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March 14, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 14, 1957 |
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ML Vernon, Is., Hawkeye-Reeo~l ! Sunday dinner guests of the O1-NOTE MRS. BI~ER'S RIRTEIDAYI Pali~des
*l~e Llgbom He~Id , ,,~ iver Burlingames were Mr. and Mrs. A group of guests honored Mrs. I
Thurs., Mar. 14, 1~'t lead@ 4 1 Raymond Hamilton of Princeton. E.P. Bigger on her birthday Satur- 1 Mxs. Don Dolezal
v W a-~man daughter of the day evening They were the Luther
Kath~ a ....... • ....... ~ Mrs. Frank Stepanek is expected
I Dale Wagamans, was a week end ~mtten'oergers ann J~usseu JJalrs oiI home from Mercy hospital this
•.. • t " ---- t--'est in the home of her ~-and"ar Mt Vernon the Rudolph Notbohms',
LISDOn LOCal items su s, v - • . , week after spending a week there
en*s *~e Arvel Doubenmiers at Mt of Ohn the Robert Dolans A1bertl
I ...... following surgery.
.... ' Blinks' and S F Emersons all of
The H C Skow family visited Vernon. .,, - • , !
: " • . l , Sunday dinner guests of the An-
Sunday m the Chms H. Skow home i Mrs, Joe Tvrdtk and Sammy and ~ soon. ~ i tone Bidermans included the Bill
at Miles. I Mrs. Dale Wagam. an and Kathy The Oliver Burlingames honored l Thomas' from Springville, Fred
Mr and Mrs Clyde Parks of Mus- were Friday evening callers m the their son Wallace on his birthdav l Chermak from Park Rapids, Minn.,
catlne were Tuesday visitors of Arvel Doubenmzer home at Mr.I last Wednesday. Guests were the l !and the Joe Viktors and Joseph
Macy Lee. iVernon. ]John Carstensons, Charles Carsten- !from Ladora.
Dr. and Mrs. F. D. Francis of Iowa l The Dick Shulistas and Brian,] sons, John and Jeffery, W. C. Hodg- i I Michael Taylor from Cedar Ra-
City were S~nday guests of Dr. and ! Miss Jean Ann Shulista and Arlol dens of Oxford Junction, and the ; i pids spent the week end with his
Mrs E P. Bigger. i Whitman were Sunday afternoon Wallace Burlingames and Gary of l [grandparents, the Ben Neals.
"^ ~ .... ~-ttin~ were Sunda- callers of Mrs Mike Stejskal of Ca- Clinton I The Roland Heniks returned from
evening dinner guests of Mrs. Emma i oar i~apms. I Mr. and Mrs. Willard Light visited i their honeymoon trip to St. Louis
Johnson in Mt. Vernon. Week end guests in the Lee Crelly their son Dale at Ames on Sunday• I Thursday evening.
Dr. G. R. Andre is spending thisi home were the Cal Schucharts, Mrs. Together they attended the Called- i 1 The Larry Quinlans and the Bill
week at St. Luke's hospital Cedar i Charles Mall and Mrs. Lama Petersliate Methodist church. In the after- i BILL JILOVEC, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jilovec, is pictured Quinlans from Oxford called on the
Rapids, for observation i of Belle Plaine, and the Walter Ket- noon they visited with James Mel- i obove with his fall litter project. They were farrowed the middle of Leonard Heniks Sunday evening.
lets of Luzerne I chei former Lisbon resident who ~slAv ust Bdl x
Mrs Dorothy Gibson of Grand . ' . . " ~, ." ~. : • ." : g • " e hibited them at the spring market borrow show ]n lMrs. Franklin Kemp from Iowa
~1 City called on Sunday afternoon.
Mound spent Friday to Sunday in! Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kerslake, Liz-[a semor at .~mes~J.~OmS l~lg~L wn.o Cedor Rap ds March | and 2
the parental Ernest Oetting home. i zie Brown and Mrs. Dorothy Gall- is a sen mrat 1~, ~eaar ~ans, wm Bill is a cho,~ter farmer in the Lisbon FFA and a so~'homore' Friends of the Joe Zinkulas sur-
Misses Esther and Pearl Andre! meyer were birthday dinner guests arrive weonesaay to spans a.~ew ........ ~, ~ ~ ....... r- , . 3 !prised them with a belated house-
............... ' ......... °'~nwo-~ on' oays with her parents me winard aT NU vernon mgn tar ms ~mprovemem prolects ne nas. aura warming party Saturday evening.
ann Lv£elVlll Anure oI iviecnanlcsvule ~ o£ me ~. D Drown~ a~ oLu uu , h " " "
were Sunday dinner ~uests of Miss ', Sunday evening i Lights• This vacation is between t e : and repair fence, control weeds, put new room on chicken house, i The unexpected guests who brought
Alva Heneks. ~- ) Mrs.-Veronica" Smith of Remsenlwinter and spring quarters, i build gates. His ]0 supplementary practices include removing l food and presents included the Ray
George L. Albright returned to~rarrived Sunday night to spend ai Mrs. Glenn Kepler of Elizabeth-!junk, spraying livestock and clipping postures. Darlings and Gaylen Ritchie from
St. Luke's hospital, Cedar Rapids, few days in the home of her daugh- villa, Pa. was a house guest of her ......... Cedar Rapids and the Frank May-
on Frida for treatment He was to tar and son the Francis Drumbar- sister-in-law Mrs Gladvs Kepler I ii ers, Melvin Conleys and Don Dole-
Y • ' . ' . *. ! : III
return home on Monday. I gers and the Don SmRhs. I from Wednesday until Fmday. Mrs. i I zals from Mt. Vernon•
Mrs. V. C. Zearing entered St.: Hillis Lee of Maquoketa came Rollin Heald of Cedar Rapids, a s!s-, I The Melvin Conleys called on
Luke's hospital Tuesday. where she l after his father, Mac5' Lee, Sunday i tar of Mrs. Glenn ~epier, ano the ' Mrs. Milo Wolrab at St. Luke's has-
underwent surgery Wednesday. She I and they returned to Maquoketa for i wayne l,,ramers oI r~amrar, son-in- ~ i pital Friday evening.
~,will"Mrs. be7 ~'Hc°nfinedc. Skow•Sevenhonoreddays " Mrs ":~!dinneri visitmgton " " ' frmndsThe afternoOnin. Sabula WaSand spent Chn-l" i Kepler ~ KeplerlaW ann, homeWereaaUgnter ondinner Thursday.°~guests~VtrS'Allinu'm°YSwereme M~-~W S
~avm n. eerguson at a tayetl;e • • . /
........ lm town to attend funeral serxmes 'I Mrs. Lloyd Hunter
snower on . ruesoa~-, ~. marcn ~ lz. '. Recent guests in the Melvin for Mrs. Isa Kepler on Thursday af-
~wenty guests snareo tne courtesy. Andre home were Mrs. Alta Mad- ternoon. ! Morley Methodist: Rev. Oswald
Cynthia Skow. 6 year old dangh-iden of Cedar Rapids and Mr. and I Sandbach, pastor. March 17, Sun-
ter of the H. C. Skows. returned to iMrs. Chester Burley of Blanchard,
school Monday following a two N. Dak. They were en route home
t .....
weeks' at home due to'after vtsxtlng frmnds in Missouri.
a virus, i Mrs. Milo Kaliban left Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pike honored to spend a few days visiting her
their son Loren on his 4th birthday I daughter and family, the Leo CaN
at a family dinner Sunday. Guests ibalkas at Minneapolis, Minn. Fri-
were the Raymond Puffer family of!day Milo Kaliban, Donald Kaliban
Mechanicsville, the Alvin Lehrs and i and Mary Schminke of Cedar Rap-
Galen, the Darrell Morningstars, lids drove to Minneapolis to spend
Janice and Marilyn, and the Emerlttle week end returning with Mrs.
Slaters. Kaliban on Sunday.
Lisbon School News
Used 490 John Deere 4-row planter.
3 Used 290 John Deere 2-row planters. Two
have fertilizer attachments.
KBA Model A John Deere heavy duty, 10 foot
1948 Model A John Deere Tractor with remote
cylinder and roll-a-matic. Repainted and
The six weeks' Lisbon honor roll
has been released as follows:
Grade 7: B (3.0)--Gene Ciha, Mi-
chael Conklin, John Franks, Rich-
lard Light, Jay Miller, James Park-
i hurst; B plus (3.5)--Douglas Miehe, i
I Ralph Schenck, Molly Carstensen, I
Ii Barbara Mullnix.
I Grade 8: B--John Zahorik, Barb-
ara Crawford, Marilyn Morningstar;
B plus--Shirley Boxa, Jacquelin
Malloy, Melanii Torrance; A (4.0)--I
Kathie Schoff.
Grade 9: B--Richard Nost, Gary
Peiper, Bernita Capper, Donna Car-
bee, Gloria Greiner, Mardell Mason;
B plus--Dennis Beese, Kate Franks.
Grade 10: B---Carol Streets; B plus
--Janice Morningstar. Barbara Nost;
A--Frank D. Carbee, Mary Jean
Grade 11: B--Carol Askelson, Sar-
ah Franks; B plus--Nancy Clark.
Grade 12: B~-Jean Bednashek,
Ellen Bieber, M.arilyn Blood, Betty
Bowers, Martha Greiner, Catherine
Gugler, Nancy Kay Zearing, Joan
Warner; B plus---Sharon Kruse, Pat-
ty Resewehr; A---Judith Miller.
Lisbon Church Notes
Lisbon, Iowa
Sunday School, 9:30
Morning Worship, i0:30.
day school, 10 a.m.; Worship, ll
a.m.; the first of a series of special
Lenten messages: John Bunyan
Speaks Again on the Bible in a
New Translation with a Message
for Pilgrims along the Christian
Way. i
All good Christians are urged to'
be in church every week during'
the Lenten season. Invite your
neighbors to join in the worship
and fellowship.
CHUCK WOODS (center) is weighing a pig from the market
litter which he showed at the Spring Market Hog show in Cedar
Rapids on March 2. His father, Leo Woods, is at the left and Lyle
Mackey, student ag teacher, at the right.
Chuck is a Greenhand in the Lisbon FFA chapter. A freshman
at Mt. Vernon high, he has an improvement project which in-
cludes building fence and painting some of the farm buildings•
He has six supplementary farm practices.
Grange Hall Scott's Mill
Mrs. Milton Koch ~ Mrs. Gerald Scott
Our telephone members met at] Mrs. Agnes Loufek and the Ralph
Irwin Coppock home recently. BuM- I Pilgrims, Martha, Doris and Patricia
i ness was discussed and the present of Davenport, the Joe Cervenys and
: officers will hold over until a later I Chas. Casteks of Cedar Rapids, the
Godfrey Petriks of Winthrop and
We are glad to welcome the
Robert Dee family and three chil-
'dren from Brooklyn, Iowa, to the
i farm vacated by the Charles Ran-
dalls, and the Joe Horaks and three
children from Cedar Rapids to the
Mrs. Mary Cerveny of Fairfax were
Saturday dinner guests of the Lud-
vik Petraks. The Petraks were
dinner guests of Mrs. Cerveny at
Fairfax on Sunday.
The Wm. Bys family spent Sun-
day with Mrs. Mary Bys at Solon.
Planning to
See our new Spring
selections of
We have sample books you
may take home if you wish.
Pat's Firestone
guaranteed. Looks like new .
1949 Model A John Deere tractor, same as
above. Reconditioned and guaranteed.
Midwest Manure Loader for WD Allis tractor.
Like new.
Used John Deere End Gate Seeder. Recondi-
tioned. Like new.
Gehl power take-off Hammer Mill. Good as
Your John Deere Dealer
Lisbon, Iowa Phone 2461
Youth Leagues forjuniorsand former Jerry Thompson acreage
high school, 6:30. just vacated by Ray Minnick. Mr.
Evening Worship, 7:30. Minnick has moved back to the
Thursday, Bible study and pray- former Plattenberger farm on the
er meeting, g p.m. i hill.
THE METHODIST CHURCH Mrs. Clair Howard entertained a
....... • ..... ~ I group of neighbor ladies on Thurs-
Dpeclal recognluon will ~ rnuu~]~l~.~
this Sunday during morning war- "~Z'. . .
~- of the local Camn Fire airlsl bgt. ann mrs. l)onald Culberson
°"~ ..... ~" ...... ° t Land Sheryl returned to their home
ann meir masers wno WlU oe sea -[
~a ~- - ~-^~. *^:: *~ ..... ~,~ e,,,~ in DeForest, Wis., on Wednesday
........... am- Fire , after a 20 day leave from the Air
any is me mrmaay o~ ~..P ,' _ t Force at Truax Field Sheryl had
Tne memDersnlp tralnlng class[ ..... • ......
~ill have a ceremon~ of enrollment, spent me past two martins wl~n ner
.......... i- s-rvice grandparents the M. H. Kochs.
aurlng me march ~ worsn p e ..............
.... ir ;~oclal urcle cmo wut meet w~n
also The young people ana me
• . . . .' Mrs Junior Koch Thursday March
parents, will partlclpate in the cere- ~ "
many which will enroll them as ""
preparatory members. They will be The first cell house at the Ana-
received into full membership of moss Reformatory dates back to
the church on Palm Sunday, April 1880.
iN ii
Senior MYF of Lisbon will
ho t Lisbon Council Proceed'-s
the groups from Marion and Math-,
anicsville in the Lisbon church Sun- . ..... February 4% 1957
....... 1 un-t A letter from the ottlelam of the l~m~on
day at '/ p.m. lvlecnanlcsvu e yo g lLibrary Board recommending the appoint-
people will lead the lesson and war- I ment of Chas. Campbell to succeed Richard
shin while the Lisbon MYF will IRadl on the Library Bo~rd. Moved by Min-
' • ' .
prowde recreation and refreshments. ! ~tn~nd~p~d~d.~Y Roatdlonthaatrrth~.aP~°il~.
Phone 3661 Lisbon, Iowa
All Day Sunday from a.m. to p.m.
ter of resignation of John I'L Miller as
town treasurer was read and accepted with
J a vote of thanks from the council for ser-
vices to the town for the past almost 40
years. Resignation to be effective Feb. 1st,
1957. Moved by Radl and seconded by Wil-
liams that Rodney W. Morris be named
money on your groceries.
No. 1 - Ready To Eat
treasurer to succeed Mr. Miller. All mere-,
bars voted yea. Mr. Kirkpatrick asked that
his water bill be reduced but he was told
that the meter had been checked and found
ok. Motion by Radl and seconded hy Kali-
ban that F. Martin be paid $15.50 for ab-
stract correction for Carl Mohn $2.25 and
Dale Wagaman amount of $13.25. Carried.
Moved by Radl and seconded by Sutliff
that Ralston Coast. Co. be paid $500.00
from Gas Tax Refund fund on street work
:count. Carried• H. Land asked that his
dance license be prorated as he use~t it only
about 5 months of the year but this was
denied. The following bills were Mlowed.
J. M. Carbee, Clerk sal. inc tax . .$ 20,00
Is. St. Empl. Comm., Fed ~2,S t~x.. 181.69
Is. Old A~;e SS System, Stste ~¢S
tax ............................ 327.50
l;',sfon BaLk & Trust Co,, Lank 1ox
rent .......... 2 ................ 2.75
Ralston Const. Co., street repair... 500.0t)
'; ~,Vm. J. Zearing, shlary .......... 200.00
We don't say that we have the lowest prices. Shop our store for a Win.LouisJ.Albauv'h,Zearingextra &marshal g ........ .... 30.00],t•00
Roy I,einbaek, school M~ns put out 15.00
week, compare the cost, and learn for yourself where you can save ,aleunitedWagTel....... Co. oft'ceiL]Is., phonesPOli'e&.... 30.00
tolls ........................... 7.45
Josepl~ Zbanek, sal. inc tax ...... 2~0.00
David Ferguson, shovel snow .... 14.38
' " Ted Nelson, haul snow . ......... 46.00
~,V. L. Peiper, shovel snow ........ 16.25
Generator Service, tractor repairs.. 25.23
l~red Alexander, sal. inc tax ...... 100.00
J M. Carbee, sal. inc tax ......... 15.00
W. L. Peiper, open graves ........ 23.13
St. Hygenic Laboratories, teat water
samples ...................... 4.00
J. M. Carbee, February salary .... 65.00
Is. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., 3015 KWV
!Swr. pumping .................. 49.15
la. El. Lt. & Pr. Co., street & blvd.
and signal ..................... 24.70
Louis Alhaugh, change meters .... 25.50
No further business the meeting ad-
G. F. Plattenberger, Mayor~
J. M. Carbee, Clerk
The Lowell Swansons, Mrs. Harry Mrs. Dean Clark
Stoneking, Mrs. Jean Moore, the
Wm. Bys' and Gerald Scott attend- Lisbon, Iowa Dial 3371
ed the official board meeting of the
B;rtra.__~m churc_..._~h Monda_.__~y evening_____.~
i ee :rod Ma
Phone 2961 Open Sunday Mornings
Deliveries Twice Daily Orders in by 10:30 a.m.; 3 p.m.
ThursdaY, Friday and Saturday Specials
LARD, Black Hawk ................................ lb. 19c
MINCED HAM ...................................... lb. 39C
Black Hawk DAINTIES (in Friday) ...... lb. 59C
Snow Crop Sliced
Snow Crop PEAS ........................ 2 pkgs. 39c
Snow Crop French Fried POTATOES .... pkg. 19c
Medium Yellow
Cello CARROTS .................................... ea. 10c
North Dakota Red POTATOES ........ 10 Ibs. 29c
Folger's or Butter-Nut
• . . . . m.
C.F. CATSUP ........................................ ea. 19c
C.F. OLEO ........................................ 5 Ibs. $1.00
C.F. SALT ................................................ ca. 9c
MAZOLA OIL ........................................ qt. 69c
SUGAR ............................................ 5 Ibs. 49c
Russell's Velvet
• •
• • •
• • •
• •
• •
We have-
Davis Paints
LISBON DELIVERIES -- Please phone orders for Saturday delivery on Friday
afternoon or by 9 a.m. Saturday. Lisbon phone 3661.
STORE HOURS -- Week days 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
J. & L. He
Lisbon Phone 2591
We give S&H Green Stamps
# [Club
t _
aneth :
" ' ircl
• ~ | It evenil
U.S. Highway 30
Lisbon, Iowa Dial 3461 24 H0
Free Pick Up and Delivery
Attention Formers...
Since more and more of you
calling us, we have purchased a straigl :
er, in addition to our grinder and rail
this way we are able to give you
service. Feed can be mixed to your
tions on your farm. For further
Phone 4491
Service For All of
Sales and
Store 2841
Plumbing - HeatiM
Air Conditioning -
Plumbing and Heating SerVe We
Dial 3771 Lisb0
Check-In for a Check
and Check Trou 76s
With plenty of rugged winter
hind your car better stop in now for a
tune-up or whatever it takes to
ing smoothly, safely.
The time to stop trouble is bef00
DIAL 3501
Dial 3821
We give S. & H. Green Trading
Air Filter Cartridges Universal Joints IQt
Oil Filter Cartridges Wiper Blades Up Time°
Shock Absorbers Tail Pipes
Wheel Bearings Mufflers Have your carburetor, points, y
A, B, V-Belts for most fractional hp motors age regulator and generator cheCk Pal
justed here for. trouble-free motoO and
We carry a representative stock of these items, especially equipped to serwce Ca0, ur
We also have power lawn mowers tars. i oll
On Highway 30, Lisbon ......... Dial 3271