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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 21, 1957     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 21, 1957
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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.t. Ve,uo., L,.. H,wke.-" rd U:..k, U--.,:,.. " Helen Flynn Is and The Lisbon Herald tlVll~lll /TIglIIIVll • • IIII Thurs.,Mar. 21,1957 Page 2 .o =eHom,. II Quoted In 'Gist' -- I Spring, the little vixen, is up to Tea Hawke,,e-Record lher old tricks and we the dumb]~l~_ IL_u t Many local people remember 'V~' .... ! " ke e ]clucks fall for the same old ruses! III in r' Helen Flynn, Cornell graduate and /he Mount vernon rmw y ' t'" "'" "- . ~ Villi I| • • • once teacher at Mt. Vernon. In the and The Lmbon Herald [ There's a gentle whoosh in the air~ publication "Gist" she speaks for _ . i and a bit of nostalgic fragrance, and I 104 2nd Ave. North, Mount Vernon, low• Ithe earth too turns a welcoming face ! (This is the third in the series of the boss, and we will get the kind greater help for the gifted students, Ofhclal Newspaper Mount Vernon and I . I • " -. -- - ~S~-z-in~ tilts her head beckonin,ly|reports on the National Administra- of political leadership, be it good or in this summary of a discussion ~lnn L, oun~y 1J ~ ~ I . • ...... " -n Remarker !and her eyes carry a promise. We]tars meetmg, as reviewed by Supt. bad, that we demand . . . How can group at the recent National admin- /no Mount verno .... i i hesi 1 'Plank ) we train young Americans for an istrators convention in Atlantic City• .... • rme to me Da t, but a b ttant Y l • . ..... Founded zn 1893 by Mznara Lazier tat first• Then the glory and warmth] Two very fine ponncat ngures enlightened role in the political af- IMiss Flynn is director of secondary The Lisbon Herald of her smile floods over us and twere in the spotlight at the recent fairs of their nation?" instruCtion at Great Neck Public .... [ Schools, N.Y. Founded in 1894 by IV. F. Stahl Igrabbing our rakes and pruning]convention of National ~chool Ad- Kennedy emphasized f iv e I , ....~tt AA.e',,~k~,,n ',shears, we stumble headlong after|mlnzstramrs-me rzon. xou ffnanpoints needed for the success of [ "Students need to be helped to .$Qm,$~. v,. ,vl~.~.u~,. .... Jib~" .... |Yang, Korean ambassador, anu ~en the individual and the country. Iprobe, to ask questions and to ex- E,htor and Pubhsher i ~ ~John F. Kennedy of Massachusetts•1. "I would emphasize that we plore. They should dig deeply Published at Mount Vernon and Lisbon, I She laughs merrily--with us Tel Mr. Yang feels deeply about the do not over-concentrate upon polit-lrather t h a n superficially in t o mn County Iowa every Thursday I ,t.:_~_ ,,_ ..- . - Enteredin L" as secona: cross" mail matter" at the" I Lnm~--~nen wltn .a trmmpnant, toss l. problem of education. , having lived ical affairs, but the development of i knowledge. ..... Mount Vernon Iowa and i of her head she disappears into thin t through a generation when educa- a broad range of talents." i ,, . po6'L OlllCe oz , , Lisbon Iowa. air. Around the corner we notice tion in Korea was at its lowest.2. "I would emphasize that we I Both enrichment and accelera- ' ~..L__.'_,:---- Rate IOld Man Winter smirking at ourl Korea has risen again after the need s holarship fitted for praztical tion have a place in planning adap- ouu~'sIJ"u" I tations made for the gifted. Both .... . J sudden shivering, long-term and harsh domination by action. ONE YEdR in Ltnn ana aalozn- t ............. : ........ :r- ¢3 00 ...... "--'-7- ..... Ioapan zrom lutu to lua~, ne sala. 3. "I would emphasize the irFport- have found their place in the Great ,,q, ,,,~,,. .... .• .. • .,. , .~ • ! we raKes.DarK to .~ne]During these years it was reduced ance c avoiding the confusion of Neck secondary program• ONE YEAR, outsme L,nn and aa-¢3 50 !shed' we pmz Dace a httle coverln.g] to poverty and illiteracy. The lat- politic 1 fantasy or rigidity." "We are experimenting with a joimn~ counucs .... ¢ • tram me mai pile to warm the mHp I er division of Korea has made this 4. "I would emphasize the incport- group of 8th graders, all of whom .... tips peeking thru the ground, and]rise a terrific task, but under the ance, :] teaching students ~bout indicated 10th grade mathematics • we. mutter ,,.to our .... less susceptible leadership of Pres. Syngman Rhee public affairs, of avoiding the con- ability at the end of the 7th grade. Monies And Credits Tax neighbor-- just kmda fmlshlng up South Korea is struggling to light fusion of national patriotism with This group, now in 8th grade, are Is Increased 20 Per Cent Many people who are paying their real estate and personal property taxes are getting a shock at the exploring algebra, thus advancing their mathematics program on e year. They will have room for a year of college math their senior year•" day in the Kenneth Erger home in Cedar Rapids• The farm area of the Anamosa Reformatory comprises 1500 acres• Inmates work on the farm to raise Let Insurance Stand Back !#he Yes, insuranCe~ you up, in caefb._ weather darn~II~ buildings and P~ with Council and raise money if necessary to halp pay the cost... Dick Busenbark, linotypist at Hawk- eye for 12 years, buys Jennie's store. ...Elva Hintz middle-aisling with Francis Wolrab. TWENTY YEA~ AGO March 18, 1937 Harry Dilley and a string of 21 walleyes makes good advertising copy for Minntsota resort • . . Fire destroys 8 room home of Verlon Baker of White Oak area• . . Gordon Ellison gets only fall in Midwest AAU mat finals, over heavyweight Kagan of ISTC. Shorty Morford and Ben Van Etten, ex-Cornell grap- plers, work the meet. THIRTY YEARS AGO March 17, 1927 James McCutcheon invited by Assn. of Economists and Sociolo- of Iowa to present paper ati gists Ames on the bank guarantee law, a] subject on which his article wasI p u b 1 i s h e d in the Northwestern ] Banker... MVHS class of '26 holds[ first reunion at home of Bernadinc and Beatrice Burge.. . Rebekahs and Odd Fellows make $109 on '*Yimmie Yonson's Yah" starring Herb IIogle. TAKE ONE Feel u peppy aS • circub clown • . . Sanitary offer°s you • complete line of the flnett Grade A Dairy Products for your very good • health. Alwlys ©h~¢ Sanitary . . , It's laboratory con- trolled for your pro- teetlo•. FARm Dill ATTEND WORKSHOP The 8th Illowa Nutrilite Sell-a- bration was held at Montrose hotel in Cedar Rapids, Saturday, March 16th. Nutrilite Distributors from Iowa and Illinois participated in the afternoon work-shop session. Eve- ning banquet guests included Mayor and Mrs. James Meaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell of the Cedar Rapids Chamber of Commerce and Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Evans of the Mount Veronn Chamber of Com- merce, and the evening speaker, John Bender of South Bend, Ind. Nutrilite distributors, independent business people of Mount Vernon and Cedar Rapids, were hosts. Improved design provides lighter weight, naximum safety, closer trim, contour cut with NO SCALPING. Adjustable front grass chute eliminates windrowing or bunching, simple height adjustment from lt/s" to 3t/~,, permits the cutting of high grass or tough weeds, plus new Brlggs & Stratton 4-cycle, easy starting engines for extreme flexibility and power• Specially destgned blade and shroud has desirable leaf mulching action. Tubular type ell- i~teel handle stand~ up tor easy and com- pact storage. Now on display• for demonsfraflen R. A. Travis Service Mt. Vernon -- Dial 7901 Come to our Garden party of Flower ! Spring's t h e season of change . . . and this sea- son you'll find that the fashion changes are many and exciting, with special interest in softer, more flattering lines and a fem- inine, lady-llke air. To bring your wardrobe up to date • . . and to get in the mood of the new sea- son • . • come, welcome a beautiful spring herel Fashions: Second floor, south CEDAR RAPIDS, IOWA Subscription Please send the Hawkeye-Record and Lisbon Herald to the following address for. .years. months. rqame • City ...... Street and Number Amount enclosed $ "'Personal ,, ,p.BurnerC00ki. -'-'Tem-Trol cooks foods the way your )' Prices family wants them. • • and does it • v l l"~ automatically. Just set the dial.., then .A \ forget it! No worries• ConV Foods can't get too Monmil hot, with amazing AvO= VTem-Trol". GAS DIVISION IOWA ELECTRIC LIGHT _- POWE What a difference a bedroom 'phone ' You answer late-hour calls without touching a wherever you want them--bring you great con- (toe to the floor. You rest easier, too, with a phone venience at very small cost. Call your telephone within arm's reach, ready to serve you always• business office today. Northwestern Bell Tele- ..Telephones at your bedside, in your kitchen-- phone Company. What a big difference modern telephone service makes•., and how littl..., e it costs! Moines stands for the big city, even though it may look like a rural set- tlement to a New Yorker• "That suspicion of trickery, dirty politics and the attitude of defen- siveness that we adopt towards places of greater population has been long established." . . . and "We think this ingrained feeling, added to a fear of union domination in the state which might result from increased influence in the state leg- islature of the city areas, along with a desire for the preservation of our own interests, is behind a good deal of the resistance to reapportion- ment," the paper said. which The 500 A.D.A. school bill, hurriedly passed the Senate, is now l being violently opposed by smaller schools. This and the one on division of state gas tax funds for use on city streets, are both controversial issues in the present session of the legisla- ture and haven't improved feelings between town and cities• Looking at reapportionment from a logical standpoint most people will agree that some changes should be made to adjust the representation from the more populous counties. But the emotions aroused by re- marks made during heated debate and the general tone of legislative news stories leaves many people with a rather cool feeling regarding the importance of the issue. As long as legislation is frequent- ly as much influenced by emotions as by logic, the rural-urban feelings in the state cannot help but make some difference in action on reap- portionment• We wonder if the continual com- plaining on the part of a few city legislators and city newspaper men about the reapportionment does not arouse an emotional feeling on the part of many voters in the towns and rural areas against it. The ~,heldon Mail said recently that it thought the gestapo methods of the Des Moines police as brought out in the Bennett-Brylcreem farce has had some effect on the public attitude towards apportionment. "It's the nature of us small town folks to be suspicious of city slick- ers. and in Iowa, of course, Des Emotions Aroused In Reapportionment Issue recommended repeal of the monies and credits tax, because of enforce- ment problems, and substitution of a 3 percent surtax on interest and dividends with an exemption of $200 per taxpayer• With the one miK rate written into the Korean Veterans' Bonus law it will be impossible to repeal it for 20 years although the 5 mills could be repealed if the legislature decided to do so. The Iowa Tax Study Committee and authorizes committee to work amounts. Mr. and Mrs. Irl Tubbs are leav- the entire supply of pork for the in- Local levies were up this year, our backyard.__~_ an alphabet, based on a 25 letter pairment of an aggressor's power by ing Miami, Florida on Thursday to stitution plus some beef. The farm some taxing districts more than The wind blew so hard the beau- phonetic alphabet, the only one in lrefusing him our diplomatic recog-lreturn to Mt. Vernon via Grand furnishes all milk, cheese, butter others, so that some increase wastiful blue feathered creatures could the Orient• Thus, even without i nition." (These he claimed were Rapids and Galva, Ill., to visit their and lard needed• Two hundred expected. However, it is usually a hold onto the clothesline but a few elaborate education Korean homes i some of the popular myths.) daughters and families. They. talked acres of the total is in garden. The shock when you learn the exact minutes at a time, stretching out could be centers of reading and dis- ~ 5. "I would emphasize that this' to Elmer Bergmann over the phone reformatory factory cans 250,000 amount, one, then maybe several, wing feath- russian, kind of education requires quality as while he was at Hollywood Beach, gallons of food a year, enough for Insurance well quantity . . . It is obvious to One surprise., which has never, ers, first on .°no. side then on the. "To. you in,America---, and bo ~ as ..... I Florida" attending an insurance the inmates'. . ,. needs, and some for ~t ]n easy been pubhctzed to speak of ~s other to maintain balance. Thezr us m Korea, said Mr. Yang, line that the reoeraz t~overnmenL !meeting. + other restitutions in the state. an increase of one mill in therosy breasts ~lowed in the sun and "the schoOl room remains me ]wnicn nas Iar greater as wen as] .......... n~]~nies and credits tax, from 5 riva~lled the i~eauty of the cardinal most real and significant na-[more effective means for raisingI /