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The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
Mount Vernon, Iowa
March 27, 1941     The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record
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March 27, 1941
Newspaper Archive of The Mount Vernon Hawkeye-Record produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i. Page ~ THE MOUNT VERNON, IOWA, HAIVKE~I~-RECORD AND T~ LISBON HERALD ~ursday, ,|~r)l~| ~|~||T~ ! wiott Cantrell of Sanborn is via- OBITUARY ! LISBON CHURCH NOTES [ contest at Iowa City on Monday. i kel, Ralph Burrows Catherine ion. L|L'~D|~|~ |IJ~,j~L'~ l iting with relatives and friends in! ~ Will Observe 54th I ,---~-~-~ I i could say something more about Dahn, Carol Gish, Harold Jensen, Mr. and Mrs. Noel i the Lisbon community ALBERT C. DOUBENMIER ~ FEDE~t,~uo~,ItlIRCIt . I this, but I won't tell on Burge. i Merle Louis Kepler, Zola Mac Reit- Benny were Tht :sdaY -- - ! Albert C Doubenmier passed Anniversary AnPl| ~ . Kev. tlaylara ~. tlamn~on, ras~or I Biology class is interesting now lzel Eugene Reyhons Robert Schott era in the Harrison t Mrs John Klimo and Miss Mac! Mr and Mrs. Henry Haeseler and " ~~'7 ~*~ ~'~ l-'rayer meeung a~ me nome oi' " 'hnn ~allor : ' ' i " . away a~ ms home m t;eaar lxaplas ~" S.S. Teachers Prayer meeting at as it deals with worms and insects, Kenneth Siggins and Billy Zearing Mr. and Mrs Lester Bruch of Mount Vernon were daughter An,ta of Denver Cole i ' " las~ lnursaay morning ionowlng a /9:15 a.m. . l with which we are very familiar I ---- i Cedar Rapids visitOrS Thursday visitors in the C. M. Gish were week end guests of Mr. and brief illness He was born May 28 ~ '1~unaay school ~:~o a.m. ] since we associate with them every Manlo P-row I day. home !Mrs Oscar Haeseler. 1867, in Lancaster, Ohio, and'ha i I lwornmg worsmp iu:~u a.m. I,~, ~, ~ ~ I t- -- --- v I ~r -,~ Mrs Willia Mrs. Andrew Rieger of Dixon, i Sarah Fouse Missionary Society lived in Cedar Rapids since 1907, ~ 1 Young Peoples meetingat 6:30. l"~e ~lil~e'o~'r easy assignments in ! Mrs. Edwin Becicka ]fam'ily~of* Cedar Rapit Ill is spending several weeks with!meets with Miss Eva Floyd on when he moved there from Lisbon ! x. t- t-rayer bervlce:~:,a p~. 1 history, too. What's wrong Coach? Mr and Mrs Joe Unick and the Mrs. Agnes Maru her sister, Mrs. Charles Stork i Wednesday, April 2. Mrs. Fred which had been his home for many I ~venmg service a~ r~u p.m. 1here - . " " . - ~g~ ~~ Some of the Jumors were thrill- Evelyn Mr and Mrs George Zmk- Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moeller and Downing will have charge of the years Surviving him are a daugh- I wm oe a gues~ speaker at tins ser ube~ ~i:! ~~ ted when Mr. Rahn called us Sen-lula and family and Darlene Via- Mrs. Arvel Da Richard spent Sunday with her par- ' program ter, Mrs. H. W. Townsend of Sac vine as me pastor mgemer w~m me ut /~ ~V" .':qiHi I I mrs Monday. But he came back ; lisel visited Tuesday evening in the Mrs. Lester Scott P young people Will ve conaueung . ~ i ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Tank in ~ o,n ~ r. w ~,~,~nor nn'~ City; a son, J. S. Doubenmier of ~ ~~': : ~i! j wlth the excuse that he was look-i Josenhine Vislisel home Darlene week. . il-ren Walcott. I M~ ~net IV[re Pnnl Willor nf ('leo Greeley t.;OlO.; nve granacn a,me ~napel service a~ me UaKflalel. ~ ~ . f I Sanitarium ins ahead a year He then gave usi Vislisel remained at the Vislisell Joe Holub, who Miss Ethel Johnson who teaches ter Point were Sunday dinner ~lll, .~.nn ana tinily rownsenoo ~ ~ ~"I~ " I a list of subjects to choose from for [ home for a few days i Maraks, spent Sunday near Marion was an overnight i guests of Mrs. John Smith and Miss ~ac t;~ty, reggy ~nn ana .ouoy ~ .~:~:~ ~ ], vlonaay ~mle ~tuay t;lass n I our next year's courses, i Mrs Emanuel Rushek nnd Mavmeifolks at Prairieburg ~vlon~ay a~ ~ p.m. A surprise pro- ~ " - " siste s"uest Saturda"~ in the Mrs. Ma''me~ ! rune. ~vnss rune was nome xrom ~ouoenmmr oz ~reemy; one sister, ~~.:' ~ + +~,; ~oo r~, ,~so HOME EC NEWS ~ vlmted Friday afternoon with Mrs. I Emma Teply as 2 Dorcas home. i Wyummgl ~u~ ,~" w~l" ~*,u.-"'~ Imrs mauloa raae Nelmg o~ os ~/~~' .i ~ 9) ?, ~= Busy as a bee" yes that's the l Edwin Becicka Marak with the wo~ ~ngeles, t:an[, anu mree oromers, ~ ~ ~ ) ~ ~t or you w~.~ oe sorry. [way both home economics classes] Stella Kloud'a returned to her ]day. lwr. ana vtrs. AUUlS l~ennett ana r I t ~nursuay ~mle ~tuay ana l rayer are at present. 28 girls are creating [ homo ]Vl'ondn~, ,~*,~n~na nf~" a hxrn ! Margaret and Lula Mr. and Mrs. Sherman McHen y~ E J and Wllham Doubenmler of *~ ~ ~ Ser ~ t 7 0 ~ ~" ~ Cmlareno~walmrawere~rlaay, .~,ndav dinner ~uests of Mr'r~,~n~ n~,~n~ ~.a j W Douben ~ Ill ! ~v co a :3 p.m. !spring dresses to model in our style!weeks visit with relatives in Ce-ed the wedding of .tl evening v~mtors m the parental W. and Mrs. Lester Bails in Stanwood. mier of Santa Ana, Calif. Funeral. i i I ] s ow. ! dar Ranids i Harold Martin' "in Ce~. Mrs. vlary bOOK at z p.m. . r It" " ~ ~. r~ynett home. In the evening they attended an] services were held in the Turner ~ : i] I The junior semor and sophomore! Mr and Mrs Richard Krob and Mr. and Mrs. M Miss Blanche Wallick spent sev- aluminum demonstration supper at [ chapel in Cedar Rapids on Saturday veryone is welcome ~o me wor- ' ' ~ " ' " n .~ ! i ! t gwls have demgned a model of the : Joan visited Saturday evening in J were Sunday ws~to eral days last week in the parental the Ira Kohl home in White Oak. ! morning, with burial in the Lis- ~fi~. ~ I stop o[ me ~eaeratea t~nurcn. I kind of dresses they want to make. the Jose,hine Vislisel home ! of Mr. and Mrs. Ch~ E. F. Wallick home, returning tO:There were fifteen present I bon cemetery. ' -- ' " ~" " ' t~ ~~ ~ I ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH Monday M~ss Nee showed the class-I Victor, Arthur, Martha, and Dar- Leo Aler spent S,! Joliet, Ill on Sunday. . " E "in~er who is con I ---- " "~ ~~~ ~ I Rev. L. J. Enzler, Pastor I es how to construct a dress I lene Vislisel visited Sunday evening ~ wife, who has been m, ~. ~,~ a~o o ,~ ~o ~oOop o,n wrs. ~ ~ g,-I Mrs. Bert Slyer returnea ,ues- ~ . i 1 i en fined to her bed with 1 hess, s - d rom " ' ' ~-~ * ~---~r n ~"nd--" in I ay f an over Sunday v,mt with ~::-- ; - ! Lenten Devotions Friday evening] Many neat notebooks were hand- in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- of her mother, M[, s.t~ joying a bouquet of cram ~zl es re le k relatives m Cedar Rapids. ,celved Tuesday from former LlsbO ~~ ~ ~]at 7:30. "Way of the Cross" and l ea in ~or me purpose ot snowing lwin Becicka. i Mrs. Aler is mucn ~~ I Bene,~iction ~hor* meetina o~ the I details in sewing I ---- ! George Marak atteno the Mr and Mrs. Amos Za s y " n home at West Branch ~ ~ ~ ~a,~ ~, n n~,~, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Lawrence spent *" l young people after devotions. I. Something every one working! Paralta t,on at Oelwem last Mr. and Mrs. Merle Kepler had iter' Mrs Lela Smeykal. The flow- Sunday m the Mr Lynn ~ Sunday 7"30 n m Rosary Ser tor and looking forward to is the / -------------2Z'~ ,~ I mon and Benediction ]barn a ce sponsored by the home,~ I as Sunday guests, Mr. and Mrs. :era were grown in Mrs. Smeykal'sltiage nome m t~eaar t~apms. ' ~' " *'" " "' " d n ~ Mrs ~ay no~on NOTICE OF pRo~e*- I 11~. /~INI~ l 111,~. ~l~1~'lb l~.Ul'll~ onomi -irls All " ~ " ~ -- Jesse Travis, and Mrs. Mattie Tur- ' yard in Santa Ana, Calif. ~ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Peterson and Saturday, 9:00 a.m. Children'sec . . cs g . oz us nope it I Mr and Mrse Cecil Bennett and ~,~ ,~ ~ T ~nn C kle of near Springville, and Mrs. i I Ralph spent Sunday with Mrs. The 54th wedalng anniversary of Mass followed by religious instruc- ~ao~g success I Caroiee spent Sunday with Mrs. ' ":~.-""~-~'~'"~;'~trict C~ lxex l)ean arnveu weonesaay 1 :~ i!t~:~oS.~k~:i hh ~iia~d~yMwCed~l~Ie~M R:~hreaBhl:OfiwtSbP~nt~ :~N~i~!iht~iy~:[i Caroline Kettering i Peterson's relatives at Vio a, Ill. ~~2ive i~ ~.~~:iiile~. iiI tm~ ~~rs~et~!i n~.~ i 011 ~ dS night from Cut Bank, Mont to', Mr and Mrs Eldon Hotz and Miss Caroline Kepler was hostess join Mrs Dean and daughters, who I. :. : s?~V:v:n:: Saturday evening for luncheon in!haye been in the parental J. S. ooan o~ ulm were ~un~.ay honor of her birthday Her guests]Haak home since the holidays The v~mtors ot me ~rnes~ rmtz xamny Y P " " ~ : : " ~ In Liter-ture ~ ~'- ~ ~'~" *" ~- i " " ' I o'clock A. M. an ~ ' 1 hem in a few were Misses Alma and Eleanor Van [family are remaining here, and will[. Mr: and. Mrs. Ivan Stanley en: the same farm where they began ~,r,r~,~,~ ~,~o. ].o,m ~o v, ,;t-,~ ,+, I will be ab e to go e I ortin to be the I~ Fossen and Stella Bova. i locate in Lisbon or Cedar Rapids [tertalnea melr couples clue at pot life together in their own home 54 D ~'***~r~.~--~r~'~: ~*~*~'~ "~"'~,;2 *,2~ ~:,~,~,~ ~, idays" Pesta~gent of Josephin~ Mrs John Miller spent severalwhere Mr. Dean has employment, iluck supcPfferiand bridge on Wed- years ago when Lew was a young ! i Mr. and Mrs. Chris Jepsen spent said county deceased i n sday ev g. man .x yvars oa a~;=. s~ ,s a u~.~.~, I ~. n ,~. I e i ~'ook i ' J t- ' ', Iornearing Detorv days the first of the week at the l Mrs. Nellie Cole entertained at "~r -n~ Mrs Victor Gustafson " r~specm,y mvldn~ youm. oc ence ~ " hospitable home located in the ~^ = ~a n ~ * ^ +~ ~.~ o ~ ~ ~. ] Jens Jepsen was in Cedar Rapids Court for the proof ~ home of her sister, Mrs. George !an oyster supper on Saturday eve- to~" i,~2~~, e Lhouoe of Waterloo un ~. ,~. n ~ol ~ v I s ~ u - ha ~ " i s Will l ,u,u v,~,o . Epworth League at 6:30 p.m. ins trees, grapes, and other berries "' Ke]th m Cedar Rap ds. Mr. ~ ning, Mr. and Mrs Charles Engel-I 1- ,~,n *o ,~ ~,~ ,~ southeast of Martelle. The friendlyI ~,r^ ~.~ ~ ~^ ~^.~. ~ Ray Jaynes was a Friday morn- Dated Cedar Bal Frantz of Martelle was with her!king Mr and Mrs Fred Bear, Mr .~.~'= ."~.~." ~2"* .~ ,~ ,v= ,~,~ u,= ,~ ~ =~,- in-" caller at Ra-" Bolton s sisters, land Mrs. F. C. Poling, Mrs. Tomlxars" l' v. lwerr~. ,~. . ~ home of Mr. and Mrs Kohl has man -o-~ n-mel" Bob etout He: g Y - March 24 1941 sheltered many a grateful teacher, I - ~r-T,2,~r~-~--ffi-r- T~r~r- ~r-Tmlr~- - I v, ~.~, =, ~. '~.^ "~ ~ ] Mrs. Cecil Lewis and girls spent EDWIN W. b~ :~ Thursday wzth her folks Ky e Clerk Mr and Mrs Allan Thom,~son[Davis and Mrs. T. J. Bickett.Thet Mr. and Mrs: ~nar~es t~uscn a.]m who taught m the nearby rural l.~l~][~.)lNl l"][|-l.~]['l'lPJ~ 3RD AND 4TH NE"'~ *" ~ famil of White tJaK commumty and sons Marion and Eugene of supper was gwen ~nthe!wereYsunday visitors in the aau- school of Greenfield Center I ] "'~ i Clark's. E A Johnson Attorn~ -- : : : : : : : : : : : : -- : ; : : : : -- -- -- - ~ne pUpllS wire aper~ec~ spell- i Archle" White and Kenneth Me " " ' New ~=u~fnn Ill ~nn Mr ~n,~ Mr~ I nome, wnere mrs. t~ole zs making The parentatge of both Mr andI -,- ' i i ' rence ~tavenow nome Mrs Kohl were of sturdy, industri- NEW NOONS BY NeE ~ng score onFnda~ were CarolynI Shane families spent Sunday with A. G. Walton of Mount Vernon, i an extended v s t. ~" " "" i- "" ' I ,*r^ ~. ,~-*-.= n I/2rinK oamce rtotz r~arlene ttooert- ~ Mrs Effi~ McShane NOTIC~ ~-5 pROEL~'J were Sunday evening visitors of] The Loyal Women's class o the - ~oromy, Leo~a, ana l)av a ~as- ous prancer stock woo nelpea makev v -I~on i~ill-- ~-il~r 'E"el r i Mr and Mrs O P Wilson { Kal OI moun~ vernon spent ~won- our peace-loving nation strong ture during Our noon hours. It is I ?~ ~ o u,v ~ o u ~,w~,l Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolton spent I lreaeratea ~unaay scnool naa ~nelrl ~ .~ - - i " " e "in "" - e I uay nlgn~ wl~n me~r granaparents Mrs Kohl's father Joseph Miller I square dancing and folk dancing l ~argarret ~avls, martin ~avls, ~eo.i Saturday with Mrs. C. E. Clark in State of Iowa, Linn CO Mrs. A. M. Andreas and daugh- I quarterly m et ~g .lyionaay ev~- i Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Kolek. ' " - r tion rml, t~narms l~osley, wanoa ~.OUl " t C~ and his son Joe, Jr who is now lWhlch we are doing in prepa a~ ~Marlon. In the Dmtr~c , ter Betty JoAnn went to OmahaIning wire mrs. LeWlS Lemvaugn - - ~eltzel margare~ Ann t~eynons aDo co,* Nebr. Tuesday to visit her mother, i23 members were present for the i an~r~ir~s ~eo~e~e~ ~c:lmpao~ledeM:r a retired railroad man in Marion t for our high school party which, l Mr. and Mrs. Homer McShane ca- 2"0 all who it may Ivy" made their home with the Kohls will be held sometime next month. - " i tertained the following people Sun- Notice is hereby g I Mrs. J. I. Smith, until Friday, and [picnic supper ana program tarsal Ra,ids to call on Mrs John L,nch for a number of years In youth- This promises to be very interest- uur ~ourm grauers nave ve.en i day at dinner: .Mr. and Mrs. Everett 1st day of April A. . spenmng some extra ume in nnumg n ln~' brin" home her son Martin who' ~:ari warner naa me aevouonal *" " " ful dnw ~- ~ro~,~ ,a q,e,ing to the whole high school An Gibson and Joan Bert Gibson and o'clock A. M a ,~ . ' . ! ~,~ ~ ~z,~m~ Pl~ffenhera-r I in Mechanicsville on Sunday af- athlete playing baseball at County I example of how contagious the ~, sister Mrs. Maud Patten, all of Mar- p t" g to be a t va us ways of travel or m the has oeen with his granamomer ~ori .:'~"2~ : I ternoon ~ out bou rio ' I~ two weeks ,and Miss Berma ~ocn were in in ameren~ countries ana ranging harleS i charge of the entertainment Mary Shaler Missionary Society Fairs and entering wrestling match- t idea is can be given by a comparL "- '1 ion; Mr. and Mrs. Kendall Gibson Testament of C d ~rom OlUways tome new ~ome sal cease Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson, i twill meet with Mrs. Mayme Dorcas es whenever challenged. At one Ison of the number of students who~=,~ s~ ,=~,~ ~,~-,~ ,~,~- i of Springville; .Harl Gibson, Har: :~o~'d ne Un'ty' deuetor~. - ' Connie and Ethel, were guests of] mrs. ~. ~; t~lesmng, lvlrs, e~ ~'lon Thursday, April 3. The pro- time he threw the famous Farmer participated yesterday and those i wooa ana ldlCKle, mary~.ou ana " earing , Mr n afm urlnK Mrs tlazel ttlnger anaMiss s. Margaret Joh son for a -i ' " " " f "~ed r Ra 1 gram will be in charge of Miss Burns in a lengthy tussle In later who took part today. Yesterday co~2retmr~agra e: are us,ms^ our! Betty Sue McShane. . Court for the proO~ ily dinner at her home in Tip- Glenna. van wormer o ~ a P" ! Carolyn E. Warner ~,~o h,~,~, ~o ,~,~,~ ,~,~o I we had sixteen studentsdancing u ~ ~ ~' ~ ,1 ~ u~ ] Mr. aria lwrs. t~owara ~ac~nane o~ same to pro~a~e. ~ " ~'*"J*"~ I making objects from each countrY;and Maril n s ent Sunda with Dated Cedar 1~' ~,*"n ,"n ~,~,nna- The u'~inner ,'"as ] ms" V]Sltea" ~un~ay m Mrs. B. E. I with friends who say "Lew always while about forty tried their luck Y P Y,' a. '~ l ~esta Jean l-tlon oI lvlarlon spent given in honor of Mrs. Johnson's Ringer s home& M,~ . Florence ]th lr onrl with h ~ ~r~ wins the game." Mr. and Mrs. I at mastering the dances today, westuaya,oou~ !Mrs. Mabel Neilse~ March 24, 1941. I IhlUllJ-10llllLll ~LLI~L -I~lLll ~l~,llU[ II~V~:~ IN ~/ j~ daughter Laurel, and Harold Moore, I Burns ot ong ~eacn, ~anb was. a ] Lloyd Staab and family Everett Kohl live in harmony with all i The credit for the good work ! flay t~o~mn a.n~ neap- F.DW ~,~k Monaay caher ~ars w t~ roCK whose marriage took place Feb. 22.~ - Staal~ was h-m"~ from De~ Moine~.~.~--~.o'~'~hh ~'~ ~ ~ ~.o~ ,~.~ h~ ~must be oviven to Miss Noe, our ~'~" "~'~="~. u,~,~ ,~ v,t~ w~c~ . ea Mr IViClM~r~CK w~m n]s outcn- ,~,~-c h :Evangelical church at White Oak :home economics instructor. We because of illness. We hope they.ering work Monday. E.A. Johnson, Att Mr and Mrs Moore are at home]nese, who has been w~th her mot -I I,tor ~aturaay mgnt ana ~.unoay in 'Montezuma er for several weeks returned Sun- " They enjoy a reasonable measure l hope that the students will show W!ll soon oe ame~o return ~oi Mr. and Mrs. McKitrick have re- ~day to her home in Shell Rock. I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Yelsley and of good health and stillonerate even more interest in the future to scnooi. I cently moved on the Ham Perkins =vtr. and Mrs. ~eslie l~'rinK anu ~ son Mark of Des Moines were week - . swr. anu ~wr~. v' their farm with *he ~hl~ ~,~,~ ,~,m give our venture a huge success. FIFTH AND SIXTH NEWS farm where Guy Perkins dxd hve. I aaugnter ~or~s sons Roland and Bobby Dean of ~ !Mrs. John Mohn of Cedar Rapids end guests in the parental Mr. and in~ n~si~tnn~o nf fholr ~lrtocf ar~nrt Come on all you L. H. S. studentsThe Sixth grade class has cor- They are working for GuyPerkins Cedar Rapids spent Sunday m the t who has been ws]tmg w~th rs.Mrs. Wfllard Ymsley home Mr- son Eu'*en~ Kohl and ~oin in the fun related their History and art by a Mrs. Doris Lewis wmted the den- ~ora ot. wnton jim ,~ = ~ day visitors of Mr parental R. L. l,~rtnk home. Mr. i I,ena Mohn for four weeks, went to and Mrs. Horace Yeisley and son Their eldest son Clarence ,-a~JUNIOR NEWS ' castle and courtyard similar to those tist Saturday and had a tooth ex- " and Mrs. I'. lC. Prink of Cedar R~p- ] Mechanicsville Sunday where she Jack of Cedar Rapids joined them - ' ' *" ~ ed away in early manhood Other Two members of the Junior Class,used m the M~ddle Ages. We have tracted, t~oya. ida were Tuesday visitors of Mr. l is spending this week with Mrs. on Sunday. and Mrs. R. L. Frlnk.~ Stank Miller. Red Triumph Potatoes, per peck 19c Main Street Coffee, 3 lb bag, per lb. 13c LIFEBUOY HEALTH SOAP per bar 51/2c Lux, medium size, 2 for 17c 8c Corn Flakes, large box Chef, white wheat cereal Cereal Bowl FREE Parsnips, per pound 15c 5c LEAF LETTUCE, per pound 12c Lettuce, per head 6 c ORANGES, per dozen 19c, 24c, 27c, 29c Pure Ground Beef Pure Pork Sausage Minced Ham Boiling Beef Lbs. for Home Cured Bacon, Sliced, per lb Home Made Bologna, per lb. 19c 20c Free Delivery LISBON, IOWA Phone 93 Mr. and Mrs. O. S. Beasmore, and Mrs. Bob Beasmore and Jimmy were Sunday guests in the Bill A1- bers home at Monticello for a din- ner to celebrate the birthdays of Jimmy Beasmore and his cousin, Peggy Albers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graver and Mr. and Mrs. Irving Graver of Ce- dar Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Ken- neth Graver, Eleanor and Everett were Sunday guests in the Oscar MoAn home for dinner to celebrate Everett's tenth birthday. Mrs. Mac Austin, daughter Helen and Mrs. Lillian Murray of Dav- enport and Miss Florence Burns of Long Beach, Calif were Monday afternoon visitors of Mrs. W. L. Kynett. Miss Burns came with her relatives from Davenport, where she has been visiting since October Mrs. Matie Pieper, who spent part of the winter with her childrc~h in Cedar Rapids, returned this week to her home, the Van Fossen estate property, which she recently pur- chased. A number of improve- ments were made on the house, in- cluding a sun porch and hardwood floors. Mrs. Pieper's son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs Cliff McQuown and their son Steven, have moved in with her. Cliff will drive back and forth to his work at the Honeymead plant in Cedar Rapids. Mr. and Mrs. John Macaulay of Dayton spent the week end in the parental Mr. and Mrs. C. B. John- ston home. On Monday Mrs. Ma- caulay left with Mrs. Elmer Pratt and daughters to help with the driving to Alexandria, La where the family of Dr. Pratt will join him at Camp Claiborne. Mrs. Pratt and daughters have been with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles John- ston for several weeks, coming from their home in Des Moines, when Dr. Pratt was called into service. i i i II I II I I I I I I Applies to B nk Service, Too i II Illl Your bank is glad to provide val- uable checking facilities for your use, and it asks no more than to "break even." If you carry a reasonable balance in your account the bank can earn some- thing by lending or investing part of this money. If the expense of serving you is more than such earnings, you naturally expect to reimburse the bank for the difference. Banking service like any other service must be rendered on a quid pro quo basis--"something for something." Ill children living are: Mrs. Ethel Bai- Ralph Burge and Bernice Lein- just completed a study of "Town l The Paralta Embroidery Club will Mr. and Mrs. O. ley of Forest community and Amos baugh, were participants in the one- Life, Castle Life and the Church meet with Mrs Nelle Leaf on April and children joined Kohl of Marion There is one great act play "Sod" given in the state in the Middle Ages." 4 at an afternoon meeting Mrs. ford Junction, grandson, and five grandchildren, Those who had perfect scores in Mary Perkins is assisting hostess, a pot luck supper as for relatives to meet who are always eager to go to spelling this week were: Wayne "Grand Daddie's", on each festive Carney, Lenore Emerson, Robert Martins Creek of Sumner, visi~n~ occasion Flockhart, Jan Ferguson, Dorothy Mrs. Agnes Marak Junction. Gish, Floyd Gouchee, Marie Kam- I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sizer were berling, Robert Litts, Ralph Peter- Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Oxley and Charles Runkle d week end guests of friends in sen, Louise Smyth, Rita Williams, family were Sunday dinner guests i spent the week en Washington. Martha Ann Bigger, Richard Bro- of Mr. and Mrs. Harley Ives at Mar- ~ Mrs. W. H Runkle. Bert Tuel went to Coon Rapids Saturday for a week's visit with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Kynett spent Invites You Because of Sunday with their son Laurence and family in Clinton Inviting Merchandise Mrs. F. J. Kolek spent Thursday evening with her son Robert KolekAt present inviting pric- and family in Cedar Rapids. Mrs. Mayme Dorcas was a Sun- es You will save money. day guest in the John Hall home Visit this shop often. on the Mount Vernon-Lisbon road New arrivals almost daily Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Davis and and here because of style Norma of Iowa City were Sunday and quality. Easter visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Rob Siver. Novelties and cards. Mrs. H. C. Ring and sons David and Dean of Cedar Rapids were Sunday visitors of Mrs. A. K. Run- These listings tell but kle and Miss Hazel little of the story. The Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Conklin en- rest is in our store. Gen- tertained their club at two tables erous offerings. Many of bridge on Tuesday evening The specials. Easy prices. hostess served refreshments Jeri Lea Blood of Cedar Rapids Bring your Rinse and spent Saturday with Marlene Sos- Spry coupons here. Do ! ley in the home of her parents, it now before you mislay , L Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Nosley. them. a Miss Peggy Frink and Bob Wil- son were Sunday guests in the Coupon and 19c gets a home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 25C box of Rinse and Leonard Wilson at Independence tWO cakes LifeBuoy Mr. and Mrs. Tom Challis visiteda 40c value. during the week end with her par- Coupon and 39c gets a ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle G. Smith in Des Moines, and in the Mr. and 53C 3-1b can of Spry. Mrs. K. W. Miller home in DallasCoupon and $1.34 gets a witb RaJge Center. 49 lb sack of Town Mr. and Mrs. Orville Craw' ord Crier Flour. entertained at dinner on Tuesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Reid Nelson Coupon and 58c gets a and daughter Mary Louise of Ce- 24 lb sack Town dar Rapids, and Mr. and Mrs. Rex Crier Flour. Dean and daughters Deanne and Marilyn. The radio says "Town TO Miss Betty Schreiber of Akron, Crier is the best flour in derful new way to Ohio, a student at Iowa State Col- rown." . more deJicJoa;J lege, was a week end guest of Miss Marilyn Frink, who was spending ing or baking. the week's spring vacation in the Monarch Cake Flour, parental G. K. Frink home. The pkg 19c girls returned to Ames on Men- Royal Seal Cake Flour, day. Rev. and Mrs. W. D. Bostrom, pkg 15c Mesdames Earl Arbingast, H.J. Catsup. 14ozbottle 10c " Bowder, Carl Dahn, Stuart Franks,Chocolate Cookies, Mayme Rieger, N. A. York, and W. 2 lbs 25c F. Holtz and Miss Margaret Vorn broils, or holt attended the Davenport Dis-Grapefruit, Juicy, seed- chickens, roasts b1 trict W. S. C. S. convention heldless, 10 for 25c utilizes the modern, in Clarence last Thursday. Palm Olive Soap, ~ method recommended Mr. and Mrs. Harold Davis and Live Stock & Meal Mr. and Mrs. Earl Warner attend- 4 bars 19c ed the monthly meeting of Linn Big 5 Candy ,Bars, ADDS AN EXTRA county rural carriers at the For- weight lb. 3 for 10c /.~aves all the rest Johnston home in Coggon on Saturday evening After a picnic Sweetheart Soap, for baking pie~, supper the carriers and auxiliary 4 bars 19c ea~emle organizations had their business Protex Soap, 4 bars 16c sessions. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Albright and 25c Ivory Snow, ONLY THE ESTATE GAS RANGE HAS THE BAR daughter Patsy attended a picnic 2 6c Ivory 25c AND THESE OTHER THRILLING dinner and celebration of the wedding anniversary of 1~ bOth Giant Fancy Lettuce, THE AIR-FLOW OVEN. Bakes four pedect cake bright's parents, Mr. and Mrs. E.Head 10C layers at one time 56 biscuits, or 4 big pies. M. Bebee, of Springville, on Sun-Fancy Radishes, Uniquo Air Flow construction assures pedeet, day. The affair was held in the Bunch 3e uniform baking emdbrow~ingever~timo. Pre- K. P. hall at Anamosa with 250 heats to 375 de~rees in 6 minutes. guests present. Sunkist Lemons, doz 19c BUILT-IN GRID-ALL. Grand for qrllling ham. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sankot took 2 lb box Crackers 13c burgers, wieners, paucakes. Heats fast. Cleans Miss Betty to Ames Sunday after Easter Eggs, large Choc. easily, Also accommodates two Mll-size sau~o- a week's visit at home during spring Cream Cherry Center, pans, giving you the oapacit~ of six top bmmers. vacation at Iowa State College Miss Jean Sankot and Miss Neva 1 doz 12c Hohl, who spent part of the va- 20C value cation in the Sankot home, went Bunte Cinnamon Balls, to Donnelson on Thursday to spend ~=~ To demonstrato how muoh moro the remainder of the vacation lb 20c ~ ~- ~ ~ prepared in the Ba~-B-Kew~, we are Miss Hohl's parents. Pork & Beans, 1 lb 5C ~d ~~~0~2~ pound 8witt', l~emiu, ~-a.ter Itam Mrs. John Carstensen and sons 31 oz. 10c; 52 oz 18c Estate Gu Range. Offer is limited. Charles and Robert of Oxford buy an ~tate on a oonve~den! Junction were week end guests of her sister, Mrs. O. S. Burlingame Other fine answers at our Mrs.and familY w. C. TheirHodgdenParentS,of Mr'Oxfordand ~tore. This Limited Offer Expires April 12, 1941. Act No ' Junction and Mr. Carstensen joined themors weref r Mr.SundaY and Mrs.Aftern nA F. BowkerViSit- 10WA [[[CI IC [! COHPA ff of Argo and Mrs. Sarah Hoffman of IOWA ~ OWNEO ]Clarence. Mr. and Mrs. Gale Col- Lisbon Mount Vernon Office Dial 3012 Lisbon Office Phone 202 'lins of Cedar Rapids were Satur- I day evening visitors.