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Newspaper Archive of
The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 23, 1939     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 23, 1939
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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page Eight ) ) Friday and Saturday, March 24-25 Regular 10c package of 85 Betty Brite BAKE CUPS Free with a 23/4 Ib pk " of Jack Sprat CAKE FLOUR at .............................................................. 23c {;!/z oz Jar of Jack Sprat PEANUT BUTTER Free with a 1 pound Jar at .................................................... 23c MACARONI & SPAGHETTI, Mayflower, 3 pkgs .... 11c MARSHMAIA,OWS, Cello Wrapped, pound .............. 15c TAPIOCA. Jack Sprat. Fine or Medium, package .... 9c ) • 1 -t ...... 1 EACHES, Fancy, 1 pound ..................... 14c PRUNES, 40-50s, Santa Clara, 2 pounds ................ 17c BROWN SUGAR, 2 pounds ...................................... 11c NAVY BEANS. 4 pounds ............................................ 17c RICE, 2 pounds .............................................................. 15c CANDY, Chocolate Stars, 1 pound ............................ 19c 5-1b bag Jack Snrat FLOUR, 25c value, Free with each regular 49 lb bag at ................................ $1.49 Try the 5-1b bag :free.. If you are not absolutely satis- fied, return the large bag and your mone " will be refunded Gee1) CHEER COFFEE, 3 pound bag .................... 39c ' E ................ 29c CHOCOLAT CREAM COFFEE, pound JACK SPRAT COFFEE, pound ................................ 25c , ) (,O()| CHEER COFFEE, pound ............................... 16c Clip This Coupon 12 GLADIOLUS BULBS for only 10c Western Grocer .Co., Marshalltown, Iowa. I enclose 10c and my grocer's sales slip show- ins that I have purchased 3 packages of Jack Sprat Gelatin Dessert. Mail me the assortment of 12 blooming size Gladiola Bulbs. SLime ....................................................................... Address ......................... City ................................ rilE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HA~VKEYE-RE('ORD AND THF IANBON HFRALI~ -- lull II II II -- I Dean Rutledge tions to enter into a workable solu- tiom The difficulties seem too (Continued from page 1) great. The legal foundation of society is (?losing his address, Dean Rut- the ('onstitution of the Vnited'ledge brought out thepoint that States. l)espite its many imperfec- we denounce Hitler bitterly for lions, it is a human, and not a di-'taking what he wants by gra,bbtng vine doctrine. From beginning tohere and there. However, casting end. it is eomposed of compromises that l)itter resentment aside for a drawn up, in a period when corn-moment, it is well to analyze the promises were possible. It was situation. Perhaps there may come drawn up t)y an unusual aggrega-a time, fifty years from now, if the lion of men in an unusual period. I small countries of Europe are con- The 18th century was the climax solidated into a dozen or twehty in the United States of individual- strong nations, when these nations will band together to continue the democratic ideal. MRS. JOHNSON (X)NDU(Trs SCHOOL el~ INSTRUC'rlON Mount Vernon Temple Pythian Sisters held their anuoal school of instruction Wednesday afternoon and evening. Mrs. Dorothy John- seal district deputy grand chief, of Cedar Rapids conducted the school A delicious picnic supper was en- joyed at 7:01) o'clock, under the supervision of .Mrs. Marguerite istic democracy. This philosophy had been preached hy so-called European agitators, .but had not been generally accepted• In the I'nited States it was the haste of the American revolution, established hy the people of the colonies. The word '(,orporation' does not appear in the Constitution of the United States. The underlying framework of t he (,onstitution is individualism. ~hv group element being entirely excluded. In order to fully under- stand the Constitution, it is necoa- sary to understand that business Burge. Mrs. Bessie Caraway and was carried on entirely by individ- Mrs. Hazel Busenbark. The ex- qals. not groups, and that both fed- ~ emplifieation of the ritualistic work and state constitutions were was given during the evening buM- intended to protect individual in-, hess session. Mrs. Johnson was terests. ',presented a lovely corsage by Mrs. The 19th century is the great Lois Mitchell in behalf of officers democratic century in history, The . of the temple and Mrs. Hazel Bobst United States wont into the World presented her a gift in behalf of the War with the intention of sprol~d- temple members. Mrs. mule Par- ing democracy to the other nations, ~ sons of Marion, Past Grand Chief hy force if necessary. Today, 'both of Iowa, was a special guest. Other economic and non-economic insti- ! guests were from Cedar Rapids and utions are no longer individualistic. ! Martelle. And the Constitution must be : adapted to meet this new change. : Mount Vernon lodge No. 551, I.O. The men who drew up the Consti- O.F., will have a social program on tution did not conceive that this [Tuesday evening. April 4. Dempsy problem would ever exist, Legal Jones, of Cedar Rapids, will be framework must satisfy the basic: present to i~elp with the entertain- needs of the times, and it Is the ment. Games will be played and duty of the men of the legal pro-refreshments served. fession to see that this ideal Is car- tied out. It must .t)e done care-' Rev. and Mrs. J. Bruce Eyestone fully. Social change follows the received the announcement this law, and the law follows social : morning of the birth of a daugh- vhange. The law must exercise Its ter, Karyl ApE, to Mr. and Mrs. creative power. Vance Allyn Tuesday, March 21, l.:xternal conditions must also be ! at the home in New lx)ndon, N. H. considered. If we successfully ad-i just our social and political institu- i Mrs. H. 13. Eliison who submitted ions, we must take into considers- to a minor operation recently at tips the fact that today we are llv- St. l,ukes hospital, Cedar Rapids, is ng in a world with many national-expected home the last of this Cornell Spring Vacation ('hi(.l¢ Starter, Growing ,Mashes, and Pig Meals. Built to the Hub- Cornell spring vacation begins to- bard Sunshine formulas. Chick morrow noon and will last until Starter $2.15 per 100 pounds, l,cin- Monday, April 3, at 7:45 a.m. i t)augh Mill, Mt. Vernon.21---I) Typical of Cornellian spring va- Are You Protected? Does your cation plans are the folh)\ving: ; iusuran(.c (,ovcF explosion, slBol~.c, Chemistry Club will tour several airplane damag'c? Very small ad- Chicago factories and itdmratories'diiional will ~.ivc you complete pro- in a body, and visit with former : te('tion. See I'ayson ~/. Peterson, l,'or Sale: 1 \VA'. Allis (~halmers tractor, rubber front, steel rear, 2 cears old and in good condition. 1 ~,V.C. Allis ("hahncrs, all rubber tractor, 2 years old, has had very little use. \Vrile I,'. J. Bitiner, Solon, Iowa. 21-22-c l)e~u1 Animals let,moved 10ree. Call nearest plnmc by No. (,olle(~t, Mt. Vernon, 307; )[arion 77; Aria- Cornell chemists. Ralph Olberg '37. ; .... I'honc 160. Mount Vernon. Is. c mesa, 74F~21, for ('lean, fast court- Drew Baker '34, and Mr. W~Iter Nor H(,nt: Semi modern house Irvine. formerly of the Cornelt I ('los(' in. For Sale: Modern dwci- chemistry department. Mrs. Jay i ling ",\'Hh acreage. (I.(I. \Volfc, B. MacGregor will take a trip to iAgelt. 21-I) l,'lorida. A ('ornell dinner is to he ~' l,'ov Sah,: 7 shoals and two sows with 17 l)iKs. Mrs. l'carl Nolan, held at Fulton, Illinois, with about lAsbon" 21-c 3(I expected to be present. Mrs. (?ustoln l{~ltc'hing..~etting oa('h Higbie and Miss Parsons will go to T]1111's(lay. 2 Iq'lHs l)cl' o~4g'. (l. H. t,hicago, Miss Venn expects to Scot)t.y. 21-tfe spend her time practi('ing for her I,'or Sale: Spring wh(,at to ripen ~oming double piano recital with'with oats. Spring I•ye, clover, al- Jacques Jolas. l'rof. Andrist also Falfa. Hyb ' d corn and all farm will practice for hls radio recital i so(,ds" Also llurscry stock al cut over WSUI on April 4. Prof. Tull i pl'iot,s. ]Qlon(, 277-~/, Cbas. l'aul, c will also journey through indiana, I/or S']h,: 2 ~()()(l bin•sos: us~M visithlg along the w'ty his alma 1,'-12 and1,'-20 tractors. Ll. A. mater, l)e t)auw Irnivcrsity. lloranek. 21-c Hold Czecho-Slovakia Mail l,etters which have been address- ed to Czeeho-Slovakia are being held by the Post Office dep'lrtment and can be claimed by" the sender if he wishes. Application shall be made by March 2 1 in the usual way. Ask your postlnastcr for IIIOI'C ill- formation. As this paper goes to prcss Will- iam Tra\,is lies in a very m'itical condition. Market Report ICof Sale ov Trade: I~arge size range, best offer lakes it. 1{. (). Kirlqmtri('k. phone 2olt"1 4, Mount Vcr non. 2 1 -p Potatoes for St~cd or Table use. t'o/)bll'l'. (I1'ooll .~,lountain and King varieties. 2 I)m'oc (lilts to fl/rl•oV~r first pavi of ,Juno. |~edigrced, im- lllllne. &lid priced reasonal)le. ,I. M. Mulherin, I mi N. Mt. Vernon. p Vov Sale: Seed Oats, 103, 1937 crol)..I. ll. Zellm'. l)honc 92. Solon. Iowa. 21 -p Piano- small St)incl. used less tllau year. l,'or price, terms and location, write Credit Mgr., ('cdar ]{apids l'iano ('o., ('cdarl{al)ids, Iowa. 2 1 -p I,'or S:tle: Sevcval choice l~l'tck Auglls /)nll calves, Wtqghillg aFf)llnd 70(I ]bs. ,J()(, MOI':IV('R, I{t. 2, 4 V2 miles nort]ioasl of Solon. 2 l-p Live St{)(,k Hogs, Chicago top .................... $7.80 Cattle, Chicago top ................ $13.75 Sheep. Chicago ........................ $9.75 Hogs, Cedar Rapids ................ $7.4(} lml)('l \V:ttch, I,'re(,! ()Ely 14 Chica~o Grain Sargent b'ccd /fit ('pal)onE. No Corn, per hushet .................... 475~c iother cost. 10c coupon in every Wheat, per bushel .............. 671/2e100-11) bag.Scc us :H once for in- Oats, per bushel .................... 29~/¢cformation. F.J. [%terson, Inc. 21 I"or S:th': I.:llroka I,:h,ctric Nw(.ct)- CLASSIFIED ADS , Good condition, l{(qlsonaidy 1)ri('od. I'hone 245-\\'. 21-p GELATIN DESSERT, Jack Sprat, 3 pkgs .... 13e o,'~anizations which condemn de- week. Quick Heatin~ I,hlrnace-Green- There is still time to order' , . . . , . '11 g~ i'it2:ing' "[ " out this point. Dean %vh~Jrh2~vn~d so~II2Sth2?°fa~enl~)u~°~?rn.~* . • , . , , , , ~a:k:r. ~he¢~}~.i~,~ Oct, t;;t~[~ t fO/e" ~, .... (:{~l (,ti (( ,~))]ll)ll(l 1 ~llt ." / 1 S }1 J r 1 own' ~ '. '; ~ . ,lACK SPRAT MILK, 3 lrg cans 19c 6 small cans 19c " Ittitledge then attempted to analvze . eer county Illinoismoved hLstits" .... '._ ' ", ~ I)ah, ," ,lohnson 21 • . " ' ' .'it O1 leacllng VarlClles, ~nls special ............... -- P & G SOAP, 5 bars .................................................... 21c the Idea whether we will be week to a 25 acre place west of for week of March 27th to April 1. 1,'or Sale: 2 young stores, one able to surwve. In ease we do not, Paralta which they had purchased, Your order will be appreciated 3 years ohl ~nd one 4 vc t,'s 1toy M ('' G..,. y itWilll)ebecause~f~ne~ftw~andwheretheywi~retiren~tfarMrsHarryGHarnianlisl)~np!~)i~`l'cv~isl)onI~w.t..~-.,~.~e`)t.amiIy, place l llll reasons. Either the forces against from their children and other mere- " .......... ~ ................. -' ...........................- ar, ,-, -~ rocer . den,ocratic nations will be too:bets of their The po~ert'ul, or else the democracies was purehased of Sam Workman 1 , Jack Sprat Food Store I ,,'Jill lacks thes strength within them- who purchased a seven aere home-' 1 ~ mml~m ..... ~ 10.... ~i-'htg se vec to .-ee-the thing through, i stead ill Sp,'ingvitle from the Hoag • ~ " 1 TM I[~ A ~,[ 1 • ...... I)can Rutledge believes that it Estate. Mrs. Sam Bair represented • ~ ~ l'~K ~ 1 "I/ ~ Friday - aturoay I hone 38 Mount Vernon, Iowa is a beautiful, but rather fantastic the remaining heirs of the Hoag • idealto expectt 50 different na- ! estate in the transaction. 1 ,,, .... , • • . - ~, __ III 1 t ne most umelv service torture ever maae. uan ¢------=---- ---==-- ----= = ----:" ---- 1 America defend "herself in the air? See this powerful " • 9 _ _ __"1I tml story of our first lines of defense KALIBAN'S rrmgie s tjuallty atore __.. of "" Phone50 Mount Vernon III wtngs the avy GROCERY and MARKET k l rx Ill George Brent, John Payne, Olivia De Havilland i'IIONE 29 MOUNT VERNON, IOWA resses ltl MARCH OF TIME AND CARTOON • 1 w onday No Matinee Sunday f~ B'e are still unpacking ovely ne ill , " " I ....... " .... Ill Don t let the title of this picture keep you from seeing , Specials For Friday And Saturday ,,, e,o,n ..... ......... |]l II.It sounds hke a gun play picture, but l, t-- "]~( .,,yon an. ~u,ne,,. The sty,es are very IIII COOL ROASTED COFFEE, pound ........................ 26e 1 smart aM hat.ring, the |]l A GEL RITE GELATINE,, 4 pkgs for .................... 17c Itl "8"" STREAMLINER COFFEE, pound ........................ 15c All colorfast. The sizes range trom Ill ..... SUGAR, 10 Ibs (with order) .................................. 48c ,4 I,, 52. The prices $1 to $2.,'5 PEANUT BUTTER, full quart ................................ 25c /! BUTTER, pound ...................................................... 27c m | s |ll A strong character study of a boy that is down, but not tas 8, |/1 0at. Fighting his way back to the top. John Garfield DILl, PICKLES, full quart .................................... 17c [ i II • U U a |[1 (of Four Daughters) Ann Sheridan, Claude Rains and RED I'ITTEI) CHERRIES, 2 cans ........................ 25c | I ] l'he Dead End Kids. BLACK RASPBERRIES, No. 2 can ...................... 17c I# | | NE()RA BRAIDS, FEI/IPS, STR WS. Ill ............. }[ ]1 All shapes and styles, headsizes 2I, / I1 No Show Next Mid-week BLACKBERRIES, No. 2 can .................................... 10c , and 23, Priced at St S8 and $2 9, oml r 3 LOVE AFFAIR SPINACH, No. 2 can. ............................................... 10c An lUew Stock Ill Coming Soon---"TAIL SPIN" HOMINY, Van Camps, No. 2Vz can ...................... 10c It• Grocery Specials For the Week End March 24 and 25 MAX~VFI,L HOUSE (X)FI?EE, Good to the I~t Drop. SPECIAl, VALUE, Big 2~ potmd can ............................ 55c GOLI)EN VALI,EY PEANUT BUTTER, quart jar ................ 2Re FIG BAILS, 10resh Fancy, 2 ponnds ............................................ 2,~e CI|OCOI~TE ,~?]PAI{S, pound ........................................................ t~e PI"~ACHES, Very nl¢~, Sll~'ed or halves, No. 10 can, Sl~5~lal 3,5c MOUNT HOPE I,ONGHORN CHEESE, the best made, pound 21e I,'ltUIT C(X~KTA1L, 1 pound can ................................................ l~c GIL~PEs, White, .~dless, 8-oz can, 2 for ................................ 17e SALAD VEGE~rABLES, Monarch, No. 2 can, 2 for ................ 2~e SPICED CRABAPPLES, Monarch, No. 2~ can ........................ t~ PUMPKIN, No. 2~ can, 2 for ........................................................ 23c OMAR FLOUR, 49 pmmd bag ........$1.59 24 lb bag ............ &2~ REI) SALMON, Me,torch, 1 pound can ...................................... ItSc MACKERAIz, tall 1 pound ('an, 3 for ........................................ 25e DOT S~VEET CHOCOLATE, for candy making, ~,~ lb cake 28c NAVY BEANS, Mieldgan, New Stock, 5 pounds ........................ 19e TALL CORN OOFFEE, freshly ground, 3 laot~ds .................... $9e MONARCH PANCAKE FLOUR, $~ lb. package .................... 21e GWC CO(X)A, 2 pound can ............................................................ 1~c TALL CORN PANCAKE FLOUR, $ lb. bag ............................ 15~ OATMEAL, Quick or Regular, '5 pound bag ............................ 23e RICF, I.'aney Un(~mted, 2 pound Im~kage .................................. 19e MOIITON'N SALT, Plain or lodized, 2 tubes, ............................ 17c With Flee Bag Marbles HERE ARE THE REASONS WHY MILLIONS WEAR ONLY WOLVE[ IN£S Wolverines are made ONLY of And soaking after soaking, it al- SHELL HOR,%EHIDE--froraja:2, way~ dries out sof~--and stays that section of the hide over the soft. Only Wolverines are made horse's hips containing the tough of this shell-leather, in both soles inner-shell. Leading leather au- and uppers. Cost l~ss Lo wear in thorities have long considered it the long run. Just come in and the toughest---strongest of leath- try on a pair. = secret tanning process tans this shell leather so it is soft, pliable as buckskin, yet retains all its extra strength and wearing oualities. WORKSHOt:5 WOaKOtOWS $3.29 $3.95 Men's Sizes 6 to 13... Widths A... EE ... EEEEE Boys Woh, erines... $2.59 ... $2.79 HOUSECLEANING SUPPLIES H. & H. SOAP, ]Per Rugs, Drapes, Woodwork, etc., cake ........ 2.'~ I~()RAX, "lNventy ~Mule 'ream, pound package ............................ 17e ABS()RENI,I WALL PAPER CI~EANER, hig~lly reoDnl- mend~ql, 3 cans ...................................................................... 25c LI,'WIS LYE, for ninny ~t~s, 3 Cans ............................................ 25c BROOMS, Good Values, ................................................ 3~, 49e, 69c P & G SOAP, 5 L~rs ...................................................................... 19e SOAP CHIPS, big ,5 pound box ...................................................... 29c G~%'C CLOTHES BLEACH, Qluart Bottle .................................... 15c SOII,AX, for ~V(~(Iwork, package ................................................ 21e FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES HI.'AI) LETTUCE, large sond, 2 for ............................................ 15~ CAIIltOTS, G~en Top. 2 bunelms ................................................ 13e TOMATOES, Red rlim, 2 pounds .................................................. 2.%0 CI'CI')IBERS, Io,~g green, eael, .................................................... 10e CAI'Lll,'IA)~,VER, large hems, each ............................................ 23e i~BOC('OLI, fresh, gTeen, bunch ................................................ 19e .MIIAA,;R IDAHO BAKING POtrA'IN)ES, peek ............................ 33e RAI)|SHF'S, large, crisp, bunch .................................................... 5e TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT, delie|ous, 10 for .................................... 25e TEXAS SWEET JUICE ORANGES, 2 dozen ............................ 33e I"ANCY ~VINESAP APPLES, ,5 pouml mesh bag ........................ 29e IJ"MONS, Sunktst, dozen ................................................................ 29e Greeu Peppers, M,Ishrooms, Parseley, Bmassel Spront,% Celery, Endive, Parsnil~s, Rntabagas, qfl,rnips, Beets. Lman A Big Store In A Small Town YELLOW WAX BEANS, No. 2 ran, 2 for ........ 25c SWEET POTATOES, 4B, No. 2Vz can ................ 15c IJMA BEANS, large, 3 pound ................................ 25c FANCY HEAD RICE, 4 pounds ............................ 25e BROWN AND POWDERED SUGAR, 2 pounds .... 13e CttERRIES, No. 10 Size .......................................... 49¢ PEACHES, No. 10 Size .......................................... 39e MARSHMALLOWS, pound package ...................... 15c CHOCOLATE COOKIES, 2 pounds ........................ 25e PLAIN COOKIES, 1 pound ...................................... 10e BUTTER KRACKERS, 11-oz pkg ........................ 15e GRAHAM CRACKERS, Liberty Bell, 2 pounds 19c HIRES ROOT BEER FREE! (Clip coupon from Friday Gazette). WHITE HAWK FLOUR, 49 lbs $1.10 24 lbs .... 59c LITTLE DAISEY BROOM, Regular 79e value .... 59c MATCHES, 3 boxes for .......................................... 10c CRYSTAL WHITE SOAP, 3 bars ............................ 10e BANANAS, 5 pounds .............................................. 25c ORANGES, Sunkist and Texas, dozen .................... 15c GRAPEFRUIT, Seedless, 10 for ............................ 25c PILOT OYSTER SHELLS .................................... 85c BLOCK SALT .......................................................... 39c illlllllillllllil||llillllllllllillillillllllllll Pratt Hides, iron, her tire 1o order. • .' =' 5-W, BicycleS, oalloon Roller cyclist. Lain ert Will meet your most exacting requirements, will sup- ply maximum durability and your finished job will cost you no more than using inferior and cheap products. See our fine selection of pastel Colors in P & L Inside Gloss or Cellutone (a semi gloss). You will come back for more if you use P & L Products. Sponges Chamois--Carpet and Upholstery Cleaner-- Brushes---Moth Proofing Liquids and Crystals for Vacuum Cleaner. Shop Here for Housecleaning Needs REXALL DRUG STORE Nil [] m Ill m N | nn NI m 1 U [] n nil m lU UN Im mm n [] N In Ill n [] nlN In n ii mm nu Ill n in Mount Vernon, 10wa Phone 11 cons service, l,~raneis Payton. 5 10 Thir Agent, Arian,pEa, Iowa, for Farn,- ids. ere lOendering Works. State IA- ('ense No. 7, lo~va City, h,. 17if ]'lane tuning, nsual charge $2.50;