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March 13, 1941 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 13, 1941 |
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MI~ 18, 1941
Page Three
"-.mll~-- C.M. Cumberland of Osceola Mrs. Henry Rhoads is confined to D:~I.~.+.~
S ~ Ill,ITAly AM a I spent the week end with his family I her home by illness this week. I z.v ;~ .IL IIEX%qSI~UII
TI~I(HIIN I.III:AI. 1in Mount Vernon. [ Born to Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilovec, ]Presents Recital
;-~.~. --vw. [ Mr and Mrs George V ]allick ]a son Joseph William on Thursday,
~"~*~ Iwere guests Sunday evening in the ]March 6 10f GreatSongs
~-~i~ Aa~ ~na {3 ] home of Mr and Mrs Merrill Heft-[ " ' vis-I
P'~eek-~.:Ormly has been ill[ Bert Avery is confined to hi. imp I Harve Laeock of Sprlngville In her annual recital in the
n ~ and confined t ~ { ~{ "~"" ited his brother Irvin Laeock on d
l ~ -~ and con! o her ~ home with the mumps ! ~ I chapel on Sun lay afternoon, Ruth
nt~a~rs. Dale Johnson El- sp~V[n~S~LnUdaYyD~Sh:nMdrEt;ldD~;~ ~Peer~l!!!~n~wega~:3na~n~dYneth t~hnll!! MDndaaYn3fM:: ;?B. Curl-an of Ce-]yui?~;r=;:fthper:; n~r;ft rrYef?;
e *lhl~^"arguerite. .o ~'~. ~ I ~ + ~ " ' ' " " dar Rapids were dinner guests Sun- great songs half of them consisting
:.~m~llle,~-~'~'lte Were vi H~rman Sets~ken ome near Ann- ~e ~ [ ' " ~' ' '
Lt ~ .~ .~u ~Unday. I m,~ ~'~" ] day in the Dr. XV. G. Rowley home ] of the nlost ~beautiful and difficult
~1 " v
~--~2 Mrs. W(li I I Roy Miller and family-of EastI Mr and Mrs Lloyd Kent and!Lieder and Schubert and Brahnls.
Oe~ k end In",'~"'~" "'-~' ~v I " ~' I Moline, Ili, spent Sunday with their . --" ::- :5 ] In the Schubert zroun it was the
~'~fl~l~l t~'~" ."' ames where they days the first of the week in thenn~,~*~ ca, ~nd Mr~ Wuu~m tamlly VlSltea ~VLr. ~ent s morner, *,- ~. ~ .
~t~ae,~llitary Circus at home of her son-in-law and daugh- ~}ler; Mrs Mac Kent in Solon on Sunday. char~n!ngI ngedule:tum.bhng over
' ' ~ ll+~e ' ~ " r f ltSelt in (~ellrlous nappmess that
~,~ ~ ~uUege. ter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lacock in [ Mr and Mrs. Wilbur Ben o [
~ ~tchlnsan m. i ~vtr ann Mrs Arue l,~uffourn ann I . " Imovea torwara Wltfl the oest reeling
Son and D l llpton. " ~aarion were visitors ~unuay m tne ,
~,~.p-l~"~3s 2 . oug asI Kenneth spent Sunday in the Mr for the lyric line that makes fine
~l~. r.~'~or go t.O.Des Moines I Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Levy have land Mrs. Melvin Slife home in Cen- [ no me or ~r. ann ~v, rs. ~JOyU ~.atn- I phrasing. The rhythmical "Der
I~dl~ t'h~' ~ visit over the I purcnased the lot joining the rear ~ tral Cit-,rop. lSchmied" of Brahms was vivtdl"
the h ~' '"
lOe'~a~n: home of Douglas' /of the property wbere they now I [ Miss Gladys Caraway who lived l,ro n
~.an4 ;~:YsZ I live. They plan to build a garage I I ln the Busenbark apartment moved l with careful re~*trd for the "ure
~ars B +. . spent tne week ena in tne nome ~ ' ~' -
r~ W en Nea in the spring and a house later recently to the M~s } orrest Waiters
~? ,pen 1, John and i " [of her parents Mr and Mrs E R [ : "- ' * " . beauty of the rnelody. Miss Pinker-
l[~'a't~rwere among others ] "Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Beasmore, I t~h~,n " " " "[home. I ton's voice is one of wide range
.r~m~t; y~non attending the I Verlyn and Sharon; and Mr. and I"-'~: - I Miss Laurene Kepler was a week i singular viola qdality and technical
~e veeders ~wr ann ~vlrs Floyu ~UlWlaer el " .
~,i~ g hel~ ~eeae! association I Mrs. Robert Beasmore and sonI . " ." lend visitor in the Mr. and Mrs.]proficiency
; '~ in M ~tpton were visitors
~unday arter-
0~elaa ~ emorial hall i Jimmy of Lisbon were picnic sup- I [ Frank Pearson home in West I There were several songs of char-
a ~-ua ' noon in tne.vlr annlwrs t~narles .
&~]~.~ --~-uay evening per guests Monday evening in the .~ . . " " " ]Branch. acterlzation and atmosphere on the
~ ! Mrs. Gusts Minott home. i~oranome. ] Mr and Mrs Dana Wilcox were ]second half of the program. Among
Mr and Mrs John Stoner of " " " h '
il ~I Oscar Melehert was fined $300 North Liberty were Sunday supper ]Vls}tors Sunday lnthe Mr. and Mrs. ~rmt~st 23~:~Inng ~ntge/:r:t~ltoz~
~7~ ^ - on drunk drivin~" count b, Judge ~ Arthur WilCOX nome in ~enter ' ~ -
'. ~llfltdl~w~o,~k,~,~ .~ ~ guests in tne z~r. ann zars. t~eorgeijunctlon "My soul's ,been anchored in de
0f~ "~v~L~.~r~]I~['].~ ]~J 1,~ ~elserm.~n in oistrlc~ courtlWallick home ~ ~
r ~. ~- " ~ . I I,Orfl anti tne "wings el l~lght
""St apll~ |lin Cedar Rapids on Monday. Hel ! Mr. and Mrs lames~raner ann!
~ . . t .Mr. an(1 Mrs. 24. ~laaetsKy aria uy WlHter we.its. "lne oramaue
~J ~0~lt ]~,L- ? - [ ~'as permitted to pay the finelnl lson Jlmmte spent last Friday inllittle n
~ll0 o oaugnter 19onna or Tlpton were e core "~ne l~lgflungale" was
raotograph Is |15.5.00 monthly installments, u " S nda 'n t~ Mr ]the Mr and Mrs. Carl Crumbaugh sun-- with '-lit
~l '~ h~---'-7-- 2-,I I g ests u y,ne . ano ~vlrs.! 1. ~ ' . ne an~ spont
PPro " 1 nome in clinton f li
~--~0~Pr~.PHate For I I Don Goodyear, Myron Nea, Emil I Harlan Levy home. ] " ] ee ng.
.~@! ~'~ ]~AV',- ~lMallie, Milton Koch, Archie Min- Miss Helen Turner of Fairfield l Mr. and Mrs. Vin Gough of Tip-I Elegantly gowned in flowing
[1 ~:'- -, u2~l-- ]Inish and Charles Svoboda were lspent the week end in the home I t n were Sunday guests in the white with accents of gold Miss
t ifts [ [among a group of neighbors at a I of her sisters Mrs Mac W Mitchell ~ home of Mrs. Gough's parents, Mr. I Plnkerton made a most attractive
t ~ {~1~ ~,[ corn picking bee at the Clarence an,~ M I~o x~'~in~ T=rn~r " [ and Mrs. C. E. Hedges. appearance on the stage Her man-
I "mi,~l~'8 P|ef,~a ] 1Neal home near Springville last ] [ Mr and Mrs Harold Chapman of ] ner Wad one of graciousness and
a~ttlre~ ~*lr ann ~rs t)scar t~aeseler oz : '
~[S S~'~il; *~- If Friday. ,Mrs. Koch and Mrs. Malhe [Lisbon were dinner guests Sunday [Cedar Rapids were dinner guests ease.
~, -~.:.~'~"J,assisted with the dinner for the l ~ /Saturday evening in the Mr and This was a program that required
In the nolne or nars. ltaeseler's ~ "
~IIl ~l~ ~-~ ]lmen. I /Mrs Lewis Chapman home great responsibility on the part of
/~~OC ]~ " *~tL~r ~ o' mother ~wrs. ,lonn t:araway. ] : " .
clock . ' Mrs W H w en the accompanist for in many songs
lock,Mlss+rtrodoCowan returned--M'ss'uc'a or ceo* me an ' Cro sp t twodays
/T m, tmment . . I Y, /the first of the week with her SUCh as the "Erlkonig" and "Auf
St on ~wonoay trom a pieasant vaca- ~ c k " "
rdt l gen the lane
,Ca . . Miss Elva t ordy e of I a e Mills dem Wasser zu sin ~ "
r St ~l~d to-~x 493 i,tIon of several w'eeks in the south [s~ent the week end in the home of/daughter, Miss Juha Crew, teach- . " ~ P
.~. ][Miss Cowan accompanied Mr and],~, mn+~, x~-[ ]er in the Cedar Rapids schools, part is quite ~s Important as that
= ~ M ", ~r aua vvruyce.I or the voice tiarold Baltz hurdled
I~--I ~,rs William Gallagerof Tams I / Dr and Mrs L E Bigger and all the -itf-I ""
,INell r~oover ana Marvin lT'rlDOr- ' " " ". p ~t lf~ O[ tile f.le(ler very
.l~oDerr.~ ]!They visited Key West, St. Augus-[ r /daughter Lois were dinner guests ca-abl-" an
~t.~ . SKy oz t:eua tCaplos were l~Tlaay . p y c! Ills accompaniment to
~ltlne New Orleans and many other ISunday in the home of Mr and "Velvet Sh
' /evening ulnner guests in the home " " ~ oes was something to
T^ ~lplaces of interest in the south. Mr [ Mrs M H Blddlck in Marion
a~w~ i Ot Mr anu :~ars ~ester "~'aylor / De ~l-easupe(l lrl memory---Helen
,I anti Mrs U, slinger left Iortnelr ] l M- ~n~ ~*-~ "~'----" --n~ a "~" ~"
" ' Dick Bell who was injured in an / v. a u ~*,v~. ~,en. ~ o[-ca~ a.u ~)mKmge.
home in Tams Wednesday. I ,~.:.+ lson Peter of Cedar Rapids were
i able to resume his work in the}Sunday afternoon guests in the Mr. . .
Litts roeer the ~irst of this week and Mrs. Dick Busenbark home. Methodist Offering
g Y
Mrs Darrel Kohl an Mr. and Mrs. Norman Current of ]~,-,~* g'~ **A,~ ]['~
U tWO little it n. w v 1" UI UUlll~d,~l~d~l[ 1 Fd,~
dau hters All) rta n- "'" -- It,ll ton "ere isItors over tne week
g,e a u wan~a,
]end in the home of Mr Currents' NOW Totals g204.50
spent ~un(my hIternoon ~h/ltn ZV[I'S " " . " . ~. * ~b~
Kohls' parents, :~Mr. and .M~s'. Wil- ]parents, wr. ann Mrs. riaroiu t:ur-
liam Miller ' [rent. The Mount erRoR .Methodist
" ~ Mr and Mrs Robert Barnes church went over the top with a
Mrs. I~. J. Hayes and daughter " " al
/spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. tot of $204.50 for the Compassion
A~lce el Lgnicago 111. are expectea / - - " Da-" offerin Thi -- "
Hosts tomorrow in "h -o . |Barnes' t)rotner-in-law and sister,y,g. s or[erlng was
g, t e n me ot taken tn every Methodist church to
Mrs. Hayes' parents, Rev. and Mrs. make a fund of a million dollars
E. G. Hunt. to lie divided as follows: $250,000
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Caraway, Mr. for aid in social and spiritual work
and Mrs. J. E. Selma and daughter tn the army camps of this country,
t ,~,i .qt,d~,t~ iwere Norman Zollinger, To:m Hark: [ in the finals. Harold IAncoln, VCal-
~ ~ ~,w~,~ ,~ ~ ~ [er, Arlo Elllson, Harold Lincoln, / lace Littell, Francis Baker, and
Wallace Ltttell Dale Thomas Jim Don Fish were eliminated in the
Pledged To Cornell /
. IHarrls, and Jim Mustain. ]semi-finals
Dramatic ociety --
----- IFencers Lose To Coe,Miss Frances Coleman returned
Jim Eyre Marjorie Hartung home last w
"~ " " ' d an" Rut- Hen t' I Cornell fencers were defeated7 i,*eek from Washington
~enevleve ~ny er u a s- D C where she w
= [to 2 'by Coe In Cedar Rapids Satur- ) . . ' as called several
man are among the group or t,or- - t
. : . [day afternoon.B~b Ryan a sopho- ~eeks ago by the death of her
nell students wflo were ~nls weeK m ' 'aunt MI r
'. t more ann Louis Soldan a fresh-t ,~ "s V~alter Luttgen. l-Zn-
ueelarea eliglDle for pleuge mere- ' ' ~ route~ - ' "
man, were t~orneli's only winners. ~nome sne Vlslted her aunt
bership in the Purple Masquers, ~ i Mrs: . Frank, Ha~s. in F--*urt J')^~-ouge
honorary dramatic society of Cor-1-- -- =-, -- -. /
nell. Initiation for these pledges [Awara l*rOSn ~umerals ( Turn ~--~--~ n- "-Z----
be held next fall when those[ Freshman football nttmei'als Ad Sectionlmge" ~or ~ne ~m&uluea
who have earned the neeessary lhave been announced by Coach ~*"""
points are to be admitted to full ]Coach Charles Zoda. The wlnnersl. -~
imembership in the group. Points]are Douglas Augustine, Lewis[I FILMS DEVELOPED I
'are awarded on the 'basis of hours]Blight, Bill Dodge, Donald Frank, /I AND PRINTED I
and type of work done by the stu- I Guy :.rioTers, Jack Hall, Rodney ] ] One Enlar emT-n- -- i
dent In the department of speeech ]Joy, Jim King, Charles Krull, Bill l| ~ ,~' ~J[~#~ |
and dramatic art, with ,both acting [Lambert, Jim barson, Malcolm II I~I~E~E~ Wl[n ~.-!~* ]
roles and behind-the-scene work I Nielsen, Philip Penningroth, Dick !i Each Roll ---ii i
counting to the pledge's credit ]Silliman, Day Welterlen, Franeisi| HEASTY DRUG STORE
Others eligible for pledge m'em-[Zoda, Jim Eyre, Ralph Ringgen- " ~----'
1)ership at this time are: Warren/berg, Bob Sanderson, Clarence Tel- ~
Middleton, Zygmont W:otczak, ~or-[gos, Harold IAncoln, Wallace Lit-l~- - -- -- ~ ----'~-'~
man Zollinger, Charles Krull, Allen Itell, Dale Thomas, Jim Harris, and!~ -~ t-~ T v ~-~ . .~ v I- -~
Joseph, Frank Babcock, Helen Dan- ]Jim Mustain. )~ i 5 U K A U 15 |
forth, Richard Head, Jim Crtder, / ------- i| |
Dean Whitmore, Margee Tray, iMustain Places At Waterloo,| Fire and Windstorm !
J~ne Hall, Loyall Pearson, Virginia ] Jim Mustain, Cornell freshman, ),Automobile ]
~Iay ~olmstrom, Blanche Seim. [won first place in the Y.M.C.A. open [| H nit" n" --c i" n" |
I-, ~,[wrestling tournament at Waterloo]| e n a u ~ c ue t |
t, eorge ~allor peaKs [last Saturday. Mustain threw Avel-I ! Life |
~n ~a ~r~ ~ *'~ ~ ~chus of Cedar Falls in the semi- J |
Io rue t otary ]finals of the heavyweight division I| S* N. MERRITT m
~ . [and then decisioned Bolinsky of Ce- ! [" " |
. .~eorge ,'m~lor gave an Interesting/dar Falls in the finals. He drew[| Office in Bauman Bldg. |
3avl:n: gth:n", ~fy Ubs [%Tda ]a ;/cUshman llof . Din| 3412, Res. 4262!
Lawyer After 40 Years." in which }won second nlace in the 165 -ou-d]i Mount Vernon, Iowa !
he mentioned several great trials #class l--"n-= -P "~:~ ~ |
' '/,uu~ gtO ~.epper~oilowa~ity -~ : ~r~
the Scopes monkey trial being oneI - - .
of the worst. ~Villiam Blackstone. ii i i m
greatest legal writer, was a fa|hlre
as a lawyer Woodrow Wilson was * i ll
a fourthratelawyer. William Jen- 1 1 In I I1W I II 1 1 1 1 ll
nings Bryan never succeeded as a m m I m m m m m
lawyer and both Theodore and m m i,m m m mm m |m
Franklin Rooseveltwereveryshaky J - n mm m,#I
as lawyers. Clarence Darrow, great m m II m t a m m t m m
trial lawyer, was intellectually rm'w M m m m m m m
bright but a moral bankrupt, the ~ ~ ~ Uq~ J~ ~. J' ~ "f
speaker said. --~[ O
He read an article by his son, A,- i
Merlin Sailor, of Marshailtown, in @ gIIql 'lt ! -IFf Iff I ,
the Sunday Register entitled, "Pa- * t m
roles Are Painful" tn w, hich a judge ~'qIIl~ -- -.-
tells two Iowa lads what it means ~ m A Jr
to be convicted of a felony. When --~ -- 1 ~ ~"
~ith~e-:t~essstand theywHl prob- ~ I " mI$~V ~ ~ ~=
Y ea, "clave you ever oeen ~
convicted of a felony?" They can
never obtain a passport, will have -
great diffleulty being bonded and MODERNIZER FOR STILL MORE FOR VALME.
cannot serve in the army or navy.
When parolled they are subject to
the orders of the person to whom Here's stoker fuel from the top rankincj coal seam in its
they are parolled. For violation offield --- stepped up by scientific S-P rei n!ng. Ash is cut
the parole they can be taken to A full third, heatinq hours boosted and it s sized to encfi.
Barbara Ann spent last Sunday in a like amount to go to help the lail without having any opportunity
the Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Berry Methodist congregations in Eng- to explain anything, neering standards. ,
home in Davenport. land, and $500,000 to go to relief Don Minnlck and Don Horton. Made Io~ the~ob, youll find Premium S-P a perlected
Mrs M Murphy and Mrs Irving l work in China and in European M.V.H.S. seniors, two of the eight fuel for top eHiciency in your stoke~ at a suprisinq-
~ ~ ~ ~' ~=~ ~=~ dr~ ~ ~' ~ Bealer of Cedar Rapids were re- war zones. Indications are that the Dons in the senior class, were ly modest cost!
L'~ ~,~ ~ O ~,d ~ ~' ~ ~'~ ~'~ ~ cent guests in the home of their end in the home of the formers church has responded to this up- guests, Irvln I.acoek is a new mem-
~|~Ir~r~ 11)ll*1~t*D41* brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and]br ther and sister-In-law, Mr. and peal in a marvelous way. This is ber of the club.
--~,~iv~,~,~ a a.a~.~ ~ Mrs. Lester Ta. ylor. m ~wrs. j. r~ ~vre not a great nor an impossible sum
k SPECIAL-- $7 75 MrandMrs PauICaldwe'l'and' Mrs'MargaretMeishands nEd- f rachurch felghtmillt ns f :::::::::::: ]dg L b
" r "nd M s J" die and William Billings of Cedar members.
LACK ROSE - 8 75 M.a r. oe Jess of Iowa City[ ! Cornell Sport News e es um er an
"~ v - = in ='= "= me ! Kaplos were Saturday afternoon t
were VlSl~OrS ~unaay the no lle in *-~
LOTHAIR -- $I0.50 of Mrs Caldwelt's parents Mr. and [ ca rs the Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ] Dr. Keyes To Speak At Iowa -- = =
Busenbark home / C IC
BRUNHILD --- $10.75 Mrs. L. Stoneking. ' ] . ' . " ]Academy Of Science MeetingBasketball Squad Elects
i ~lr ann Mrs. Wllllam ~ell Or Co- *
t arl DeCamp who is conf ned to ~ S]mester Honorary Ca tam"
RANGE- $8.50 h i--I 'Ce- "~ ids " rIdar Rapids were visitors two days ] Dr. Charles Keyes will give the P oa o.
2aercy o~p m oar r~ap to ~
~'~'~'~" ~"75 . . ' . [last we-k with Mr. and Mrs Jay]I, rlday evening address at the an- Members of the Cornell basket
~. o v~z~ -~ ~. treatment is improving as we. as
" -- " can be expected He will be there]F rdyce and .Mr. and Mrs. Iered]nual two-day meeting of the Iowa ball squad elected I.loyd Simester
~ I~lIl' .~l'I~ ~ . I' ~*l~ . ." ] Blaine in Mount Vernon [ Academy of Science to be held at honorary captain for the past sea ~/ DiA ,
" ~ ~ ~ $[~ ~ ~ 13 ~ ~ ~ ~, several weeks longer. I " ' ' " -
1 - Mrs Hattie MillerreturnedhomeI Mr'andMrs'B ydLathr pspent[~'mps n coimge, lnalanoia, April son and named Bomb Bailey the al 2821
1 ~ ~" ' ~ [ Sunda, afternoon in Cedar Rapids ] 25 and 26. "/own Archeology" willmost valuable member of the team
~--- f we k in ' ~ ' "~
~. ~ ~.~ Sunday from a visit GnU w e d [ Mrs. Lathrop visited her aunt ,Mrs [be his topic Simester is a senior from Prophets-
,tne nome o[ her son-~ -ta ~. ~n I Effie Ormsby and Mr Lathrop at" I Three nunored members of the town Ill. and played center for the
[~ k~- e ~ ~,~ 1 ~ daughter, Mr, and Mrs. ltusseU[tended the rabbit show -[junior and senior Academies of Purple.' Bailey Is a sophomore, Mount Vernon, Iowa
~:~ ~e~r~'~r~ I-II~I~ ~qlIb~'~ I~F~ ['~j Winegarden in Wellman. I " I Iowa are expected to attend Among guard from Appleton Wis Anoth-
,----v~ ~ ~ ~--"~ ~ l~.alpn rleasty, propmetor or the ha um ' "
: ,Mrs. Carrie Gates anddaughter] a]t t n ber ~ill be a group of er honor voted by the squad went to
Miss Suzanne Gates were guests last lwaigreen.~rug s~ore, attenaea [Cornell professors. Last year the sophomore Bob Anderson of Des! ~~
presents Saturday and Sunday in the Mr. lhe~lcntth3S~ugsm~le)~ngm::2holtnelir]meetlng was held in Mount Ver- Moines as the most improved play- " ~---"----~ ""
~ . and ,Mrs. Will Kleineck home, I ' . ]non, with the junior Academy er of the season,
I ~r ~ northwest of Mount Vernon. I waterloo on ~unuay evening. [meeting on the Cornell campus.
Mrs B A Smith is at the home
ll mn Fred :Pravis jr and Lynn Mor-I[ " " ' II Coach Barker Will Take
~-~-V .m.~. ~a ' " of her son Dean Smith near Man-
row of Iowa City were overnight .~ ~ MT. VERNON CHURCH NOTES Frosh Wrestlers To
-- .o e o,ao ,c"e ter "o= ----
-- AMusicalComed, "~h~v]arethe parentsof a babyson born[ pR~gB~I~II~ERr.~M ~.WI~ Coach Dick Barker will take egutar .mamn ens ens
~! g .VlrS. rrea lravm uIl .vYtu~.y ~1 r ~ '
It| =-+, r"ed to Iowa Cit" on Saturda~ I on Sunda~ afternoon, March 9. I Rev Josenh W Graw Jr l~astormostly freshman wrestlers to the
~ in ~ f Ood,ri Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Davis and Mr./Sunday-- Iowa A.A.I . meet at Charles City the Life of Your Gar ents
-- ~ o A~.+~ .~,*~'.'.~.:~.';" ~':~"~r~.ara'~ar [and Mrs Frank Baker of Oelwein~ 9:45 Church School. this Saturday. Open to all area-
/~l. p "/ / t s he m et will - IIII
n were Friday ev ning visitors in the10 45 Common worshi Sermon cur t e be good ex
tosh and Mrs Martha Becicka o " e . " : p -
-- Sunday BarlJara Becicka returned|Dana Wilcox home and attended[ OUR SUPERIOR CLEAN-
"Stephen: Pioneer and Martyr." perience for the fresh.
The eight ~ho will make the trip
m k --L 41 ~1 ~ ~ 1~ A home with them for a visit this]the O.E.S. school of instruction in[ 6:30 Christian Endeavor Society : / * f" .
1 ~rcIl ~, ~ r. IV] . week [the evening. / meeting led by Miss Miriam Heasty. wnl oe chosen trom thiS, group,[ [ [ [ ING services a c t u a 11y
~m ." " ' 7"30 Evenin- -ervice Mr r~orman ~Olllnger, Tom l-larKer, Ar- I I I I lengthens
the life of your
II~ ~-o ~ L Stonekin~ received I ~ev. aria 2ars. James t~. ttoagson/ ' ~ ~ ~' ~ ~- ,^ ~.^~ ,r~ ~ -- .
High School Auditorium wor"d=q?uesday of the serious condi-] of Cedar Rapids attended the re-[ rude Midk!ff will tell of the, i'inc';~';"'~al;~ho'maslt~e~ H~3rr i~: [ [ [ J garments. Ours k i 1 1 e d
J'l tion of her uncle A C Daubenmier/cital given uy Miss Ruth t inkerton| ence oi a enurcn sne Knew ann lean ~/ "'' - = I I, [ craftsmen have
years of ex-
us in a i i n o,~im ~v~ustain ann w~Klt Jt-LaloupeK.
"~---'---" in Cedar Ra'qds He suffered a/in the Cornell chapel on Sunday/ to d scuss o f our church s [[[ [ perience in handling tex-
I ~umlsslon ~OC [stroke Mends; morning and ha~[Lpern ? and yt .ited in.the J. M./plaacejn" this community. ~alfUy:hd;2 sopnomore, ~ne rest II I,tiles of finestquality, so
1 ~ been bedfast since / rnomas nome ~OllOwlng the recital.~ a~,~***$--
"" " ' 7 --,|,] when you send your dain-
-- M n Mr N w re "~"~ r~'llUll" I~II ~4[~I" * * "
~ ~ ~ Bill t Miss Mary Adelaide l~[ulherin is] r. a d . s. C.w. en e [ Wm 5th Straight M dwest
I~~ rspend]ng several weeks in the Mr.] visitors.Sunctay in the Mr. and Mrs.} CHR|STIAN ~-'C--~NCE CHURCH i Wrestling Championship,|,[ tiest garments to Alberts
1. land Mrs, Charlea Bezdeny home In/Roy ,lonnson home in Ixap |,I they. are cleaned gently, yet
Ids M'r Neff s ~ondition is lmprov "Substa e" t:ornell won ItS nrtn stralgnt MIU
i/m IlL [ Marshalltown. Mr. Bezdeny is con-i ' -l nc wlll be ths subject o~i - " . . ; [ [,[ thoroughly.
ing and he enjoyed a long ride onthe Lesson er o ~est conference cnamplonship at
/m m [fined to the University hospital in[ " ',-S m n In all Churches[ " . . . . y . .
[~ ~/-~f~l't~ ~t~KFi~ ~][]~']~ I tn~ ~t+, ,-+-~+.~-,+ /Sunday besides the visit in thel of Christ Scientis~,-~un~o~ [Beloit Saturaay, scoring 3v points ]~,Keep your wardrobe look-
mm~ ] Johnson home March 16 to 1. for Carl Aon, 15 for B oit S ing its bestby keeping your
am .m *-- . mm ~. ~ ,~ar. ann ~trs. Joe ~'reuerm~, or/ / --" - : - 1" f r Lawrence In-ividual
m.i I |*~"~A I Huntin~ton Lon~ Island arrived[ Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Myers oft TOe uomen Text 18 zrom ~'salms)ann o a
" 119 89 90 'For ever O Lord th scorers for the Purple ~ere Pres
,m ~ ~ Jdldi~ ]last Frida-- and are -'uests this week] Shell Rock spent the week end with] :, ', y I -e : . . clothes carefully pressed
~l ~ G~-~ in the home of Mrand Mrs Alvln|their son, Gordon ,1~yers, Cornell| word is settled in heaven. Thy ton, 6 points; Bisnop ~ points; t:leaners theinexpensive Alberts
I1 k ~ ,~,c~-~o, ~r ,~ [Butler and in the" Mr and" Mrs I senior. They came to attend the[ falthfulness Is unto all genera-]Tornquist, 7 points; Wilson, 6 -- way
m,t, ~k:~o~'*":~,c~o~ ~ ~- [Howard Johnston home "[senior voice reeital presented by Mr.[ tlons." ]points; Daley. 6 'points; Jay,6 Mount Vernon
~I ' I k~ ,~V ~f~o~ ~:'~. ~ ~ / hs[ 'Charles t~rler, Alvin ~u~ter,"'" and[ My rsCornell nchapel.Friday evening in the[ quotatlonsThe Lesson-SermOnfrom the Bible c mprlses I p intS;and from Haloupek, 2 potnts.~ IIII
Everett Shoemaker of Stanwood
[! 1 I "~k~lX~/ W [ '[ Mr E rib kei [the Chr,sUan Sc,ence textbook,]Varsity Letter Winners Age t r Royal uy
'I I ~ ."~ ~I~- " ~d~ .~ i ,tOOkment ofpartteamsin afromBOWlingiowa Electrlct Urna-| " = """a "Science= = w=== ""the Scripturesand Health, by MaryWlth KeYBakertO] Coach Judd Dean has announeed~ " Illl
Phone 2231 for Pick up and Delivery Service.
I ~ ~ ~" ~ I I " 1 s/ the home of her sister in law Mrs [ I ten varsity letter winners for the
~lgnt & ~ower company emp oyee " " " ' " Eddy
Clyde Baker Miss Mar erie Baker 1940 41 basketball season and
! 4' I e ni tMars ant wn nsatHrday[herdaughter,returne jt C rnen[. e tet e e u s at twe vefreshm` ncagershavere- More Life for Your Ciothes--More Leisure for You
I n t y e me to t
with her following a visit over the eelved numeral awards m
Mr and Mrs J~dwill Smith and " multitude, there came to him a cer- " "
J J IKT~fY'~Y~ I ) " ] week end in her h ] I Thevars,tyw,nnersare Lloyd
- m i two sons Robert and Philip of/ ome tam man, l[neellng clown to nlm, Isimesier and Howard Ortme,er
' Miss Betty Wandel of Riverside and saying, Lord, have mercy on "
V .I,I Davenport spent the day Sunday,[ " ,[ I scnio'~ receivin~ their first awa'rds~
I RAI Ia M(~I~.I. I'~,Y ~ ' lin the home of Mrs. David West [ Ill was a guest in the Mr. and Mrs.| my son: for he is lunatick, and I ~uo r~i~h,n ~i ~,~,~ ~'~ Illlll I i
/,Engineering Triumph! k~dthMTr?theMpUU:nlts Mr Ma~? M:2.[M!r e~ ~11 trh:rdv~n;a'~m J:m tn~ile~'arad~uni ;
ris Hull. dan r sophomores Bob Anderson Bob
ghte of Dr and Mrs G H he departed out of him" and the e '
I ] . . /W ndel, former residents of Mount/ child was cured from that veryl
only Mrs Jay Fordyce and son Ed- a Bailey G ,orge Jares Dick Houden m
~'~ ' H r~ ~" '
m Iward Jayaccompaniea,~wr. anuIxr^r ^ ]h /M.** 1'~-1~ 1~; I~ i t,'ayne owa a, an(tr~artt~oume. YOUR DRUGGIST
~ I ~ d~ I Mrs. William Bell of Cedar Rapids| --~ / -" ~,~='";~"a "::,l~,i=~l" ",=r',~m *he I Bob Glee will be given a manager's
Mr and Mrs -~- ue, ~ o~ ~~ ~ . ~ .
Walter T ~ vans of letter
tp ~ to Earlville last week end where ~' o
/ IL~ I they visited in the homeof ,Mr.~CedarRapids spent Sunday in thelChFJ~an:Science textbok is the[ The freshmen who willget num- 5Grain I 10c I CHOCOLATE i
m = :, : ~.^ ^? I Bell's and Mrs. Fordyce's parents,[ .o ~. rnomas Rome assisting with[ "The ~rayer that reforms the sin /erals are Jim Eyre, Elmer Gust, ASPIRIN I LUX OR,COVERED m
k ~u~ a~ aH yuur n~m*;. /Mr and Mrs F E Bell ] tne care ot Mrs. G. T. Hanna, sis-[ ner and heals the sick Is an abs~/Clark Hull, Herb Haroldson, Jim TABLETS ! LIFEBUOY,CHERRIES m
i I ~ [ of. Mr. Thomas, who was in-[ 1-to ent*h +hat *11 thlu~'~ aw -o~-lMcR berts' Ralph Riggenberg, Bob Bottle of 100 [ SOAP [ 1 Pound Box m
1 / James Mct~utcneon an~l ~rs.lJure, In a recent fall at their home / /~ ~ o, 19c I 3 for 19c I 19c I
~ 5 victor t'reIerreolLloyd "McCutcheon will go to Des]She is resting as comfortably aslS!ble t God --a splrltu.a.l a{o e' sey e d, Y II I WOODBURYS I CLE ANuS I-
~~~ Type Tubes (7-tube| M:oines this afternoon to attend the[ can be expected stunning Ot ~]m, an unselteo love [,u~ ' " " ' " Heap"
/26th annual convention of thel [ (p. 1). /
.~.~.~~~;~ ~'~ U lll~ll UJ [Io~a Press association which will| Mrs S H. Fishel returned homel 311 First Avenue North |. ~ -TU~-,~,~ ,
mi ~~i~ Gets Police Cans---1610/be'heid in the Fort Des Moines|sunday from Osceola where she] ~ / tnnounce raeK cne me MINERAL 0IL |SOAP,ISS m
to 1712 Kcs' t~n l~rta a tllrd v [spent several weeks in the home[ METHODIST CHURCH m The Midwest conference track Pint Bottle,4 for 25C,Box of 500 m
/ ~~i| .~'~r~l{~ad ]~/f~hnct~nxr [ ]of her son-In-law and daughter] Rev. W. Glenn Rowley, Pastor /meet will be hold May 17 at Be-
/ ~""~ "I:~ ~l~II~'~ ~II:~l~I~''~l~Jt~4~lII] Rev and Mrs. A J. Kindred andI M~r. and Mrs. Watd Lentz ,Mr. andI The Sunday school meets at 9:45.|Ioit It has been announced Cor- 29~ I II, I 17c i
m ~~i ~mstle .~amne~ .w,rn]sons, Jeremy and .Michel of Fay-[ Mrs. Lentz brought her 'home and[ The morning worship is at I0:45.J nell's track schedule for ,he coming ~ m~ I HARD WATER Im 25c
m =:. ; !| asy t~rlp K]IObS ! /ette came Monday for a visit in the/ spent the day visiting Mr I~entz' [ "Christ and the Cross and the Crit-] season is as follows: ~,-,~
Plays on A.C.! Plays on[home of Mrs. Kindred's parents,| parents, Mr. and Mrs. John'Lentz |ics," is the subject of the sermon] April 19--State Teachers relays MINIT RUB JCASTILE SOAP] ANACIN m
mm ~ D C ! - / Rev. and Mrs. E. G. Hunt. Rev.I ",by the pastor The service last| at Cedar Falls.
mt ~: Sel~tive Su~^rhetero [Kindred returned to Fayette On|ceil:d tnh% ~arS~o~na:;Y :n~rd:~ Fl~'|Sunday morning was made inspir-J April 22--St. Ambrose dual meet ,~" ' Large Bar,TABLETS |
~ ~.~ " ::~': ==i B i~, "]Wednesday and Mrs. Kindred and/ mrm o~ a uaugnter `lanlcet',armen't eJing by the deeply devotional spirit[at Mount Vernon. 4~C [ 4 for 19C ~i 19C l
ay e ~lrCUli~. ]sons will remain for a longer visit.| ' 'lof the congregation and by the size April 26--Knox dual meet at
,to Mr. and Mrs William Gilchrlst ~ " " Mount V( rnon
" I v -. Built-in Magic Loop An- r~ ~-rritt returnedl ; :[of the large audience. The many! ~ " 40e I 10c ] 60e
I m, ~IT~TI~TI'I ]'~I&T ,~ !,"--" ''~" ~" "~ I m~rcn o, at r~ortn J~ngllSn. welgntl ~ ,^ ~ : Ms- 2---Beloit Rela,s ~varslt,
m a. . ~enna. |h.m. M,ndnv from Iowa Citv( ~, ! t; p~vv r,A~TORIA 1 SWEETHEART IALKAsELTZER m
'ix,~ ~h-, [ wh'ere she was~a ~uest for ten days[ ~,;~ ~'s~;,~ v~.~t".~.~a "~;, '',~,"rJ"t I with us are invited to come again, and fro~h) at Beloit, Wis. *Jz-*~29C II SOAP |m 49c
h] i 'gll eev [ t-"+~h~ h"me "' her *on in law andl ~'*"-"" .e as ss ,~la.uys ] The evening service for the young May ~0--Coe- CorneR - ~,lnnell 4 for 19c m
""g rlumpn m'."' :. 7.: = l atters n'a.z rmer perat rlntnelpeople comesintwo divisions The triangular meet atCedar Rapids. I !
il~(]~'%b ~ ~ ~O "l~tl,~ DTt"~ i,(aaugnter. zvzr. ann ,~rs. ~. ~. ~wear- /Vernon ~leauty ShOp. She is a niecel " . Ms'" 17 M e-re lull
I~YI~0~o-'Y~:' *"? I DON'T FORGET ! I / don. While in Iowa City Mrs. Mer-I of Mr Jordan I ~lgn.;~enool ~pwor~n ~eague meets, . y ~ -~
I'~=~-~:. ,=--,~ace In SUCh I I + ~ ,xroom-~onl " " l at ~:xa at me ~. ~. neasty nome,meet at ,elOlt, win. 10c I JOHNSON'S I PAPER
. Venlent A [ Have your Radio reeon- [ dinner iven bv the D A R] Dr. eorge Glockler. head of thel303 Second Street S.E. Eula Bur- . y 24- oe dual meet at Mount
~.i~lll~, ~l~lrl~, "-"," "~ I .~','^-.:.~ I [~h:J ^ [chemistry department at the State]nett is to lead the devotions and Vernon (varsity and freshmen). WALLPAPER,GLO-COAT I TOWELS 1
t or{ ~^ ~rmmpn-7" I ~, "~,~ ?" ~,?'~ I I /University of Iowa, will :be theIJean Heasty the lesson. This is a May 12-14--Freshman telegra- CLEANER,Pint [ 150 Sheets
you such i you el .es reeepuon I I Mrs. R. P. Ink arrived last week Ispeaker at the meeting of the Cor- Ivory thriving organization, phic meet. 7c 3 for 20e I 59c I 3 for 25e,
ALLY LOW I throughout the year. We I Ifr ln Pasadena, Calif where she}nell Science club on Thursday eve-I The college Epworth League ,v-^-,--- *~-
I. l .x ' nY ret I are eouim)ed to do your I Ihad spent two months with her[ ning. Dr. Glockler recently join-[ meets in the church at 6:30. Older ,vr~u~Hg r~Waru~
i~tIl l"*r qtla~-:'-~. . ~'~Y-" i ,A " ~ i. ~I.:H~.ol i Imother, Mrs. W. A. Pinkerton. Sheled the faculty of the University ~ youth who are not in college are Wrestling awards for the past OLD HICKORY,DRY-DYP I RALPH'S |
I We -Y.-,I I [stopped over in San Francisco to[ coming from the University of Min- welcome at this service, season have been announced by SMOKED SALT I 25 Lb. pail i RAT KILL m
~W~. "~t[ -Peel; them 1;O { a~ ! ltLe~floIlaDly. { {~ilt~ :~tTatS ~n?ncr:t:rn:rdea linteh:I ~::?t:n t~'hd ~ay wTheeZ~dw::ekninP;,a'~v~a::l~v~3? f~l~ C 2:ha2i;krBaF:eBakVr,ar~ltrYedWlt~- 89c I $1.9.8 ;x I 25c I
~W{~th ]While in Frisco there was a day andI "Electron Theory of Valency ' Dr.I be led by the Woman's Society of shop, Frank Preston, and Don Wll- PIES m
I.-41~'l~JI~''-- = |a half of sunshine, the first since]and Mrs. J. B. Culbertson ,'ill be[Christian Service. The attendance son, sophomores; Quentin Joy, a ICE
I~ "~'~l~ I~V I~ ~k I~ ~'~l~ ~I~ |before Christmas. She reports thatI hosts at dinner at the Baker house] at these services has gone to over junior; and Bill Lyman,and Gene Torn-
I~l~ ~ I r~'~bb~lU ~tm~Uo{ Prof. and Mrs. Horace Miller wishI honoring Dr. Glock]er and Mrs.1 seventy, i qullst, Marc Daley, Dave Ho?::r
~- ~l~ lie ~e remembered to their many[Glockler, preceding the meeting.[ The all church banquet for fath- seniors. It was the seconu ~ tt . Strawberries. Serves Four to Six m
I ",t~j- M+ Verno Ifriends here. Mrs. Miller is recov-I Other guests will be th science de-[ers and daughters will be served by for JOY and Daley and the thlra 33c m
n l ering from her broken ankle and artment facult memb r h r a evenm for Tol nquist and Lyman
I ~ ![ p Y e s and]t e W. S. C. S. Thu sd y " g' " " ' rals
i is able to walk their wives r 20 6 0 m hutch Freshmen receiving nume
"' . Ma ch,at 3 the c