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March 14, 1957 The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record | |
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March 14, 1957 |
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Fne|||h# ~Hosts and hostesses were Supt. and He flew home from Frankfort, Ger- I per with him. Guests were the Har- ML Venom, h., l~wkeye.Reeo~l ' FOR SALE. • AME •
• ..... m7 Mrs. Kenneth Stoakes, William Mul- many, where he has been stationed [ry Newmans, the Guy Martins, the Gamble Heads ,~d The Lisbon H - . . . Hi Fi amplifiers . . RICAN Standard plumbing
erMd ,
||n~ ~.,J lenbergs, the James Davidsons Mrs. for two and one half years. He re- / George Beighles, the James David- - = ! Thur~ Mmr 14 r"" Pa"o 9 speaaers, tuners, speaker enclosures, nxmres, boilers and furnaces Len
~i,|~lm Dh~,~.-h fa . turntables eteBill Randol h Stunox furnaces Youn town k,tchen
"'°°~" '.~V~IW IDayton Niehaus Mrs. Will, am ' ' ~ ~ ' "
ceived his discharge from the army!sons and children, and the James mv ll,rmm~7 mu UVll~ ~, ...... ' • p - . ; gs "
-- ~ S~oppel, Miss Bethany Miller, the March 6 at Fort, Ill. He is I Daubers and daughters, azo, wit. vernon. 19tf ~?i~,sd~?hw~i~q~s and food was~
~o~'~'rhe.Martelle Con-IA. B. Wallaces, Miss Jessie Boxwell, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur ~ ! MORLEY_ Maurice Gamble was . FOR RENT: Crutches, when and Here's Where You Get ~E~TING dial K PLUMBING
wiIvaCst~ty and their IMrs. Betty Diehl, the John I:)a~-Darrow. III APPY LITTLE RLUE BIRDS elected president of the telephone If you need them.MEREDITH The Best For Less , 3771, Lisoon. 32ff
~emertained the lrymples, the Harry Nosts, the ~ The Happy Little Blue Birds met company at their meeting March DRUG. 42tfc g TROPHY:2EDuah ;a%~fn OmURhmUSED and rebuilt
30and',.u cloc~hUsbandsdlnner and I ThomaSat ! Schwirtzes.Sivers and the Bernel'lWILLTh~,oCOMPETEch,,~,,~,¢......... INq.S'rA'x~:,,m ~.+~n~ ;IR'withobertson' their onaSSistantThursdayleaderafternoon.Mrs" Nell 5. Lawrence Duncanwas named ~NTi Wall paper steamers AH~ h?tlPrem" Q "ty_ . .'.g " s. A large variety
~dUb TUesday eve- ~ I ............................. 'Me "i ., _ vice pres., and Mrs. Duncan see.- sanders ed*,ers buffers an"w ..... '~ no esaie ~rice ~evel at all times. BERANEK'S dial 4821
• • e~ ng was called to oraer by • ' *" ' ~' "~*~" Cert No , '
Cons. school recmved first place at I ............. treas. Operators are Mmes. Mfl- Kalihan Annlianee Mt Vernon lat~l,~ ,' ,,r}hern Ranger ........ bu. 28.00:Mt. Vernon. 22tf
[the Robert Peets, I DARWIN DARROW • . mmr presment Lmaa ~lcnaroson
the dtstrmt speech contest at Dubu-I ............ - dred Cook Ruth Smith and Jennie ~--': ....... "'" ~'lmano ~,mmm Alfalfa _bu 25001~ ........
anus, the Merlei COMPLETES SERVICE [ ......................... ~ouowmg me meeung me glms ~m^~ ' FOR RENw" farm nome electri I Cer~ Montana K 1~ a Pl~ ~ " o,.,,~ ~u~--~ ~uams ~a~y
que. lney aye lvlargar~ O~IIWI[LZ ,
r ~vers, the Guy Darwin Darrow, Sp. 3, U.S. Army, Idramahc" declamatmn" I)awd" Stone-' ] made. bwd feeders. Glenda Memeke, "*"=" ---____ mty." Six miles" southof' Lisbon" I Montana Red Cloveren _n ...... buU' 32~n. i Club.001 $4.50 for 8 pmtures," one each
Elhs Lambertsons.[arrived home Wednesdayevening, t--.- .... ^,.. ..... u ............who is moving from Martelle was
TO HEAD CEMETERY ASS2q Sailor Phelps, Lisbon• 22c ]TimOthy Iowa ............ bu" ~'~ year. Stop at studio for details. 13tf
Klu~; dna /~lt:~ I~UlItZ, IlUlIIUI'UU~• . -- ,~ .... '
......................... Ipresen~ea a g~ ~rom me group C~?ndB~Lm
~ne yuung .uuup~e wnl UUIIII.M~Lt~ lIl ........ • le
the state contest at Grmnell" on,.,~e~resnmems were serveo oy ~v, rs. ceRm°~eryB ak;:'nS:af:ftw'llhhea:nntuha~ ! weReO?MSs.FMOaRe RENT, LbsYb2Yi~or e.Neb2:...:.:..e~t 34~.~ CoNnEvWtAnND USfEe2Ut;n~t~c ;;Ld
March 30 rmoertson and Mrs. Lloyd Aller. eiecnons at ms~ week at Green iphone calla. 20-23p[ ,.,= ~.~. ~mptre-xxemd .:!b;. 1.65iCO.' Lisbon. 36tfe
• ~ The group attended the annual Center church. Vice pres. is Virgil ........................................ upon • a.ays a week unto ~ p m.,~--_ . _
I,COMI~. W lr, ~ theatre party at Cedar Rapids given Tallman sec SamWeaver and WANTED Drove over on weekends or eve-!_ .'OR THE FINEST ~n newerhy-
WE .......... IL_...LARK
Will C'l~,l: ur~¢ r,l,~n ~, ~,. by the Campfire Council They treas. Avert Cook. Trustees are .... • a~anteeo ..... . .... -
........ r ...... ~ ....... t.~ o~,.- ~ . . ' nings Satisfaction Gu ......... forms pian~ l~ynKs' Miracle ~ene
I .................................... FARM SEED & SER IC i rlyorios, wai~er Burgess Dial 5381
prised Saturday evening when hisearned the party by sell}ng candy Jess Cozart Lawrence Duncan,, WA .......... I V E CO. . ,
• . ~ x ~.u. ~xpemencea baker. Sco c / evenings. 18-33
neighbors came in with well filled earner_. Attending ~rom me group Paul Mmneke, Delbert Smith and T~i.~] ~r ~ ,~a ....~,~;,~ ,~,. I t h Grove, Jones Co., Iowai P
baskets and shared a potluck sup- were Janet Kay MiddleKauL mary Llm,d¢ H,mter~ . [ .... in t=~"" --.~:o. ~uar ~%~,~,o~ .... (On hi-way 38 south of Monticello) :~ FOR SALE. Small house and---two
~ynn mattie, ,.inaa and uana Rich- ~ R:DidO., 33o ~tn Ave. ~.w., t:edar[ 20tf!lots, ideal location l%r building• Mt.
ardson, Linda Holcomb, Pamella JR. Ill GIRLS WIN t - ~---: ..... ~i -PLOW LAYS of any size built u~iVern°n 4432. 20-22p
Clark, Charlotte Huggard, Rita Dar- TOURNEY OPENER ,..W.ANTED: Man for factory work. l like new $5 each We also build i F'--F-o-R-~S:A-~-L~.'---U~e-d~st-oke~i:-~.-zz~
.. ~ • row, Becky Robertson, Judith Lar-Morley girls nipped Sacred Heart I ~gn scnool graauate 18 to 45 pre- I tanks of all types IRONCRAFTERS conditi~ ---: ~,r .......... ~" • ~,,~u
• son, Glend'a Meineke, Barbara Plat- of Monticello 26-25 in the Jones ~c/~ired. Permanent• Full-time post- phone 4121, Lisbon. 18tfc Lisbon .................. ~, pnoue~2~21c
v UNiT[D- HAGIE tenberger and leaders Mrs. Nell county junior high tourney at Mor-!. n. 40 hour week. Vacation andI ---US-~-CH~ i ~~--~, ..... "'"---
!°oen~n~c~.? @t•P~;~:n.J ~ie~, ! W~;2 fail'oars, a~re~r:dreCdh;~t7
.| ,!., Robertson and Mrs. Lloyd Aller.le~unMiOonr%hmtgah~saddedfourvic_'2~u~ ~2ht~ ~f:nig~r;t~Ss~angeSautt;lmeVlt~o
•.. tne corn [nat s -- c
,._lnARANTEED KINDERGARTEN MEETING tortes last week• The girls defeat- --W~A-NTED:--Fill dirt--If you are!ers water heaters water softener',-']E~ Ha,:ms & Son, phone 447W3. Box
~ The Parent-Teachers conference ed Onslow 41-31: the boys won over looking for a place to haul dirt in- Priced to ~oH T~AT.T]:~T ~:~I:)T ~'i~}D' ~mber. 21-23p
............. for kindergarten parents is planned . , ........................ ~- -- ..........
Onslow 54-15. The gzrls also do~n- qun-e of Hfllcrest Country Club, C ANCE CO ~,+,. FOR SALE GOODYEAR TRAC-
~uy UNI/kO-HABII- for March 13. There will be no kind- " " • .... ~ , . .
ed Oxford Jet. 28-21 and the boys F. Bauman, or Ralph Streets, Mr. I TOR TIRES at lower prmes. Bettm
now and pay for it nex~ ergarten that day. Parents were no- tripped Clarence 4%25, Hay making Vernon. 21tf --INSULIN-- : traction, longer wear. On the farm
November. titled of the time they were to be 15, Findley 14. --W)t-NTED.~Party to assume month2 Refrigerated for your protection• i tire and fluid service. Beacon Shell
present, ly pa~nents of $19.46 on new Bald- WHY TAKE U N P R 0 T E C T E D i Service, 24 hours, dial 3461, Lisbon.
Morley volunteer firemen quickly do'~n ,~a-m~ ~+ .... ~- ~ ~ earn MEREDITH DRUG I--FOR SALE(Jus(in,1949 model A.
The local fire department were " ~,/ ~ ............. ,~v~: o~o.
put out a grass fire March 5 at Write R "" L ~'~" ' "o .... __ ..... 42tfc John Deere. This is the kind yotl
~./ more kick called out for a grass fire Tuesday ' .. . w. t ~ .ennan. ,~z ~'~rs~
Miss Edith H Miller's placeThe A~e N E "" d .... 9" --
afternoon at the Plattenberger, • ." "~ '. . . t~e at" ~xapms, m. .l-zzc LINN ELECTRIC CO. I have been w'anting. Miller hnple-
Rev. Mr. Bennett was burning offI --.,r~ ..... ~-- ~.- --., ....
i, the springLambertson farms, the garden and sparks ignited thew ~x~tmu. xotu- mrnlmre, ru~s~. Wiring Service ment Co.. Lisbon 21-22c
------- dry grass of the adjoining pasture Iand carpet to clean with our new ~.Mount Vernon- 2400 Lisbon- 2718 ! --~]~-R--yl--~rD ~c~¥:~,7}~'.~.~-~:,--
~igger ears ' edThethegirlS'girls'basketballstate basketballtearns tourna-attend- ' machine. Call us now. Phone 7302.FOR SALE: Automatic shallow brid now. Funk's "G" Hybrids al-e
-- DeCamp Furniture Repair 19-22c
in the[-~ mcnt at Des Moines Thursday. TWO NEW ARRIVALS I- ! "
well pump with pressure tank, mo-[ consistently good year after year.
CUSTOM CORN shelhng w~th
I Little Tommy Montague son of The Abner Achenbachs received[ ~ • .' • tor perfect. Norm Blake, dial 6605, iGene Strauch, 907 1st Ave. N., Mt.
the Melvin Montagues was a patient ...... ~ ............. John Deere sheller No job too big Mt. Vernon. 20-23e Vernon, dial 7192 21tfc
~. worfl Ol Ine DlrLn Ol a 0 JD, gfalltio " " •
• ~t.,^.. ,~:...~. ~_ ~-^~...^ ~.^ }or too small Glenn Plattenber~er
i for several days at Mercy hospital, dau~u~, ~muy ~,,, uu~,, ~. m~I . ~ .. •
i Anamosa. He returned home Satur- Alvin Achenbachs in St. Luke,sldtal 2751. Ltsbon 48tf
hospital, Cedar Rapids• The Alvin l--W~.NTED--C~.~b~-d---f-orci~n
" da~he Home Craft and Culture club Achenbachs had been living neat" I,,,~ed ears. Gilmore Motor Sales.
~$~:nm met Wednesday with Mrs. Robert Morley until two months ago whenldial 3091. Lisbon. 39tf
on your decor? Complete the picture with Peel for a pot luck dinner•
• o ~ OUr wide selection of fresh, contemporary they moved to Anamosa/ . , ~WANTED'-Ni~ht waitress_ ApPly
The Jerry Blythes were dinner eti lo son was Darn m Mr ann Beacon Cafe -hone """" T.:~-^2
g Onous spectrum of colors to dramatize or guests Sunday in Anamosa of the Mrs. John F. Husman, Tuesday eve- 10tf
With o -
Y ur drapes, carpeting, upholstery• -~VXN-TE13 TO RENT72oV-3 bed
IJohn Blythes. ning, March 5, at the hospital in
i I~ulf IIHITED.HAGI~ from:Mr. and Mrs. Don Paulson spent ~, Monticello. The Husmans moved --XTVAN-TEIJ-TO-
Sunday at Waterloo with her par- into the Smykil farm house in room borne or apartment. Ross De-
~ewest and smartest ideas in distinctive modern I [F ents Mr. and Mrs. John Rooff. Mrs. Green Center Community last °ue call Hawkeye office. 7431. Mt.
Open Friday Nights 'til 9 George Petrick ~ooff is a patient in a Waterloo has- week• This 1s the first child of the Vernon. ' 13tfc
pital at the present time. I Husmans, firs~ grandchild of the --WA-NTED=7-To r--~2~Jzl~Cd~oorn
The Byron Darrows and Mrs J L iHarlan Tal]mans and the first great home. CM] 4711. Mt. Vornon be-
Phone 2603 hat. Vernon Darr w Cdi er Th.r v" v " grandchild of the Noble Parks and "~ween 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.C.M. Dun-
o_, __ n, w_ e _.... sda, e e-
KI PAINT the Ellsworth Tallmans
N ning dinner guests of the Wilbur . !up, office manager Iowa Electric
barrows. Light & Power Co. 13 tfc
from Farm-Market store (Me-Too) and Wendy were guests for dinner An administrators' council met ERS interested in working 1O or
Old H Sunday of the Lloyd Mallies, near Friday evening at the E.U.B. church more hours ner week from own
gwy. 30 East, Cedar Rapids NEW Mt. Vernon. to nominate officers and to check home, write Box 1368. Cedar Rap-
Rev. A. R. McMurrin, Monticello the church records for the past ids, Iowa. Give experience, etc.
and son Paul, and a friend Mr. year. Election of church officers 20, 21, 22p
Seager were Saturday afternoon will be held at the church March 24 ........................................
callers of the W. B. Meeks. during the morning congregational SERVICE
The Lloyd Darrows, Morley, were meeting. Basement improvement
Saturday evening guests of the Wil- fund is now at $750 in pledges, half ........................................
bur Darrows. The Wilbur Darrows of what is needed for a new furnace. ELECTRICAL Appliance Service.
Local conference will beat the l~eave ~t my home or Stanley TV,
were Sunday visitors with the J. G. E.U.B. Church March 23. Frod Siebels, dial 2841 day time or
OFFER ON New Models Monroes at Olin. 3622 evenings. Lisbon. 14tf
Howard Meeks, student at Iowa
State college, Ames, spent the week YOUNG GIRL DIES "-RI-rG--'-A-ND -CA-RPET--WE-,~VINGi
M yt g Marsha Miller, the eight year old Two automatic looms, no long waits.
a a end with his parents, the Don daughter of the Laverne Millers, Bring ra~s in now for early de-
Mrs. Beulah Larson was a Sunday succumbed to cancer Friday, March livery. H. S. and Louise Smith.
WASHER supper guest of the George Prestons 8. Marsha and her parents resided Dial 2485, Lisbon. tf i
in Morley during her early life, --TV-SERVICE. bonded technic i):~n_ ::
Anamosa. Later in the evening they then moved to a home between radio and record players for sMe:I
and =alljoeViSitedHurts. in Cedar Rapids with the Marion and Cedar Rapids. Besides also nsed radio record players, am- i
her parents, she leaves two sisters, vlifiers. B.ill Randolph Studio, Mr. 7HEgEe.. 1 THINK THATI~ ]~t~ll
The Albert Bobsts and the Louie Kathy and Neena, and many rela- Vernon. 19t~
D R Y E R fromB°bStSa returnedthree weeks'h°metripthiStoWeekCalifor_end tives and friends.. --AGRICULTURAL .................................... LIMESTONE We use a more economical pencil for fig-
nia. road rock. fill dirt, drainage ditches uring.
With our grease guns we perform pre-
Mrs. Blanche Russell, Mechanics- Mrs. Muriel Lane, Cedar Rapids, and cellars excavated. George
ville, and Cash Shoop, Anamosa, was a dinner guest of her parents, Gaines & Son, dial 7731 or 7732. c]sion lube jobs that keep cars rolling smoothly,
spent Sunday with their sister Mrs. the J. R. Bickerstaffs, Thursday. Mr. Vernon. 28tf
• Bertha Kohl. Eight couples attended the square --A~'-T-WATERSERViCE A~aail='quietly and to the complete satisfaction of our
The Homer Allans spent the week dance party at the school March 4.
able now. No equipment to buy. customers.
end here with the Clayton Mur- Mrs. Mervin Switzer and Mrs. Gene No work for you to do. Seal's Soft
~n J! oz. bottle of Mrs. Chrk'$ No. and your old machine fields. Smith were hostesses.
thls coupon to your grocer today The Byron Darrows, OHn, enter- The Ralph Barger family were re- Water Service. Dial 8301, Mt. Ver- We Give S & H Green Stamps
only. DEALER: Our sal*$m,,n will re. tained their nephew Darwin Dar- cent supper guests of the Everett non. 29tf
if you end your customer have row Friday with a trip and dinner Ottings at Clarence. -EXC-AV-ATING and construction:
Only Authorized ag*n¢iet c~n ~ at the Amanas. U-Goa, I-Goa club met with Mrs Sewer, water pipe, septic tanks,
The Leonard Gordons visited with Leo Van Behren March 5. Mrs. basements or what have you. Mike
H. F. Gordon and the George Mein- Paul Mieneke was in charge of the Schick, Mt. Vernon. Dial 4771. 35tf !~ •
ekes, near Viola, Sunday afternoon, program. Her sister, Mrs. Isabelle CAR TROUBLES are a thin~ of
Luncheon guests Wednesday in Dilts, of Walker showed colored the past when you have Besler's
the home of Mrs. Bertha Kohl were slides taken on a recent motor trip Auto RepaY: check your ear re,u-
the Jack Arrnstrongs and the Ken- to Alaska. Guests were Mmes. Ken- ',arly. Dial 6201. 48tfc
neth Gordons. neth Findley, Leonard June, Frank OIL BURNER Service--24 hr.--
Sunday evening guests of the Mill and Mrs. Dilts. plus higher heat, No. 3 Shell fuel Albert Hamilton, Prop.
Harley Davis' were the Galen Rob- Word was received of the death oil FOA-hX treated--means trouble
Come in and take our ertsons and Cynthia and the Ray- of Perry W. Abbott, 74, of Mt. Au- free heating at a really noticeable Wast end of Main Mount Vornon
mond Larsons, Anamosa. burn vicinity March 7. He is the $$$$ saving. Judy Johnston Oil Co..
Mrs. Muse Mitchell called on her father of Lester Abbott, who lives Phone 6781, Mr. Vernon. 22tf
husband at a nursing home in Ce- north of Morley. TELEVISION REPAIRED in your
dar Rapids Friday forenoon. Mrs. W The Lawrence Duncans entertain- home. 95% of all troubles can be It Will
• R. Edgerly and children called on ed the Melvin Decious family of repaired on the spot. We go equip-
Mrs. Mitchell that evening. Cedar Rapids at dinner Sunday. ,ed. New low rates. Call 8291, Wash Better
Sunday, April 7 at 4 p.m. has been The Cecil Hays, Bruce and Susan Kaliban Appliance Co., Mt. Vernon.
set as the time for the marriage of were Saturday guests of Mrs. Hay's 23tfc
Rose Marl May, daughter of the parents the Lloyd Hunters and sup- DON'T TINKER with your car. Look Cleaner
Floyd Mays, to Paul Frink of Lisa ~er guests of the Ben Hinrichsens
bun. The couple will be married in Green Center. Home mechanics too often find
themselves in real trouble trying to • • • with Soft Water
the Methodist church at MarteHe. The Ira Daubs spent the wee~ do their own fixing. It pays %o have
The Gay M. McConaughys of Mar- end in their Morley residence and your repairs done by experienced
ley and Mrs. Arthur Siver attended also visited with their daughter, technicians. We're as near as our
the funeral of Mrs. Luzetta McCon- Mrs. Frank Yarrington and family.
phone number. DIAL 4701. Flynn
aughy at Lost Nat~on Saturday. The Delmar Findleys, Lewis Ver- Motor Service, in the Lilts Chevro-
nuns, Russell Eldreds, Mrs. Lonnie let Building 49-tfc Dial 3233 Mt. Vernon
Paralta Hinrichsen, the Don Nicolls, the
Connie Campbell Leonard Rappen h a v e r s, Dale SHELLANE bottle gas, stove in-
....................The Galen Robertson family of Greenawald and 10 basketball girls stallations, service. The cleaner,
.......... Anamosa were supper guests Satur- attended the girls' state tournament hotter propane cooking fuel. Judy
,:;7::::i:i:il;::i::i::ii!ii::!~41~::~{{~!~ii:iiiii:; .................. day in the Howard MeShane home. games Friday and Saturday at Des Johnston Oil Co., Phone 6761, Mr.
Mrs. C. J. McGowan of Marion Moines, arriving home early Sun- Vernon. 22tf
, visited Sunday. day morning. --TV-SERVICE--over 21 years in Farm and Livestock Needs
Dewy Bolton of Waukegan was a The Mervin Switzers and Harlan electronics. Ken Blake, dial 6605
,;aa~a,~, ................ Sunday afternoon visitor in the Otis Bickerstaffs attended the tourna- Mt. Vernon; 149 Mechanicsville.
~i~ua and Lena Campbell home. Other ment Saturday evening. 39tf LIQUID PIG WORMER -- Our stock is fresh and available
:':'.'..'~F.2:..[....,:L:: ......... ... .~ ....... callers during the week were the The Arthur Barretts, Cedar Ra- --F-R--O-I~T~WHEEL-~AL-IGN'MENT: in quarts and gallons. Why feed worms? Just add to
Melvin Campbell family, Minnie pids, called on Mr. tMrrett's sister Including Caster, Camber, Toe-in. the drinking water, don't change feed, that's all there
......... Richardson and Lloyd Schooley, the Mrs. W. B. Pye Sunday afternoon. Phone 3271 Lisbon for appointment.
R. J. Woods' and Carol, and Mrs. Pat's D-X Service,Highway 30, is to it. •
John Nibeck and Bobby. Lisbon. 38tf .:. .:. .:_ -:- ••
Janet Strikel called Sunday in FLOOR SANDING--old or new;Um KING CASTLE MINERAL -- This is a good complete min-
John Nibeck home. Janet and floors. Call 6505 for an estimate. I "
the Nibeck family called in the Don Lawrence Hunter. 16tf[~_ erol product for livestock. Why pay fancy prices for in
Fisk and Ronald Campbell homes .............................................
The Howard McShanes spent Cki;- ;;'-THANK; ;;R ;AIR" I yoUr.u mineral? Next time., pick up o 50 lb. sack, |n
Monday in the Harl Davis home at II I st $2.25. Remember ,t s K,ng Castle M,nerol for econ- •
Martelle. Mrs. McShane visited in ................................................................................ amy and good results, mn
the Nel Davis home in Springville CARD OF THANKS FOR SALE: Vacuum cleaners. [ ••
Friday. My sincere thanks to friends who 'used, upright, tank type, hand vacs. -:- -:- -:- -:-
The Melvin Campbell family so kindly sent me cards while I was Sutliff Generator Shop, phone 3931, ORPHAN ~blBS AND CALVITA ARE PALS -- Save those •
were Sunday dinner guests in the in the hospital. Thanks to each one Lisbon. 43tf dis-owned lambs with Calvita Milk Formula, add to •
~ll-whe~| dr|be h availabl~ in ten m~ell ranging from 7,000 Ibm. GYW to 33,000 Ibs. GVW. Vernon Baker home at Savanna, Ill. of you. FOR SALE: Medium Red Clover warm water and feed with a nipple bottle. This makes I•
They also called on Mrs. Dora Ada Bair seed, $22 per bushel. John Kohl, dial
Baker and in the Howard Daniels ........................................ 3015 Lisbon. 18-23p a highly fortified nutritious milk, even better than cow's I
if you've wondered just how much extra pull those front driv- home in Green Island. The Camp- NOTICES FOR SALE: Natural soil buildingmilk. Excellent for baby pigs and best ever for calves. I•
bells and Mrs. John Nibeck and materials, Hybrotite, $32.50 ton. Id- .:. .:_ _:. _:_ in
ins wheels on a four-wheel-drive truck really give you--then Bobby called Saturday on Vernie ............................ .- ........... eal for establishing clover and alfal- GETTING CHICKS SOON? Start them on Super Chick I~
here's a good chance to find out! Woods in Cedar Rapids. PAPER DRIVE: by senmr class of fa stand. Write or phone L. E. Boots, --
The Ronald Campbells are the M.V.H.S. Dial 8681 for pick-up or Toddville. Phone 3715. 22-23p Startena, better than ever before. Yes, baby chicks are II
Sirnply phone or come in and we,ll arrange for you to take ourparents of a son, Melvin Burdette, leave papers on porch Saturday, being ordered. Choice dates available. We have n•
taut-wheel-drive "traction test." born March 2 in Cedhr Rapids. March 16. We will also answer calls FOR SALE: 40 brood sows and
Mrs. Nettle Duncan of Mt. Vernon from the rural area. ltc gilts starting to farrow April 6. Phelps Embryo-fed chicks and Anamosa Chickeries. •
• Take an INTERNATIONAL four-wheel-drive to the grades you spent the week end in the W.C. NOTICE Gladys E. Kepler & Son, Phone 2416,Order soon. II
know are tough-take it to places you've never been able to get Hoffman home. When Morgan Funeral Service Lisbon. 22e II
The Lyle French family were phone does not answer dial 3271, FOR SALE: Baled straw. Virgil I ":" ":" ":" ":" |•
through withyourrear_wheel_drivetruck. As the INTERNATIONAL Sunday dinner guests in the Lula Mt. Vernon. 37tf Crofter, Mt. Vernon, Dial 2771. 22p DO YOU HAVE GOOD CORN AND OATS? -- Then see •
Dulls through with flying colors, remember this: INTERNATIONAI.~ French home at Whittier. " ....................................... FOR SALE: Eleven third litter i us for top notch custom mix chick and pig starters, using I•
can't be beat [or operating economy, either. The Paul Ewart family were Sun- FOR RENT sows to farrow in two weeks. Rich-{ that grain you already have in yOur crib or bin. Results? nil
day dinnerguestsintheW. C. Huff......................................... ard Zenishek. Lisbon. 22pi Yes, the very best and you willsave cash doing it. I•
Come in and t~ke our "traction test" anytime! man home. FOR RENT: 4 room unfurnished F'O--R-~ '-~dge Coronet 4-! Others are, why don't you? •
Minnie Richardson of Cedar Ra- apartment. Heat and water furnish-: door. Good tires, new seat covers.
pids and Lloyd Schooley of Marion ed. Adults only. Working couple i6000 miles since overhauled. In per- ":" -:- -:- -:- ••
IITERNATIONAL wet'e Saturday callers in the Melvin preferred. Dial 5421. 21-22e feet shape. Priced reasonably. Ger-
tr the Yeetr~ | TRUCKS Campbell home. ~T~~~ ] ald Welshons at Beranek's Mt. Vet'-:--~ MYZON PRODUCTS ••
The John Nibeck family called ectrieity, 8 miles S.E. of Lisbon. , non. 22-23ni~ ":" ":" ":" ":" ••
Dale Johnston, ~]sbon phone 3219 I FOR SALE" v,~,*¢,,,~, a,a'U- •
cost least to own I ( and ownem" cost records prove it} in the Kenneth Kinzebau home at • . Case four ........... i m • •
South Amana, the Melvi Kinzebau 21-22p tractor plow like new. Rubber tires ~_
........ ..... - " Sophieh°me' andHaughenburyOn Mary Walkerof Marengoand FOR RENT: 2-room unfurnished all around. Bud Fisher, 3 mi. west ! --~ .==~===.j.., =,..., ••
recently, apartment or sleeping room forlOf Meehanicsville. 22p~ ~ ~~~#~ •
The Harold Batehelder family gentleman. Call 6361 Mt. Vernon at- EARL MAY GARD--~-~EN'-~-a~d-L~ J "
i called in the Junior Christian home t er_7 p_:m.. ...... ~, 22c] SEEDS. Garden Tools. J. & L. Hard-! Ralph Bachman, Prop.
I • in Marion Saturday. Mrs. Batchel- FOR RENT: Tape recorder, s~cllware, Lisbon. I
der and children visited Mrs: Harry systems, microph o n e s, speakers,[ FOR SALE: Upright piano, reas- Dial $471 -- ~unt Vornon, Iowa
Vernon, Iowa Gardeman at Atkins Saturda y amplifiers. Bill Randolph Studio, unable. Phone 6261, Mrs. Hattie
,~ morning. Mt. Vernon. 19tf Wernimount, Mt. Vernon. 22, 23c