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March 21, 1957 |
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Mr. Vernon, ia., Hswkeye-Record
and The Lisbon Herald
FI __
Thur,., Mar. 21, 1957 rage
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keefe of Mo-
line, II1., were Saturday guests of
Mrs. John McHugh.
The Oliver Burlingames of Clin-
ton spent from Friday until Sunday
in the Oliver Burlingame jr. home.
Dial 3821 Lisbon
We give S. & H. Green Trading Stamps
Served by
Lisbon Senior Class
High School Lunch room -- 5:00-7:30 p.m.
Monday, March 25th
Sponsored for Seniors by Wilson Supermarket
Adults 75c Children 50c
Phone 2961 Open Sunday Mornings
Deliveries Twice Daily Orders in by 10:30 a.m.; 3 p.m.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials
-- MEAT ITEMS (In Friday) --
SLICED BACON, 3 Ibs. $1.00
Boston Shoulder PORK ROASTS ........ lb. 39c
Black Hawk WIENERS, pkg ......................... 49c
Extra Fancy
BANANAS, lb. . . 10c
PASCAL CELERY ...................................... 19c
Calif. Sunkist Navel ORANGES, doz ......... 49c
Booth Breaded
SHI; IMP . . . .
Booth PERCH ...................................... lb.
Booth HADDOCK .............................. lb.
:nnng .
LONGRORN CHEESE ........................ lb.
C.F. TOMATO JUICE, 46 oz ................. 4 for :$1
C.F. RED KIDNEY BEANS .................... 10 for $1
STARKIST TUNA ........................................ 29C
C.F. FRUIT COCKTAIL, 303 size .................. 23c
C.F. Cream Style CORN .................... 7 for :$1
C.F. Medium NOODLES, 12 oz ........... 2 for 45c
Searles COTTAGE CHEESE ........................ 23c
Methodists Hold
Enrollment Ceremony
and Pam Walton were Sunday call-
ers in the Sam Menary home at Ce-
dar Rapids.
The Wallace Burlingames and
~Gary of Clinton spent from Friday
~unhl Wednesday m the Ohver Bur-
[lingame home here and the L.R.
! Farris home at Mt. Vernon.
i Thursday club will meet with
Mrs. Anna Bittle on March 28. The
Members who have enrolled in a
training class at Lisbon Methodist
church and their parents were rec-
ognized during the church service
Sunday in an enrollment ceremony.
They will meet each Saturday from
9 to 10 a.m. for instruction and will,
join the church on Palm Sunday.
man home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siebels and t The Camp Fire girls attended church
Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Raymon Stearns ! in a group and were also recognized.
Union services will be held in the
Federated and Methodist church in
Lisbon during Holy Week.
Ellis Andre, who lives four miles
southeast of Lisbon, received severe
burns on his left leg and hands on
Friday while attempting to put out
I program will be given by Mrs. W. a grass fire that got out of control.
M. Bennett and Mrs. Lucian Gish Russell Gibbons, a neighbor, helped
the subject of hobbies.
The Elbert Beavers, Richard, Ron-
nie and Connie of Iowa City and the
Elwood Resewehrs, John and Bob
were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs.
Charles Beaver.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Pike and Lor-
en attended the 50th wedding anni-
versary of Mr. Pike's aunt and un-
cle Mr. and Mrs. Hermond Medary
at Coggon on Sunday.
Dr. G. R. Andre returned home
Monday from a week at St. Luke's
hospital, Cedar Rapids, for obser-
ration and treatment. He resumed
office hours on Monday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bova entcrtain-
ed Sunday at a birthday dinner hon-
oring Miss Rosina Bova. Guests
were Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kessler
of Dubuque and Mrs. Mary Bova
,m and family.
Mrs. Anna Wetherell honored
Mrs. Ada Brown of Manchester at
two tables of 500 on Friday. Guests
were Mmes. Frank Kolek, Charles
Hoeft, Eleanor Fuller, John Miller,
Mary Franks and Jennie Bigger.
Greg Zearing, 4 year old son of the
William Zearings, jr., and his 9
month old sister, Jean Ann, are both
patients in Mercy hospital at Iowa
City. Greg is suffering from a se-
vere case of tonsillitis and Jean Ann
is suffering her third case of bron-
chial pneumonia this winter.
New Telephone Listings
In Lisbon
Art Berkenpas .................... 3752
Dale. Thomson ........................ 3811
Donald C. Bowers ................ 3395
Webb Bros. Feed ............... 4481
Webb, Cato". ........................... 4486
Planning to
See our new Spring
selections of
We have sample books you
may take home if you wish.
Pat's Firestone
F him put the fire out and took him to
Dr. Littig in Mechanicsville where
the burns were dressed.
Lisbon Legion News
The 38th anniversary of the Amer-
ican Legion was observed in Lisbon
at a Legion and Auxiliary pot luck
supper and party on Sunday eve-i
ning. Mrs. Don Morningstar pre-
sented a beautifully decorated cake
, baked by Mrs. Roy Kohl to the Le-
gion Commander James Westhoff.
Mrs. Harlan Briggs, program chair-
man, presented four of her speech
pupils who gave readings, Pete
Radl, Norlyn Smith,Duane Gall-
meyer and Janice Morningstar.
Around 60 attended.A social time
Mrs. Dean Clark
Lisbon, Iowa Dial 3371
Phone 3661
Lisbon, Iowa
Open All Day Sunday from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
BOOTH Tastyloins
Eat-Well California
From Our Subscribers i is an old-time frie rl
land was graduat~.~
high school in 18~.~n
Mrs. J. A. Milice, former resident Rev. John Bloom. ~arc
of Lisbon and a granddaughter of in the Central BaP~I ch
the late Daniel Grauel, one of the West Lawrence A~alla
founders of the town of Lisbon, Ill. This home isaack C
writes that she is interested in the for elderly people,~e*~
al ' 01d ~"~
Lisbon news in the Hawkeye. She than the usud'"01~eb'~"
.... ' ~rch
-- ~'urp
ae la
Air Filter Cartridges
Oil Filter Cartridges
Shock Absorbers
Wheel Bearings
A, B, V-Belts for most fractional
We carry a representative stock of thee
ITI0~ dinr
We also have power lawn
e Sta
T D t/
On Highway 30, Lisbon
followed the program
____~ ' ' ! MR. AND MRS. DEAN ARNOLD cut their wedding cake after
The Lisbon Legion Auxiliary met'the marriage ceremony Sunday in the Lutheran church in Marion.
Tuesday evening. The following The bride is the former Patricia Knapp, daughter of the
committee will report back to the Merle Knapps of Lisbon. Mr. Arnold's parents are the Charles
unit wnen a community project has Arnolds of Manchester
been decided upon: Merlene Hansen,, , . ,. " . . . . . , . . .
Wilma Briggs Blanche Gish Connie' ~rs.Arnoua is a senior at Lisbon nign scnool ana ner nus-
Davis, Iris Conklin, Joan Bova and band, a graduateof Manchester High in 1953, is employed by
Elizabeth Minert. Iowa Manufacturing Co. in Cedar Rapids.
It was announced that $70 was Photoby Roberts
cleared at the chili supper the unit ......
sponsored March 2. Donations were l . _
made to the Red Cross, Cancer fund! /|chin I: I: A Pr~i-~rt
and the Camp Fire organization, i mlllgl~f~lFI •l*/lfll /IVlt~mi
Easter Seals were addressed and ~ ..........
readied for mailing to all Lisbon ~ ~ :: : :: :: : : : ::: :::
residents. Mildred Davis was in ~ ~ ~ :: ; ~ ~: :::::::
charge of the social hour. ~ m : : ::
Happy Bluebirds elected FrancesI ~ ~/ ~ ~ ~.:: I ::
Vittetoe, pres., Mary Alice Caraway, I ~ ~n ~ ~.!~:: ¢-~ ~ : J ~!:ii
treas., and Kathy Hoagland, scribe. ~ ~ ~ ~:i ~ ~ ~ ~::~ i:~n
The group enjoyed a visit to the ~ ~ ~i~ |ii~:i!iii::i ~!iil l~i ~:. ~ ~ ~.ii:::~
Post Office. Kathy Hoagland scribe. I ~ ~ ~\~ ~ ~ ~i~ i: ;:..:ql J ~-~i;::iii
, ~; ' i '. i:~iiiii~ ..iiiii
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Seibels and I ~ ~ ~ Jl ~ ~ ~i:i
Jerry were Sunday evening visitors ~ ~U ~ l~ ~1~| ~ ~i~
in the Leon Conway home at Me-I ~ ~i ¢~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ]
chanicsville. ~!7 ::bn ~[!i:~ ~ ~ ~ ~:: ~ ~i:. :
The Richard Shulistas and son ~2i~ ~]~ ~iM n !J ~ :t ~
Brian of Lisbon spent Tuesday eve- ~ ~ nlil ~ ~ ~ ~i:~
ning with Mrs. Shulista's grand- ~:~ ~ n:l ~ i~ ~ :~ , :-~J ~::~i::i
mother Mrs. William Miller ~~ ~!!~ ~ i~ ~ ;: ~1~:~
Federated Aid Society will meet ~ ~ Jli ~ n ~ ~ ~ii ~ ~
~,~... ..~ ~ :
Thursday March 21 with Mrs h-ene ~ ~ J ~ J ~ ~ ~ !~ ~
Andre and Mrs. Ellsworth Burge ~ ~ ~ !~ ~ ~ ::: ::! ~ ~
Bible study will be conducted by ~ ~ n ~ ~ ! :::~i~ i~:~:~i ~ ~
Mrs. Elizabeth Smith; the program ~o ..... J ~ ~ I ::~:::::::: :~:~:~::~ ~ ....... ~.z:
by Mrs Alvin Lehr
• " • BILL JILOVEC, (second from left) son of the Joe Jilovec s, is
The Bill Keiths, Vickie and witnessing the weighing of one pig from his fall litter project,
and the Charles Runkles of Daven-farrowed the middle of August. Bill exhibited them at the spring
port, the William Jarretts of Monti-' market barrow show in Cedar Rapids March 1 and 2.
cello, the Mild Kalibans and the
Merle Longs and Sally were Sun-I Bill is a chapter farmer in the Lisbon FFA and a sophomore
day guests in the Lee Crelly home.
Mrs. Ada Brown of Manchester,
Mrs. Anna Wetherell, Mrs. Anna
Hoag, Mrs. Bertha Bittle, Mrs. Car-
rie Burk and Mrs. Jennie Bigger
were Thursday dinner guests of
Mrs. Wetherell's daughter, Mrs.
Harry Klahn of Stanwood.
A pink and blue shower honoring
Mrs. David H. Ferguson was held
in the Hilary SLow home Tuesday
evening. A large stork carrying a
doll looked over a baby basket fill-
ed with gifts. Winners of the games
played were Mrs. Anna Koch, Mrs.
Ellen Nelson, Mrs. Joan Bova and
Mrs. Blanche Long.
Lisbon Church Notes
Ralph E. Schenck, Pastor I
March 24th will be Building Fund
Sunday at the Federated churclt A
Building Fund will be inaugurated
which will be used for replacement
of necessary equipment, such as a
furnace, and it is hoped that in the
near future there will be provision
for a Christian Education building
added to the church. Also, there is
the possibility of a small radio sta-!
Lion which would reach all of our
shut-ins with every service of the
All of these projects together will
cost at least the sum of $35,000. We
are asking our people to pledge and,
give generously for the advance- i
ment of His kingdom.
Sunday evening, March 24th, the
film '~rhe Miracle of Love" will be
shown in the service at 7:30 p.m.
Sunday, March 31, Rev. Earl Day,
a native of the community between
Anamosa and Morley, who is now a
missionary on furlough from the
Sudan Interior Mission, will speak
in the morning and evening ser-
If you do not have a church home,
or if you are dissatisfied where you
are, we welcome you to come and
worship with us.
'at Mt. Vernon high. For his improvement projects he has: build
!and repair fence, control weeds, put new room on chicken house,
build gates. His 10 supplementary practices include removing
junk, spraying livestock and clipping pastures.
Copies of
The Hawkeye-Herald
Can be purchased in Lisbon at
Wilson's Super Market
Plattenberger Insurance Agency
You are invited to telephone Lisbon news items to
Plattenberger Insurance Agency, Dial 2756 or take your
written items to their office.
Extra copies of the paper cln be purchased there for
10 cents each.
Please send the Hawkeye-Record and Lisbon Herald
to the following address for
Dr. Gardner office 3451
Dr. Andre office 2351
If no answer Dial 8-3713
Physicia~ and Surgeons
Notary Public
4% Farm Loans
Phone 2271 Lisbon, Iowa
Jack P. Morgan
Lisbon Phone 2501
Mt. Vernon Phone -- Dial 5012
Street and Number
Amount enclosed $
-- tail
b Mr
' ,ehur,
B ' ch,
U.S. Highway 30
Lisbon, Iowa Dial" 3461 24 .a.,stu ,
Free Pick Up and Deliv oi.
Service For All Makes of 0 ell
. . _ t FIarc
I * * ..t~Peak
Sales and
Store 2841
Plumbing -
Air Conditioning
Plumbing and Heating
the sounds h,
Clang, clank, kerplunk
trouble from your engine. You
if you see us for a tune-up!
Our precision tune-up will # 4
your engine run better,
Conoco and Valvoline O" ,: ._
DIAL 3501
FRANK L. MARTIN ,m ~'* e
Attorney at Law Completely Meets All Income Tax Requirements
• • • • • Lisbon Office- Briggs Monument NOW W,.. =,." .,co.o, ~z l,m
Bldg Open Afternoon II
" Evening and All Day Saturday Un-
til April 15. APPROVED BY TAX EXPERTS Have your carburetor, pointS,
Crisp, Solid Cedar RapidsTelephoneoffice2592- 212 First BANKERS AND FARMERS EVERYWHERE 11 age regulator and generator check$
LET 'UCI Avenue Building - Dial EM 4-0760~._______ •SIMPLE 1][ PRICE fill iustefi here f°r tr°uble'free m°t°ri° l*)
f ~ • • • • * ECONOMICAL [11 $1.75 PER BOOK | espec,ally equipped to service Ca us
GLENN PLATTENBERGER * COMPLETE 11[ Plus Soles Tax II tars. i.~,cti,
! c°'
LISBON DELIVERIES -- Please phone orders for Saturday delivery on Friday Auctioneer MADE FOR THE FARMER WHO WANTS THE BEST DIAL 3931, LISBON FOR APP0
afternoon or by 9 a.m. Saturday. Lisbon phone 3661. Have mailing list for bills for POSSIBLE COST
special In ve n'~°ld BY~wK~y "lKe4~O g
STORE HOURS -- Week days 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Household, real and ,,Le "-rno" H'-:-'-'--e J '
farm sales.