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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 14, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 14, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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L. A,~ ~ 4,, • 1 office were approved; all members ~_ I_ _ Michel, Grace Kessler, and the Ted A 7 lb 5 oz son, Kenton Charles The Charles Novotnys and Glen The Leland Achenbach family of Mr. Vernon. mn .oun / 3u ¢vnsors ] voting "Aye" thereon. . ~O|O[1 Becker family Center Point After- was born to Mr and Mrs Richard!Shimas and Kayleen were Sunday r Mt. Vernon Joe Cihla family and and The 15is ar woolen Jpe ut . ' " " • • " m--...--] B ..... .I;R~.. ] L~-l'r~an E ~n;Jder P~)t~utv Mrs A~ Zeller noon visitors were Mrs. Delbert Gleichman at Winthrop Mass., on!supper guests of the Raymond no- John Clhla family, Cedar Raplds, IThurs., Mar, gvauu rm~t,~l, auun~ t':~'J." Whitte~or~,' Dei)~tY'." I " Kasper and Wilma, Delma and Ken- March 3. Mrs. Gleichman is the i votny family in Ely. t were Sunday dinner guests of the ! .......... L tt~rrv G. )~ckerman. Deputy.PRESENT W.S.C.S. neth the Ray Cambrid~es and Ma- former Patsy Meyers daughter of!• Sunday guests of the Bernard lAlbert Hrubys. / J~roceealngs ot tne t~oara oI ~uper. Marshall IA. Brown Deputy• ' =" " ' i • • " visors. 1 Philip C :Hoover,' Deputy• ;L-I~-E_I~I-E-M:BE1gS.ItIP. . bel Michel. ]Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers. iMlllners were the Martm Rinder-] Mrs. Arnold Randall is a patient] Stlnday .g~ir State of Iowa, Celerity, of Lii~n, ss.~ Evelyn B. W ill!s, Deputy. I W.S.C•S. met rnurs~ay ann pre- The Louis Beraneks and sons were j Sunday dinner guests of the Gene i knechts and Bob and Bud and John I at Mercy hospital, Iowa City, re- i were toe ~_. .~. ~a....y.~ ..... "'.I Ed Weepie, jailer. ; sented a life'membersnip pin \o l~il: Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Volk family were Mrs Anna Volk Voehl of Shellsburg, and the Joe! covering from surgeryof a fewt ~tara . ~ro~ ,¢,, n • at( met at the Court/ A~ice Smith Matron ihan Kent one of the oldest ano most Mrs Jack Butteris at Lisbon Sat- theEugene Yolks and Kenneth Miltnerssr.The Carl Wilsons of days ago D .... The- B,.~rd ,,f Superwsors of said L le Shook, Jailer• ~ • • • " ' - • ' cant.enz Cou_~ a d St ~. . ,.. - . , - • . .... • • ttous(in C.~dar Rapids January2 ~ Earl Bailey. Bailiff..o faithful members•Lmna Gleason, urday evening guests of the Louis lVolks of Holbrook Muscatme were Fmday wmtors of ,~._ ~^L.._..~__ ~^n ..... ;.~,^a ,~.~ ~.enz, ~nlrJ.¢ ~. ..g _ ..-'~ ..~ - | ' ' ... ~ - ~, ~eraneKs were me oonn t~eraneKs.,~vlrs t~ora 12uoer oI ROCK Imandlme ace lVllltners. Ir~**.. ,,r~.~rs ~t Lisbon Sunda-" af I . . 1957 in re ulat session Seth Hendryx t~aiii~[ assistedby DorisConnellv made ........ i ...... " ........... ~ she ocnuey*er ~,~*~ v~ u,~sons and l~ un iIlouon ny Supemvsor ~uuwa. see- On motion b Supervisor wiley, sec- • . i • . . . . ~v,~tu ,~u= a : -IPats iowa ,,,mR h,, ~ ........ i ..... Wiley the Board t .... Y • ~;',*~ *h~ ~ol the presentation. Members are ask- The Myron Nallys and Patrlck~was a Saturday dinner ~uest of] A dinner m the Rmhard BartoshI ......... ~ ........ ,~_+~l...a ~.+ , Y, ......e,. .~ ,~.*~ ........ :'" "~' . once(1 oy ~upervlsor ~.~.~ .... - ..... - • ' ] ..... I I,~/II~UII .~." ~=~= =,,~=*~.,'=~ ~=v" Dinner of S~upervmors orgamzed by electing| Iowin~ annointments in the County ed to come to the April meetmg at were Sunday guests of the Frank Grace Kessler home Sunday celebrated the second .._= ....... :.._;..,~.~v^^ ~,~.~, gt~r Dudley Henderson as Chairmanof tn | Engineer's office were approved; all 10 a m to sew on the church cur- ¢chI~u+=r famil- in Marion Tr~ no- M nice famil,~ are nov-, birthday of Johnme Bartosh Guests . Cfleks an. Board for tile ensui lg year all mein. " - ' "A o" thereon • ' " . ~ ~ ~ ~ . I ',~ ~ ~ . -* ¢ . nome 1 .......... , .... ~.,.~" ,hereon ~ members voting _y .....=. ,,_ tams There will be a potluck at~The John Me,,ers' of Lisbon and lin~* from the R R Greenwaldlwere the Bud Kubmhek family ] " .. .... Stouts and u,:.~ .u~...~ .-.e.. ~'" .-~ • william ~. ~enrens, %ou.ty ~,,- , ' ' ~ ~ ~" " ' ' ' wool ann ~ixiel uI On motion by Supervmor Sutera, see-/ gineer, noon.Dessert w~ll be furmshed bY!Virginia Meyers were recent visit-~apartment to near Iowa City• John BartoshesGeorge ReyhonsI The James ~as~ s ... , Vernon• . (].,~ded bye pSup~'r2~:~iOn~, o}W~Y~ 3t1~] ~ Dean R. Iterzberg,.r. Assistant the committee• Ladies are to bring ors of Mrs Anna Holubar J M Zenisek is recovering at family, Fred Melieher family of Lee, Cedar ,Rapids, were ~a)ur~ay week end_ 11 ,..,.,~.t..o ..... " " Engineer. • " " " i " ". , , • " supper guests oz me rtoy ~....u~ Dorason a , w(re approwd as rea~P; all meznber~ %c,o B Hurt Assistant Engineer. scissors needles and thread and if The Raymond Zemsek family,Mercy hospital Iowa City from l Marmn Larry Pont family of Hla- . .~ . i , - . . .. " . " . "'.. .." | Marilyn Va ~ g - .- " g" Y ' ' were Sunda', su,-,,er ~uests of the i Lillian Kent i The C B Cambridges Mrs Elmal ..... I ~N D~e~£u*~,o~,a~m,~g ~.eP°.~;*.t."r~.S.ard/ On motion by Superv!sor wl~f,'.y, sec-Divoky and Laura Connell. Host ...... ~ ~'" a ; ..... ' ......... I¢1 .... k'or'and Robert' an~i Mrs|Sunday dinner guests o~ mtrs. tie-'~ ........ | D~ ~* ~o,~,vr~ ~y t.~ ~,~ iond~ dby ~uDervisor ~utera toe 1ol. .-.. .r , ~-~. _ .. Jonl2 r~esslers ~ IFI~ dOe ~oleen_eKs, ~eoar rtaDlos, ~ ~' -~ ....... = ~__~_,~ ¢ ~are oz ~ow~j of Supervisors of Linn County, towa;~ lowin ~ ointments for the Court esses were t~tara r~roul, *hnzaoetn Fridnv ovonina mm¢~ ~f Mr¢ i,,,~,~