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March 14, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 14, 1957 |
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It was said durmg the Roosevelt C~LAAt| her guitar and sang for the children Legend of SleepY 14~ ~
ML Vernon, Ia., Hawkeye-Re¢ord [ . . ." ." .... t State Board Of LeGaue ]~/A Y B A C K W H E N Beese and Koh[ Will ~!ivv| land told them about schools in Ha-[Warner's group oa.~
~he Llsl~n Hel~Id O--..-- @-auminis~rafion, when many mougnt ._ "~ , i
Thurs.,Mar. 14,1957 ru~ ,ailab°r was abusing its newly-won[To Meet Here Aprd 10, 11 ] TEN YEARS AGO Speak At Marion Dinner wail 2~he previous week Hugh noon. The cast 1 :
GRADE SCHOOL NEWS I Roberts showed slides taken on a Thomson, Dick Ro~
power, that it had to learn to use March 13, 1947 Both Miss Lahman's and Mrs trip to Mexico. Francis Pisarlk J0~ "1"
this power. I The State Board of the League of ] Harold Kruse of Marion, salesman Linn County Soil Conservation Ludley's fourth grades went byI Rosalie Bowman, ~ t
T h e H a w k e y e- R e c o r d Now it is more than 21 years Women Voters will hold its next ~,,~ 10 .... s with Jameswa,= r'o district dinner will be held at the
• ' in : +v. j~-- " "~ "' • • m ,,.4 ~, • • erb, I"
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye since the Wagner Act was pass- I meeting on the Cornell campus ] buys Hedges Lumber yard . . . Presbyterian church, Marion, on school bus to Cedar Rapids Thurs- l IA/k~e Whab With Ward l jer, Bob Jilovec, S~K
ed which protected the rights of E Mt. Vernon April 10 and 11. Mrs. 1 Floyd Kitchens note silver anniver- Thursday evening, March 14. J.S. day to tour the Quaker Oats plant] I Karen KaIiban, H
and The Lisbon Herold unions. Union leadership has]C. D. Norton is a member of the isary . . . School elections pretty Russell, Register farm editor, will in connection with a social studies1 SIXTH GRADE NEWS Devan Morgan.
104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, Iow• had time to develop. ]Board. ]slow--32 vote at Mt. Vernon, 25 at talk on his trip to South Amercia unit. Room mothers Mrs. H. Mu-I ~rid~- afternoon as -'art of theI ~ The
offici•l Newsp•per Mount Vernon and It is now time that union leaders! The annual meeting of the focal'solon 130 at Lisbon and make the R&T conservation zumdar and Mrs. Frank Meyer ac- ..f:, ~:Y,~ ~"~'^-- +"~ -~mbin ~ I Mrs C E Ralstohi• 'v
• .~ ULIIL Un .LuWa l~tul,y ~LL~ ~.U eoI • : .' _...,, ~ lEE
Linn County I ] ' " )mI anleeL xn~ m. sb h gr des:aveled t Ic 7a City, in the William Wliie,~
. t As partof a reading unit on stu- to tour the Museum of Natural J Cedar Rapids. • e¢
. ,, , t who collect dues from members league was held at Holiday House . awards. Award to family operated
The Mount Vernon KemarKer !man times by compulsion and who on Thursday, March 7. T~ENTY YEARS AGO farm goes to Harry La.tta.of. Paralta compamed them. sixth grades traveled to Iowa City,
As part, f a re to t¢ ar the Museur~ ~f N~ttural _
Founded in 1893 by Minard Lazier ] han3~e welfare and pension funds ] Mrs. Eric Kollman, chairman ] "" March 11, 1937 coma.unity; farm~.d ~v ~s lo n dents in foreign lands the two Science and the Old Capitol. Ac- I David Lyford, s0~
The Lisbon Herald [be.placed under the same type Of lpresented Dr. Harold Ennis who Yeisley installs equipmentto lv.mur,ce ~arnanL ~. z, ~eaar .r~.- rooms have been hearing about companying the group were: Mrs.! Lyfords, will take
r-,,ndedin I89¢ by 11z. F Stahl s~rtc~ regmanon ma~ vuslness nas spoke on water conservation in make ice cream at the bakery . . . pies; and new opera~er ~ar~n olvI- schools in other countries Tuesday Kamerling Mrs Schott Mrs Cook I Iowa State College ~
-~" ... .... had for many years. Iowa. Dr. Ennis introduced the Levy moves ice house to rear of sion award .m L. w. J~ong, ~oggon. Gerda Kollman talked about school and Mrs. ~iorgan, besides the teach: chestra in a concert~
li!fe in Germany. Last Friday Mrs. ers. Educators_Nail°hal ~
Walter Tubbs, a Cornell student Mrs. Lammert's section of sixth I Omaha on Sunday ¢
No. 1 in a Series--
- . any more than it has hurt !velopngnt of industry in Iowa is !Protests being sent to C and' I~V¢ ( L(
Southern DemocraTs honest stock broke'rs or honest } the poor quality of the water.", he + about mail service. Delay of 24 + , : :~e~
• • ¢ • qP P---..-- c+--+^.- , bank and insurance companies. I stated There are indications that hours in delivery now since mail l
untalr /O t, orn ' Revealing of the dishonest acts the water table is falling, probably from west is carried through in
• + ..... ~=~ ~ill~,of union leaders is not an end in ibecause of the tremendous increase i forenoon to Clinton and sent back
orn liceSUppor~s lor ~o. ' i
C P' • ~ ....... , itself. The goal should be to nse of her capita consumption of water l in afternoon
be 1 30a bus'act, oats t~u cents anus_. . ~ ,. . .. . + " + •
.$ - _~ ~ +mis imormauon to wrIm laws and the euttin~ off of forest land ,
so be ms $Z 09 a bushel. 19o6 sup-~ . . st labor ~" "
Y ~ + whmh willprotecthone ~ " " the tTHIRTY YEARS AGO
" ~ -~ for corn 65, , Dr. EnnIs outhned some of ~ 0
port price~ wme $!.50 .... , , groups and honest members from . -~ o~ water control ~ March 16, 1927
foroats ~ncl 5z.laiorsoy-I • . presem measurcb t C uc " "
cents .... the acts of dishonest leaders with- 14 rt .n the lc~wa Natural Re_ , h k Fordyce, studying for !us ....... I " ! ~
beans, ou* hur+im~ tl e ,-i~hts uf labor ........ 2, ~'" ".,'+ -7. ~, • - i PhD. in chemistry at Cornelt univ.,
U¢ Dent of Agriculture says + "- ~"• +, • sources tcouncu wmcn was esmo-~!oasses his PhD reliminaries with
lower pI'ie'e supports are intended I1. I_. &AI __ ["__._ :!~hed, by the Sta?e Legislature. ln lsecond highest gparde of anyone in
- out ut stimulate n | I"] . . . 194u to carry ou~ a iact nnalngl . .
to reduce ciop p • -]~|gnit |v|~ it t~ ....... - i the university . .. Mt. Vernon PTA
~'" s un-tion and bring . survey on conservalAon the t-'lCK- I .... • . . - . -- .
d°n2;st~Cn l~n°en ~;:_t~tp world prices.Florence HoIdallI ! iS/oant21na,n ;VaSrmUltierP~irp?S~;o:f i pO;naSh~OgsSOfC;al :oruI~eg~Un~l~3;I
Francis A l~utish I.S.C. farm I tee ~'." t ~t+ ,)'~ :~"." the latest thing g ' P g " ' t Each female attendin~ nrenared box
economist, says that increased Io be mechanized will be mail de- control, recreat!on, and naviga~on i lunch for two: each ;nale~pays 50e
rains ~ltn I in me ±viissourI uivcr area rue
consumption of feed g " ' .,,livery--in Cedar Rapids, that is. " t ......... " :, , i and draws box number to decide his
e o k roductswnl i Y -ec ed to rove h