H) ] (Ui n~otion by Su )el'visor l{,~est)n, s~(,-
x.Vi]en the seed grain is in bins, Mer(.hants National Bank. ('e- ()mh.d I)v St I c'r'.is )r Stirni the follow
S'tulp]e with a trier or proi)e. Sam- dar Rapids, Iowa ......... 15.000.00 in~ a H),;intl)~ ts x~vr, a ) t' red l"*)r th -
()n nlotion by Supervisor Stirnl. st'('- 3ear co]nlll~ n(. 15~4 .Ja t t rv rd193~
ples nlay be taken at different ()nded I13" Su.pervisor Bees(,n, tbe f.dl(hw- Su )t'rvist)r i:,etson ;111(1 S'tirm ' voti ,,'
(leptils and ill different parts of the mg resn]ullon *,','as adol)ted, all n]enl- "A~," ." t ~(~ ' '( 1 SU1 t'rv S " S t Vt' V~)|
hin. The THere samples which are h,.rs voting "Ave" therPon: in~ "Nav" tb¢'l'eon:
ltt;]SO1,UT1ON ('purr'House ,Jnnit,)r, 1,,~ rl M Iq"
taken an(1 nlixod, the more repre- BlC IT RI•]SOLVI!,'D by the T;oard -I kssist: nt .I l! toll VallC(. Nt %vhonst•.
Sul)ervisors nf I,inn Countv. Iowa: That Assistant Janitor ('buries W'adde t
sentative will be the single sample we do hereby designate the following As,Mstant Janitor %Villiam ~, u r .
taken for analysis, a nea HanKs to ne ueposltor ~s (f the Assistant .lint,or. tt (' Adams
],]ach sample of small grain sent I,inn County funds in a)nounts not to A.~sistant Janitor t d 1'2 *'v t r t) -
exceed the amount nanled opposite eachPrater I~. tl. (~r ffi!
for inspection should weigh at of said designated de )ositories and the Sw tel trtl ()l)erat()r. I,( ,tic 3 (l-
least a pound. If barley is to be ('onntv Treasurer is hereby authorized i,'har
tested for pearling or disease, at to del)osit the ('ountv fnnd.~ in amounts ()n nlotion 1)v SUl)erv sor Scevell, st('-
uot to exceed in the aggregate the ended I)3, Su ;ervim)r Be( s, n tile re-
least two quarts should b0 sent. amounts nan)ed f()r saidbanks as rid-In rt (,f t le C unty Sul)~ r I tend, nt )f
The nllnilnal~'l weights of other h)ws. to wit: S('ilools, showing re~'eil)ts ntd tl s-
Nanle of .~[axin)ulnbnrsen t. l~S f )r tht' vetlr (*1 d g )e-
seed salnples are: Timothy, blue- l)el)ository l,oeation I)eDosit ('en)bcr 31st 1938 for "th, 'l'(.'~(.h(,rs' I,.
grass, clovers, alfalfa, and seeds of .Xl~:urn~tt Sttate Bank, AI- stitutc ,,r ~, ~ ~. x ~, , , , i , , ,. ,1 ..... 1 '''d'I''''lfi ;;;
similar size, 4 ounces• n tt. i )wa .......... $ 40.000.00 All )llen)l)(,rs voting "Aye" thereon.
l~xehange Bank, Spring- On )t n I))' SUl)crv sor Stirnl, S('(-
1,'lax, rape, sudan grass, sorghunl, ville, h)wa ..............
50.000.(H) onded I),,' Supervisor Scevell, lhe ('ounty
. ~ . Fairfax St Sav Bank " ~ ,surf rX~ ls luth()llZ(d tnd dlr*(t(t
bronlegrass and seeus ot slnllla • F • • • , - 'I ., "; .• ~ "' " ~ ' •' ' 1
• " . ( a l fax Iowa ...... 40000 ( 0t ) trsf'r $200.00 from the (;* t eral
size, 8 ounces. F'lrst Trust & Savings ('onntyFund to tile "l'('a('bers' Institute
........ Bank, (,edar Rapids Iowa 25o (100 (it b'und lS I ' vided in Se¢'li~)ll 41 IS-d5
~o ~@ m• ,hlaranty Bank & Trust 1 ): 5 ('( de H' Iowa. d tilt ('onnty
Pra,, ~, ,,, 15any ( edar BH) ds \udHor x~ ~s )nth,)r z(d t , ((n)*, t )its
-- t~, ,-~ . Iowa ................... 250,000.00 I)ooks accordingly.All nl(,n)l)vrs v ) -
Raal~d i i¢ ~l~.lll~a'~lTl~lhl~FirstNat ( nalB ink Mar- ing "'A x* ' th( rt on
U~Ibl~&, ~k~JL k,,~S, il~F%w.l Vlii~%~ll~ .(" " " ' " ' " - " ! Y .
~'~ 1 )n. lo%va ............... |00 000.()0 ()n n)otil)n I)y SUl)('rvisor Seevell st,(.-
Linn County, Iowa, January ,' i, 50,,)000. 2 i:!
c, • ,,~t* ' ", ' " " ,' ; J "' 1 oeket h)wa 1230-1e,
esslon, lt~O:~ _.Cedar Rapids, Iowa ..... :twardedunder contract dated I)eee -
____ AJt. VernonBank F, Trust ber 29th. 193S. WaS al)l)roved al d ( rder-
...... , --,, • ..... *,, .•' company Mt Vernon ed fi,d X l ) in1) Is \Otln
~late oi i,)~xa, .-:,u.~a yt" ]~lnn, SS. IOW "' " , .. . • " t, '." " "g "Aye"
Cedar H.aplds Iowa a .............. ~:, 000.00 thereon.
t ........ ',~,-,~ :,,,~q N rth I nn Saxings Bank ()n nn)ti¢)n I)', Sn )()*'is()r S
~a.,~a.# ,..~, ..,.. • • " " • , " *" I ' " ' ' 'tir)u Sto-
~,• ~ .... n )e Su,~er', sors of 'said ( enter Point Iowa 4000000 [ nd~ d by Sn )er'~ is )r S~ " • '
• ., ,, ..... )- - - p ( . . , ..... , • . . l , • 'vel!, the folh)w-
('ou')'~y and State met at the Court e )ples Savings Bank, ('e- 'ng reports were exau)~ned and ordered
; . ,, ~ • .... ;a,, ' t qln Count,~ dar Bapids Iow't 25 00000 I11 teedn flit ~ll ))~( n)b~ s
l-|onse ]n (:euar t~,tl,.u.~, ~,. a, P "l "" ' ' "~ "¢ " ~" ...... . _ , '* ; ~ ' "." vuting
t .. ~ t~.....~ '¢rd 1 12!) in rou-u|ar ses al 5 ~'lv ngs l~'tnK F'II( * ~t%'etiler, oil ;
Son .... " .................. 2o 000 0 t"{. R. ('hureh 1], Just (,of the Pea(.(
•" " set tSu-)ervisors Stir)l) SeeveUn ted Stat~ Bank Cedar Rapids "'ow s 111 f( r th 4t ~ '
t)r ?,' : * 1 .' , • , ~ ' , . ' " • ' ]u~trtt.l'.
'tnd Beeson Absent None. ~)al) ds. Iowa . . : ....... 10(t (10000 1338.
" "'" ";" --'-"- "• ~ .......... ," "7,0 n Illot ,n by Super vsor Bees n ~\ l ~d~ ats) ttl~h us,it ( ~)
lne tM)aYu /)[ oul/t!l~.sors or~anl, d , ; - - . ,, . , " ' • ' " -': ; " , • ,' • ' f the
se(onueu nv ~uoervlsor S(e%ell tht f~] t( )(( ] ~ ) ds wnshl ) o
by clet.ting Fred Stirrl as (?ha r nan el ; - t 3 ,~ " ' - ~; 'L ~;( ," "'u ' - "1.1" rlilt, 41h
,- .. - e "~'e ensuin" "ear lOV¢lng resolut on was "ldI)ted ')1!luqrte" ] "~
the IM)ar(1 lot LII' .' , ~ ~' . ) • " ,. ,,' • , • • , , .',. .
O ....... tinnby Supervisor Beeson. s .... ne,nbers"~ot~ff, s'AY~ the ...... : ~\. E. lb!t]..Ins, l(. .... t" tl)(' Peaeo
- - " S)ervisor See~ell the Chair "~OlI TION t31- *'vn I )'4nshlp, |el th(' vear 13.,~.
('~,,untt~: Ho)~)e Fntire Board exceedthe anlount named opposite said Frank M(,rritt.(',)nstal)h, lh, ffalo
"~ ~- ~-h~a~s Fntire lh,ard designateddepository and the ('ountyTowns]H))for th(3t ~r 19'18.'
d,!lalnttnanct Bu,ldmgs] :::~)~:)(!:d!duh~i~(:;i~ l~sug:ia~(: ~:~:) dii~ t,:(d ) rl::Y~u (;]~::ll(,(Su;;-
()n motion I)y Supervisor Seevel , . . , ~ "~ .~" . - " , . o .' " " : ~ " ,' ~ t " 'd and dir-
S er sor ..anletlior salclDank as fo1Or. S 1 ) ~ (ted t sns )( nd the ]q 6 t x~s
ended 1 y Supervisor Stirn/ 3Ul) v','x*'it "" ' • ." ",', = .'' _ ." '1 ' . ' . 3' a ." )aYable
Beeson was designated to 1)urehase theier:( • ,n., 9:J. as )rgv~ded in Sect ~ n 695),
• " - sions for the ] inn~ hunts Nat)pHilBank ( ( lq .) , pal( of low , , ~4al ist L )ts l 2
suppliesann I)rov), ." , "; " " " , ~- " " " .... " " "
' '" '"s ro*'ided in Section 5197 oar Rapids Iowa $1000600 ) ~ 0 IHo .k6 1 I) Youngs Addit'io~{
uZ(~")u~t!}'~a~'~5~e'~ " ~f io'), a" All' , ...... ;)ser-"On mot,on" ........ hy Supervisor .~; ¢.*' el'l. s,:c: to'Marion City. in' tl),( a ...... nit ,)t $sa8 00
v )'t n," "Ave" thereon ' " ,)nd.ed I)y Supervisor !Reeson, the fol-and l'ersona/ in the, a, ou it )t" $28:oo
'~- ~ ..... ;" -'esi"natlnn of)owing resolution was adopted all'~nd "~sst,ssetl ill th( n~)))+ of () ~¢ ])
th/n(t~einlat, lerv~;~al~'esUf(')rt~the year members voting "Aye" ther ..... : Kent.° All .... )nl)(,rs v,, ,~ "Art';
": " |i[*d R I,]SOI,UTION there n ' "
19'~u the fo )V¢ ng newspal)ers ' ~ , * ~ '
'"" ...... :-'n)ent [31, IT B. b SOI VbDby the Board of ()n motion by SUl)(,r\'ls,)r Seev,,ll see-
'" • ;] ( designateddepositories'lnd the