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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 16, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 16, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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lhtge Six Fill.[ .MOUNT VF'I{NON, IOWA, HAXVKI~'YI~'-I{ECOI{I)AND THE LISBON HEItALI) ..... ., ......... , ....... ' ................. ' ....... ~ ~ ~" f 14 fi at" d u - • - l I - -- ................................ ' ................. i memoersmp o , ve e a gh- Mrs. Catherine Daubenmler, who[ IM • DrrP| | r L|~||1t'~ I • ~ldt'l• A~I~ITI~I~ i plan is based on similar fruit mar- J questions as ........ iers of older members. Other out has spent several weeks at Belle[ ITI~.~I~L|.~4 [~_w.~ ] l]]4|~].~|/~]|[K]]4 Iketing promotion programs of oth-I Gore, H. D. l~ ~ | ~! [] l) ~ l~ l~ N fi ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i of town attendants during the af-' Plaine, is a guest in the Harry[ Li--*a,~ll-* 11 IJ l~iJ~lliIJIJJVIL~llIJi.a er states. "['he senate passed !he Using the~ l~ IJ 1 1,] ll D ~ IlL I1 1[J[ ~]w l[ |~ la TI ks ternoon were Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Whitman home. ] Mrs. John Wain I ,,~ .. -..--Z"" ~. .. [hill 48 to 0 and the House, 57 to ] Democracy" Stone of Cedar ~apias tJess ±~ew- Miss Mildred Knowles who hast __ ---- ~ (won•rouen from t~age ~ j ] 43 Bepresentatives Dewey Goode ] Jones of the ...................................... D i- - ~" ' 'METHODIST CHURCH NOTES ..... .................................................. / mnu, ~vxar]on; ~ev. av a ue ~est, been teaching the second grade in] .... ] PILUITS I of Davis cotinty and Gordon Smith / Agriculture, , ...... /Hopkinton" Mr.and Mrs. Herbert thelocalschoolhas resignedon[ ~uno.ay SCHOOL at 10 a.m. i Hence the feverish activityof•of Cedar county led the oppositionltechniques el e ] ni ..... the Springville and Viola vicinity, , ' " " " " " .... solidation eo~ l i n n ' l'm- ~ ~ ~ "~ g " " ................... ~erans hospitalm Des Momes, and will complete the year. NEIGHBORS SURPRISE I''" ' "'e at o~ d e ~ -[eral assemhly, probably will come cient m Case ~Al~f~~ .... iall h~s hfe• reurmg zrom. acuve[ wherehe has spent the past two Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Sallou moved~ REMIN ........... ~,,,v,~,2_,, ination of state boards bureas and I up for a vote "~gain this session I discussed. .a~m w , "* "~ rmonths Mrs Harry Smtth daugh- to the Stone farm last week The] ........ commmsmns. How well ~t wrought IThe neasur( had lain dormant all [ Mr. Jones tPh;::(!ee(:~ :O?t!t::d,b:yeh°n! ~(pi?~:iii'])i~:i!!: ~' °i'::, :i:,!ii!': :'a!i: I ing three families making the trip ton. N.D. program will be given: Mr and Mrs Earl Lehr were 'y , . d s. n Rem- 19 clui;s to near Linn Grove in 21 days. Funeral services were conducted Voluntary, Mary Jean Cooper; Sunday guests in the home of Mr. ington and Phyllis. and Mr. and Valley Bet He returned to Ohio and married Wednesday in the M. E. church Hymn, "I Would Be True,"Audi- and Mrs. Jack Cain near Stanwood• Mrs. Henry Weiderman. and Mrs. Mary Johnson on March 13. 1879 i)y Rev. L. C. Smith. Burial wasence;Wohelo Call• Guardian and They also called on Mrs. Lehr'sBlanche Holcomb. fax Jolly • birds, at New Philadelphia, Ohio. She :n the Springville cemetery. Echo by group; entrance, "We father, G. Hegarty, They all returned home at a numher of state departments a lit- Whittier late hour wishing •yen many more tle of this and a little of that to very timidly recalls their having Come, We Come to Our Council O. E, S. members gave a pot luck crs, Linn's driven two ponies to a buggy to .;~R. AND MRS. WILSON Fire,'• Hand Sign and singing of supper in the Masonic Hall Tues- happy birthdays, form !~. hybrid state department " eompmmng police, fire and general the county seat, New Philadelphia, HAVE 50TH ANNIVERSARY "Wohelo for Aye". Candle lighting day evening. Their families were Mildred Lane and Leo Bushnell snooper activities of state. to obtain the coveted license andMr. and Mrs. Robert C. Wilson ceremony, Work, Dorothy Boxwell; guests, of Manchester were callers in the to be married the same day. They ,The hill takes !toni the secretary immediately went to farming at ~b~e:'ved their 50th wedding anni- ttealth, Grace Clark; Love, Mary Mr. and Mrs. Minor Estill, Mrs Rev. Baskerville home Sunday af- of state the state highway patrol; versavy Tuesday. They were mar-Jean Cooper; "Burn Fire, Burn,"Eva Gramling, Central City; Mr.ternoon, from the attorney general it takes Linn Grove, later purchasing a farm two miles east of Springville. ~ied at Springville and have con- group; repeating of the Camp Fire and Mrs. Mason Gramling were Rev. Baskerville exchanged pul-the state bureau of criminal inves- where they farmed until about ten tinued to make it their home town Law; "What Honor Beads and their Sunday dinner guests of Mr. andpits with Rev. Hewitt of Hopkin- tigation and the police radio sys- Tree years ago when they retired to all these fifty years, having moved Colors Signify," J u n e Pollock; Mrs. Dale Gramling, ton, Sunday. tern; from the state fire marshall it from the farm just one mile east "Camp Fire Crafts," Mary Elizabeth The Queen Esthers of the M.E. Mrs. Harte Allyn is visiting in t'd~cs his all: from the labor ecru- town. Mrs. Erion enjoys good health to their present home eleven years Reed; "Indian Love Call," Patrieia church enjoyed a luncheon in the the Rev. Baskerville home. mission it takes certain inspection ago. Gatewood and C a r o 1 Rodman; tmme of Arleta Smith Monday eve- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas and activities; from the st~te secretary and if permitted will reach her 81st Mrs. Wilson was Minnie Pollock j"Camp Fire Ranks and their Mean- ning. Eighteen members and theirMrs. Floyd Thomas spent Thurs- o! agriculture it takes inspection of birthday in May. Mr. Erion alsobeh~re her marriage. Their family ings," Edith Jacobs; "The Camp sponsor. Mrs.Harry Jacobs,were day in Cedar Rapids• enjoys good health, gardening and °~'asotine pumps, and would have woodcutting as he did years ago.consists of two sons, Cecil of Ana- Fire Watchword and its Meaning," present, Mrs. Allen Mitchell spent several ~rabhed off all other inspections in 9 a. !11, Congratulations are extended, mesa; Lee. near Springville on the Mary Dudek, Springville Lodge No. 139 A, 1~. days in Olin helping to care for her dairy and food. had not the depart- h~me farm; Hattie of the Algona "'Our Guest," group; conferring! & A. M., held their regular corn-father, who was quite sick forment put up too vigorous resist- GEORGE M. CALVERT ~-choot faculty; Mrs. P. W. Sterner, "Trail Seekers" rank; conferring of munication. Past Grand Master several days. enee: from the commerce eommis- Springville; and Minnie Wilson of "Wood Gatherer's" Rank; awarding Harry A. Palmer gave an interest-Mrs. Merritt Kyle spent Satur-sion it takes various inspection ser- ~} George Marshall Calvert died in Cedar Rapids. There are three of beads and National Honors; "Lay ing talk. Refreshments were serv- day in the Bob Peet home. vices. ~ponsors of the measure his home in Viola Monday at 5:40 g~andchi~dren and one great grand- Me to Sleep in Sheltering Flame," ed. Albert Thomas, Allen Mitchell claim it will save $100,000 a year • daughter, group; candle extinguishing cere- Mr. and Mrs. Carl Falcon and and Mose Mitchell called in Spring- in elimination of duplication of in- All i Day 01d Chicks ,he nee,, Mr. and Mrs. mony, Work, Patrieia Gatewood; Jackson Bowdish, Sr.. of Marion ville Saturday morning, speetion servieesand in all around Pigs Wii~on were honor guests at din- Health, Lida Mac Haworth; Love, called in the John Bowdish home Neal Robertson had his tonsil, efficiency. The hill creates a key r_er in the home of their son-in-law Virginia White. Exit, "Taps," pray- Monday. removed at Mercy hospital in Ana- position in the new department of I{('ady for d*,liver.v every Men- mid daughter Mr. and Mrs. P. and benediction, Rev. Badger.Miss Bessie Smollen was hostess mesa Saturday morning, commissioner at $4,500 a year. JAN MA.~AI{YK day, ,~lrni?'ht rm~ or ,~'xcd on Sterner, Present to enjoy the cour- to the L. W. Club Monday night.Mr. and Mrs. O. W. McBride and OBJECTORS Jan Masaryk, former Czech rain- order. ,~veral Immh~t~l ! to 3tesy were: Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Pol- ANNUAL GUEST NIGHT A picnic dinner was enjoyed. Betty of Marion called in town Considering the many cross-cur- istcr to Gre'tt Britain and son of weeks old chi~.ks on hal|d, llri:'ed lock. Will Pollock, who attended The annual guest night Monday Miss Mildred Collins of Mount Sunday afternoon, rents with which the measure was late presidentThomas Garrig'ue vi21at for quil.k sale. the w,-dding fifty years ago; Mr.C:ub program was given Thursday Vernon is assisting inthe John Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Onstott of beset from the start, the victory of Masaryk, will lecture in (:edar weight night in the home of Mrs. C. C. Whitman home during the illness Wyoming spent Sunday in the L. the Hepnblican majority in the Sen- Hapids, M'treh19th, 8 p.m. at the l{ememl~r, they are cas.v fo Ra!phand MrS.wilsonWill ofWils°n'MarbleMr'Rock;and Rev.Mrs" Hotchkiss. Guest speaker was Dr. of Master Maurice Whitman. R. Bobst home. ate was surprising. Ohjeetors to Memorial Coliseum, Cedar f{apids,Let us raise after the kiml of a slart and Mrs. Hugh Robinson, Lisbon, W, G, R0wley of Mount Vernon, Very little excitement was caused Lowell Kohl and Clarence Miller the program included the secretary Iowa. Mr. Masaryk will speak on yOU ca~ xxe ,.i~c them. Milton Moore of Algona,Robert whose topic was, "Why not Bett~r by school election here Monday.spent Friday in Cedar Rapids. of agriculture, the secretary of"l)emocracy and lts Preserving". feeding - homes?" Music was furnished by We hatch every (,hi('k we ~,11: and Anna Moore of Tipton, Rev. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Bobst of Mt. state, the commerce commission Some 3O,00O Iowa Cze('hs are anx- Meal. ~i Ihey are all U. S. approved, iml- R.A. Badger, Mr. and Mrs. CecilMargaret Wells, Violet Bruger and L. L. Batchelder, who has been president of the board, was re- Vernon called in the Albert Bobst the [eTa State Federation of La-iously expeetin:~ this onistanding lorum (e.,~te(I and (um~e from our Wilson and Beth of Anamosa; Mrs. Frederic Taylor, The committee elected for a term of three years.' home Sunday afternoon, her and affiliated unions, including youno, diplom:tt. W~ .~ele('t hrl~li~Lg' rioters, in.~p(,t,t,,d I,ee Wilson, Mrs. Charlotte Dircks in charge was Mrs. L. C, Smith, J. C. Waddell, Jr., was the other Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Linn of Ce-the ralh'oad hrotherhoods. Var- Mrs. Har~y Jacobs, Mrs. L, A, John- candidate, dar Rapids spent Monday in theices state and national safety ,,eg'ularly and thnt we would I~, and Sue. Hattie and Minnie Wilson ston, who served refreshments.Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brutsman Gerald Darsee home. groups, and the attorney general. 4*I-I Discussion Program proud to have anyone .~e. Ourand Bob Sterner. Wilson Cooper. also reported on of Cedar Rapids are spending this Mrs. Mildred Ellison and Mrs. A notable set-back occurred in Launched In Linn County ('hi('ks are i)rieed as low as any Foilowing the dinner open house"Boys State" held at Camp Dodge week with their daughter Mrs. Harry Holcomb spent Tuesday af-the reorganization program during of .~mte quality, was held in the home which was last summer. Br(~ler stoves and equil)mcnt beautifully decorated with many Bess Hendrickson, who has been ternoon with Mrs. Elsie Remington. the past week. The hill to abolish Following the discussion training at dl~'onnt with order of (,hi('ks golden colored bouquets. Refresh- PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ill with influenza. Mrs. Tom Hurt and Mrs. Dewey the state planning board met with school which was held at the Y. or(h'r(~l now at ments were served from a beauti- Rev. R. A. Badger H.J. Christian of Cedar Rapids Peterson spent Saturday afternoon defeat in Senate where it originat- W. C. A. in Cedar Rapids, last fully decorated table centered with ! Sunday school at 10 a.m. called in the Harry Freeman home in Anamosa. ed. Not as an administration men- Thursday, the ten 4-H leaders and All kinds ~ yeih)w jonquils and green tapers Morning worship at 11:00 a.m. at! Monday, Mrs. Elsie Remington entertained sure. hut as the offering of three twenty-two 4-H girls who attendee C H A M P L• N S in crystal holders, which the Camp Fire girls will at- Mr. and Mrs. Mason Gramling Mr. and Mrs. Iven Remington andRepublican Senators, Smith, Dewey will be using the discussion method Main We are ()lX'n Every Day,Eve- The Fancy Work Club, of which tend in a body. called on C. I. Mitchell at St.daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Lolenand ,~haw. Mthough the vote was in their local club meetings as a ~tore , Lukes hospital Sunday evening. Remington and Phyllis on Wednes- a majority or abolishment, it lack- means of stimulating 4-H club phone ning and ~unday. Mrs. Wilson is a member, were Choir rehearsal Saturday evening!They report Mr. Mitchell slowly day at dinner in honor of Iven's ed a constitutional majority (26 girls to analyze and think through special guests at 1:30 p.m. The club at 7 o'clock. We "The City's I~adlng Hatchery" improving from his recent illness, birthday, votes) to insure passage. The De- not only their own personal prob- ' was organized in 1910 and on down 195(} E Ave. NXV., Dial 3-1363 through the years has had 29 mem- SPRINGVlLLE AND VIOLA Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Skelly of Mrs. Evelyn Brown spent Wed- moeratic opposition tabled the vote lems but national and international Cedar Rapids, Iowa bets. 11 have passed on, four have METHODIST CHURCH Cedar Rapids were Sunday visitors nesday and Thursday in Anamosa. hy which it failed to pass, thereby L. C. Smith. in the home of their parents Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Blythe enter- virtually precluding any further moved away, and of its present Church School at 10 a.m. and Mrs. James Thompson. tained company from Cascade on action during this session of the Public Worship at 11 a.m. Mrs. Althea Beck entertained at Sunday. legislature. • Sermon subject, "The Angel and dinner Sunday in honor of Darwin's Mrs. Will Mitchell spent Monday PUBLIC BENEFA~R No. 2 the Burning Bush." birthday. Guests were Mr. and afternoon in the Mrs. Elsie Reming- Next up on the reorganization Epworth League at7. Dorothy Mrs. Darwin Beck and son Ivor ton home. program was the Senate bill to Boxwell will lead. I Lee, and Mr. and Mrs. Dilman Beck Mrs. Albert Bobst and baby create the state tax commission out Viola !of Cedar Rapids. daughter returned home from theof the present state board of As- i li~l Public Worship at 10 a.m. Marlyn Palmer of Dubuque spenthospital last Wednesday. ' sessment and Review and to ecru- Church school at 10:45 a.m. I Thursday in the home of Mr. andMrs. Ivan Reid and baby son bine all of the other taxing agene- Epworth League at 6:30 p.m. i Mrs. Jesse Gregory. returned home from the hospital ies in state government. Every Visitors the past week in the Tuesday. known tax now imposed hy such Miss Hattie Wilson, accompanlea [ home of Mrs. Effie Kennedy were Miss Jessie Kohl and John Lambdepartments as the state treasurer, Our line of Nationally Known Appliances by Milton Moore of Algona, arrived~ Mrs. Cecil Cooper of Central City, of Rockford, Ill., were week end the commerce commission, the state We have a choice q before you buy. here Friday night. Miss Hattie I Miss Tacy Willetts, Mrs. Floyd visitors in the Lowell Kohl home. comptroller, including inheritance, will stay in the parental R. C. I Hampton and Mrs. Walter Gate- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurt and Bar-gasoline and stamp taxes would be and Shade Trees, yt Wilson home until after the gold- wood of Whittier. bara of Cedar Rapids spent Sunday consolidated in the state tax com- Ma ag Washers en wedding celebration. Mr. Moore Mrs. Harold Ramsey returned in the Joe Hurt home. mission under this bill. Thirty-five greens and Berry Plants went to Tipton Saturday for a vls~ Wednesday from Chicago, whereMiss Evelyn Dragoo spent a few separate and distinct taxes are in- with his sister Anna Moore and she attended a Hair dressers' con- days with her friend Miss June eluded in the scope of the bill. The Zenith Radios brother Robert Moore and will re- vention several days last week. Hartiey at Morley. measure has an abundance of merit immediate delivery. turn Tuesday for the anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Johnston Mrs. Schranebrock and Mrs. Wil- and is bound to create hundreds of ig celebration, of Cedar Rapids were Sunday eve- lard Ellison spent Thursday after- thousands of dollars in savings, in years. Don't delay. Leonard Refr craters Many families are yet afflicted ning callers in the home of Mr. noon in hnamosa. HARMONY with influenza, in town and sur- and Mrs. Earl George. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Moenck andIn few past sessions of the Iowa rounding vicinity. The Get-Together club held an Mr. and Mrs. Elgie Hollingsworth daughter of Anamosa spent Sunday legislature has there 'been gre~ter A-B Bottled Gas Stoves all day meeting Wednesday in the and Mrs. Charles Ryan spent Sun- in the Lowell Kohl home. manifest harmony between the Mrs. Amos Kohl visited her sis- executive branch of the government • home of Mrs. Paul Armstrong east day in the home of Mrs. Helen ter Miss Harriet Filloon at the and the legislature than in this ses- Magie-Aire Vacuum Cleaners of town. Odren at Walker. Frances Robertson home on Satur- sion. On the surface there appears Mr. and Mrs. John Port will en- Mrs. Howard Hahn of Mount Ver- day. to he little communication ,hetween tertain the Wires Corner Commun- non was a Wednesday visitor in A few friends went to the How- the governor and the legislature. Mechanicsville, ity Club this Friday night, the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilburard Dragoo home Saturday evening Governor Wilson has not interfered Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman Stearns. to help Howard celebrate his birth- with legislative work nor has he were Friday dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. Wilbur Stearns returned last day. made any demands upon the gen- and Mrs. F. S. Phillips in Clar- week from a visit in the home of Mrs. Stella Newman spent Satur-eral assembly. Few legislators h~ve i ence. Mr. Freeman attended a re- her daughter Mrs. D. Callicott at day in the Mrs. Ellen Chapin home. been "summoned" to the executive organization meeting of the Clar- Denver, Colo. Mrs. Chapin celebrated her 87thoffices and no delegations of the TRUE VALUE HARDWARE ence Co-operative Lumber and Mrs. Wilbur Stearns returned to birthday that day. legislature has waited upon the Hardware-Feed business, her home last week ~ollowing sev- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Thomas governor to cater to his wishes. But Mr. and Mrs. Louie Peck and veral weeks' visit with her daugh- spent Sunday in the Allen Mitchell for his seeming aloofness to the Mount Vernon Phone 287 daughter Muriel of Cedar Rapids ter Mrs. Delbert Callicott, Denver home. ! activities of the legislature, Gov- Owing to the death of my husband, called Sunday in the J. C. Patten Colo., who accompanied her mother Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Thomas spent ernor Wilson is said to keep in out sale of all my personal and Ben Shellhammer homes. ~ here and made a short visit. Sunday in the Ivan Larsen home. close touch with things and hy his Mrs. Elizabeth Dickinson, who located mile south of Solon, on .... =-----~------ ---~----- - - ~----- - - ~--- has spent the fall and winter with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Risden and It was Ivan's birthday, and several silence seems to approve. Such other friends called that day. are the advantages of mutual es- Mrs Sarah Pearson has on ~Mrs Leida Woodworth of Cedar • g e tod ". • • teen] and confidence. Rapids called Friday evening m make her home with her daughfer~ ................ the A C Newman home to visit Paralta EFFICIENCY Mrs. mOO. WHO. at viola. ~ . • • - - - . LoisNewman wno naO.just re Mrs Harry Erickson will enter-. , - Mrs. Ray Pollen Changes are taking place in the COMMENCING AT 12:30 tain the M. O. B. club at its regu-i turned from the Anamosa hospital. _ Governor's office, as well ~s in the Jake Campbell's children have all legislature. In the executive offie- lar meeting Thursday. i 20 HEAD OF Mrs. Bess Newland, who hasl Cherry Grove had the chicken pox. es there have been moves toward been employed at Marion, spent, Ula Bennett returned to school greater efficiency in office routine Two choice Hampshire gilts the week end in town with friends. ! Mrs. Carleton Armstrong Monday, after being ill of the flu and a general culling out of useless for about May 1st farrow; 1 nice Don't forget to come in and get our folder and prices on Leta McShane is spending this: and chicken pox. filing and approval procedures open. This is a dandy to butcher; Mrs. Mabel Bennett is having the mostly referring to reports su,b- week in the home of her brother Several from this vicinity attend- flu. mitred to the governor by various bred to a Hampshire boar for las Pig Starter. Now is the time to feed the sows our Fred McShane near Marion. e.1 the fish fry at the Methodist Mrs. Kyle Clark spent Wednes- agencies of government. Quietly , Duroc sow with nice litter of 9 pigs Vitamo 40% Balancer before farrowing to build up Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McCoy, who church in Martelle Thursday night, day afternoon with her daughter, Governor ~Vilson and era Williams 9 dandy winter pigs weighing 65 recently sold their farm to John Vera Carroll, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis and Dorothy have i)een taking the office apart milk strain and hold her weight. Creep feed pigs as Vernon and held a closing out sale, Mrs. Mile Carroll, has been quite Irene. and putting it together again. Mr. COW AND soon as they will eat with Vitamo Pig Starter. Guar- and moved late last week to Cedar ~'ck the past week with the flu. Mrs. Ethel Rose spentWednes-Williams seems to have a sort of One St. Lambert Jersey cow anteed result or it costs you nothing. Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Miller and day afternoon in Cedar Rapids. roving mission or commission in Born Sunday a daughter to Mr. John spent Thursday in the Merle Cecil Bennett worked on the sec- the office of Gove]-nor. He has no milk. This is a real family cow, and Mrs.Cecil Lewis east of Pa- McConaughy home. tion Wednesday. The men workedtitle of office. His position is of broke; 1 milch goat 10 months ralta. Mrs. Argus McConaughy and near Marion. mobile nature. He performs his she is selling open. Mrs. Henry Carbee returned Eobby spent Wednesday in the Rollo Patten sawed wood for Bob duties as efficiency expert with i home Monday from a visit in Perry, Carleton Armstrong home. McShane Wednesday afternoon, complete knowledge of what state MACHINERY, following the attendance at a fun- Mrs. Merle Murfield returned Marion House has moved to Ce- government ought to be from years eral for her aunt, Mrs. A. W. Arm- home from Martelle on Wednesday, dar Rapids where she has employ- of direct contact with it. Many Hayes corn planter and wire; We have sold Murphy's Starter 3 years without one strong, where she has been recovering ment. years ago he came to the state- mock seat cultivator; 14-in. complaint. We will test with any other Starter if Mr. and Mrs. Harry Freeman from the flu. Aubrey McShane has taken hishouse as a young newspaper re- marker; mower in good shape; were dinner guests Thursday inMr. and Mrs. R. O. Miller werecows and horses to New Boston,porter to "cover the news on the wagon; a steel wheeled truck Murphy's does not give more weight and build, it costs lhe L. G. Freeman home in Ana-business callers in Lisbon Saturday. ill., where he and Marion McShane hill". Since then he served tn num- i box; 3-section lever harrow; you nothing, mo~. Mrs. Merritt Kyle spent Saturday have rented a farm. erous official capacities at the state i Misses Ella Foust. Alma Miller, with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lewis are house. His last state job was as-;2 hog troughs; Sweek mill, a Get Our Low Price Now Leta and Mabel McShane, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Peet. the proud parents of a new baby sistant to A. B. Funk, former in- hand power grass seeder; set Will Shellhammer were guests o:] Raymond Miller called on his girl, born Sunday evening. They dustrial commissioner. He is see- ones; 2 ladders; lot of garden tools Mrs. Allie Hopkins Friday at mother, Mrs. BelleMiller nearhave named the baby Donna Mac.i retary of the Iowa Pioneer Law- chains; spades; new Prima birthday dinner. ! Springville, Sunday. Mrs. Lera Clark is doing the house makers Association. able for 2-or 3 cows; grind stone;-' • Mrs. Sadie Roberts. Mr. and Mrs i Mr. and Mrs. Donald Meeks and work. Mrs. John Strothers is car- Ai)V],'RTISING some collars; about 15 bushels ot Gene Fawley of Cedar Rapids were I son Howard spent Sunday in the ing for mother and babe. The Iowa dairy industry will Wednesday visitors in the Anna parental Emil Mal]ie home. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Perkins withhave a fund estimated at between seed potatoes. These are 1st year c lb, Bbls or Kegs, Delivered Hodgin home. '* Christian Ladies Aid will meet Mr. and Mrs. Devere Port motored $t25,000 and $150,000 a year at its l0 bushels hand selected cobbler Mrs. L. A. Johnston, Mrs. Ray! this Thursday as guests of Mrs.] to Atkins Sunday and spent thedisposal to promote its business Goldsberry, Mrs. Howard Briner. !Charles Kuntz and Mrs. George l are very choice" about 8 bushels Simple Mix Mineral Viiamo Mineral Car Salt in today, Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Dyke attended: Beighle, Jr. ] day with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Clausen. through advertising as the result of potatoes; 3 bushels of choice yelloW: place your order. Baby Chick Grit Charcoal, Pilot a school of instruction of the O.E. Mr. and Mrs. Argus McConaughy] The R. E. A. is scattering thelegislation permitttng the levy of Oyster Shell, and all other mill feeds, s. at Central City Friday. i end Bobby were Monday afternoon l electric light poles through thean excise tax of one cent a pound early. ' Paralta neighborhood, on dairy products marketed during HOUSEHOLD Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Ewart en-I caller of Mrs. Ferne Jayne. Mrs. C. E. Clark, James Clark,the first half of May, ~939 and 1940. 500 pounds or more delivered, all feeds, tertained at dinner Thursday hen- ~ Boyd Frantz, and Elizabeth Ann I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Clark spent Sun- The tax is to .be collected by the Dining room table and 6 chairs; noring their first wedding anniver-! Murfield spent Sunday in the Will lday at Ray Boltons. first handler of the butterfat and ell cabinet; 2 beds with springs al sary. Guests were their a~tendants Frantz home. i * Earl Lewis who lives near Marion will ac.tually fall on the producers, Round heating stove, a good heat{ at the wedding ceremony,~ho were:, Roger Frantz, son of Mr. and called on his son Cecil Lewis and more than 80 per cent of whom stone jars of different sizes---2( We Buy Poultry, Eggs and Cream Violet Bruger, Zola Sanders, Gall Mrs. Bruce Frantz, spent several family Monday night, agreed to the tax. An Iowa Dairy Batchelder and Richard Mercer. ;days last week with his aunt, Jean: Industry Commission is created 4-gal., and different sizes; 5-gal. t ~IT( Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whitman Frantz. $iam'~ Temple~ to administer the new law. Nine size Daisy churn; bath tub; Oak members of the commission are to er; and many other articles too called Sunday in the parental I. i Jean Frantz will return to Des Of the Buddhist temples of Slam be members of the Iowa State Dairy H. Whitman home at Mount Ver-i ?,/foines this week to resume her non. Mrs. I. H. Whitman was suf-iduties in the Homer Allen home. which are usually guarded by gro. association. Three other members M~ Emm~ Phone 72 W.C. Horton fering from a recent fall. I A group of friends and relatives tesque Images of giants, expected are the state secretary of agricul- • Mount Vernon, Iowa Mrs. Ollie Duncan and Mrs. * gathered at the Lota Holcomb home to scare off the Evil One, the most 'ture, and heads of the Dairy hus- W.E. Challis, Lisbon, Auct, 0. Travis were Sunday dinner guests!last Saturday evening in honor of outstanding Is the Emerald Buddha bandry and dairy industry depart- ----'-----:_-- . ---_-_ _--_-_-_--,-- :~---_-- -- ---- _- ~ of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ewart.J her birthday. In the rnya] palace enclosure,ments of Iowa State College. The